
装備特徴 Equipment Traits


〔大げさな変装〕 Augmented Disguise

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〔家宝の武器〕 Heirloom Weapon

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〔商売道具の武器〕 Rough and Ready

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〔素早い学習者〕 Quick Learner

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〔説得力〕 Power of Suggestion

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〔即席装備〕 Improvisational Equipment

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〔鉄の肝臓〕 Iron Liver

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〔取引交渉人〕 Dealmaker

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利益:1週間に一度、その地域共同体基本価格(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebookの461ページ を参照) を上回るような価格の品を1つ売買する相を探す難易度10の〈交渉〉判定を行なう。そのアイテムの基本価格を購入するのに充分なサイズ共同体と現在の共同体の間に差があるごとに難易度に+10する。判定に成功し(GMの許可があれば)、君は充分な共同体サイズであるかのようにそのアイテムを売買することができる。(その判定の正否にかかわらず)追加で判定を試みるごとに難易度に+10される。


〔舞台魔術〕 Stage Magic

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〔ひそやかな逃亡〕 Stealthy Escape

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〔巻き付く鞭〕 Prehensile Whip

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〔寄せ集めの衣装〕 Thrown-Together Fashion

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〔流行の最先端〕 Extremely Fashionable

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〔Well-Provisioned Adventurer〕 Well-Provisioned Adventurer

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 10ページ、Adventurer's Armory 2 4ページ

You always knew that one day you would leave your humble beginnings behind and become an adventurer, so you scrimped and saved, buying the necessary equipment one piece at a time until you had everything you needed. Select one of the equipment packages below. If you select this trait during character creation, you do not receive any starting gold.

Arcane Adept Package Arcane Adept Package

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The arcane adept has collected useful magical gear to ensure her success on her adventures, and she prides herself on having just the right tool for the job. This equipment package is appropriate for an arcanist, sorcerer, witch, or wizard. Some bards and summoners might also find it attractive. This equipment package can also work for a magus if the 1st-level scrolls and wand are replaced with a masterwork melee weapon.
戦闘装備Acid(2), scrolls of comprehend languages(2), scroll of detect secret doors, scroll of glitterdust, scrolls of identify(2), scroll of mount, scroll of rope trick, thunderstone, wand of mage armor(16 charges).
その他装備Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles(5), chalk(5 pieces), flint and steel, ink, inkpen, ioun torch, journal, magnifying glass, mess kit, scroll box, silk rope(50 ft.), spell component pouch, trail rations(5 days), waterskin, 3gp.

Blessed Warden Package Blessed Warden Package

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A blessed warden is prepared to protect herself against the horrors of evil-aligned planes. This equipment package is suitable for clerics, druids, inquisitors, oracles, and paladins. The specific gear is appropriate for those visiting the chaotic evil Abyss but can be adjusted to suit other evilaligned planes, such as swapping the scrolls of protection from chaos for scrolls of protection from law for a package designed for travel to Hell.
戦闘装備Holy water(3), scrolls of cure light wounds(2), scrolls of protection from chaos(2), scrolls of protection from evil(2), scroll of remove curse.
その他装備Backpack, bedroll, candles(5), chalk(5 pieces), crowbar, ioun torch, mess kit, shovel, silk rope(50 ft.), spell component pouch, trail rations(5 days), waterskin, wooden holy symbol, 13gp.

Corporeal Warrior Package Corporeal Warrior Package

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 10ページ

Normal equipment is ill suited to fighting intangible foes, and a warrior bound for the Ethereal Plane must be prepared for incorporeal threats lurking in the ever-present mists. This equipment package is suitable for fighters and paladins. If the PC can cast spells, add a spell component pouch.
戦闘装備Alchemist’s fire, potion of mage armor, potion of shield, oil of magic weapon.
その他装備Backpack, bedroll, candles(5), chalk(5 pieces), crowbar, ioun torch, mess kit, shovel, silk rope(50 ft.), trail rations(5 days), waterskin, 10gp.

Daring Bravo Package Daring Bravo Package

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The daring bravo is equally adept in social situations and combat, with the right equipment to move fluidly from one to the other. Such adventurers are known as much for their flair and panache as their martial prowess, and the daring bravo’s equipment is often ornately ornamented or personalized. This equipment package is good for a bard, fighter, rogue, swashbuckler, or vigilante. Certain cavaliers, investigators, skalds, or even paladins may also find it appealing. If the PC can cast spells, add a spell component pouch.
戦闘装備Acid(2), alchemist’s kindness, potions of cure light wounds(2), sunrods(3).
その他装備Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, bottle of fine wine, chalk(5 pieces), courtier’s outfit with 50gp in jewelry, flask, flint and steel, grooming kit, masterwork musical instrument, mess kit, mirror, perfume or cologne, sack, signet ring, silk rope(50 ft.), trail rations(5 days), waterskin, whetstone, 5gp.

Holy Warrior Package Holy Warrior Package

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The holy warrior is prepared to use her might and zeal to take the fight to the enemy, but she understands the importance of having the right equipment to overcome the resistances of her monstrous foes. This equipment package is well-suited to a cleric, inquisitor, paladin, warpriest, or even a fighter with a religious background. It’s especially suited to characters who focus on supporting their party members and making them more effective in a fight. Even more than with other equipment packages, the GM should consider substituting the masterwork longsword in this package with a masterwork melee weapon appropriate to the PC’s faith. If the PC can cast spells, add a spell component pouch.
戦闘装備Alchemist’s fire(3), holy water(4), oil of bless weapon, potions of cure light wounds(2), potion of protection from evil, sunrods(3).
その他装備Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles(5), chalk(5 pieces), crowbar, flint and steel, holy symbol(silver), mess kit, sack, silk rope(50 ft.), trail rations(5 days), waterskin, 7gp.

Lore Seeker Package Lore Seeker Package

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The lore seeker has the equipment necessary to delve into ancient ruins searching for lost knowledge. As this equipment package contains little by way of armor or weapons, it is most appropriate for alchemists, bards, monks, sorcerers, and wizards. If the PC can cast spells, add a spell component pouch and a holy symbol(if required).
戦闘装備Alchemist’s fire(3), antitoxin, oil of erase, potions of cure light wounds(2), potion of protection from evil, tanglefoot bag, thunderstone.
その他装備Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles(5), chalk(5 pieces), compass, crowbar, everburning torch, flint and steel, grappling hook, ink, inkpens(2), journals(2), magnifying glass, mapmaker’s kit, mess kit, sack, signal whistle, silk rope(50 ft.), trail rations(5 days), traveler’s any-tool, waterskin, 8gp.

Mystic Guide Package Mystic Guide Package

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This equipment package is designed to provide the most aid to divine casters, such as clerics, druids, oracles, and inquisitors, who prefer to help their companions from behind the front lines of a fight.
戦闘装備Antitoxin, bead of blessing(as a lesser strand of prayer beads without the bead of healing), holy water(2), scrolls of cure light wounds(2), scroll of endure elements.
その他装備Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, candles(5), chalk(5 pieces), flint and steel, healer’s kit, holy symbol(silver), ioun torch, mess kit, mirror, sack, shovel, silk rope(50 ft.), smelling salts, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations(5 days), waterskin, 4sp.

Planar Traveler Package Planar Traveler Package

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 10ページ

This package equipment prepares planar travelers for the challenges of a variety of planar destinations. This package works particularly well for lightly armored combatants, such as bards and rogues. If the PC purchasing it can cast spells, add a spell component pouch as well.
戦闘装備Alchemist’s fire(3), potion of air bubble, potions of cure light wounds(2), potions of endure elements(2).
その他装備Backpack, bedroll, candles(5), chalk(5 pieces), crowbar, ioun torch, mess kit, shovel, silk rope(50 ft.), trail rations(5 days), waterskin, 11gp.

Questing Knight Package Questing Knight Package

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If not descended from nobility, the questing knight certainly looks like he fits the part. This equipment package is useful for cavaliers, fighters, and paladins. If the PC can cast spells, add a spell component pouch and a holy symbol(if required). If the PC gains a mount from a class feature, remove the horse from the list below and replace the lance with a masterwork lance.
その他装備Backpack, banner, bedroll, belt pouch, flask, flint and steel, mess kit, pole(10 ft.), sack, shovel, signet ring, silk rope(50 ft.), trail rations(5 days), waterskin, whetstone, 8gp.
乗騎Heavy horse(combat trained) with bit and bridle, military saddle, and saddlebags.

Shadowy Stalker Package Shadowy Stalker Package

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Skulking through a city or a dungeon, the shadowy stalker is equipped to strike quickly and fade away. This equipment package is appropriate for stealthy characters such as rangers, rogues, and slayers, and for some bards and investigators. If the PC can cast spells, add a spell component pouch.
戦闘装備Alchemist’s fire(3), smokesticks(2), sunrods(2).
その他装備Bedroll, belt pouch, caltrops, candles(5), chalk(5 pieces), disguise kit, flint and steel, glass cutter, masterwork backpack, masterwork thieves’ tools, mess kit, sack, silk rope(50 ft.), sleeves of many garments, trail rations(5 days), waterskin, 1gp.

Wilderness Wanderer Package Wilderness Wanderer Package

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This equipment package is appropriate for any lightly-armored combatant in the wild, such as a barbarian, hunter, or ranger. If the PC can cast spells, add a spell component pouch and holly and mistletoe. The GM might consider altering which weapon is masterwork, based on the PC’s specialization. For example, an archery-focused ranger might prefer a masterwork composite longbow over a masterwork greataxe.
戦闘装備Alchemist’s fire(2), antitoxin, potion of keen senses, sunrods(3).
その他装備Backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, chalk(5 pieces), climber’s kit, cold-weather outfit, fishhook, flint and steel, mess kit, pole(10 ft.), shovel, signal whistle, silk rope(50 ft.), trail rations(5 days), waterskin, 2sp.

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