
心的増幅 Phrenic Amplifications

生体動学的治癒(超常)/Biokinetic Healing 出典 Occult Origins 16ページサイキック変成術から接合呪文を発動したとき、心的蓄積から1ポイントを費やすことで、接合呪文レベル毎に2ヒット・ポイント回復することができる。

ドラゴンブレス(超常)Dragon's Breath 出典 Occult Origins 16ページサイキック心的蓄積から2ポイントを費やして、効果が30フィート直線上または爆発領域である接合呪文ブレス攻撃としてサイキックの口から発するように変更できる。

心の(超常)/Mind's Eye 出典 Heroes of Golarion 13ページ:一部のサイキック視覚精神の間隔を訓練し、統一した焦点と結びつけて、遠隔呪文をより適切に導き、驚くほど正確に配置する。遠隔攻撃ロールを必要とする呪文を発動している間、サイキック自身心的蓄積から2ポイントを費やし、攻撃ロールに+4の洞察ボーナスを得ることができる。サイキック遮蔽(ただし完全遮蔽ではない)からのペナルティを無視するために追加の1ポイントを費やすことができる。

完璧な身体(変則)/Perfect Body 出典 Heroes of Golarion 13ページ:一部のサイキックの実践家のテクニックは、自身の体と精神を改するために訓練を拡張する。サイキック変成術の接合呪文を発動する心的蓄積から1ポイントを費やして、次の反応セーヴまたは頑健セーヴに+2のボーナスを得ることができる。

心的打撃(超常)/Phrenic Strike 出典 Occult Origins 16ページサイキック心的蓄積に少なくとも1ポイントが有る限り、距離接触呪文を発動する一部として接触攻撃の代わりに素手打撃を試みることができる。この素手打撃サイキック機会攻撃を誘発することなく素手打撃を行うことができない限り、通常通り機会攻撃を誘発する。

サイキック防御(超常)/Psychic Defense 出典 Heroes of Golarion 13ページ:小さく見えない手がかりを読むことで、サイキック社会的状況を利用し、目標に微妙に響を与えることができる。 社会的な遭遇の間に接合呪文を発動し、心的蓄積から1ポイントを費やすと、サイキックは次の超能者は次の〈はったり〉〈交渉〉〈威圧〉〈真意看破〉判定に+4ボーナスを追加できる。

サイコフィードバック(超常)/Psychofeedback 出典 Occult Origins 16ページサイキック心的蓄積から2ポイントを費やし、2レベル以上の接合呪文を生贄に捧げることができる。そうすることで生贄捧げた呪文レベル毎に【筋力】【敏捷力】【耐久力】に+1の強化ボーナスサイキックに与える。このボーナスサイキックレベル毎に1分間持続する

テレパシー回復(超常)/Telempathic Restoration 出典 Occult Origins 16ページサイキックテレパシック・ボンドを発動する心的蓄積から1ポイントを費やし、結合中の1体の目標から幻惑状態恐れ状態恐慌状態怯え状態または朦朧状態を取り除くことができる。そうすることで、結合呪文目標から状態異常が取り除かれるが、即座に(残りの持続時間とともに)それがサイキックに適用される。

恐怖転送(超常)/Transfer Fear 出典 Occult Origins 16ページサイキック[恐怖]効果目標響を与えることに成功すると、心的蓄積から1ポイントを費やし、自身あるいはテレパシー接触中の1体の味方から[恐怖]効果を取り除くことができる。

古代の囁き(変則)/Whisper of Ancients 出典 Heroes of Golarion 13ページサイキックは同位相情報を垣間見るために意識をアストラル界に送ることができる。接合占術呪文を発動している間、サイキック心的蓄積から1ポイントを費やし、関連する技能判定に+2のボーナスを得る。心的蓄積から2ポイントを費やした場合代わりに+4のボーナスを得る。

上級増幅 Major Amplifications

反発(超常)/Deflection Field 出典 Occult Origins 16ページサイキックアーマー・クラス反発ボーナスを与える接合呪文を発動する、外した最初の遠隔攻撃自動的に反射するために心的蓄積から2ポイントを費やすことができる(接合呪文起動している限り)。この反発攻撃は元の攻撃ロールに加えて、サイキック術者レベルに等しい状況ボーナスを使用する。

テレパシー越しの目標(超常)/Telepathic Targeting 出典 Occult Origins 16ページサイキック心的蓄積から2ポイントを費やすことで、テレパシーで会話を行っているすべてのクリーチャーテレパシック・ボンドクリーチャーテレパシーその他効果などを介して)を、通常範囲外であったとしても、接合呪文目標とすることができる。接合呪文は[精神作用]の補足説明を持ち、接触以上の距離でなければならない。

Psi-Tech Discoveries Psi-Tech Discoveries

出典 Occult Realms

A psychic can learn a psi-tech discovery in place of a phrenic amplification or a feat. Many of these discoveries use the rules for advanced technology found in Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Technology Guide.

Artificial Ascension/Artificial Ascension 出典 Occult Realms 12ページ:You can upload your consciousness into a robot, becoming an artificial intelligence. Performing this ascension requires uninterrupted access to a construct with the robot subtype and at least 10 Hit Dice for 24 hours, during which time you cannot perform other tasks. Any interruptions cause the upload to fail. At the end of the 24 hours your consciousness is successfully uploaded into the robot. If the robot is not willing, it must attempt a Will save(難易度 = 1/2 your psychic level + your Intelligence modifier). If it is successful, the robot rejects your consciousness, rendering you staggered for 24 hours and unable to perform the ritual again during this time.

If your consciousness is successfully uploaded, the robot’s consciousness is destroyed and your physical body immediately dies and can’t be raised, resurrected, or otherwise brought back to life. Your creature type changes to artificial intelligence, and your robot body gains the aggregate template(Technology Guide 59), with all the adjustments made in the template’s description.

As a full-round action, you can attempt to upload your consciousness to any other robot within 30 feet that has 10 Hit Dice or more. If the robot is not willing to serve as your vessel, it receives a Will save as above, except if it succeeds, your current robot body is staggered for only 1 minute. If it fails, you move from your current body to the new host body, granting it the aggregate template. Your previous robot body is immediately destroyed by the transference.

If the robot you inhabit is destroyed, you are destroyed along with it. You cannot be brought back to life by any means. You must be 20th level to select this discovery.

Disease Transference(超常)/Disease Transference 出典 Occult Realms 12ページ:You are able to psychically control and manipulate all manner of diseases. You can cast diagnose disease(Ultimate Magic 216) as a spell-like ability at will. Additionally, you can touch a creature afflicted with a disease as a standard action and draw the disease into yourself, or transfer it to another willing living creature that is susceptible to diseases and that you(or the afflicted creature) are also touching. Attempt a caster level check against a 難易度 equal to 10 + the disease’s Fortitude save 難易度. If you are successful, the afflicted creature is no longer affected by the disease. If you move the disease into yourself or another creature you(or the afflicted) are touching, the target receiving the disease must immediately attempt a Fortitude save as if it were initially exposed to the disease. If the target fails, the disease affects it immediately with no onset time. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier. You must be at least 7th level to select this discovery.

Force Field(超常)/Force Field 出典 Occult Realms 12ページ:As a swift action, you can spend 1 point from your phrenic pool to activate a force field of raw psychic energy that provides you with a number of temporary hit points equal to 5 + your psychic level(maximum 10 temporary hit points). If you spend 2 points from your phrenic pool, the force field provides a number of temporary hit points equal to 10 + your psychic level(maximum 20 temporary hit points). The force field lasts for a number of minutes equal to your psychic level. If you spend 3 points from your phrenic pool, the force field lasts for twice as long, and it provides fast healing 2. Once the temporary hit points are depleted, the force field disappears and you cannot reinstate it for 24 hours. You must be at least 3rd level to select this discovery.

Kinetic Enhancement/Kinetic Enhancement 出典 Occult Realms 12ページ:You can generate kinetic energy to aid yourself in close-quarters scrapes. You can add your Intelligence modifier as a bonus on combat maneuver checks and to your 戦技防御値. You can also add your Intelligence modifier as a bonus on Strength checks to break or lift objects.

Laser Blast(超常)/Laser Blast 出典 Occult Realms 13ページ:You can generate laser blasts powered by your psychic energy. As a standard action, you can sacrifice an unused spell slot of 1st level or higher and transform it into a ray of laser energy, targeting any foe within 30 feet as a ranged touch attack. This attack deals 2d6 points of fire damage plus an additional 1d6 points of fire damage for every level of the spell slot you sacrificed. You can’t sacrifice 0-level spells in this manner. You must be at least 11th level to select this discovery.

Mind Over Augmentation/Mind Over Augmentation 出典 Occult Realms 13ページ:When you’re determining how many cybernetic implants you can have, the total implantation values of all cybertech implanted in you can’t exceed your Intelligence score + 4(ignoring your Constitution score).

Psychic Battery(超常)/Psychic Battery 出典 Occult Realms 13ページ:You can expend an unused spell slot or a number of points from your phrenic pool as a swift action to power a technological device you are touching. Each spell level expended in this way grants the device 1 charge, and every 2 points from your phrenic pool spent grant 1 charge. Any charges unused at the end of the round are lost, and any charges used by the device that round that aren’t provided by you must come from the device’s own power reserves. You cannot use this ability to power timeworn technology. You can power only devices that use charges. You must be at least 7th level to select this discovery.

Radiation Resistance(超常)/Radiation Resistance 出典 Occult Realms 13ページ:You apply your Intelligence modifier as a bonus on all Fortitude saves versus the effects of radiation(Technology Guide 55).

techsmith(超常)/Techsmith 出典 Occult Realms 13ページ:Select one type of technological item(armor, cybertech, pharmaceuticals, technological gear, or weapons). You can create items of this type 25% faster than normal, and you gain a +4 bonus on Craft(mechanical) checks(or other checks, as appropriate) to craft items of this type. You can select this discovery multiple times; its effects do not stack. Instead, each time you select this discovery, it applies to a single different type of technological item.

念術修養 Psychic Disciplines

Bleaching Bleaching

出典 Heroes from the Fringe 18ページ

You draw power from a void in your emotions, a yawning and empty chasm where your hopes and dreams and fears should be. It is very rare for any creature besides a gnome to have this psychic discipline—usually a bleachling or a gnome with a particularly strong fear of the Bleaching—but in occasional cases members of other races have been known to develop such a strong nihilistic ennui or depression that they can tap into the vitality-draining effects of this discipline as well.


ボーナス呪文decrepit disguise(1st), steal voice(4th), cup of dust(6th), enervation(8th), pessimism(10th), disintegrate(12th), waves of exhaustion(14th), greater spell immunity(16th), energy drain(18th).

修養能力Your emotional malaise combines with your psychic ability to allow you to drain the vibrancy from the world around you.

Draining Touch/Draining Touch:As a standard action, you can make a melee touch attack to drain vitality from a creature. If the attack hits, the target must succeed at a Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + half your psychic level + your Wisdom modifier) or take 1d2 points of Charisma damage. If a creature is affected, the colors of its skin, hair, and eyes dull and become less vibrant. Whether or not the save is successful, a creature cannot be the target of this power again for 24 hours. You regain 1 point in your phrenic pool each time you successfully drain a creature this way. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Emotionally Distant/Emotionally Distant:At 5th level, your emotions have atrophied such that you rarely have any genuine feelings at all. You gain a +4 bonus on saving throws to resist charm, emotion, and fear effects.

Drain Vibrancy/Drain Vibrancy:At 13th level, you can drain the color and vitality from the world around you. Three times per day, as a standard action you can drain vibrancy within a 30-foot radius, causing the area and all creatures within it to become pale and sallow. Each living creature in the area must succeed at a Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + half your psychic level + your Wisdom modifier) or take 1 temporary negative level as their life force drains away. If you’re at least 17th level, a creature that fails its saving throw takes 2 temporary negative levels instead.

Enlightenment Enlightenment

出典 Occult Origins 16ページ

Your quest for enlightenment has opened your eyes to new concepts and heights of spiritual awareness. You seek learning that allows you to evolve in mind and spirit, improving your next incarnation.


ボーナス呪文acute senses(1st), identify(4th), clairaudience/clairvoyance(6th), thoughtsense(8th), atonement(10th), greater arcane sight(12th), circle of clarity(14th), protection from spells(16th), overwhelming presence(18th).

修養能力Your enlightened mind eases your burden and allows troubles to harmlessly wash over you.

Expanded Awareness(超常)/Expanded Awareness:As a move action, you can focus on your senses and gain one of the following sensory abilities:blindsense(10 feet), darkvision(30 feet), low-light vision, or scent. This new sense lasts for 1 round per psychic level. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier. At 11th level, you can use expanded awareness to gain see in darkness or thoughtsense(20 feet). At 15th level, you can use it to gain lifesense.

Patient Insight(変則)/Patient Insight:When you attempt a Heal, Knowledge, Sense Motive, or Survival check, you can spend 1 point from your phrenic pool to roll the check twice and take the higher result.

Focused Trance(変則)/Focused Trance:At 5th level, you can enter a deep meditation, allowing you to concentrate on a single problem, philosophical issue, or memory. This trance lasts 1d6 rounds, during which time you can take only move actions and gain a bonus equal to your psychic level on all saves against sonic effects and gaze attacks. When you come out of your trance, you can attempt a single Appraise, Knowledge, or Spellcraft check with a +20 circumstance bonus. You can enter a focused trance a number of times per day equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Empty Mind(超常)/Empty Mind:At 13th level, you can clear your mind by focusing on a sense of emptiness, purging yourself of doubt and discomfort. You can spend 1 point from your phrenic pool on your turn as a free action to remove the blinded, confused, dazed, deafened, staggered, or stunned condition from yourself.

Hag-Called Hag-Called

出典 Blood of the Coven 23ページ

A hag’s call echoes through your mind like a siren’s song, enticing you to surrender and become something horrible. Even after you’ve resisted the call or even killed your hag mother, those echoes remain, shaping your mind into something else and telling you who you were meant to be. While you’re almost certainly a changeling, you might be a latent psychic who came into accidental psychic contact with a hag’s call through a changeling associate, or your dreams might have long been infested by a night hag’s machinations.


ボーナス呪文ill omen(1st), enthrall(4th), bestow curse(6th), charm monster(8th), threefold aspect(10th), veil(12th), control weather(14th), trap the soul(16th), dominate monster(18th).

修養能力The echoes of the hag’s call shapes the psychic potential of your mind, granting you exceptional abilities that might one day exceed the hag’s own.

Threefold Casting(変則)/Threefold Casting:While you cannot join a true witch’s coven, you are nonetheless skilled at casting magic in conjunction with others. You gain a +2 insight bonus on skill checks for ritual magic in which you have at least two secondary casters. In addition, whenever you are within 30 feet of another hag, psychic, or witch, you can use the aid another action to grant a +1 bonus to the other spellcaster’s caster level for 1 round.

Mother's Embrace(超常)/Mother's Embrace:The hag’s call grows stronger as you grow more desperate, promising protection and release if only you would succumb. When you would fail a Will save, you can add 1d4 to your result; whether or not this causes you to succeed at the saving throw, you take 2 points of Wisdom damage. When you perform an act of cruelty, you regain 1 phrenic pool point. You can use each aspect of this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

Deceptive Shapes(超常)/Deceptive Shapes:At 5th level, you learn the hag’s art of concealing your true face to get what you want. You can change into any Small or Medium humanoid at will as alter self, though you don’t gain any special abilities or ability score adjustments. You can’t replicate a specific person using this ability.

Curse Mastery(擬呪)/Curse Mastery:At 13th level, you have made the accursed magic of the hags your own. You become immune to spells of the curse subschool and curse effects. Furthermore, the DCs of your spells with the curse descriptor increase by 1, and you can apply the overpowering mind and synaptic shock phrenic amplifications to spells with the curse descriptor so long as you have learned those amplifications.

Haunted Haunted

出典 Haunted Heroes Handbook 18ページ

You attract the attention of spirits as naturally as a lodestone attracts iron filings. Testing your power leads you to develop some control over undead forces, despite the inherent defenses such creatures have against psychic abilities. Meanwhile, those spirits clinging to your life essence become increasingly protective, channeling their abilities to aid you and warn of threats. Psychics of this discipline are most common in Ustalav and Shenmen, where so many spirits are stuck in the transition between life and death.


ボーナス呪文Detect undead(1st), calm spiritOA(4th), halt undead(6th), speak with haunt ACG(8th), disrupting weapon(10th), undeath to death(12th), ethereal jaunt(14th), greater possession(16th), etherealness(18th).

修養能力Your powers interact with the spiritual world, attracting the attention of minor spirits and undead.

Lingering Spirits(擬呪)/Lingering Spirits:Numerous minor spirits find themselves attracted to you. Your connection with these spirits allows you to manifest any of the following spell-like abilities as a swift action:mage hand, ghost sound, grave wordsOA, or telekinetic projectileOA. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier.

Spiritual Bulwark(超常)/Spiritual Bulwark:At 5th level, you develop a deeper attachment to your lingering spirits, and learn to rely on their presence as protection from external spiritual attacks. You gain a bonus equal to your Charisma modifier on saving throws against effects generated by haunts, incorporeal undead, incorporeal outsiders, and on saving throws against possession attempts.

Phantasmal Assault(超常)/Phantasmal Assault:At 13th level, you learn to harness your psychic force against all forms of haunts and undead creatures. Your mind-affecting spells that deal damage can now be used against haunts and undead normally immune to mind-affecting effects(including mindless undead). These spells are treated as though they dealt positive energy damage. This affects only spells that deal purely psychic-based damage(such as psychic crushOA, mind thrustOA, or synapse overloadOA); effects based on physical effects(such as telekinetic projectileOA or telekinetic stormOA) don’t benefit from this ability. Additional non-damaging effects from such spells don’t affect the haunt, unless it would be normally affected. When you use a mind-affecting effect that deals damage against a possessed creature, the possessing entity takes a –4 penalty on the saving throw against the mind-affecting attack.

Mindtech Mindtech

出典 Occult Realms 13ページ

You are innately tied to and can communicate with electronic machinery and similar technological objects, through which you can funnel your psychic power like flowing water. You can amplify and focus your psychic energies using the technology that surrounds you— even certain kinds of technology that might not be obvious to others.


ボーナス呪文technomancy(1st), protection from technology(4th), irradiate(6th), malfunction(8th), lightning arc(10th), destroy robot(12th), memory of function(14th), prismatic wall(16th), time stop(18th).

修養能力Your powers relate to uniting technology with psychic energy.

Synergized Energy(超常)/Synergized Energy:Whenever you use a battery(Technology Guide 39), a generator(Technology Guide 62), or the ability described in the psychic battery psi-tech discovery(see above) to restore charges to any piece of technological equipment, you regain 1 point in your phrenic pool. The maximum number of points you can regain in your phrenic pool in this way per day is equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Attune Implants(超常)/Attune Implants:Starting at 5th level, you can spend a full-round action once per day to harness and channel the power of your cybernetic implants into your psychic spellcasting. This increases the saving throw DCs of your psychic spells by 1, and the increase lasts a number of minutes equal to your psychic level. You must have at least one piece of cybertech(Technology Guide 35) implanted in you to use this ability. Additional implants do not increase the duration or the number of uses of this discipline ability.

Dominate Technology(擬呪)/Dominate Technology:At 13th level, you can meld your mind with a piece of technology and temporarily control it, even if you had no hand in creating it or anything like it. Once per day, you can target one construct with control constructUM(as per the spell), except the 難易度 of the Spellcraft check each round to maintain control of the construct is equal to 15 + the construct’s ヒット・ダイス. If you must attempt opposed Spellcraft checks against the construct’s creator, you take a –5 penalty on your Spellcraft checks while you concentrate on this ability.

Pageantry Pageantry

出典 Heroes of the High Court 16ページ

The act of ritual, no matter how ostentatious, can be a route to mental strength. By engaging in esoteric and intricate routines, you have unlocked potent psychic power.


ボーナス呪文bless(1st), calm emotions(4th), slow(6th), overwhelming presenceUM(8th), seeming(10th), heroes' feast(12th), mage's magnificent mansion(14th), divine vesselAPG(16th), heroic invocationUC(18th).

修養能力Your mastery of intricate rituals allows you to wield great power, given time.

Ritual Unity(超常)/Ritual Unity:You receive a +2 bonus on all skill checks attempted as part of an occult ritual(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 208). When you take the aid another action to assist an ally with a skill check and succeed at a 難易度 20 check, you impart a +4 bonus to your ally instead. When you successfully aid an ally in this way, you regain 1 point in your phrenic pool.

Power from Pageantry(超常)/Power from PageantryWhen casting a spell with a casting time of 1 standard action or less, you can spend 1 point from your phrenic pool to extend the casting time to 1 full round. If you do, the caster level and saving throw 難易度 increase by 2.

Force of Habit(超常)/Force of Habit:At 5th level, you are so accustomed to complex tasks that you can maintain focus on multiple mental foci simultaneously. If you spend 1 point from your phrenic pool as you cast a psychic spell that requires concentration, you can maintain concentration on that spell as a swift action. In addition, you can cast other psychic spells while concentrating on that spell.

Unrivaled Focus(超常)/Unrivaled Focus:At 13th level, your powers of concentration become unmatched. Whenever you attempt a concentration check, you can spend 1 point from your phrenic pool to treat the result of your die roll as a 20. You must choose to use this ability before rolling the check.

Rebirth Rebirth

出典 Occult Realms 17ページ

The rebirth discipline grants retrocognition as a bonus spell in place of reincarnate. Any spell selected with the divine the mysteries archetype ability or mnemonic esoterica discipline power must follow the same guideline used for determining the spell level for a scroll found on page 25 of the Pathfinder Society Roleplaying Guild

Your mind is forged from the most powerful memories of a multitude of lifetimes. You have fragmentary knowledge of your prior lives and can leverage the experience gained during these lifetimes into raw psychic power.


ボーナス呪文burst of insight(1st), false life(4th), contact other plane(6th), ancestral memory(8th), reincarnate(10th), transformation(12th), ethereal jaunt(14th), bilocation(16th), akashic form(18th).

修養能力Your myriad lives inspire diverse exceptional abilities.

Past-Life Memories(変則)/Past-Life Memories:You add a bonus equal to half your psychic level(minimum 1) to all Knowledge checks and can attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Mnemonic Esoterica(変則)/Mnemonic Esoterica:By reaching into the recesses of your past lives, you gain knowledge beyond that of most psychics. Select a single additional spellcasting class. Once per day when you prepare your spells, you can add one spell from this class’s spell list to your spells known and class spell list for 24 hours. This spell must be 1 level lower than the highest-level spell you can cast, and you cast it as if it were psychic magic(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 144). You can decide to change the spellcasting class from which you draw this spell each time you gain a new level.

Resurgence(超常)/Resurgence:At 5th level when you would be reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by an attack, you can spend 2 points from your phrenic pool as an immediate action to regain a number of hit points equal to 1d8 points of damage + your psychic level. At 10th level, this ability’s healing increases to 3d8 + your psychic level. If this healing is insufficient to bring you above negative hit points, you are automatically stabilized. If you would still be killed by the amount of damage taken, you erupt with positive energy and heal all allies within 30-foot-radius burst for the amount you healed yourself.

Physical Regression(Sp):At 13th level, you can spend 2 points from your phrenic pool as a standard action once per day to take on the form of one of your previous incarnations. This ability functions as the polymorph spell, but its range is personal and its duration becomes 10 minutes per caster level.

Shadow Shadow

出典 Blood of Shadows 17ページ

You perceive the space between light and darkness, and draw power from it. Shadows conceal and protect you, while revealing the locations of those who dare to hide within them. Over time, you develop the ability to deny the warmth of light or life to your enemies.


ボーナス呪文blurred movement(1st), fear the sun(4th), deeper darkness(6th), shadow step(8th), shadow evocation(10th), shadow walk(12th), lunar veil(14th), umbral strike(16th), polar midnight(18th).

修養能力Your powers give you authority over light and shadow.

Twilight Influence(超常)/Twilight Influence:You can channel spell energy into spells drawn from the Darkness cleric domain. This ability functions similarly to the cleric’s ability to spontaneously cast cure or inflict spells, but you instead spontaneously cast Darkness domain spells. The domain spells don’t count as being on your psychic spell list for the purposes of any other effects(unless they are independently on your psychic spell list, such as blindness/deafness). Each day, you can convert up to one spell from each spell level you can cast. Each time you use this ability to convert a spell, you regain 1 point in your phrenic pool. The maximum number of points you can regain in this way per day is equal to your Wisdom modifier.

Dark Defense(超常)/Dark Defense:At 5th level, light and darkness become your allies, moving around you to protect you from your enemies. You gain a +2 deflection bonus to Armor Class against any attack while you benefit from concealment against that attack. If you have full concealment from that attack, this deflection bonus increases to +4.

Adumbration(超常)/Adumbration:At 13th level, shadows move to conceal you. You gain a bonus on Stealth checks equal to half your level. In addition, you can use the Stealth skill even while being observed and without cover or concealment, as long as you are within 10 feet of a shadow other than your own. You gain no benefit from adumbration in areas of bright light.

Superiority Superiority

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 19ページ

You know that you are far better than average creatures of your kind. The more you leverage your psychic talents to prove yourself superior, the more powerful you become.


ボーナス呪文moment of greatness(1st), deflect blame(4th), unflappable mien(6th), majestic image(8th), mage’s private sanctum(10th), transformation(12th), project image(14th), clone(self only)(16th), overwhelming presence(18th).

修養能力Your unflappable sense of self-worth grants you powers that your rivals can’t hope to countermand.

Self-Assurance(超常)/Self-Assurance:Overwhelming confidence in your success brings you closer to your goals, and you know that your superiority has destined you for greatness. As an immediate action, you can gain a morale bonus equal to half your psychic level(minimum 1) on a single ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. You must declare that you are using this ability before attempting the roll in question. If you succeed at the check, you regain 1 point in your phrenic pool. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Charisma modifier.

At Arm’s Length(変則)/At Arm’s Length:At 5th level, you gain Reach Spell as a bonus feat. Additionally, when using this feat, you can spend 1 point from your phrenic pool for each increase in the spell’s range category. If you do, the spell does not use up a higher-level spell slot than normal.(For example, a spell with a range of touch increased to long range via this feat would normally use up a spell slot 3 levels higher, but if you spend 3 points from your phrenic pool, the spell does not use up a higher spell slot.)

Magical Hoarder(超常)/Magical Hoarder:At 13th level, whenever a creature within 30 feet of you casts a spell intended to benefit its targets, you can spend 1 point from your phrenic pool as an immediate action to include yourself as a target of that spell. If the creature is not your ally, you must be able to clearly see the spell’s effects and you must succeed at a Spellcraft check(難易度 = 15 + the spell’s level) to identify the spell before using this ability. If you are not within the normal range of the spell, then you must spend 1 additional point from your phrenic pool to use this ability. If the spell has a range of personal, then you must instead spend 2 additional phrenic points from your pool to use this ability. This ability does not affect spells with an instantaneous or permanent duration.

Warp Warp

出典 Blood of the Beast 24ページ

Ratfolk mythology claims they were appointed by the gods to sniff out the ragged edges of creation. Whether the art of ranatagi descended from this glorious role or formed the source of such myths, this psychic tradition among the ratfolk of Vudra and eastern Casmaron unlocks the psychic potential in trainees, teaching them to sniff out folds and tears in reality. Ancient practitioners of ranatagi even claimed that the art once allowed ratfolk to guide great caravans to the stars.


ボーナス呪文entropic shield(1st), apport objectOA(4th), displacement(6th), dimension door(8th), dismissal(10th), ethereal jaunt(12th), greater teleport(14th), dimensional lock(16th), interplanetary teleportUM(18th).

修養能力Your powers allow you to sidestep obstacles, defend yourself, and assault others by tearing holes in reality.

Planar Scent(超常)/Planar Scent:You can intuitively sense disruptions in the cosmos. This ability functions as a constant detect magic, but only for effects of the conjuration(calling), conjuration(summoning), conjuration(teleport), and illusion(shadow) subschools. You gain a +2 insight bonus on Spellcraft checks to identify such effects.

Rift Reach(超常)/Rift Reach:As a move action, you can tear open a small rent in reality just large enough to reach an arm through. The far end of this portal must be within 10 feet of you, but otherwise allows you to manipulate objects, perform melee attacks requiring a single hand, or even cast spells. If you cannot see your target, standard concealment penalties apply. You cannot move either end of the portal once it’s created, and the opening collapses immediately when you leave your current space or withdraw your arm, but it otherwise lasts for 1 round per psychic level. Your disembodied hand uses your アーマー・クラス with a +4 size bonus, should opponents target it. This size bonus does not apply to disarm combat maneuver checks.

You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Charisma modifier. At 11th level, the range of your rift reach increases to 20 feet. At 15th level, your range increases to 30 feet.

Turn Aside(超常)/Turn Aside:You can compress or inflate enough space around you to turn aside ranged attacks. At 5th level, you gain Deflect Arrows as a bonus feat. You can expend 1 point from your phrenic pool as an immediate action to gain a +4 deflection bonus against a single ranged attack.

Sidestep(超常)/Sidestep:You can push your way through holes in reality, crossing vast distances in a single stride. At 13th level, you can teleport up to 10 feet per psychic level per day as a move action. This teleportation must be used in 5-foot increments and such movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity. You must have line of sight to your destination to use this ability. You can bring other willing creatures with you, but you must expend an equal amount of distance for each creature transported.

サイキックのアーキタイプ Psychic Archetypes

Esoteric Starseeker Esoteric Starseeker

出典 Wilderness Origins 30ページ

The esoteric starseeker archetype's Newlyweds constellation grants breath of life as a bonus spell in place of reincarnate, and the Stargazer constellation grants foresight as a bonus spell in place of dream voyage.

The celestial bodies travel through the sky in fixed patterns, and knowledgeable astrologers rely on these stellar constants to make accurate predictions, but the constellations can also be a source of power. An esoteric starseeker is a psychic who focuses her studies on uncovering the secrets of the sky and the constellations of the Cosmic Caravan, able to read the stars as well as she can read minds. For more information on the Cosmic Caravan, see pages 36 and 37 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Occult Mysteries.

Written in the Stars/Written in the Stars:An esoteric starseeker can spend 1 hour each night in quiet contemplation of the stars to attune herself to a constellation of the Cosmic Caravan, gaining knowledge of new spells from it. She gains one bonus constellation spell slot for each spell level she can cast, and she can prepare a spell associated with her attuned constellation into that slot. At 11th level, she can attune herself to two constellations, choosing between the spells offered by both constellations when she prepares her constellation spells. Whenever she attunes herself to a constellation, the esoteric starseeker must also weaken her connection to one school of magic of her choice, increasing the casting time for all spells of that school to a full-round action or an additional full-round action, as though she were using a metamagic feat. She can change her attuned constellations and her weakened school each day when she prepares her constellation spells. The Cosmic Caravan and their associated spells are as follows.

The Thrush/The Thrush:comprehend languages(1st), magic mouth(2nd), tiny hut(3rd), dream(4th), remote viewing(5th), battlemind link(6th), phase door(7th), discern location(8th), wish(9th).

The Lantern Bearer/The Lantern Bearer:liberating command(1st), glitterdust(2nd), guiding star(3rd), wandering star motes(4th), true seeing(5th), sonic form(6th), prismatic spray(7th), sunburst(8th), meteor swarm(9th).

The Newlyweds/The Newlyweds:charm person(1st), enthrall(2nd), synesthesia(3rd), break enchantment(4th), reincarnate(5th), joyful rapture(6th), mass synesthesia(7th), bilocation(8th), overwhelming presence(9th).

The Bridge/The Bridge:endure elements(1st), resist energy(2nd), daylight(3rd), fire shield(4th), wall of force(5th), contagious flame(6th), reverse gravity(7th), create demiplane(8th), world wave(9th).

The Daughter/The Daughter:bless(1st), hypnotic pattern(2nd), heroism(3rd), freedom of movement(4th), hostile juxtaposition(5th), cloak of dreams(6th), greater hostile juxtaposition(7th), irresistible dance(8th), freedom(9th).

The Rider/The Rider:anticipate peril(1st), acute senses(2nd), ablative barrier(3rd), dimensional anchor(4th), echolocation(5th), blade barrier(6th), grasping hand(7th), frightful aspect(8th), ride the lightning(9th).

The Patriarch/The Patriarch:command(1st), spiritual weapon(2nd), dispel magic(3rd), telekinetic charge(4th), contact other plane(5th), find the path(6th), mage’s sword(7th), brilliant inspiration(8th), gate(9th).

The Wagon/The Wagonexpeditious retreat(1st), twisted space(2nd), haste(3rd), mirror transport(4th), teleport(5th), fluid form(6th), walk through space(7th), etherealness(8th), time stop(9th).

The Pack/The Pack:calm animals(1st), animal aspect(2nd), rage(3rd), greater animal aspect(4th), summon monster V(5th), mass bear’s endurance(6th), summon monster VII(7th), animal shapes(8th), shapechange(9th).

The Mother/The Mother:identify(1st), aid(2nd), invisibility purge(3rd), stoneskin(4th), spell resistance(5th), contingency(6th), mind blank(7th), refuge(8th), wall of suppression(9th).

The Stargazer/The Stargazer:know the enemy(1st), augury(2nd), arcane sight(3rd), locate creature(4th), feeblemind(5th), geas/quest(6th), arcane sight(greater)(7th), moment of prescience(8th), dream voyage(9th).

The Stranger/The Stranger:disguise self(1st), invisibility(2nd), displacement(3rd), riding possession(4th), prying eyes(5th), veil(6th), project image(7th), maze(8th), divide mind(9th).

The Follower/The Follower:forced quiet(1st), darkness(2nd), vision of hell(3rd), enervation(4th), waves of fatigue(5th), shadow walk(6th), simulacrum(7th), destruction(8th), energy drain(9th).

This replaces the bonus spells normally granted by the psychic’s discipline and the phrenic amplifications gained at 1st and 11th levels.

Major Amplifications:An esoteric starseeker gains this ability at 15th level.

Magaambyan Telepath Magaambyan Telepath

出典 Wilderness Origins 27ページ

While most students of the Magaambya in the Mwangi Expanse focus on the blending of arcane and divine magic, followers of Old-Mage Jatembe’s more esoteric wisdom instead focus on the occult connection between all living creatures and the resonance between the natural and supernatural world. These Magaambyan telepaths hone their mental abilities to detect such spiritual and eldritch bonds, and attempt to commune with the mind of the jungle or the hearts of its wild inhabitants. Whether seeking information that only nature knows or attempting to impose their will upon the natural world, these psychics employ techniques that few outside of the Magaambya understand.

Primal Spells/Primal Spells:A Magaambyan telepath adds one 1st-level spell from the druid spell list to the psychic spell list and her spells known. Each time a Magaambyan telepath gains the ability to cast a new level of spell, she can add one spell of that level from the druid spell list to both the psychic spell list and her spells known. She casts these spells as psychic spells, and once the spells are selected these choices cannot be changed.

This replaces discipline spells.

Nature’s Command(変則)/Nature’s Command:The Magaambyan telepath’s mind-affecting spells can affect even plant creatures. When she casts a mind-affecting spell, the Magaambyan telepath can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to overcome a plant creature’s immunity to mind-affecting effects for the purposes of that spell. This ability functions even on mindless plant creatures, but it has no effect on creatures that aren’t plants.

At 11th level, when the Magaambyan telepath casts a mind-affecting or language-dependent spell, the psychic can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to cause the spell to affect creatures of the plant and animal types as if they were humanoids that understood her language.

This replaces the phrenic amplifications gained at 1st and 11th levels.

Know the Land(擬呪)/Know the Land:At 9th level, the Magaambyan telepath can cast commune with nature as a spell-like ability once per day, using her psychic level as her caster level. She can also expend any unused spell slot of 5th level or higher to cast commune with nature.

This replaces telepathic bond.

Wild Mind(超常)/Wild Mind:At 17th level, when the Magaambyan telepath gains the telepathy ability, she can also mentally communicate with any animal or plant creature as if it had a language.

This alters telepathy.

Psychic Marauder Psychic Marauder

出典 Heroes of the Darklands 22ページ

When one encounters aberrant creatures, it can unlock psychic potential within a person, though this experience is traumatic for those who endure it. The psychic marauder’s powers come hand in hand with madness, either from exposure to alien psyches or from terrifying glimpses into the cosmos that the psychic can’t suppress. But she does not crumble under the strain of this insanity; instead, she cordons it off to use as a shield against other psychic intrusions and harnesses it to unleash it upon the world around her.

Psychic marauders in Orv have often been corrupted by the influence of aboleths or neothelids.

属性A psychic marauder must be of nonlawful alignment. A psychic marauder that becomes lawful loses her aura of insanity. However, she retains all other benefits of this archetype.

Skewed Mentality(変則)/Skewed Mentality:At 2nd level, a psychic marauder becomes alienated from reality as others perceive it. The psychic marauder uses her Charisma modifier on Will saves instead of her Wisdom modifier.

This ability replaces detect thoughts.

Aura of Insanity(超常)/Aura of Insanity:At 3rd level, a psychic marauder’s madness begins to leak out. As a standard action, the psychic marauder can spend 1 point from her phrenic pool to manifest an aura of insanity, letting bits of her psyche penetrate the minds of those around her. The aura is centered on the psychic marauder and has a radius of 10 feet, increasing by 5 feet for every 3 class levels beyond 3rd. Any creature starting its turn within the aura must succeed at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + half the psychic marauder’s level + the psychic marauder’s Charisma modifier) or be confused for 1 round. The psychic marauder can exclude a number of targets inside the radius equal to 1 + 1 for every 3 class levels beyond 3rd, shielding them from her madness. The aura of insanity lasts for a number of rounds equal to the psychic marauder’s Charisma modifier. This is a mind-affecting effect.

At 11th level, when a creature rolls to determine the effects of a confusion effect while within the aura of insanity, the psychic marauder can spend 1 point from her phrenic pool to force the affected creature to roll twice. The psychic marauder selects which result is used.

At 19th level, when a creature would roll to determine the effects of a confusion effect while within the aura of insanity, the psychic marauder can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to select the result of the affected creature’s confused condition without rolling. This does not allow the psychic marauder to control how that result is applied.

This ability replaces the phrenic amplifications gained at 3rd, 11th, and 19th levels.

Cracked Perspectives(変則)/Cracked Perspectives:At 9th level, a psychic marauder’s growing madness renders her immune to confusion and insanity effects.

This ability replaces telepathic bond.

Unreal Understanding(変則)/Unreal Understanding:At 20th level, a psychic marauder’s mindset becomes completely aberrant, to the point that no outside force can penetrate her psyche. Because of this, the psychic marauder becomes immune to all mind-affecting effects.

This ability replaces remade self.

Terror Weaver Terror Weaver

出典 Heroes from the Fringe 26ページ

A number of exceptional Darklands half-orcs have developed potent psychic abilities, unlocked by generations of exposure to a specific combination of mind-altering fungi and radiation. Powerful half-orc manipulators often rule smaller Darklands tribes from the shadows, but with few orcs able to match their mental acuity, their only limit is their own ambition.

Manipulation(擬呪)/Manipulation:At 2nd level, a terror weaver can cast charm person once per day as a spell-like ability. He can also expend any unused spell slot of 1st level or higher to cast charm person. If he does so, he uses the level of the spell slot expended to determine the save 難易度. When a terror weaver gains this ability, if he already knows charm person, he can learn a different 1st-level spell in place of charm person, losing the old spell in exchange for the new one.

This replaces detect thoughts.

Aura of Intimidation(擬呪)/Aura of Intimidation:Because he lacks the physical prowess of most orcs, a terror weaver seeks to end fights before they start. At 9th level, he can cast aura of doom as a spell-like ability once per day. He can also expend any unused spell slot of 4th level or higher to cast aura of doom. Casting the spell using a higher-level spell slot gives no benefit on its own, but the terror weaver can apply metamagic feats that would increase the spell level to the appropriate level. At 11th level, a terror weaver’s aura of doom causes enemies to become frightened instead of shaken. At 19th level, it causes enemies to become panicked.

This replaces telepathic bond and the phrenic amplifications gained at 11th and 19th levels.

Persistent Nightmare(擬呪)/Persistent Nightmare:Gloomkin often suffer from lifetimes of cruelty and abuse, and a terror weaver repays that suffering back onto his tormentors. At 15th level, when he successfully casts a mind-affecting spell on a target, he can spend 2 points from his phrenic pool to afflict the target with a nightmare spell the next time it goes to sleep. The day after nightmare has taken effect, regardless of the victim’s saving throw, the target takes a –2 penalty on Will saves against the terror weaver’s mind-affecting spells and abilities for 24 hours.

This ability replaces the phrenic amplification gained at 15th level.

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