

伝説の霊 Legendary Spirits

出典 Occult Realms

The spirits a medium can channel draw their power both from the tales told about them and from their own souls, which echo with the remarkable deeds they performed in life. All spirits have stories—and some arise from people whose deeds shook the world and whose testaments have endured throughout the ages. These beings are legendary spirits, and they possess great power they can share with mediums who gain their favor.

Attaining the ability to channel a legendary spirit involves traveling to a certain location or performing a certain deed, swearing an oath, performing a ritual, and succeeding at an ability check. The type of check depends on the spirit, but the 難易度 is always equal to 10 + 1/2 the medium’s level. If the medium breaks the oath, the spirit will no longer answer when he calls. If the medium attempts to call another spirit of the legendary spirit’s legend, the legendary spirit similarly departs forever.

Abrogail Thrune IハイエロファントAbrogail Thrune I(Hierophant))

出典 Occult Realms 10ページ
The legendary spirits on pages 10-11 are legal for play with the following clarifications:A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit's oath, and a PC can regain that spirit's favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric's spellcasting abilities).

The ruthless monarch who single-handedly changed the course of Cheliax’s history, Abrogail Thrune I struck a bargain with Hell to enable her to seize the nation’s throne for her family, ending a bloody civil war.

支持の獲得To gain Abrogail Thrune’s favor, you must travel to the giant bronze statue of her in the Triumph district in Egorian, or to any place where a lawful outsider with at least 20 Hit Dice has visited or been called. Once there, you must vow to never break a binding contract, and must make a case for why you should be entrusted with power over others. Doing so requires a Wisdom check; if you succeed, Thrune answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Thrune, you must vow to fight against chaos wherever you see it.

Dynamic Decree(初級、超常)/Dynamic Decree:Thrune always grants the following spells of each level:0—bleed, 1st—bane, 2nd—enthrall, 3rd—agonize(Ultimate Magic 205), 4th—greater infernal healing(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:The Inner Sea World Guide 295), 5th—true seeing, 6th—banishment. This ability alters divine surge.

Supernatural Aid(上級、超常)/Supernatural Aid:Once per day, you can call an outsider with a number of Hit Dice equal to or less than yours(maximum 18 ヒット・ダイス) as if casting the appropriate planar ally spell. You do not need to pay the material component required to cast the spell, but you still must bargain with and pay the outsider for its services. This ability replaces overflowing grace.

Ambras ImreトリックスターAmbras Imre(Trickster))

出典 Occult Realms 10ページ
The legendary spirits on pages 10-11 are legal for play with the following clarifications:A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit's oath, and a PC can regain that spirit's favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric's spellcasting abilities).

Seeking a place to practice his illegal art, Chelish poisoner Count Ambras Imre settled in Daggermark and eventually established the notorious Daggermark Poisoner’s Guild.

支持の獲得Ambras Imre answers only mediums who show ingenuity and proficiency in making poisons. To gain his favor, you must travel to the Daggermark Poisoners’ Guild, or to the headquarters of any poisoners’ guild, herbalists’ guild, or similar organization. Once there, you must vow to use poison to eliminate foes significantly stronger than yourself, and stealthily place a poison you created on a guild member’s person(without harming that person) or among the person’s belongings, which requires a Dexterity check. If you succeed, Imre answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Imre, you must never work for or ally with a monarch or totalitarian.

Apprentice Poisoner(初級、超常)/Apprentice Poisoner:You gain poison use, as per the alchemist class feature. When using Craft(alchemy) to create poisons, you receive a bonus equal to 1/2 your medium level(minimum 1). At 4th level, you gain a +2 bonus on all saving throws against poison. This ability replaces trickster’s edge.

Ardril, the Would-Be KingチャンピオンArdril, the Would-Be King(Champion))

出典 Heroes of Golarion 5ページ

The Would-Be King is an Ulfen folk hero famous for slaying nearly a dozen linnorms but refusing to rule any nation until she had slain Fafnheir, the father of all linnorms. The Linnorm Kings at the time were fearful of losing their positions and sent their own warriors to kill her. Ardril barely escaped with her life, and she fled her home for Valenhall.

支持の獲得To gain Ardril’s favor, you must defeat an enemy with the dragon type and at least 7 Hit Dice without any aid from allies. After defeating the enemy, you must attempt a Wisdom check as you are bombarded with the memory of a linnorm’s curse. If you succeed, Ardril answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Ardril, you must never seek out or accept any position of power or leadership.

Challenge(初級、超常)/Challenge:You gain the challenge ability as a cavalier of your level. When you challenge a foe, your attacks ignore any damage reduction your target has. In addition, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws until the challenge ends.

Death Curse(最上級、超常)/Death Curse:When you channel Ardril, you can select any two linnorm death curse rage powers. You can select different rage powers each time you channel Ardril. Treat your medium level as your barbarian level for the purpose of meeting prerequisites. You gain the benefit of these rage powers against challenged foes even if you are not raging. For each additional point of damage that would be dealt by a rage power, you deal 1d6 points of damage instead.


出典 Occult Realms 10ページ
The legendary spirits on pages 10-11 are legal for play with the following clarifications:A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit's oath, and a PC can regain that spirit's favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric's spellcasting abilities).

General Arnisant was a Taldan hero who sacrificed himself in the battle against Tar-Baphon at the end of the Shining Crusade, weakening the lich so his allies could trap the Whispering Tyrant.

支持の獲得To gain Arnisant’s favor, you must travel either to the Crusader War College in Vigil, where the Shattered Shield of Arnisant is enshrined, or to the site of any major Shining Crusade battle. Once there, you must swear an oath to slay any undead you meet and concoct a tincture from the remains of a corporeal undead you have killed. You then must drink the tincture and succeed at a Constitution check before Arnisant will answer your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Arnisant, you must always protect others from danger when you can(including defeated enemies, but not enemies that are an active threat to you and others).

Arnisant's Shield(中級、超常)/Arnisant's Shield:Arnisant grants his power to a single shield you wear, allowing you to increase its enhancement bonus by 1(or add a shield special ability with a +1 bonus base price modifier if the shield’s enhancement bonus is already +5). When you would be slain, turned to stone, or otherwise incapacitated, you can allow Arnisant’s spirit to sacrifice himself to protect you from the effect. This negates any single non-damaging effect, and for a damaging effect, it leaves you with 0 hit points or your hit point total just before the deathblow, whichever is lower. In exchange, you lose contact with Arnisant and have no spirit abilities until your next day’s seance. Furthermore, you can’t contact Arnisant for 24 hours, and when you next contact Arnisant, he starts with 1 more point of influence over you than normal. This ability replaces absorb blow.

Azghaad IマーシャルAzghaad I(Marshal)

出典 Occult Realms 11ページ
The legendary spirits on pages 10-11 are legal for play with the following clarifications:A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit's oath, and a PC can regain that spirit's favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric's spellcasting abilities).

The ancient founder of Osirion, Azghaad I brought his people together under Nethys’s guidance at the dawn of the Age of Destiny.

支持の獲得To gain Azghaad’s favor, you must visit Azghaad’s Spire in Sothis or any government building or ruin tied to Ancient Osirion. Once there, you must extol the greatness of the early god-kings, swear to support Osirion’s return to prominence when possible, and succeed at a Charisma check before Azghaad answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Azghaad, you must embrace any opportunity to spread the legend of past or former Osirian greatness, even if doing so would be disadvantageous.

All-Seeing Eye(上級、超常)/All-Seeing Eye:While your eyes aren’t literally all-seeing, you can keep track of all your allies with ease. You can shift your senses to any ally who was present for your seance as a move action, as if you had the witness spell(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 249) active on all of them at all times. This replaces decisive strike.

)Beldam IトリックスターBeldam I(Trickster)

出典 Pathfinder #132:The Six-Legend Soul 70ページ
A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit’s oath, and a PC can regain that spirit’s favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric’s spellcasting abilities)

History has a divided memory when it comes to Grand Prince Beldam I. Scholars of the schism that took place between Taldor and its erstwhile territories paint a picture of a diplomatic emperor whose insightful approach resulted in a largely bloodless transition from a monolithic empire to a collection of neighboring nations. Yet those who relate the tales for which the emperor is best known recall a quirky prankster with little regard for ceremony, tradition, or propriety. A rare few see the way in which these two personas combined to form exactly the leader Taldor needed at this fraught point in its history:someone who could offset the difficulty of a painful decision with frivolous antics. It is this balance of effectiveness through trickery that those channeling the spirit of Beldam seek to emulate.

支持の獲得Beldam answers the call of only those who share his esoteric sense of humor. You must convince someone to place a non-sentient animal in a position of authority, so long as such an act would not cause civil unrest or instability. You must then swear a vow to never act without due consideration of the consequences of your actions and attempt a Charisma check. If you succeed, Beldam answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Beldam, you must embrace every opportunity to pull a prank or make a jest, but never at your own expense.

Princely Humor(初級、超常)/Princely Humor:You gain Improved Dirty Trick and Improved Feint as bonus feats. When you successfully perform a dirty trick, you can allow Beldam’s spirit to gain 1 point of influence over you to target that opponent with hideous laughter(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 your medium level + your Charisma modifier) as a free action that does not provoke an attack of opportunity, in addition to the effects of the dirty trick.

Atrocious Gift(上級、超常)/Atrocious Gift:You can allow Beldam to gain 1 point of influence over you to make a melee touch attack against another creature as a standard action. If you hit, you can transfer one disease or poison from yourself to the touched creature. You are immediately cured of the disease or poison and the target must attempt a saving throw against the transferred affliction(at the affliction’s save 難易度) or suffer its effect or initial effect immediately. The target then continues to suffer from the affliction’s normal effects thereafter.


出典 Pathfinder #132:The Six-Legend Soul 70ページ
A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit’s oath, and a PC can regain that spirit’s favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric’s spellcasting abilities)

Cyricas the Leaping Lion is a favorite hero among Taldan youth, due to both his miraculous recovery from a childhood ailment and his wild adventures with his ape companion Mardu. Most tales of Cyricas carry some lesson, whether encouraging kindness to animals or bravery in the face of adversity. Many Taldans grow to regard the adventures of Cyricas and Mardu as childish, but learn to respect his inspiring and widely circulated lectures. Those who seek rapport with this legendary spirit find that the bond between juvenile thrill-seeker and learned scholar is perhaps the strongest aspect of Cyricas’s identity, superseded perhaps only by an unusual affinity for the number eight.

支持の獲得To gain the Leaping Lion’s favor, you must release an animal that has been unjustly restrained. You must then swear an oath to never stand idle while an animal is being abused and attempt a Wisdom check. If you succeed, Cyricas answers your call.

降霊の恩恵Your bonus on attack rolls when flanking an opponent increases by 2(normally, to +4).

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Cyricas, you must vow to never harm an animal.

Natural Magic(初級、超常)/Pathfinder #132:The Six-Legend Soul pg. 70:You can draw upon the power of nature itself. This functions as the archmage arcana spirit power, except that you select spells from the druid list instead of the sorcerer/wizard list(these spells count as divine), and you must present a sprig of holly or another sacred plant to cast spells that require a divine focus.

Princely Allies(中級、超常)/Princely Allies:Add the appropriate summon nature’s ally spell for each spell level you can cast to your medium spell list. As long as you have exactly 1 creature summoned, it gains the benefits of the Augment Summoning feat, even if you don’t have that feat.

Breaking Chains(上級、超常)/Breaking Chains:As a swift action, you can allow Cyricas to gain 1 point of influence over you to grant the benefits of freedom of movement to you and all allies within 60 feet for 1 minute.

Daronlyr XIIアークメイジDaronlyr XII(Archmage)

出典 Pathfinder #132:The Six-Legend Soul 71ページ
A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit’s oath, and a PC can regain that spirit’s favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric’s spellcasting abilities). You may not take the taboo of Daronlyr XII.

While most of the legendary spirits of Taldor gained their fame through noble deeds, Daronlyr the Overthrower came to infamy through bold ambition. No one alive today—and likely no one other than Daronlyr himself—knows how much of his arcane might he leveraged in overthrowing his predecessor, but his ability to circumvent even the Ulfen Guard in claiming the throne left few doubting his abilities or his ruthlessness. Students of the arcane seek to trace their heritage to Daronlyr in the hope of capturing some of the Overthrower’s prestige, but it is usually particularly ambitious students of the occult who find themselves calling upon the legendary spirit’s power.

支持の獲得The Overthrower respects only those who are willing to reach out and claim power. You must use magic to gain control over the leader of a group of 50 or more individuals. Following this accomplishment, you must vow that you will never pass up an opportunity to gain further power for yourself, no matter the cost. This requires an Intelligence check. If you succeed, Daronlyr answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Daronlyr, you must acknowledge no authority above your own and reject orders or directives from others.

Assume the Role(中級、超常)/Assume the Role:You can allow Daronlyr to gain 1 point of influence over you in order to swap your position with that of a willing ally within 60 feet as a swift action. This is a conjuration [teleportation] effect. The next medium spell you cast within 1 round after making this swap doesn’t expend a spell slot and doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity.

Usurp(最上級、超常)/Usurp:Once per day, when a creature fails a Will save against one of your spell effects, you can forfeit the spell’s normal effects to instead affect the target creature as if you had cast greater possession.

Father of LegendsマーシャルFather of Legends(Marshal)

出典 Heroes of Golarion 5ページ

The Ulfen regard the Father of Legends as the greatest skald of all time. During his life, there was no greater honor than to be immortalized by his song, and several of the most famous Ulfen epics were first sung by him.

支持の獲得To gain the Father of Legends’ favor, you must first compose a song or poem about a heroic event that you witnessed but did not take part in. Then you must perform the piece in front of a crowd of at least 100 people. If you succeed at a Charisma check during the performance, the Father of Legends will answer your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling the Father of Legends, you cannot take any actions that would deny an ally an opportunity for glory. This includes killing an enemy that an ally was attempting to defeat or forcibly removing an ally from combat, even when her life is in danger.

Song of Valor(中級、超常)/Song of Valor:As a standard action, you can begin a performance that fills allies with power and confidence. Any ally that participated in your seance who can hear your performance receives a morale bonus to Strength and Constitution equal to your spirit bonus. You can maintain this performance for a number of rounds equal to your Charisma modifier plus your spirit bonus. These rounds need not be consecutive. Maintaining your performance is a free action.

Saga of Future Kings(最上級、超常)/Saga of Future Kings:Each ally who benefits from your song of valor gains ダメージ減少/— equal to your spirit bonus. In addition, when an ally affected by your song would be reduced to fewer than 0 hit points, she can attempt a Fortitude saving throw(難易度 = 10 + half the damage received). If the ally succeeds, she instead is reduced to 0 hit points.

Daronlyr XIIチャンピオンGennaris III(Champion)

出典 Pathfinder #132:The Six-Legend Soul 71ページ
A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit’s oath, and a PC can regain that spirit’s favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric’s spellcasting abilities). When you acquire a weapon associated with the Gennaris III spirit, have the GM note this item on your Chronicle sheet. Gennaris III(Champion)

If Taldaris was the greatest leader of the empire’s history, then Grand Prince Gennaris III was unquestionably Taldor’s greatest general. No one before or since led as effective a campaign against the Qadiran encroachment as Gennaris, and the brevity of his time as an emperor only strengthened his legacy as a martyr. Few leaders have been so widely loved and so deeply mourned. Renowned for his tactical brilliance as well as his personal might, Gennaris is held up as a paragon of excellence to which Taldan warriors have since aspired. Those seeking to channel the Conqueror’s legendary spirit know they must prove their own worth before they merit the attention of Gennaris’s spirit.

支持の獲得To gain the favor of Gennaris, you must gather six weapons, each from defeating a significant enemy(a foe whose 脅威度 equals at least your character level – 3). Surrounded by the assembled weapons, you must recount the tales of the battles in which you obtained them and swear an oath that you will become a master of each of them. This requires a Strength check. If you succeed, Gennaris answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Gennaris, you must face your opponents with confidence and never retreat from a fight out of cowardice.

Conqueror's Weapons(下級、超常)/Conqueror's Weapons:You are considered proficient with the weapon types you gathered in order to gain favor with this spirit(such as longswords or hand crossbows).

Conquered Blades(上級、超常)/Conquered Blades:You gain Improved Critical with the weapon types you gathered to gain favor with this spirit. In addition, your attacks with such weapons ignore up to 5 points of damage reduction, except for damage reduction without a type(such as ダメージ減少 10/—).

KelksiomidesハイエロファントGennaris III(Hierophant)

出典 Heroes of Golarion 14ページ

Kelksiomides spent his early years working in his family’s vineyard. He was selected by his village to be blessed by the cyclopes of the isle, who told the young vintner that tragedy would precede his mythic ascension. Sure enough, Kelksiomides returned home to find his whole village slaughtered. The culprits were captured, but Kelksiomides forgave them, an act that was rewarded by the gods. Kelksiomides stands for hope in the face of despair, for new growth, and for redemption.

支持の獲得To gain Kelksiomides’s favor, you must travel to the hills of Pol-Ptirmeios, where the hero-god was born. There you must swear to never bear a grudge against another, even if you have been grievously wronged. You must then succeed at a Wisdom check, and if you do, Kelksiomides will answer your call.

霊ボーナスWhen you channel Kelksiomides, your spirit bonus applies on Wisdom checks, Wisdom-based skill checks, and saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor.
Favored Locations:Farms, gardens, orchards, and wooded areas.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Kelksiomides, you may not deal lethal damage.

Student of the Earth(下級、超常)/Student of the Earth:This power functions as the archmage arcana spirit power, except that you add spells from the druid spell list instead of the sorcerer/wizard spell list. When you cast these spells, they count as divine.

Divine Overseer(上級、超常)/Divine OverseerYou can allow Kelksiomides to gain 1 point of influence over you as a swift action to enable you to channel positive energy as a cleric of your level and automatically restore or deal the maximum amount your channel permits(for example, 6 points if you roll 1d6 when you channel). You can use this channel energy ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier(minimum 1).


出典 Blood of the Ancients 22ページ

Not all gods of Ninshabur are forgotten. Prophets of the herogod Namzaruum claim he rests in the Hall of Slumbering Kings, but will return to lead the faithful to victory.

支持の獲得To gain Namzaruum’s favor, journey to his ziggurat at the center of Ezida. There, you must swear to help gather the descendants of Ninshabur and to tell all of Namzaruum’s inevitable return. You must also succeed at a Charisma check before Namzaruum will answer your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Namzaruum, you must take any opportunity to seek out Ninshaburian descendants and proselytize, even if doing so would be disadvantageous.

Phalanx Defense(下級、超常)/Phalanx Defense:This functions as the marshal’s order ability, except if you or an ally who participated in your seance are adjacent to another ally who participated, you and any applicable allies can also add your spirit surge to your 戦技防御値 against bull rush, drag, overrun, and trip attempts.

This alters marshal’s order.

Slumbering Sword(上級、超常)/Slumbering Sword:When an ally within 30 feet is attacked, you can allow Namzaruum to gain 1 point of influence over you as an immediate action to provide partial cover to that ally for a single attack. The ally must be able to see and hear you for this ability to function. If the attack against your ally misses, your ally can make an attack of opportunity against the enemy who made the attack if that enemy is within your ally’s reach. You can use this ability as a standard action to instead grant an ally partial cover for 1 round, but missed attacks against the ally do not provoke attacks of opportunity.

This replaces decisive strike.


出典 Occult Origins 11ページ

Nex’s legendary spirit offers the power of one of the greatest archmages in Golarion’s history. Unlike normal archmage spirits, Nex’s legendary spirit grants strange abilities shaped by the lost wizard’s unique experiments. Mediums channeling Nex’s legendary spirit eventually realize that the spirit has its own long-term plans for them, usually involving the Spire of Nex, but so far no medium has gleaned the full scope of that plan.

The Nex legendary spirit grants modified or unique spirit powers. In all other ways, it functions identically to a standard archmage spirit(Occult Adventures 33).

支持の獲得For use with the Nexian Channeler archetype only.

霊ボーナスWhen you channel Nex, your spirit bonus applies on concentration checks, Intelligence checks, and Intelligence-based skill checks.

降霊の恩恵Your damaging spells deal an additional 2 points of damage of the same type that they would normally deal to each target.
Favored Locations:Arcane redoubts, areas of unusual magic, libraries, schools.
Influence Penalty:Your body begins to respond as if you were a frail, aged scholar. You take a penalty equal to your spirit bonus on Strength checks, Strength-based skill checks, Constitution checks, attack rolls, and non-spell damage rolls.

禁忌Choose one:You eschew all faith in the divine, so you must not be the willing target of divine spells or abilities and you must attempt a Will saving throw against even harmless divine spells and abilities; you must not pass up the opportunity to learn something new and significant(a nontrivial piece of information with a Knowledge check of 難易度 20 or higher) when that opportunity is directly present; you must use your own magical solution to a challenge if you can, even if a mundane solution that would require fewer resources is available.

Nex's Arcana(下級、超常)/Nex's Arcana:Rather than your normal spells per day for your medium level, you gain the spells per day from Table 1–4:Mesmerist(Occult Adventures 39). For each level of spell you can now cast(including level 0), each time you channel Nex’s spirit, select a single spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list of that level to add to your medium spell list and spells known until you lose contact with Nex. When you cast these spells, they count as arcane(though not for the purpose of fulfilling prerequisites), and thus you must provide verbal and somatic components instead of thought and emotion components. Because of Nex’s hatred of Geb, these spells can’t be of the necromancy school.

Project Servitor(中級、超常)/Project Servitor:You can create projections of the creatures trapped in the Spire of Nex, just as Nex did during his siege of Absalom. You can expend a spell slot to cast shadow conjuration, mimicking a summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell of the spell slot’s level(or that spell slot’s level + 1 for 5th- and 6th-level slots). These shadows are 10% real per level of the spell slot expended. If you allow Nex to gain 1 point of inf luence over you, double the reality percentage(to a maximum of 100%; if the result would be greater than 100%, the creature or creatures instead gain the advanced template).

Wild Arcana(Greater, Su)/Wild Arcana:You can allow Nex to gain 1 point of inf luence over you in order to cast any sorcerer/wizard spell of a level you can cast(even necromancy spells). You must expend a spell slot of the appropriate level, and you can’t apply metamagic feats to the spell.

Personal Spire(最上級、超常)/Personal Spire:Nex’s legendary spirit grants you access to a personal demiplane that you create(as per one created by create greater demiplane). As long as you channel Nex each day, your demiplane remains, but if you ever channel a spirit from a different legend, the demiplane disappears, dumping its inhabitants onto the Astral Plane. You can use project servitor to summon a shadowy projection of any creature currently within your demiplane, as long as its 脅威度 matches the summon spell(脅威度 1/2 or lower for summon monster I, 脅威度 1 for summon monster II, 脅威度 2 for summon monster III, 脅威度 3 or 4 for summon monster IV, 脅威度 5 or 6 for summon monster V, 脅威度 7 or 8 for summon monster VI, or 脅威度 9 or 10 for summon monster VII). You can allow Nex to gain 1 point of influence over you and expend a 6th-level spell slot to use project servitor as per summon monster VIII(80% real and can mimic trapped creatures of 脅威度 11 or 12) or summon monster IX(90% real and can mimic trapped creatures of 脅威度 13 or 14).


出典 Heroes of Golarion 14ページ

Psomeira was a prodigy captain in the Liachoran guard. It was her spear that forced the beast Ousmariku back into the sea, though not before it laid the city to ruin. Psomeira went missing following the battle and was presumed dead, but she returned a decade later in Aelyosos, and quickly stepped up to train the city for the battle against Ousmariku which she feels is inevitable.

支持の獲得To gain Psomeira’s favor, you first must travel to the ruins of Liachora. On the beach where Psomeira fought the sea monster Ousmariku, you must swear an oath to defend civilization from senseless violence wherever you find it. You must then succeed at a Strength check, and if you do, Psomeira will answer your call.

降霊の恩恵You gain a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls against creatures that are at least one size category larger than you.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Psomeira, you must attack any hostile Huge or larger creature on sight.

Divine Vengeance(下級、超常)/Divine Vengeance:As a divine warrior, you can cast each of the following spells once per day:align weapon(lawful), magic weapon, and shield of faith. Use your medium level in place of a cleric level. These spells do not count toward your regular allotment of spells per day, but you must have a Charisma score of at least 10 + the spell’s level to cast them.

Spiritual Force(上級、超常)/Spiritual Force:Add divine power, greater magic weapon, and magic vestment to the list of spells you can cast once per day, following the same rules as the divine vengeance spirit power.


出典 Occult Realms 11ページ
The legendary spirits on pages 10-11 are legal for play with the following clarifications:A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit's oath, and a PC can regain that spirit's favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric's spellcasting abilities).

Savith was the Azlanti hero who, during the Age of Legend, descended into the serpentfolk city of Ilmurea and beheaded the evil creatures’ god, Ydersius.

支持の獲得To gain Savith’s favor, you must defeat an evil serpentfolk who is at least 1 level higher than yourself. Using a magic weapon, you must decapitate the creature(which requires a successful Strength check) and toss its head into lava or a massive fire while vowing to never retreat from a battle involving evil serpentfolk or worshipers of Ydersius. Savith then answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Savith, you must never coat any of your natural or manufactured weapons in poison, nor can you ever dose an enemy with any type of poison.

Azlanti Heroics(下級、超常)/Azlanti Heroics:Savith grants a +1 bonus on all attack rolls when you are wielding a greatsword in melee combat against evil monstrous humanoids instead of granting proficiency in an exotic weapon with champion’s prowess. For the legendary champion ability, Savith grants any two of the following feats:Disruptive, Greater Weapon Focus(greatsword), Greater Weapon Specialization(greatsword), Weapon Focus(greatsword), Weapon Specialization(greatsword), and Spellbreaker. This ability alters champion’s prowess and legendary champion.

Toe to Toe(中級、擬呪)/Toe to Toe:When you are in melee combat with a creature that is at least one size category larger than you, if none of your allies are flanking it, you can spend a swift action to increase your own size as if through enlarge person, gaining all the effects of that spell. This does not provoke attacks of opportunity, and the effect lasts as long as you are in melee with that creature or until it is dead.

Stavian IガーディアンStavian I(Guardian)

出典 Pathfinder #132:The Six-Legend Soul 71ページ
A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit’s oath, and a PC can regain that spirit’s favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric’s spellcasting abilities)

The Bounty Prince was blessed with many advantages:great charm, noble leadership, and adamant will. His stalwart defense of Taldor against the perceived incursions and offenses of the Sarenites—starting with those whose divinations sparked strife between Stavian and his own brothers—showed his resolve for protecting the nation against the might of divine magic in enemy hands. While some have questioned the necessity of the Great Purge, none can argue the effectiveness with which Stavian pursued his enemies. His spirit has since been called by any number of Taldans who oppose the divine, whether fighting worshipers of evil deities or continuing Stavian’s crusade against Qadiran Sarenites.

支持の獲得Stavian tolerates no ambivalence toward or acceptance of an enemy’s faith. To gain Stavian’s favor, you must destroy an altar or other permanent fixture dedicated to a deity or religion whose followers have wronged you. You must then completely submerge yourself in purifying waters for as long as you can; this requires a Constitution check. If you succeed, Stavian answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Stavian, you must relentlessly oppose your enemies and never consort with them.

Magical Purge(中級、超常)/Magical Purge:Stavian grants you protection against the magical power of your enemies. You gain spell resistance equal to 11 + your medium level.

Confiscate Healing(上級、超常)/Confiscate Healing:As an immediate action, when a creature within 30 feet would benefit from magical healing, you can allow Stavian to gain 1 point of influence over you to redirect the benefits of that healing from the original target to yourself.

Sulesh the GreatアークメイジSulesh the Great(Archmage)

出典 Occult Realms 11ページ
The legendary spirits on pages 10-11 are legal for play with the following clarifications:A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit's oath, and a PC can regain that spirit's favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric's spellcasting abilities).

A powerful genie binder from the Padishah Empire of Kelesh, Sulesh the Great created many famed genie seals, including the artifact known as the Bottle of the Bound, which houses 666 fiends.

支持の獲得To gain Sulesh’s favor, you must travel to the Padishah Empire of Kelesh, or to any place where genie binders exist, and prove your knowledge about all manner of genies. This requires a successful Intelligence check. You must then vow to never release a genie from its bonds, even if you did not bind it. Sulesh the Great then answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Sulesh, you must not suffer the presence of a rival’s summoned creatures and must target them if possible during combat, even if doing so would be disadvantageous to your allies.

Sulesh's Spells(下級、超常)/Sulesh's Spells:Sulesh always grants summon monster I–VI, plus the cantrip detect magic. This ability alters archmage arcana.

Master Summoner(中級、超常)/Master Summoner:A number of times per day equal to 1/2 your medium level(minimum 1), you can cast any summon monster spell as a standard action instead of a full-round action. Additionally, you can allow Sulesh to gain 1 point of influence over you and expend one of your highest-level spell slots to summon a monster that can be summoned with a summon monster spell 1 level higher than the highest one you can cast. This ability replaces arcane surge.


出典 Pathfinder #132:The Six-Legend Soul 71ページ
A PC can only have the ability to contact one legendary spirit at a time, a PC permanently loses the ability to contact a legendary spirit if he breaks that spirit’s oath, and a PC can regain that spirit’s favor with an atonement(priced as if restoring a cleric’s spellcasting abilities)

Never since the days of Taldor’s founding has there been any leader so capable of unification as the one who brought together the disparate city-states vying for power along the northeastern coast of the Inner Sea. Already legendary when crowned Grand Prince of Oppara, Taldaris nevertheless went on to conquer neighboring territories and found the Principalities of Taldaris, a nascent entity destined to become the greatest empire in the Inner Sea region. Those who seek to channel the spirit of Taldaris must show courage, honor, and integrity, with noble goals of leadership and unification in the face of adversity.

支持の獲得To gain the favor of Taldaris, you must be publicly recognized as the leader of an organization of 50 or more individuals and swear an oath to ensure the cohesion of that group. This requires a Charisma check; if you succeed, Taldaris answers your call.

禁忌If you accept a taboo while channeling Taldaris, you must place the interests of the many above your own, and you must not take any actions that would cause you to benefit at the expense of your allies or your allies’ collective goals.

Legion Leader(中級、超常)/Legion Leader:You gain a teamwork feat of your choice for which you meet the prerequisites. All of your allies who joined in the shared seance also gain this feat as a bonus feat, even if they do not meet the prerequisites. You can choose a different feat each time you channel this spirit.

First Emperor's Order(最上級、超常)/First Emperor's Order:You have no limit on the number of times you can use spirit surge in a round, although you can’t use it more than once on any d20 roll. When the spirit of Taldaris gains influence over you for using the marshal’s order spirit power on an ally’s check, further uses of marshal’s order before the start of that creature’s next turn do not cause the spirit to gain additional influence over you.

Outsider Spirits Outsider Spirits

出典 Psychic Anthology

An outer channeler can invoke creatures from the following outsider subtypes. The outsiders associated with each spirit provide no mechanical benefit and are merely suggestions based on the themes and interests of each creature. At the GM’s discretion, he can swap which outsiders are associated with each spirit and can even use outsiders of the indicated subtype that aren’t listed, though outsiders capable of serving as an improved familiar and outsiders of 脅威度 20 or higher typically do not answer an outer channeler’s calls.

Aeon Aeon

出典 Psychic Anthology 13ページ

An aeon is an inscrutable force that dispassionately seeks to bring perfect balance to the multiverse.


Akhana(guardian), bythos(archmage), lipika(hierophant), paracletus(marshal), and pleroma(champion), theletos(trickster).

禁忌Choose one of the following:you must not be the willing target of a spell or ability that grants a morale bonus; you must not consciously lie or attempt to deceive; you must not purposefully end the life or stop the bleeding(through skill or magic) of a dying creature.

Void Form(中級、超常)/Void Form:You gain a +2 deflection bonus to your アーマー・クラス. In addition, there is a 50% chance that a confirmed critical hit against you is negated, and the damage is rolled normally; this chance doesn’t stack with any provided by similar abilities, such as from a suit of armor with the light, medium, or heavy fortification special ability.

Telepathy(Gift、超常)/Telepathy:You can mentally communicate with any other creature within 100 feet that has a language. It is possible to telepathically address multiple creatures at once, although maintaining a telepathic conversation with more than one creature at a time is just as difficult as simultaneously speaking and listening to multiple people at the same time.

Agathion Agathion

出典 Psychic Anthology 13ページ

An agathion is an animal-like spirit from Nirvana, a defender of innocence and a champion of good.

属性Neutral good.

Avoral(guardian), bishop(hierophant), cervinal(marshal), leonal(champion), reptial(archmage), and vulpinal(trickster).

禁忌Choose one of the following:you must act aggressively to best(though not necessarily slay) evil foes; you must provide whatever service you can to promote good in the world and help the innocent, as long as such actions do not impair or prevent you from doing good in the future; you must offer your full protection and support to nonevil innocents who are in need of your service.

Lay on Hands(Intermediate, Su)/Lay on Hands:You gain the lay on hands class feature, using your medium level as your effective paladin level.

Voice of Nirvana(Gift、超常)/Voice of Nirvana:You can speak to beasts and men alike as a standard action, gaining the benefits of speak with animals and tongues simultaneously. You can use this ability for up to 10 minutes per day per medium level. These minutes don’t need to be consecutive, but must be used in 1-minute increments.

Angel Angel

出典 Psychic Anthology 13ページ

An angel is a servant of the good-aligned planes, a voice of unity and cooperation among celestial beings.

属性Any good.

Astral deva(trickster), balisse(hierophant), empyrean(archmage), movanic deva(champion), planetar(marshal), and solar(guardian).

禁忌Choose one of the following:you must not ignore an opportunity to destroy or hinder an evil creature or organization unless doing so would put innocents in harm’s way; you must always offer your foes a chance to peacefully surrender to you, and you must accept and honor any such terms that your foes agree to; you must offer whatever support and assistance you can spare to any creature that asks such service from you, provided your actions do not further the cause of evil.

Protective Aura(中級、超常)/Protective Aura:You gain a +4 deflection bonus to your アーマー・クラス and a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against attacks made by or effects created by evil creatures. In addition, you are protected from effects created by evil creatures that possess you or exert mental control over you, as per protection from evil.

As a standard action, you can project this benefit to allies within 10 feet as an aura. You may use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your medium level. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive.

Truespeech(Gift、超常)/Truespeech:You gain tongues as a constant spell-like ability, with a caster level equal to your medium level.

Archon Archon

出典 Psychic Anthology 13ページ

An archon is a celestial defender of Heaven, righteousness and justice personified.

属性Lawful good.

Codex archon(archmage), hound archon(champion), shield archon(guardian), spyglass archon(trickster), star archon(hierophant), and trumpet archon(marshal).

禁忌Choose one of the following:you must promote and uphold the tenants of law and good, and may never willingly break a law that is fair and just; you must act with honor and integrity at all times; you must eschew all vices and sinful temptations or desires.

Aura of Menace(Intermediate, Su)/Aura of Menace:As a swift action, you activate a righteous aura that embodies your outsider’s fury. Hostile creatures within a 20-foot radius of you must succeed at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + half your medium level + your Charisma modifier) or take a –2 penalty on attack rolls, on saving throws, and to アーマー・クラス. This penalty lasts for 1 minute, or until you become frightened, panicked, paralyzed, stunned, unconscious, or otherwise prevented from participating in the current encounter. Whether or not a creature fails its save, it can’t be affected by your aura again for 24 hours.

Teleportation(Gift、超常)/Teleportation:Add dimension door to your medium spell list and list of spells known as a 4th-level spell. In addition, you can cast dimension door as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier, using your medium level as the spell’s caster level.

Azata Azata

出典 Psychic Anthology 14ページ

An azata is a whimsical outsider from Elysium, a living embodiment of freedom and goodness.

属性Chaotic good.

Bralani(champion), ghaele(hierophant), lillend(marshal), raelis(archmage), uinuja(guardian), and yamah(trickster).

禁忌Choose one of the following:whenever you encounter fine art, food, or performances, you must take no actions for 1d4+1 rounds other than to indulge in your find or until you see a potential or obvious threat(as per the fascinated condition); you must attempt any challenge or obstacle that blocks your path unless doing so would be obviously harmful to you or those under your care; you must always offer support and protection to any nonevil creature that is unable to protect itself.

Slip the Surly Bonds(中級、擬呪)/Slip the Surly Bonds:You can ignore impediments to your mobility. For a number of rounds per day equal to your medium level, you can move normally regardless of magical effects that impede movement, as if you were affected by freedom of movement. In addition, you can cast liberating commandUC as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier, using your medium level as the spell’s caster level.

Gift of Flight(Gift、変則)/Gift of Flight:You grow feathery wings as a swift action, which otherwise function as per fly. You can use this ability for a number of minutes each day equal to your medium level. These minutes don’t need to be consecutive, but must be used in 1-minute increments.

Daemon Daemon

出典 Psychic Anthology 14ページ

A daemon is a nihilistic fiend from Abaddon, an entity obsessed with the eradication of mortal life.

属性Neutral evil.

Astradaemon(hierophant), ceustodaemon(guardian), derghodaemon(champion), phasmadaemon(trickster), purrodaemon(marshal), and venedaemon(archmage).

禁忌Choose one of the following:you must painfully end the life of a single mortal creature(with no fewer than half your Hit Dice) per day, provided that doing so does not jeopardize your own safety; you must take every opportunity to manipulate and coerce others into performing self-deprecating and self-destructive actions; you must consume a bit of every mortal creature you slay, be it flesh or soul.

Summon Daemon(中級、擬呪)/Summon DaemonYou can summon a servant of Abaddon as a standard action. This functions as per summon monster II, but you can summon only animals with the fiendish template or outsiders with the daemon subtype—including any daemon from the Expanded Monster Summoning Options table(Pathfinder Player Companion:Monster Summoner’s Handbook 28). This ability can summon only one creature, regardless of the list used. For every 2 medium levels beyond 6th, the level of the summon monster spell increases by 1(to a maximum of summon monster IX at 20th level). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Consume the Soul(Gift、擬呪)/Consume the Soul:You can consume or imprison the soul of a dying creature. You gain the ability to cast death knell as a spell-like ability three times per day using your medium level as the spell’s caster level. Instead of gaining the normal benefits of this spell when the target fails its save, you can instead lock the target’s soul within a soul gem, functioning like the soul lock ability of a cacodaemon(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 64). You count as an evil outsider for the purpose of determining whether you receive a benefit when you ingest a soul gem created by the soul lock ability.

Demon Demon

出典 Psychic Anthology 14ページ

A demon is a fiendish spawn of the fecund Abyss, discord and destruction made flesh.

属性Chaotic evil.

Glabrezu(archmage), incubus(guardian), marilith(marshal), succubus(trickster), vilsteth(hierophant), and vrock(champion).

禁忌Choose one of the following:you must not ignore an opportunity to destroy something(or someone) precious to those who actively oppose your plans or goals; you must take every opportunity to tempt or coerce others into embracing their most sinful desires, and you must partake in such delights at every opportunity; you must take every opportunity to inflict physical or emotional pain upon others, provided such indulgences do not detract from your personal goals or safety.

Summon Demon(中級、擬呪)/Summon DemonYou can summon a horror from the Abyss as a standard action. This functions as per summon monster II, but you can summon only animals with the fiendish template or outsiders with the demon subtype—including any demon from the Expanded Monster Summoning Options table(Pathfinder Player Companion Monster Summoner’s Handbook 28). This ability can summon only one creature, regardless of the list used. For every 2 medium levels beyond 6th, the level of the summon monster spell increases by 1(to a maximum of summon monster IX at 20th level). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Demonic Taint(Gift、超常)/Demonic Taint:Your natural weapons, as well as any weapons you wield, are treated as chaotic and evil for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction.

Devil Devil

出典 Psychic Anthology 15ページ

A devil is a legalistic fiend from Hell, nothing less than absolute law and order incarnate.

属性Lawful evil.

Ayngavhaul(archmage), cornugon(champion), deimavigga(hierophant), erinyes(champion), hamatula(guardian), and osyluth(trickster).

禁忌Choose one of the following:you must abide by any contracts you sign or verbally agree to, though you are only ever required to obey the letter of these agreements and may twist their intent to your favor; you must tempt others whenever the opportunity arises; you must destroy or despoil all holy sites and relics that you encounter, if doing so would not put you in obvious danger.

Summon Devil(中級、擬呪)/Summon DevilYou can summon a denizen of Hell as a standard action. This functions as per summon monster II, but you can summon only animals with the fiendish template or outsiders with the devil subtype— including any devil from the Expanded Monster Summoning Options table(Pathfinder Player Companion:Monster Summoner’s Handbook 28). This ability can summon only one creature, regardless of the list used. For every 2 medium levels beyond 6th, the level of the summon monster spell increases by 1(to a maximum of summon monster IX at 20th level). You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

See in Darkness(Gift、超常)/See in Darkness:You gain darkvision 30 feet. If you already have darkvision, your darkvision range increases by 30 feet instead. This darkvision allows you to see perfectly in darkness of any kind, even that created by a deeper darkness spell.

Psychopomp Psychopomp

出典 Psychic Anthology 15ページ

A psychopomp is a steward of souls from the Boneyard, tasked with bringing mortal souls to the afterlife.


Ahmuuth(hierophant), catrina(marshal), memitim(champion), morrigna(trickster), vanth(guardian), and viduus(archmage).

禁忌Choose one of the following:you must destroy all haunts and undead creatures whose paths you cross and oppose the creation of such creatures; you must destroy all creatures that would seek to imprison or destroy mortal souls, and set trapped souls free at every opportunity; you must wear a mask that covers the entirety of your face, and never allow it to be removed for as long as you channel the psychopomp.

Spirit Touch(中級、超常)/Spirit Touch:You gain powers that assist in battling evil spirits. You are always granted a saving throw to negate death spells, magical death effects, and energy drain, even if one is not normally allowed. In addition, as a swift action, you can grant your natural weapons, as well as any weapon you wield, the ghost touch weapon special ability for a number of rounds equal to your medium level. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive.

Spiritsense(Gift、超常)/Spiritsense:You can notice, locate, and distinguish between living and undead creatures within 30 feet, just as if you had the psychopomp’s spiritsense ability.

ミーディアムのアーキタイプ Medium Archetypes

Fiend Keeper Fiend Keeper

出典 Blood of the Beast 8ページ
Only available to Grippli characters

Among the most sacred roles a grippli can play is that of fiend keeper, a vessel to contain one of the world’s evil spirits so that it cannot inf lict further harm. As the host performs goodly acts, he slowly cleanses the spirit, continuing this process over many generations, until the entity’s vileness is no more. In turn, the spirit tempts the fiend keeper with blasphemous power that a cautious medium can direct toward righteous ends. Many tribes boast a resident fiend keeper who bears this local burden and trains replacements who might take over when their mentor dies.

属性A fiend keeper must choose a nonevil alignment.

Evil Spirit(超常)/Evil Spirit:A fiend keeper serves as the vessel for a powerful evil spirit that fights and bargains for dominance. The legends a fiend keeper channels are all aspects of this evil presence. Willingly performing an evil act automatically grants the evil spirit 1 point of influence over him. Protection from evil temporarily suppresses all the spirit’s benefits while the fiend keeper is under the spell’s effects. When the spirit gains at least 3 points of influence over the fiend keeper, in addition to the penalties associated with each legend, he gains an evil aura as per a cleric of his level and treats his alignment as evil for the purposes of resisting or being vulnerable to spells and abilities(such as unholy blight or a paladin’s smite evil class ability).

This ability modifies spirit.

Dark Communion(超常)/Dark Communion:At 3rd level, a fiend keeper can entice the evil spirit to lend him its knowledge or its power as a full-round action a number of times per day equal to his class level. If the fiend keeper seeks knowledge, this behaves as contact other plane using his medium level as his caster level, but if he fails the Intelligence or Charisma check, his spirit gains 1 point of inf luence over him instead of reducing his ability scores. Treat the spirit as an entity from the Astral Plane for this ability. Its knowledge is equivalent to that of a demigod at 5th level, a lesser deity at 7th level, and an intermediate deity at 13th level.

If the fiend keeper requests power, he must instead succeed at an Intelligence or Charisma check(難易度 10 at 3rd level, 難易度 12 at 7th level, or 難易度 14 at 13th level or higher), or his spirit gains 1 point of inf luence over him. Regardless of the outcome, he gains one of the following powers for 1 minute. At 5th level, he also gains a number of temporary hit points equal to his medium level for 1 minute. At 7th level, he selects two powers.

Dark Power/Dark Power:The fiend keeper gains a +1 profane bonus on attack and damage rolls, and a +1 profane bonus to アーマー・クラス. At 13th level, these bonuses increase to +2. Fiendish Form:The fiend keeper gains darkvision 60 feet. At 7th level, he grows fiendish wings and gains a fly speed equal to his base speed(average maneuverability). At 13th level, his fly speed instead equals double his base speed(good maneuverability).

Natural Attacks:The fiend keeper gains two claw attacks and a bite attack. These are primary attacks that each deal 1d4 points of damage(1d6 if the fiend keeper is Medium). At 13th level, the damage increases to 1d6(1d8 if Medium).

Spirit Power:The fiend keeper’s spirit bonus increases by 1. At 13th level, the spirit bonus instead increases by 2.

Unholy Resilience:The fiend keeper gains resistance 5 to two of the following energy types:acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic. The resistance increases to 10 at 7th level and 20 at 13th level.

This ability replaces haunt channeler, location channel, connection channel, and ask the spirits.

Ex-Fiend Keepers/Ex-Fiend Keepers:A fiend keeper who becomes permanently evil loses control of the spirit after 1d4+1 days, at which point he becomes an NPC under the GM’s full control. Seeking an atonement spell before then can change the medium’s alignment. This effect also can be undone with a limited wish, miracle, or wish spell.

Medium of the Master Medium of the Master

出典 Martial Arts Handbook 5ページ

A medium of the master forgoes a connection with most spirits to form a bond with the spirits of great martial artists.

クラス技能A medium of the master gains Acrobatics as a class skill, but does not gain Use Magic Device as a class skill.

This alters the medium’s class skills.

Armor Proficiency:A medium of the master is proficient with only light armor.

This alters the medium’s armor proficiency.

Unarmed Strike:A medium of the master gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat.

Dedicated Spirit(超常)/Dedicated Spirit:A medium of the master can channel only a champion spirit. A medium of the master can channel that spirit in places of quiet introspection, such as a Darklands grotto, peaceful glade, or windswept peak, in addition to a champion spirit’s favored locations.

This alters spirit.

Dedicated Surge(超常)/Dedicated Surge:A medium of the master can use her spirit surge ability twice per day without incurring any influence(this stacks with any additional uses she gains from accepting a taboo, starting at 2nd level). In addition, when she uses spirit surge, the die she rolls is one step larger(1d8 at 1st level, 1d10 at 10th level, and 2d6 at 20th level).

This alters spirit surge.

Spirit Call(超常)/Spirit Call:The medium of the master’s unique bond allows her to briefly call on a champion spirit without performing a seance. As a standard action, she can allow a spirit to gain 1 point of influence over her to channel it for a number of minutes equal to her level. This influence remains for 24 hours, stacking with any influence the medium gains by using this ability multiple times or by channeling a spirit in a seance during that time.

Master’s Power(超常)/Master’s Power:When a medium of the master channels a champion spirit, she treats her unarmed strike damage as that of a monk of her level. For the purpose of determining damage, these levels stack with levels from any other class that grants increased damage to unarmed strikes.

This alters spirit power(lesser).

Shared Prowess(超常)/Shared Prowess:At 2nd level, a medium of the master’s spirit endows her with greater martial expertise. She gains a dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス equal to her spirit bonus as long as she is wearing light or no armor.

This replaces shared seance.

Master’s Strike(超常)/Master’s Strike:At 6th level, when a medium of the master gains the intermediate power granted by her champion spirit, she also learns one type of style strike. Whenever she gains an additional attack from sudden attack, she can designate one of the blows as a style strike as long as she makes it with an unarmed strike. She can select a different style strike each time she channels a champion spirit.

This alters spirit power(intermediate).

Ki Contact(超常)/Ki Contact:At 15th level, as a swift action, a medium of the master can allow her spirit to gain 1 point of influence over her in order to gain a ki power and a number of ki points equal to her Charisma modifier(minimum 1) until the spirit leaves her body. She uses her medium levels as monk levels for the purposes of meeting the ki power’s prerequisites and any level-dependent benefits of the power. Multiple uses of this ability stack, allowing her to select one power to serve as a prerequisite for another.

This replaces trance of three.

Master’s Style(超常)/Master’s Style:At 17th level, when a medium of the master channels a champion spirit, she gains a bonus style feat and the two feats in that style’s feat path. She does not have to meet the prerequisites for these feats.

This alters spirit power(supreme).

Nexian Channeler Nexian Channeler

出典 Occult Origins 10ページ

Normally, storied figures who simply disappear don’t form legendary spirits(see Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Occult Realms), but the archmage Nex long ago created an astral reflection of himself from which he can draw additional power. This echo now serves as an appropriate spirit for well-trained mediums to channel. Nex’s legendary spirit is more powerful and willful than most legendary spirits, however; it embraces only mediums who visit distinct locations and master opening their third eyes.

Legend of Nex(超常)/Legend of NexA Nexian channeler gains access to the Nex legendary spirit instead of an archmage spirit. This ability alters the spirit ability.

Third Eye擬呪超常)/Third EyeA Nexian channeler knows one fewer knack than his level would normally indicate, but he gains Third Eye(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 141) as a bonus feat. Beginning at 2nd level, when he selects a taboo, the Nexian channeler can use his third eye for 2 minutes per character level each day, instead of gaining free uses of spirit surge. This ability alters knacks and taboo.

Impossible Eye(超常)Impossible Eye:Starting at 3rd level, a Nexian channeler gains additional powers from his third eye. At 3rd level, while his third eye is open, his caster level for divination spells increases by 1 and he gains darkvision with a range of 60 feet. At 5th level, while his third eye is open, he gains constant detect magic. At 7th level, while his third eye is open, he gains constant arcane sight instead of detect magic. At 9th level, while his third eye is open, his bonus on Perception checks against invisible creatures improves to see invisibility. At 13th level, he can concentrate for 1 minute to send his third eye from his body, as per arcane eye(this duration counts against the daily duration for which he can open his third eye, and if the arcane eye is destroyed, he loses all remaining minutes of his third eye ability for that day). At 14th level, as a standard action while his third eye is open, he can spend 1 minute of the duration he can open his third eye to use analyze dweomer on a single target. At 15th level, while his third eye is open, he gains true seeing. At 18th level, while his third eye is open, his arcane sight improves to greater arcane sight. This ability replaces haunt channeler, location channel, connection channel, propitiation, ask the spirits, astral journey, trance of three, and spacious soul.

Third Eye Mastery(超常)Third Eye Mastery:At 19th level, a Nexian channeler can open his third eye for longer than normal. He can open his third eye for 5 minutes per medium level(increasing to 10 minutes per medium level if he selects a taboo); this duration must be used in 5-minute increments. Uses of analyze dweomer cost him 5-minute increments instead of 1-minute increments, and he can use the read aura occult skill unlock with his third eye multiple times per day; each use takes only 1 minute but costs 5 minutes of the duration he can keep his third eye open. This ability replaces spirit mastery.

Living Third Eye(超常)/Living Third EyeAt 20th level, a Nexian channeler is as one with his third eye. It is open at all times, he can use analyze dweomer and the read aura occult skill unlock at will, and the destruction of his arcane eye does not adversely affect him. This ability replaces astral beacon.

Outer Channeler Outer Channeler

出典 Psychic Anthology 12ページ

Rather than invite strange entities and departed souls into their bodies, outer channelers invite extraplanar entities to inhabit them, allowing the likes of angels and demons to use them as vessels in exchange for power. However, this bond always comes with a cost.

Outsider Invocation(超常)/Outsider Invocation:At 1st level, an outer channeler chooses one outsider subtype from among those listed in the Outsider Spirits section on pages 13–15. His alignment must be within one step of the outsider’s alignment in order to choose it, and once chosen it cannot be changed. Instead of channeling spirits, an outer channeler invokes outsiders of his chosen subtype during his seance.

Each subtype lists six outsiders that, when invoked, provide the outer channeler with the same benefits as the outsider’s associated spirit. For example, an outer channeler with angel as his chosen subtype can invoke the astral deva, balisse, empyrean, movanic deva, planetar, and solar outsiders, which function like the trickster, hierophant, archmage, champion, marshal, and guardian spirits, respectively.

An outer channeler doesn’t gain the intermediate power normally granted by his invoked outsider’s associated spirit. Instead, he gains the intermediate power noted in his invoked outsider’s subtype, regardless of which spirit that invoked outsider is associated with. Furthermore, the outer channeler gains a gift at 13th level, as noted in his invoked outsider subtype.

An invoked outsider acts as a spirit for all other effects, including the trance of three and astral beacon class features.

This ability alters spirit and spirit power(intermediate).

Taboo(変則)/Taboo:Whenever he invokes an outsider, an outer channeler must accept one taboo from among those listed by his chosen outsider’s subtype before the outsider will enter his body. Accepting this taboo provides the outer channeler with no benefits other than those gained from channeling a spirit; if he wishes to gain additional uses of his spirit purge ability as described by the taboo class feature, he must accept a second taboo from among those listed by the legend that his chosen outsider subtype functions as. If the outer channeler breaks this mandatory taboo, the outsider immediately leaves and the outer channeler can’t invoke a new outsider until he atones(as per atonement). This ability alters taboo.

Shared Seance(超常)/Shared Seance:An outer channeler’s ally cannot gain the seance boon from an outer channeler’s outsider spirit if that ally’s alignment is more than one step away from the outsider’s alignment.

This ability alters shared seance.

Servitor(変則)/Servitor:At 3rd level, an outer channeler can summon the spirit of an outsider of his chosen subtype and house it within the body of an ordinary animal. Initially, the outsider takes the form of this animal and acts in all ways as an ordinary familiar of that type. At 7th level, the animal transforms into an outsider, taking the form of an improved familiar with the outer channeler’s chosen outsider subtype(such as a cassisian for an angel-invoking medium). The outer channeler doesn’t need to meet the prerequisites to gain this improved familiar, and the improved familiar gains the ability to change shape between its outsider form and its animal form at will(as per beast shape II).

This ability replaces a medium’s haunt channeler and connection channel.

Site Channeling(超常)/Site Channeling:At 5th level, an outer channeler can invoke outsiders from any site tied to any of the following:creatures of his chosen subtype, deities that grant his chosen subtype as a cleric subdomain, or planes that creatures of his chosen subtype are native to. This is in addition to the usual list of sites from which he can channel his outsiders.

This ability replaces location channel.

Ask the Planes(擬呪)/Ask the Planes:At 14th level, an outer channeler gains the ask the spirits ability of the standard medium, except he sends his consciousness to a native plane of his chosen outsider subtype(Heaven for archons, Hell for devils, any good-aligned plane for angels, and so on).

This ability alters ask the spirits and replaces astral journey.

Rivethun Spirit Channeler Rivethun Spirit Channeler

出典 Haunted Heroes Handbook 21ページ

Rivethun spirit channelers are mediums who practice the ancient dwarven philosophy of the rivethun, which teaches that power lies in the connection between physical bodies and immaterial souls. Most rivethun spirit channelers are dwarven adherents of this ancient philosophy, but mediums of other races are accepted with equal fervor, for the rivethun teachings state that discord and heterogeneousness are the most surefire way to open one’s senses to the spiritual world. Rivethun spirit channelers act as ambassadors and negotiators between the denizens of the natural and supernatural worlds.

Mind and Soul(変則)/Mind and Soul:A rivethun spirit channeler chooses whether she uses her Wisdom or Charisma score to determine the effects of her medium class abilities(including this archetype’s abilities). This includes(but is not limited to) the minimum ability score needed to learn or cast a medium spell, the save 難易度 of her medium spells, the number of bonus spells(if any) she receives for having a high ability score, the number of times per day she can use her medium abilities, and the effects of her spirit’s abilities. This choice is made at 1st level, and once made, it can’t be changed.

A rivethun spirit channeler knows one fewer spell of each spell level that she can cast than is indicated on Table 1–3:Medium Spells Known(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 33).

This alters the medium’s spellcasting.

Spiritual Invocation(超常)/Spiritual Invocation:Rather than channel the legend of a single spirit for 24 hours, a rivethun spirit channeler can invite a nearby local spirit into her body for 24 hours. This functions exactly like the spirit dance ability of the spirit dancer medium archetype(Occult Adventures 94), except the rivethun spirit channeler doesn’t need to find an appropriate location to channel her spirits since she invites nearby spirits into her body instead of channeling a legend.

This alters spirit and replaces spirit bonus and spirit surge.

Spiritual Parley(変則)/Spiritual Parley:At 2nd level, a rivethun spirit channeler adds 1/2 her medium level to Diplomacy checks attempted against fey, elementals, outsiders(except native outsiders), and undead creatures, as well as on Diplomacy checks attempted as part of the wrangle condition ability(see below).

This ability replaces taboo.

Wrangle Condition(超常)/Wrangle Condition:At 3rd level, a rivethun spirit channeler can interact directly with unwholesome spirits of the ills that trouble her or her allies. This functions like the animist shaman’s wrangle condition ability(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 110).

Haunt Channeler/Haunt Channeler:A rivethun spirit channeler receives this ability at 7th level instead of at 3rd level.

This ability replaces connection channel.

Spirit Eater Spirit Eater

出典 Heroes of Golarion 24ページ

Shenmen is a ghost-haunted nation trapped in the shadow of the Gossamer Mountains and held beneath the yoke of jorogumo witches. The mediums of Shenmen face brazen yokai that hunger for the living, and these mediums have learned to devour them instead. Guardians of their communities, spirit eaters absorb the dead to channel their power and serve as a line of defense against all manner of incorporeal yokai.

Ectoplasmic Strikes(超常)/Ectoplasmic Strikes:At 3rd level, a spirit eater medium treats his attacks as if they had the ghost touch weapon property.

This replaces haunt channeler.

Consume Spirit(超常)/Consume Spirit:At 7th level, a spirit eater can attempt to consume an incorporeal creature and house it within his body. If he reduces an incorporeal creature to 0 hit points or fewer, he can instead leave the creature at 1 hit point and consume the creature as an immediate action. A consumed creature is contained in the spirit eater’s body and grants him a +1 bonus on either attack rolls, saving throws, or skill checks, chosen by the spirit eater, and a number of temporary hit points equal to the consumed creature’s Hit Dice.

A spirit eater’s body can hold a number of creatures equal to his spirit bonus. If he attempts to consume another creature after this point, he releases the creature that has been contained in his body longest. He can release a consumed creature as a free action. A consumed creature attempts to escape after 24 hours. The spirit eater can attempt to keep a consumed creature in his body by attempting a Will save(難易度 = 10 + half the spirit eater’s level + twice the number of the creatures he has contained in his body). If he succeeds, the consumed creatures remain, but they grant the spirit eater’s channeled spirit 1 point of influence over him. A released creature is destroyed as if it were reduced to 0 hit points and can reconstitute again later, if able.

This replaces location channel and connection channel.

Uda Wendo Uda Wendo

出典 Haunted Heroes Handbook 23ページ

Primarily found among the various tribes of the Mwangi Expanse, uda wendo are powerful mediums who are sensitive to the presence and desires of the wendo, powerful and mysterious entities that walk Golarion while shaping fate and guiding destiny. Rather than simply communing with the wendo like some oracles do, an uda wendo invites the wendo to use his body as a vessel, gaining fantastic powers even while struggling to maintain control of his body against the crushing might of the wendo’s presence.

クラス技能An uda wendo adds Knowledge(geography)and Knowledge(nature) to his list of class skills, instead of Perform.

This alters the medium’s class skills.

Wendo(超常)/Wendo:Rather than channeling spirits, an uda wendo channels the wendo, otherworldly entities that walk among mortals. This functions like channeling a spirit, except instead of requiring a favored location to channel a wendo, an uda wendo must offer the wendo a sacrifice worth at least 50gp per Hit Die the uda wendo has. Alternatively, the uda wendo can instead accept 1 point of burn, as per the kineticist class ability(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 11), instead of sacrificing material wealth. While channeling a wendo, the uda wendo gains the 1st-level domain power of one druid animal or terrain domain(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 33), or the 1st-level domain power of one of the following cleric domains:Air, Animal, Community, Darkness, Death, Destruction, Earth, Fire, Healing, Knowledge, Protection, Rune, Strength, Sun, Trickery, War, Water, or Weather. The uda wendo has an effective cleric or druid level equal to 1/2 his medium level(minimum 1st) for the purpose of this ability. In addition, he adds all spells from his chosen domain that are of a spell level he can cast(including modifications to the uda wendo’s spellcasting from the archmage arcana or divine surge lesser spirit powers) to his medium spell list and medium spells known as medium spells of their domain spell level.

An uda wendo cannot invite allies to a seance to summon a wendo, and by channeling a wendo, the uda wendo allows the entity to gain 2 points of inf luence over him. If any sentient creature that doesn’t practice juju witnesses the uda wendo’s seance, both creatures become permanently cursed with a –2 penalty on all d20 rolls and checks(as per bestow curse) and the attempt fails.

This ability alters spirit.

Wendo’s Secrets(変則)/Wendo’s Secrets:At 2nd level, an uda wendo learns most of his information through tales and secrets whispered to him by the wendo. He adds his Charisma bonus(if any) to all Knowledge checks that he attempts in addition to his Intelligence modifier.

This ability replaces shared seance.

Wendo Tongue(超常)/Wendo Tongue:At 3rd level, an uda wendo can invoke the wendo to commune with nearby spirits for a number of minutes per day equal to his level. These minutes don’t need to be used consecutively, but they must be spent in 1-minute increments. The uda wendo can use this ability to speak with corpses(as per speak with dead) at 3rd level, with animals and plants(as per speak with animals or speak with plants) at 5th level, and with humanoids(as per tongues) at 7th level.

This ability replaces haunt channeler, location channel, and connection channel.

Vessel of the Failed Vessel of the Failed

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 7ページ

A vessel of the failed channels the spirits of those who attempted the Test of the Starstone but failed; these spirits grant the medium abilities wrought from the spirits’ ultimate shortcomings. A vessel of the failed intimately understands the shaky line between success and failure and embraces walking that line to gain power from the spirits he calls.

Will of the Failed(超常)/Will of the Failed:A vessel of the failed is intimately familiar with the supernatural stubbornness of the brash heroes who have met their demise pursuing the Test of the Starstone, and he can tap into this strength when he needs it the most.

When a spirit attains 5 or more points of influence over the vessel of the failed, the vessel can attempt a Will saving throw(難易度 = 15 + half the vessel’s class level) to avoid completely losing control to the spirit. The first time in a single 24-hour seance period that the vessel succeeds at this saving throw, he is deafened until he awakens the next day with the spirit gone. The second time the vessel succeeds at this saving throw during that period, he is also blinded. The third time, he is also staggered. These conditions are unavoidable and cannot be removed through magic or any other method.(If he wishes, the vessel of the failed can choose to forgo this saving throw and lose control to the spirit as normal.)

The fourth time in a single seance period that a spirit gains 5 or more influence points over the vessel of the failed, the vessel must succeed at a Will save or he loses control to the spirit and effectively becomes an NPC under the GM’s control until after he awakens the next day with the spirit gone.

If a spirit ever attains 7 or more points of influence over the vessel, the vessel automatically loses control to the spirit and effectively becomes an NPC under the GM’s control until after he awakens the next day with the spirit gone.

A vessel of the failed cannot channel a weaker spirit.

This alters spirit and spirit mastery.

Reckless Surge(超常)/Reckless Surge:A vessel of the failed can attempt to tap into his spirit’s bravado—though harnessing such moxie is never guaranteed. If the vessel allows his spirit to gain 2 additional points of influence over him after failing a d20 roll that was modified by his spirit bonus, there is a 75% chance(1–75 on a d%) that he can add 3d6 to the check’s result without taking an action.(At 10th level, these dice increase to 3d8, and at 20th level, they increase to 3d10.) However, there is a 25% chance(76–100 on a d%) that the vessel instead gains no bonus from this ability. The vessel of the failed must allow his spirit to gain the 2 points of influence over him before determining whether he receives any bonus.

The vessel of the failed can use the spirit surge ability as normal. However, using reckless surge in the way described above always requires the vessel to allow his spirit to gain 2 additional points of influence over him, regardless of abilities that allow him to otherwise use spirit surge without incurring influence(such as taboo or spirit mastery).

This alters spirit surge.

Heroic Exceptions(変則)/Heroic Exceptions:Each time a vessel of the failed breaks a taboo he has accepted, he can allow his spirit to gain 1 additional point of influence over him. When he does so, the penalty he takes on attack rolls, damage rolls, ability checks, skill checks, and saving throws changes from –2 to –1. This influence is in addition to the influence the spirit normally gains for breaking the taboo in the first place. If the vessel continues violating the taboo while taking a reduced penalty, the duration of the reduced penalty extends, but the spirit doesn’t gain additional influence over the vessel.

This alters taboo.

Spiritual Swan Song(擬呪)/Spiritual Swan Song:At 15th level, when the circumstances are right, the vessel of the failed can become a conduit for his spirit’s brush with divinity. Whenever the vessel makes a successful saving throw via the will of the failed ability to avoid completely losing control to his spirit, the vessel gains one use of a spell-like ability tied to the spirit’s legend, as noted below.

When he gains a use of a spell-like ability, the vessel of the failed can expend it anytime before his next seance.(A vessel might gain multiple uses of these spell-like abilities, depending on how many times he successfully saves to avoid losing control to a spirit.) However, if he loses contact with a spirit during that time, he also loses all uses of the spell-like ability gained from avoiding losing control to that spirit. If the vessel does not expend his uses of these abilities, they disappear when he loses contact with that spirit or when he starts a new seance, whichever comes first.

This replaces trance of three.

Archmage:The vessel of the failed can cast chain lightning, freezing sphere, or sirocco as a spell-like ability. The vessel must choose which one when he gains a use of this ability. If he gains multiple uses of this ability in a single seance period, the vessel of the failed can make a different choice each time.

Champion:The vessel of the failed can cast blade barrier as a spell-like ability.

Guardian:The vessel of the failed can cast antimagic field as a spell-like ability.

Hierophant:The vessel of the failed can cast mass cure moderate wounds or mass inflict moderate wounds as a spell-like ability. The vessel must choose which of these two he can use when he gains a use of this ability. If the vessel of the failed gains multiple uses of this ability in a single seance period, he can choose a difference spell-like ability each time.

Marshal:The vessel of the failed can cast greater heroism as a spell-like ability.

Trickster:The vessel of the failed can cast true seeing as a spell-like ability.

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