
アーケイニストの秘技 Exploits

Altered Shifting(超常)/Altered Shifting

出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ
Strength Normal
When the arcanist is under the effect of a spell of the polymorph subschool that she cast, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to change to another valid form allowed by the spell. This reduces the spell’s caster level by 1, which can take the spell’s caster level below the minimum caster level necessary to cast the spell, and reduces the spell’s duration if applicable. The arcanist must have the Lepidstadt shifter exploit to select this exploit.

Arcane Discovery/Arcane Discovery

出典 Arcane Anthology 17ページ
Strength Normal
An arcanist who selects this arcanist exploit learns an arcane discovery. When she learns an arcane discovery, her level must be high enough for her to qualify for that discovery, using half her arcanist level as her wizard level to determine whether she qualifies. The effects of any arcane discovery that she selects with this exploit apply only to arcanist spells that she casts, not to wizard spells, and she cannot select an arcane discovery in place of a feat(unless she also has wizard levels, in which case the discovery applies only to her wizard spells).

Armored Mask(超常)/Armored Mask

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 21ページ
Strength Normal
By expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a standard action, the arcanist grants herself an effective illusion of armor. She gains the benefits of mage armor with a caster level that’s equal to her arcanist level and appears to be wearing light or medium armor of whatever design she chooses when activating this ability. At any time while this effect is active, she can expend 1 additional point from her arcane reservoir as an immediate action to also gain the benefits of shield of faith with a caster level equal to her arcanist level.

Aspect of Innocence(超常)Aspect of Innocence

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 21ページ
Strength Normal
An arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as an immediate action to gain the benefits of innocence, with a caster level equal to her arcanist level.


出典 Disciple's Doctrine 21ページ
Strength Normal
An arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a standard action to gain the benefits of glibness, with a caster level equal to her arcanist level. The arcanist must have the aspect of innocence exploit to take this exploit.

Feral Shifting(超常)/Feral Shifting

出典 Wilderness Origins 26ページ
Strength Normal
As a swift action, the arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to gain either a bite attack that deals 1d6 points of damage(1d4 points of damage if she is Small) or two claw attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage(1d3 points of damage if she is Small) for a number of minutes equal to her Charisma modifier(minimum 1). These are primary natural attacks.

First-World Face Thief(超常)/First-World Face Thief

出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to assume an illusory disguise as . If she expends 2 points from her arcane reservoir instead of 1, the duration of the effect increases to 10 minutes per level.

First-World Illusion Catcher(超常)/First-World Illusion Catcher

出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against illusions. If the arcanist successfully disbelieves an illusion, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to try to negate or steal control of the illusion. The arcanist attempts a caster level check as if she were dispelling the effect with dispel magic. If she succeeds, she can either end the effect or alter it as if she were the spell’s caster. If the spell’s duration is concentration, the arcanist must concentrate on the new effect or it ends. The arcanist must have the first-world face thief exploit to select this exploit.

Flame Control(超常)/Flame Control

出典 Wilderness Origins 26ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to move or extinguish one 5-foot square per arcanist level of an ongoing nonmagical fire. If she chooses to move a portion of the fire, it must be moved to a square contiguous with that fire. If she also expends a spell slot of at least 3rd level when activating this ability, she can attempt to dispel a magical fire effect, as dispel magic.

Focused Summoning(超常)/Focused Summoning

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 7ページ
Strength Normal
When an arcanist is on a plane other than the Material Plane, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as part of casting a spell that summons a single outsider native to that plane. If she does so, the outsider’s attacks bypass all types of ダメージ減少 that it has. For example, a nabasu demon, which has ダメージ減少/cold iron or ダメージ減少/good, would bypass both ダメージ減少/cold iron and ダメージ減少/good.

Holy Water Jet(超常)/Holy Water Jet

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 8ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist can unleash a jet of holy water by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. This creates a 30-foot line of water that deals damage equal to 1d8 points of damage plus the arcanist’s Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d8 points of damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st(to a maximum of 10d8 at 19th level) to each target in the line that would normally take damage from holy water. Creatures in the area of effect can attempt a Reflex saving throw to halve the damage.

Invoke Primal Magic(超常)Invoke Primal Magic

出典 Heroes of Golarion 20ページ
Strength Normal
When an event within 30 feet of the arcanist would trigger a chance for a primal magic effect, the arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as an immediate action to increase the chance to 100%.

Lepidstadt Shifter(超常)/Lepidstadt Shifter

出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to cast a spell while under the effects of a polymorph spell. This ability works like Natural Spell, except the arcanist uses the ability to cast while under the effects of a spell instead of wild shape.

Mending Flesh(超常)/Mending Flesh

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 21ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a standard action and touch a target to grant superficial healing. This stops any bleed effects the target is suffering and grants a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier, lasting for a number of hours equal to the arcanist’s level. At 6th level, the number of hit points granted increases to 2d8 + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier. A creature can benefit from mending flesh only once per day.

Nidalese Shadow Veil(超常)/Nidalese Shadow Veil

出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ
Strength Normal
By expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir, an arcanist can pull a veil of shadows around her, making her more difficult to spot and strike. The arcanist gains concealment(20% miss chance) and a +5 bonus on Stealth checks. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to 1 + the arcanist’s Charisma bonus.

Obfuscated Spellcasting(超常)/Obfuscated Spellcasting

出典 Divine Anthology 7ページ
Strength Normal
When casting a spell, the arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to make the spell being cast appear to be a different spell. The spell can be disguised as any other spell that the arcanist knows. This exploit raises the 難易度 for a Spellcraft check to correctly identify the spell being cast by double the arcanist’s caster level. Identification attempts that fail by an amount less than double the arcanist’s caster level mistakenly identify the spell being cast as the false spell chosen by the arcanist.

Orderly Casting(超常)/Orderly Casting

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 8ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist can tie her spells to the rigid order of Axis, giving them predictable results. As a swift action, she can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir. For the next minute, her spells deal damage as if she had rolled exactly average on all of the dice, rounded down. To find the average, treat the arcanist as if she had rolled 2-1/2 on all d4s, 3-1/2 on all d6s, 4-1/2 on all d8s, 5-1/2 on all d10s, and 6-1/2 on all d12s. For example, if a 3rd-level arcanist used this exploit and cast burning hands, the spell would deal a total of 7 points of damage.

Philanthropic Magic(超常)/Philanthropic Magic

出典 Arcane Anthology 17ページ
Strength Normal
Whenever the arcanist targets one or more allies(excluding herself ) with a spell, she can expend 1 arcane point from her arcane reservoir in order to grant those allies a number of temporary hit points equal to the spell’s level. These temporary hit points stack with temporary hit points from other sources, but temporary hit points from multiple uses of this exploit don’t stack with each other. The temporary hit points last 1 minute per caster level or until expended.

Primal Magic(超常)Primal Magic

出典 Arcane Anthology 17ページ
Strength Normal
In seeking to restore formal training in magic to the world, Old-Mage Jatembe also discovered a few methods of creating magic effects that did not follow consistent or logical rules. While his only known remaining notes on these more chaotic forms of magic are closely guarded within the Magaambya, some arcanists have either recreated his theories from vague comments on other topics or independently rediscovered the methods Jatembe first detailed. This “primal magic” can be accessed one of two ways.

The arcanist can expend 1 or more points from her arcane reservoir to create an uncontrolled primal effect. This creates an effect from the Sample Primal Magic Events table(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Inner Sea Magic 13). The 脅威度 of this effect is equal to the arcanist’s caster level, to a maximum caster level of 5 per point spent from her arcane reserve. In this case, the effect is treated as a spell with a spell level equal to half its 脅威度(maximum spell level 9).

Alternatively, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir and expend a spell slot of at least 3rd level to create an effect as if she has used a rod of wonder. Any spell created by the rod of wonder effect uses the arcanist’s spell level, rather than the spell level set by the rod of wonder table(for example a fireball created by an 8th level arcanist rolling on the rod of wonder table would deal 8d6, rather than the listed 6d6). In this case, the effect is treated as a spell with a spell level equal to the spell slot expended.

Redirect Primal Magic(超常)Redirect Primal Magic

出典 Heroes of Golarion 20ページ
Strength Normal
If the arcanist triggers a primal magic event, she can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as an immediate action to redirect the event. The event occurs at a location of the arcanist’s choosing within a 20-foot radius. This radius expands by 5 feet for every 2 arcanist levels she has.

Resist Primal Magic(超常)Resist Primal Magic

出典 Heroes of Golarion 20ページ
Strength Normal
When attempting to cast spells in an area infused by primal magic, the arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as part of the casting to gain a bonus equal to half her arcanist level on Spellcraft checks to avoid triggering a primal magic effect.

Sonic Blast(超常)/Sonic Blast

出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist can loose a deafening blast of sonic energy by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir and succeeding at a ranged touch attack against any one target within 30 feet. The blast deals an amount of sonic damage equal to 1d6 + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d6 points of sonic damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st(to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). The target is also deafened for 1 minute. The target can attempt a Fortitude save to halve the damage and negate the deafness.

Third Eye(超常)Third Eye

出典 Advanced Class Origins 7ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist can open her eye of the Arclord one additional time each day by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir. She can gain more uses, but each subsequent use costs 1 additional point from her reservoir(2 points for the second additional use, 3 points for the third use, and so on). The arcanist must have the Eye of the Arclord feat to select this exploit.

Weather Sage(超常)/Weather Sage

出典 Wilderness Origins 26ページ
Strength Normal
If she spends 1 point from her arcane reservoir, the arcanist can predict the weather in her current location for the next 24 hours. The arcanist’s prediction is always accurate, but it cannot account for spells or supernatural effects that might alter conditions. In addition, she gains a bonus equal to half her arcanist level on Fortitude saves against severe weather for the next 24 hours. She can share this benefit with a number of allies equal to her Charisma bonus.

Wild Stride(超常)/Wild Stride

出典 Wilderness Origins 26ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to ignore impediments to her movement and vision in natural growth. For 1 minute per level, the arcanist gains the druid’s woodland stride ability and can see through plant material as if she had greensight with a range of 60 feet.

Wooden Flesh(超常)/Wooden Flesh

出典 Wilderness Origins 26ページ
Strength Normal
The arcanist infuses herself with the toughness of the plant life that she studies. The arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to gain a +2 natural armor bonus and ダメージ減少/slashing equal to her Charisma modifier(minimum 1) for 1 minute per arcanist level. While this ability is in effect, she counts as both her original creature type and a plant creature for the purpose of abilities and spells.

上級の秘技 Greater Exploits

Consume Primal Magic(超常)Consume Primal Magic

出典 Heroes of Golarion 20ページ
Strength Greater
When the arcanist encounters a primal magic event, as an immediate action she can attempt to consume its power, as the consume spells class feature. The arcanist must succeed at a Fortitude save equal to 10 + the 脅威度 of the primal magic event, or she fails to consume the event and is staggered for 1d4 rounds. The arcanist must have the swift consume exploit to select this exploit.

Convert Wand(超常)/Convert Wand

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 21ページ
Strength Greater
An arcanist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a full-round action to convert one wand that is in her possession into a wand of a cure spell with the same spell level and caster level(a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name). For example, she could convert a wand of stone shape into a wand of cure serious wounds. This alteration lasts for 1 minute, after which the wand reverts to its original function. Charges expended while the wand was altered are still expended when it reverts.

Counterspell Primal Magic(超常)Counterspell Primal Magic

出典 Heroes of Golarion 20ページ
Strength Greater
The arcanist can attempt to counter a primal magic event as if counterspelling a magical effect. This requires a Spellcraft check with a 難易度 of 10 + the 脅威度 of the primal magic event. If she succeeds, the event is dispelled per dispel magic. The arcanist must have the counterspell exploit to select this exploit.

Create Primal Event(超常)Create Primal Event

出典 Heroes of Golarion 20ページ
Strength Greater
The arcanist can twist the magic of an area, forcing primal magic events to occur there. As a standard action, she can spend 2 points from her arcane reservoir to create a 10-foot-by-10-foot area of primal magic at a point within 30 feet. The arcanist can increase the size of the area to 20-foot-by-20-foot by spending 2 additional points from her arcane reservoir. The primal magic effect remains for 1 minute.

Hellfire Ray(超常)/Hellfire Ray

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 8ページ
Strength Greater
When an arcanist uses the flame arc exploit, she can spend 1 additional point from her arcane reservoir to draw the flames from Hell. If she does so, half of the damage she deals is fire, and the other half results directly from unholy power that is not subject to fire resistance. Good creatures that take damage from a hellfire ray must succeed at a Will saving throw or be sickened for 1d4 rounds.

Maelstrom Jump(超常)Maelstrom Jump

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 8ページ
Strength Greater
The arcanist can call upon the randomness of the Maelstrom to move in unpredictable ways. She can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir as a swift action to gain the benefits of entropic shield for 1 minute and move 10 feet in a random direction. For the next minute, she moves 10 feet in a random direction at the end of each of her turns. This movement does not provoke attacks of opportunity or count against her movement for the round. If the movement would end her movement in an occupied space, she instead travels to the nearest unoccupied space.

Exploits of the Outer Rifts Exploits of the Outer Rifts

出典 Horror Realms

Arcanists experiment with ancient knowledge and mystic lore, manipulating their own natural abilities to unlock powerful arcane secrets.Despite extensive effort, not all arcanists achieve the power they seek. Some discover that their blood lacks the innate power of a sorcerer’s, or that deciphering mysteries in ancient tomes requires a degree of scholarly discipline they do not have. Undeterred, such individuals continue their quest by turning to the powerful mysteries of the Outer Rifts, be they blasphemous secrets found in lost ruins, tricks of magic etched into fiendish runestones, or any other dangerous form of sinister exploitation from these horrific realms.Not all arcanists who choose this route are necessarily evil—they justify these exploits by claiming to be in control of their actions and to use the tools of their enemies against them. Nevertheless, those who bend magic using exploits from the Outer Rifts should be wary of attracting the wrong attention or enabling a greater evil than that which they seek to defeat. 〈 h2 class="title"〉Arcanist Exploits All of the following exploits can be learned by arcanists of any alignment, but these exploits come with a risk.If you use an Outer Rift exploit and in doing so reduce your arcane reservoir to 0, you immediately gain the stain of one manifestation from the accursed, demonic, hellbound, or possessed corruption.The GM chooses which corruption, manifestation, and stain you receive; this stain persists for 24 hours.Reducing your arcane reservoir to 0 in this way multiple times within a 24-hour period results in a new stain for each such instance, and each time you do so you reset the timer for all stains gained in this manner to 24 hours.At the GM’s option, multiple instances of abusing exploits in this manner could result in a permanent corruption, but otherwise these corruptions are temporary and do not progress.You can never gain a gift from a corruption in this way.

Unless otherwise noted, the saving throw 難易度 for an arcanist’s exploit equals 10 + 1/2 the arcanist’s class level + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier.

Blood Tears(超常)/Blood Tears

出典 Horror Realms 6ページ
Type Exploit of the Outer Rifts
As a move action, the arcanist can expend 1 point from his arcane reservoir to cause his eyes to turn red and weep tears of blood. During this time, the arcanist’s vision is blurred by blood, and he treats all gaze attacks as if he were averting his eyes from a creature, but that creature does not gain concealment against him. At a distance of greater than 30 feet, all creatures or objects viewed by the arcanist gain concealment. As a standard action that ends the blood tears exploit, the arcanist can wipe the tears from his face and flick them with a free hand, splattering all creatures in a 15-foot cone. Creatures in this area must succeed at a Will save to avoid becoming staggered with extreme pain and anguish for 1 round. If the arcanist doesn’t wipe his bleeding tears away, the effects of this exploit can persist for a maximum duration of 1 minute per arcanist level.

Damnation Susurrus(超常)/Damnation Susurrus

出典 Horror Realms 6ページ
Type Exploit of the Outer Rifts
The arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir as a standard action to manifest a choir of insidious whispers, which echo in the mind of a single target within 30 feet, urging the target to harm itself. A creature that fails a Will save to resist this effect becomes overwhelmed by the voices and succumbs to their suggestions. On its turn, it drops any objects it holds and harms itself, inflicting 1d6 points of damage. At 3rd level, and again at every 3 levels thereafter, the arcanist can target an additional creature with this exploit, to a maximum of 7 targets at 18th level. Damnation susurrus is a mind-affecting effect.

Fiendish Proboscis(超常)Fiendish Proboscis

出典 Horror Realms 6ページ
Type Exploit of the Outer Rifts
The arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir as a standard action to grow a long, articulated proboscis covered with small spiky hairs. The appendage grows from the arcanist’s face and houses a highly flexible, muscular tongue tipped with a cartilaginous barbed quill. The proboscis lasts for 1 round per arcanist level, during which time the arcanist cannot speak or use verbal components. The arcanist can end this exploit’s effects early as a swift action. As a standard action, the arcanist can attack a target with the proboscis’s tongue. This is a primary natural weapon with a 10-foot reach. Attacks with the tongue resolve as a touch attack. If the arcanist uses his tongue and hits a creature capable of casting spells or using spell-like abilities, he drains a portion of the target’s magical ability and adds 1 point to his arcane reservoir(points gained in excess of the reservoir’s maximum are lost). If the arcanist hits a creature that cannot cast spells or use spell-like abilities, the tongue instead drains a portion of the target’s life force and heals the arcanist of 1d6 points of damage. Regardless of the target’s ability to use magic, the tongue’s unnerving siphoning of magical or life energy causes the struck creature to become sickened for 1 round.

Rift Fog(超常)Rift Fog

出典 Horror Realms 6ページ
Type Exploit of the Outer Rifts
As a standard action, the arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir to create a 5-foot-radius vortex of chilling fog adjacent to him. Hints of leering, fiendish faces whirl within the mist. As a move action, the arcanist can direct the cloud of rift fog to move in any direction at a speed of 30 feet to a maximum range of 60 feet from the arcanist. The fog may ascend or jump up to 30 feet to strike a target. Once the fog ends its movement, coils of its otherworldly mist surround any targets that are wholly or partially in its area. The fog’s supernaturally cold temperature causes 1d6 points of cold damage to affected creatures. A creature damaged by rift fog becomes slowed(as per the slow spell) for the following round if it fails a Will save. Once created, rift fog persists for 1 round per 2 arcanist levels(minimum of 1 round), or until the arcanist activates a new exploit.


出典 Horror Realms 7ページ
Type Exploit of the Outer Rifts
The arcanist can, as a swift action while he casts a spell that targets one living creature, spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir to infuse his spell with a manifestation of fiendish energy called a “soulrider.” The soulrider attaches to the target of the spell and buries itself in the target’s subconscious mind, persisting there as long as the arcanist maintains at least 1 point in his arcane reservoir, until the arcanist dismisses the soulrider(this requires a standard action), or until the arcanist successfully infects another creature with a soulrider. The target of the spell can resist having the soulrider attach to its soul with a successful Will saving throw(this is in addition to any saving throw the spell itself might or might not allow). If the target resists the spell’s effects with a successful save or other methods(such as via spell resistance or by being immune to that spell’s effects) the soulrider automatically fails to attach to the victim. Detect magic and detect evil can uncover the presence of a soulrider. As long as the soulrider persists, the arcanist can track the targeted creature as if it were under the effect of status, and the creature takes a –2 penalty to any saving throw against a mind-affecting effect created by the arcanist. While the soulrider remains bonded to the target, the arcanist can spend 1 point from his arcane reservoir to communicate with the target as per sending. Soulrider is a mind-affecting effect.


出典 Horror Realms 7ページ
Type Exploit of the Outer Rifts
As a swift action, the arcanist can spend 2 points from his arcane pool to sprout a pair of rubbery tentacles that grow from his upper chest. At the same time, his arms shrink into sickly, malformed stubs, capable of only rudimentary actions such as lifting small objects or making somatic gestures. Rings, bracers, and other items worn on the atrophied arms and hands remain in place, but magic items that require hands to activate cannot be used while the arcanist’s arms are in this state. Likewise, the use of weapons or shields is impossible during this time. The arcanist has full control over his hideous tentacles and can use them to deliver touch spells, or as secondary natural weapons that deal tentacle damage as appropriate for a creature of the arcanist’s size(1d4 for Medium arcanists, or 1d3 for Small ones) modified by 1/2 the arcanist’s Strength score. The arcanist’s reach with these tentacles is 5 feet longer than his normal reach.

アーケイニストのアーキタイプ Arcanist Archetypes

Aeromancer Aeromancer

出典 Blood of the Ancients 24ページ

The Shory were the undisputed masters of wind and sky, and they unlocked numerous secrets of air magic. The vast majority of these secrets were lost when their civilization collapsed, but a few of their magical traditions have been preserved through the years. While the practice of aeromancy is rare, some arcanists today are able to rival the aerial mastery of the ancient Shory aeromancers.

Air Mastery(超常)/Air Mastery:Aeromancers specialize in magic that manipulates the wind and sky. Whenever an aeromancer expends a point from her arcane reservoir to increase the caster level of a spell with the air, cold, electricity, or sonic descriptor, she increases that bonus by an additional 1. At 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the amount by which she increases the caster level of such spells further increases by an additional 1(to a maximum additional caster level increase from this ability of 5 at 20th level).

Alternatively, if the aeromancer expends a point from her arcane reservoir to increase the saving throw 難易度 of a spell with the air, cold, electricity, or sonic descriptor, she increases it by an additional 1. At 10th level, she increases it by an additional 2 instead.

This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 1st level.

Wind’s Embrace(超常)/Wind’s Embrace:At 5th level, an aeromancer can expend 2 points from her arcane reservoir to call upon the winds to gently carry her through the air while protecting her from harm. She is affected as though by the spell air walk and is surrounded by protective winds that function similarly to a wind wall spell, except the effect surrounds only the aeromancer and moves with her wherever she goes. Both of these effects last for 1 minute.

This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 5th level.

Rebuking Gale(超常)/Rebuking Gale:At 11th level, by expending 3 points from her arcane reservoir, an aeromancer can release a powerful blast of wind to push back her foes. This takes the form of either a 20-foot-radius burst centered on the aeromancer or a 40-foot cone originating from the aeromancer’s space. She can choose which form the wind takes each time she uses the ability. The affected area is filled with hurricane-force winds(75 mph). This makes normal ranged attacks passing through this area impossible, imposes a –8 penalty on ranged attacks from siege weapons that pass through the area, and imposes a –12 penalty on Fly checks attempted within the area. Additionally, Large creatures in the area are in danger of being checked, and Medium or smaller creatures in the area are in danger of being blown away. The winds created by this ability last for 1 round.

This replaces the arcane exploit gained at 11th level.

Arcane Tinkerer Arcane Tinkerer

出典 Construct Handbook 10ページ

All constructs are animated by magic in some capacity. Arcane tinkerers use their knowledge and understanding of magic to disrupt or even destroy constructs.

Manipulate Construct(超常)/Manipulate Construct:An arcane tinkerer can turn the animating magic of a construct against itself. As a standard action, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to impose a –1 penalty on a single construct’s attack and damage rolls for 1 round. The target can attempt a Will save to negate this effect(難易度 = 10 + half the arcane tinkerer’s level + the arcane tinkerer’s Charisma modifier). At 7th level, instead of gaining an arcanist exploit, an arcane tinkerer can improve her manipulate construct ability to instead affect a construct with slow for 1 round. At 13th level, if the arcane tinkerer has previously improved this ability, instead of gaining an arcanist exploit, she can improve this ability again to instead cause a construct to become helpless for 1 round.

This replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 1st level.

Break Magic Immunity(超常)/Break Magic Immunity:At 5th level, an arcane tinkerer can overcome a construct’s immunity to magic. When targeting a construct with a spell, the construct is instead treated as if it has spell resistance equal to 15 + the construct’s 脅威度. At 11th level, a construct is instead treated as if it has spell resistance equal to 11 + the construct’s 脅威度.

This replaces the arcanist exploits gained at 5th and 11th level.

Harrowed Society Student Harrowed Society Student

出典 Occult Origins 22ページ

Based out of Varisia’s Twilight Academy, the secretive Harrowed Society focuses its efforts on the intellectual study of the region’s supernatural quirks and hidden history, and embraces the use of the harrow deck to examine the world’s occult mysteries.(This archetype is intended for use with the Pathfinder Cards:Deluxe Harrow Deck. If you don’t have access to that product, roll 1d6 to determine a drawn card’s suit:1 = hammers, 2 = keys, 3 = shields, 4 = books, 5 = stars, and 6 = crowns.)

Psychic Reader(変則)/Psychic Reader:A Harrowed Society student gains Psychic Sensitivity as a bonus feat and adds Diplomacy, Perception, and Sense Motive to her list of class skills. This ability replaces the 1st-level arcanist exploit.

Harrow Reservoir(変則)Harrow Reservoir:Once per day, a Harrowed Society student can perform a harrow reading as a 5-minute ritual. She decides which suit most closely aligns with her task at hand and deals a nine-card spread. Each time that suit appears in her spread, she adds 1 point to her arcane reservoir, to a maximum of 1 point per 2 arcanist levels. Points gained in excess of her reservoir’s maximum are lost. The Harrowed Society student can perform this reading one additional time per day at 8th level and at 16th level. This ability replaces consume spells.

Divine the Mysteries(変則)/Divine the Mysteries:At 5th level and every 2 levels thereafter, a Harrowed Society student can select a divination spell from the spell list of any class, including classes that cast divine or psychic spells, and add it to her list of spells known. This spell must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell she can cast. She casts these spells as arcane spells, using her normal spell slots, but must use a harrow deck as an additional focus component. If such a spell is normally a psychic spell with an emotion or thought component, she must also add that component.

Trump Card(超常)/Trump Card:At 9th level, a Harrowed Society student can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir and draw a card from her harrow deck as a standard action to learn her own fate or that of an ally within 30 feet. The target’s fate depends on the suit of the card drawn from the deck.

Books:The target gains a +2 insight bonus on her next caster level check.

Crowns:The target gains a +2 insight bonus on her next saving throw.

Hammers:The target gains a +4 insight bonus on the damage roll of her next successful melee attack.

Keys:The target gains a +4 insight bonus on her next initiative check.

Shields:The next time the target receives magical healing, she regains an additional number of hit points equal to the Harrowed Society student’s arcanist class level.

Stars:The target gains a +4 insight bonus on her next skill check.

A creature cannot have more than one trump card in effect at one time; drawing a new trump card for a target negates the effect of the previous trump card. A Harrow Society student can attempt to read the fate of an enemy within 30 feet, resulting in a penalty for that target equal to the bonus granted above, but the target is entitled to a Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the Harrowed Society student’s arcanist level + her Charisma modifier) to negate the effect. This is considered a curse effect. A Harrow Society student can have trump cards in effect for multiple creatures at the same time. This ability replaces the 9th-level arcanist exploit.

Twilight Sage Twilight Sage

出典 Advanced Class Origins 6ページ

The twilight sages of Geb carry out experiments to solve the ultimate puzzle and unlock the secrets of life and death. While the twilight sages generally aren’t actively malicious, most are willing to perform human experimentation in pursuit of knowledge with little regard for the casualties.

Consume Life(超常)/Consume Life:By wresting a soul from life to death, a twilight sage gains a slightly deeper understanding of mortality, fueling her curiosity and eldritch power. As a full-round action, she can consume the life energy of a helpless living creature, killing it. This creature must have 2 or more Hit Dice and be below 0 hit points. The twilight sage adds 2 points to her arcane reservoir if the creature’s Hit Dice equaled or exceeded the sage’s character level, or 1 point if the creature’s Hit Dice equaled at least 1/2 her character level. This ability is a death effect. This ability replaces consume spells.

Necromantic Focus(変則)/Necromantic Focus:Twilight sages consider their research into life and death to be paramount, beyond all other concerns. Each day, a twilight sage must prepare at least one necromancy spell of each spell level she can cast.

Twilight Barrier(変則)/Twilight Barrier:A twilight sage’s arcane barrier differs from those of other arcanists, as it draws upon both negative and positive energy to protect the sage. At 1st level, a twilight sage must choose the arcane barrier exploit as her first arcanist exploit. Whenever an attack removes the last temporary hit point from the twilight sage’s arcane barrier, the barrier’s negative energy lashes back at the attacker, dealing an amount of negative energy damage equal to the barrier’s maximum temporary hit point capacity. This ability alters the arcanist exploit gained at 1st level.

Twilight Transfer(超常)/Twilight Transfer:At 11th level, a twilight sage’s mastery over life and death allows her to transfer life energy into a fading vessel. Once per day, she can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir while touching a creature that died within the past round to affect that creature as if it had received a breath of life spell, using her arcanist level as the caster level. At the same time, a willing or unconscious living creature within 300 feet that has a number of Hit Dice equal to or greater than the recipient’s instantly dies. This ability is a death effect, and if the victim doesn’t actually die(such as if it was summoned or is immune to death effects), the recipient doesn’t receive the breath of life effect. This ability replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 11th level.

Death’s Release(超常)/Death’s Release:At 20th level, a twilight sage has mastered the relationship between death and arcane power, and has gained a limited ability to surpass her own mortality. Whenever she dies(but not if she becomes undead), if she still has points in her arcane reservoir she appears as an ephemeral spirit in the air above her corpse. She can still cast spells in this form, using her corpse as the origin point and determining whether she can see or target any creature or area as though she were alive in that square. To cast a spell, she must expend a number of points from her arcane reservoir equal to 1 + the spell’s level. The spirit disappears if she has no points remaining in her arcane reservoir or she spends a round without casting a spell. The spirit can’t move, deliver touch or ranged touch spells, or do anything that isn’t part of casting a spell. Her spirit completes the verbal and somatic components of her spells, any material components are consumed from the supply on the corpse, and any focus components must be on the corpse. This ability replaces magical supremacy.

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