
出典 Inner Sea Intrigueページ
Triggered Poisons:Numerous Inner Sea poisons are designed to take effect only after exposure to a particular stimulus. Poisons in this section with onset triggers list the specific triggers in their Onset entries(rather than a number of rounds, minutes, or days). A character who fails his Fortitude saving throw upon exposure doesn’t start attempting saving throws against the poison’s effects until exposed to the listed stimulus.

Some triggered poisons have initial and secondary effects. The first time after an affected character triggers the poison and fails a saving throw to resist the poison, the character suffers the initial effect. If the affected character fails any subsequent saving throws, he suffers the secondary effect. Unless noted otherwise, a triggered poison that isn’t triggered after 1 day has no effect.

Blackfrost Blackfrost

出典 Pathfinder #51:The Hungry Storm 67ページ

種別 contact; セーヴ 頑健難易度15

潜伏期間 1分; 頻度 1分/ラウンド(6ラウンド間)

初期効果 2d6 ヒット・ポイント damage(half acid, half cold); 副次効果 1d2 Con damage

治癒 2回連続のセーヴ成功

Blue lily extract Blue lily extract

出典 Horror Realms 29ページ

価格 ―; 重量

種別 contact or injested; セーヴ 頑健難易度 14(18 if injested)

潜伏期間 1分; 頻度 1/hour for 6 hours

効果 1d4 Wisdom damage plus –4 penalty on Sense Motive checks and saving throws versus sleep effects for 1 hour;

治癒 2 saves

The people of Farnvale make use of the following rare toxin to help mask their condition and prepare visitors for transport to the bodythief.

Lethe water Lethe water

出典 Feast of Dust 42ページ

価格 ―; 重量

種別 ingested; セーヴ Willpower 難易度 16

頻度 1/round for 6 rounds

効果 1d4 Int and Cha damage(cannot reduce a creature's Int or Cha below 1)

治癒 2 saves

Creatures reduced below 3 Intelligence gain the fiendish creature simple template(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 294) and a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution; these effects vanish if a creature’s Intelligence score rises above 3.

Lethe water loses its magical potency 24 hours after being removed from the hot springs, but remains mildly poisonous thanks to its mineral content(treat as bloodroot, but ingested rather than injury; Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 558).

Maiden lily attar Maiden lily attar

出典 Murder's Mark 26ページ

価格 ―; 重量

種別 inhaled; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 13

頻度 1/round for 4 rounds

初期効果 unconscious for 1 minute; 副次効果 unconscious for 1d4 hours

治癒 1 save

Quicklime Quicklime

出典 Pathfinder #95:Anvil of Fire 29ページ

価格 ―; 重量

種別 Contact or inhaled; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 18

頻度 1/round for 6 rounds

効果 1d2 Con damage, blindness and nausea for 1d10 minutes

治癒 2 consecutive saves

This caustic substance is a poisonous irritant, and reacts with water(including moisture in the eyes, nose, mouth, and lungs) to create heat.

Slow nectar Slow nectar

出典 Pathfinder #93:Forge of the Giant God 8ページ

価格 ―; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 17

頻度 1/round for 6 rounds

効果 1d3 Dex damage plus paralysis for 1 round

治癒 1 save

The ettercaps collect the sap of small white flowers that grow on the nearby cliffs to create a paralytic poison known as slow nectar, which the creatures use in their traps.

Spidervine poison Spidervine poison

出典 Heart of the Jungle 6ページ

価格 ―; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 15

頻度 1/round for 6 rounds

初期効果 paralysis; 副次効果1d2 Con damage

治癒 2 consecutive saves

Pupil's friend Pupil's friend

出典 Potions and Poisons 25ページ

価格 30GP; 重量

種別 ingested; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 10

潜伏期間 10 minutes; 頻度 1/minute for 15 minutes

効果 sickened for 1 minute; if the target is affected by a second dose while already under the effects of this poison, the victim is instead nauseated for 1 minute

治癒 1 save

This mostly benign, malodorous mold induces temporary illness with no lasting effect, and it can be detected in food or drink with a 難易度 15 Perception check, unless the food is particularly pungent, in which case the Perception 難易度 increases by up to 5. Named for students wishing to convincingly feign illness, anyone can easily cultivate this mold in dark, moist spaces.

3.5 MaterialDhabba spittle Dhabba spittle

出典 Dark Markets - A Guide to Katapesh 40ページ

価格 50GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 12

初期効果 1d6 acid damage and nauseated; 副次効果1d4 Dex

Red tears Red tears

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 7ページ

価格 50GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 15

効果 1d6 points of damage. Creatures immune to bleed effects are immune to this damage

治癒 1 save

Might blight Might blight

出典 Merchant's Manifest 11ページ

価格 60GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 13

潜伏期間 1ラウンド頻度 1/round for 4 rounds

効果 1 Str damage

治癒 2 consecutive saves

The ratfolk of Diguo-Dashu, the “Empire of the Rats,” developed this poison to help their soldiers in overtaking foes. The poison produces lactic acids that slowly degrade the target’s muscles, though for full efficacy, an exceptionally high dosage, repeated application, or a particularly feeble opponent is required.

Addlemind Addlemind

出典 Merchant's Manifest 11ページ

価格 75GP; 重量

種別 ingested; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 15

潜伏期間 1分; 頻度 1/minute for 10 minutes

効果 1d2 Wisdom damage. As long as any Wisdom damage from this poison remains, the victim also takes a -5 penalty on all Knowledge and Perception checks

治癒 2 saves

Concentrated laxative AddConcentrated laxativelemind

出典 Antihero's Handbook 28ページ

価格 75GP; 重量

種別 ingested; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 12

潜伏期間 10 minutes; 頻度 1/minute for 2 minutes

効果 This mixture gained popularity—and notoriety—when Calistrians used it for elaborate pranks, but now tricksters of all stripes use the colonic concoction for any number of reasons, such as to incommode a nosy interlocutor. After the first failed saving throw, the target is sickened for 1 minute, and after a second failure, the target is nauseated for 1 minute

治癒 1 saves

Gelidburn oil Gelidburn oil

出典 Potions and Poisons 24ページ

価格 75GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 12

頻度 1 round for 4 rounds

効果 1d3 fire, 1d3 cold, and staggered 1 round

治癒 1 saves

This greasy pale-blue liquid delivers a shocking sensation that is both freezing cold and searing hot. Gelidburn oil is popular among pickpockets looking to stab, snatch, and run.

Vampire's kiss Vampire's kiss

出典 Alchemy Manual 9ページ

価格 75GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 15

頻度 1/round for 2 rounds

初期効果 1d2 Con damage; 副次効果 bleed damage from non-poison sources increases by 1 for 1 minute

治癒 1 saves
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe(6 gold + 50 myrrh + 30 quicksilver)/distillation; Craft 難易度 15
Time 1 day; Tools retort; Type poison

Confabulation powder Confabulation powder

出典 Alchemy Manual 11ページ

価格 80GP; 重量

種別 inhaled; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 18

頻度 1/minute for 2 minutes

初期効果 staggered for 1 minute; 副次効果 If already staggered, stunned, or unconscious, the victim becomes highly suggestible. If an event(whether true or false) is described to him, he unconsciously fabricates a detailed memory of the event, filling in any gaps in the description with his own best guesses. The confabulated memory can be disbelieved with a successful 難易度 18 Will save the first time it is recalled, but if the save fails, the victim treats it as completely genuine thereafter. All confabulated memories can be removed with a restoration or heal spell

治癒 1 saves
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe(20 quicksilver + 15 cytillesh spores)/digestion; Craft 難易度 18
Time 1 day; Tools heat source; Type poison

Baneberry Baneberry

出典 Guide to the River Kingdoms 14ページ

価格 90GP; 重量

種別 ingested or injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 15

潜伏期間 1 round(injury), 30 minutes(ingested); 頻度 1/minute for 5 minutes

効果 1d3 Strength damage, 1 Con damage, paralyzed for 1d3 rounds

治癒 2 saves

Thornapple Thornapple

出典 Guide to the River Kingdoms 14ページ

価格 90GP; 重量

種別 contact; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 11

潜伏期間 10分; 頻度 1/minute for 5 minutes

効果 1 Int damage, 1 Wis damage, 1 Con damage, and blind for 1 minute

治癒 2 saves

Bloodwine Bloodwine

出典 Pathfinder #41:The Thousand Fangs Below 42ページ

価格 100GP; 重量

種別 ingested; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 25

頻度 1/minute for 6 minutes

初期効果 sickened for 1d4 hours; 副次効果 1d3 Wis damage

治癒 2 consecutive saves

3.5 MaterialFlayleaf spider venom Flayleaf spider venom

出典 Dark Markets - A Guide to Katapesh 40ページ

価格 100GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 11

初期効果 1d3 Con; 副次効果 1d3 Con

Frightshade Frightshade

出典 Antihero's Handbook 29ページ

価格 100GP; 重量

種別 inhaled; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 14

頻度 1/round for 4 rounds

効果 This plant’s pollen contains a powerful hallucinogen that causes affected creatures to experience terribly realistic visions of death and destruction. The target is shaken until the beginning of her next turn. When the target succeeds at her saving throw against the poison, or when the initial duration ends, she is shaken for an additional 1d4 rounds.(This is not a fear effect.)

治癒 1 saves

Frostspore Frostspore

出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 64ページ

価格 100GP; 重量

種別 ingested or injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 13

頻度 1/round for 6 rounds

効果 1d6 cold damage plus staggered for 1 round

治癒 2 saves

3.5 MaterialNumbing poison Numbing poison

出典 Pathfinder #7:Edge of Anarchy 89ページ

価格 100GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 13

初期効果 1d3 Str and 1d3 Dex; 副次効果 1d3 Str and 1d3 Dex

Woundweal Woundweal

出典 Adventurer's Armory 19ページ

価格 100GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 18

潜伏期間 1ラウンド頻度 1/day

効果 impaired healing(see description)

治癒 2 saves

This gritty black paste is a poison that interferes with an afflicted creature’s ability to recover from injuries. All Heal checks applied to the creature suffer a –10 penalty. In addition, anyone using magical healing on the target must make a 難易度 25 caster level check to succeed.


出典 Guide to the River Kingdoms 14ページ

価格 120GP; 重量

種別 ingested; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 14

潜伏期間 1時間頻度 1/minute for 6 minutes

効果 1 Wis damage and 1d3 Dex damage

治癒 1 saves

Liquid persuasion Liquid persuasion

出典 Alchemy Manual 9ページ

価格 120GP; 重量

種別 ingested; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 11

潜伏期間 10 minutes; 頻度 1/minute for 5 minutes

効果 Wis damage, and for the duration of the poison, the next time the victim’s attitude toward another creature would shift one or more steps toward helpful as a result of a successful Diplomacy or Intimidate check or other effect, the victim’s attitude also shifts one additional step. For example, if the victim’s attitude would shift from indifferent to friendly(one step better), it shifts to helpful instead(two steps better)

治癒 1 saves
Alchemical Recipe
Recipe(20 dew of lunary + 20 quicksilver + 80 spirit of wine)/distillation; Craft 難易度 11
Time 1 day; Tools retort; Type poison

Goblinvine oil Goblinvine oil

出典 Heroes of the Wild 20ページ

価格 125GP; 重量

種別 contact; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 10

潜伏期間 1 round

効果 sickened

治癒 2 consecutive saves or 1 minute spent washing the affected area

Extracted from the mashed leaves of the pernicious goblinvine, this irritant is favored by goblins and tricksters alike.

Marvelous fear gas Marvelous fear gas

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 50ページ

価格 150GP; 重量 1/2ポンド

種別 inhaled; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 17

潜伏期間 injury or affected by any fear condition or effect; 頻度 1/minute for 4 minutes

主要効果 shaken for 10 minutes(this can't produce a more severe fear effect); 副次効果 1d2 Wisdom damage

治癒 1 save

This poison is the creation of the Guild of Wonders in Absalom, whose members hunt down and intimidate their enemies.

Rainbow scarab shell Rainbow scarab shell

出典 Adventurer's Armory 2 18ページ

価格 150GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 14

潜伏期間 1 round; 頻度 1/round for 4 rounds

効果 1d4 Strength damage and suffocation(see above)

治癒 1 save

This iridescent toxin is made from the crushed shells of a rare type of Osirian beetle. A creature reduced to 0 Strength by the poison asphyxiates and immediately begins suffocating. Creatures that do not breathe are immune to this suffocation, but not the Strength damage.

Alchemical isolation Alchemical isolation

出典 Alchemy Manual 9ページ

価格 175GP; 重量 1ポンド

種別 inhaled; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 13

頻度 1/minute for 2 minutes

主要効果 deafened for 10 minutes; 副次効果 blinded for 10 minutes

治癒 1 save

Alchemical Recipe

Recipe(150 brimstone + 20 dew of lunary + 80 spirit of wine)/fermentation; Craft 難易度 13
Time 1 day; Tools heat source; Type poison

Insecticide Insecticide

出典 Potions and Poisons 24ページ

価格 175GP; 重量

種別 inhaled; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 10(本文参照

頻度 1/round for 3 rounds

効果 1 Str damage(creatures with the vermin type are stunned for 1 round)

治癒 1 save

Farmers protecting their crops and landlords maintaining their properties use insecticide to clear out pest infestations, but they must avoid the fumes of this dangerous gas. While it is formulated to exterminate vermin, the poison poses a danger to anyone. A single dose of insecticide immediately fills a 10-foot-by-10-foot area. It can be thrown at a range of 20 feet, and it dissipates after 1d6 rounds in a well-ventilated area. A moderate wind disperses the gas in 1 round. Creatures with the vermin type take a –5 penalty on the save

Black whinnis Black whinnis

出典 Pathfinder #105:The Inferno Gate 18ページ

価格 200GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 14

頻度 1/round for 2 rounds

主要効果 1 Con damage; 副次効果 nausea for 1d4 rounds

治癒 1 save

Black whinnis is a poison made from the same red creeper vine that produces the better-known blue whinnis poison, but the distilled sap from the blue whinnis thorns is further refined using a slightly more volatile process.

Chelish deathapple Chelish deathapple

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 50ページ

価格 200GP; 重量 1/2ポンド

種別 ingested; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 23

潜伏期間 1 minute; 頻度 1/minute for 2 minutes

主要効果 enter a deathlike trance for 1 minute; see below; 副次効果 remain in this deathlike trance for 8 hours

治癒 1 save

This poison is culled from specially bred thornapples, and is often administered on the skin of an apple itself. It is typically employed to fake the deaths of dissidents so their disappearances don’t attract attention. Creatures in the deathlike trance this poison causes are unconscious and can’t be woken by mundane means; a successful 難易度 25 Heal check is required to realize the victim is alive. The victim can be shaken from this trance with any magical healing(including lesser restoration, as appropriate).

Hazemind concentrate Hazemind concentrate

出典 Familiar Folio 20ページ

価格 200GP; 重量

種別 injury; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 16

潜伏期間 1 round; 頻度 1/round for 6 rounds

効果 The subject’s mind goes fuzzy, shifting its attitudes toward all other creatures one step closer to indifferent; DCs to influence the subject with Charisma, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, or Intimidate checks increase by 4

治癒 1 save

3.5 MaterialPurple pesh Purple pesh

出典 Dark Markets - A Guide to Katapesh 40ページ

価格 200GP; 重量

種別 ingested; セーヴ Fortitude 難易度 18

主要効果 1d2 Con and Str; 副次効果 unconscious for 1 hour

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