
ヘルズ・レベルス・プレイヤーズ・ガイド Hell's Rebels Player's Guide

ヘルズ・レベルスアドベンチャー・パスはスルーン家への新たなる脅威がシェリアックス帝国内で隆盛し、その政府が最大規模都市群に対し戒厳令を布かざるを得なくなった直後に開始する。このキャンペーンはほぼ全てで都市キンターゴ焦点を置いており、君のキャラクターはその都市で生まれ育っている者か、新しい都知事であり強インクィジターでもあるバージライ・スルーン都市と呼ばれるこの京を掌握した点でその惣構の内側にいた者だ。キンターゴ内での抑圧が強まるにつれ、反乱の需要も高まっていき、君のPCたちは反乱の最前線に立つ事となる! 結果として、このアドベンチャー・パスキンターゴの自由を見ようと熱心なキャラクターがいれば、あるいはスルーン家のや邪なるアスモデウス教会に挑もうと熱心なキャラクターがいれば最高の働きをする。




このアドベンチャー・パスは、PCたちがキンターゴの有名な歌劇場のすぐ南にあるアリア公園内での最初は比較的平和的な抗議活動で一致団結するところから始まる。後に提示するこの冒険内のキャンペーン特徴それぞれは、このアドベンチャー・パスの最初の箇所の間で君のキャラクターが求める個人的な目標だけでなく、その抗議活動に参加する理由も携えている。これらの特徴の一部は君のキャラクターが既に他のPCの1人を知っていうるやり方を提案しているが、1つの冒険「In Hell’s Bright Shadow」が開始すれば簡単に最初のアリア公園内で君の新しい相との顔合わせができるだろう。





君はヘルズ・レベルスアドベンチャー・パスを開始するが、君はどんな種類のキャラクターをプレイすべきだろう? キンターゴに似合い、来たる遭遇に優れたキャラクターを作る最良の方法は何だろう? 以下の仄めかし、意見、そしてキャラクターの選択肢は、君がキャラクターを、キンターゴ守護する助けをし、ヘルズ・レベルスアドベンチャー・パスが君と君の一行に対し準備している挑戦を克服するのに完璧に似合うように作成する助けをするために設計されている。これらの意見は徹底的ではなく、このキャンペーンで輝ける存立できるキャラクターの構想は数千ある。ヘルズ・レベルスアドベンチャー・パス内のキャラクターの更なる議論には、paizo.comの掲示板を訪れてこのキャンペーンを通してプレイした他者と経験を共有すること。





Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Inner Sea Combat:Kintargo rebel(ローグ)。

Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Inner Sea Magic:Chelish diva(バード)あるいはhidden priest(クレリック)。

Pathfinder Player Companion:Advanced Class OriginsLiberty’s blade(ウォープリースト)。

Pathfinder Player Companion:Champions of Balance:Negotiatorバード)。

Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide信仰の英雄ウォープリースト)、掃除屋スレイヤー)、大胆な潜入者スワッシュバックラー)、潜入者インヴェスティゲーター)、黒幕インヴェスティゲーター)、謎の復讐者スワッシュバックラー)、あるいは探偵インヴェスティゲーター)。

Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide:学究バード)、宮廷詩人バード)、探偵バード)、捜査員ローグ)、放蕩者ローグ)、密偵ローグ)、大道芸人バード)、市街ドルイドドルイド)、あるいは都市レンジャーレンジャー)。

Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide共同体の守護者オラクル)あるいは破壊工作者アルケミスト)。

Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat:詐欺師ローグ)、十字軍戦士クレリック)、神聖なる戦略家クレリック)、鷹匠レンジャー)、戦術家ファイター)、あるいは都市バーバリアンバーバリアン)。

Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic名士バード)、扇動家バード)、異端者インクィジター)、潜入者インクィジター)、あるいは分離主義者クレリック)。

上級クラスの多くはヘルズ・レベルスアドベンチャー・パスにおいて適切な選択だ。秩序あるいは属性を要求する上級クラスは扱いにくい選択である傾向がある(大抵はその属性要素のため)が、その上級クラス秩序あるいはであるキャラクターが何故混沌にして善の反乱の一味と協調し秩序にして悪の大君主と対立したいと望むのかを君が正当化できる場合、(GMの許可を得て)そうしたクラスを自由にやってみると良い! この主題に於いて特段の異常性を有するか挑戦的な要素を持つ一部の特定の上級クラスの選択を、下記で言及しておく。

アサシンあるいはRed Mantis Assassin(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:The Inner Sea World Guide):君がこのアドベンチャー・パスの主題に相反する宗教アスモデウスノルゴーバーゾン=クーソン、あるいは何らかの魔的な亜神)を避けている限り、反乱軍側に混じるアサシンは唯一無二の考え方と、過酷なに成否を分けるかもしれない技能一式を提供するだろう。ただ悪属性のキャラクターを、プレイヤープレイヤー衝突の免罪符だと、あるいは密かに鴉に対立する働きをする事で展開する筋書きを邪魔して君の集団の他の者にとっての楽しみを削ぐ機会だと見做すべきでないという事は心に留めておくこと。

Bellflower Tiller(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Paths of Prestige):ベルフラワー連絡網はスルーン家に、そして特に奴隷使役に対抗している、シェリアックス内で長く続く伝統である。この連絡網はヘルズ・レベルスアドベンチャー・パス内で過酷な代に直面するが、この上級クラスレベルを取得するPCの一員は、この選択は機会、主題、そしてロールプレイングの無二の選択肢で良く支えられていると気付くべきである。

Dawnflower Dissident(Paths of Prestige): Dawnflower dissidentは東方ではより一般的だが、この反抗的な聖戦士たちはキンターゴでも果たすべき重要な役割を持っている――それはこの都市にあるサーレンレイ神殿が最近原因不明の事に遭ったという理由だけによるものではない。このクラスの本性を隠す能はこのアドベンチャー・パスの後半に於いて使いやすくなるだろう。

Hellknight(The Inner Sea World Guide)あるいはHellknight Signifer(Paths of Prestige):表向きはこれはヘルズ・レベルスに不適切な選択のように見えるかもしれないが、キンターゴでの反乱が進めば実のところヘルナイトPC計画に加わる機会が準備される。ヘルナイトをプレイしたいなら、GMにこの選択しについて訊くべきである、そうすればGMは参加するのが最であろう騎士団が何かについて助言するだろうからだ。いづれにせよ、君は君のキャラクターの焦点を君のクラスで利用可能なより獄的な、あるいはより魔的な選択肢に置く事は避けるべきだろう。

マスター・スパイ(Advanced Player’s Guide):この上級クラスは、(諜報の能強化するあらゆる上級クラスと同じく)潜入、ぺてん、そして政府への反攻のより些細な面に焦点を当てたいキャラクターにとって素晴らしい選択肢である。

Noble Scion(Paths of Prestige):シェリアックス位を持つ貴族家族という誇るべき伝統を有しており、キンターゴでもそれは変わらない。反乱に参加する貴族家族の一員をプレイするのは唯一無二にして記憶に残るプレイの機会を提供するだろう。



あらゆる血脈は良い選択だが、ヘルズ・レベルスアドベンチャー・パスの主題と上く噛み合いたいと望むソーサラーは以下の血脈を検討すべきである:水界秘術天上の者運命の子巨匠UM、そしてmartyred(Pathfinder Player Companion:Blood of Angels)。地獄の者血脈は、このキャンペーンで対立する勢力そのものに傾倒するあるいはそれの響を受けたソーサラーをプレイしたい場合卓越した選択だ。
















体隠し:折、隠れ家を維持しようと試みるためか体の発見が不適切な種類の注意を引いてしまうがために、体を隠す必要が出るだろう。大抵の場合、体を隠す際、〈隠密〉判定を試みる; その結果が、成功したらその体を視認できる〈知覚〉判定難易度となる。その代わりに単に体を、眠っている、瞑想している、あるいは単純に演奏にを傾けながら椅子に座っている姿にしたい場合、代わりに〈知覚〉判定難易度を決定する為の〈変装〉判定を試みること。体を隠すあるいは変装させるには1分間かかる作業がいる――あるいは出20を望む場合作業に20分かかる。体を隠している間、この方法で騙したい者に見られていてはならない。




ヘルズ・レベルスキンターゴ都市内で開始し、PCたちはこの土と強い結び付きを持っていることを想定している; そのため、キンターゴ出身あるいは幾らかの間キンターゴで過ごしているPCが最も筋が通っている。他所から来る場合、君は君のキャラクターがキンターゴに来てこの都市に留まりたいと考えている理由を見つける作業を行うべきである。幸運なことに、キンターゴは極めて巨大都市であり、この都市内海中の地域からやそれより彼方からの旅人たちを大々的に歓迎している。



















厄介ごと探し/Looking for Trouble:都知事スルーンがこの現状を御しているやり方に君は満足できるかもしれないしできないかもしれないがが、この抗議に関して君を一番面がらせるのは人々がそこに沢山集まるだろうという事実だ。そしてこの事実は、君は無警戒な者の巾着から小銭を盗む機会だけでなく、もしかしたらそれ以上の機会も得られるだろうことを意味する! 結局のところ、キンターゴではここのところ公然とした違法が少しばかりできるのだ! 君はその抗議そのものの間に行う〈はったり〉〈手先の早業〉判定に+2のボーナスを得る。

憧憬対象探し/Looking for Your Idol:芸術芸で成り立つ都市であるため、最も有名な芸人や芸能人たちの多くがシェリアックスから来て都市キンターゴで名を上げているというのは驚くに値しない。バージライ・スルーンがこの都市を統治権したキンターゴの抑圧された気は重くなったが、それはこの新しい都知事が歌劇場を閉し自宅にしたからという理由だけではない。現在は夜間外出禁止時間が設けられ、かつてない規模で大量の警邏が増員されていて、最も良く言っても好みの憧憬対象を一でも見るのは困難である。いずれにせよ、君は長らくある特定のキンターゴ都民を崇めている(有名なキンターゴ都民のの一覧は12ページの〔Star Struck〕特徴参照)。その人物は不自然にもここ1週間公衆の面前には現れていないため、君が君が心酔する(あるいは執着する)対象はアリア公園抗議活動に参加するかもしれないという噂を君が聞いた、君は参加を決心した。君は、その噂は十中八九だと認識しているが、もし本当だったら? その憧憬対象を直接見る機会をみすみす逃してしまうわけにはいかない! 君はその抗議そのものの間に行う〈知覚〉〈真意看破〉判定全てに+2のボーナスを得る。

接触者との顔合わせ/Meeting a Contact:鴉は長らく君を熱狂させている。君はキンターゴ解放という彼らの政治思想に同意しているか、恐らくは彼らの精神を称賛している。もしかしたら君は単にその秘密結社という概念を好いている。君は、鴉の一員であると思われる誰かを知っているかもしれない; その人物は、兄弟、あるいは恋人でさえあるかもしれない。しかしスルーン家が戒厳令を1週間前に布いた鴉は消え失せた。その統率者たちは全員が捕えられたか殺されているという噂は広まっており、下級団員の痕跡は見つけることはできない。確かに、君の友人あるいは家族の一員は失踪している。君は心配し始めており、何がかの集団に起こったのか知りたがっている。少しばかりの調査の後、君は、鴉について何かしら知っていると自称していた友人の、友人の友人から接触を受けた。君はこの接触者が何者か、あるいはその名前さえ知らないが、彼は人間の男性であり、アリア公園での抗議活動で君と会う準備をしている事は知っている。彼はその日にはい革のを右に嵌め、左には何も付けないため、君はその日に彼を知る事になるだろう。君は抗議そのものの間に行う〈知覚〉〈真意看破〉判定全てに+2のボーナスを得る。

の出来事/Staying up on Current Events:公然とした抗議は閃き情報を集めるのにも優れた機会であり、抗議者たち自体から得られるものよりも抗議を受ける者から得られるものの方が多い。君たちは主に人々を監視する為にアリア公園の抗議へと向かっているところだが、今やっている企画では確実に動かないつもりでいる。結局のところ、熱の篭った政治的な集会では何か起きるものであり、そしてもしも抗議を逃して何か凄い事が起きたなら、君は自分を許せないだろう。噂をにできるのを超えて、抗議集会は芸を披露して、あるいは単に心を揺さぶるためまたは民衆の鬱憤や怒りを導くための演説を使って、民衆扇動を聞ける面い機会となるかもしれない。君は抗議そのものの間に行うあらゆる〈交渉〉〈芸能〉判定に+2のボーナスを得る。

同行/Tagging Along:君は抗議に行く計画はしていなかった。恐らく君は人混みが嫌いだったか、抗議はに余ると感じていたか、もしかしたら単に政治的に合わなかった。しかしある友(その友人には別のPCの1人が最適だ)が行く計画をしていると知った、その友人が厄介ごとに巻き込まれないようにする為だけに君は渋々同行に同意した。君は、抗議にを点けるであろう何事か程には抗議への関心を抱いていない。誰かが君の友人に気をかけなければならず、そして君よりそれに適している者はいるのだろうか? 君はこの抗議自体の間に行われる〈知覚〉イニシアチブ判定全てに+2のボーナスを得る。

政府に抗議する為に/To Protest the Government:ルーン家のキンターゴ乗っ取りは単に――乗っ取りだ。栄光ある奪還団による南東の彼方での反乱が続く限りかの新都知事はその椅子に座り続けるという政府の主張にも拘らず、君はバージライ・スルーンと戒厳令がここに残り続けるかもしれない事を恐れている。キンターゴ市民が単に従ってこの新しい生活様式を受け入れるならばこの都市を都民に取り戻させるのはほぼ不可能になるため、圧政に対して掣肘を加えてこの都市の意見を聞かせるは今である。アリア公園抗議活動はこれまでで最大で最も組織だった抗議であり、君の声を聞かせる機会があるとしたらそれは今であるため、君はアリア公園抗議への参加について格別な計画を立てている! 君はその抗議そのものの間に行うあらゆる〈はったり〉〈威圧〉判定に+2のボーナスを得る。

変更版特技――《Noble Scion》












特別:これは、Pathfinder Campaign Setting:The Inner Sea World Guideに掲載されている《Noble Scion》特徴の変更版であり、キンターゴを起点としたキャンペーンにより調和するように調整されている。この特徴のこの版を取得する場合、君はThe Inner Sea World Guideに掲載されている版を取得できない。



キンターゴ育ち〕/Child of Kintargo:君はキンターゴ貴族の1人へと育つ幸運(あるいは不運、君の観点に依る)を持っていた。この都市富裕層の中で積んだ経験によって君は上流階級の知識に関して優位性を持ち、君は慎み深い相続財産を持ってゲームを開始する。キンターゴ内で醸成されている新たな状況によって、結果として起こるこの都市貴族制の構造改革に関する懸念は大きい。既に、ある貴族の邸宅は最高でも「疑わしい」としか表現できない状況で焼失しているが、君が質問する相によってその主犯は政府か反乱軍かに変わることだろう。この特徴を持つなら、君は小さな貴族に属している(そして君は自分の家名を高められる)と想定することになる。この場合、君の一家は地区に小さな邸宅を保有している。もし君がキンターゴの大貴族の一員でありたいのなら、1レベル点で《Noble Scion》特技を取得しなければならない。

君は〈知識:貴族〉判定に+1の特徴ボーナスを得、〈知識:貴族〉は常に君のクラス技能となる。《Noble Scion》特技(11ページの補足欄参照)は【魅力】必要条件としていない。加えて、君は貴族の服印章指輪、そして魔法的ではない、価値が200GPを超えない追加のアイテム1つを持ってプレイを開始する。《Noble Scion》特技を取得する場合、君の名字は恐らくオーラマクサ、オーロリアン、デルロンジ、ジャーヴィス、ジャルテロ、サリーニ、タネッセン、あるいはヴァシュナースティルである; 君が人間ではない場合、君はその家系に養子として入った。君がこの特技を取得しない場合、君は自らの姓を高名にして良い。

〔特訓中の主役〕/Diva in Training歌劇は恐らくキンターゴで最も重要で名声のある娯楽の形態であり、キンターゴ劇場はそのの中で最も有名なものの中に入る。君はその舞台に彩りを添える芸人たちの中で立者になっているとはとても言えないが、これまで何度か端役を演じている。ごく最近、君は長い休みを得た――君は悪名高い歌劇「英雄の中の女狩人」である役を勝ち取っており、戒厳令の開始が君の予定をにするまで熱心にその役を研究していた。キンターゴの歌劇場バージライ・スルーンの所有物になっている今、あらゆる見世物は中止になっており、君の大成の可能性は消え失せてしまっているかのように見える。だが望みを捨ててはいけない。君は未だを磨いており、そしていつの日か、恐らくはキンターゴ劇場がそのを再び開いたその日に、舞台の中央に立つつもりでいる!


〔元アスモデウス信徒〕/Ex-Asmodean:君または君の家族はかつてアスモデウス崇拝者だったが、君から信仰を失わせる何かが起きた。恐らく君の家族は、生まれたばかりの弟妹の命といった大切な何かを生け贄として諦めるよう頼まれたのだろう。もしかしたらかの教会は君の家族を、その教会の高位の者が犯した罪を覆い隠す身代わりの生贄として使ったのかも知れない。あるいは君は単に、君の蒙を啓いて真実を――アスモデウス信徒を気にかけないが、君の新たな信仰神格は気にかけるという真実を――示す誰かと出会った可能性もある。いづれにせよ、君はかの教会から離れ、その結果として君の家族せられた; 家族は投獄されたか、キンターゴから流刑に処されたか、処刑さえされたかもしれない。それ以来、君はいつの日か教会に復讐することを誓っている。


〔耐えかねた市民〕/Fed-Up Citizen:キンターゴは、自分を遵法精神のある市民であると考えている市民にとっては生きづらい場所である。君は、スルーン家によって布かれたここの法の多くはやり過ぎであるという点に於いて多くの者と意見を同じくするだろうが、君は常に法に対して敬意を持っており、出来得る限りで法に誇りを持っている。君はアバダルあるいはアイオメデイといった神格を崇拝している可能性が高い――秩序にして中立あるいはもしかしたら秩序にして善シェリアックス内での経営が許されているが、それは制約下でのみだ。しかしそれにも拘らず、スルーン家は常にシェリアックスをより安全に暮らしやすい場所にしてきた。だが最近の出来事を顧みるに、もう沢山だ。認める事が苦痛であるのが明らかなのと同じく、この土の法が正しくないというのも明々々であり、権用に対抗する何かが為されなければならない。それが鴉といった抵抗勢力への加盟を意味するならば、そうなのだろう。



〔才能ある風刺家〕/Gifted Satirist:君はキンターゴの役者や芸人の中で生まれ育った。恐らく君の両あるいは兄姉はキンターゴ劇場の歌であったか、もしかしたら君は路上での孤児として単純に大道芸で糊口を凌がざるを得なかったのかもしれない。いづれにせよ、君は長らく無害な娯楽という形式の中で、人を傷つける政治的評論を覆い隠すという実践に晒されてきている。君が小説、冗談、長話、あるいは公的な書簡といった形式の内に風刺を隠しているかはともかく、君は既にキンターゴ内で政治的な人物として名を上げてきている――しかしやがては、君はそれを変えたいと望んでいる!


〔反乱の歴史家〕/Historian of the Rebellion:君は長らく鴉――シェリアックスの中でキンターゴ内でを現した自由士の集団――の遺産に関心を持っている。残念なことに今日この集団に関する情報は皆無であり、鴉に関して記録されているものの大半は政府遂行者たちによって改竄されたか破壊されて久しいのではないかと君は疑っているが、君はどうにかそこかしこからその断片を収集できている。君の知識鴉に限定してならそれほどでもないが、シェリアックスでもそれより外でも、歴史中の抑圧的な政府に対してっている反乱集団と自由士の一般的な歴史についてはかなりのものだ。

反抗勢力への通暁ぶりによって、最初の冒険の間に鴉と渡りを付け直した後に君は選択したOrganization判定1つに+2のボーナスを得る。君は、どの判定にこのボーナスを割り当てるかをそのrebellionのUpkeep phaseの開始にすぐにでも変更できる。鴉に参加する準備をしていた君の時間は君の隠形の技能を研ぎ澄ましもした。君は〈隠密〉判定に+1の特徴ボーナスを得、〈隠密〉は常に君のクラス技能となる。

〔生来の統率者〕/Natural Born Leader:過去、家族内で起きた緊急事態に兄弟と共に対処するときであろうと、友人と戯を企てるときであろうと、あるいは勤務中に予期しない問題に同僚と対処しなければならなくなったときでも、集団での努に巻き込まれた際、君は最終的に統率者の立場になっている傾向があった。今回どうなるかは、そしてそのような位に就こうと入念に努できるものなのかは分からないが、自分は集団をばらばらの寄せ集めよりマシなものへと組織でき、集団管理という君の巧は、君が参加することになった作戦の最前線へと常に君を運んできていることを知っている。


〔規則性探し〕/Pattern Seeker:世界には、それが自然にせよ人工物にせよ、一度それを正しく解釈できれば凄まじい秘密を見抜ける規則性がある。君は長らくそうした隠された規則性を探すという考えに興奮を覚えているが、恐らくそれは兄弟あるいはが規則性を探すのに酷く執心していたからか、もしかしたら君は「自分はこれまで知られていなかった規則性を暴いてきている」と感じているからかも知れない。キンターゴは極めて特殊な独自の規則性を有している; アスモデウス寺院の上の鐘楼は無作為な間隔で鳴るように見えるのだ。誰が、あるいは何が鐘を鳴らしているのかを知る者はおらず、真なる規則性が「デヴィル鐘」と呼ばれるこれの鐘の音を鳴らすを正確に予報したことはまだない。多くの者が予報に挑戦しており、そして放棄されたエイローデン寺院をアスモデウス教会が最初に自分のものだと主張したであるシェリアックスの終まで遡れる、鐘の鳴る日付と刻を記録している広範だが常に未完である文書はあるというのにだ。ひょっとしたら君がデヴィル鐘の規則性を解く人物になるだろうか?


〔人気者への憧憬〕/Star Struck:キンターゴで育ったなら、この都市名士の誰にも執心しないままでいるというのは困難だ。執心対象の選択肢は多く、その全員が魅的で、裕福で、そして成功している! そうした者の1人にいつの日か会えるかもしれないというのは素晴らしくはないか? あるいは君自身キンターゴ名士になるというはそれ以上ではないか? キンターゴ名士の1人への君の関心は完全に温和なもので、そのNPCの振る舞いは君にとって詩神、天啓、あるいは模範であり、君はそれを今日まで自らの人生の選択の多くで指標としてきたかもしれない。あるいはもしかしたら君の関心はより偏執に属するもので、君の崇拝対象が生きているという君の想の通りにいつの日にか自分も生きたいと、あるいはひょっとしたらいつかその崇拝対象に会って友人に(又は友人以上に)なりたいとさえ願っているかも知れない。しかし、ある名士の表の人格と本物の人格は正反対である場合があり、君の崇拝対象と出会う日が来てしまったとしたら、君はその真実に驚くかもしれない、という点には留意しておくこと! とは言うもののスルーン家が戒厳令を布いて以来誰に聞いても君の崇拝対象は失踪しているという事実は君を心配させている; 君は、その人物が平穏無事であることを願っている! 以下で列記している元の伝説的な人物5人全ては鴉に関連があると噂されているという事実はそれ以上に君が関心を持っている事項であり、この1週間の間にバージライ・スルーン遂行者たちによってその集団がどう集中攻撃されただろうかと熟考している。これら5人のキンターゴの崇敬対象全員の命運はヘルズ・レベルスアドベンチャー・パスのいつかの点で明かされるだろうが、そうした命運の一部は君にとって嬉しくない発見かも知れない点には留意しておくこと!


ジャックドゥ(性別と種族不明; 【知力】):悪名高き人民の益荒男あるいは女傑(ジャックドゥが男か女かを知っている者はいないようだ)であり、シェリアックスの間キンターゴ防衛を助けした人物であり、多くの者が今日もこの都市の暗がりの中で生きていると信じている。





都市探偵〕/Urban Sleuth:キンターゴ歴史の多くは失われているか隠されている。君は、そうした秘密を探し出すと決めているがためそのことを知っている。この地域都市伝説及び奇妙な歴史的な噂の断片は長らく君を興奮させている――スルーン家の編纂者の元へと永遠に消え去っているキンターゴの過去についての事実がどれだけ素晴らしいものかを、誰が知っているというのだ? 何が石膏学術院のマンヴューン教授をこの都市の最も悪名高き連続殺人鬼になさしめたのだ? のアドラカシュ、イサノソウア、そしてリヴォゼイアは何者で、何が彼らとキンターゴを結びつけたのだ? 何故アスモデウス寺院のデヴィル鐘は無作為な刻に鳴るように見えるのか、そしてその鐘の音に規則性はあるのか? シェリアックスの間キンターゴを守ってくれている鴉は誰で、何故彼らはその争が終結して直後に姿を消したのだ? 多くの神秘があるが、その回答を見つけるのに君より適した人物は誰かいるのか?

上記の質問のうちから1つ君が専心するものを選ぶこと。そうした質問への回答はヘルズ・レベルスの中の異なる点で発見できるかも知れないが、これらの回答をすぐにでも学べるとは期待しないこと! より重要なこととして、君の専心の選択は、その焦点に関連している特定の〈知識〉技能判定1つ(下記にある2つの選択肢の内から1つ君の求めるものを選ぶこと)に+1の特徴ボーナスを与える。その〈知識〉技能は常に君のクラス技能となる。1日に1回、君の専心対象に関連する〈知識〉技能判定どちらか1つを試みる、君は2回ロールして君の実際の結果としてより良い方を選べる。

デヴィル鐘/Devil’s Bells:〈知識:神秘学〉あるいは〈知識:次元界〉

元の/Local Dragons:〈知識:神秘学〉あるいは〈知識:歴史〉

マンヴューン教授/Professor Mangvhune:〈知識:地域〉あるいは〈知識:次元界〉

鴉/Silver Ravens:〈知識:地域〉あるいは〈知識:歴史〉




シェリアックス、そこの人々、そしてそこの危険についてもっと知るなら、Pathfinder Player Companion:Cheliax, Empire of Devilsあるいは来たるPathfinder Campaign Setting:Cheliax, The Infernal Empireを確認すること。加えて、盗賊議会アドベンチャー・パスには、シェリアックスヘルナイト、そして他の君のヘルズ・レベルスのキャンペーンを補強するのに使える敵や危険が豊富に含まれている。Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Princes of Darkness, Book of the Damned, Vol. 1の内容は、PCたちが対面するであろう数多のデヴィルの敵を表現する君を助けできる。政治とロールプレイ遭遇はこのキャンペーンに於いて重要な役割を果たし、Pathfinder Cards:Social Combatの使用はキンターゴNPCとのそうした無数のやり取りを君のプレイヤーにとってより記憶に残るようなものにする助けとなるだろう。


シェリアックス出身のキャラクターをプレイする為の情報ならPathfinder Player Companion:Cheliax, Empire of Devils参照すること。叛乱組織の構築はこのアドベンチャー・パスの重要な要素であり、Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaignはそのプレイの側面用のルールを更に理解する助けとなるだろう。


永久花としても知られる女神メラウニは、叛乱の守護神にして献身と希望の権化である。彼女の教団はシェリアックスでは小さく、特に叛乱が遠くに見えた事がなさそうな土キンターゴではそれが甚だしい。この都市バージライ・スルーンが到来することによってメラウニ元の教団「キンターゴ薔薇の会」は地下へと潜らざるを得なくなったが、君のPCはうまくこの集団と接触し、キャンペーンが進むにつれそのと資源を再建させられるかもしれない。メラウニの追加の詳細Inner Sea Godsの179ページあるいはPathfinder Adventure Path #68:The Shackled Hutで見つかる。メラウニを信奉するキャラクターは以下の恩恵を得て良い。




1:永久花の声(擬呪)/Voice of the Everbloom コマンド3/日、エンスロール2/日、あるいはサジェスチョン1/日
2:霊感を与える存在(超常)/Inspiring Presence 君は存在するだけで味方がより激しくえるよう強化し勇気づけられる。君から30フィート以内にいる君にとっての仲間であるあらゆるクリーチャーは君に意識が有る限り攻撃ロールセーヴィング・スロー、そして武器ダメージ・ロールに+1の清浄ボーナスを得る。
3:反抗誘発/Invoke Uprising(擬呪) 君は自動的に、自身から10フィート以内の(魅惑)(強制)あるいは憑依効果響下にあるクリーチャーに気付く。1日に3回即行アクションとして、君はその響を振り払う為にそうしたクリーチャー1体に霊感を授けることでそのクリーチャーにその効果を即座に終了させる為の新たなセーヴィング・スローを与えられる。そのクリーチャー【魅力】ボーナス(最低+1)に等しい清浄ボーナスをこのセーヴィング・スローに得る。このボーナスは、その効果に抗わせる為の君の祈願の一部として身体的な接触を含めた場合に倍になる。いづれにせよ、これは[言語依存]効果だ。


1:神聖なる同志(擬呪)/Sacred Partisan ディヴァイン・フェイヴァー3/日、スピリチュアル・ウェポン2/日、あるいはマジック・ヴェストメント1/日
2:瞬間隘動(擬呪)/Alleyport 1日に1回即行アクションとして、君はディメンジョン・ドアと同様に瞬間移動できるが、それは君の接敵面より広くない間にいるのみであり、似たような幅の間にのみ現れることが出来る。
3:薔薇の(擬呪)/Wall of Roses 1日に1回、君はウォール・オヴ・ソーンズを発動できる。このは鬱蒼と茂った薔薇ので構成されており、君と他のメラウニ崇拝者たちは容易にそれを通り抜けられる。薔薇のは毎ラウンド5ヒット・ポイントの割合で自身へと与えられたダメージ治癒し、[]に対する完全耐性を持ち、自身が与えるあらゆるダメージ魔法にしてにして武器であるかのようにダメージ減少を克服する。薔薇のの茨からダメージを受けた秩序にして悪クリーチャー自動的に次の1分間不調状態になる(これは[効果である)。


1:隣人たる守護者/Neighborhood Guardian(擬呪) プロテクション・フロム・イーヴル3/日、シールド・アザー2/日、あるいはマジック・サークル・アゲンスト・イーヴル1/日
2:禁欲的な守護者/Stoic Guardian(変則) 君は[恐怖]及び(魅惑)効果に対し完全耐性を得、(強制)効果に対するあらゆるセーヴィング・スローに+4のボーナスを得る。
3:殉難/Martyrdom(超常) 1日に1回割り込みアクションとして、君の300フィート以内にいるクリーチャー1体が1つの効果によってあるいは剥き出しのダメージによって殺された、君はその効果あるいはそのダメージ自身へと向け直せる。君はこの効果を減少させる為の追加のセーヴィング・スローを得ることはない。その効果が君を殺す場合、君はリザレクションと同様に1d4ラウンド以内に命を取り戻すが、ひとたびこの蘇生が発生すると、君は1年間殉難を使用する能を失う。

メラウニ信徒用 For Milanite Characters





Advanced Class Guide128ページ


Ultimate Combat40ページ


Ultimate Combat40ページ

Hidden priest

Inner Sea Magic35ページ

Kintargo rebel

Inner Sea Combat40ページ


Advanced Player’s Guide129ページ



Beacon of Hope

Inner Sea Gods207ページ

Magic Items


Milanite armor

Inner Sea Gods252ページ

Enduring bloom

Inner Sea Gods255ページ

Everbloom’s rose

Pathfinder #6860ページ



Martyr’s bargain

Inner Sea Magic58ページ

Martyr’s last blessing

Pathfinder #6869ページ

Peasant armanents

Pathfinder #6869ページ



Split-Second Defense

Inner Sea Gods222ページ

Talented Organizer

Inner Sea Gods223ページ





真実が何にせよ、ここ以外での反乱は大都市に対する戒厳令を政府に布かせており、キンターゴ外ではない。伯爵もどきバージライ・スルーンは今やキンターゴを統べており、今日に至るまで単なる戒厳令の導入以上の事を為している; 彼は、キンターゴの全市民が従わなければならない7つの布告を発しており、ほんの1~2日ごとに新しい奇妙な布告がその一覧に加えられているかのように見える。キンターゴの主要な輸出品は塩、海産物(特に鮭)、、そして娯楽及び芸術という形態での文化だ。この都市そのものは北東のヨルビリス川の岸辺とその河口にあるアルゴという名前の大きな島を擁している。この都市の稜線は3つの建造物が占めている――キンターゴアスモデウス寺院、そして石膏学院。しかしキンターゴ劇場の中央の丸屋が恐らくこの都市の最大の誇りだろう。



ベルフラワー連絡網/Bellflower Network:この噂のハーフリング組織奴隷シェリアックスから脱出させる助けをするとされている。

シェリアックス市民集団/Chelish Citizens' Group:キンターゴの市民全員が戒厳令下で不満に沸き立っているというわけではない。僅かな一部がバージライ・スルーンを助けるためにこの集団を構成しており、この都市の警邏を増大させる為の民兵としてを与えられている。

アスモデウス教会/Church of Asmodeus:アスモデウス教会はキンターゴの公的な信仰であり、その冷酷な高僧コリンスティアン・グリヴナーは有名な(そして大変嫌われている)公務員である。

硬貨廷室/Court of Coin:キンターゴは8つの貴族家の故郷であり、ご意見役の協議会として政府に仕えているためその貴族家全ては纏めて硬貨廷室として知られている。バージライ・スルーンは最近の硬貨廷室にを傾けることに殆ど時間をかけていないし、関心も持っていない。

ルーン家/House Thrune:このシェリアックスの支配者たちは今やこの国の大都市の日々の操作を直接担っており、その大都市にはキンターゴも含まれる。

キンターゴのドッタリ/Kintargo Dottari:ドゥクソタスのヴァナセス・トレックス(彼女自身政府から最近任命されている)に率いられているキンターゴのお巡りらは「平和を守る」試みの中でどんどん攻撃的になっていっている。

拷問騎士団/Order of the Rack:ヘルナイトのこの騎士団は、対立している起する者たちによって知られており、そしてキンターゴは追加の治安維持隊として彼らが雇われている数ある都市の1つである。この特定のヘルナイトたちの集団は、パラリクトルのキルレ・エコダイアに率いられている。

奔流騎士団/Order of the Torrent:キンターゴが保有するヘルナイト騎士団1つは戒厳令が布かれて以来不気味にも沈黙を続けており、その指導者かつリクトルであるオクタヴィオ・サビナスは完全に姿を消している。

キンターゴ薔薇の会/Rose of Kintargo:この反乱集団は小神メラウニの教えに従っているが、バージライ・スルーンがこの町に来て以来彼らについての話は何も聞かれなくなっている。噂に依れば、この薔薇の会は最近戒厳令が布かれた最初の夜に密かに破壊されたのだという。

記録保管聖騎士団/Sacred Order of Archivists:ルーン家の遂行者たちによって破壊されたと噂される2つ秘密結社である記録保管聖騎士団は、歴史的文書の保管に従事するイロリ教徒の集団だ。

鴉/Silver Ravens:ルーン家によって滅ぼされたと考えられている第三にして最後の反乱勢力鴉だ。ここ何週間も彼らや彼らの統率者たちの話は流れてこない。

寄せ集めの徒党たち/Miscellaneous Gangs:キンターゴは現在組織化された盗賊組合というものを欠いているが、少なくともより小さな徒党――ジル団と河衆――は有しており、そのどちらも現在新人を受け入れていない。

キンターゴの性能の理解 Understanding Kintargo’s Stats

下記に提示しているのはキンターゴ用の都市の性能区画だ。これらの数字と情報の断片の多くは君のGMの為のものだ; GMはPathfinder Adventure Path #97:In Hell’s Bright Shadowの中でこうした性能をどのように用いるかについての追加の情報を有している。ヘルズ・レベルスのキャンペーンが進むにつれ、君の行動はこの都市の性能を調整強化することになるだろう。









退廃 +0; 犯罪 -2; 経済 -1; 法治 +4; 情報 +0; 社交 -2
特質 学芸文化的、反抗的、rebellious、噂好きな市民戦略要地
危険 +20; 欠点 戒厳令


政治体制 君主制(元独裁制
人口 11,900(85%人間、4%ハーフリング、3%ティーフリング、1%ハーフエルフ、7%その他


都知事 バージライ・スルーン

高僧 コリンスティアン・グリヴナー


基準価格 4,400GP; 購入上限 25,000GP; 呪文 4レベル
下級アイテム 2d4; 中級アイテム 1d4; 上級アイテム 1d2


文化的/Cultured キンターゴ芸術文化で、特に役者、音楽家、そして歌劇の後援で名高い。法治-1、社交+1; 〈芸能〉判定的に於いて常に豊かな町であるものとして扱う)
反抗的/Defiant キンターゴの都民は生来反乱の行いの分嶺という自由な考えに生来の好みを持つ。法治-1、社交+1)
戒厳令/Martial Law キンターゴでは戒厳令下にある限り、午後9から午前6まで外出禁止令が出される。加えて、都民たちがスルーン家によって公布された布告と宣言に従わなければならない限り、この都市は息苦しくさせ、傷つける。退廃-4、犯罪+2、経済-4、法治+2、情報-4、社交-4; 危険+10; 市場の項の価格全てを半減すること)

キンターゴの区画 Kintargo Districts



C1.キンターゴ/Castle Kintargo:このは現在拷問騎士団によって支配されている。

C2.ニダル大使館/Nidalese Embassy:現在のシェリアックス危機の間ニダル外交官撤退させているため、この建物は現在放棄されている。

C3.ヴォウル/Citadel Vaull:奔流騎士団の司令部であるこの掩蔽壕は現在明らかに放棄されている。

C4.高市場/Highwall Market:この小さな市場はこの都市を円滑に運営し続けている者たちに供されている。

C5./Andos Hall:かつては都知事の職場の1つだったこのキンターゴ講堂は、現在封され放棄されている。


G1.記録館/Records Hall:この貯蔵所はキンターゴ貴族向けの記録を収蔵している。

G2. Whitegate Market: This affluent market specializes in artwork, gold, jewelry, and silver.

G3. Greengate: Kintargo’s easternmost gate is used primarily by nobility, but it is usually kept closed.

G4. The Counting House: This squat building serves as a meeting place for the Court of Coin.

G5. Lantana Park: This expansive series of cultivated parks is intended mostly for the nobility to enjoy.

G6. Tanessen Estate: Led by Count Geoff Tanessen, this family’s interests include armor and weapon crafting, city defense, and military supplies.

G7. Delronge Estate: Led by Archbaroness Melodia Delronge, this family’s interests include horse breeding, hunting, and mercantilism.

G8. Victocora Estate: Once led by Baroness Porcia Victocora, this family’s interests included fishing, literature, and poetry, but their estate was recently destroyed by fire.

G9. Jarvis Estate: Led by Baroness Belcara Jarvis, this family’s interests include architecture, carpentry, city planning, and stonemasonry.

G10. Aulamaxa Estate: Led by Archbaroness Eldonna Aulamaxa, this family’s interests include hunting, opera, and public opinion.

G11. Vashnarstill Estate: Led by Baron Sendi Vashnarstill, this family’s interests include Arcadian trade, fishing, and shipbuilding.

G12. Jhaltero Estate: Led by Baron Canton Jhaltero, this family’s interests include information, silver, and stone quarries.

G13. Aulorian Estate: Led by Count Auxis Aulorian, this family’s interests include magic, salt, and silver.

G14. Sarini Estate: Led by Countess Urora Sarini, this family’s interests include diabolism, entertainment, and the theater of the real.

Jarvis End} is the beating heart of Kintargo’s nightlife.

J1. Three-Legged Devil This venue is Kintargo’s oldest dance hall.

J2. Crissali’s Fine Tomes: This bookstore has a reputation for rare texts and magical arcane items.

J3. Kintargo Opera House: One of Kintargo’s most beloved buildings, it is now home to Barzillai Thrune.

J4. Aria Park: This large, open park is a popular place for street performers and musicians.

J5. Veritas Plaza: As Kintargo’s original marketplace, it hosts daily farmers’ markets.

J6. The Silver Star: This ruined music store housed, until recently, a local cult of Sarenrae.

Old Kintargo} is, as the name implies, Kintargo’s oldest district. It is home to an eclectic mix of buildings.

O1. The Old Harbor: These docks are used mostly for shipping building materials, food, and salt.

O2. Salt Market: This market caters to masons, alchemists, architects, and builders.

O3. Sallix Salt Works: This salt-packaging business is the largest and oldest of its kind in Kintargo.

O4. Salt Gate: This gate is left open at all times, but it mostly just receives traffic from the Old Harbor.

O5. Odde & Daughter Herbs: This abandoned shop is supposedly haunted.

O6. Old Kintargo Cemetery: Though no longer in active use, this burial ground is periodically patrolled by the church of Asmodeus.

O7. Lucky Bones: This burned-out gambling hall was never rebuilt.

O8. Tooth and Nail: This quiet tavern is one of Old Kintargo’s oldest establishments.

O9. Olmer’s Smithy: As Old Kintargo’s last remaining smith, Olmer often has magic armor for sale.

O10. Holding House: Once Kintargo’s jail, this building was recently re-commissioned and put back into use by Thrune as a place to hold suspects before they are processed.

O11. House of Truth and Clarity: What used to be Kintargo’s courthouse is now used to house political prisoners and host the occasional public execution.

O12. Iudeimus Tenement: This tenement building is the tallest structure in Old Kintargo.

O13. Vespam Artisans: Magic items are often found for sale at this a guild of tinkers and metal artisans.

O14. Rust Gate: Passage through Kintargo’s busiest gate now comes with a 2sp gate tax.

The residences of Redroof} possess a distinctive look compared to the rest of Kintargo.

R1. Hocum’s Fantasmagorium: This museum of strange and unusual oddities has been closed for many years.

R2. Kelimber’s Dry Goods and Supplies: This sprawling general store and post office serves many of Redroof ’s daily needs.

R3. Redroof Market: This market specializes in clothing and textiles.

R4. The Devil’s Threads: This business is arguably the finest tailor shop in Redroof.

R5. Fair Fortune Livery: This abandoned stable is said to be haunted.

R6. The Cloven Hoof Society: This ramshackle building is run as a hostel and advocacy for Kintargo’s downtrodden tiefling citizens.

R7. Devil’s Nursery: This slum is primarily inhabited by tieflings.

The slopes of Temple Hill} are home to Kintargo’s churches.

T1. Shadowsquare: Kintargo’s second-largest temple houses the local church of Zon-Kuthon.

T2. House of Golden Veils: As a temple of Abadar, this church serves as Kintargo’s largest bank and moneylender.

T3. Temple of Asmodeus: Unsurprisingly, the grand Temple of Asmodeus is Kintargo’s largest and most powerful church.

T4. Temple Hill Gardens: These plots of lands hold Kintargo’s active graveyards.

T5. Humbert House: An old shrine of Aroden that once served as an orphanage, this building is now abandoned and reputed to be haunted.

T6. Songbird Hall: The local temple of Shelyn continues to attempt to keep the peace in Kintargo.

Villegre} is Kintargo’s scholastic center.

V1. Lady Docur’s School for Girls: Kintargo’s secondlargest academy is a finishing school for young women.

V2. Villegre Park:} This area is a popular place for students to relax and study.

V3. Long Roads Coffeehouse:} Villegre’s oldest and most popular coffeehouse is a favorite spot of local students.

V4. Alabaster Academy:} Kintargo’s famed university, renowned throughout the Inner Sea region for its expertise on medical and biological sciences, is now sadly in decline.

V5. The Newt Market:} This eclectic marketplace often has magic items for sale.

V6. Nightways Gate:} This gate usually sees traders or visitors from Nidal, but isn’t otherwise used much.

Yolubilis Harbor} is the bustling merchants’ district of the Silver City.

Y1. The War Cage: Kintargo’s largest weapons shop often has magic weapons for sale.

Y2. Sunset Imports: Until recently, Sunset Imports coordinated most of the trade between Cheliax and Anchor’s End on distant Arcadia, but it recently lost its contract and is now in decline.

Y3. Vashnarstill Shipyard: Kintargo’s busy shipyard sees many merchants.

Y4. The Thrashing Badger: Yolubilis Harbor’s rowdiest tavern recently burned to the ground.

Y5. Clenchjaw’s: This friendly tavern has lately gained an influx of new customers.

Y6. Bleakbridge: Connecting northern and southern Kintargo, this bridge doubles as the city’s busiest marketplace.

Ten Things about Barzillai Thrune

When Barzillai Thrune took control of Kintargo, things quickly began to change?for the worse. The man himself is an imposing figure, and numerous rumors about his true goals in Kintargo are circulating, but listed below are 10 things that have become established facts about Kintargo’s new lord-mayor

  1. He’s a Thrune: Barzillai Thrune is a full-fledged member of House Thrune; Queen Abrogail is one of his distant cousins.

  2. He’s an Asmodean: Unlike most Thrunes, Barzillai is also a ranking member in the Asmodean church as a powerful inquisitor. With one foot in two worlds, it’s said that neither the Thrunes nor the church completely trust him.

  3. He’s got a cruel sense of innovation: Barzillai has a knack for invention and an active imagination? particularly when it comes to methods, objects, and tools used to torture and torment infidels. The brutal excruciation known as “doghousing” is his latest brainchild?a method of publicly executing a criminal by having him slowly eaten by feral dogs.

  4. His favorite animal is the mastiff: Barzillai is fond of dogs of all breeds, but particularly of the larger breeds, or of creatures such as hell hounds or cerberi. He’s not so fond of little dogs.

  5. The littlest things can sometimes set him off: Small, inconsequential annoyances either don’t bother Barzillai at all or they cause him to fly into an unexpected and frightening rage. There seems to be no middle ground for his reaction to minor inconveniences.

  6. He’s a fan of the opera: Barzillai chose the Kintargo Opera House as his home, and immediately shut down its scheduled performances. It is said that he uses the house for private showings of his favorite operas, but no one knows who performs these shows for him.

  7. He’s a lifelong bachelor: Barzillai has never taken a lover?man or woman. This has led to some speculate that he’s a eunuch, or perhaps not even a human at all. He certainly takes pains to keep his personal life secret, even from his closest allies.

  8. He’s a student of Cheliax: As a member of House Thrune, Barzillai has had access to a wealth of historical documents that have been seized or later redacted by the government. He knows an astonishing amount of information about Cheliax’s history and geography.

  9. He wanted to come to Kintargo: While most Thrunes would have balked at being appointed lordmayor of a town such as Kintargo, with its remote location and reputation for rebellious thought, rumor has it that Barzillai volunteered for the position.

  10. He has powerful servants: Although today he is usually seen in the company of human guards, rumors of his associating with devils, undead, and even a blue dragon persist. Certainly, the new lord-mayor of Kintargo has powerful supernatural allies close at hand!

The First Proclamations

The institution of martial law in Kintargo was but the first of several changes Barzillai Thrune has made to the city, and it is certainly the most wide-reaching in scope. As long as martial law remains in effect, the city is penalized as detailed under its stat block. In addition, Barzillai has issued seven proclamations to further codify and expand changes to local law. Anyone caught breaking a proclamation is immediately arrested by the dottari and brought to the nearest watchtower on the city wall for processing. In most cases, one merely has to pay a fine, but in cases where the fine can’t be paid or the perpetrator is a repeat offender, the punishments can be greater. Your GM has information on how to track these fines and punishments.

Proclamations are posted in public places for all to see, and when a new proclamation is set in place, town criers march the city streets to announce them. The currently active proclamations are as follows.

Proclamation the First: All slayers of city pests(hereby ascribed as doves, mice, and ravens) who present said pests to the dottari shall be rewarded with a bounty of one copper piece.

Proclamation the Second: All places of public business must display in a position of prominence within the first room accessible from the building’s primary entrance a portrait of Her Infernal Magestrix Queen Abrogail II. Said portrait must measure no less than 17 by 11 inches.

Proclamation the Third: All those who capture, alive and unharmed, feral dogs of a weight exceeding 50 pounds are to be rewarded with a payment of two silver pieces upon transfer of the dogs to the dottari. Such noble guardian creatures should find homes worthy of their kind!

Proclamation the Fourth: The right to wear fine embroidered clothing in public is hereafter proscribed to anyone other than agents of House Thrune or the Holy Church of Asmodeus. Exceptions can be awarded or purchased at the city’s discretion.

Proclamation the Fifth: Grain is life! Should grain be spilled in public, all must be gathered, cleaned, and repackaged within the hour. Any person who allows grain to go ungathered after a spillage shall be fined one copper piece per grain.

Proclamation the Sixth: The imbibing of night tea brings a dangerous imbalance to the slumbering mind. Between the hours of sunset and sunrise, the taking of tea is proscribed.

Proclamation the Seventh: The odor and flavor of mint is an abomination to the refined palate. Be not the cretin! Mint use in candies, drinks, and all manner of confections is hereby proscribed.


When Hell’s Rebels begins, the Silver Ravens have, for all practical purposes, already been defeated. Never the most tightly organized or cooperative group even at its height, the Silver Ravens were too undisciplined to put up much resistance against Thrune when he took control of the city. Lower-ranking Silver Ravens have gone into hiding and refuse to admit allegiance to any group of countergovernment affiliation, while the higher-ranking members have gone missing at best, or been publicly excruciated to death at worst.

Your character might or might not have an established link to the Silver Ravens, depending on the campaign trait you choose, but it won’t be long before all the PCs in the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path become not only involved in the group, but in command of it. The rebuilding and development of the Silver Ravens as a rebel group is a significant part of the Adventure Path’s storyline, and as you advance in level, you’ll be able to build and enhance the Silver Ravens as an organization as well.

At a point relatively early in the first adventure, your party will gain the opportunity to reassemble the Silver Ravens. When this occurs, work with your GM and use the following rules and options to track specific ways in which your group decides to expand the organization.
Will your Silver Ravens focus on stealthy infiltrations and spy missions? Will they take to the streets of Kintargo and wage a war of words against the government and church? Or will they become a highly trained group of guerrilla fighters who oppose House Thrune with spell and blade? The choice is yours!

Using Ultimate Campaign

The rules presented here for the Silver Ravens as a rebel group build on the rules for organizations as presented in Ultimate Campaign... but aren’t exactly the same. Note in particular that the rules for using an organization to earn capital have been significantly streamlined; gone are all forms of capital other than standard coinage, for example. In addition, building fortresses and hideouts are not part of this Adventure Path?Hell’s Rebels assumes you’ll utilize existing resources in the city of Kintargo as various bases of operation for the Silver Ravens rather than build entirely new locations. The focus of Hell’s Rebels should be the PCs themselves, after all, not the complex minutiae of managing every tiny facet of the rebellion. If you wish to augment the rules here with the additional options for downtime from Ultimate Campaign, talk to your GM since some of these rules might interact strangely or in unintended ways.

Rebellion Sheet Terminology

The rebellion of Kintargo has attributes that describe and define its growing strengths and weaknesses. These are tracked on the Rebellion Sheet(see page 33), like a character’s statistics are on a character sheet. When your group first establishes the Silver Ravens, use the following glossary to fill out your Rebellion Sheet.

At the end of every week that passes during the Hell’s Rebels Adventure Path, the Silver Ravens gain a chance to grow as a group?or perhaps falter if fate is particularly cruel or perilous. These adjustments to the Silver Ravens do not require the PCs to take any additional time outside of their standard actions during the week; they occur regardless of actual PC interaction. Now and then, the PCs might directly interact with the rebels, but for the most part, the group’s development happens on a weekly basis. As the campaign progresses, refer back to the entries below as needed to expand and grow the Silver Ravens!

Rank:The rebellion starts at rank 1, and can progress as high as rank 5 during the first adventure, “In Hell’s Bright Shadow.” This maximum rank will be extended to higher limits as the Adventure Path continues. The rebellion’s rank is set by the number of supporters the rebels have, and increases according to that number(see Table 1:Rebellion Advancement). Although you can lose supporters during play, the rebellion’s rank doesn’t decrease if your current number of supporters drops below the lower threshold for that rank.

Max. Rank:The Rebellion’s initial maximum rank is 5. As the Adventure Path progresses, this maximum will increase until hitting its final maximum of 20.

Focus:When your party gains control of the Silver Ravens, you as a group must decide on what overall tactic your Rebellion will favor. If you want your organization to focus on political clout and popularity, select Loyalty as the Rebellion focus. If you want your group to remain sneaky and subtle in its opposition of the government, select Secrecy as its focus. If you want your group to be scrappy and eager to get in fights against Thrune’s agents, select Security as its focus.

Membership:The rebellion starts with a number of members equal to the number of PCs in your party. This is the total number of officers, allies, and individual team members in your organization. Note that this number doesn’t directly impact the rebellion’s statistics, and is included primarily for flavor.

Supporters:The rebellion starts with 0 supporters. This is the number of individuals among Kintargo’s populace(not counting actual members of the Silver Ravens) who directly support the rebellion. Your rebellion’s total number of supporters are analogous to a character’s experience points in this way, but they also each represent a specific individual person in Kintargo. If something causes your total supporters to drop below the minimum amount you initially needed to achieve a rank, the rebellion takes no additional penalties, other than simply needing to gain even more supporters to achieve the next rank. The rebellion can never have more supporters than Kintargo’s current population or fewer than 0 supporters.

Population:This number tracks the current population of the city of Kintargo, which it starts at 11,900. This number will fluctuate during the campaign, but will trend downward as the violence continues to whittle away at the citizenry. When and if the Silver Ravens succeed at overthrowing Barzillai Thrune, the city’s final population on that day will determine any additional experience point rewards you earn. Increasing your supporters draws from the city’s existing population, but does not add more people to Kintargo’s actual population. Sometimes when you lose supporters, the same number decreases the city population(such as in the case of Thrune agents executing several supporters during the adventure).

Treasury:The rebellion starts with 10gp in its treasury. The rebellion requires gold now and then to perform certain actions or in response to unexpected events. In addition, some teams can earn gold for the rebellion. Use this line on the sheet to track the current amount of money kept in the rebellion’s coffers. You can add to this treasury with your own characters’ funds during the Upkeep phase; likewise, you can withdraw funds from the treasury during the Upkeep phase, but keep in mind that if your treasury doesn’t meet its minimum, the rebellion and its supporters grow nervous.

Min. Treasury:The minimum treasury value for the rebellion is equal to the rebellion’s rank × 10gp; when your treasury total is below the minimum, the rebellion’s morale suffers as supporters get the idea that there might not be enough funds in the weeks to come to handle unexpected setbacks or seek more supporters.

Notoriety:The Rebellion starts with a Notoriety score of 0. House Thrune and the church of Asmodeus determine the rebellion’s Notoriety score. If they see the Silver Ravens as more of a threat, your Notoriety score increases. The value ranges from 0 to 100. At times, you’ll need to roll a Notoriety check(roll d%). If the result is less than or equal to the Silver Ravens’ current Notoriety score, House Thrune(or another agency) takes note of the rebels and something bad happens to the rebellion(as determined by the GM using guidelines from each adventure). So you want to roll above your Notoriety score as often as possible. Your Notoriety score can never be more than 100. If it reaches 100, though, House Thrune cracks down and begins rounding up and executing suspected Silver Raven sympathizers, simultaneously reducing the Silver Ravens’ supporters and the city’s total population.

Organization Checks:The rebellion’s ability to get things done and likelihood of withstanding setbacks are governed by its three Organization checks?Loyalty(the ability to be diplomatic and recover from effects such as low morale), Secrecy(the ability to trick enemies and accomplish tasks without being noticed), and Security(the ability to intimidate and recover from things such as sickness or battle). Each base check bonus is determined by the rebellion’s rank and whether or not it is the rebellion’s focus(see Table 1). Each check is further modified by the currently active officers(see page 23).

Rebellion Actions:Every week, the rebellion can take a number of actions, depending on its rank(see Table 1). This number can be increased by officers, unique allies, and certain events.(Your GM has details on these opportunities as they appear during the course of the adventure.)

Available Actions:At the beginning of the campaign, the rebellion can only take specific actions during the Activity phase, as specified on the Rebellion Sheet. As the rebellion recruits teams, it unlocks additional actions. See pages 27?30 for a complete list of rebellion actions.

Event Chance:At the end of every week, events can occur to aid or endanger the Silver Ravens. The base chance of an event occurring is equal to Kintargo’s danger rating; at the start of the Adventure Path, this chance is 20%. This is further modified by the rebellion’s current Notoriety score. If no event occurs during an Event phase, put a mark in the “×2” box just to the right of your event chance; events are twice as likely to occur if no event took place in a prior week.

Active Events:Many events have effects that extend through the week, and that can affect both your characters and the rebellion in the next week. Record your active events here. If an event is persistent, place a mark in the box just to the left of where you recorded the event.(See the sidebar on page 32 for more details on persistent events.)

OfficersWrite the name of the PC(or special ally) on the line just to the right of the officer role that character is taking. Record any bonuses granted as appropriate.(See below for a full list of officer roles.)

Max. TeamsThe rebellion can support a limited number of teams, as set by its rank(see Table 1) and modified by officer roles. Record your maximum number of teams here. Note that bonus teams you earn through play in the campaign do not generally count against this maximum.

TeamsWrite down the specific teams currently recruited by the rebellion here. In the space for “Manager,” record the officer in charge of that team?an officer can manage a number of teams equal to his or her Charisma bonus(minimum of 1). In the space for “Size,” record the number of people on the team(do not include the manager in this count). In the space for “Bonus,” record the manager’s Charisma bonus(minimum of +0); the team modifies all Organization checks made when taking a rebellion action using this bonus.(Note that the Leadership feat and the Natural Born Leader campaign trait can further enhance this bonus.) If during the course of play a team becomes disabled or goes missing(see sidebar on page 25), place a mark in the appropriate box to the right of the team’s entry.

AlliesUse this space to track allies the rebellion has gathered, along with the effects they grant.

Table 1:Rebellion Advancement



Focused Check

Secondary Checks

Rebellion Actions

Max Teams

PC Boon


9 or fewer











Training +1





















1,200 経験点














Training +2







Gift(armor or wand)














3,200 経験点














Training +3







Gift(wand or weapon)














6,400 経験点














Training +4







Gift(magic item)









5,350 or more





25,600 経験点

PC Boons

Each time the rebellion gains a rank(with the exception of rank 1), all PCs associated with the rebellion gain a boon(see Table 1). These boons are applied immediately and are permanent increases to the PCs involved. Only PCs gain these boons; NPC officers(such as cohorts) do not gain these effects.

TrainingAt rank 2, then again at ranks 7, 12, and 17, each PC gains a bonus skill rank that can be immediately applied to any skill. This represents training the PC has gained through association with the increasing number of skilled workers and rebels who have joined the cause. This bonus skill rank can be applied to any skill, as if it were a bonus rank gained by earning a level in a favored class. It stacks with all other sources of skill ranks, but a character’s maximum rank in any skill remains unchanged; the PC can never have more ranks in any one skill than he or she has Hit Dice. Subsequent training bonuses can be applied to the same skill or a different skill, as the PC wishes.

Gift:At rank 3, then again at ranks 6, 8, 11, 13, 16, and 18, admirers among the rebellion’s supporters supplygifts and tributes to each PC. At rank 3, the gift is a single potion worth 300gp or less. The gifts given at ranks 6, 11, and 16 are all provided as tributes of gold pieces in the amounts listed; each PC gains the listed amount. At rank 8, the gift is a piece of armor or wand worth 1,200gp or less. Wands are fully charged(and cost the appropriate amount). At rank 13, the gift is a wand or weapon worth 5,000gp or less. Wands are fully charged(and cost the appropriate amount). At rank 18, the gift is any magic item worth 10,000gp or less.

Title:At rank 4, then again at ranks 9, 14, and 19, the PCs earn a title as befits their growing power in the rebellion. While the title itself is largely just an honorific, it also coincides with the acquisition of a bonus feat or other benefit each PC has earned through a combination of training with rebellion members and self-confidence gained from the rebellion’s growing strength.

With the title of Guardian at rank 4, each PC gains one of the following as a bonus feat:Alertness, Deceitful, Persuasive, or Stealthy.

With the title of Sentinel at rank 9, each PC gains one of the following as a bonus feat:Great Fortitude, Iron Will, or Lightning Reflexes.

With the title of Warden at rank 14, each PC gains one of the following as a bonus feat:Fleet, Improved Initiative, or Toughness.

With the title of Savior at rank 19, each PC gains any feat for which he otherwise qualifies as a bonus feat.

経験点 Award:At ranks 5, 10, 15, and 20, the party earns the listed amount of experience points as a story award. As with all story awards, divide the 経験点 awarded equally among all PCs in the party.


The roles of officers are generally taken by PCs, although certain important NPC allies can serve as officers as well. Your GM has information on these NPCs. There are six different officer roles available, but the rebellion doesn’t need all six of these roles to be filled. You can have multiple identical officers, but note that with the exception of the Recruiter, the bonuses granted by officers don’t stack, so it’s best if each character takes on a different officer role.

Demagogue:The officer adds his or her Constitution or Charisma modifier to the rebellion’s Loyalty check.

Partisan:The officer adds his or her Strength or Wisdom modifier to the rebellion’s Security check.

Recruiter:The number of supporters recruited during the Upkeep phase on a successful Organization check is increased by the officer’s character level. This bonus stacks with that provided by other recruiters.

Sentinel:The officer grants a +1 bonus to the rebellion’s two secondary Organization checks, and can aid during all Organization checks attempted to resolve one event during the Event phase. The Sentinel can add her Constitution or Charisma modifier to a Loyalty check, her Strength or Wisdom Modifier to a Security check, or her Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to a Secrecy check made during this event’s resolution.

Spymaster:The officer adds his or her Dexterity or Intelligence modifier to the rebellion’s Secrecy check.

Strategist:The officer grants the Silver Ravens a bonus rebellion action during the Activity phase. Any Organization check made to resolve the effects of this bonus action gain a +2 bonus on the check.


A wide range of common teams is available for recruitment. Each grants different abilities, bonuses, and rebellion actions. As you play through Hell’s Rebels, specialized groups or organizations you encounter can become available as unique teams to add to the Silver Ravens; your GM has details on these specialized teams. The rebellion can have a maximum number of teams as set by its rank(see Table 1).

There are four types of common teams?advisors, outlaws, revolutionaries, and traders. The Team Organization Chart below shows how teams can be upgraded.

A team stat block is organized as follows.

Name and Tier:This is the team’s name. A Tier 1 team is the basic type of team, and must be recruited with the Recruit Team action. A Tier 2 team must be upgraded from a specific Tier 1 team; this requires the Upgrade Team action and an expenditure of gold. A Tier 2 team can then be further specialized into one of two Tier 3 options with a further Upgrade Team action and more gold.

Recruitment or Cost:This lists the Secrecy or Security check required to recruit the team(for Tier 1 teams) or the cost in gp to upgrade the team(for Tier 2 and Tier 3 teams).(Note:No teams are recruited via Loyalty checks; these checks are instead used to recruit new supporters via the Recruit Supporters action.)
vGranted Action}:This lists the rebellion action or actions the team allows the rebellion to take during the Activity phase.

Size:This is how many people make up the team. The exact number of people who make up the rebellion has no real mechanical effect, but knowing how many people are on a team can help you or the GM come up with names, personalities, and details for the individual members of the group if you wish to go into that level of detail in your Hell’s Rebels campaign.

Upgrade:This lists what the team upgrades from and upgrades to.

Finally, a short description of the team’s role in the organization is given.


Advisors control the flow of information and help shape the public persona of the Silver Ravens.


Recruitment Secrecy 難易度 10
Granted Action Gather Information
Size 6 people
Upgrades To rumormongers

Street performers can spread the word of the Silver Ravens through art while keeping an ear to the ground for rumors.


Cost 50gp
Granted Actions Gather Information and Spread Disinformation
Size 6 people
Upgrades From street performers; Upgrades To agitators or cognoscenti

These specialized street performers cannot only gather information, but can spread lies and confusing rumors to throw the government off the Silver Ravens’ tracks.


Cost 200gp
Granted Actions Gather Information, Spread Disinformation, and Urban Influence
Size 6 people
Upgrades From rumormongers

Agitators are highly specialized rumormongers capable of influencing the very nature of Kintargo’s society with their whispers and scuttlebutt.


Cost 200gp
Granted Actions Gather Information, Knowledge Check, and Spread Disinformation
Size 6 people
Upgrades From rumormongers

A group of cognoscenti are experts in a wide range of diverse fields; they can be consulted for advice or information of all sorts.


Outlaws use what would normally be considered criminal activity to support the Silver Ravens.


Recruitment Secrecy 難易度 15
Granted Action Secure Cache
Size 3 people
Upgrades To thieves

A team of sneaks can secure minor caches of equipment for later use throughout the city, but not in dangerous sites.


Cost 250gp
Granted Actions Activate Safe House and Secure Cache
Size 3 people
Upgrades From sneaks; Upgrades To saboteurs or spies

A thief is a more accomplished sneak, and is capable of providing a safe place for other outlaws to hide out or placing intermediate caches in risky locations.


Cost 1,000gp
Granted Actions Activate Safe House, Sabotage, and Secure Cache
Size 3 people
Upgrades From thieves

Saboteurs are specialists in the arena of undermining oppressive governments. They can also place major caches.


Cost 1,000gp
Granted Actions Activate Safe House, Covert Action, and
Secure Cache
Size 3 people
Upgrades From thieves

Spies can provide safe havens in which rebels can hide, orchestrate covert actions against House Thrune, and are capable of stashing major caches in high-risk locations.


Revolutionaries take the cause to the streets and oppose the government with physical and magical power.


Recruitment Security 難易度 15
Granted Action Reduce Danger
Size 6 people
Upgrades To infiltrators

Freedom fighters patrol the streets of Kintargo and are ready to step in to aid citizens who need help, but also serve to distract Thrune forces and track areas of danger in the city so the PCs can avoid trouble more efficiently.


Cost 250gp
Granted Actions Reduce Danger and Rescue Character
Size 6 people
Upgrades From freedom fighters; Upgrades To cabalists or spellcasters

A team of infiltrators is a highly trained group of freedom fighters capable of attempting daring rescues of imprisoned characters.


Cost 1,000gp
Granted Actions Manipulate Events, Reduce Danger, and Rescue Character
Size 6 people
Upgrades From infiltrators

Cabalists are members of secret societies and have numerous ties to the aristocracy; their words can influence events across Kintargo.


Cost 1,000gp
Granted Actions Reduce Danger, Rescue Character, and Restore Character
Size 6 people
Upgrades From infiltrators

Spellcasters include clerics, wizards, and all other magic-using characters. They can help to restore a lost character, given the right resources.


Traders focus on manipulating Kintargo’s markets and making money for the Silver Ravens.


Recruitment Security 難易度 10
Granted Action Earn Gold
Size 6 people
Upgrades To merchants

Peddlers include artisans, laborers, street vendors, and anyone else who sells a specific type of good or service to bolster the Silver Ravens’ treasury.


Cost 50gp
Granted Actions Earn Gold and Refresh Marketplace
Size 6 people
Upgrades From peddlers; Upgrades To black marketeers or merchant lords

Merchants can earn gold for the Silver Ravens, or they can move magic items through the marketplaces of Kintargo to bring in new stock.


Cost 200gp
Granted Actions Activate Black Market, Earn Gold, and Refresh Marketplace
Size 6 people
Upgrades From merchants

Black marketeers are similar to merchants, save that they maintain contacts with illegal sources and operate in the city’s shadows, allowing the PCs to sell items at a slightly higher profit.


Cost 200gp
Granted Actions Earn Gold, Refresh Marketplace, and Special Order
Size 6 people
Upgrades From merchants

Merchant lords function as merchants, save that they can arrange for special orders of high-cost items to be shipped to Kintargo at a slight discount to such an item’s normal cost.


Allies are a special type of Silver Raven that can only be earned during play in the Adventure Path. They generally grant unique or special bonuses or rebellion actions. Your GM has information on allies and their effects as these special NPCs become available during the course of the campaign.

Team Conditions

Teams can, through events or game play, gain one of two debilitating conditions?disabled or missing.

Disabled:When some of a team’s members are compromised through injury, morale, sickness, or other effects, the team becomes disabled. A disabled team cannot be used for rebellion actions. A disabled team can be restored to full functionality at the start of the Upkeep phase by spending an amount of gold equal to the rebellion’s current minimum treasury value.(At the GM’s discretion, other specific actions taken by the PCs over and above their daily duties might be able to restore a disabled team as well.)

Missing:Sometimes an entire team meets with difficulty on a mission, and can become imprisoned, stranded, or otherwise prevented from returning to the Silver Ravens. A missing team still counts against the maximum number of teams the rebellion can have, but cannot be used for rebellion actions. At the start of the Upkeep phase, a successful 難易度 15 Security check allows a missing team to return to action at the end of that week(and it can’t be used for that week’s actions). A natural 1 on this Security check means the team is lost and must be replaced.

Benefits of Leadership

If you select the Leadership feat, your cohort can serve as a Recruiter. Rather than gain a set number of followers when you achieve a Leadership score of 10, your rebellion instead gains a Tier 1 bonus team. Each time you would normally gain a higher-level follower, you instead grant the Silver Ravens an additional Tier 1 bonus team, to a maximum of six bonus teams once you achieve a Leadership score of 21. In addition, if you have the Leadership feat and manage a team, you grant +2 bonus to all Organization checks attempted by that team during an Activity phase.


Once you take control of the Silver Ravens in the first adventure of Hell’s Rebels, you’ll take a quick break at the end of every week to maintain and lead the rebellion. You don’t need to take any extra time to do this; the Silver Ravens’ rebellion actions happen regardless of your character’s day-to-day activities.

Each week, the rebellion acts over three phases that always occur in the following order.

Phase 1―Upkeep:Roll to determine supporter attrition. You lose additional supporters if your Notoriety score is 100 or your rebellion treasury is below its minimum.

Phase 2―Activity:Perform rebellion actions, up to the maximum number allowed by the Silver Ravens’ current rank.

Phase 3―Event:Check whether any unusual events occur, and resolve those results.

Upkeep Phase

The key to the rebellion’s growth is to constantly draw new supporters from Kintargo’s populace. The primary way you do this is via the Recruit Supporters action. Unfortunately, standing against the government is exhausting and frightening, and every week, some of the rebellion’s supporters will drift away. These supporters leave during your Upkeep phase in one of three ways(see Steps 1, 2, and 4, below). During your very first week, skip the Upkeep phase and proceed directly to the Activity phase. The five steps of the Upkeep phase always play out in the following order.

Step 1―Supporter Attrition:Attempt a 難易度 10 Loyalty check. On a successful check, the rebellion only loses 1d6 supporters. If the check is a natural 20, the rebellion instead gains 1d6 supporters. On a failed check, the rebellion loses a number of supporters equal to 2d4 + the rebellion’s rank.

Step 2―Notoriety Maximum:If your Notoriety score is 100, Thrune agents take action to round up and execute suspected supporters on trumped-up charges. This reduces both the rebellion’s supporters and Kintargo’s population by an amount equal to 1d20 + the rebellion’s rank.

Step 3―Treasury Shortage:If the rebellion’s treasury is below its minimum during Upkeep phase, the rebellion loses a number of supporters equal to 2d4 + the rebellion’s rank.

Step 4―Increase Rank:Apply any adjustments to the rebellion’s rank due to increased supporters from the previous week. This is the point at which the rebellion “levels up.” It’s possible, particularly in the early stages of the rebellion, to gain more than one rank if fortune has granted the Silver Ravens an unusually large increase in supporters since the previous Upkeep phase.

Step 5―Deposits and Withdrawals:Any rebellion officer can deposit or withdraw any amount of gold from or to the rebellion’s treasury.

Activity Phase

During the Activity phase, the rebellion can take a number of actions as set by the Silver Ravens’ rank(see Table 1) and modified further by a Strategist or other unique allies or events. Rebellion actions can be taken in any order, but each requires a qualified team to take that action, and once assigned, that team can’t take additional rebellion actions this phase.

The available actions are listed below. The teams that grant access to these actions are listed after each action name in parentheses. If you don’t have an available team of that type, you can’t take that action. An action with “no team required” doesn’t require any team(it is assumed that the PCs themselves are taking these actions in their downtime during the week), but each of these actions still counts as one of your week’s total available actions.

Activate Black Market(Black Marketeers):To activate a black market, you must attempt a 難易度 20 Secrecy check and spend 50gp to smuggle goods and bribe officials. On a successful check, the Silver Ravens set up a black market for 1 week in Kintargo. During this week, the city’s base value is doubled and all rolls to determine item availability increase from 75% to 90%. Furthermore, magic items sold to the black market sell for 55% of their normal price rather than 50%. On a failed check, your Notoriety score increases by 1d6.

Activate Safe House(Saboteurs, Spies, or Thieves):Your outlaw team secures a small building somewhere in Kintargo and sets it up as a safe house. You can select any building for this role, provided the building is not located in the Castle District or the Greens(final selection subject to GM approval). The building itself might be abandoned, or it might be a home or humble business run by a rebellion supporter. An activated safe house remains active for 1 week, during which time any characters recovered via the Rescue Character action can be brought to the site without fear. The building also presents a safe place to get food, recover, and rest without worrying about wandering monsters or other interruptions. A cache hidden in an active safe house can’t be lost by the Cache Discovered event. Finally, for each active safe house, the rebellion gains a cumulative +1 bonus on Security checks, to a maximum bonus of +5.

Change Officer Role(No Team Required):One PC can change his or her officer role in the Silver Ravens. Allies and cohorts can’t change their role with this action.

Covert Action(Spies):By taking this action, spies can work with any other team to hide any evidence that the rebellion was involved in an operation. This grants all d20 rolls made to resolve the rebellion act immediately following a Covert Action a bonus to the roll equal to the spies’ manager’s Charisma bonus. Furthermore, any Notoriety gained from this action is automatically reduced to the minimum amount possible. Alternatively, a Covert Action can be used to place a contact or stash of gear in a specific adventure site. Your GM will have information on these acts when they become relevant during the course of the campaign, but once you place a contact or stash in a site, it only remains for 1 week.

Dismiss Team(No Team Required):By taking the Dismiss Team action, you remove a team from the rebellion, freeing up that slot to recruit a new team. Attempt a 難易度 10 Loyalty check when you take this action. If you fail, your Notoriety score increases by 1d4 as disenfranchised team members’ loose lips damage the rebellion’s secrecy.

Earn Gold(Black Marketeers, Merchant Lords, Merchants, or Peddlers):Roll a Security check and multiply the result by the team’s tier. The result of this check is how many gold pieces the team earned for the week. Add this result to the Silver Ravens’ treasury. If you roll a natural 1 on the Security check, you still earn gold, but your Notoriety score increases by 1d6.

Gather Information(Agitators, Cognoscenti, Rumormongers, or Street Performers):Attempt a 難易度 15 Secrecy check with a bonus equal to twice the team’s tier. If you are successful, the team has gathered information for you. This can either be a randomly determined rumor(your GM has tables of rumors that change with each adventure) or a specific piece of local information that you could learn by making a Diplomacy check to gather information about that topic or individual. For certain topics or individuals, the 難易度 might be higher than 15. If you roll a natural 1 on the Secrecy check, you don’t automatically fail, but your Notoriety score increases by 1d6.

Guarantee Event(No Team Required):By deliberately lowering the organization’s guard and increasing your Notoriety score by 1d6, you can guarantee an event occurs during the Event phase. If you perform this action, the GM rolls twice and takes the lower roll as the actual result for the event.

Knowledge Check(Cognoscenti):The team of cognoscenti attempts to provide an answer to any question you could normally answer with a successful Knowledge check. Rather than roll a Knowledge check to provide this answer, roll a Secrecy check. Modify this result by Kintargo’s Lore modifier + 1/2 t e rebellion’s rank. Treat the result as the 難易度 achieved in the desired Knowledge category.

Lie Low(No Team Required):If you choose to take no rebellion actions at all during the phase, you can reduce your Notoriety score by an amount equal to the rebellion’s total number of teams.

Manipulate Events(Cabalists):Cabalists are among the secret movers and shakers of Kintargo’s society, and an idle comment or well-timed whisper from them can set into motion significant events. When your cabalists manipulate events, you automatically guarantee an event occurs during the following Event phase. The GM rolls twice on the table, and the manager of the cabalists gets to choose which of the two results take place. If the event is detrimental, the cabalists’ manager can choose to add his or her Charisma modifier to any d20 rolls made as a result of the check to further influence the outcome.

Recruit Supporters(No Team Required):This check can only be made once per Activity phase. By spending an amount of gold equal to the rebellion’s minimum treasury value, you can attempt to recruit additional supporters. To do so, attempt a Loyalty check. The 難易度 of this check is equal to 10 + the rebellion’s rank. On a successful check, increase the rebellion’s supporters by 2d6 + any bonuses granted by Recruiter officers. If you roll a natural 1 on the Loyalty check, you don’t automatically fail, but your Notoriety score increases by 1d6. You can’t take this action if the rebellion is at its current maximum rank.

Recruit Team(No Team Required):You can attempt to recruit a new team as long as you are not already at the maximum number of teams allowed(discounting bonus teams). The 難易度 and specific Organization check required to recruit the team depend on the type of team being recruited. If you roll a natural 1 on the Organization check, you don’t automatically fail, but your Notoriety score increases by 1d6.

Reduce Danger(Cabalists, Freedom Fighters, Infiltrators, or Spellcasters):A successful 難易度 15 Security check reduces Kintargo’s danger rating by 5(to a minimum of 0) for the following week(including the event rolled during the following Event phase). For every 10 points by which you exceed this check, you reduce the danger rating by an additional 5. On a failed check, your Notoriety score increases by 1d4 and Kintargo’s danger rating increases by 5 for the next Event phase and following week.

Refresh Marketplace(Black Marketeers, Merchant Lords, or Merchants):By expending 100gp on bribes and other expenses, the team removes the currently available specific magic items for sale from distribution. The GM rolls up new magic items randomly to determine what items become available at the end of the following week. If you use a Tier 3 team to refresh the marketplace, you can ask the GM to reroll one magic item result in each category(minor, medium, and major).

Rescue Character(Cabalists, Infiltrators, or Spellcasters):The team breaks into a prison or other secure site to rescue a captured character(either a PC or an NPC). To do so, attempt a Security check(難易度 = 10 + the captured character’s level). A successfully recovered character can be brought to any location in Kintargo that is currently controlled by the rebellion(typically the current headquarters, but also any safe house activated by an outlaw team). A successful rescue increases your Notoriety score by an amount equal to the level of the rescued character. A failed rescue increases your Notoriety score by half this amount, but doesn’t rescue the character. Note that certain NPCs can’t be rescued by infiltrators, and must instead be rescued by the PCs themselves. The Rescue Character action only rescues one character per action.

Restore Character(Spellcasters):Your spellcasters can heal damage or remove debilitating conditions from a character. This action can be used to perform one of the following for the entire party for free:heal all ability score damage, heal all hit point damage, or receive one 3rd- or lower-level restorative spell(such as dispel magic, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, or remove paralysis). It can also provide the effects of a break enchantment spell, a raise dead spell, a restoration spell, or a stone to flesh spell on an individual(not party) basis. The body or remains of the character to be restored must be brought to the Silver Ravens’ headquarters(possibly requiring a separate successful Rescue Character action). These greater spell effects are provided via scroll use, and require an expenditure of gold equal to the cost of the scroll in question(1,125gp for break enchantment, 6,125 for raise dead, 1,700gp for restoration, and 1,650gp for stone to flesh). Additional restorative effects might be available at the GM’s discretion.

Sabotage(Saboteurs):Your saboteurs attempt to damage a structure or meddle with the political machinations of House Thrune or the church of Asmodeus. With a successful 難易度 20 Secrecy check, Thrune and church agents are distracted for the following week, and all Organization checks you make during that week gain a +2 bonus. In addition, reduce your Notoriety score by 2d6. On a failed check, the sabotage backfires and reduces both your supporters and Kintargo’s population by 2d6. Alternatively, the Sabotage action can also be used to attempt locationspecific deeds that will affect adventuring that takes place in those locations. Your GM will have information on these acts when they become relevant during the course of the campaign.

Secure Cache(Saboteurs, Sneaks, Spies, or Thieves):You can arrange for a cache of equipment to be hidden somewhere in Kintargo. Doing so requires purchasing the items in question(or simply providing the team with items already owned) and a successful Secrecy check to stash the items. Caches come in three categories?minor, intermediate, and major(see the sidebar above). Sneaks can only secure minor caches, while thieves can secure minor or intermediate caches, and both saboteurs and spies can secure all three categories. You can have the team secure an outdoor cache in any location in Kintargo(such caches are typically hidden in alleys or parks or other relatively out-of-the-way areas) or inside a specific structure. When placed in a specific structure, the cache is typically hidden near the entrance, but additional locations are available in certain buildings.(Your GM has this information as it is needed.) Placing a cache inside of “enemy territory”(subject to the GM) increases the 難易度 by 5 to 10. Make sure to keep track of the locations you’ve hidden caches and what kinds of caches they are! See the sidebar above for DCs and additional details on the three categories.

Special(No Team Required):Sometimes an officer must take a Special action to deal with the results of a previous week’s event or a development in the course of an adventure. The nature of these Special actions vary wildly, and rules for how they work can be found in the event or development that calls for them.

Special Order(Merchant Lords):By relying on contacts in other cities throughout the Inner Sea region, a team of merchant lords can place a special order for a specific expensive item that costs more than Kintargo’s base value and is not currently available in the city’s shops. The cost for the item in question must be paid up front(although the actual price includes a 5% discount due to the merchant lords’ expertise at haggling), and it is delivered to Kintargo in 2d6 days.(For an additional cost of 900gp, this delivery time can be reduced to 1 day by having the item delivered by teleportation. This additional cost is equal to the cost of two teleport spells, since the deliverer’s return trip must also be accounted for.) The GM has final say on whether or not an item is available for special order.

Spread Disinformation(Agitators, Cognoscenti, or Rumormongers):The team spreads false information about the rebellion throughout Kintargo. With a successful 難易度 20 Secrecy check, reduce your current Notoriety score by 1d6. For every 10 points by which you exceed this 難易度, reduce your Notoriety score by an additional 1d6. If you fail the check by 5 or more, your Notoriety score is instead increased by 1d6.

{Upgrade Team(No Team Required):By spending the amount of gold pieces listed for an upgraded team’s cost, you can upgrade a lower-tier team to that new type of team. A single team can be upgraded only once per week, but you can upgrade as many different teams as you can afford in gold and rebellion actions for that week.

Urban Influence(Agitators):Your agitators work to manipulate Kintargo’s modifiers. Spend 100gp to fund the influence, then choose one of the following settlement modifiers:Corruption, Crime, Economy, Law, Lore, or Society. Adjust one of those modifiers by 2 in either direction for 1 week.


A cache is a small, hidden stash of supplies placed in a strategic location for later use. Most caches consist of healing and other restorative magic, but any combination of items fitting the overall restrictions can be stashed.

Minor Cache:A minor cache can weigh no more than 5 pounds, and can be worth no more than 900gp in all. Securing a minor cache requires a 難易度 15 Secrecy check.

Intermediate Cache:An intermediate cache can weigh no more than 10 pounds, and can be worth no more than 2,500gp in all. Securing an intermediate cache requires a 難易度 20 Secrecy check.

Major Cache:A major cache can weigh no more than 20 pounds, but can be worth any amount. Using a bag of holding, portable hole, or similar extradminsional storage item expands the weight limit of major caches. Securing a major cache requires a 難易度 30 Secrecy check.

Event Phase

Once all rebellion actions are resolved, the GM checks to see if a special event happens. The percentage chance of an event occurring is equal to Kintargo’s current danger rating + the Silver Ravens’ current Notoriety score. If no event occurred the previous week, the chance of an event occurring is doubled.(This doubling only happens once, regardless of how many non-event weeks have accumulated.) The minimum chance for an event to occur is 10%, while the maximum is 95%. If an event occurs, the GM rolls and consults Table 2:Rebellion Events above to see what happens.

When the GM rolls on the event table, add Kintargo’s current danger rating to the result. Events listed with an asterisk(*) can become persistent events(see the sidebar on page 32). Other events have a “mitigation” listed; these allow officers to attempt skill checks or take other actions to lessen the event’s effects by making a specific roll. If you roll an event that can’t take place(such as by rolling “Rivalry” when the Rebellion has only one or zero teams), reroll the event until you generate one that makes sense.

Table 2:Rebellion Events




Week of Secrecy


Successful Protest


Diminished Peril




Increased Support


Marketplace Boom


All Is Calm


Roll Twice






Dangerous Times*


Missing in Action


Cache Discovered


Increased Patrols*


Low Morale*




Disabled Team


Dissension in the Ranks*




Failed Protest


Ally in Peril


Disastrous Mission




Diabolic Infiltration



All Is Calm:No event occurs this week or next week; gain a +1 bonus on all Security checks made during the next week. If you roll All Is Calm as a second event, it does not cancel the effects of the first event but still prevents an event from happening next week. An eventless week caused by this event does not raise the chance of an event occurring in the week after.

Ally in Peril:One of your allies, randomly determined, is put in peril. Attempt a Security check(難易度 = 20 ? the ally’s level; minimum 難易度 10). If the check is a success, the ally is merely missing for a week. During the next Upkeep phase, attempt a new Security check against the same 難易度. If that check is successful, the ally returns with a harrowing story or the like of how he or she had to flee or lie low for a time, but if that check is a failure, the ally has been captured. If you fail the initial check, the ally is also captured. The GM decides who captured the ally and where he or she is being held prisoner, but in most cases, the ally can be rescued by a successful Rescue Character action.

Cache Discovered:Randomly determine one of your current caches hidden in Kintargo. That cache has been discovered, and its contents are lost. If you have no caches hidden at this time, Asmodean inquisitors instead capture some of your supporters; reduce your supporters and Kintargo’s population by 1d6.

Dangerous Times~:*The streets of Kintargo have grown particularly dangerous. For the following week(including the next week’s events, if any), increase Kintargo’s danger rating by 10. If you roll Dangerous Times twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent.
Mitigation:If a rebellion officer succeeds at a 難易度 20 Intimidate check to spread word about the rebellion’s strength, the danger rating increase is halved.

Diabolic Infiltration:One of the Silver Ravens is in fact a magically disguised devil, or has been possessed by a diabolic spirit. Roll 1d6; if you roll a 6(and each time thereafter you roll a 6), roll another 1d6 and add those results together. The final result tells you the number of weeks that the infiltration has persisted unnoticed until this event reveals the truth; the infiltration cannot last more weeks than the Silver Ravens have been active. Increase you Notoriety score by 1d6 for each week that the infiltration was active; a successful 難易度 15 Loyalty check halves this Notoriety gain.

Mitigation:If an officer makes a successful 難易度 20 Sense Motive check, the infiltration is noticed early. Halve all results for determining the number of weeks the infiltration has been afflicting the rebellion.

Diminished Peril:The streets of Kintargo are unusually safe. For the following week(including the next week’s events, if any), decrease Kintargo’s danger rating by 10.

Disabled Team:Randomly determine one of your teams that was committed to an action this week. That team accomplished its goal, but took some damage during the mission and became disabled. The team cannot be used for a rebellion action during the next week. If no teams were committed to an action during the week, treat this event as a result of Dangerous Times.

Mitigation:If you spend gold equal to your current minimum treasury value, you can restore the disabled team to full health.

Disastrous Mission:Randomly determine one of your teams that was committed to an action this week. That team accomplished its goal, but took significant damage in the process. Attempt a 難易度 20 Security check. If you are successful, the team becomes disabled. If you fail this check, the team is destroyed and must be replaced. In any event, increase your Notoriety score by 1d6. If no teams were committed to an action during the week, treat this event as a result of Dangerous Times.

Dissension in the Ranks~:*Personality conflicts among the Silver Ravens have compromised cooperation. For the next week(including the next week’s events, if any), all Organization checks take a ?4 penalty. If you roll Dissension in the Ranks twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent.

Mitigation:If a Silver Ravens officer makes a successful 難易度 20 Diplomacy check to soothe over the dissension, this penalty is reduced to ?2.

Donation:One or several of your wealthier supporters have donated food, gold, and supplies to the Silver Ravens. Roll a Loyalty check. The Rebellion treasury gains gold equal to the result of this check × 20.

Failed Protest:Your supporters have failed in a protest against House Thrune or the church of Asmodeus. Reduce your total supporters(and Kintargo’s population) by 2d6.

Mitigation:A successful 難易度 25 Security check negates this reduction. Regardless of that outcome, randomly determine one of Kintargo’s settlement modifiers? Corruption, Crime, Economy, Law, Lore, or Society. For the next week, this modifier is decreased by 4.

Increased Patrols~:*Dottari patrols on the streets of Kintargo are increased this week, resulting in heightened security. For the next week(including the next week’s events, if any), all Secrecy checks take a ?4 penalty. If you roll Increased Patrols twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent.

Mitigation:If a Silver Ravens officer makes a successful 難易度 20 Survival check to study the patrol routes and interpret the patterns, this penalty is reduced to ?2.

Increased Support:An unexpected number of new supporters join the cause. Increase the rebellion’s supporters by 2d6.

Inquisition~:*Thrune and the church have grown tired of the rebellion, and for the following week, the rebellion loses twice as many supporters as indicated whenever supporters are lost. In addition, the bonuses and penalties applied to Kintargo’s modifiers by the city’s martial law disadvantage are doubled for the week. If you roll Inquisition twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent.

Mitigation:By taking the Lie Low action, the rebellion can end a persistent Inquisition by making a successful 難易度 20 Secrecy check.

Invasion:A dangerous creature has invaded! The GM rolls or selects a wandering monster from the encounter tables available to her in the adventures, and you must step in to fight this intruder. The location in which the invasion occurs is selected by the GM. If you choose not to deal with the invader in person, the Silver Ravens themselves handle the situation, but in doing so, 1d4 randomly determined teams are lost and 1d4 randomly determined teams are disabled. In addition, the party’s failure to handle the invader causes the rebellion to gain a persistent Low Morale event.

Low Morale~:*Things in Kintargo have begun to overwhelm the rebels with a sense of hopelessness and despair. For the next week(including the next week’s events, if any), all Loyalty checks take a ?4 penalty. If you roll Low Morale twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent.

Mitigation:If a Silver Ravens officer makes a successful 難易度 20 Perform check to entertain the rebels and raise spirits, this penalty is reduced to ?2.

Marketplace Boom:A new minor, new intermediate, and new major magic item become available for sale in Kintargo’s markets. The GM randomly determines what items are for sale and where they can be purchased.

Missing in Action:Randomly determine one of your teams that was committed to an action this week. That team accomplished its goal, but soon thereafter went missing. The missing team still counts against the maximum number of teams the rebellion can have. During the next Upkeep phase, attempt a 難易度 15 Security check. If you’re successful, the team is rescued or returns to base, but must wait until the next week to be used for rebellion actions. If you fail, the team remains missing for another week. If you roll a natural 1 on this Security check, the team is lost. If no teams were committed to an action during the week, treat this event as a result of Dangerous Times.

Rivalry~:*Choose two random teams; those teams have developed an unhealthy but temporary rivalry. During the next Activity phase, you can’t use either of these teams to take actions. If you roll Rivalry twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent.

Mitigation:If a Silver Ravens officer makes a 難易度 20 Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate check to deal with the rivalry, it ends.

Roll Twice:Roll two times. Both events occur this phase, in the order they are rolled. Multiple rolls of Roll Twice stack.

Sickness~:*Contagion has spread through the ranks, leaving your rebels listless and sickly. For the next week(including the next week’s events, if any), all Security checks take a ?4 penalty. If you roll Sickness twice in one Event phase, it becomes persistent.

Mitigation:If a Silver Ravens officer makes a successful 難易度 20 Heal check to treat the sickness, this penalty is reduced to ?2.

Snitch:One of your supporters is a snitch who has been leaking rumors and information about the Silver Ravens to House Thrune and the church of Asmodeus. Attempt a 難易度 15 Loyalty check. If you are successful, reduce your supporters by 1, but you need fear no further repercussions as your other loyal supporters have handled the situation. If you fail this Loyalty check, reduce your supporters by 1 and your Notoriety score increases by 1d6.

Successful Protest:Your supporters have successfully protested against House Thrune or the church of Asmodeus. Increase your total supporters by 2d6. Select one of the following settlement modifiers?Corruption, Crime, Economy, Law, Lore, or Society. For the next week, this modifier is increased by 4.

Traitor:One of the Silver Ravens is revealed to be a traitor! Randomly determine one team from all of your teams; that team is the one that housed the traitor. That team becomes disabled after the traitor is uncovered. If you make a successful 難易度 20 Loyalty check, the traitor has been discovered before he or she could significantly damage the Silver Ravens and you can either attempt to redeem, execute, exile, or imprison the traitor. If you fail this Loyalty check(or if you do not take any of the previously four mentioned responses), the traitor escapes and the Silver Ravens’ Notoriety score increases by 2d6. If you wish to attempt to redeem a captured traitor, you must first imprison him or her, then take a Special Action during the next Activity phase, during which the Silver Ravens must make a successful 難易度 20 Loyalty check. If you succeed, the traitor changes allegiance, your disabled team is no longer disabled, and you need not fear an increase in your Notoriety score in the future from this particular one-time traitor. Each time you redeem a traitor in this way, you automatically gain 1d6 supporters at the start of the next Upkeep phase. If you capture and execute the traitor, you prevent any increase in your Notoriety score but damage the Silver Ravens’ morale, causing the rebels to suffer from a persistent Low Morale unless you make a successful 難易度 20 Loyalty check. If you capture and wish to exile the traitor, you must make a successful 難易度 25 Security check to convince the traitor to never return to Kintargo. Failure results in an increase of 2d6 to your Notoriety score as the traitor sneaks back into the city to report to Barzillai Thrune. If you capture and imprison the traitor, you must make a successful 難易度 20 Secrecy check during every Upkeep phase until you choose to execute, exile, or successfully redeem the traitor. If you fail this Secrecy check, the traitor escapes and the rebellion’s Notoriety score increases by 2d6. If the Silver Ravens do not currently have any teams, treat this event as no event.

Week of Secrecy:The rebellion is poised to have an excellent week, due to internal squabbling among Lord-Mayor Thrune’s minions and the church. All Organization checks made for the next week gain a +6 bonus, and double the amount of supporters gained.

Persistent Events

Sometimes an event becomes persistent. In this case, the event does not go away after 1 week, but continues to affect the Silver Ravens week after week. If you can mitigate the event, mitigation lasts only 1 week, forcing you to attempt new mitigations every week. Once every four weeks, you can attempt to end a persistent event by spending money equal to twice the Silver Ravens’ current minimum treasury value. Once this cost is paid, you can attempt to mitigate the event at once(this check takes a ?4 penalty to the roll). If you succeed at this attempt, the persistent event immediately ends.

Note that certain accomplishments in the course of the Adventure Path give you the opportunity to end persistent events automatically, but these occasions are few and far between.

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