
基本形態 Eidolon Base Forms

異形 Aberrant

初期能力サイズ 中型移動速度 20フィート; アーマー・クラス +2外皮; セーヴ 頑健(良好)、反応(劣)、意志(良好); 攻撃 噛みつき(1d6)、触手(1d6); 能力値 【筋】12、【敏】13、【耐】16、【知】7、【判】10、【魅】11。

進化 Evolutions


Basic Psychic Magic/Basic Psychic Magic 出典 Horror Realms 18ページ:Select one spell from the following list:dancing lights, detect magic, ghost sound, grave wordsOA, know direction, lullaby, mage hand, open/close, or telekinetic projectileOA. The eidolon can cast that spell as a psychic spell at will. The spell requires thought and emotion components as normal for psychic magic(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 144). The eidolon’s caster level is equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice – 2(minimum 術者レベル 1st). The save 難易度 equals 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s ヒット・ダイス + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier. This evolution can be selected more than once, selecting a different spell each time. Requirements:Aberrant subtype, Charisma 10.

Shared Evolution(超常)/Shared Evolution 出典 Legacy of the First World 19ページ:Select a 1-point or 2-point evolution the eidolon has. As a standard action, the eidolon can touch the summoner and transfer the selected evolution to him. This functions as the summoner’s aspect ability, and the same limitations apply. The summoner can touch the eidolon as a standard action to return the evolution. The evolution returns to the eidolon automatically if the eidolon is dismissed by the summoner or sent back to its home plane. Requirements:Twinned eidolon.

Tentacle Mass(変則)/Tentacle Mass 出典 Horror Realms 18ページ:The eidolon grows a thick mass of tentacles that can be used as a primary natural weapon. The tentacles deal 1d8 points of damage if the eidolon is Medium. Eidolons with the grab evolution that is linked to a tentacle mass can use that ability to grapple foes of up to the eidolon’s size, and they can also use this evolution in place of the serpentine base form to qualify for the constrict evolution. Requirements:Aberrant subtype.


Blood Frenzy(変則)/Blood Frenzy 出典 Horror Realms 19ページ:When the eidolon is dealt damage, it enters a blood frenzy. It gains a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls and attacks the nearest creature each round, friend or foe, although it ceases attacking its summoner after hitting once. The frenzy lasts for 5 rounds or until the eidolon can perceive no creatures. At the end of that time, the eidolon is fatigued for 1 minute. It cannot enter a blood frenzy while fatigued. Requirements:Aberrant, daemon, or demon subtype; summoner level 7th.

Extra Feat(変則)/Extra Feat 出典 Legacy of the First World 19ページ:The eidolon gains an extra feat. It must meet the prerequisites of the feat. Requirements:Twinned eidolon.

Intermediate Psychic Magic/Intermediate Psychic Magic 出典 Horror Realms 19ページ:The eidolon gains 2 points of psychic energy that it can spend each day. Select one spell from the following list:compel hostilityUC, lesser confusion, hypnotism, mind thrust IOA, or vanishAPG. The eidolon can use that spell thereafter as a psychic spell by spending 1 point of psychic energy. The caster level and save 難易度 are the same as for basic psychic magic. This evolution can be selected more than once, selecting a different spell each time. The eidolon’s amount of psychic energy available to spend each day does not stack—it uses only the highest number of points granted by its most powerful psychic magic evolution. Requirements:Aberrant subtype; basic psychic magic evolution; Charisma 11; summoner level 5th.

Shared Slot(超常)/Shared Slot 出典 Legacy of the First World 19ページ:Select a magic item slot. A magic item worn by the eidolon in that slot remains active even if the summoner is also wearing a magic item in that slot. This evolution can be selected more than once. Each time an eidolon selects this evolution, it applies to a new slot. Requirements:Twinned eidolon.


Advanced Psychic Magic/Advanced Psychic Magic 出典 Horror Realms 19ページ:The eidolon gains 5 points of psychic energy that it can spend each day. Select one spell from the following list:darkness, detect thoughts, disfiguring touchUM, id insinuation IOA, mind thrust IIOA, or touch of idiocy. The eidolon can cast that spell as a psychic spell by spending 2 points of psychic energy. The caster level and save 難易度 are the same as for basic psychic magic. This evolution can be selected more than once, selecting a different spell each time. The eidolon’s amount of psychic energy available to spend each day does not stack—it uses only the highest number of points granted by its most powerful psychic magic evolution. Requirements:Aberrant subtype; intermediate psychic magic evolution; Charisma 12; summoner level 7th.

Alien Consciousness(変則)/Alien Consciousness 出典 Horror Realms 19ページ:The eidolon’s mind is dangerously incomprehensible to mortals who contact it. Nonaberrations that read the eidolon’s mind or make mental contact with it take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage(or 1d8 points of sanity damage, if you use the sanity rules from Horror Adventures). This contact also includes communication via telepathy—an eidolon that has telepathic capability must initiate this particular contact as a swift action against a single target in order to force its alien consciousness on another creature. A successful Will saving throw(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s ヒット・ダイス + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier) halves the damage. Once a creature has been subjected to the eidolon’s alien consciousness, it is immune to further damage from that eidolon’s alien consciousness for 24 hours. The eidolon’s summoner is immune to his own eidolon’s alien consciousness, but he can still be affected by other eidolons’ alien consciousnesses. This is a mind-affecting effect. Requirements:Aberrant or protean subtype; summoner level 9th.


Amorphous/Amorphous 出典 Horror Realms 19ページ:The eidolon’s biology lacks discernible weak points. It is not subject to critical hits and sneak attacks. Requirements:Aberrant or elemental subtype; summoner level 9th.

Disease/Disease 出典 Horror Realms 19ページ:One of the eidolon’s natural weapons carries a disease chosen from the following list:bubonic plague, filth fever, leprosy, red ache, or shakes. Each hit forces a saving throw against the disease’s normal effects. The disease has no onset, however. The save 難易度 equals 10 + 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice + the eidolon’s Constitution modifier. The eidolon can expose a creature to its disease no more than once per round. By spending 2 additional evolution points, you can instead choose the following additional diseases:demon fever(only if the eidolon has the demon subtype), devil chills(only if the eidolon has the devil subtype), or slimy doom. Requirements:Aberrant, daemon, demon, or devil subtype or the undead appearance evolutionUM; summoner level 7th.

Superior Psychic MagicSuperior Psychic Magic 出典 Horror Realms 19ページ:The eidolon has 7 points of psychic magic to spend each day. Select one spell from the following list:confusion, deeper darkness, displacement, jester’s jauntAPG, id insinuation IIOA, or mind thrust IIIOA. The eidolon can cast that spell as a psychic spell by spending 3 points of psychic energy. The caster level and save 難易度 are the same as for basic psychic magic. This evolution can be selected more than once, selecting a different spell each time. The eidolon’s amount of psychic energy available to spend each day does not stack; it uses only the highest number of points granted by its most powerful psychic magic evolution. Requirements:Aberrant subtype; advanced psychic magic evolution; summoner level 11th; Charisma 13.

幻獣の副種別 Eidolon Subtypes

異形 Aberrant

出典 Horror Realms 18ページ

Alien entities from the farthest stars, the lightless depths of the Darklands, the sea itself, or even a lunatic’s nightmares have long intrigued summoners who become obsessed with the monstrous form. While most summoners call upon outsiders from the Great Beyond, some discover the secret to summoning alien entities from strange corners of the Material Plane. These summoned minions are known as aberrant eidolons. Aberrant eidolons share many abilities and physical features with the nonoutsider aberrations that dwell in forgotten or nameless reaches of reality, but these malformed entities are still outsiders like any other eidolon for the purposes of determining which spells affect them.

The following rules for aberrant eidolons are designed for the unchained summoner—see Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained for more details on this optional variant of the summoner class.

属性Chaotic evil, chaotic neutral, neutral, or neutral evil.

基本形態Aberrant(bite, grab [tentacle mass], tentacle mass), biped(limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam), quadruped(bite, limbs [legs, 2]), or serpentine(bite, grab [bite], reach [bite], tail, tail slap).

基本進化Starting at 1st level, aberrant eidolons gain the following class skills in place of those normally gained by eidolons:Escape Artist, Intimidate, Knowledge(pick one), Perception, Stealth, and Climb, Fly, or Swim(pick one). The summoner can choose four additional skills to be class skills for his eidolon. Aberrant eidolons count as both aberrations and outsiders for spells and effects. They gain a +4 racial bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting effects.

Aeon Aeon

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 24ページ

Created to monitor a specific duality, an aeon eidolon often proves frustratingly headstrong in enforcing its own interpretation of balance.


基本形態Biped(claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or serpentine(limbs [arms], tail, slam).

基本進化At 1st level, aeon eidolons gain the envisaging ability(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 305). Aeon eidolons halve the armor and natural armor bonuses they gain per level, but gain an equal deflection bonus to their アーマー・クラス. They also gain a +4 bonus on saving throws against poison.

Ancestor Ancestor

出典 Blood of the Beast 31ページ

Whether created by bonding with the soul of a petitioner that was the summoner’s ancestor in life or calling upon the impressions of such a soul left behind on the Ethereal Plane or the Akashic Record, ancestor eidolons are outsiders cast in the mold of mortals, and exhibit extraordinary skill and talent. They usually appear as idealized versions of the bodies they possessed while still alive, but distinctive and proud. Ancestor eidolons lend whatever aid they can to their summoner, who typically has some form of familial connection with the eidolon, be it by blood, honor, or devotion.

属性Any. Ancestor eidolons don’t have any alignment subtypes.

基本形態Biped(limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).

基本進化At 1st level, an ancestor eidolon gains all of the racial traits associated with its summoner’s race; a summoner who isn’t a 0-Hit Die creature must choose one 0-Hit Die race of his choice from the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. For any effect dependent on class level, an ancestor eidolon uses its total Hit Dice instead(such as with the human’s skilled racial trait). An ancestor eidolon counts as a creature of its chosen race’s type and subtype for all effects, except for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisite requirements. An ancestor eidolon gains only the standard racial traits of its race; it cannot select alternate racial traits.

Astral Astral

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 24ページ

While some resemble ouroboroses, most astral eidolons are spun from raw thought or the husks of Astral travelers whose silver cords broke.


基本形態Biped(limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam) or serpentine(bite, magic attacks, reach [bite], tail, tail slap).

基本進化At 1st level, astral eidolons gain immunity to aging as well as a +4 bonus on saving throws against curses, diseases, and poisons. A summoner’s class level is halved for the purpose of determining the rate at which his astral eidolon’s Strength and Dexterity increase.

When melded with a summoned creature, the eidolon grants the summoned creature one or more evolutions the eidolon has(maximum 1 point worth of evolutions for every 3 Hit Dice the eidolon has) and a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 plus the eidolon’s number of Hit Dice. The summoned creature must conform to any limitations of the evolution(for example, it must have wings in order to gain the wing buffet evolution). Furthermore, the summoned creature cannot gain more than one natural attack in this way, though it can replace the damage of its natural weapons with that dealt by the evolution, provided the natural weapons are similar. For effects dependent on Hit Dice, use the eidolon’s Hit Dice.

Deepwater Deepwater

出典 Blood of the Sea 23ページ

The vast, lightless reaches of the sea are home to creatures of unimaginable power with connections to dangerous planes. A few rare summoners attempt to conjure forth eidolons from these cold, alien depths, drawing forth utterly inhuman allies with squirming tentacles and gnashing beaks. Although these eidolons may superficially resemble primeval beasts such as aboleths, krakens, or monstrous squids or eels—if they resemble any previously encountered deep-sea life-form at all—they are outsiders like any other eidolon for the purposes of spells and effects that affect them.

属性Chaotic evil, chaotic neutral, neutral, or neutral evil.

基本形態Serpentine(bite, grab [tail slap], reach [tail slap], tail, tail slap).

基本進化Starting at 1st level, deepwater eidolons gain the gills, resistance(cold), and swim evolutions.

Genie Genie

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 27ページ

Genies are elemental beings that take humanoid forms, and genie eidolons often vacillate between humble kowtowing and biting observations about the summoner’s foibles that make the eidolon look superior. The following rules are designed for the unchained summoner—see Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained for more details on this optional variant of the summoner class.

属性Chaotic good, chaotic neutral, lawful evil, lawful neutral, or neutral.

基本形態Biped(limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam).

基本進化At 1st level, genie eidolons gain the 4-point weapon training evolution as well as the resistance evolution for any one energy type.

Kami Kami

出典 Wilderness Origins 18ページ

Kami eidolons are spirits of nature bound to an unchained summoner. They seek to protect their wards, but because of their summoner’s bond, they have more flexibility choosing their wards than most of their kind.

属性Any non-evil. Kami eidolons do not have an alignment subtype, instead having the native subtype.

基本形態Biped(limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam).

基本進化At 1st level, a kami eidolon gains the resistance(fire) evolution and the 4-point weapon training evolution(proficiency in martial weapons).

Kyton Kyton

出典 Curse of the Crimson Throne(PFRPG) 431ページ

Scholars of the exquisiteness of agony and explorers of the limitations of the flesh, kytons understand the mortal form is a blank canvas aching for transformation. They appear as humanoids, save that they are covered in piercings, draped with chains, and bear grisly body modifications. Kyton eidolons gain access to the tentacle and web evolutions, but kyton eidolon tentacles and webs always appear as animated chains.

属性Lawful evil.

基本形態Biped(improved natural armor, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).

基本進化At 1st level, kyton eidolons gain the resistance(cold) and skilled(Heal) evolutions. They also gain proficiency with the spiked chain.

Plant Plant

出典 Ultimate Wilderness 95ページ

Plant eidolons consist of vegetable matter infused with raw natural spiritual power.

属性Any. Plant eidolons don’t have alignment subtypes.

基本形態Cactus(limbs [arms], limbs [legs], sting), conifer(claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), fungus(bite, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), leaf(limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam), seaweed(limbs [arms], slam, swim [2]).

基本進化At 1st level, plant eidolons gain low-light vision as well as the resistance(electricity) and resistance(sonic) evolutions.

Radiant Radiant

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 25ページ

Practically glowing with the Positive Energy Plane’s potential, radiant eidolons make for passionate, if judgmental, companions that often have avian features.


基本形態Biped(bite, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]) or quadruped(claws, limbs [legs, 2]).

基本進化Radiant eidolons are immune to death effects and energy drain. They can exist comfortably on the Positive Energy Plane and do not benefit or suffer from the positive-dominant planar trait. Whenever radiant eidolons are subjected to a magical healing effect, they regain 1 additional hit point per die rolled.

Shadow Shadow

出典 Blood of Shadows 11ページ

Shadow is a new eidolon subtype available to the variant of the summoner class presented in Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained. Summoned from the dreary shadowscapes of the Shadow Plane, shadow eidolons are grim, colorless mockeries of creatures that inhabit the Material Plane. Shadow eidolons resent being pulled into the unbearable brightness of the Material Plane. Despite this, shadow eidolons serve their summoners with somberness, acknowledging that shadow cannot exist without light.

属性Any nongood.

基本形態Biped(claws, limbs [arms], limbs [legs]), quadruped(limbs [legs, 2], bite), or serpentine(bite, improved natural armor, reach [bite], tail, tail slap).

基本進化At 1st level, shadow eidolons gain the resistance(cold) and resistance(electricity) evolutions. They also gain the ability to cast darkness as a spell-like ability three times per day. The caster level for this spell-like ability is equal to the eidolon’s Hit Dice.

Storykin Storykin

出典 Source Plane-Hopper's Handbook 26ページ

The storykin are avatars of the harrow deck’s cards, brought to life through the power of the Harrowed Realm. Most of the storykin are limited in their autonomy, spending their lives acting out the roles in the stories they originated from. The form and alignment of a storykin eidolon is dependent on the harrow card the eidolon is based on. You can reference an actual harrow deck for these eidolons(harrow decks are available at paizo.com or at many gaming stores, and pictures of the harrow cards can be found in Pathfinder Player Companion:The Harrow Handbook), but you can also simulate the suit and alignment of an eidolon from a harrow deck as detailed on page 293 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting:The Inner Sea World Guide.


基本形態Bipedal(limbs [arms], limbs [legs], slam), quadruped(limbs [legs, 2], slam), or serpentine(bite, grab [tail slap], tail, tail slap).

基本進化The first time a summoner summons a storykin eidolon, he must select a specific harrow card, typically one that features a creature, such as the Paladin, the Rabbit Prince, or the Tyrant. This choice determines the eidolon’s base form, alignment, and overall appearance, as the eidolon resembles the creature from the chosen card. Harrow cards without an obvious creature instead manifest as a generic humanoid creature made of colorful patchwork cloth. A storykin eidolon’s alignment matches the alignment of the chosen harrow card and still must be within one step of the summoner’s alignment. The suit of the chosen harrow card determines the abilities of the storykin eidolon as it evolves. When the summoner gains a level, he can choose a different harrow card and thus a different base form, alignment, and appearance.

Twinned Twinned

出典 Legacy of the First World 18ページ

Just like a summoner, a twinned eidolon learns to use weapons and magic. While twinned eidolons are ethically more flexible than most eidolons, they are quite adamant about being treated as equals and not as servants. They demonstrate an eerie consistency with the summoner’s manner of thinking, providing similar answers to questions and reacting similarly to startling events. This subtype is restricted to twinned summoners.


基本形態Biped(limbs [arms], limbs [legs]).

基本進化A twinned eidolon gains the weapon training evolution. The twinned eidolon also gains the skilled(Disguise) evolution. The racial bonus provided by this evolution is doubled when the eidolon is impersonating the twinned summoner.

Void Void

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 25ページ

Like the sharp-angled sceaduinars they resemble, void eidolons exult in entropy and resent anything bearing even a hint of life—including their summoners.

属性Neutral or neutral evil.

基本形態Biped(bite, limbs [legs], skilled [Stealth], wing buffet).

基本進化Void eidolons have negative energy affinity(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 299) and are immune to death effects, disease, energy drain, and poison.

アンチェインド・サモナーのアーキタイプ Unchained Summoner‎ Archetypes

人造の召喚師アーキタイプConstruct Caller

出典 Construct Handbook 10ページ


人造幻獣(変則)/Construct Eidolon:人造の召喚師は、幻獣イネヴァタブルの副種別を選択しなければならない。人造幻獣はここに記載されている者を除き、イネヴァタブル幻獣として機能する。人造幻獣は任意の属性にすることができる。【耐久力】値はなく、そのサイズ人造に適したボーナスヒット・ポイントを得る。12レベルの点で、人造幻獣ダメージ減少 5/混沌ではなくダメージ減少 5/アダマンティンを得る。


次元操作(変則)/Planar Tinkering:3レベル点で、人造の召喚師はは、次元界のエネルギーをより適切に形成し、幻獣強化することを学ぶ。幻獣進化プールのポイント数は1増加する。幻獣進化プールのポイント数は7レベル点と以降4レベル毎にさらに1増加し、19レベルの点で合計5ポイント増加する。


悪魔詐欺師アーキタイプDevil Impostor

出典 Agents of Evil 17ページ



属性結合(超常)/Bond Alignment:2レベル悪魔詐欺師と彼女の幻獣がお互い1,000フィート以内にいる限り、オーラを明らかにする占術呪文ディテクト・イーヴルなど)の的で秩序にして悪属性オーラを発している。これは属性に基づく他の能響を及ぼさない(悪を討つ一撃など)。悪魔詐欺師標準アクションとして1分間この効果を抑止することができる。この能感覚結合と置き換える。

幻獣(超常)/Deceptive Eidolon:悪魔詐欺師幻獣は常に同じサイズの特定の種類デヴィルに似ていて(術者が選択する)、実際の属性に関係なくディテクト・イーヴルなどの魔法効果のもとで秩序にして悪オーラを放つ。幻獣は、他の全ての属性に依存する能効果呪文を解決するときは依然として実際の属性を使用する。その外見は常にデヴィル外見であるが、幻獣は副種別を持つことができ、それは真の副種別が利用できる進化を選択することができるだけである。この能通常幻獣のルールと置き換える。

魔鬼召喚(擬呪)/Fiendish Summons:悪魔詐欺師は彼女のサモン・モンスター擬似呪文能力を通じて招来されるクリーチャーに、彼女の属性に関係なく、フィーンディッシュ・テンプレートを適用しなければならない。この能アンチェインド・サモナーサモン・モンスターの能と置き換える。

(変則)Devil's Flesh:4レベルで、悪魔詐欺師幻獣はいくつかのフィーンディッシュの特徴を得る。悪魔詐欺師幻獣得意技能〈はったり〉と、]抵抗進化を得る(すでに[に対する抵抗を持っている場合[に対する完全耐性を得る)。この幻獣デヴィルの副種別の追加の進化を選択できる。この能味方の盾と置き換える。

(変則)Devil's Tongue:12レベルで、悪魔詐欺師幻獣は、〈はったり〉〈交渉〉〈威圧〉技能判定を試みるときその主人の技能ランク習熟ボーナスを適用することができる。この能上級味方の盾と置き換える。

魔鬼の姿(擬呪)/Fiendish Appearance:8レベル悪魔詐欺師は即座に彼女の幻獣を送還し、その外見を採るために彼女の創造者の呼び声の能を使用することができる。これは、悪魔詐欺師を彼女の幻獣の複製へと変化するオルター・セルフ呪文で修正されるものとして機能する。彼女は幻獣が得ている1回の肉体攻撃を得、幻獣小型より小さいか、中型より大きい場合は彼女はその幻獣小型あるいは中型サイズのものの形状となる。この変化は10×彼女のアンチェインド・サモナーの有効レベル分間あるいは幻獣が再招来されるまで継続する。この能入れ替わりの能と置き換える。

God CallerアーキタイプGod Caller

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 40ページ

God callers follow a fractured tradition that originated in the now-lost nation of Sarkoris. They speak to an assortment of ancient divine powers to lead their communities and sometimes stir up reformations in faiths with ideals similar to their personal convictions. Any summoner(including the summoner from Pathfinder Unchained) can select the god caller archetype.

クラス技能A god caller adds Diplomacy and Intimidate to his list of class skills, instead of Knowledge(dungeoneering, engineering, geography, and nature) and Use Magic Device.

This ability alters the summoner’s class skills.

Guidance(擬呪)/Guidance:A god caller’s eidolon has a tiny spark of divinity. It can use guidance as a spell-like ability at will. However, the eidolon and the god caller must remain within 50 feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the eidolon is beyond 50 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by half.

This ability alters life link.

Divine Word(変則)/Divine Word:At 8th level, if a god caller’s eidolon would grant him a bonus with the aid another action on a Diplomacy or Intimidate check, the god caller can instead choose to roll twice and take the better result. He makes the choice before rolling. Once per day while his eidolon uses the aid another action to assist him in such a check, if the god caller would improve a target’s attitude toward him, or gain a success if using the individual influence rules(Ultimate Intrigue 102), he instead improves that target’s attitude by 2 steps or it counts as 2 successes.

This ability replaces transposition.

Divine Awareness(擬呪)/Divine Awareness:At 10th level, after 10 minutes of concentration, a god caller’s eidolon can see from afar as per clairaudience/clairvoyance. The eidolon can do this once per day at 10th level, and an additional time per day every 4 summoner levels thereafter(maximum of 3 times per day at 18th level).

This ability replaces aspect.

Divine Might(変則)/Divine Might:At 18th level, a god caller’s eidolon’s attacks are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and harming mythic creatures.

This ability replaces greater aspect.

Overwhelming Presence(擬呪)/Overwhelming Presence:At 20th level, a god caller’s eidolon can use overwhelming presence(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 230) three times per day. The save 難易度 is equal to 19 + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces twin eidolon.

結魂の召喚師アーキタイプSoulbound Summoner

出典 Pathfinder #144:Midwives to Death 83ページ

サモナーになる全ての人が秘術に意図的なを出すわけではない。結魂の召喚師は、原則として、彼らの魂を危険で謎めいたに縛り付けようとは決してしなかった。むしろ、彼らは信じられないほどの状況の中で、彼ら自身が意図しない幻獣の主へとなってしまった。 最も一般的なのは、お互いの自衛のために来訪者契約を結んだ者である。他の結魂の召喚師は、真の来訪者とは全く接触せず、精神的または魔法的なトラウマに反応して、彼らの心の中から幻獣発現させる。このようなサモナーを生み出した出来事により、幻獣サモナー精神に完全に融合してしまう。この偶発的なサモナーは、ほとんどのサモナーが持っている次元を超えた実践的なスキルを持っていないが、幻獣との強い絆は、サモナー来訪者の両方に異常なを与える。

契約呪い(変則)/Pactbond Curse:結魂の召喚師自身幻獣との形而上学的なつながりは、両者に大きな響を及ぼす。幻獣属性はその副種別に関係なく常に結魂の召喚師属性と一致する。加えて、1レベル点で、サモナーオラクルの呪いを選択しなければならず、呪い効果を決定する的でオラクルレベルとして自身サモナーレベルを使用する。この選択を行うと変更はできない。呪いの結果として修得済み呪文のリストの呪文を得たサモナーは、修得した呪文を発動するために、適切なレベル呪文を発動することができなければならない。



結魂の生命共有(超常)/Soulbound Life Link:結魂の召喚師幻獣の本質は、元の次元界ではなくサモナーの心と魂の中にあり、このつながりを利用して彼自身の活幻獣回復することができる。サモナー生命共有を使用してアクションを使用せずにヒット・ポイントを何ポイントでも犠牲にすることができる。この方法で犠牲にした各ヒット・ポイントは1ポイントのダメージ幻獣回復する。結魂の召喚師幻獣が殺されてサモナーの心に送り返された後でもこの能を使用できる。幻獣が十分回復してヒット・ポイントの合計値が0を超えると通常通り再度召喚できる。


弱体化した招来/Weakened Summoning:通常厳密な魔法の研究ではなく、意図しない魔法、トラウマ、または一つの協定の結果である。結魂の召喚師は、サモン・モンスターまたはゲート呪文擬似呪文能力として発動する能を得ない。

結魂の進化/Soulbound Evolution:結魂の召喚師幻獣は、サモナーとの異常の強いつながりからを得る。3レベル5レベル7レベル9レベル点で、幻獣進化プールに1ポイントを加える。11、15、17、19レベルで幻獣進化プールに2ポイントを加える。7レベル点で、幻獣はその進化の服種別必要条件を満たしていない場合でも進化を選択できる。


Storm CallerアーキタイプStorm Caller

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 16ページ

Many summoners beckon monsters from the Elemental Planes, but few are as specialized as storm callers, who channel the elemental energies of the Plane of Air. Storm callers are most commonly encountered in areas where thunderstorms appear frequently, including supernaturally stormy places like the Sodden Lands.

Stormy Eidolon/Stormy Eidolon:A storm caller must select an eidolon subtype that gains resistance or immunity to electricity at 1st level, such as the elemental eidolon(Pathfinder Unchained 33) or genie eidolon(see page 27).If the eidolon has neither of these evolutions, it becomes nauseated until it regains one of them.

This ability alters eidolon.

Summon Storm’s Fury(擬呪)/Summon Storm’s Fury:A storm caller can summon creatures infused with the power of the storm to help him. This functions as the summoner’s summon monster I–IX abilities, except the storm caller can summon only the following creatures at the indicated spell levels:I—eagle; II—small air elemental, small lightning elementalB2; III—dire bat; IV—medium air elemental, medium lightning elementalB2, pteranodon; V—large air elemental, large lightning elementalB2; VI—huge air elemental, huge lightning elementalB2; VII—roc; VIII—elder air elemental, elder lightning elementalB2; IX—advanced elder air elemental, advanced elder lightning elementalB2. Any creatures summoned with this ability gain immunity to electricity.

Alternatively, whenever his eidolon is not summoned, a storm caller can expend a daily use of this ability to summon a magical storm as a standard action. This functions as call lightning with a caster level equal to his summoner level, except as noted below.

Each bolt of lightning deals 1d6 points of electricity damage. This damage increases by 1d6 at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level. The prevailing weather has no effect on the damage of the lightning bolts. The Reflex save 難易度 is equal to 10 + half the storm caller’s summoner level + his Charisma modifier. If the storm caller uses this ability again before he has used all of his available bolts of lightning(to summon another magical storm, to summon a monster, or to use the gate spell), any unused bolts are expended with no effect.

The storm caller adds call lightning to his summoner spell list as a 3rd-level spell and call lightning storm to automatically add them to his list of spells known.

This alters the summoner’s summon monster I–IX abilities.

Electrical Polarity(超常)/Electrical Polarity:At 4th level, a storm caller and his eidolon can temporarily form an electrical current between them. The storm caller can expend a use of his summon storm’s fury ability as a standard action to create an instantaneous line of lightning between him and his eidolon, provided that the eidolon is within 60 feet of him. The lightning arc deals the same amount of damage to all creatures in the line and has the same save 難易度 as a bolt of lightning from the summon storm’s fury ability(unlike call lightning, this damage is dealt only once). The storm caller and his eidolon are not affected by this lightning.

At 12th level, the storm caller gains the benefit of his eidolon’s resistance(electricity) or immunity(electricity) evolution whenever he is within 30 feet of the eidolon.

This ability replaces shield ally and greater shield ally.

Storm’s Wings(超常)/Storm’s Wings:At 6th level, a storm caller can borrow some of his eidolon’s elemental might. He can gain the flight evolution(Pathfinder Unchained 37) as though he were using the summoner’s aspect ability, deducting 2 evolution points from the eidolon’s evolution pool. If he does so, his eidolon is unable to take the flight evolution as long as the storm caller has that evolution.

At 8th level, the storm caller’s eidolon can have the flight evolution even if the storm caller has that evolution.

At 10th level, the storm caller automatically gains the flight evolution without reducing the number of evolution points available to the eidolon. He can use the aspect ability(and at 18th level, the greater aspect ability) to gain additional evolutions.

This ability replaces maker’s call and transposition.

Twinned SummonerアーキタイプTwinned Summoner

出典 Legacy of the First World 18ページ

Reflecting the connected nature of Imbrex, a twinned summoner and his eidolon appear identical save for any obvious differences, such as evolutions or equipment.

Twinned Eidolon/Twinned Eidolon:The twinned summoner’s eidolon is restricted to the biped base form. An unchained summoner’s eidolon is instead restricted to the twinned eidolon subtype(see below). If the summoner’s natural size is smaller than Medium, the twinned summoner’s eidolon must be Small. This ability may require a different base form or subtype to match the twinned summoner’s natural form, at the GM’s discretion, if the twinned summoner is not a bipedal creature.

チームワーク特技(変則)At 4th level and at 12th level, a twinned summoner gains a bonus teamwork feat. He must meet the prerequisites of the selected teamwork feat. The twinned summoner automatically grants all of his teamwork feats to his eidolon. The eidolon doesn’t need to meet the prerequisites of these teamwork feats.

This ability replaces shield ally and greater shield ally.

Twinned Transposition(超常)Twinned Transposition:At 6th level, as a standard action, a twinned summoner can swap locations with his eidolon as if each were using dimension door, using the twinned summoner’s caster level. If the eidolon is out of range, the ability is wasted. If either the twinned summoner or his eidolon occupies more squares than the other, each must occupy one or more squares that were occupied by the other if possible, or as close as possible if not. The twinned summoner can use this ability once per day at 6th level, plus one additional time per day for every 4 levels beyond 6th. At 8th level, he can use this ability as a swift action.

This ability replaces maker’s call and transposition.

Twin Summoner(超常)/Twin Summoner:At 16th level, a twinned summoner can touch his eidolon as a standard action, enhancing its similarity to the summoner. The eidolon loses any natural weapons or size increases gained from evolutions, and its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores change to match the base scores of the summoner. The eidolon can cast any of the summoner’s spells known using the summoner’s caster level and spell slots. It doesn’t gain the benefit of any of the summoner’s items, feats, or other effects that affect spellcasting. The eidolon can keep this form for a number of minutes per day equal to the summoner’s class level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. The summoner can end this effect as a free action.

This ability replaces the merge forms class feature.

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