
特殊な素材 Special Materials

アビジウム Abysium

出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 70ページ


アビジウムから作られた武器や鎧は蝋燭と同じ強さで輝く。学者たちは輝きとそれに伴う病気響がどこから来るのかについて長い間議論してきたが、アビスに含まれるエネルギーの性質から、の源はアビス自体から来ることにほとんどの者が同意している。純粋なまたは適切に精製されたアビジウムは、ゴーレム、または建物サイズ魔法のアイテムなどの広範囲魔法作成物にを供給するのに十分強なエネルギー源を生成するために、難解なエンジンとテクノロジーによって利用できる方法でこのエネルギーを生成する。このを利用する秘訣のほとんどは、長い間失われてきたが、Shattered Star Adventure Pathが続くにつれて、PCはこの危険なテクノロジーについて更に学ぶ機会が多くなる。


アビジウム末/Abysium Powder:―摂取型; セーヴ頑健難易度 18; 潜伏期間 10分; 頻度 6ラウンドの間1回/分; 効果 1d4【耐】加えて吐き気がする状態治癒; 2回セーヴ成功; コスト 900GP

Aszite Aszite

出典 Distant Realms 43ページ

The navy-blue ore known as aszite is often used to reinforce buildings. While aszite cannot be properly worked into weapons, it can be added in the form of veinlike reinforcements to armor, where it absorbs and amplifies certain unique magical properties.

Adding aszite veins to armor increases the item’s weight by 10%. The added veins are capable of absorbing extra power from spells with the darkness descriptor. The wearer of aszite-veined armor gains a +2 circumstance bonus on Stealth checks when affected by a spell with the darkness descriptor. In addition, spells with the darkness descriptor that last multiple rounds last 1 round longer when affecting a creature with aszite-veined armor. If the spell affects an object(such as a darkness spell) then targeting a piece of aszite-veined armor instead increases the spell’s duration by 50%.

Aszite has hardness 15 and has 20 hit points per inch of thickness.

Type of Aszite-Beined Item

Item Price Modifier







Blackwood Blackwood

出典 Merchant's Manifest 9ページ

Any wooden or mostly wooden item(such as a bow or quarterstaff) made from blackwood is considered a masterwork item and weighs only half as much as a normal wooden item of that type. Items not normally made of wood or only partially of wood(such as a battleaxe, mace, or other metal item with a wooden haft) either cannot be made from blackwood or do not gain any special benefit. The armor check penalty of a blackwood shield is reduced by 2 compared to an ordinary shield of its type. When wielded against creatures with the water subtype, mundane blackwood weapons ignore 1 point of the creature’s ダメージ減少(if any), and enchanted blackwood weapons ignore a number of ダメージ減少 equal to 2 times the weapon’s enhancement bonus. To determine the price of a blackwood item, use the original weight but add 20gp per pound to the price of a masterwork version of that item. Blackwood has 10 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 7.

Blightburn Blightburn

出典 Heroes of the Darklands 24ページ

Blightburn is a highly radioactive crystalline mineral that grows in isolated pockets throughout the Darklands, from Nar-Voth all the way down to Orv. When exposed to air, blightburn crystals give off a deep green glow as bright as a candle. Any creature coming into physical contact with a blightburn crystal takes 2d6 points of fire damage per round, and creatures within 60 feet of blightburn crystals are exposed to blightburn radiation. Blightburn radiation interferes with spells of the teleportation subschool. A character attempting to teleport into or out of an area of blightburn radiation must succeed at a caster level check(難易度 = the Fortitude save 難易度 for the radiation) to successfully cast the spell.

Radiation Level

Fort 難易度

Initial Effect

Secondary Effect



1 Con drain

1 Cha damage/day



1d4 Con drain

1d4 Cha damage/day



2d4 Con drain

1d6 Cha damage/day



4d6 Con drain

2d6 Cha damage/day

3.5 MaterialBulette Armor Bulette Armor

出典 Dungeon Denizens Revisited 7ページ

Dwarves have long treasured bulettes for their thick hides and armor plating. In fact, some dwarf clans require their young to travel on long pilgrimages to areas thick with land sharks to hunt the reclusive and vicious beasts, intent on harvesting their plates for armor. A single adult male bulette has enough armor plating and hide to produce two sets of Medium bulette plate mail and four sets of Medium leather or studded leather armor. These armor sets are more often than not imbued with the delving armor quality, and veteran dwarf bulette hunters are rarely seen without their +1 delving bulette full plate while on the hunt. Creating bulette armor from the creature’s hide requires a skilled armorer; crafted bulette armor may be normal or masterwork quality.

A set of bulette plate is functionally similar to metal full plate, but is prized by wealthy collectors and military commanders the world over, and tends to sell for up to 10 times more than a normal set. Bulette full plate is slightly heavier(65 pounds) than regular steel plate, but is more flexible and durable(max Dex bonus +2, hardness 12).

A suit of bulette leather armor weighs 20 pounds, and its appearance matches the coloration of the landshark from which it was made. It sells for 50gp, but has the same statistics as studded leather.

Caphorite Caphorite

出典 Heroes of the Darklands 24ページ

Caphorite, also known as drowstone, is a supernatural metallic ore found in large deposits in Sekamina. This radioactive mineral emits a magical radiation that registers a faint aura of transmutation magic to detect magic, though caphorite itself has no magical qualities and no effective caster level. Living creatures suffer no ill effects from caphorite radiation; however, plants exposed to caphorite radiation tend to grow more quickly, and with long-term exposure(over the course of several generations), they sometimes develop rudimentary sentience. Additionally, anyone attempting to cast a spell with the light descriptor within 30 feet of caphorite must succeed at a 難易度 15 caster level check or have the spell disrupted.

Caphorite Ammunition:This ammunition typically consists of crossbow bolts, often employed by drow house guards. A caphorite arrow or bolt detonates on impact, its head shattering in a mass of fine caphorite particulate. Any nonmagical light in a 10-foot radius is immediately extinguished, while spells of 2nd level or lower with the light descriptor are rendered inactive for 1d4+1 rounds. Higher-level spells with the light descriptor are unaffected. Caphorite ammunition has a cost of +10gp per item.

クリプトストーン Cryptstone

出典 Pathfinder #139:The Dead Road 63ページ

クリプトストーンは、ボーンヤードのGraveyard of Soulsの廟から発掘された濃い灰色のである。クリプトストーンは古くてが開いているように見えるかもしれないが、ボーンヤードの超自然的な要素が何年にもわたってを吹き込んでいる。 クリプトストーン製の武器は、アンデッドクリーチャーに対する武器ダメージ・ロールに+1のボーナスを与える。 このダメージクリティカル・ヒットで倍加する。加えて、クリプトストーンで制作された非魔法の武器は、魔法の武器であるかのように非実体アンデッド響を及ぼし、ディスラプション特殊能力を持つクリプトストーン製の武器は、その能難易度を+1増加させる。









ドジェゼット Djezet

出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 70ページ


Druchite Druchite

出典 Distant Realms 43ページ

The black-and-violet ore known as druchite is synonymous with Shadow Absalom’s towering spires. The ore is so dark that even creatures that are adapted to see in lightless conditions can have extreme difficulty perceiving it. Druchite ore can be worked into armor and weapons by applying it in delicate veins or inlaid patterns across the equipment.

Druchite-veined armor grants the wearer additional defenses against creatures with darkvision. The wearer always benefits from a 10% miss chance while in an area of dim light or darkness, even if she is perceived by a creature using darkvision. Other sensory abilities, such as blindsense or true seeing, bypass this effect entirely. Druchite-veined weapons grant their wielder a +2 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against creatures perceiving them with darkvision. The wielder receives no bonus when attacking creatures using other senses, such as blindsense, or benefitting from true seeing.

Druchite has hardness 10 and 40 hit points per inch of thickness.

Type of Druchite-Veined Item

Item Price Modifier











Glaucite Glaucite

出典 Pathfinder #85:Fires of Creation 18ページ

When the phrase “Numerian Steel” is used, the speaker is usually, knowingly or not, referring to an iron/adamantine alloy called glaucite. This dark gray metal is the material of choice for hulls and starship superstructures, and is what constitutes the walls, floors, and ceilings of the strange ruins found throughout Numeria. Without more advanced technology, glaucite is extremely difficult to work with. Because the metal isn’t much better than steel for forging weapons or armor, and the process of extracting the adamantine from it is so expensive and time consuming that the resulting adamantine isn’t worth the effort, Numerian scavengers have, by and large, left the walls and floors of the structures buried in the region untouched. It’s simply easier to scavenge smaller objects or work with normal iron or steel in the long run.

Glaucite has 30 hit points per inch of thickness(the same as steel) and hardness 15. It is half again as heavy as steel, and the difficulty of working with the material triples the object’s total cost to create. As a result, glaucite armor and weapons are generally commissioned only by eccentrics and collectors and rarely see use in the field, given that steel weapons and armor work just as well and are less encumbering.

熱石メッキ Heatstone Plating

出典 Merchant's Manifest 17ページ





+800 GP


+1,000 GP

ホラカルコン Horacalcum

出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 71ページ


ホラカルコン作成された武器と鎧は通常の4分の1のヒット・ポイントを持つ。ホラカルコンは厚さ1インチあたり30ヒット・ポイント硬度 15を持つ。ホラカルコン作成された武器は+6,000GPのコストを持つ。軽装鎧は+10,000GP、中装鎧は+30,000GP、重装鎧は+60,000GPのコストを持つ。

イヌーブリクス Inubrix

出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 71ページ



イレスパン玄武岩 Irespan Basalt

出典 Magnimar, City of Monuments 49ページ




Lazurite Lazurite

出典 Heroes of the Darklands 24ページ

Lazurite is a decayed form of a radioactive material no longer found in its natural form within the Darklands, said to be the remnants of a long-dead god. Lazurite is encountered exclusively in Sekamina, and appears as a crumbling black dust that emits a strong aura of necromancy. A corpse left within 30 feet of a naturally occurring deposit of lazurite for 24 hours has a 50% chance of spontaneously reanimating as a free-willed ghoul(often with the class levels it had in life). All undead within an area of lazurite radiation gain a +4 bonus on Will saves to resist channeled energy.

Lazurite-Bonded Armor:While crafting lazurite equipment has proven to be a notoriously difficult feat, some artificers, particularly among Darklands ghouls, have concocted a means of coaxing small amounts of lazurite into sets of armor. These sets of armor include thin lines of blackened lazurite crisscrossing the regular surface of the armor. A creature wearing a set of lazurite-bonded armor gains a +2 bonus on saves to resist channeled energy and against cure spells. The wearer must attempt a Will save against positive energy channeling, regardless of whether it’s harmful or helpful to the wearer. A living creature slain while wearing lazurite-bonded armor has a 10% chance of spontaneously rising as a ghoul after 24 hours.

A set of light armor bonded with lazurite costs an additional 1,500gp. A set of medium armor bonded with lazurite costs an additional 2,500gp. A set of heavy armor bonded with lazurite costs an additional 3,500gp.

液体ガラス Liquid Glass

出典 Merchant's Manifest 17ページ





+800 GP


+250 GP/ポンド

Nexavaran Steel Nexavaran Steel

出典 Faction Guide 55ページ

Forged by the Mendevian smiths of Nerosyan out of iron and the unique mineral nexavar, this bluish steel strikes true against monsters vulnerable to cold iron(such as demons). Weapons made of nexavaran steel cost 1-1/2 times as much to make as their normal counterparts. This steel is even more delicate than cold iron regarding magical enhancements; adding enhancements to the steel increases its price by 3,000gp. This increase is applied the first time the item is enhanced, not once per ability added. Nexavaran steel is otherwise identical to cold iron.

ノクワール Noqual

出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 71ページ、Pathfinder #14:Children of the Void 19ページ

Noqual looks almost like a pale green crystal to the untrained eye, but can be worked as iron despite its appearance. It is associated with abjuration magic, charity, and envy. Noqual is light—half as heavy as iron, yet just as strong. More importantly, noqual is strangely resistant to magic. An object made of noqual gains a +4 bonus on any saving throw made against a magical source. Creating a magic item that incorporates any amount of noqual into it increases the price of creation by 5,000gp, as costly reagents and alchemical supplies must be used to treat the metal during the process.

Weapons made of noqual weigh half as much as normal, and gain a +1 enhancement bonus on damage rolls against constructs and undead created by feats or spells. Noqual armor weighs half as much as other armors of its type, and is treated as one category lighter than normal for the purposes of movement and other limitations(light armor is still treated as light armor, though). The armor’s maximum Dexterity bonus increases by 2, and armor check penalties are reduced by 3. The armor’s spell failure chance increases by 20% and applies to all magic cast while wearing the armor, regardless of the magic’s source or class abilities possessed by the wearer.  The wearer of a suit of noqual armor gains a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities.

Noqual has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. Noqual ore is worth 50gp per pound. A suit of noqual light armor costs +4,000gp, medium armor +8,000gp, and heavy armor +12,000gp. A shield costs +2,000gp, and a weapon or other item +500gp.

Pyre Steel Pyre Steel

出典 Pathfinder:Goblins #5 27ページ

Some dwarves and hobgoblins forge tools and weapons out of pyre steel:steel embedded with ground glass that won’t warp when exposed to heat. Pyre steel weapons have fire resistance 10 and may be ignited without gaining the broken condition. They’re usually forged with grooves and reservoirs ideal for retaining fuel; once ignited, they burn for 3 minutes. Pyre steel is brittle, having the same hardness but half the hit points of a regular weapon. Only weapons made primarily from metal can be created from pyre steel. Using pyre steel doubles the base cost of the weapon or item, but not the cost of making it masterwork.

シカタイト Siccatite

出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 71ページ

This shining silver metal is either incredibly hot or freezing cold when found. Siccatite is associated with evocation magic, wrath, and kindness. As of yet, scholars have not determined whether siccatite is actually two similarly hued metals or a single type that determines its own temperature via some unknown process. When raw siccatite is found, it has a 50% chance of being hot siccatite; otherwise, it’s cold siccatite. Physical contact with siccatite deals 1 point of energy damage each round(either fire or cold, as appropriate). Hot siccatite can eventually ignite objects, and cold siccatite in water quickly surrounds itself with a 1-foot-thick shell of ice. A weapon made of siccatite deals +1 point of damage of the appropriate energy type each time it strikes a foe, but also deals 1 point of the same energy damage to the wielder each round it is used in combat. Likewise, siccatite armor deals 1 point of energy damage per round to a creature wearing it, and deals 1 point of energy damage each full round a creature is grappled by someone wearing siccatite armor. Cold siccatite armor grants fire resistance 5, while hot siccatite armor grants cold resistance 5.(The type of armor does not alter the amount of resistance granted.) Weapons made of siccatite cost +1,000gp. Armor made of siccatite costs +6,000gp.

銀光沢 Silversheen

出典 Qadira, Jewel of the East 25ページ


オーラなし(非魔法の性質); 術者レベル —; 〈製作:錬金術〉 難易度20
5ランク、〈製作:武器〉 5ランク; 価格 +750GP

歌い鋼 Singing Steel

出典 Adventurer's Armory 2 28ページ




歌い鋼のアイテムは常に高品質である; このコストは価格に含まれている。歌い鋼は厚さ1インチあたりヒット・ポイント20、硬度10を持つ。部分的にミスラルで作られているが、歌い鋼製のアイテムは通常のものと同じ重量である。














スパイア鋼 Spiresteel

出典 Pathfinder #139:The Dead Road 64ページ


スパイア鋼製の鎧は着用者の本質を保護し、その鎧ボーナスの半分を非実体クリーチャー攻撃からアーマー・クラスに適用する。スパイア鋼製の武器は、敵の実態そのものに飢えているように見える。使用者がスパイア鋼製の武器クリティカル・ヒットを確定させた場合、目標意志セーヴ難易度 = 10+武器強化ボーナスの2倍)に成功するか、魂の一部が削り取られ1ラウンドの間よろめき状態とならなければならない。


スパイア鋼 は鋼と同じヒット・ポイント硬度を持つ。













太陽絹 Sunsilk

出典 Qadira, Jewel of the East 33ページ

太陽絹はケレッシュ中心部に自生する蚕によって生産されサーレンレイの協会によって厳重に守られている。太陽の下で硬化させた後、色の輝きを放つ。軽くて柔軟性があるが、複数の層を一緒に押すと、無数の細い繊維が武器の衝撃を妨げ、斬撃や刺突武器で害を及ぼすことからわずかに防ぐのに役立つ。太陽絹製の衣類は着用者にダメージ減少 2/殴打を与える。太陽絹通常柔らかい裏として、鎧の他の特性を損なうことなく、あらゆる鎧に組み込むことができる。太陽絹は衣類または鎧のコストに6000GPを追加する。

太陽銀 Sunsilver

出典 Adventurer's Armory 2 29ページ

錬金術銀の高度な形態である太陽銀は、パーディシャー帝国の争鍛冶屋の誇りである。太陽銀製の武器は、あらゆる的で錬金術銀としてみなされる。金属で作られていないアイテムは、部分的に太陽銀で作られていても意味のある響はない(たとえば、シミターブレストプレート太陽銀作成することはできるが、クォータースタッフハイド・アーマーなどはできない)。加えて、太陽銀で作られたアイテムは効果完全耐性を持つ(rusting graspなど)。明るい範囲にいる間、太陽銀で作られたまたは鎧は明るく輝き、着用者は移動アクションとして近くの敵に反射することができる。そうすると、着用者に隣接するクリーチャーは、難易度12の頑健セーヴに成功するか、1ラウンドの間目が眩んだ状態とならなければならない。


Throneglass Throneglass

出典 Pathfinder #126:Beyond the Veiled Past 49ページ

The Imperial Palace in Azlant was a fabulous building that featured classic Azlanti architecture, including a famous skylight made of a single sheet of magically treated glass as durable as steel. Though the green-tinted substance was sturdy, it was still no match for the onslaught of Earthfall. As the meteors tore the continent to pieces, a direct hit razed the building, shattering the skylight. Years later, as survivors surveyed the damage, they discovered that the material had retained its durability and some manufactured the green shards into weapons, calling the material throneglass.

The Knights of the Ioun Star were the most proficient in turning these remnants into potent weapons, especially after they unlocked and understood throneglass’s abilities. The material is typically forged into melee weapons, though it theoretically could be used for other functions.

Throneglass is a special material as strong as steel that also provides the bearer with protection against an opponent’s psychic abilities. When a creature wielding a melee weapon made of throneglass succeeds at a saving throw against a psychic or mind-affecting effect from a creature, the weapon stores some of that energy and holds it for a future attack. A throneglass weapon can store this energy for a number of rounds equal to the level of the spell, or half the creature’s 脅威度 if the effect wasn’t a spell or spell-like ability. If the weapon hits a creature while still holding this energy, it suffuses the target with a disruptive field for 1 round. On a critical hit, the disruptive field effect instead lasts for a number of rounds equal to the weapon’s critical multiplier. While affected by this field, a target must succeed at a concentration check(難易度 = 15 + twice the spell’s level) to cast any spell or spell-like ability(in addition to any other required concentration checks). If the check is failed, the affected creature’s spell or spell-like ability is wasted. A Small or Medium weapon made of throneglass costs an additional 13,000gp.

Voidglass Voidglass

出典 Armor Master's Handbook 31ページ、The Dragon's Demand 35ページ

Voidglass originates on an unknown world beyond Golarion. It is brought to Golarion in small quantities by grioths(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 137), a race of psychic extraterrestrials. Voidglass resonates with a creature’s mind, bolstering thought and mental defenses. Any suit of armor normally made from metal can be made of voidglass. A suit of light voidglass armor or a voidglass shield grants a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws against mind-affecting magic. This bonus increases to +2 for medium voidglass armor, and to +3 for heavy voidglass armor. A voidglass piercing or slashing weapon deals 1 additional point of damage on a hit; bludgeoning weapons gain no benefit.

Voidglass has 30 hit points per inch of thickness and hardness 10. A pound of raw, unworked voidglass is worth 100gp. Light armor made from voidglass costs an additional 1,000gp, medium armor costs an additional 2,000gp, heavy armor costs an additional 4,500gp, and shields cost an additional 3,000gp. Weapons made from voidglass cost an additional 1,000gp.

原始的な素材 Primitive Materials

ガラス Glass

出典 Pathfinder #71:Rasputin Must Die! 89ページ

Brittle and often strange in appearance, glass weapons mostly serve as ceremonial instruments, but are also the best way of permanently slaying fexts. The glass parts of these weapons replace what is typically a metal or stone component, such as an arrowhead or a dagger’s blade. The remainder of the weapon is created normally, though the fittings require some specialization.

Glass weapons cost half of what base items of their type do, and have 75% the weight of base items of their type. Glass can be used to craft light and one-handed weapons that deal piercing or slashing damage, as well as bullets, spear tips, and arrowheads. Glass weapons have half the hardness of their base weapon and have the fragile quality(see Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 146 for details on the fragile quality).

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