
オラクルの呪い Oracle Curses

アボレス/Aboleth --出典:Horror Realms 14ページ--:Your mind is marked by aboleth tampering, either as a result of a close encounter with one of these creatures while you were a child, or even through an ancestor, close family member, or one of your sisters or brothers in faith—this associate’s interaction with the aboleths may be all that it takes to infect you. You take a –2 penalty on saving throws against mind-affecting effects and add charm person and hypnotism to your list of 1st-level oracle spells known. At 5th level, add minor image to your list of 2nd-level oracle spells known. At 10th level, add modify memory to your list of 4th-level oracle spells known. At 15th level, add veil to your list of 6th-level oracle spells known.

呪われし者/Acursed --出典:Horror Realms 14ページ--:君は不幸と悲しみに呪われており、士気ボーナスの利益を得ることができない。しかしながら、[呪い効果に対するすべてのセーヴィング・スローに+4のボーナスを得る。5レベル点で、修得呪文リストにイル・オーメンAPGを加える。10レベル点で、修得呪文リストにグレーター・ブランドAPGを加える。15レベルの点で、自身オラクルの呪いを除く全ての[呪い効果完全耐性を持つ。

消し炭/Blackened --出典:Blood of Angels 26ページ--:君のと前は、まるで燃え盛るの中にを突っ込んだかのように萎んでくなり、薄くのような皮膚は触ると敏感になる。武器攻撃ロールに-4のペナルティを受けるが、修得呪文リストにバーニング・ハンズを加える。5レベル点で、スコーチング・レイフレイミング・スフィアー修得呪文リストに加える。10レベル点で、ウォール・オヴ・ファイアー修得呪文リストに加え、武器攻撃ロールペナルティを-2に減少させる。15レベルの点で、ディレイド・ブラスト・ファイアーボール修得呪文リストに加える。

Consumed/Consumed --出典:Blood of Fiends 26ページ--:Your connection to Abaddon and the daemons that call it home has left you diminished but still able to scorn many mortal frailties. Whenever you take lethal hit point damage, you take an additional number of points of nonlethal damage equal to 1/2 the lethal damage you took. You automatically stabilize when brought below 0 hit points. At 5th level, whenever you make a saving throw against a disease or poison effect, roll twice and use the higher roll as your result. At 10th level, you can go without food or water for a number of days equal to your oracle level before suffering any ill effects due to starvation or thirst. At 15th level, whenever a creature within 30 feet takes damage while in combat, you automatically gain 1 temporary hit point. You can benefit from this ability a number of times per round equal to your Charisma modifier, and you can gain a total number of temporary hit points in this way equal to your oracle level. Temporary hit points gained this way disappear after 1 hour.

Covetous/Covetous --出典:Legacy of Dragons 8ページ--:You find yourself drawn to the luster of wealthy living. You must wear fine nonmagical clothing and jewelry worth at least 50gp + 100gp per character level you have beyond 1st. If you do not have sufficient wealth to purchase this additional equipment, you feel a strong desire(but are not compelled) to sell existing items or steal from others to obtain it. You are sickened whenever you do not meet this requirement; you are also sickened for 24 hours after anything worth 25gp x your character level or more is taken from you against your will. Use Magic Device becomes a class skill for you. At 5th level, you gain a +4 insight bonus on Appraise checks, Spellcraft checks to identify magic items, and Use Magic Device checks. At 10th level, you add fabricate to your list of spells known. At 15th level, you add half your oracle level to your 戦技防御値 against stealAPG combat maneuvers and to the 難易度 of Sleight of Hand checks to take items from you.

深き者/Deep One --出典:Horror Realms 14ページ--:海の誘惑はあなたの魂を引っ張る。 基本移動速度を5フィート減少させる。君は移動速度に等しい水泳移動速度を得、既に水泳移動速度を持っているならば、10フィート増加させる。5レベル点で、肌が厚くなり、外皮ボーナスが1増加する。10レベル点で、水中呪文を発動する、および[]の補足説明を使用して呪文を発動するときに術者レベルに+1のボーナスを得る。15レベルの点で、水中ではフリーダム・オヴ・ムーヴメントの利益を得る。

デーモン/Demonic --出典:Horror Realms 14ページ--:獄の響は君に不浄な洞察を与え、君の魂を圧迫する。[]または[秩序]の補足説明を持つ呪文を発動することはできない。また、または秩序クリーチャー招来することもできない。および秩序クリーチャーは本能的に君を信用せず、君はそのようなクリーチャーに対する全ての〈交渉〉判定に-4のペナルティを受ける。君はすべての〈はったり〉判定〈威圧〉判定に+2のボーナスを得る。〈交渉〉は君のクラス技能ではないが、〈はったり〉または〈威圧〉のいずれか選択した方はクラス技能である。5レベル点で、[恐怖]効果に対するすべてのセーヴィング・スローに+4のボーナスを得る。10レベル点で、毒に対する完全耐性を得る。15レベルの点で用いている武器はすべて、ダメージ減少を克服する的で混沌およびとして扱われる。

Elemental Imbalance/Elemental Imbalance --出典:Elemental Master's Handbook 29ページ--:君は元素の力を行使するが、その対抗する元素に対して脆弱である。、またはを選択する。を選択すると[強]に対する脆弱性を得、[強]に対する抵抗完全耐性から利益を得ることができず、[強]または[]の補足説明を持つ呪文を発動することができない。を選択すると[雷撃]に対する脆弱性を得、[雷撃]に対する抵抗完全耐性から利益を得ることができず、[]または[雷撃]の補足説明を持つ呪文を発動することができない。を選択すると[氷雪]に対する脆弱性を得、[氷]に対する抵抗完全耐性から利益を得ることができず、[]または[氷]の補足説明を持つ呪文を発動することができない。を選択すると[]に対する脆弱性を得、[]に対する抵抗完全耐性から利益を得ることができず、[]の補足説明を持つ呪文を発動することができない。


グール/Ghoul --出典:Horror Realms 14ページ--:実際の食事のニーズは変わりませんが、知覚のある生き物のを切望する。 飢え始める前の12時間だけは食べ物なしで行くことができ、飢えたときダメージを受けないようにするための【耐久力】判定難易度は5増加する。君自身種族クリーチャーの新鮮な生のを食べた場合(1時間以内のもの)、君は24時間の間、すべてのセーヴィング・スローに+1の士気ボーナスを得る。 5レベル点で、修得2レベルオラクル呪文リストグール・タッチを加える。10レベル点で、麻痺病気完全耐性を持つ。15レベルの点で、勢のあるクリーチャーの生のを食べとヒーローズ・フィースト効果が得られ、食べる自身種族である場合にヒーローズ・フィースト効果が2倍になる(この効果は1日に1回までしか適用されない)。

神の干渉/God-Meddled --出典:Heroes of Golarion 14ページ--:イブリドス島には英雄の神々が住み、見守っています。英雄の神々の中には、定命の者を自分たちの事柄に巻き込むことで知られているものもいる。君の人生における神々の干渉は、神の気まぐれに依存する奇妙で予測不可能なを君に残した。奇妙な副作用は、信仰呪文の術者からの呪文響を受けるたびに発生する――良くもくも。 ラウンドに1回、クリーチャーが君を目標とする信仰呪文を発動した場合、1d20をロールし、以下の表を参照する。 このロールの結果として生じる効果は、その敵のターン終了に開始する。この効果は、他のクリーチャーがトリガーとなった呪文目標として含まれていたとしても君だけを目標とする。5レベル点で、信仰呪文抵抗するためのセーヴィング・スローに+2のボーナスを得る。10レベル点で、混乱状態完全耐性を持つ。15レベルの点で、[精神作用]効果抵抗するためのセーヴィング・スローに+4のボーナスを得る。

神の干渉効果 God-Meddled Effects























ヘルバウンド/Hellbound --出典:Horror Realms 14ページ--:獄の響は君に不浄な洞察を与え、君の魂を圧迫する。[]または[混沌]の補足説明を持つ呪文を発動することはできない。また、または混沌クリーチャー招来することもできない。および混沌クリーチャーは本能的に君を信用せず、君はそのようなクリーチャーに対する全ての〈交渉〉判定に-4のペナルティを受ける。君はすべての〈はったり〉判定〈威圧〉判定に+2のボーナスを得る。5レベル点で、(魅惑)効果に対するすべてのセーヴィング・スローに+4のボーナスを得る。10レベル点で、[]に対する完全耐性を得る。15レベルの点で用いている武器はすべて、ダメージ減少を克服する的で秩序およびとして扱われる。

Hive/Hive --出典:Horror Realms 14ページ--:You were exposed at a young age(perhaps even before you were born) to the alien species known as the hive, but this exposure did not result in a full-blown infestation by these otherworldly monsters. Others(including animals) find the unsightly spines and rough growths that periodically emerge from your flesh to be disturbing and distracting, and you take a –4 penalty on Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, and Ride checks. Once per day as a standard action, you can cough up an ovoid, leathery sphere that can be hurled as a flask of acid, though it becomes inert after 24 hours. At 5th level, you gain the benefits of endure elements in hot environments and are immune to infestations(save for those from the hive itself ). At 10th level, your skin deformities grow numerous enough to increase your natural armor bonus by 1. At 15th level, you gain acid resistance 20.

飢餓/Hunger --出典:Inner Sea Monster Codex 17ページ--:ストレスの多い状況下では、猛烈な飢えが体を襲う。グッドベリーヒーローズ・フィーストリング・オヴ・サステナンスなど栄養を与える呪文魔法のアイテムの利益を得られない。また、副次肉体攻撃として、自分のサイズに応じた刺突ダメージを与える(大型なら1d8、中型なら1d6、小型なら1d4)を与える噛みつき攻撃を得る。噛みつき攻撃ダメージを与えるまで、不調状態で各戦闘を開始する。5レベル点で、自分より小さいクリーチャーに対する噛みつき攻撃で、つかみモンスター特殊能力を得る。10レベルでは、噛みつき攻撃は自分がサイズが1段階大きいかのようにダメージを与える。15レベルの点で、噛みつき特殊能力として吸血モンスター特殊能力を得、敵に組み付いた場合、ターン終了に1d2ポイントの【耐久力】ダメージを与えることができるようになる。

法律尊重主義/Legalistic --出典:Blood of Fiends 26ページ--:ヘルの束縛は、契約を破った場合に残酷な結果をもたらすが、同に驚くべき罪感を君に吹き込む。君が(故意にまたは意図せずに)君の言葉を破るときは、24時間または君が自身の義務を果たすまでのどちらか早い方まで不調状態となる。ただし、1日1回、他の人物との約束を果たそうとしているときに、1回のロールに+4の士気ボーナスを与える誓いを立てることができる。5レベル点で、個人と1対1で話している間、〈交渉〉〈威圧〉〈真意看破〉判定に+3のボーナスを得る。10レベル点で、潜在意識が抜けを探すために、[精神作用]効果抵抗するため1分間毎にセーヴィング・スローを行うことができる。15レベルの点で、君との自由な会話に違反したクリーチャーは24時間の間、君の【魅力】修正値に等しいペナルティを、アーマー・クラス呪文抵抗セーヴィング・スローに受ける(最小1)。

リッチ/Lich --出典:Horror Realms 14ページ--:すべての生きている術者は自分の体に秘密を隠している――これは独自のパーソナライズされた一連の条件で、すべてが正しい順序で満たされると、リッチへの変身をトリガーする。通常不死を得るために何年もの時間と、何千枚もの貨を費やしてこの研究をしなければならない。しかし、極稀に偶然と分が無防備な術者に襲いかかることがある。君は知らず知らずのうちにリッチの気質を達成するための儀式的な要素を満たしている(すべてではないが)。君はアンデッドクリーチャー変身はしていないが、近いものではある。君はアンデッドであるかのように、正のエネルギーからダメージを受け、負のエネルギーから治癒される。5レベル点で、修得2レベルオラクル呪文リストコントロール・アンデッドを加える。10レベル点で、修得3レベルオラクル呪文リストアンデッド・アナトミーIUMを加え、修得5レベルオラクル呪文リストアンデッド・アナトミーIIUMを加える。15レベルの点で、[即死]効果完全耐性を持つ。

Lycanthropy/Lycanthropy --出典:Horror Realms 14ページ--:You suffer from a minor form of lycanthropy. The exact animal your body and mind are aligned with can vary, but you should choose an animal that matches your faith thematically. In times of stress or unease, you cannot speak—only growl and snarl like an animal. This ability works similarly to the tongues curse, but whenever you are in combat, you cannot speak at all. This does not interfere with spellcasting but does apply to spells that are language dependent. A character under the effects of speak with animals can understand you, and you can communicate with such characters normally. You can speak with animals when in this condition. Choose one type of animal commonly associated with lycanthropy(such as rats, wolves, or bears); you gain a +4 bonus on Handle Animal checks with these creatures. At 5th level, add charm animal to your list of 1st-level oracle spells known and animal messenger to your list of 2nd-level oracle spells known. At 10th level, add beast shape I to your list of 3rd-level oracle spells known and beast shape II to your list of 5th-level oracle spells known. At 15th level, you gain damage reduction 5/silver, and if you already have this type of damage reduction, it increases in value by 5(to a maximum of ダメージ減少 15/silver).

疫病/Plagued --出典:Horror Realms 15ページ--:君は軽度の病気や疾病に苦しんでいる。君が新しい病気抵抗するのに苦労している間、病気の多くの不便さに慣れてきた。病気やinfestation効果に対する全てのセーヴィング・スローに-1のペナルティを受けるが、不調状態完全耐性を持つ。5レベル点で、修得2レベルオラクル呪文のリストにパークス・パスチュールAPGを加える。10レベル点で、作成した病気効果に対するセーヴ難易度を+2増加させ、これらの病気から自然回復するために必要なセーヴ回数を1回増加させる。15レベルの点で、病気やinfestation効果完全耐性をもつが、依然として君は病気のキャリアとして機能する。

憑依Possessed --出典:Horror Realms 15ページ--:別の精神が君の身体を共有し、君の制御を妨げ、結果として集中することが難しくなる。精神集中判定に-2のペナルティを受け、呪文持続時間を維持するための精神集中機会攻撃を誘発する。敵が君に憑依したり制御したりする効果を試みようとして効果無効化するためのセーヴィング・スローを許可する場合、君は2回ロールして2回のうち良い方を採用することができる。5レベル点で、自分が幻惑状態朦朧状態となった場合、代わりに幻惑状態朦朧状態効果の2倍の時間混乱状態となることを選べるようになる。10レベル点で、修得5レベルオラクル呪文リストポゼッションOAを加える。15レベルの点で、修得7レベルオラクル呪文リストグレーター・オブジェクト・ポゼッションOAを加える。

予言/Powerless Prophecy --出典:Inner Sea Monster Codex 17ページ--:君は危険について事前に警告されているが、それを防ぐために行動することはできない。ローグクラス特徴として直感回避を得る。しかしながら、flash of insight(下記の啓示参照)を除いて、フリー・アクションを含め不意討ちラウンドアクションを行うことができない。不意討ちラウンドがない場合、戦闘の最初のラウンドよろめき状態となる。5レベル点で、イニシアチブ判定に+4の洞察ボーナスを得る。10レベル点で、オラクルレベルローグレベルとして使用して、ローグ直感回避強化を得る。15レベルの点で、すべてのセーヴィング・スローと、不意討ちラウンド中および攻撃に気がついていないときのアーマー・クラスに+4のボーナスを得る。

Pranked/Pranked --出典:Legacy of the First World 10ページ--:Capricious fey constantly bedevil you, playing pranks on you such as tying your shoelaces together, hiding your gear, making inappropriate noises or smells at formal events, and mimicking your voice to tell embarrassing lies. In addition to any social consequences of such mischief, you take a –4 penalty on initiative checks. Furthermore, whenever you attempt to retrieve a stored item from your gear, there’s a 25% chance that you fail to find it with that action. Add faerie fire and ghost sound to your list of spells known. At 5th level, add glitterdust and minor image to your list of spells known. At 10th level, add confusion to your list of spells known as a 5th-level spell. At 15th level, add project image to your list of spells known. A possessed oracleUM can select this curse in place of the haunted curse.

肉体改造/Promethean --出典:Horror Realms 15ページ--:君の身体は崩壊し、生きるために機械の補強や代用品に頼らざるを得なくなる。君は毎日1ポイントの【耐久力】ダメージを受けるが、その日の残りの間に最初に受けた【筋力】【敏捷力】【耐久力】ダメージは無視する。5レベル点で、能力値ダメージ能力値吸収能力値へのペナルティを引き起こす効果に対する全てのセーヴィング・スローに+2のボーナスを得る。10レベル点で、このボーナスは+6に増加する。15レベルの点で、通常能力値吸収を与える効果は、その効果に対するセーヴに成功すると代わりに能力値ダメージを受ける。

液体の腐敗/Putrid --出典:Wilderness Origins 31ページ--:君の存在はを淀ませ、ポーションなどの魔法のアイテムや、10フィート以内にある無人の源を含む、君が運んでいる全ての液体を汚す。そのような液体を飲んだクリーチャーは1ラウンドの間吐き気がする状態となる(ただし、ポーションや同様の液体は通常効果も与える)。響を受けた液体は、君の前から離れても1時間淀んだままになる。術者レベル判定難易度 = 15+ポーション術者レベルの2倍)に成功すると、淀んだポーションを浄化することができる。5レベル点で、君は自身が汚した液体から生じる吐き気がする状態効果完全耐性を持つ。10レベル点で、君の身体は有害なスライムで覆われ、ターン開始に君に隣接する各クリーチャー頑健セーヴに成功するか(難易度 = 10+君のオラクルレベルの半分+【魅力】修正値)、1ラウンドの間不調状態となる。15レベルの点で、スライムのコーティングによってダメージ減少10/ーを得る。

隠遁/Reclusive --出典:Legacy of the First World 22ページ--:あなたは引っ込み思案で偏執狂なので、ストレスや不安の仲間は君を簡単に助けることができない。戦闘中、味方が接触呪文で君に響を与えるには近接攻撃に成功しなければならず、君は自分以外の誰かが発動した呪文(味方が発動したもの含む)に対して抵抗するためのセーヴィング・スローを試みなければならない。自分自身にのみかける瞬呪文は君の術者レベル1レベル高いかのように響する。5レベル点で、自分自身にのみかける呪文は、《呪文持続時間延長》特技によって修正されたように響する。この場合、レベル発動時間響しない。10レベル点で、(魅惑)呪文擬似呪文能力完全耐性を持つ。15レベルの点で、10+オラクルレベルに等しい呪文抵抗を得る。

天罰Scourge --出典:Wilderness Origins 31ページ--:君は自然界の荒廃である。奇妙な自然災害が、自然地域に10分以上留まると、レッサー・カース・テレインとして半径300フィート以内で発生する。災害やその場所を選択することはできない。ただし、植物が君の足跡で枯れていくため、ドルイド森渡りとして、君の動きは下草によって妨げられない。5レベル点で、修得2レベルオラクル呪文リストフィースト・オヴ・アッシュズを加える。10レベル点で、修得4レベルオラクル呪文リストにexplosion of rotを加える。15レベルの点で、修得6レベルオラクル呪文リストスウォーム・スキンを加える。

シャドウバウンド/Shadowbound --出典:Horror Realms 15ページ--:君の色素は奇妙にも無色であり、に非常に敏感である。普通のや明るいに当たると1ラウンドの間盲目状態となり、そのようなのある範囲にいると目が眩んだ状態になる。30フィートの暗視を得る。5レベル点で、暗視距離は30フィート増加する。10レベル点で、修得4レベルオラクル呪文リストシャドウ・カンジュレーション、修得5レベルオラクル呪文リストシャドウ・エヴォケーションを加える。15レベルの点で、修得6レベルオラクル呪文リストシャドウ・ウォークを加える。

砕けた精神/Shattered Psyche --出典:Pathfinder #88:Valley of the Brain Collectors 57ページ--:君の心は過去の生活の断片化された断片である何十もの声で混雑している。全ての、【知力】に基づく技能判定【判断力】に基づく技能判定精神集中判定に-2のペナルティを受ける。[精神作用]効果に対するセーヴィング・スローに+4のボーナスを得る。5レベル点で、(魅惑)効果完全耐性を得る。10レベル点で(強制)効果完全耐性を得る。15レベルの点で、[精神作用]効果完全耐性を得る。

地縛/Site-Bound --出典:Inner Sea Monster Codex 35ページ--:君は特定の10フィート四方の場所と結びつき、その場所から1,500フィート以内に留まらなければならなくなり、そうでなければ即座に不調状態とならなければならない。境界の外側で1分間過ごすごとに難易度15の頑健セーヴに成功するか、吐き気がする状態とならなければならない。また、境界の外側で1時間過ごすごとに、1d4ポイントの【耐久力】ダメージを受ける(セーヴなし)。地縛場所にいるオラクル呪文を発動する際の術者レベルに+1のボーナスを得る。5レベル点で、半径は2,250フィートに増加する。10レベル点で、半径は3,000フィートに増加し、その範囲内でオラクル呪文を発動する際の術者レベルへのボーナスが1増加する。15レベルの点で、地縛場所から最大1マイル移動できる。

歌の呪縛/Song-Bound --出典:Blood of the Sea 12ページ--:(マーフォークのみ)君が話すときは、大声で歌わざるをえず、短い言葉も声階や単純なメロディーをつけて話す。話さないことを選択することはできるが、大声よりも小さい声で話すことはできない。1日にオラクルレベルに等しいラウンド数、打ち消しの調べバードの呪芸を行うことができる(〈芸能:歌唱〉のみを使用する)。バードの呪芸クラス特徴を得た場合、このラウンド数は得た他のバードの呪芸ラウンド数に加えるが、打ち消しの調べのみに使用する。5レベル点で、修得呪文リストにコマンドサジェスチョンを加える。10レベル点で、君が発動する[言語依存]呪文に対するセーヴィング・スロー難易度を1増加させる。15レベルの点で、修得呪文リストにグレーター・コマンドマス・サジェスチョンを加える。

ヴァンピリズム/Vampirism --出典:Horror Realms 15ページ--:君は新鮮で暖かい血の味を切望する。君はアンデッドであるかのように正のエネルギーからダメージを受け、負のエネルギーから治癒を受ける。5レベル点で、エネルギー放出に対する抵抗+4を得る。10レベル点で、修得3レベルオラクル呪文リストヴァンピリック・タッチを加え、修得5レベルオラクル呪文リストアンデッド・アナトミーIIUMを加える。15レベルの点で、ダメージ減少 5/魔法を得る。

Wolfscarred Face/Wolfscarred Face --出典:Blood of Angels 26ページ--:Your face is deformed, as though you were born with a wolf ’s muzzle instead of an ordinary nose and jaw. Many mistake you for a werewolf, and in areas plagued by lycanthropes, you must take pains to hide your face. You have a severe speech impediment, and any spells you cast with a verbal component have a 20% chance of failing, wasting your action but not expending the spell. You gain a natural bite attack that deals 1d4 points of damage if you are a Medium creature or 1d3 points of damage if you are Small. At 5th level, you add magic fang to your list of known spells and your bite damage increases to 1d6 if you are Medium or 1d4 if you are Small. At 10th level, the damage dealt by your bite attack increases to 1d8 if you are Medium or 1d6 if you are Small. At 15th level, you add greater magic fang to your list of known spells and the damage dealt by your bite attack increases to 2d6 if you are Medium or 1d8 if you are Small.

Wrecker/Wrecker --出典:Blood of Fiends 26ページ--:The destructive power of the Abyss and its teeming hordes of demons seeps from your very pores and into your belongings and surroundings. Held objects gain the broken condition when you use or equip them but regain their actual condition if employed by anyone else. If a held item is restored to unbroken condition, it becomes broken again the following round. Disable Device becomes a class skill for you and you can make Disable Device checks to destroy nonmagical traps as a move action without the need to use tools or take any action beyond simply touching it. At 5th level, whenever you attempt to damage an object with a melee attack, reduce its hardness by an amount equal to your oracle level before determining the damage you deal with that attack. At 10th level, any attacks you make against objects and constructs automatically bypass any damage reduction they may possess except epic. At 15th level, whenever you are dealt damage by an attack with a manufactured weapon, you can require the weapon’s wielder to make a Reflex save(難易度 10 + 1/2 your oracle level + your Charisma modifier) to avoid having the weapon collapse into dust immediately after striking you(magical weapons receive an additional saving throw against this effect).

神秘破壊/Wrecking Mysticism --出典:Dirty Tactics Toolbox 23ページ--:信仰の実体は、君の強さを侵食する妖術のの源で君を祝福し、君に響を与える不調状態吐き気がする状態持続時間を50%増加させる。神秘呪文を得る、代わりにボーナス特技として《魔法の尾》Advanced Race Guide 193ページ)を得ることができる。この選択を行うと、変更することはできない。オラクルのアーキタイプによって与えられたボーナス呪文神秘呪文に置き換えたとしても、《魔法の尾》に置き換えることはできない。5レベル点で、修得呪文リストにマイナー・イメージヴェントリロキズムを加える。10レベル点で修得呪文リストにマジック・ジャーを加える。15レベルの点で、修得呪文リストにプロジェクト・イメージを加える。

神秘 Mystery

Dragon Dragon

出典 Legacy of Dragons 8ページ

Oracles who draw their power from the mysterious and primal might of dragons are usually solitary folk. They are deep thinkers and often quick of wit, but prideful and equally quick-tempered.

Upon selecting this mystery, the oracle must select an energy type(acid, cold, electricity, or fire) to be her associated element, which impacts several revelations.

神格Dahak、General Susumu、Nalinivati、Ragadahn、Shizuru.

クラス技能An oracle with the dragon mystery adds Fly, Intimidate, Perception, and Knowledge(arcana) to her list of class skills. She can take ranks in Fly even if she does not have a method of flying under her own power.

ボーナス呪文cause fear(2レベル)、resist energy(4レベル)、fly(6レベル)、fear(8レベル)、spell resistance(10レベル)、antimagic field(12レベル)、true seeing(14レベル)、form of the dragon III(16レベル)、overwhelming presence(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Dragon mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Breath Weapon(超常)Breath WeaponThe primal power of dragonkind seethes within you. You gain a breath weapon. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of damage of your energy type per 2 oracle levels you have(minimum 1d6; Reflex half ). The shape of the breath weapon is either a 30-foot cone or a 60- foot line, selected when choosing this revelation. You can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time at 5th level and one additional time per day for every 5 levels beyond 5th.

Draconic Resistance(変則)/Draconic Resistance:Like the great dragons, you are not easily harmed by common means of attack. You gain resistance 5 against your chosen energy type and a +1 natural armor bonus. At 9th level, your energy resistance increases to 10 and your natural armor bonus increases to +2. At 15th level, your energy resistance increases to 20 and your natural armor bonus increases to +4

Dragon Magic(擬呪)Dragon Magic:Your draconic power grants you a limited form of access to arcane magic. Select one spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list that is 2 levels lower than the highest-level spell you can cast, or two spells that are both at least 3 levels lower. You can cast each of the selected spells once per day as a spell-like ability. At 11th level, you can cast each selected spell twice per day.

Dragon Senses(変則)Dragon Senses:Your senses take on a keen draconic edge. You gain either darkvision with a range of 60 feet or low-light vision. At 5th level, you can select darkvision with a range of 60 feet or low-light vision if you do not yet have both, or you can add 60 feet to the range of your darkvision. At 11th level, you gain blindsense with a range of 30 feet. If you already have blindsense, you instead increase its range by 30 feet. At 15th level, you gain either the scent ability or a +4 bonus on Perception checks.

Form of the Dragon(超常)/Form of the DragonYour kinship with dragonkind allows you to take on the form of a dragon. As a standard action, you can assume the form of a Medium dragon, as per form of the dragon I. At 15th level, you can assume the form of a Large dragon, as per form of the dragon II. At 19th level, you can assume the form of a Huge dragon, as per form of the dragon III. You can use this ability once per day, but the duration is 10 minutes per oracle level. If you are at least 15th level and choose to have this ability function as per form of the dragon I, the duration is instead 1 hour per oracle level.

You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation. Rather than form of the dragon spells, you can choose for this revelation to act as form of the alien dragon I, II, and III(see page 29) or form of the exotic dragon I, II, and III(see page 30). This choice must be made when you first gain this revelation, and cannot be changed.

Presence of Dragons(超常)/Presence of Dragons:Those who would oppose you must overcome their fear of dragons or be struck with terror at your draconic majesty. As a swift action, you can manifest an aura of draconic might around yourself. Enemies within 30 feet who can see you when you activate this ability must attempt a Will save. Success means that the creature is immune to this ability for the following 24 hours. On a failed save, the opponent is shaken for 2d6 rounds. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. You can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels beyond 5th.

Scaled Toughness(超常)/Scaled Toughness:You can manifest the scaly toughness of dragonkind. Once per day as a swift action, you can harden your skin, giving it a scaly appearance and granting you ダメージ減少 10/magic. During this time, you are also immune to paralysis and sleep effects. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. At 13th level, you can use this ability twice per day. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Tail Swipe(変則)/Tail Swipe:You express your wrath through sweeps of a wicked tail. You can grow a scaly tail. This tail can be used only to make attacks of opportunity, but it allows you to make one additional attack of opportunity each round. This tail attack deals an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8(1d6 if you are Small) + your Strength modifier. At 10th level, you can attempt a free trip combat maneuver check against any creature damaged by your tail attack. This does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Talons of the Dragon(超常)/Talons of the DragonYou fight with the fearsome talons of dragonkind. You can grow claws as a free action. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to perform two claw attacks as a full attack action using your full base attack bonus. Each of these attacks deals an amount of slashing damage equal to 1d4(1d3 if you are Small) + your Strength modifier. At 5th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming ダメージ減少. At 7th level, the damage die increases by 1 step, to deal an amount of slashing damage equal to 1d6(1d4 if you are Small) + your Strength modifier. At 11th level, these claws deal an additional 1d6 points of damage of your chosen energy type on a successful hit. You can use your claws for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Wings of the Dragon(超常)/Wings of the DragonLike the great dragons, you can take to the skies and terrorize opponents from above. As a swift action, you can manifest leathery dragon wings that grant you a fly speed of 60 feet(clumsy maneuverability). At 10th level, your maneuverability increases to poor. You can use these wings for 1 minute per day for each oracle level you have. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. At 11th level you can use these wings for 10 minutes per day for each oracle level you have. At 15th level, you can use the wings indefinitely. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:Upon reaching 20th level, your draconic destiny unfolds. You gain immunity to paralysis, sleep, and damage of your energy type. You count as a dragon for the purposes of spells and magical effects. If you have the breath weapon revelation, you can use your breath weapon an unlimited number of times per day, though no more often than once every 1d4+1 rounds.

元素 Elemental

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 28ページ






渦巻くの舞(変則)/Dance of Whirling Water:あなたはの優雅さと強さをもって場を踊り、を絡めて敵を一掃し、投げ飛ばす。〈軽業〉判定で敵のマス移動することに成功陶うと、次のターン開始までそのクリーチャーに対する足払い戦技オラクルレベルの半分(最小+1)に等しいボーナスを得る。11レベルの点で、ボーナス特技として《大旋風》を得、《大旋風》によって与えられた攻撃の代わりに突き飛ばし戦技を行うことができる。このように突き飛ばした敵と一緒に移動することはできない。

砂漠の蜃気楼(超常)/Desert Mirage:が敵の視界から君を覆い、戦闘で君の打撃を加熱させる。君は即行アクションとして熱気で身を包み、視認困難を得ることができる(ブラー呪文として)。7レベル点で、この能を使用している間、近接攻撃はそれぞれ追加の2ポイントの[ダメージを与える。この能は、オラクルレベルごとに1日1分間使用できる。この持続時間は連続している必要はないが、1分単位で使用しなければならない。この啓示を選択するためには少なくとも3レベルでなければならない。

元素の庇護(超常)Elemental Aegis:この啓示を得る元素1つを選択する:。この元素で作られた包み込むような保護を召喚することができる。これにより、アーマー・クラスに+4の鎧ボーナスを得る(これは、体を覆う気の固い猛攻、皮膚を覆う岩のプレートなどとして現れる)。7レベル以降4レベル毎に、このボーナスは2ずつ増加する。この鎧は、オラクルレベル毎に1日1時間使用できる。この持続時間は連続している必要はないが、1時間単位で使用しなければならない。


元素の味方(超常)Elemental Allies:基本元素と結びついている存在は、君が助けを求めるとき、君の呼びかけをはっきりと聞くことができる。サモン・モンスター呪文を発動して、(風)(地)(火)(水)の副種別を持つエレメンタル招来する場合、1ラウンド発動時間ではなく1標準アクションとして発動することができる。この能は、オラクルレベルに等しい回数だけ1日に何度でも使用できる。この啓示を選択するためには少なくとも7レベルでなければならない。

エレメンタルへのエネルギー放出(超常)Elemental Channeling:君はエレメンタルの存在を治癒し、害することができる。ボーナス特技として《エレメンタルへのエネルギー放出》(エア、アース、ファイアー、ウォーターを選択する)を得る。オラクルレベルに等しいクレリックとして、クレリックエネルギー放出を得るが、《エレメンタルへのエネルギー放出》としてのみ使用する。この効果難易度は、10+オラクルレベルの半分+【魅力】修正値である。5、10、15レベルの点で、ボーナス特技として残りの元素の副種別の1つに対する《エレメンタルへのエネルギー放出》を得る。《エネルギー放出強化》など他の特技をこの能に追加することはできるが、《来訪者へのエネルギー放出》などこの能を変更する特技は使用できない。この啓示効果エネルギー放出を与える他のクラス・レベルとは累積しない。

元素抵抗(変則)Elemental Resistance:元素界は、敵対的なエネルギーに対して君の体を包み込み弱体化させる。 君は[強]、[氷]、[雷撃]、[]に対する抵抗2を得る(これは君が持っているその種別の他の抵抗累積する)。この抵抗は、7レベルで5、11レベルで10、17レベルで20に増加する。

流れるようなステップ(変則または超常)/Flowing Step:の飢えとの流れは、君に迅速さと優雅さを与え、息を呑むような的と優雅さで移動する。基本移動速度を10フィート増加させることができる。7レベル点で、この能を使用している間、〈軽業〉を使用して、機会攻撃間合い内のマスや他のクリーチャーマスを、難易度を10増加させることなく全移動速度移動することができる。11レベルの点で、この能を使っている間、ウォーター・ウォークを使用しているかのように液体の上を歩くことができ、溶岩、マグマ、および同様に熱せられた近接したことによるダメージ完全耐性を持つ(ただし浸はしない)。この能は、1日にオラクルレベル毎に1時間使用できる。この時間は連続している必要はないが、1時間単位で使用しなければならない。足萎えオラクルの呪いを持つオラクルはこの掲示を選択できない。

再鍛錬の武器(超常)/Reforged Arms:鍛冶屋のは土の鉱を有用な金属に変えるが、同じように武器を研ぐことができる。標準アクションとして、金属製または石製武器接触し、それが高品質または魔法の武器ではない場合に、同等の高品質相当の武器に変化させることができる。3レベル点で、その武器錬金術銀冷たい鉄(この能を発動する際に君が選択する)でできているかのように使用してダメージ減少を克服することができる。7レベル、15レベル、19レベルのとき、武器累積する+1強化ボーナスを得るが、このボーナスはその武器がすでに持っている強化ボーナス累積しない。11レベルでは、その武器錬金術銀冷たい鉄ではなくアダマンティンでできているかのように用いることができる。この効果オラクルレベル毎に1分間持続し、この能を1日に3+【魅力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用できる。

渦巻く土壌(超常)/Roiling Soil:を自在に操り、場を自分の有利になるように形を変化させ、自分と味方に有利に、敵対する者に不利になるように変化させる。2オラクルレベルにつき5フィート以内の地面は予測不可能な動きをし、水中でこの能を使用すると、周囲のが揺れ動く。この範囲は君と共に移動し、君と味方はその渦巻く形の響を受けない。他のクリーチャーは、難易度10の〈軽業〉判定に成功すると、この範囲内を半分の移動速度移動できる。失敗するとそのラウンドの間移動を停止し、5以上の失敗で伏せ状態となる; 水中の場合、クリーチャー伏せ状態となる代わりにバランスを崩したときの効果を得る(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 433ページ)。この効果は君のオラクルレベルに等しいラウンド数だけ持続し、君はこの能を1日に3+【魅力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用することができる。

一掃する衝撃(変則)/Sweeping Impact:風の元素界から引き寄せの轟音で、大と敵の荒を揺さぶることができる。突撃の一部として突き飛ばしを行う場合、目標を少なくとも5フィート押しやると、フリー・アクションとしてそのクリーチャー足払い戦技を試みることができる。この判定に10以上の差で失敗しても、足払いされることはない。7レベル点で、自身より2段階サイズが大きいクリーチャー突き飛ばしまたは足払いすることができる。7レベル以降4レベル毎に、さらに1段階サイズが大きいクリーチャー突き飛ばしまたは足払いすることができるようになる。

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:20レベルに達すると、君の体は内部のエレメンタルシフトを受け、元素界との生きた導管になる。外観は同じであるが、特定の容上の元素の特性(くすぶっている髪や小のような肌など)を帯びることがある。クリティカル・ヒット急所攻撃などの精密さに基づくダメージ完全耐性を持つ。呼吸したり、食べたり、寝たりする必要はもはやない。

Godclaw Godclaw

出典 Path of the Hellknight 26ページ

Many Godclaw signifers are oracles who embrace the unique Godclaw mystery. Oracles with the Godclaw mystery often take the clouded vision or legalistic curses(Pathfinder Player Companion Blood of Fiends 26).

神格Abadar, Asmodeus, Iomedae, Irori, Torag.

クラス技能An oracle with the Godclaw mystery adds Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge(local), and Perception to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文cause fear(2レベル)、daze monster(4レベル)、hold person(6レベル)、order's wrath(8レベル)、break enchantment(10レベル)、forceful hand(12レベル)、dictum(14レベル)、shield of law(16レベル)、imprisonment(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Godclaw mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Abadar’s Boon(擬呪)/Abadar’s Boon:You can spend 1 minute meditating on and communing with a masterwork object of any type. At the end of this time, you can speak with that item. This functions as per stone tell, except that it works with masterwork goods, and the item cannot tell you what it covers or conceals if that question is not applicable to it. You can speak with items in this way for a number of minutes equal to your oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

Asmodeus’s Boon(擬呪)/Asmodeus’s Boon:Whenever a creature fails a saving throw and takes damage from one of your spells, it is shaken for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level. Spells that do not allow saves do not cause creatures to become shaken. This does not stack with other fear effects.

Armored Mind(超常)/Armored Mind:While you are wearing Hellknight plateISWG or a signifer mask(see page 63), you gain a +2 bonus on Will saving throws to resist mind-affecting effects. Once per day at 7th level, you can reroll a Will saving throw against a mind-affecting effect and choose the more favorable result. At 11th level, the bonus on Will saving throws increases to +4.

Might of the Godclaw(超常)/Might of the GodclawYou gain Deific Obedience(Pathfinder Campaign Setting Inner Sea Gods 210) as a bonus feat, even if you don’t meet its prerequisites. When you gain the feat, choose one Godclaw deity; you can perform that deity’s daily obedience to gain its benefits. Whenever you would gain one of your deity’s boons, you can instead gain the benefits of another Godclaw deity’s obedience. You can choose to gain the benefits of a maximum of four Godclaw deities’ obediences if you choose to forgo all three of your god’s boons. You never need to spend more than 1 hour per day to perform your obedience. You must be at least 3rd level to select this revelation.

Instant Armor(超常)/Instant Armor:Choose one type of heavy armor. You gain proficiency in that armor. At 3rd level, twice per day as an immediate action, you can instantly don or remove a suit of your chosen armor that you touch, causing it to teleport onto or off of your body. At 11th level, you can spend 1 minute placing a suit of your chosen armor into an extradimensional space. You can use this ability to immediately don or remove that armor, calling it from or removing it to that extradimensional space. While in the extradimensional space, the armor regains 1 hit point per hour when damaged.

Iomedae’s Boon(超常)/Iomedae’s Boon:As a move action, you can call upon your deities to grant you courage. You gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and Will saving throws against fear effects for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma bonus. At 7th level, this bonus increases to +2, and at 14th level this bonus increases to +3. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter.

Iron Order(擬呪)/Iron Order:Once per day, you can issue an order as per suggestion. Any creature of chaotic alignment has difficulty defying your command, taking a –4 penalty on its saving throw to resist it. At 15th level, your command function as per mass suggestion. If you are wearing Hellknight plate or a signifer mask, your command’s target takes an additional –2 penalty on its saving throw to resist the order(regardless of the target’s alignment; this stacks with the penalty chaotic creatures take). You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Irori’s Boon(超常)/Irori’s Boon:Once per day as an immediate action, whenever you fail a saving throw that causes you to become blinded, deafened, frightened, panicked, paralyzed, shaken, or stunned, you can attempt that saving throw again with a +4 insight bonus on the roll. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. At 7th and 15th level, you can use this ability one additional time per day.

Resiliency(変則)/Resiliency:Once per day, when you are brought below 0 hit points but not killed, you can act is if you are disabled for 1 round. At the end of your next turn, unless you are brought to above 0 hit points, you immediately fall unconscious and begin dying. At 7th level, you gain Diehard as a bonus feat, even if you do not meet the prerequisite. At 15th level, three times per day, if you are disabled and take a standard action(or any otherwise strenuous action), you avoid taking 1 point of damage if you succeed at a 難易度 15 Fortitude saving throw.

Torag’s Boon(超常)/Torag’s Boon:As a standard action, you can call upon Torag’s protection to form a shield around you that blocks incoming attacks for a number of minutes equal to 1/2 your oracle level(minimum 1). The shield grants a +4 deflection bonus to your Armor Class. At 7th level, and again at 11th level and 15th level, this bonus increases by +1. At 19th level, the shield also grants you ダメージ減少 2/chaos. The shield’s duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:Upon reaching 20th level, you can cast detect chaos, detect law, and discern lies at will as spell-like abilities, using your oracle level as your caster level. You no longer take armor check penalties for wearing armor, and your armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 5. Once per day, you can cast crushing hand as a spell-like ability without requiring a focus component, treating your oracle level as your caster level. This hand manifests as a massive, spiked gauntlet.

Juju Juju

出典 Faiths and Philosophies 14ページ、Pathfinder #39:The City of Seven Spears 68ページ


クラス技能An oracle with the juju mystery adds Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge(nature), Perform(oratory), and Survival to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文speak with animals(2レベル)、hideous laughter(4レベル)、fear(6レベル)、charm monster(8レベル)、mass suggestion(10レベル)、contact other plane(as a 6th-level spell)(12レベル)、summon nature's ally VII(14レベル)、mass charm monster(16レベル)、shapechange(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Juju mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Beast Tongue(変則)/Beast Tongue:You can communicate with a single type of animal(birds, cats, snakes, fish, and so on) as if you were constantly using speak with animals. Although this ability grants you the ability to converse with such creatures, it grants you no special influence over them.

Connaissance(超常)/Connaissance:You can spend a full-round action to attune yourself to the spirit world, gaining the benefit of a moment of prescience spell with the insight bonus equal to one half your oracle level(minimum 1). You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier(minimum 1), but you may only have one connaissance effect active at a time.

Ensnare the Soul(超常)/Ensnare the Soul:Your magic turns others into zombie-like servants. Add charm person and dominate person to your spell list. Creatures affected by either spell become listless and pale, appearing dead to observers(難易度 20 Heal or Perception check to determine the creature is not undead). Affected creatures are slow to take any action unless you specifically direct them to do so. They are not mindless or helpless, however, and defend themselves if attacked.

Juju Senses(変則)Juju Senses:When casting detect magic and identify, you gain a +2 bonus on Knowledge(arcana) and Spellcraft checks to recognize auras and identify their properties. You also gain a +2 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks made against spirit creatures, such as outsiders, fey, and incorporeal undead. At 10th level, this bonus increases to +4.

Night Terror(超常)/Night Terror:You send your spirit to torment another being’s dreams. Once per day, you may target a creature with the effects of a nightmare spell. Instead of the spell’s normal damage, you make a full attack, using your Charisma modifier in place of your Strength modifier, against the victim’s touch アーマー・クラス. You deal 1d10 damage for each successful hit. You must be at least 11th level before selecting this revelation.

Path of the Snake(超常)/Path of the Snake:Once per day, as a standard action, you can become incorporeal. While in this form, you gain a +10 bonus on Stealth checks and can move in any direction and through any object(except for those made of force). You can take no action other than to move while in this form. You remain in this form for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level, but you can end this effect prematurely with a standard action. At 15th level, you can use this ability twice per day. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation.

Spiritual Defense(擬呪)/Spiritual Defense:Your chanting grants protection against your enemies. As a move action, you can begin chanting to gain the benefit of a protection spell(such as protection from evil) using your oracle level as your caster level. This protection lasts until you stop chanting or for the spell’s normal duration, whichever comes first. Chanting after the initial round of the effect is a free action, and you can incorporate verbal components and communication into the chant; magical silence ends a chant and its protection effect. At 6th level, you can chant aloud to create a magic circle effect(such as magic circle against evil). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Summon Nature's Spirits(擬呪)/Summon Nature's Spirits:Once per day, as a standard action, you may cast a summon monster spell of a level up to the highest level you can cast. You may only summon elementals in this manner, but are treated as having the Augment Summoning feat when you do so. You must be at least 5th level to select this revelation.

Unwilling Host(超常)/Unwilling Host:You command spirits to invade the bodies of your enemies. Once per day as a standard action you may target a number of creatures equal to your Charisma modifier within 100 feet, no two of which can be more than 30 feet apart. Targeted creatures must make a Will save or suffer the effects of a confusion spell as the spirits possess them and cause them to behave erratically for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:At 20th level, you become a master of the connections between the mortal world and the spirit world. Your knowledge enables you to gain incredible insight and control over others by manipulating spiritual energy. You gain an insight bonus equal to your Charisma modifier to your アーマー・クラス and on all saving throws and Knowledge checks. Additionally, once per day, you may cast extended dominate monster as a spell-like ability. With this ability, you may dominate a number of creatures equal to double your Charisma modifier.

Lunar Lunar

出典 Blood of the Moon 28ページ

神格Ashava, Desna, Groetus, Jezelda, Tsukiyo, Zon-Kuthon.

クラス技能An oracle with the lunar mystery adds Acrobatics, Knowledge(Nature), Perception, and Survival to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文fumbletongue(2レベル)、dust of twilight(4レベル)、rage(6レベル)、moonstruck(8レベル)、aspect of the wolf(10レベル)、litany of madness(12レベル)、lunar veil(14レベル)、blood mist(16レベル)、polar midnight(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Lunar mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Form of the Beast(超常)/Form of the Beast:As a standard action, you can assume the form of a Small or Medium animal, as beast shape I. At 9th level, you can assume the form of a Tiny or Large animal, as beast shape II. At 11th level, you can assume the form of a Diminutive or Huge animal or a Small or Medium magical beast, as beast shape III. At 13th level, you can assume the form of a Tiny or Large magical beast, as beast shape IV. You can use this ability once per day, but the duration is 1 hour/level. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Eye of the Moon(超常)/Eye of the Moon:Your connection to the moon makes you supernaturally perceptive. You gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet. At 11th level, as a standard action, you can focus on a specific object or area(the size of which can be no greater than a 10-foot-by-10-foot square) and see it as though with true seeing as long as the moon is shining on it. Moonless nights, cloudy skies, and shadows interfere with this ability.

Gift of Claw and Horn(超常)/Gift of Claw and Horn:As a swift action, you gain a natural weapon. The natural weapon lasts for a number of rounds equal to half your oracle level(minimum 1). You must choose a bite, claw, or gore attack. These attacks deal the normal damage for a creature of your size(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 302). At 5th level, your natural weapon gains a +1 enhancement bonus. This bonus increases by +1 at 10th, 15th, and 20th level. At 11th level, you gain two natural weapons at a time. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Mantle of Moonlight(超常)/Mantle of Moonlight:Your innate understanding of the moon renders you immune to the curse of lycanthropy. Additionally, you may disrupt a lycanthrope’s connection to the moon with a successful touch attack. This action automatically forces the lycanthrope into its humanoid form, in which it must remain for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. Upon reaching 5th level, you can use this ability to force others into a rage, as the spell. Using this ability is a melee touch attack. You can use this ability once per day at 5th level plus one additional time per day for every 5 levels above 5th.

Moonbeam(超常)/Moonbeam:You can fire a ray of moonlight as a ranged touch attack at any creature within 30 feet. This ray deals 1d6 points of damage + 1 for every 2 oracle levels you possess. In addition, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save or become blinded for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier(minimum 1).

Moonlight Bridge(超常)/Moonlight Bridge:You summon a bridge of moonlight. The 10-foot-wide span touches the ground at a point adjacent to you. It can extend from this point in any direction for 10 feet per oracle level. The path persists until you have crossed over the bridge or for 24 hours, whichever is shorter. You may summon a moonlight bridge a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus. Should the bridge be attacked, treat it as a wall of force.

Moonlit Script(超常)/Moonlit Script:Once per night while you sleep, your hands produce mysterious writing that pertains to the future. At 1st level, the prophetic writing manifests as an augury spell with 90% effectiveness. At 5th level, the writing takes the form of a divination with 90% effectiveness. At 8th level, the writing manifests as a casting of commune with no material component required.

Primal Companion(変則)/Primal Companion:You gain the service of a faithful animal of the night. You can select from a bear, boar, crocodile, shark, tiger, or wolf. This animal functions as a druid’s animal companion, using your oracle level as your effective druid level.

Prophetic Armor(変則)/Prophetic Armor:You are so in tune with your primal nature that your instincts often act to save you from danger that your civilized mind isn’t even aware of. You may use your Charisma modifier(instead of your Dexterity modifier) as part of your Armor Class and all Reflex saving throws. Your armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus applies to your Charisma, instead.

Touch of the Moon(超常)/Touch of the Moon:The exact effects of this revelation depend on whether you cast inflict or cure spells. If you cast inflict spells, these spells carry with them the taint of madness. Subjects who take damage from your inflict spells are also subject to confusion, as the spell, except the duration of this effect is a number of rounds equal to the level of the inflict spell. The save 難易度 against this effect is 10 + 1/2 your oracle level + your Charisma modifier. Alternatively, if you cast cure spells, these spells are potentially more effective but entirely in the target’s mind. Whenever you cast a cure spell, you can cast it as though it were enhanced with the Empower Spell metamagic feat by expending two spell slots, except these hit points are temporary. This does not increase the level of the spell. Hit points healed this way expire after a number of minutes equal to half your oracle level. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:Upon reaching 20th level, you become an avatar of the primal world—part humanoid, part beast. Once per day, you can transform into a lycanthrope of your choice for a number of hours equal to your Charisma modifier, gaining all the powers of a natural lycanthrope of that type, including the ability to change shape between human, animal, and hybrid form. In addition, you become immune to mind-affecting and language-dependent effects, as well as effects that specifically target only humanoids.

Occult Occult

出典 Occult Mysteries pg. 53、Pathfinder #71:Rasputin Must Die! 68ページ

You have an innate connection to the spirits of the dead.

神格Magdh, Nethys, Pharasma, Tsukiyo.

クラス技能An oracle with the occult mystery adds Bluff, Disguise, Knowledge(arcana), and Use Magic Device to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文unseen servant(2レベル)、spectral hand(4レベル)、clairaudience/clairvoyance(6レベル)、scrying(8レベル)、contact other plane(10レベル)、project image(12レベル)、vision(14レベル)、moment of prescience(16レベル)、astral projection(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Occult mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Automatic Writing(超常)/Automatic Writing:Once per day, you can spend a full hour in uninterrupted meditation. During this period, your hands produce mysterious writing that pertains to the future. At 1st level, the prophetic writing manifests as an augury spell with 90% effectiveness. At 5th level, the writing takes the form of a divination spell with 90% effectiveness. At 8th level, the writing manifests as a casting of commune with no material component required.

Brain Drain(超常)/Brain Drain:You can take a standard action to violently probe the mind of a single intelligent enemy within 100 feet. The target receives a Will save to negate the effect and immediately knows the source of this harmful mental prying. Those who fail this save are wracked with pain, and take 1d4 points of damage per oracle level you possess. After successfully attacking with this ability, you can use a full-round action to sort through the jumble of stolen thoughts and memories and then attempt a single Knowledge check using the victim’s skill bonus. The randomly stolen thoughts remain in your mind for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. Treat the knowledge gained as if you had used detect thoughts. This is a mind-affecting effect. You can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus 1 use per day at 5th level, and 1 use for every 5 levels beyond 5th.

Ectoplasmic Armor(超常)/Ectoplasmic Armor:You can conjure armor made of ectoplasm that grants you a +4 armor bonus to アーマー・クラス. In addition, this armor functions as if it had the ghost touch special ability. At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the armor bonus increases by 2. You can use this armor for 1 hour per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Phantom Touch(超常)/Phantom Touch:As a standard action, you can perform a melee touch attack that causes a living creature to become shaken. This ability lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your oracle level(minimum 1 round). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. At 5th level, the target instead becomes frightened, and at 7th level, the target becomes panicked.

Project Psyche(超常)/Project Psyche:You can project your psyche into another vessel. Once per day, you can possess another creature as if using the magic jar spell, though this does not require a receptacle. You must be adjacent to the target creature, which receives a Will save against the effect. You must be at least 11th level to choose this revelation.

Shroud of Retribution(超常)/Shroud of Retribution:As an immediate action, you can summon a shroud of spirits that reflects your attackers’ damage back onto them. Any creature that strikes you deals normal damage to you, but at the same time the attacker takes 1d8 points of force damage + 1 point per 2 caster levels you possess(maximum +10). This effect lasts until the end of your next turn. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 11th level and every 4 levels thereafter. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Spectral Spells(超常)/Spectral Spells:You gain Ectoplasmic SpellAPG as a bonus feat. In addition, once per day, you can cast a spell with the Ectoplasmic Spell metamagic feat as a standard action that does not increase the level of the spell. You can use this ability one additional time per day at 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

Spirit Walk(超常)/Spirit Walk:You can become incorporeal and invisible. While in this form, you can move in any direction and pass through solid objects. You can take no actions other than to move while in this form. You can remain in this form for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level, but you can end this effect prematurely as a standard action. You can use this ability once per day at 11th level and twice per day at 15th level. You must be at least 11th level to select this revelation.

Sure Soul(超常)/Sure Soul:Because of your experience with possessing spirits, you gain a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against possession effects such as magic jar, a ghost’s malevolence ability, or domination effects. At 7th level, this bonus also applies against death effects and mind-affecting effects. At 11th level, the bonus increases to +4.

Voice of the Grave(超常)/Voice of the Grave:You can use speak with dead, as the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to your oracle level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the dead creature takes a cumulative –2 penalty on its Will save to resist this effect.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:Upon reaching 20th level, you become one with the spirits. You become immune to death effects, exhaustion, fatigue, nausea, negative levels, and the sickened condition. You can cast astral projection and true seeing once per day as spell-like abilities without requiring material components. Should you die, you rise again 2d4 days later as a ghost.

Outer Rifts Outer Rifts

出典 Inner Sea Magic 31ページ

神格Iomedae, Groetus, Lamashtu, demon lords

クラス技能An oracle with the Outer Rifts mystery adds Fly, Intimidate, Knowledge(arcana), and Survival to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文endure elements(2レベル)、resist energy(4レベル)、vermin shape I6レベル)、confusion(8レベル)、lesser planar binding(10レベル)、planar binding(12レベル)、insanity(14レベル)、greater planar binding(16レベル)、imprisonment(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Outer Rifts mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Balefire(超常)/Balefire:You call upon the cleansing or searing fires of the Outer Rifts to burn your foes. As a standard action, one target within 30 feet is wreathed in screaming flames and takes 1d6 points of fire damage per level. A successful Ref lex save halves this damage. At 10th level, the fire’s howls cause any creatures damaged by it to be staggered for 1 round. At 15th level, creatures who fail their saves against the balefire are staggered for 1d4 rounds and stunned for 1 round. You can use this ability once per day plus one additional time per day at 10th level.

Demonhide(超常)/Demonhide:You alter your flesh to be as tough as a demon’s hide, granting you a +4 armor bonus. At 7th level, and every four levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +2. At 13th level, this armor also grants you ダメージ減少 5/cold iron. You can use this revelation for 1 hour per day per oracle level. The duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Dread Resilience(変則)/Dread Resilience:You have been hardened by exposure to the otherworldly energies of the Outer Rifts, and you just keep getting tougher. You gain a +1 inherent bonus to Constitution upon taking this revelation and another for every four oracle levels gained thereafter. You must be at least 9th level to select this revelation.

Planar Haze(超常)/Planar Haze:You can fill an area with the smoky miasma of the Outer Rifts. Once per day when you cast a spell that has an area, as a swift action you may also fill that area with a thick haze that acts as obscuring mist, except it originates at the center of your spell effect and cannot expand beyond the spell’s area. At 10th level, the haze functions as fog cloud. You may use this ability one additional time per day at 7th level, and one additional time per day at 14th level.

Planar Infusion(超常)/Planar Infusion:As a standard action once per day, you can cause a 20-foot-spread to gain either the mildly chaotic-aligned or mildly evil-aligned planar trait for a number of rounds equal to your oracle level. Lawful creatures in a chaotic-aligned area take a –2 circumstance penalty on all Charisma-based checks, as do good creatures in an evil-aligned area. At 11th level, the infusion makes the area strongly aligned, which causes the –2 circumstance penalty to apply on all Intelligence-, Wisdom-, and Charisma-based checks made by any creature that lacks the matching alignment component(these penalties stack with those from the lower-level effect). You must be chaotic or evil to select this revelation, and you can only infuse an area with an alignment that matches a component of your own alignment.

Rift Magic(超常)/Rift Magic:Your spells gain a +4 bonus on caster level checks made to overcome the spell resistance of chaotic outsiders and evil outsiders.

Rift Weapon(超常)/Rift Weapon:Your understanding of the powers that move through the Outer Rifts allows you to imbue weapons with the ability to penetrate the defenses of creatures native to other planes. Once per day as a standard action, you can touch one weapon(or a group of up to 20 similar pieces of ammunition) and give it the ability to penetrate ダメージ減少/cold iron for 1 minute per caster level. At 9th level, you can also grant the additional ability to bypass either ダメージ減少/good and ダメージ減少/law. You can use this ability an additional time per day for every 5 oracle levels you possess.

Telepathy(超常)/Telepathy:You can mentally communicate with any other creature within 100 feet that has a language, as per the telepathy power of demons and angels. You must be at least 11th level before selecting this revelation.

Unearthly Terrain(超常)/Unearthly Terrain:You can twist the material world into the harsh, jagged edges and uneven angles of the outer planes. As a standard action, you can turn one 20- foot square into difficult terrain for 1 round per level. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma bonus.

Wings of Terror(超常)/Wings of Terror:You can manifest a pair of enormous, batlike demon wings that grant you a fly speed of 60 feet with average maneuverability and a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks. At 10th level, your speed increases to 90 feet, your maneuverability increases to good, and the bonus increases to +8 on Intimidate checks. You can use these wings for 1 minute per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:At 20th level, you gain the ability to open rifts between planes. This allows you to use gate as a spell-like ability once per day. If you use this ability to call creatures, you still need to provide 10,000gp in offerings to secure the creature’s aid.

リーパー Reaper

出典 Pathfinder #139:The Dead Road 66ページ




ボーナス呪文チル・タッチ2レベル)、カーム・スピリット4レベル)、サンズ・オヴ・タイム6レベル)、パージ・スピリット8レベル)、スレイ・リヴィング(10レベル)、アンデス・トゥ・デス(12レベル)、ディストラクション(14レベル)、horrid withering(16レベル)、ウェイル・オヴ・ザ・バンシー(18レベル)


死の抱擁(超常)/Death's Embrace:前提条件を満たしていなくとも、ボーナス特技として《組みつき強化》を得る。組みつき戦技判定に成功したとき1ラウンドに1回、組みつき目標に1d6ポイントの負のエネルギー・ダメージを与えることができる。このダメージ5レベル点と以降5レベル毎に1d6ずつ増加し、20レベルで最大5d6となる。

霊障との交信(超常)/Haunt Channeler:オラクルレベル-2に等しい有効ミーディアムレベルを持つミーディアム霊障との交信クラス特徴を得る。この啓示を選択するためには少なくとも5レベルでなければならない。

モラル崩壊(超常)/Moral Crisis:標準アクションとして、君から30フィート以内のクリーチャー目標にし、その道徳的な失敗を思い出させることができる。目標意志セーヴに失敗するか、オラクルレベルに等しいラウンド数の間よろめき状態とならなければならない。目標はこの効果を終了するために各ターンの終了に新しいセーヴィング・スローを試みることができる。これは[精神作用、感情]効果である。

記憶抹消(擬呪)/Obliterate Memory:標準アクションとして、30フィート以内のクリーチャー目標とし、記憶を修正するように、目標が経験した出来事のすべての記憶を排除することができる。目標はこの効果無効化するために意志セーヴを試みることができる。加えて、この能によって消去された記憶の内容を、持っている本ののページに表示させることができる。この能は1日1回、と15レベルの点で追加の1日1回使用できる。この掲示を選択するためには少なくとも11レベルでなければならない。

ペイル・ホース(擬呪)/Pale Horse呪文としてファントム・スティード招来し、1日にオラクルレベルに等しい時間の間提供することができる。この持続時間は連続している必要はないが、1時間単位で使用しなければならない。この啓示を選択するためには、少なくとも5レベルでなければならない。

灰燼に帰す(超常)/Return to Dust:君は30フィート以内の物体あるいはアンデッドクリーチャーダメージを与えるために時間とエントロピーの容赦のない破壊を呼び出し、硬度ダメージ減少を無視して、2オラクルレベル毎に1d6ポイントのダメージを与える。アンデッドクリーチャーあるいは他のクリーチャーが所持している物体に対して使用された場合、アンデッドクリーチャーあるいは物体を所持している所持しているクリーチャーダメージ半減するために反応セーヴィング・スローを試みることができる。この能は1日に3+【魅力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用できる。

呪文体化(超常)/Spectral Spells:ボーナス特技として、《呪文越境化》を得る。加えて1日1回呪文レベルを増加することなく標準アクションとして《呪文越境化》呪文修正特技を使って呪文を発動することができる。この能7レベル以降4レベル毎に1日1回追加で使用できる。

体の接触(超常)/Spirit Touch:標準アクションとして、1つの武器接触し、【魅力】修正値に等しいラウンド数の間、ゴースト・タッチ特殊能力を与えることができる。11レベルの点で、この能を2回分使用して、ゴースト・タッチアンデッドベイン特殊能力を与えることができる。この能は1日に3+【魅力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用できる。

末期のオーラ(超常)/Terminal Aura:半径10フィートのオーラを得る。ヒット・ポイントが0未満であるが容態安定化しているクリーチャーは、意志セーヴに成功するか、ブリード呪文響を受けなければならない。このオーラ範囲内で瀕死状態クリーチャー意志セーヴに成功しない限り、容態安定化するための【耐久力】判定を受け取らないが、通常通り治癒することはできる。高速治癒あるいは再生を持つクリーチャーは毎ラウンド意志セーヴに成功するか、1ラウンドの間その能機能しなくなる。君はフリー・アクションとしてこのオーラを抑制し、再開することができる。この啓示を選択するためには、少なくとも11レベルでなければならない。

真の死(超常)/True Death:君の呪文やの負のエネルギーを与えるダメージによって殺害された者は、から蘇るのがより困難になる。レイズ・デッドあるいは類似の魔法を使用してそのようなクリーチャーから蘇らせようとする術者は、15+オラクルレベルに等しい難易度術者レベル判定に成功しなければならない。そうでないと、呪文は失敗し、物質構成要素は無駄になる。クリーチャーから蘇らせようとする前に、リムーヴ・カース難易度 = 10+オラクルレベル)の発動が成功すると、この効果は1分間の間抑制される。

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:20レベル点で、君は真のリーパーであり、誰も君の視界から逃れることはできない。クリティカル・ヒット自動的に確定し、クリーチャーとどめの一撃の試みに対して頑健セーヴ自動的に失敗する。加えて、非視覚的感知を持っているかのように、60フィート以内で生きているクリーチャーアンデッドクリーチャーを気づき、検知し、クベルすることができる。この感覚物体を検知することはできないが、クリーチャーではない生きている者に気がつくことはできる。

Shadow Shadow

出典 Blood of Shadows 12ページ

神格Groetus, Lao Shu Po, Tsukiyo, Zon-Kuthon.

クラス技能An oracle with this mystery adds Bluff, Disguise, Knowledge(dungeoneering), and Stealth to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文blurred movement(2レベル)、invisibility(4レベル)、deeper darkness(6レベル)、shadow step(8レベル)、vampiric shadow shield(10レベル)、shadow walk(12レベル)、mass invisibility(14レベル)、greater shadow evocation(16レベル)、shades(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Shadow mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Army of Darkness(超常)/Army of Darkness:Whenever you cast a summon monster spell and summon a creature that normally has the celestial or fiendish template, you can instead summon it with the shadow creature template(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 238). This revelation counts as having the Spell Focus(conjuration) feat for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of the Augment Summoning feat, as well as any feat that lists Augment Summoning as a prerequisite.

Cloak of Darkness(超常)/Cloak of Darkness:This ability functions as the dark tapestry mysteryUM revelation of the same name.

Dark Secrets(超常)/Dark Secrets:You learn the hidden secrets surrounding the casting of shadow spells. You can add a number of spells from the sorcerer/wizard spell list equal to your Charisma modifier(minimum 1, maximum equal to half your oracle level) to your spell list and your list of spells known as divine spells. These have a spell level equal to their sorcerer/wizard spell level. You can add only illusion spells from the shadow subschool or spells with the darkness descriptor to your list of spells known in this manner. Each time you gain an oracle level after taking this revelation, you can choose to replace one of these spells for a new appropriate spell on the sorcerer/wizard spell list.

Living Shadow(擬呪)/Living ShadowYour body dissolves, and you become a living shadow. This ability functions as gaseous form. At 14th level, this ability functions as shadow bodyOA instead, except you also gain ダメージ減少 10/magic and become immune to poison, sneak attacks, and critical hits as if also using gaseous form. You can use this ability a number of minutes per day equal to your oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. You must be at least 7th level to choose this revelation.

Pierce the Shadows(超常)/Pierce the Shadows:The shadows step aside from your baleful gaze, affording you sight in even the deepest darkness. You gain darkvision 60 feet. If you already have darkvision, increase your existing darkvision by 60 feet instead. At 11th level, you can see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even in absolute darkness or the darkness created by a deeper darkness spell.

Shadow Armament(超常)Shadow Armament:You can create a quasi-real simple or martial masterwork weapon appropriate for your current size. You are considered proficient with this weapon. The first time you hit a creature with this weapon, that creature can attempt a Will save to disbelieve; failure means the weapon deals damage normally, while success means the creature takes only 1 point of damage from the weapon’s attacks. The weapon deals only 1 point of damage to objects. At 3rd level, and again at 11th level and 19th level, the weapon gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus. At 7th level, the weapon gains either the frost or keen weapon special ability, chosen when the weapon is created. These abilities don’t function against a target that succeeds at its Will save. At 15th level, the weapon deals minimum damage(as if it had rolled a 1 on each of its damage dice) against targets that succeed at their saves instead of 1 point of damage. You can use this ability for a number of minutes per day equal to your oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. The weapon disappears after 1 round if it leaves your grasp.

Shadow Mastery(超常)Shadow Mastery:Whenever you cast an illusion spell from the shadow subschool, increase the strength of such spells by 1% per oracle level you have. You must be at least 7th level to choose this revelation.

Shadow Projection(超常)Shadow Projection:You infuse your life force and psyche into your shadow, causing it to separate from your body and act as an independent creature. This ability functions as shadow projectionAPG except as follows. Your shadow has the outsider type and the phantom subtype instead of the undead type. As a result, this ability does not have the evil descriptor and your shadow cannot be turned or affected as undead(though it can be affected as an outsider). You can use this ability for a number of hours per day equal to half your oracle level. These hours don’t need to be consecutive, but they must be spent in 1-hour increments. Your shadow’s hit points are not replenished between uses, although your shadow can be healed in the same manner as any other outsider. When this ability isn’t in use, any healing done to you also heals your shadow for an equal amount. You must be at least 7th level to choose this revelation.

Stealth Mastery(変則)/Stealth Mastery:You gain Skill Focus with the Stealth skill. At 8th level, you gain Signature SkillPU with the Stealth skill, even if you don’t meet the feat’s prerequisites. At 16th level, you gain the hide in plain sight shadowdancer class feature.

Wings of Darkness(Su):This ability functions as the dark tapestry mysteryUM revelation of the same name. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:Upon reaching 20th level, your body becomes permanently suffused with the essence of the Shadow Plane. You gain regeneration 5 while in dim light or darkness and immunity to cold, critical hits, and sneak attacks. Your regeneration is suppressed while in any level of illumination brighter than dim light. In addition, any spells you cast of the shadow subschool or with the darkness descriptor are automatically enlarged without affecting their spell level.

Solar Solar

出典 The Harrow Handbook 26ページ

Aimless wanderers and restless nomads, oracles of the solar mystery uncover meaning in the ever-changing positions of the sun and the stars in the sky.

神格Desna, Gozreh, Iomedae, Keltheald, Lalaci, Nurgal, Sarenrae, Ymeri.

クラス技能An oracle with this mystery adds Fly, Knowledge(geography), Linguistics, and Survival to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文faerie fire(2レベル)、flaming sphere(4レベル)、daylight(6レベル)、dimension door(8レベル)、planar adaptation(10レベル)、sirocco(12レベル)、sunbeam(14レベル)、sunburst(16レベル)、prismatic sphere(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Solar mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Astral Caravan(超常)Astral Caravan:As a full-round action, you can step into the planar border where the Astral Plane abuts the Material Plane, pulling up to one additional person per class level with you. You can’t travel fully into the Astral Plane or any of the other planes it borders, but while using this ability you can cover incredible distances, traversing 50 miles per hour, as per the shadow walk spell. You can travel for up to 1 hour per day per oracle level. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Blistered Caress(超常)/Blistered Caress:You can channel the hostile, unforgiving heat of the sun into your touch. This is a melee touch attack that deals 1d8 points of fire damage per 2 oracle levels(Fortitude half ). Against a plant creature, this touch heals or damages the creature(your choice) for 1d6 points of fire damage per oracle level. At 7th level, a creature that fails its save against this revelation becomes sickened for 1d4 hours in addition to taking fire damage. At 15th level, your touch is so intense that a creature that fails its save is also staggered for 1d6 rounds. You can use this ability once per day plus one additional time per day at 10th level.

Luminous Form(超常)/Luminous Form:You can transform your body into churning light, granting you the effects of blur and causing your body to shed light as a sunrod. At 7th level, creatures that end their turn adjacent to your luminous form become blinded for 1 round(Fortitude negates). At 13th level, creatures that end their turn adjacent to your luminous form are blinded for 1d4 rounds(Fortitude reduces to 1 round). At 18th level, your luminescence is as bright as natural sunlight, and creatures affected by natural sunlight are so affected if they end their turn adjacent to your luminous form. You can maintain your luminous form for up to 1 minute per day per oracle level; this duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. You can forgo the blur and blinding aspects of this ability to instead simply shed light as a torch, though this still counts against the ability’s duration for the day.

Many Roads(超常)/Many Roads:You gain an insight bonus on Fly and Survival checks equal to 1/2 your oracle level. Further, you learn to speak and read three languages in addition to those you already know.

Serpent in the Sun(超常)/Serpent in the Sun:So long as you are exposed to at least 4 hours of sunlight per day, you no longer need to eat to survive and you gain +2 bonus on saves against diseases. At 5th level, you become immune to nonmagical diseases and no longer need to drink water to survive. At 10th level, you become immune to magical diseases, gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against poisons, and only need to sleep half as long to rest or recover from fatigue or exhaustion. At 15th level, you become immune to poison and fatigue. You lose these benefits if you fail to spend at least 4 hours in sunlight in a 24-hour period.

Solar Wind(超常)Solar Wind:You can unleash a blast of searing wind at a single target within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack with no range increment. Your solar wind deals 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 for every 2 oracle levels you possess. At 7th level, you can also knock an opponent back, treating the blast as a bull rush combat maneuver that uses your caster level + your Charisma modifier in place of your 戦技ボーナス. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Starlight Agility/Starlight Agility:You gain Dodge as a bonus feat. At 8th level, you gain Wind Stance as a bonus feat. At 15th level, you gain Lightning Stance as a bonus feat. You do not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats.

Sun Stride/Sun Stride:You can travel between areas of natural sunlight as if by means of a dimension door spell. This ability does not function in areas of less than bright light, though it does work within the area of a daylight spell. At 5th level, you can sun stride up to 40 feet per day; this can be a single stride of 40 feet or four strides of 10 feet each. At 9th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the distance you can sun stride doubles(80 feet at 9th level, 160 feet at 13th level, and 32 feet at 17th level). This amount can be split among many strides, but each one, no matter how small, counts as a 10-foot increment. You must be at least 5th level to select this revelation.

Sungazer(擬呪)/Sungazer:You can study the sun and gaze upon any place its light touches. You can use clairaudience/clairvoyance as a spell-like ability, but only for visual observation and you can only place your sensor in places currently being touched by sunlight. At 10th level, you can instead use scrying to observe any area touched by sunlight. At 15th level, you can use greater scrying instead. You must be at least 5th level to select this revelation. You can sungaze for 1 minute per day per oracle level; the duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

Torch Touch(超常)Torch Touch:As a move action, you can alter the amount of light shed by any nonmagical light source within 60 feet so that its light radius is either halved or doubled. At 1st level, you can affect light sources up to the size of a torch. At 7th level, you can affect any Medium or smaller nonmagical light source(such as a campfire). At 14th level, you can affect Large or smaller nonmagical light sources(such as bonfires) and magical light sources up to the size of an everburning torch. If a creature is holding the light source you are trying to affect, the creature can attempt a Reflex save to avoid the effect.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:At 20th level, yours becomes a journey without end. You cease aging, no longer suffer age-related penalties to ability scores, and cannot be magically aged. Any spells you cast of the conjuration(teleport) subschool or with the fire or light descriptor are automatically enlarged without affecting their spell level.

Spellscar Spellscar

出典 Inner Sea Magic 30ページ
The spellscar oracle does not gain access to the eldritch scar, primal mastery or trigger primal magic event revelations

神格Gozreh, Lamashtu, Nethys, Zyphus

クラス技能An oracle with the spellscar mystery adds Knowledge(arcana), Knowledge(nature), Survival, and Use Magic Device to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文ray of enfeeblement(2レベル)、obscure object(4レベル)、dispel magic(6レベル)、lesser globe of invulnerability(8レベル)、break enchantment(10レベル)、antimagic field(12レベル)、spell turning(14レベル)、spellscar(16レベル)、mage’s disjunction(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Spellscar mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Animate Primal Forces(超常)/Animate Primal Forces:As a standard action, you can summon a single Small air, earth, fire, or water elemental to serve you. It remains for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier. At 7th level, you can summon a Medium elemental. At 9th level, you can summon a Large elemental. You can use this ability once per day plus one additional time per day at 10th level. You must be at least 3rd level to select this revelation.

Eldritch Bolt(超常)/Eldritch BoltYou can damage foes with a bolt of raw magical energy. Make a ranged touch attack against any foe within 30 feet. On a hit, you deal 1d8 points of force damage, +1 point of damage per two oracle levels. At 10th level, the bolt’s range increases to 60 feet. You may use this revelation a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Eldritch Resistance(超常)/Eldritch Resistance:You gain resistance 2 to acid, cold, electricity, fire, and sonic. This resistance increases to 5 at 5th level, 10 at 11th level, and 20 at 17th level.

Eldritch Scar(超常)/Eldritch Scar:Once per day when you damage a creature with a spell you cast, you may, as a swift action, cause your magic to leave an eldritch scar upon that creature. An eldritch scar appears as a normal scar, save that it flickers with faint radiance of a color of your choice. The next time that creature casts a spell, uses a spell-like ability, or activates a magic item, it triggers a primal magic event(see page 13) of a 脅威度 equal to your caster level. This causes the eldritch scar to vanish. A creature can be marked by only one eldritch scar at a time(a more powerful one replaces a weaker one). An eldritch scar fades automatically after 24 hours. It can be removed before that point via any effect capable of removing a curse(the curse’s level equals your caster level), but if an attempt to remove an eldritch scar fails, that attempt triggers a primal magic event—an event triggered this way does not cause the eldritch scar to fade. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Magic Penetration(変則)/Magic Penetration:You gain a +2 bonus on any caster level check made to dispel or remove a magic effect(such as when using the dispel magic or remove curse spell). If you are 9th level or higher, the bonus increases to +4.

Mystic Null(変則)/Mystic Null:You gain a +2 insight bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities. At 7th level, this bonus also applies on saves against supernatural abilities. At 11th level, the bonus increases to +4.

Primal Manipulation(超常)/Primal Manipulation:Whenever you cast a spell that deals acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage, you may change it to deal one of the other listed damage types. You may use this ability once per day, plus one additional time for every 5 levels. At 15th level, you can change a spell to deal sonic damage, though the damage is halved. At 20th level, you can change a spell to deal force damage, though the damage is halved. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Primal Mastery(超常)/Primal Mastery:Whenever a spell you cast triggers a primal magic event(see page 13), or whenever you use a rod of wonder, roll d% twice when generating the result. You may pick which of the two results actually occurs. You gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws made to resist primal magic events or magical effects caused by a rod of wonder.

Trigger Primal Magic Event(超常)/Trigger Primal Magic Event:Once per day as an immediate action, you can cause a spellcaster(including yourself ) within 30 feet to trigger a primal magic event as the spell is being cast. At 13th level, you can cause any creature in the act of activating a magic item to trigger a primal magic event(see page 13). At 17th level, you can use this ability twice per day. A spellcaster can make a concentration check(難易度 = 15 + twice the spell’s level) to focus the magic and avoid triggering a primal magic effect, but non-spellcasters activating magic items have no such option. You must be at least 9th level before selecting this revelation.

Spell Resistance(変則)/Spell Resistance:You gain 呪文抵抗 equal to your oracle level + 5. You must be at least 11th level before selecting this revelation.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:At 20th level, you become a master of primal magic. Whenever you cast a spell, you can choose to trigger a primal magic event in addition to casting the spell itself—you can use this ability once per minute. If your spellcasting causes a primal magic event to occur, your spell effect is not replaced by the primal magic event—it takes place normally, along with the event itself.

Streets Streets

出典 Heroes of the Streets 20ページ

神格Cayden Cailean, Milani, Norgorber.

クラス技能An oracle with the streets mystery adds Bluff, Knowledge(local), Perception, and Stealth to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文disguise self(2レベル)、detect thoughts(4レベル)、glyph of warding(6レベル)、illusory wall(8レベル)、false vision(10レベル)、getaway(12レベル)、screen(14レベル)、mage's magnificent mansion(16レベル)、clone(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Streets mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

The City Provides(変則)/The City Provides:Once per day as a full-round action when in an urban environment, you can scrounge up any nonmagical item of your choosing with a value of up to 10gp per oracle level. You cannot obtain coins or trade goods, and the item is too tattered to resell(though fully functional). If you scrounge a new item, any item previously obtained in this way becomes useless.

Eyes of the Streets(超常)/Eyes of the StreetsOnce per day as a full-round action, you can summon a spirit rat, pigeon, or similar tiny creature to serve as your eyes on, above, and beneath the streets—this spirit serves as an arcane eye. At 10th level, you can summon multiple such spirits; this ability functions as prying eyes. At 15th level, this ability functions as greater prying eyes.

Face in the Crowd(変則)/Face in the Crowd:You gain a +4 bonus on Stealth checks, and can attempt a Stealth check in a crowd even while being observed.

Keep to the Corners(超常)/Keep to the Corners:Once per day when you fail a Reflex saving throw, you can reroll the saving throw with a +4 insight bonus. You must take the second result, even if it is worse. At 7th level and 15th level, you can use this ability one additional time per day.

Knife in the Dark(変則)/Knife in the Dark:As a standard action, you can make a sneak attack as if you were a rogue of your oracle level. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and for every 5 levels thereafter.

Nooks and Crannies(変則)/Nooks and Crannies:You can move through any sort of obstacle or difficult terrain in an urban environment(including crowds) at your normal speed and without taking damage or suffering any other impairment. Areas that are enchanted or magically manipulated to impede motion still affect you.

Secrets of City(超常)/Secrets of City:Once per day when you cast a divination spell affecting creatures or areas in urban environments, you can double the spell’s range. At 7th level and 15th level, you can use this ability one additional time per day.

Shroud of the City(擬呪)/Shroud of the City:You can melt into the streets and alleys. You can cast veil once per day, but can affect only yourself and one willing ally per oracle level within 30 feet. You can make the targets appear only as typical members of a settlement with which you are familiar, and can’t match the appearance of specific creatures. At 7th level and 15th level, you can use this ability one additional time per day.

The Streets Are Your Friend(変則)/The Streets Are Your Friend:As long as you are in an urban environment, you can call upon the city to help an ally within 30 feet succeed at a task. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as you concentrate. This bonus increases to +3 at 9th level, and to +4 at 15th level.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:Upon reaching 20th level, you become an avatar of the city. When you speak the name of a creature and a city out loud, you know whether that creature is in that city. You can also learn about any settlement you are in at will; this functions as commune with nature, operating only in towns and settlements rather than natural terrain.

Succor Succor

出典 Healer's Handbook 20ページ

神格Milani, Pharasma, Qi Zhong, Sarenrae

クラス技能An oracle with the succor mystery adds Handle Animal, Knowledge(nature), and Survival to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文ray of enfeeblement(2レベル)、shield of fortificationACG(4レベル)、coordinated effortAPG(6レベル)、greater shield of fortificationACG(8レベル)、stoneskin(10レベル)、greater heroism(12レベル)、expendAPG(14レベル)、greater spellcrashACG(16レベル)、wall of suppressionAPG(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Succor mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Combat Healer(超常)/Combat Healer:As per the battle mystery revelation of the same name(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 45).

Curse of Dampening(超常)/Curse of Dampening:You diminish one target within 30 feet as a standard action, making its attacks weaker. Whenever the target would roll to deal damage with an attack or spell, it deals the minimum amount of damage. This curse lasts for 1 round per 2 oracle levels you have(minimum 1). A successful Will saving throw negates this effect. This is a mind-affecting curse effect. You can use this revelation once per day, plus one additional time at 11th level and 15th level. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation.

Enhanced Cures(超常)/Enhanced Cures:As per the life oracle mystery revelation of the same name(Advanced Player’s Guide 49).

Enhanced Inflictions(超常)/Enhanced Inflictions:You recognize that harming your enemies is sometimes the only way to help your allies, and so your wrath is particularly fierce. Whenever you cast an inflict spell(a spell with the word “inflict” in the name), the maximum amount of damage dealt by the spell is based on your oracle level, not the limit based on the spell. For example, an 11th-level oracle of succor with this revelation can cast inflict light wounds to deal 1d8+11 points of damage instead of the normal 1d8+5 maximum.

Perfect Aid(変則)/Perfect Aid:You can effortlessly give aid to your allies, whether that means providing them with help attacking or defending them in the heat of combat. You gain BodyguardAPG as a bonus feat, and whenever you use the aid another action to provide a bonus on attack rolls or to アーマー・クラス to one of your allies, the bonus you provide increases by 1. This bonus increases by 1 at 4th level and every 5 oracle levels thereafter(to a maximum of +5 at 19th level). It doesn’t stack with other feats or class features that improve the bonus you provide when using the aid another action. This revelation also counts as the Combat Expertise feat, but only for the purpose of meeting the prerequisites of the Swift AidAPG feat and any feat that lists Swift Aid as a prerequisite.

Pitiful Foe(超常)/Pitiful Foe:You can temporarily curse one target within 30 feet as a standard action, making it pitiful and ineffective in battle. While this ability is in effect, the target is never considered to be threatening you or your allies, even if it is armed and you or your allies are standing in a square into which it can make a melee attack. If the target rolls a natural 20 on an attack roll or saving throw, the attack or saving throw is not an automatic success(as would be normal) and whether it is successful is instead determined normally. Additionally, the target automatically fails all rolls to confirm critical hits. This curse lasts for 1 round per 2 oracle levels you have(minimum 1). A successful Will saving throw negates this effect. This is a mind-affecting curse effect. You can use this revelation once per day, plus one additional time at 7th and 15th levels.

Shell of Succor(超常)/Shell of SuccorYou can surround an ally with bolstering energies that supplement its health and grant it extra vigor. With a touch from you(a standard action), one creature gains a ward of restorative energy, granting it a number of temporary hit points equal to your Charisma bonus + 1d6 per 2 oracle levels you have(maximum 10d6). These temporary hit points last 1 minute per oracle level you have.

The target always loses these temporary hit points first, even before other temporary hit points(including those from, for example, the purify body spell on page 9 or a kineticist’s force ward defense wild talent). If an attack deals fewer points of damage than the target has as temporary hit points from shell of succor, it still reduces those temporary hit points but otherwise counts as a miss for the purpose of abilities that trigger on a hit or a miss.

You can use this revelation once per day, plus one additional time at 11th and 19th levels. You must be at least 3rd level before selecting this revelation.

Soul Siphon(超常)/Soul Siphon:As per the bones oracle mystery revelation of the same name(Advanced Player’s Guide 46).

Spirit Boost(超常)/Spirit Boost:As per the life oracle mystery revelation of the same name(Advanced Player’s Guide 49).

Teamwork Mastery(変則擬呪)/Teamwork Mastery:You are an immaculate team player and can distribute your team-based insights to your allies with a touch. This revelation grants you a bonus teamwork feat. You must meet the teamwork feat’s prerequisites, if any. Additionally, you can touch an ally as a standard action to confer upon it the benefits of any one teamwork feat that you have. This effect persists for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your oracle level(minimum 1). You can confer the benefits of a teamwork feat you have a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:You become a beacon of aid and assistance to your allies and those you deem worthy of receiving your succoring magical benefits. You can apply any one of the following metamagic feats to any spell you cast that targets one or more of your allies without increasing the level or casting time:Enlarge Spell, Extend Spell, Silent Spell, or Still Spell. You do not need to have these feats to use this ability, and you can use this ability any number of times per day on any spell that can be affected by the listed metamagic feats.

Volcano Volcano

出典 Pathfinder #95:Anvil of Fire 72ページ

神格Flauros, Mhar, Rovagug, Valani, Yamatsumi, Ymeri.

クラス技能An oracle with the volcano mystery adds Climb, Intimidate, Knowledge(geography), and Survival to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文burning hands(2レベル)、heat metal(4レベル)、protection from energy(6レベル)、volcanic storm(8レベル)、geyser(10レベル)、contagious flame(12レベル)、fire storm(14レベル)、wall of lava(16レベル)、meteor swarm(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Volcano mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Ash Cloud(超常)/Ash Cloud:As a standard action, you can surround yourself with a 10-foot-radius cloud of ash, which functions as an obscuring mist spell, except you can see through it clearly. The cloud is stationary, and remains for 1 round per oracle level. Using this ability again causes your previous cloud to fall to the ground. At 7th level, your ash cloud fills with embers. All creatures in the cloud except you take 1d6 points of fire damage per round and must succeed at Fortitude saves to avoid choking, as though they were breathing in heavy smoke(Core Rulebook 444).

Breath of Creation(変則)/Breath of Creation:Volcanic vapors elevate your mind even as they ravage your body. When you take Constitution damage from volcanic gases, you gain a bonus to your Charisma equal to the damage taken. This bonus lasts for 1 hour or until the ability damage is healed. The maximum bonus to your Charisma is +2, increasing to +4 at 10th level, and to +6 at 15th level.

Burning Magic(超常)/Burning Magic:Whenever a creature fails a saving throw against one of your spells that deals fire damage, that creature catches on fire, taking 1 point of fire damage per spell level at the beginning of its turn. The fire lasts for 1d4 rounds, but it can be extinguished as a move action if the creature succeeds at a Reflex save(using the original spell’s 難易度). Dousing the creature with water as a standard action grants a +2 bonus on this save, while immersing the creature in water extinguishes the fire. Spells that don’t grant a saving throw don’t cause a creature to catch on fire.

Cleansing Flames(超常)/Cleansing Flames:As a swift action, you can take 1d4 points of damage per oracle level to gain a new saving throw against a single ongoing effect. The effect must be one for which you already failed a saving throw. If you succeed, the effect is removed. At 7th and 15th levels, you can use this ability one additional time per day.

Erupt(超常)/Erupt:As a swift action, you cause flaming shards of rock to erupt from your body. These shards deal 1d6 points of damage per 2 oracle levels(minimum 1d6) to all creatures in a 10-foot-radius burst(Reflex half ). Half of this damage is fire damage and the other half is piercing damage. The shards create difficult terrain for 1 round. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.

Fiery Conduit(超常)/Fiery Conduit:You can deliver touch spells to burning creatures within 30 feet without actually touching them. For the purposes of this ability, burning creatures include creatures that have caught on fire, creatures taking ongoing fire damage, and creatures with the fire subtype or that are polymorphed into such creatures. You must succeed at a ranged touch attack to affect an unwilling target.

Lava Walk(超常)/Lava Walk:You can walk across lava, magma, and similarly heated stone at your normal movement speed. You are immune to any fire damage caused by the surface while you walk above it, even if it radiates damage at a distance. While using lava walk, you never slip or fall from poor or slippery footing. You can use lava walk for 1 minute per day per oracle level. This duration doesn’t need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. You must be at least 3rd level to select this revelation.

Magma Form(超常)/Magma Form:As a standard action, you can assume the form of a Small magma elemental, as elemental body I. You gain the same abilities as if you had chosen an earth elemental’s form, except your earth glide functions as the earth glide ability of a magma elemental. At 9th level, you can assume the form of a Medium magma elemental, as elemental body II. At 11th level, you can assume the form a Large magma elemental, as elemental body III. At 13th level, you can assume the form of a Huge magma elemental, as elemental body IV. You can use this ability once per day, but the duration is 1 hour per oracle level. You must be at least 7th level to choose this revelation.

Pyroclastic Shove(超常)/Pyroclastic Shove:As a standard action, you conjure a cascade of volcanic ash to bull rush a creature within 30 feet of you. The 戦技ボーナス of this cascade is equal to your base attack bonus + your Charisma modifier + 4 from the cascade’s Gargantuan size. If the bull rush succeeds, the creature takes 1d6 points of fire damage per oracle level. At 12th and at 17th level, you can use this ability one additional time per day. You must be 7th level to select this revelation.

Touch of Flame(超常)/Touch of Flame:As a standard action, you can perform a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 point for every 2 oracle levels you possess. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. At 11th level, when you wield a weapon, it is treated as a flaming weapon.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:At 20th level, the oracle’s body takes on the consistency of rock, and her touch carries the heat of a volcano. She gains the fire and earth subtypes and becomes vulnerable to cold. Any fire damage she deals ignores the first 10 points of fire resistance, but not fire immunity. The oracle gains a +4 bonus to natural armor. Her attacks with natural weapons, unarmed strikes, and metal-hafted weapons deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage. Any creature that strikes the oracle with a natural weapon or unarmed strike, or that succeeds at a grapple combat maneuver check against her, takes 1d6 points of fire damage. This damage stacks with other sources of fire damage. You can suppress or reestablish this heat as a standard action.

Whimsy Whimsy

出典 Legacy of the First World 10ページ

Whimsy oracles gain powers from capricious fey tricksters.

神格Green Mother, Lantern King, Ng, Shyka.

クラス技能An oracle with the whimsy mystery adds Bluff, Disguise, Perform, Sleight of Hand, and Stealth to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文faerie fire(2レベル)、hideous laughter(4レベル)、shamefully overdressedUI(6レベル)、major image(8レベル)、lesser entice feyUI(10レベル)、mislead(12レベル)、entice feyUI(14レベル)、irresistible dance(16レベル)、greater entice feyUI(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Whimsy mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Assumed Form(擬呪)/Assumed Form:You can change your appearance at will, as disguise self with a caster level equal to your oracle level. At 7th level, you can instead physically transform, as alter self. At 11th level, this ability lasts until you dismiss it or use it again, allowing you to keep it active while you sleep.

Capricious Misdirection(擬呪)/Capricious Misdirection:Your ever-changing nature allows you to misdirect aura-reading divinations with ease. You are constantly under the effects of a misdirection spell, except that you can take a standard action to select a creature or object within 60 feet to serve as the target of detection spells used against you until you select a different creature or object. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Feywise(変則)/Feywise:Your whimsy grants you protection from fey mischief. You gain the resist nature’s lure druid class feature. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against fey. You must be at least 3rd level to select this revelation.

Flicker(擬呪)/Flicker:You can flicker from sight for a short time, allowing you to escape or set up a prank. As a swift action, you can disappear for 1 round per oracle level. This ability functions as invisibility. You can use this revelation a number of times per day equal to half your oracle level(minimum 1).

Misdirection Mastery(超常)/Misdirection Mastery:You gleefully evade attacks and confound foes with your capricious misdirection. You receive Misdirection TacticsUI as a bonus feat. At 10th level, you receive Misdirection RedirectionUI as a bonus feat, and at 15th level you receive Misdirection AttackUI as a bonus feat. You do not need to meet the prerequisites to receive these feats. You must be at least 3rd level to select this revelation.

Pure Whimsy(超常)/Pure WhimsyOnce per day, you can release a stream of errant chaos from the First World as a standard action. When you do so, identify a target within 90 feet and generate a random effect as from a rod of wonder(or, at the GM’s discretion, another random or unusual effect of similar power). The 難易度 of any required saving throw is 10 + half your oracle level + your Charisma modifier, and no effect from this ability persists for more than 1 day. You can use this ability once per day at 7th level and one additional time per day for every 4 levels beyond 7th. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Versatile Comedy(変則)/Versatile Comedy:The powers of whimsy infuse your comedy with the ability to awe and befuddle. You can use your total Perform(comedy) bonus in place of your Bluff and Intimidate bonuses.

Whimsical Prank(超常)/Whimsical Prank:As a standard action, you can call upon fey to play a prank on a creature within 30 feet as a dirty trickAPG combat maneuver. Resolve this attempt as normal, except that it doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity, you use your oracle level in place of your Combat Maneuver Bonus, and you add your Charisma modifier in place of your Strength or Dexterity modifier. No save is allowed against this attempt, but a creature affected by this revelation cannot be the target of this revelation again for 1 day.

Whimsical Step(超常)/Whimsical Step:Once per day as a move action, you can teleport up to 10 feet per oracle level. You can use this ability once per day at 7th level and one additional time per day for every 4 levels beyond 7th. You must be at least 7th level to select this revelation.

Woodland Caprice(超常)/Woodland Caprice:Your fey powers allow you to move easily through woodland environments. You gain woodland stride, as per the druid ability. At 7th level, you also gain the trackless step druid class feature and can similarly conceal the tracks of any allies within 30 feet that you choose.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:Upon reaching 20th level, you become a fey trickster in the flesh. Your type changes to fey and you gain low-light vision, immunity to poison, and ダメージ減少 10/ cold iron.

Winter Winter

出典 People of the North 26ページ

神格Gorum, Gozreh, Kostchtchie, Ng, Rovagug.

クラス技能An oracle with the winter mystery adds Intimidate, Knowledge(nature), Stealth, and Survival to her list of class skills.

ボーナス呪文endure elements(2レベル)、frost fallUC(4レベル)、sleet storm(6レベル)、ice storm(8レベル)、icy prisonUM(10レベル)、cone of cold(12レベル)、ice bodyUM(14レベル)、polar ray(16レベル)、mass icy prisonUM(18レベル)。

啓示An oracle with the Winter mystery can choose from any of the following revelations.

Blizzard(超常)/Blizzard:As a standard action, you can create a blizzard of snow and ice. You can create one 10-footcube of this storm per oracle level. These cubes can be arranged in any pattern you desire, but each cube must be adjacent to another, and at least one must be adjacent to you. Any creature caught in the blizzard takes 1d4 points of cold damage per oracle level, with a successful Reflex save resulting in half damage. The storm lasts for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier; the ground remains icy(+5 to Acrobatics DCs) as long as local conditions permit. The blizzard obscures sight beyond 5 feet, providing total concealment. A creature within 5 feet has concealment. You can use this ability once per day. You must be 11th level to select this revelation.

Child of Winter(変則)/Child of WinterYou gain the constant benefit of endure elements, but only against cold temperatures. You can move across regular snow without penalty, and heavy snow costs you only 2 squares of movement instead of 4. You can move across icy surfaces without penalty, and never need to make Acrobatics checks to run or charge on ice. You leave no trail in ice or snow, and cannot be tracked(you may choose to leave a trail if you so desire). During winter months, you gain a +2 insight bonus on Initiative checks and Reflex saving throws.

Cold Aura(超常)/Cold Aura:As a swift action, you can cause waves of cold to radiate from your body. This cold deals 1d6 points of cold damage per 2 oracle levels to all creatures within 10 feet. A successful Fortitude save halves the damage. In addition, a flurry of snow momentarily surrounds you, granting you concealment until your next turn. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter.

Freezing Spells(超常)/Freezing Spells:Whenever a creature fails a saving throw and takes cold damage from one of your spells, it is slowed(as the slow spell) for 1 round. Spells that do not allow saves do not slow creatures. At 11th level, the slow duration increases to 1d4 rounds.

Ice Armor(超常)/Ice Armor:You can conjure armor of ice that grants you a +4 armor bonus to アーマー・クラス. At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 2. At 13th level, this icy armor grants you ダメージ減少 5/piercing. In cold conditions, the armor bonus and ダメージ減少 bonus increase by 2; in very hot conditions, however, they decrease by 2. You can use this armor for 1 hour per day per oracle level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but must be spent in 1-hour increments.

Ice Shape(超常)/Ice Shape:You are able to sculpt ice and snow into almost any shape. This ability functions like stone shape, but targeting only ice and snow, not stone. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Icy Skin(変則)/Icy Skin:You gain resist cold 5. This resistance increases to 10 at 5th level and 20 at 11th level. At 17th level, you gain immunity to cold.

Servant of Winter(擬呪)/Servant of WinterAs a full-round action, you can summon a single ice elemental(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 114) to serve you. At 7th level, you can summon a Medium ice elemental, as summon monster IV. At 11th level, you can summon a Huge ice elemental, as summon monster VI. At 15th level, you can summon an elder ice elemental, as summon monster VIII. You can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 15th level. You must be at least 7th level before selecting this revelation.

Snow Sight(超常)/Snow Sight:You can see through falling snow and sleet without taking any penalties on Perception checks as long as there is enough light to allow you to see normally. At 11th level, in cold conditions or in icy or snowy terrain, you can learn about your surroundings as if using the commune with nature spell. You can use the commune with nature ability once per day at 11th level, and twice per day at 15th level.

Wintry Touch(超常)/Wintry Touch:As a standard action, you can perform a melee touch attack that deals 1d6 points of cold damage + 1 point for every 2 oracle levels you possess. You can use the wintry touch ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. At 11th level, any weapon that you wield is treated as a frost weapon.

最後の啓示/Final Revelation:Upon reaching 20th level, you become an avatar of winter and the North. Your body permanently transforms into living ice, as the ice bodyUM spell. In addition, your mastery of winter magic is such that any of your attacks that deal cold damage bypass cold immunity or cold resistance.

オラクルのアーキタイプ oracle Archetypes

Black-Blooded Oracle Black-Blooded Oracle

出典 Inner Sea Magic 32ページ

The black-blooded oracle has been infused with the eerie influence of strange fluids that seep from the rock in the deepest pits of the Darklands, the so-called “Black Blood of Orv.” Often, the eerie taint of the black blood can lie dormant in a lineage for generations before manifesting. It even seems capable of reaching out to touch those destined to become oracles through other strange methods. However an oracle becomes black-blooded, her divine powers carry within them the weird power of this chilling magical substance. A black-blooded oracle has the following class features.

See the sidebar on the facing page for rules on the black blood itself, but note that a black-blooded oracle does not require access to this eldritch substance to function.

Curse of Black Blood(超常)/Curse of Black Blood:All black-blooded oracles effectively share the same curse—the curse of black blood. The material affects these oracles physically and mentally, altering both physiology and mystic powers. The blood of a black-blooded oracle actually runs black, and wounds she suffers are infected by her own power and are difficult to heal. She is immune to the effects(both beneficial and destructive) of black blood. Positive and negative energy affect a black-blooded oracle as if she were undead— positive energy harms her, while negative energy heals her(this aspect of the curse has no effect if the oracle is undead). The curse also dulls the oracle’s coordination somewhat, imparting a –4 penalty on all Dexterity-based skill checks. At 5th level, she gains cold resistance 5. This increases to cold resistance 10 at 10th level, and immunity to cold at 15th level. This ability replaces the oracle’s curse.

Black Blood Revelations/Black Blood Revelations:All black-blooded oracles have access to the following revelations, regardless of what mystery they choose.

Black Blood Spray(超常)/Black Blood Spray:As an immediate action whenever a black-blooded oracle takes piercing or slashing damage, she can cause some of her black blood to spray from the wound to strike any adjacent target. She must make a touch attack to hit the target(if she’s attacking the creature that caused the wound, she gains a +4 circumstance bonus on her attack roll). If she hits, she deals 1d8 points of cold damage + 1 point per 2 oracle levels she possesses. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 her oracle level(minimum 1/day).

Dark Resilience(超常)/Dark Resilience:The black blood flowing through a black-blooded oracle’s veins gives her resistance to many effects to which undead are immune. Once per day, as an immediate action, whenever she fails a saving throw against an ability drain, a death effect, disease, energy drain, paralysis, or poison, she may attempt that saving throw again with a +4 circumstance bonus. She must take the second result, even if it is worse. At 7th level, she can use this ability twice per day. At 15th level, she can use the ability 3 times per day.

Darkvision(変則)/Darkvision:A black-blooded oracle gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet. The range increases to 90 feet at 15th level.

Black Blood of Orv Black Blood of Orv

Black blood wells from the walls of a singular vault deep in Orv, a region known quite aptly as the Land of Black Blood. This noxious fluid repulses and freezes all natural life, although certain creatures like aberrations, undead, and black-blooded oracles possess an uncanny immunity to its effects. Any other creature that comes into contact with black blood takes 1d6 points of cold damage—10d6 points of cold damage per round if fully immersed.

Although black blood isn’t itself inherently evil, a pint of black blood can be used as unholy water. A spellcaster who consumes a dose of black blood casts all necromantic spells at +1 caster level for the next 10 minutes, but takes 3d6 points of cold damage and 1 point of Constitution damage by drinking the stuff. Normally, a dose of black blood becomes inert an hour after being harvested from the source in the Land of Black Blood, losing all mystical properties. Gentle repose can preserve up to 1 gallon of black blood’s magical properties for increased lengths of time, but no other method of stabilizing the stuff has yet been developed. The blood of a black-blooded oracle is diluted and does not have the properties of full-strength black blood.

Cyclopean Seer Cyclopean Seer

出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 17ページ

A cyclopean seer draws power from the mysterious prophetic abilities of ancient giants.

Recommended Mysteries/Recommended Mysteries:Ancestor(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 53), lore, nature, occult(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Occult Mysteries 53), time(Ultimate Magic 56).

クラス技能A cyclopean seer adds Linguistics and all Knowledge skills to her list of class skills. These replace the additional class skills granted by her mystery.

Oracle’s Curse:A cyclopean seer must choose the haunted, hunger(see above), powerless prophecy(see above), or tongues curse at 1st level.

ボーナス呪文Each time a cyclopean seer would gain a bonus spell from her mystery, she instead selects a divination spell from any class’s spell list. If the spell is not on the cleric spell list, it must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level oracle spell the cyclopean seer can cast. This ability alters the bonus spells granted by the oracle’s mystery.

Assume Fate(超常)/Assume Fate:As an immediate action when targeted by an effect that requires a saving throw, you can choose another creature within line of sight that is attempting a save against the same effect. The target takes a penalty on its saving throw equal to 1d4 + 1 for every 4 levels you possess. You gain the value of their penalty as a luck bonus on your saving throw. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus. This replaces the revelation gained at 1st level.

Brutal Trance(超常)/Brutal Trance:Once per day as a standard action, you can enter a trance that lasts 1 round per oracle level you possess. While in this trance, you are confused, but each round that you can act normally, you can ask a single question as if using commune. This replaces the revelation gained at 7th level.

Revelations/Revelations:All cyclopean seers have access to the following revelations, regardless of their chosen mysteries. Doomsaying(Su):As a standard action, you can pronounce doom on a creature within 30 feet. The target takes a penalty equal to your oracle level on either all skill checks, all savings throws, or all attack rolls(your choice) for 1 minute or until he fails one such roll. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma bonus. This is a curse effect(Ultimate Magic 137).

Flash of Insight(超常)/Flash of Insight:You gain the cyclops racial ability of the same name(Bestiary 52). If you already possess this ability, you gain an additional daily use.

Prescience(変則)/Prescience:You gain a +2 bonus to your Armor Class against attacks of opportunity and a +2 bonus on concentration checks. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1.

This ability alters the revelation class feature.

Final Revelation/Final Revelation:Upon reaching 20th level, you embody ancient cyclopes’ insight. You can use each of the following once per day as a spell-like ability:discern location, prying eyes, and stone tell. In addition, using flash of insight to select a d20 roll result equal to or lower than your Charisma modifier doesn’t expend that ability. This replaces the final revelation of the oracle’s mystery.

Divine Numerologist Divine Numerologist

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 17ページ

The Oracular Council of Po Li and those trained in their sacred methods often include divine numerologists, who use esoteric mathematics and numbers traditions to peer into the past and future and extract meaningful portents. The divine numerologist’s ultimate goal is to learn and understand the patterns in the equations and algorithms that underscore even the most chaotic forms of reality and use them to their personal advantage.

Recommended Mysteries/Recommended Mysteries:Any.

ボーナス呪文Prying eyes(10th), numerological evocation(12th), greater arcane sight(14th), moment of prescience(16th), foresight(18th).

These bonus spells replace the oracle’s mystery bonus spells at these levels.

Revelations/Revelations:A divine numerologist must take the following revelations at the listed levels.

Calculate the Odds(超常)/Calculate the Odds:At 1st level, as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the divine numerologist can quickly tabulate the variables affecting the current situation. This grants the divine numerologist a circumstance bonus equal to her Charisma modifier(minimum +1) to her next d20 roll within 1 round. If the divine numerologist does not use this bonus within 1 round, the use of this ability is wasted. The divine numerologist can use this ability once per day at 1st level, plus one additional time per day at 7th and 15th levels.

Program the Divine Algorithm(超常)/Program the Divine Algorithm:At 7th level, the divine numerologist’s mastery of the divine mathematics allows her to set specific parameters in the divine equation to adjust the outcome of an event right as it is about to occur. As an immediate action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, the divine numerologist can take the average of a single roll of one or more dice, averaging each die separately(for example, the average of a d20 roll is 10, the average of 3d6 is 9, and so on). When using this ability, the divine numerologist can add any modifiers to the roll as normal.

The divine numerologist must decide to use this ability immediately before the roll she chooses to affect, and the divine numerologist cannot reroll this roll, even if she has a feat or another ability that would normally allow her to do so.

The divine numerologist can use this ability once per day at 7th level and twice per day at 11th level. At 15th level, the divine numerologist can use this ability three times per day, and instead of treating a roll as its average, she can instead treat the roll as its maximum result(for example, the divine numerologist can treat a d20 roll as if the result were 20).

Final Revelation/Final Revelation:At 20th level, a divine numerologist understands the math behind the entirety of existence well enough to significantly tweak her own personal fate. The divine numerologist ceases aging. She no longer suffers age-related penalties to ability scores and cannot be magically aged. Additionally, once per day when the divine numerologist or another allied creature within 30 feet of her threatens a critical hit, the critical hit is automatically confirmed.

Hermit Hermit

出典 Legacy of the First World 22ページ

A hermit is a recluse who gained her oracular powers from isolation in a deep desert, on a mountain peak, or in another secluded location. A connection to untraveled places gives the hermit powers to evade his enemies.

Mystery:A hermit must choose a mystery that adds Survival to his list of class skills, such as nature or stone.

Oracle’s Curse:A hermit must choose the reclusive curse(below) at 1st level.

ボーナス呪文Blindness/deafness(4th), crushing despair(8th), wall of force(12th), maze(16th).

These bonus spells replace the oracle’s normal mystery bonus spells at these levels.

Revelations/Revelations:A hermit must take the following revelations at the listed levels.

Recluse’s Stride(超常)/Recluse’s Stride:Your base speed increases by 10 feet. At 5th level, once per round when leaving a square, you can treat the square as though it isn’t threatened by any opponents that you can see. At 10th level, you can teleport a distance equal to your base land speed(as per dimension door) as a move action, provided that there are no other creatures within 10 feet of you when you use this ability and no other creatures within 10 feet of your destination. You can teleport a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. You must take this revelation at 1st level.

Fade from Memory(超常)/Fade from Memory:At 7th level, whenever there are no creatures within 10 feet of you at the end of your turn, you gain 20% concealment until the beginning of your next turn as a free action. At 14th level, you instead gain 50% concealment until the beginning of your next turn. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your oracle level. You must take this revelation at 7th level.

Recommended Mysteries/Recommended Mysteries:Heavens, life, nature, stone.

Inerrant Voice Inerrant Voice

出典 Heroes of the High Court 17ページ

An inerrant voice serves as a spiritual advisor to either a monarch or noble. Most Qadiran nobles retain one’s services, for both guidance and protection.

Recommended Mysteries/Recommended Mysteries:AncestorUM, intrigueUI, life, lore.

ボーナス呪文An inerrant voice gains the following bonus spells:shield other(2nd), augury(4th), divination(8th), vision(14th).

These replace the bonus spells at those levels gained from the oracle’s mystery.

Revelations/Revelations:An inerrant voice must take the following revelation at 3rd level.

Vigilant Protector(超常)/Vigilant Protector:Each day when you recover your spells, you can select a specific person you know other than yourself as your ward. When your ward becomes the target of an attack or spell and you are aware of the attack, you can cast an abjuration spell you know on the ally as an immediate action. You must expend the appropriate spell slot and be able to target the ally as normal for the spell. At 11th level, as an immediate action when you know your ward is targeted, you can transpose yourself with your ward, teleporting into the original target’s square(and becoming the new target of the attack or spell) while your ally is teleported into yours; this is a teleportation effect that doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity. You can use this revelation once per day, plus an additional time at 7th level and every 4 oracle levels thereafter.

Keleshite Prophet Keleshite Prophet

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 42ページ

Keleshite prophets help guide and serve the vast Padishah Empire of Kelesh and its interests across Golarion.

Recommended Mysteries:Any.

クラス技能A Keleshite prophet adds Perception, Perform(dance), and all Knowledge skills to her list of class skills.

These replace the additional skills gained from the oracle’s mystery.

ボーナス呪文A Keleshite prophet gains the following bonus spells:clairaudience/clairvoyance(6th), prying eyes(10th), true seeing(12th), prediction of failureUM(16th), foresight(18th).

These replace the bonus spells at those levels gained from the oracle’s mystery.

Revelations:A Keleshite prophet must take the following revelation at 1st level.

Divining Dance(超常)/Divining Dance:Once per day, you can perform a sacred meditative dance that gives you great clarity of mind and prepares you for what lies ahead. This dance must last for at least 1 minute, uninterrupted, and you can take no other actions during the dance.

When you dance, attempt a Perform(dance) check; the results of the check determine the benefits you gain for the next 24 hours, as listed below. You can always choose the benefit from a lower result, if you wish(for example, if your Perform [dance] result is 15, you can choose to gain a +1 bonus on your divinations’ saving throws instead of choosing to use augury once as a spell-like ability).

Perform(Dance) Result



Increase the saving throw 難易度 of any divination spells you cast by 1.


Once in the next 24 hours, as an immediate action, you can use augury as a spell-like ability, using your oracle level as your caster level.


Once in the next 24 hours, you can use divination as a spell-like ability, using your oracle level as your caster level. If you are at least 8th level, you can cast it in 1 minute instead of 10 minutes.


Once in the next 24 hours, you can use commune as a spell-like ability, using your oracle level as your caster level. If you are at least 10th level, its casting time is in 1 minute instead of 10 minutes.


Once in the next 24 hours, you can use contact other plane as a spell-like ability, using your oracle level as your caster level.

Ocean's Echo Ocean's Echo

出典 Blood of the Sea 12ページ
legal for play for any PC whose race grants them a natural swim speed(e.g. naiad or undine).

Although many merfolk claim deep connections to both art and the natural world, a rare few merfolk can manipulate the forces of nature and weave them into song. An ocean’s echo is a merfolk gifted with the powers of an oracle and a singing voice that evokes the legendary tales of merfolk virtuosos.

クラス技能An ocean’s echo adds Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge(nature), and Perform to her list of class skills.

These replace the additional class skills from her mystery.

ボーナス呪文Sound burst(4th), shout(8th), song of discord(10th), greater shout(12th), and pied pipingAPG(14th). These bonus spells replace the oracle’s mystery bonus spells at these levels.

Inspiring Song(変則)/Inspiring Song:The voice of an ocean’s echo provides inspiration to allies. This ability is identical to bardic performance(using Perform [sing] only), allowing her to inspire courage at 1st level, inspire competence at 3rd level, and inspire heroics at 15th level, as a bard of the ocean’s echo’s level. It is usable a total number of rounds per day equal to her level + her Charisma modifier(minimum 1).

This ability replaces the revelations gained at 1st, 3rd, and 15th level.

Recommended Mysteries/Recommended Mysteries:AncestorUM, heavens, life, lore, nature, timeUM, waves, wind.

Pei Zin Practitioner Pei Zin Practitioner

出典 Healer's Handbook 20ページ

In distant Tian Xia, herbalists practice an obscure alchemical art known as Pei Zin herbalism, which involves medicinal and restorative techniques that are used throughout much of that continent. A few practitioners develop a talent for Pei Zin that transcends ordinary alchemy, allowing them to blur the line between applying alchemical medicine and coaxing divine miracles.

Like other masters of the art, Pei Zin practitioners can use the Profession(herbalist) skill in place of Craft(alchemy) to create alchemical remedies with recipes that include certain plant-derived reagents. More information is on pages 24–25 of Pathfinder Player Companion:Alchemy Manual.

Master Herbalist(超常)/Master Herbalist:A Pei Zin practitioner has mastered countless alchemical techniques that supplement her divine powers and greatly aid her when she heals the sick and wounded. She gains a competence bonus on Profession(herbalist) checks equal to 1/2 her oracle level(minimum 1), and uses her Charisma modifier in place of her Wisdom modifier when attempting Profession(herbalist) checks. Additionally, a Pei Zin practitioner can identify potions as if via detect magic using Profession(herbalist) instead of Spellcraft, and she can attempt such a check after holding a potion for 1 round.

This ability replaces the additional class skills the oracle gains from her mystery.

Healer’s Way(超常)/Healer’s Way:A Pei Zin practitioner combines alchemy, acupuncture, and divine magic to heal wounds by touch. She can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1 + her Charisma modifier. With one use of this ability, she uses positive energy to heal the target of 1d6 hit points for every 2 oracle levels she has. Using this ability is a standard action unless the oracle targets herself, in which case it is a swift action. Using this ability requires only one free hand. This ability counts as a paladin’s lay on hands ability for the purposes of feats, spells, and effects that work with that class feature when it is used for healing purposes. Unlike lay on hands, this ability cannot be used to harm undead.

This ability replaces the revelation gained at 1st level.

Master Healing Technique(超常)/Master Healing Technique:At 7th level, whenever a Pei Zin practitioner heals a living creature with her healer’s way ability, as a free action she can attempt a Profession(herbalist) check to remove a condition from the target, with each condition having an accompanying Profession(herbalist) 難易度(see the list below). She cannot take 10 or 20 on this check, nor can she receive aid from any creature except another Pei Zin practitioner(though the practitioner need not be an oracle; see pages 24–25 of Pathfinder Player Companion:Alchemy Manual). Failure by 5 or more causes the target to become sickened for 1 round(if the Pei Zin practitioner is attempting to remove the sickened condition, this extends it by 1 round). Similarly, failure by 10 or more instead causes the target to become nauseated for 1 round or to have its existing nauseated condition extended by 1 round. A creature that cannot be sickened or nauseated cannot have conditions removed by this ability.

Minor Conditions(難易度 20):Fatigued, shaken, and sickened.

Major Conditions(難易度 25):Dazed and staggered.

Severe Conditions(難易度 30):Confused, exhausted, frightened, and nauseated.

Dire Conditions(難易度 35):Blinded, deafened, paralyzed, and stunned.

This ability replaces the revelation gained at 7th level.

Recommended Mysteries:LifeAPG, natureAPG, succor.

探究練士 Seeker

出典 Pathfinder Society Field Guide 29ページ

オラクルソーサラーは、信仰血脈によって選ばれたかどうかに関わらず、神秘的で不思議な方法で魔法を得る。ほとんどの者は不思議なに満足しているかもしれないが、一部のオラクルソーサラーは、彼らの神秘や血統についての詳細を解明し、彼らの不可思議なの起源や歴史を明らかにするためにパスファインダーに参加している。これらの術者たちは『呪文の徒/the Spells』の間では『探究練士』として知られており、古代の文書や不明瞭な遺跡を調査して自分たちの遺産や歴史についての手がかりを探すことに中になっている。『探究練士』は以下のクラスの特徴を持っている。


探究練士の学び(変則)/Seeker Lore:3レベル点で、探究練士は既に自分の神秘血脈について多くのことを学び、その神秘血脈によって得られるボーナス呪文をより簡単に使うことができるようになっている。彼は全ての精神集中判定呪文抵抗を克服するために行う術者レベル判定、そしてボーナス呪文に関連する事柄について行われる全ての〈知識:神秘学〉と〈呪文学〉判定に+4のボーナスを得る。オラクルの場合、この能3レベルで獲得する啓示と置き換える。ソーサラーの場合、この能3レベルで獲得する血脈の力と置き換える。

探究練士魔法(超常)/Seeker Magic:15レベルの点で、探究練士呪文修正により神秘呪文血脈の呪文を修正することに長じる。探究練士神秘血脈により獲得したボーナス呪文呪文修正特技を適用した場合、呪文修正特技による呪文レベルの上昇を1減らす。したがって、《呪文動作省略》のような呪文修正特技呪文に適用してもその呪文の有効呪文レベルは全く変わらず、《呪文高速化》を適用してもその呪文の有効呪文レベルの上昇は4ではなく3だけとなる。この呪文修正特技呪文レベル上昇の減少は、同じような他の能の減少と累積して適用されることはない。オラクルの場合、この能は15レベルで獲得する啓示と置き換える。ソーサラーの場合、この能は15レベルで獲得する血脈の力と置き換える。

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