
Alternate Capstones Alternate Capstones

出典 Chronicle of Legends 28ページ

When a character reaches the 20th level of a class, she gains a powerful class feature or ability, sometimes referred to as a capstone. The following section provides new capstones for characters to select at 20th level. A character can select one of the following capstones in place of the capstone provided by her class. Some capstones are for specific classes, while others are for a range of classes that qualify for them. In some cases, a capstone specifies what ability it replaces. A character can’t select a new capstone if she has previously traded away her class capstone via an archetype. Clerics and wizards can receive a capstone at 20th level, despite not having one to begin with.

Perfect Body, Flawless Minds(変則) Perfect Body, Flawless Mind

出典 Chronicle of Legends 31ページ

At 20th level, the character’s endless training and study has resulted in an unmatched mastery of the self. The character increases her ability scores by a collective total of 8. For example, she can increase one score by 8, or one score by 5 and another by 3, or four scores by 2, and so on. Characters of any class can select this ability.

The Boss(変則) The Boss

出典 Chronicle of Legends 30ページ

At 20th level, the character has become more than just a lone hero—she has become one of the senior figures of her field, with powers and responsibilities to match. The character becomes one of the leading figures in some manner of group or organization, as appropriate to the campaign and the setting. A wizard might become the dean of an arcane university or mages’ guild, a fighter could command a mercenary army or a city guard, a cleric might lead a major temple or her own sect, and so forth. The player and the GM should work together to determine the specifics. The character gains the Leadership feat if she does not already have it, and the number of followers that the feat grants is multiplied by 10(although depending on the campaign and setting, the position may grant other powers as well). If multiple characters in a party select this capstone, the GM may consider pooling them to grant the players a particularly large and powerful organization, such as a small kingdom. Characters of any class can select this ability.

Vast Explosions Vast Explosions

出典 Chronicle of Legends 31ページ

Rather than gaining a capstone, an alchemist can select the following grand discovery.

The alchemist has been practicing his demolitions for years, and it’s paid off with ever larger explosions. The alchemist’s bomb damage increases by 3d6.

With This Sword(変則) With This Sword

出典 Chronicle of Legends 31ページ

At 20th level, the character’s blade has become as well-known as the character herself. The character selects one item she has—preferably something iconic and significant, such as a weapon or arcane bond. The item becomes a minor artifact and gains 100,000gp worth of new powers. The player and the GM should work together to select the new powers, with an eye towards making something memorable yet campaign-appropriate. Characters of any class can select this ability.

Won’t Stay Dead(変則) Won’t Stay Dead

出典 Chronicle of Legends 31ページ

At 20th level, the character becomes a paragon of resilience. Once per week, if the character is killed, petrified, or otherwise removed from play, the character manages to survive by some dint of skill or luck and returns at the end of the combat or the scene(GM’s discretion). The player and the GM should work together to ensure that the method of the character’s survival is at least vaguely plausible, if unlikely. Characters of any class can select this ability.

発見 Discoveries

Bomb Discoveries Bomb Discoveries

Anarchic Bombs*/Anarchic Bombs 出典 Champions of Balance 20ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it deal chaotic divine damage. Lawful creatures that take a direct hit from an anarchic bomb must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered on their next turn. Against neutral creatures, anarchic bombs deal half damage, and such targets are not affected by their staggering effect. Anarchic bombs have no effect on chaotic-aligned creatures. An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

Anguish Bomb*/Anguish Bomb 出典 Distant Realms 52ページ:You can throw bombs infused with psychic trauma. This discovery allows other alchemists to duplicate the anguish bombs used by mnemostillers.

Axiomatic Bombs*/Axiomatic Bombs 出典 Champions of Balance 20ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it deal lawful divine damage. Chaotic creatures that take a direct hit from an axiomatic bomb must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered on their next turn. Against neutral creatures, axiomatic bombs deal half damage, and such targets are not affected by their staggering effect. Axiomatic bombs have no effect on lawful creatures. An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

Boneshard Bomb*/Boneshard Bomb 出典 Undead Slayer's Handbook 21ページ:This discovery is popular among necromancers and necrologists alike; aside from its offensive potential, necrologists sometimes use it to turn uncooperative live creatures they wish to question into pliable undead. The alchemist’s bomb deals piercing damage instead of fire damage, and creatures that take a direct hit from a boneshard bomb must succeed at a Fortitude save or take 1d4 points of bleed damage in addition to normal damage. If a creature is killed by a boneshard bomb or the resulting bleed effect, its corpse immediately reanimates as an undead creature with the skeleton template. Skeletons that are created in this manner count as undead created by animate dead for the purposes of determining how many undead the alchemist can control. An alchemist must possess the alchemical zombie discovery to select this discovery.

Cursed Bomb*/Cursed Bomb 出典 Champions of Corruption 26ページ:When an alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it deliver a debilitating curse. A creature that takes a direct hit from a cursed bomb must succeed at a Will save or be affected by bestow curse. An alchemist must be at least 12th level to select this discovery.

Cytillesh Bomb/Cytillesh Bomb 出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 23ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can infuse it with cytillesh extract. Cytillesh bombs deal 1d4 points of damage, plus 1d4 points of damage for every odd-numbered level, instead of 1d6. Creatures that take a direct hit from a cytillesh bomb are sickened for 1 round per alchemist level unless they succeed at Fortitude saves. If a creature is rendered unconscious from this bomb or any other attack before it is able to remove the sickened condition, the victim loses all memory from the last hour and cannot form new memories for 8 hours. The lost and prevented memories might return later as dreams, and can be restored with a restoration spell. This discovery doesn’t stack with other discoveries that alter an alchemist’s bomb.

Demolition Charge*/Demolition Charge 出典 Dungeoneer's Handbook 27ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it deal damage to an object as if by a sunder combat maneuver. If the item is worn or held by an opponent, the item is considered the direct target, and the wearer/holder takes splash damage from the blast. If the object is unattended, a demolition charge deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on a direct hit. This bonus doesn’t affect the bomb’s splash damage. An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

Directed Bomb/Directed Bomb 出典 Magical Marketplace 20ページ:The alchemist can cause his bombs to splash in a 15-foot cone instead of a 5-foot-radius burst. The alchemist chooses the direction of the cone. If the attack misses, roll an additional 1d8 to determine the direction of the blast from where the bomb lands. This discovery can’t be combined with the explosive bomb discovery.

Dread Bomb/Dread Bomb 出典 Distant Realms 52ページ:Your anguish bombs are tainted with fear and dread. Creatures who take damage from your anguish bombs become frightened for 1d6 rounds. A target that succeeds at a Will saving throw is instead shaken for a single round. An alchemist must be 6th level and have the anguish bomb class feature or the anguish bomb discovery before selecting this discovery.

Ectoplasmic Bomb*/Ectoplasmic Bomb 出典 Undead Slayer's Handbook 21ページ:The alchemist can infuse her bombs with a special unction that damages incorporeal creatures and reveals the presence of undead creatures hiding in the area. Incorporeal creatures struck by an ectoplasmic bomb take full damage from the bomb. In addition, squares in the affected area of the bomb begin to faintly glow in the spaces where undead creatures have traveled in the last minute, including undead benefiting from invisibility or other forms of obscurity(such as ethereal jaunt), effectively creating a glowing trail. Any undead creatures in the affected area at the time of the explosion likewise glow faintly. This glowing effect lasts for 1 minute, and is otherwise identical to faerie fire.

Flesh-Eating Bomb*/Flesh-Eating Bomb 出典 Monster Hunter's Handbook 17ページ:The alchemist can create bombs that devour living matter. The alchemist’s bomb deals damage one die step higher than normal(regular bombs deal d8s, concussive bombs deal 1d6, and so on), but they have no effect on inorganic matter. In addition, a creature with at least a +1 armor bonus to アーマー・クラス is less likely to be harmed; such creatures in the bomb’s splash radius take no damage on a successful Reflex save, and the target of a direct hit can attempt a Reflex save against the bomb’s save 難易度 to take only half damage.

Grease Bomb*/Grease Bomb 出典 Dungeoneer's Handbook 27ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it create a grease slick upon detonation. When a grease bomb detonates, it coats an area equal to the bomb’s splash radius in grease(as the grease spell) for 1 round per level. The 難易度 of the Reflex save to avoid falling after a failed Acrobatics check is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. A grease bomb can’t affect items or armor. An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Healing Bomb*/Healing Bomb 出典 Magical Marketplace 20ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it heal damage instead of dealing it. Creating a healing bomb requires the alchemist to expend an infused extract or potion containing a cure spell. A creature that takes a direct hit from a healing bomb is healed as if she had imbibed the infusion or potion used to create the bomb. Creatures in the splash radius are healed for the minimum amount of damage the cure spell is capable of healing. A healing bomb damages undead instead of healing them.

Hellfire Bomb*/Hellfire Bomb 出典 Agents of Evil 25ページ:This discovery is available to tiefling alchemists. When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can have it act as an explosive bomb, but deal half of its damage as fire damage and half as unholy damage that is not subject to fire resistance or immunity. An alchemist must be at least 9th level and have the explosive bomb discovery before selecting this discovery.

Holy Bombs*/Holy Bombs 出典 Champions of Purity 24ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it deal good divine damage. Evil creatures that take a direct hit from a holy bomb must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered on their next turn. Against neutral creatures, holy bombs deal half damage, and such targets are not affected by their staggering effect. Holy bombs have no effect on good-aligned creatures. An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

Jury-Rigged Bomb*/Jury-Rigged Bomb 出典 Antihero's Handbook 29ページ:Unlike normal bombs, jury-rigged bombs can be created from whatever materials the alchemist has on hand; this makes them particularly handy in situations where the alchemist might find himself imprisoned or stripped of his equipment. Jury-rigged bombs can be crafted and thrown as a swift action(this counts against the alchemist’s daily use of bombs), and they deal only 1d4 points of damage + additional damage equal to half the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier on a direct hit. This damage increases by 1d4 at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter. Despite being useful in a pinch, jury-rigged bombs are nonetheless crudely crafted and highly unstable; if the alchemist’s attack roll results in a natural 1, the bomb explodes as he is creating it, and he takes damage as if he had taken a direct hit. An alchemist must be at least 4th level before selecting this discovery.

Melancholy Bomb/Melancholy Bomb 出典 Distant Realms 53ページ:Your anguish bombs are filled with memories of sadness and regret. Creatures who take damage from your anguish bombs are also affected as per crushing despair for 1 round per alchemist level, or a single round if the target succeeds at a Will saving throw. An alchemist must be 10th level and have the anguish bomb class feature or the anguish bomb discovery before selecting this discovery.

Neutralizing Bomb/Neutralizing Bomb 出典 Healer's Handbook 11ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to give it the potential to end certain ongoing effects instead of dealing damage. Each creature in the splash radius can attempt a new saving throw against any poison afflicting it and any ongoing conditions or ongoing acid, cold, electricity, fire, or sonic damage.(If an effect did not allow a saving throw, this bomb doesn’t allow affected creatures to attempt one.) Success counts as one successful save toward ending poison and immediately ends other conditions. Exposed poison in the splash radius is also rendered harmless. A creature with poison abilities that is directly struck by the bomb finds those abilities useless for 1d4 rounds unless it succeeds at a Fortitude saving throw. This discovery doesn’t stack with any other that modifies bombs.

Ooze Blight*/Ooze Blight 出典 Monster Hunter's Handbook 17ページA target hit by the alchemist’s bomb loses the split special quality for 1d4 rounds. In addition, against creatures with the ooze type, this bomb deals untyped damage that bypasses all resistances.

Plague Vector/Plague Vector 出典 Champions of Corruption 26ページ:The effects of the alchemist’s plague bomb operate as normal except for the following changes. The chosen disease’s save 難易度 is equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + his Intelligence modifier. Any creatures affected by the chosen disease become vectors for it, spreading the disease to any creatures they come in physical contact with for a number of days equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier(minimum 1). The save 難易度 to avoid contracting the disease from the vector is the same as the 難易度 used for this discovery. An alchemist must be at least 14th level and must have the plague bomb discovery to select this discovery.

Poisoned Explosive*/Poisoned Explosive 出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 7ページ:When an alchemist creates a bomb, he can apply a dose of contact or injury poison to it, as if applying poison to a weapon. If the poisoned bomb hits its target, the bomb deals damage as normal, but the target must also succeed at a saving throw against the poison or be affected by that poison. No other creatures are affected by the poison. An alchemist must be at least 4th level and have the poison use class feature before selecting this discovery.

Profane Bomb*/Profane Bomb 出典 Champions of Corruption 26ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can choose to have it deal evil divine damage. Good creatures that take a direct hit from a profane bomb must succeed at a Fortitude save or be staggered on their next turn. Against a neutral creature, a profane bomb deals half damage, and the target is not affected by the bomb’s staggering effect. A profane bomb has no effect against evil-aligned creatures. An alchemist must be at least 8th level to select this discovery.

Psychoactive Bomb*/Psychoactive Bomb 出典 Blood of the Moon 15ページ:Psychoactive bombs are mixed with neurotoxic extracts that heighten certain sensations. A creature struck by a psychoactive bomb takes a –1 penalty on saving throws against charm, emotion, fear, and pain effects, and the 難易度 for Intimidate checks against the victim decreases by 2. This effect lasts for 1 hour per alchemist level. These penalties do not stack, and a creature can only be affected by a single psychoactive bomb at a time. A psychoactive bomb deals 1d6 fewer hit points of damage than normal. An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Remote Bomb/Remote Bomb 出典 Heroes of the High Court 11ページ:The alchemist can spend two uses of his daily bombs to create a special bomb that is manually detonated. When the bomb is created, the alchemist also creates a catalyst distillate, which requires no extra time or cost. A remote bomb is inert unless triggered by this distillate. The bomb is detonated as a standard action when the distillate fumes are exposed to the rest of the bomb. An alchemist must be within 60 feet of the bomb for the distillate to successfully trigger the bomb. A catalyst distillate can detonate a bomb even if the bomb has already been hurled at a target. Triggering the distillate outside of the 60-foot range or after 1 hour has no effect.

Sand Bomb*/Sand Bomb 出典 Antihero's Handbook 29ページ:When the alchemist creates a bomb, he can pack the casing full of sand that explodes in an abrasive cloud on impact. A creature that takes a direct hit from a sand bomb is blinded for 1 round, as are any creatures in the splash radius that fail a Reflex save(難易度 = 10 + half the alchemist’s level + his Intelligence modifier).

Substantiating Bomb*/Substantiating Bomb 出典 Distant Realms 53ページ:Your bombs are infused with ectoplasm and a longing for life, lending ethereal creatures a measure of substance. You can throw a bomb that inflicts no damage but instead creates a 10-foot-radius cloud of fog that functions as fog cloud and lasts for 1 round per alchemist level. Incorporeal creatures that pass through this cloud become partially solid, taking half damage from nonmagic attacks and full damage from magic weapons, spells, and spell-like abilities. This effect lasts for the duration of the smoke cloud, even if the incorporeal creature moves outside the cloud’s area. A creature affected by the cloud can attempt a Will saving throw to negate the substantiating effects of this bomb. An alchemist must be 10th level before selecting this discovery.

Syringe Stirge(超常)/Syringe Stirge 出典 Cohorts and Companions 13ページ:As a full-round action, you can expend two daily uses of bombs to create a syringe stirge, a tiny construct primed with a bomb(if you have multiple types of bombs, you must select which type the syringe stirge carries when created). Undirected, they take no actions except to flock around you in your square and follow you as best they can. They can be attacked normally, but gain cover while occupying your square. As a swift action, you can order one of your syringe stirges to attack an enemy it can see. Once ordered to attack that enemy, the syringe stirge will continue to attack every round, attempting to attach and deliver its payload.

A syringe stirge has all of the statistics of a stirge but lacks the blood drain ability. If it ends its turn attached to an opponent, it injects your bomb into the opponent’s bloodstream, dealing damage as a direct hit plus the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier(as the Throw Anything feat—this injection is a direct attack and doesn’t deal splash damage. A syringe stirge dies immediately after injecting its bomb. A syringe stirge lasts for 1 minute per alchemist level or until destroyed; if it has not attached to an enemy before the end of its life span it and its bomb payload fall inert. An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Extract Discoveries Extract Discoveries

Aromatic Extract/Aromatic Extract 出典 Heroes of the High Court 10ページ:The alchemist creates an inhaled version of an extract that is shared among multiple creatures. He must decide that an extract is an aromatic extract when he makes it. When used, the extract grants its benefit to all creatures within a 10-foot spread of the extract. The aromatic extract is treated as having the minimum caster level required for the original extract. An aromatic extract expends one of the alchemist’s daily extracts as if it were an extract 2 levels higher. This discovery can be applied only to extracts with a range of touch. An alchemist must be at least 10th level and must have the infusion discovery before selecting this discovery.

Intuitive Understanding(擬呪)/Intuitive Understanding 出典 Champions of Balance 20ページ:If the alchemist drinks an extract of the divination school while under the effects of a cognatogen(Ultimate Magic 15), his effective caster level temporarily increases by 2. In addition, while under the effects of a cognatogen, the alchemist may use augury once as a spell-like ability(caster level equal to his alchemist level). At 10th level, he can use divination instead. An alchemist must be at least 4th level and must have the cognatogen discovery before selecting this discovery.

Nostrum/Nostrum 出典 Heroes of the High Court 11ページ:When the alchemist creates an infusion, he can mask a delayed poison within the mixture. A nostrum can contain only an ingested poison, and the save 難易度 of the poison is reduced by 2. The poison takes effect a number of hours after being imbibed equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence bonus(minimum 0) decided by the alchemist at the creation of the nostrum. The poison within a nostrum can be detected as normal by spells such as detect poison and similar abilities. Until the nostrum is consumed or destroyed, it continues to occupy one of the alchemist’s daily extract slots. An alchemist must have the infusion discovery before selecting this discovery.

Pickled Quasit/Pickled Quasit 出典 Champions of Corruption 26ページ:The alchemist has learned how to seal a quasit in a bottle, which he can prepare for use as an extract. When the alchemist activates the extract, he throws the bottle at a square within 30 feet, releasing the quasit. The quasit is not under the alchemist’s control, but is otherwise treated as a summoned creature. The quasit remains for 1 round per caster level, then collapses into its associated elements. If the alchemist has the infusion discovery, another character can use the infused specimen. Creating a pickled quasit requires a 4th-level extract. An alchemist must be at least 10th level to select this discovery.

Tainted Infusion/Tainted Infusion 出典 Champions of Corruption 26ページ:The alchemist can mask murder behind beneficence. When preparing an extract with the infusion discovery, he can lace the extract with one of his bombs as long as the extract has a duration greater than instantaneous. If he chooses, the alchemist can reduce the duration of the extract to 1 round. As soon as the extract’s duration expires, it detonates, dealing 150% of the alchemist’s bomb damage to the drinker. This effect does not produce a splash radius. Producing a tainted extract consumes both an infusion slot and a daily bomb use. An alchemist must know both the delayed bomb and infusion discoveries to select this discovery.

Gloom Discoveries Gloom Discoveries

出典 Blood of Shadows

The following new discoveries can be taken by any alchemist who meets the prerequisites and has the gloom class feature. Discoveries that modify glooms are marked with a single asterisk(*) and do not stack. Only one such discovery can be applied to an individual gloom.

Bounding Gloom/Bounding Gloom 出典 Blood of Shadows 18ページ:The alchemist gains the ability to travel between shadows as if by means of a dimension door spell. The limitation is that the alchemist’s beginning and ending locations must be areas of dim light or darker, or within the radius of an umbral gloom that is lowering the light level. The alchemist can travel up to a total of 100 feet each day in this way. This distance must be used in 10-foot increments; for example, the alchemist can make a single jump of 100 feet or 10 jumps of 10 feet each. For every 2 levels beyond 10th, the distance the alchemist can jump each day doubles(200 feet at 12th level, 400 feet at 14th level, and so on). An alchemist must be at least 10th level before selecting this discovery.

Debilitating Gloom*/Debilitating Gloom 出典 Blood of Shadows 18ページA creature struck by the gloom must make a successful Fortitude save or take a penalty to its Strength equal to 1d4 + 1 per 2 alchemist levels(maximum of 1d4+5) for 1 round per alchemist level. A target’s Strength score cannot drop below 1. This penalty does not stack with itself. An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Draining Gloom*/Draining Gloom 出典 Blood of Shadows 19ページA creature struck by a direct hit with the gloom must make a successful Fortitude save or gain 1 negative level. An alchemist must be at least 8th level and must have the debilitating gloom discovery before selecting this discovery.

Glutinous Gloom*/Glutinous Gloom 出典 Blood of Shadows 19ページ:The gloom creates an area in its splash radius that functions as web. The webbing lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the alchemist’s level. An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Grasping Gloom*/Grasping Gloom 出典 Blood of Shadows 19ページ:The gloom creates an area equal to double its splash radius that functions as black tentacles. The effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to half the alchemist’s level. An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

Greater Draining Gloom*/Greater Draining Gloom 出典 Blood of Shadows 19ページA creature struck by the gloom must succeed at a Fortitude save or gain 1d4 negative levels. An alchemist must be at least 12th level and must have the debilitating gloom and draining gloom discoveries before selecting this discovery.

Mucilaginous Gloom*/Mucilaginous Gloom 出典 Blood of Shadows 19ページ:The gloom leaves a chilly gray residue that turns each square in its splash radius into difficult terrain. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the alchemist’s level.

Rime-Bound Gloom*/Rime-Bound Gloom 出典 Blood of Shadows 19ページ:The gloom creates an area of freezing shadow in its splash radius that deals 2d6 points of cold damage to all creatures in the area each turn. This effect lasts 1 round for every 2 alchemist levels. An alchemist must be at least 6th level to select this discovery.

Mutagen Discoveries Mutagen Discoveries

Bone-Spike Mutagen(超常)/Bone-Spike Mutagen 出典 Antihero's Handbook 29ページ:When the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he mutates his skeletal structure, causing the bones on his elbows, knuckles, spine, and shoulder blades to grow massive and pierce his skin, exposing themselves as large spikes. While the mutagen is in effect, the alchemist’s natural armor bonus granted by the mutagen increases by 2. The spikes count as masterwork armor spikes with which the alchemist is proficient. An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Elemental Mutagen/Elemental Mutagen 出典 Magical Marketplace 20ページ:The alchemist chooses an element(air, earth, fire, or water). Whenever the alchemist imbibes a mutagen, he gains resistance 5 to the associated energy type and a +2 competence bonus on an associated skill check. This resistance increases by 5 and the competence bonus by 2 for each of the following discoveries the alchemist possesses:grand mutagen, greater mutagen, and true mutagen.
The elements and their associated energies and skills are air(electricity, Fly), earth(acid, Climb), fire(fire, Acrobatics), and water(cold, Swim). An alchemist can select this discovery up to four times, but must choose a different element each time. An alchemist can gain the benefits of only one elemental mutagen at a time, selected when he imbibes the mutagen.

Fey Mutagen(超常)/Fey Mutagen 出典 Legacy of the First World 7ページ:The alchemist gains the ability to create a fey mutagen, a mixture that lends him some of the grace and power of the First World. When imbibed, a fey mutagen grants a +2 alchemical bonus to the alchemist’s Dexterity and Charisma, a –2 penalty to his Strength, and ダメージ減少 2/cold iron. This otherwise works like the standard mutagen class feature and interacts with other effects as though it were a mutagen.

Grand Fey Mutagen(超常)/Grand Fey Mutagen 出典 Legacy of the First World 7ページ:The alchemist’s fey mutagen now grants a +6 alchemical bonus to Dexterity and Charisma, a –2 penalty to his Strength, ダメージ減少 10/cold iron, and the druid’s woodland stride class feature. In addition, he can choose not to allow spells and effects to affect him if they would not be capable of affecting both his original creature type and the fey creature type. An alchemist must be at least 16th level and must have the greater fey mutagen discovery before selecting this discovery.

Grand Rasugen/Grand Rasugen 出典 Distant Realms 52ページ:The alchemist’s rasugen now grants a +6 alchemical bonus on all saving throws, 4 temporary hit points per alchemist level, and immunity to disease, mind-affecting effects, and poison. The alchemist takes a –6 penalty to Intelligence and a –2 penalty to Charisma and Wisdom as long as the grand rasugen persists. An alchemist must be at least 16th level and have the greater rasugen discovery before selecting this discovery.

Greater Fey Mutagen(超常)/Greater Fey Mutagen 出典 Legacy of the First World 7ページ:The alchemist’s fey mutagen now grants a +4 alchemical bonus to Dexterity and Charisma, a –2 penalty to his Strength, ダメージ減少 5/ cold iron, and the druid’s woodland stride class feature. An alchemist must be at least 12th level and must have the fey mutagen discovery before selecting this discovery.

Greater Rasugen/Greater Rasugen 出典 Distant Realms 52ページ:The alchemist’s rasugen now grants a +4 alchemical bonus on all saving throws, 3 temporary hit points per alchemist level, and immunity to mindaffecting effects. The alchemist takes a –4 penalty to Intelligence as long as the greater rasugen persists. An alchemist must be at least 12th level and able to brew a rasugen before selecting this discovery.

Purging Mutagen/Purging Mutagen 出典 Healer's Handbook pg. 11ページ:The alchemist’s mutagen combines ipecac and other purgative components. A non-alchemist who consumes the mutagen is nauseated for only 1 round, during which time her body rapidly metabolizes or expels all extant toxins, granting her an immediate second saving throw against each ongoing disease and poison currently affecting her. Each successful save counts as two consecutive successful saving throws for the purpose of curing the affliction. Any failed saving throws do not result in additional damage or other effects. A non-alchemist who consumes a second purging mutagen in a 24-hour period is instead nauseated for 1 hour. When an alchemist drinks the mutagen, he can choose whether or not to also be affected by this discovery in addition to the mutagen’s other effects.

Splitting Mutagen/Splitting Mutagen 出典 Monster Hunter's Handbook 17ページ:Once per day while under the effects of his mutagen, the alchemist can split into two identical copies of himself as an immediate action after being damaged by a piercing or slashing weapon. Each copy has an ooze-like complexion, most often manifesting as a slimy sheen to his skin. The alchemist splits his current hit points evenly between the copies. The copies use the same statistics, share the same resources, and have identical equipment(except artifacts, which only one copy has). Similarly, if one of the copies expends a charge or daily use from a magic item that a copy has, the charge or daily use is expended from both copies. If one copy drops or gives away an item, the duplicate item disappears from the other copy as well.
The two copies act independently and each one has a full set of actions. At the end of the alchemist’s next turn, he selects one of the copies, which loses its ooze-like complexion as it becomes the alchemist; the other copy dissolves into a fine mist and dissipates. If one of the copies is destroyed before this happens, the remaining copy immediately becomes the alchemist, and he gains 1 permanent negative level. If both copies are destroyed simultaneously(such as from a fireball), both copies collapse into formless goo; the alchemist can only be restored to life via resurrection or similarly powerful magic. An alchemist must be at least 12th level before he can select this discovery.

Poison Discoveries Poison Discoveries

Celestial Poisons(超常)/Celestial Poisons 出典 Champions of Purity 24ページ:The alchemist is able to infuse poisons with celestial power so they can affect evil creatures that are normally immune to poison. Any poison the alchemist administers to a weapon can affect undead and evil outsiders, bypassing their inherent immunities. Magical effects that negate poisons still apply. If a creature fails its save, the poison acts as normal, but may have no effect on the creature, depending on the effect of the poison(such as dealing Constitution damage to undead). An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

Designer Poison(変則)/Designer Poison 出典 Potions and Poisons 9ページ:The alchemist can create special poisons that are more effective against certain creatures. When crafting a poison, the alchemist can choose a single creature type(and subtype, if appropriate) from the ranger’s favored enemy list. Against creatures of the chosen type, the poison’s saving throw 難易度 is increased by 4. Against all other creatures, it is reduced by 2. The alchemist must choose the creature type and subtype(if appropriate) while crafting the poison and afterward cannot change this choice.

Elemental Destabilizers(超常)Elemental Destabilizers 出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 31ページ:The alchemist is able to concoct reactive chemical compounds that affect elementals like poisons. The alchemist can craft poisons that affect only outsiders with the elemental subtype, bypassing their inherent immunity. Magical effects that negate poisons still apply. If a creature fails its saving throw, the poison acts as normal, but it may have no effect on the creature depending on the effect of the poison(such as dealing fire damage to a fire elemental). An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

Enduring Toxin(変則)/Enduring Toxin 出典 Potions and Poisons 9ページ:The alchemist can alter the properties of a poison, causing it to persist longer in the victim’s body. Altering a dose of poison in the way takes 1 hour, requires the expenditure of raw materials worth half the poison’s market price, and exposes the alchemist to the poison, thereby affecting him if he is not immune. This doubles the poison’s maximum duration. An alchemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

Malignant Poison/Malignant Poison 出典 Dungeoneer's Handbook 27ページ:As a full-round action, the alchemist can increase the save 難易度 of any poison by 4 and increase its duration by 2 frequency increments(for example, large scorpion venom lasts 8 rounds instead of 6 and drow poison lasts 4 minutes instead of 2). Additionally, malignant poisons take effect immediately and do not have an onset time. This alchemical change lasts until the poison’s extended duration ends or for a number of minutes equal to the alchemist’s level, whichever comes first. After that, the poison reverts back to its original state. An alchemist must be at least 10th level before selecting this discovery.

Precise Poison(変則)/Precise Poison 出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 23ページ:The alchemist is adept at delivering poison to the most vulnerable areas of his targets. When the alchemist confirms a critical hit with a poisoned weapon, he increases the save 難易度 of the poison by an amount equal to the weapon’s critical multiplier.

Other Discoveries Other Discoveries

Air Lung/Air Lung 出典 Pathfinder #123:The Flooded Cathedral 42ページ:An alchemist with this discovery has conditioned his body to adapt to life above water. He gains the amphibious special quality. Only an alchemist with the aquatic subtype can select this discovery.

Change Alignment(超常)/Change Alignment 出典 Champions of Purity 24ページ:Once per day as part of his preparation of infusions, the alchemist can brew an infusion that shifts the imbiber’s alignment to good. This change in alignment lasts for 10 minutes per alchemist level. An unwilling creature receives a Will save to resist this change. The alchemist may have only one such infusion at any one time. The effects of this infusion may have serious repercussions for a creature suddenly struggling with a new outlook. Many see it as little more than forced insanity, and some good faiths outlaw its use. An alchemist must be at least 12th level and have the infusion discovery before selecting this discovery.

Collective Memory(超常)/Collective Memory 出典 Champions of Balance 20ページ:While under the effects of a cognatogen, the alchemist adds half his class level on all Knowledge skill checks and may attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained. This bonus does not stack with the second Intelligence bonus granted by the mindchemist archetype’s perfect recall class feature. An alchemist must have the cognatogen discovery before selecting this discovery.

Constructive Dyes/Constructive Dyes 出典 Heroes of Golarion 25ページ:The alchemist’s dyes congeal and solidify, allowing him to make physical objects from them. The alchemist can expend two uses of his daily bombs to create a nonmagical object, as minor creation, using his alchemist level as the spell’s caster level. The alchemist must be at least 8th level and have the divine inks discovery before selecting this discovery.

Divine Inks/Divine Inks 出典 Heroes of Golarion 25ページ:The alchemist can develop special pigments and combine them with his alchemical reagents to create unique dyes that cling to the empty space around him, allowing him to paint images in the air to fool his enemies. By expending two daily uses of his bombs, he can use the dyes to create an image in a space adjacent to him, as silent image, using his alchemist level as the spell’s caster level. The image he creates remains for a number of minutes equal to his alchemist level. He can dismiss this image as a standard action.

Explosive Calligraphy/Explosive Calligraphy 出典 Heroes of Golarion 25ページ:The alchemist can create especially volatile pigments that detonate when agitated. This requires expending one daily use of his bombs, but otherwise functions as explosive runes except that it deals damage as one of the alchemist’s bombs. The alchemist can expend an additional daily use of his bombs to apply one discovery that applies to his bombs, such as acid bomb or dispelling bomb, to the runes created with this discovery. An alchemist must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Gills/Gills 出典 Pathfinder #123:The Flooded Cathedral 42ページ:An alchemist with this discovery grows a set of gills that allow him to breathe water in addition to breathing air. When on land, the alchemist risks his gills drying out and must bathe his gills with 1/2 gallon of water every 24 hours he is out of the water or take 1 point of Constitution damage every hour thereafter. An alchemist must be at least 4th level before selecting this discovery.

Glimmering Infusion(擬呪)/Glimmering Infusion 出典 Spymaster's Handbook 21ページ:The alchemist can expend any prepared extract to produce a cube of glowing motes that act as per glitterdust. The area must be adjacent to the alchemist and covers one 5-foot square per level of extract sacrificed, and the effect’s save 難易度 is calculated using the level of the sacrificed extract. The alchemist must have the infusion discovery to choose this discovery.

Greater Constructive Dyes/Greater Constructive Dyes 出典 Heroes of Golarion 25ページ:The alchemist expands the set of objects he can create with his constructive dyes. The alchemist can expend one additional use of his daily bombs when using his constructive dyes discovery to create objects, as major creation. The alchemist must be at least 10th level and have the constructive dyes and divine inks discoveries before selecting this discovery.

Greater Divine Inks/Greater Divine Inks 出典 Heroes of Golarion 25ページ:The alchemist’s unique dyes allow him to create lifelike images. If he expends an additional daily use of his bombs, the image he creates with the divine inks discovery also produces sound, smell, and heat, as major image. The alchemist must be at least 6th level and must have the divine inks and improved divine inks discoveries before selecting this discovery.

Improved Divine Inks/Improved Divine Inks 出典 Heroes of Golarion 25ページ:The alchemist’s unique dyes allow him to create images accompanied by sound. If he expends an additional daily use of his bombs, the image he creates with the divine inks discovery also produces minor sounds, as minor image. The alchemist must be at least 4th level and must have the divine inks discovery before selecting this discovery.

Lasting Tinctures(変則)/Lasting Tinctures 出典 Potions and Poisons 9ページ:The alchemist knows how to make tinctures that last much longer than normal. The durations of the effects of any tinctures the alchemist brews using the Craft skill are doubled. When the alchemist uses this discovery to brew a longer-lasting tincture, the tincture imposes its normal penalties on the alchemist even if the alchemist has an ability that reduces tinctures’ penalties(such as the substance tolerance ability of the fermenter alchemist archetype presented in this section). An alchemist with this discovery can brew tinctures with normal durations.

Living Pigment/Living Pigment 出典 Heroes of Golarion 25ページ:The alchemist infuses his inks and dyes with a spark of animating force. As a standard action, he can expend one daily use of his bombs and a 1st-level extract he has prepared to create a creature, as summon monster I, using his level as the spell’s caster level. The extract is expended as if the alchemist had consumed it. The alchemist can expend a higher-level extract when using this ability to create a creature using a summon monster spell of a level equal to the level of extract expended. For example, if the alchemist expends a 4th-level extract, he can create a creature as if using summon monster IV. Additionally, the alchemist can expend an additional use of his daily bombs when creating a creature in this way to grant the creature the celestial or fiendish template. The alchemist must have the divine inks discovery before selecting this discovery.

Material Mastery(変則)/Material Mastery 出典 Cohorts and Companions 13ページ:Your superior knowledge of the nature of matter enables you to ignore spell requirements more easily when crafting magic items. By expending an extract of the same school and level as a spell prerequisite when crafting a magic item, you take only a –2 penalty for ignoring that requirement, instead of –5.

Method to the Madness(変則)/Method to the Madness 出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 23ページ:The alchemist has learned to channel his madness into one of his alchemist class abilities. When the alchemist takes this discovery, he chooses one of either bombs or extracts. If he selects bombs, he uses his Charisma bonus in place of his Intelligence bonus when determining the bonus to damage and the saving throw DCs of his bombs. If the alchemist selects extracts, he uses his Charisma bonus in place of his Intelligence bonus to calculate bonus extracts per day. The alchemist must have the madness extraordinary ability to take this discovery. This discovery can be taken twice, allowing the alchemist to select both bombs and extracts.

Monstrous Graft(変則)/Monstrous Graft 出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 23ページ:The alchemist can replace up to four of his own amputated limbs with those of a monstrous beast of the same size category. If the grafted limb is an arm, the alchemist gains either a climb speed of 15 feet or a claw or slam natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage(1d4 for a Small alchemist). If the grafted limb is a leg, the alchemist gains one of the following benefits:a +5 bonus to land speed, a swim speed of 15 feet, or a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks when jumping. For each limb the alchemist replaces in this manner, he takes a –2 penalty to Wisdom as he loses his sense of self. Derros are immune to this penalty.

Phantom Limb/Phantom Limb 出典 Undead Slayer's Handbook 21ページ:The alchemist can manifest a ghostly, incorporeal arm that juts out from his torso. This phantom limb does not grant the alchemist any extra attacks or actions per round, and it cannot hold or grab anything(including incorporeal objects). The alchemist may use his phantom limb to make a touch attack against a foe as a standard action, scraping away at the very fibers of the victim’s soul. This attack deals 1d4 points of damage per alchemist level(Fortitude half ). Creatures that are immune to incorporeal attacks are immune to this damage, but otherwise the damage bypasses all forms of damage reduction except ダメージ減少/ epic. The alchemist may suppress or activate this ability as a free action, and can use his phantom limb for a number of rounds per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier(these rounds need not be consecutive). An alchemist must be at least 8th level to select this discovery.

Psychokinetic Tincture/Psychokinetic Tincture 出典 Undead Slayer's Handbook 21ページ:Once per day, the alchemist can concoct a foul-tasting tincture that harnesses the power of the spirit. By drinking this tincture as a standard action, the alchemist can invite the latent spirits in the area to surround him. The alchemist can channel one spirit for every 4 alchemist levels he possesses. Each spirit channeled this way grants the alchemist a +1 def lection bonus to アーマー・クラス as the spirits whirl around his body. As a standard action, the alchemist can launch one of these spirits toward a target as a ranged touch attack. Launching a spirit this way reduces this discovery’s deflection bonus to アーマー・クラス by 1. As a launched spirit passes through its target’s body, it emits a terrible wail heard only in the target’s mind, causing the target to become frightened for 1 round per alchemist level(Will negates). This is a mind-affecting fear effect. A creature that successfully saves against the wail cannot be affected by this discovery again for 24 hours. The spirits whirl around the alchemist’s body for 10 minutes per alchemist level, or until the alchemist has launched all of the spirits. An alchemist must be at least 4th level to select this discovery.

Ranged Baptism(超常)/Ranged Baptism 出典 Champions of Purity 24ページ:When the alchemist uses holy water as a splash weapon, any squares subject to its effects(including creatures affected by splash damage) or that contain creatures subject to its effects are also affected as if by consecrate, for a number of rounds equal to the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. Undead struck by holy water remain affected by the consecrate effect even if they leave the affected area. An alchemist must be at least 4th level before selecting this discovery.

Remady Extract/Remady Extract 出典 Healer's Handbook 11ページ:When the alchemist creates an extract, he can add one nonmagical alchemical remedy(such as an antitoxin) to it. When the extract is consumed, both the formula and the alchemical remedy take effect. The extract has a level 1 higher than normal. This discovery cannot be combined with other methods of combining multiple consumed items or extracts into one. An alchemist must be at least 4th level before selecting this discovery.

Sandstone Solution(超常)/Sandstone Solution 出典 People of the Sands 23ページ:As a full-round action, the alchemist can convert any potion or extract into a solution that, when thrown or applied, solidifies sand or dirt to the hardness of stone for 1 hour, affecting an area with a radius of 10 feet × the level of the potion or extract. If this solution is thrown at or applied to stone, it instead causes a 5-foot cube of stone to become crumbly and soft for 1 minute, reducing its hardness by double the level of the potion or extract.

Sleeper Agent(超常)/Sleeper Agent 出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 23ページ:The alchemist learns how to create a sleeper agent, whom he releases back into its original society none the wiser. The alchemist can create a sleeper agent in a ritual that takes 1 minute; the target must be unconscious for the ritual’s duration. At any time during the next year, as long as he is within 1 mile of the sleeper agent, the alchemist can activate the agent’s programming. When the sleeper agent is activated, treat her as if she were the target of a dominate person spell with a caster level equal to the alchemist’s level at the time the sleeper agent was created. If the sleeper agent is killed or the dominate person effect’s duration expires, the sleeper agent is permanently released from the alchemist’s control. The alchemist can also release any sleeper agent as a free action. The alchemist can have one active sleeper agent for every 6 alchemist levels he possesses. An alchemist must be at least 12th level before selecting this discovery.

Spell Knowledge/Spell Knowledge 出典 Cohorts and Companions 13ページ:Your studies into how all things are interconnected have taught you to cast a very limited number of spells. Select a single spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list that is at least 2 levels lower than your highest-level extract known. You can prepare and cast this spell as an arcane spell. Preparing the spell uses up an extract slot 1 level higher than the spell’s level. Your caster level is equal to your alchemist level, and your save DCs and concentration checks are Intelligence-based. You’re considered to have this spell on your spell list for purposes of prerequisites, spell completion items, and spell trigger items.
You may select this discovery more than once. Each time, it grants you access to another spell from the sorcerer/wizard spell list.

Subsumed Spirit(変則)/Subsumed Spirit 出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 23ページ:As the alchemist grows in power, his parasitic twin laps up a portion of his soul, like a dog feeding on its master’s scraps. The alchemist’s parasitic twin can now manifest or hide within the alchemist’s torso as a move action. As a standard action, the alchemist can cause his manifested twin to babble, driving listeners insane. All creatures without the insanity special ability that are within 60 feet of the alchemist must succeed at a Will save or be affected by confusion for 1 round per alchemist level. The alchemist can urge his parasitic twin to babble a number of times per day equal to 3 + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier. Creatures that successfully save can’t be affected by this effect for 24 hours. The alchemist is immune to its sibling’s babbling. This is a sonic, mind-affecting compulsion effect. The alchemist must have the parasitic twin discovery before selecting this discovery.

Sunlight Acclimation(変則)/Sunlight Acclimation 出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 23ページ:Time spent in the bright light of day has partially inured the alchemist to its effects. When the alchemist would normally take Constitution damage as a result of vulnerability to sunlight, he can attempt a 難易度 11 Fortitude saving throw to negate the effects. The 難易度 of this saving throw increases by 1 for each hour after the first spent in sunlight within the last 24 hours.

Webbed Extremities/Webbed Extremities 出典 Pathfinder #123:The Flooded Cathedral 42ページ:An alchemist with this discovery grows membranes between his fingers and toes, greatly improving his movement underwater. The alchemist gains a +4 alchemical bonus on Swim checks and can take 10 on a Swim check even if distracted or endangered while swimming.
Wet Coat/Wet Coat 出典 Pathfinder #123:The Flooded Cathedral 42ページ:An alchemist with this discovery has conditioned his body so that it never completely dries out when on land. He effectively becomes immune to any detrimental effects of his water dependency. Only an alchemist with the aquatic subtype and the water dependency special quality can select this discovery. An alchemist must be at least 4th level before selecting this discovery.

塗油 Annointings

出典 Arcane Anthology

変成術は、特に物質の性質を変更する魔法のオイルと軟膏を適用されたに発揮される。Runes of Wealthは主に呪文焦点を当てているが、Haphramaは魔法の武器や鎧の特性を変えることについての独創的な里弄の驚くべき付録が含まれており、そこから何世紀にも渡って塗油魔法のプロセスが開発されてきた。アルケミスト通常発見の代わりに、以下の塗油のいずれかを選択できる。アルケミストは修得済みの塗油を3+アルケミストレベルに等しい回数だけ1日使用することができる。特に明記されていない限り、全ての塗油標準アクションを使用し(これは機会攻撃を誘発する)、アルケミストレベル毎に1分間継続する。


秘術的な強化/Eldritch Enhancement 出典 Arcane Anthology 23ページアルケミスト武器、鎧に輝く色の洗浄液をかける。アイテムの魔法の特性の術者レベルは、レベルに基づく計算、呪文抵抗の克服、または解呪の的でアルケミスト【知力】修正値だけ増加する。

要素増幅/Essence Booster 出典 Arcane Anthology 23ページアルケミストは、この黄金の塗布剤を段階的な特殊能力ライトフォーティフィケイションシャドウなど、様々な段階で効を利用できる特殊能力)を持つ武器や鎧に適用する。響を受ける特殊能力は1段階増加する(えば、 モデレット・フォーティフィケイショングレーター・シャドウへと)。アイテムに複数の段階的な特殊能力がある場合、アルケミスト響を与えるもの1つを選択する。アイテムの強化ボーナスは、段階的な魔法の特性がない場合、1増加する。この塗油を選択するためには、少なくとも8レベルアルケミストでなければならない。

/Mercurial Oil 出典 Arcane Anthology 23ページ:このキラリと色の液体は、魔法金属製武器や鎧に染み込み、一的に内部を液化する。響を受けた武器は、スイング中に重心が外側に移動して勢いを増し、実際よりも1段階サイズが大きいものであるかのようにダメージを与える。響を受けた鎧は衝撃に抵抗し、着用者にダメージ減少 2/ーを与える。

オリハルコンの粉塵/Orichalcum Dust 出典 Arcane Anthology 23ページアルケミストは4つの全ての元素の本質を構成する少量のカラフルな粉塵を振りかける。この混合物のある元素を他の元素よりも優先させることにより、アルケミストは一的に武器のエネルギー種別を他の種別に変更できる。えば、アルケミストは[強ダメージを与える爆弾や、[ダメージを与えるショッキング・バースト特殊能力を持つ武器などを選択できる。元素効果が変更されると、塗油持続時間が終了するまで再度変更することはできない。

アルケミストのアーキタイプ Alchemist Archetypes

Aerochemist Aerochemist

出典 Blood of the Ancients 25ページ

Although the specifics of the Aeromantic Infadibulum are lost to time, aerochemists are able to emulate and replicate aspects of this lost magic. Aerochemists use scraps of Shory’s magic in their concoctions to gain personal powers of flight.

Aeromantic Concoction(超常)/Aeromantic Concoction:An aerochemist learns to craft a special alchemical concoction. It takes 10 minutes to brew a dose of this concoction, and once brewed, it remains potent until used. An aerochemist can maintain only 1 dose of this concoction at a time—if he brews a second dose, any existing concoction becomes inert. As with an extract or bomb, an aeromantic concoction that is not in the aerochemist’s possession becomes inert until he picks it up again. Anyone other than the aerochemist who attempts to drink his aeromantic concoction is affected in the same fashion as is a non-alchemist who drinks an alchemist’s mutagen.

When consumed, an aerochemist’s aeromantic concoction makes his body become incredibly buoyant for 10 minutes per alchemist level. The concoction grants the aerochemist a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks to attempt high jumps or long jumps, and he is always treated as having a running start when attempting long jumps. In addition, the aerochemist gains the benefits of feather fall for the concoction’s duration. At 6th level, the aerochemist gains the benefits of fly for the concoction’s duration. At 10th level, the aerochemist can choose to gain the benefits of air walk instead of fly for the concoction’s duration. At 14th level, the duration of the concoction increases to 1 hour per alchemist level.

An aerochemist with the infusion discovery can instead create a shared alchemical concoction intended for his allies. This shared concoction grants the same benefits as the normal aeromantic concoction, except the duration is only 1 minute per alchemist level its creator has. At 14th level, the duration increases to 10 minutes per alchemist level. An aerochemist can have only a standard concoction or shared concoction in effect, not both.

This replaces mutagen, swift poisoning, and persistent mutagen. An aeromantic alchemist can never gain the mutagen, cognatogen, or inspired cognatogen ability, even from a discovery or another class.

Bombs Away(変則)/Bombs Away:At 2nd level, an aerochemist becomes an expert at attacking from above. He gains a +1 bonus on attack rolls made with thrown weapons against targets that are at least 10 feet below him. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and increases by an additional 1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum bonus of +5 at 18th level.

This replaces poison use and swift alchemy.

Aerodynamic Prowess(超常)/Aerodynamic Prowess:At 2nd level, an aerochemist gains a +2 bonus on Fly checks. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level, and +6 at 8th level.

This replaces poison resistance.

Aquachymist Aquachymist

出典 Aquatic Adventures 49ページ

The principles of alchemy work equally well underwater and on land, but mixing solutions and keeping them pure is a tougher task beneath the waves. Aquachymists are those rare few alchemists of land-dwelling and aquatic races alike who strive to unlock new and fantastic secrets of alchemy that can be discovered only in the water’s depths.

クラス技能An aquachymist has Swim as a class skill instead of Fly. This alters the alchemist’s class skills.

Sureseal Alchemy(超常)/Sureseal Alchemy:An aquachymist’s extracts and mutagens self-generate a flexible outer shell of sureseal, similar to sureseal bladders , allowing the aquachymist to craft a waterproof supply without expending a plethora of sureseal bladders.

This ability alters alchemy.

Underwater Bombs(超常)Underwater Bombs:An aquachymist’s fire bombs deal steam damage, allowing them to deal damage underwater or on land. Since thrown weapons don’t work well underwater, when the aquachymist creates a bomb, he either weights it or includes excess air as part of the action of creating the bomb, granting the bomb his choice of swiftly rising or swiftly sinking buoyancy and allowing him to target foes directly above or below him. If the attack misses, the bomb doesn’t deal splash damage, but instead continues to travel up or down until it loses potency at the end of the alchemist’s turn; the exception is when the aquachymist throws a swiftly sinking bomb close to the bottom, in which case it might reach the bottom and explode there. Because of the strange aquadynamic features of the aquachymist’s underwater bombs, they have a range increment of only 5 feet above the water.

This ability alters bombs.

Amphibious Mutagen(超常)/Amphibious Mutagen:At 2nd level, an aquachymist’s mutagen allows him to breathe both air and water for its duration, in addition to its other effects.

This ability replaces the discovery at 2nd level.

Blazing Torchbearer Blazing Torchbearer

出典 Dungeoneer's Handbook 21ページ

The blazing torchbearer is especially adept at manipulating flames of all kinds.

Everburning Flame(変則)/Everburning Flame:Any torch held by a blazing torchbearer is considered to be an everburning torch, although it still sheds heat and can be used as a weapon. In addition, a blazing torchbearer can cast spark as a spell-like ability at will. This ability replaces Brew Potion.

Intense Light(変則)/Intense Light:At 2nd level, a blazing torchbearer has mastered lighting and holding a torch to the point that it sheds more light than those carried by his peers. The radius of normal and increased illumination of any torch held by a blazing torchbearer increases by 10 feet. Once per day as a standard action, the blazing torchbearer can create a brilliant flash of light that blinds everyone within 10 feet(including the torchbearer) for 1 round. This ability replaces poison use.

Explosive Torch(変則)/Explosive TorchAt 4th level, as a standard action, a blazing torchbearer can drop a special blend of explosive powders onto his torch before using it as a weapon. His next successful melee attack with the torch deals an additional 2d6 points of fire damage and sets the target on fire. This attack must be made within 1d4 rounds or the torch prematurely explodes at the end of the blazing torchbearer’s turn, dealing damage to the blazing torchbearer and setting him on fire. This ability replaces the alchemist’s 4th-level discovery.

Blightseeker Blightseeker

出典 Heroes of the Darklands 10ページ

Blightseekers are alchemists devoted to the study of fungi native to the Darklands. While diverse fungi exist on the surface world, the unique combination of environmental conditions found in the Darklands fosters the growth of unpredictable and otherworldly fungal growths.

Spore Bomb(超常)/Spore Bomb:At 1st level, a blightseeker creates a special kind of alchemist bomb that delivers a payload of alchemically engineered fungal spores. These bombs infest their target with a virulent blight(see below). The blightseeker’s bombs deal 1d4 points of damage(instead of 1d6), plus 1d4 points of damage for every 2 alchemist levels beyond 1st.

A creature that takes a direct hit from a spore bomb must succeed at a Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + half the blightseeker’s level + his Intelligence modifier) or suffer the associated blight effects. Creatures that take splash damage from the bomb are not affected by the blight.

This ability alters bombs.

Blights(変則)/Blights:At 1st level, a blightseeker gains the blights from the list below. When he prepares bombs at the start of the day, a blightseeker chooses which blight to apply to each bomb. If a blight has no duration listed, it lasts a number of rounds equal to the blightseeker’s Intelligence modifier. At 1st level, a blightseeker gains the following blights.

Impairing/Impairing:The target’s base land speed decreases by 10 feet, to a minimum of 10 feet. This effect doesn’t stack with itself.

Minor Sickening/Minor Sickening:The target is sickened, but it takes only a –1 penalty on affected rolls.

At 6th level, a blightseeker adds the following blights to the list of those that can be applied to his bombs.

Fatiguing/Fatiguing:The target is fatigued.

Fear-Inducing/Fear-Inducing:The target is shaken.

Sickening/Sickening:The target is sickened.

At 12th level, a blightseeker adds the following blights to the list of those blights that can be applied to his bombs.

Confusing/Confusing:The target is confused.

Exhausting/Exhausting:The target is exhausted.

Nauseating/Nauseating:The target is nauseated for 1 round.

Staggering/Staggering:The target becomes staggered for 1 round.

At 18th level, a blightseeker adds the following blights to the list of those that can be selected.

Blinding/Blinding:The target is blinded.

Deafening/Deafening:The target is deafened.

Stunning/Stunning:The target is stunned for 1 round.

This ability replaces the discoveries gained at 6th, 12th, and 18th levels.

Blight Engineering(変則)/Blight Engineering:(Ex):At 14th level, a blightseeker can apply two blights that he knows to each spore bomb he creates.

This ability replaces persistent mutagen.


出典 Potions and Poisons 8ページ

Experts at combining sets of chemicals to create unique effects, concocters specialize in blending extracts, mutagens, and potions to create concoctions that give them exhilarating powers. Concocters seem reckless to those who aren’t familiar with their ways, but those who know them understand that these alchemists simply have unorthodox methods.

Mutagenic Mixology(変則)/Mutagenic Mixology:At 2nd level, whenever a concocter brews a potion, he can mix in some of the chemicals he uses to create his mutagen, adding some of his mutagen’s effects to this concoction.

When he drinks this concoction, he gains the benefit of the potion as normal. Additionally, he gains a +2 natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to one of his physical ability scores(Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution), while suffering a –2 penalty to the corresponding mental ability score(Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma), just as though the concoction were a mutagen. The ability score that receives the bonus must be chosen when the concoction is made. These benefits and penalties last for the duration of the effects of the potion on which the concoction is based or for 1 minute per the concocter’s alchemist level, whichever is shorter.

The effects of this concoction do not stack with another such concoction or a mutagen. If the concocter drinks another concoction or a mutagen while under the effects of this concoction, the effects of any previous concoction or mutagen immediately end. A concoction that is not in the concocter’s possession becomes inert until the concocter picks it up again(even if the concocter has the infuse mutagen discovery). The process used to combine the mutagen with a potion make it particularly volatile, so anyone else who drinks the concoction(including other alchemists) does not gain its benefits and must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be nauseated for 1 minute. The 難易度 of this saving throw is equal to 10 + the concocter’s alchemist level + the concocter’s Intelligence modifier.

Additional reagents and materials are required to brew a concoction in this way, doubling the cost in raw materials to create the potion on which the concoction is based. A mutagen brewed into a concoction in this way does not count against the number of mutagens the concocter can have active at a given time.

A concocter can make one such concoction per day at 2nd level and a second per day at 4th level. A concoction becomes inert 24 hours after it is created.

This replaces the discoveries gained at 2nd and 4th levels.

Extracting Mixology(変則)/Extracting Mixology:At 6th level, a concocter can combine an extract and a potion, allowing him to consume this mixture simultaneously, albeit with some potential side effects. As a full-round action, the concocter can combine an extract with a potion in his possession. The concocter can then drink the mixture as a standard action. If he does not consume the mixture within 2 rounds of creating it, the mixture grows inert and both the extract and the potion are ruined. This ability cannot be used with a potion into which he has fused his mutagen using his mutagenic mixology ability.

The exact effects of drinking one of these mixtures are volatile and unpredictable. Each time the concocter drinks a mixture, roll on the following table to determine the result.




Either the extract(01–50 on a d%) or potion(51–100 on a d%) has no effect. The consumable that takes effect treats its caster level or the concocter’s alchemist level as 2 higher, whichever is appropriate.


Both the extract and potion function normally.


Both the extract and potion function normally but treat their caster level or the concocter’s alchemist level as 2 higher, whichever is appropriate.


Both the extract and potion function normally and are affected as though they were spells extended with the Extend Spell metamagic feat. If either the extract or the potion’s duration is concentration, instantaneous, or permanent, both the extract and the potion simply function normally.

This replaces swift poisoning and the discovery gained at 6th level.

Construct RiderConcocter

出典 Cohorts and Companions 12ページ

A construct rider creates arcane devices to emulate and surpass weak flesh.

クラス技能The construct rider gains Ride(Dex) and Knowledge(engineering)(Int) as class skills.

Craft Mount(超常)/Craft Mount:A construct rider assembles a construct mount shaped like a riding animal. A Medium alchemist can select a camel or a horse. A Small alchemist can select a pony or wolf, but can also select a boar or a dog if he’s at least 4th level. The GM may approve other animals as mounts. This construct mount acts in most ways as a druid animal companion, using the character’s alchemist level as his effective druid level. A construct mount is a construct, but uses the appropriate animal companion’s statistics, gaining Hit Dice, skills, feats, and Strength and Dexterity adjustments as the alchemist advances in level. A construct mount has no Constitution score, and instead gains bonus hit points appropriate for a construct of its size. It has an Intelligence score(and skill points), a lower base attack bonus, and better saving throws than a normal construct of its Hit Dice. The mount has all the immunities of a construct(except immunity to mind-affecting effects, since it has a mind). A construct rider can use Craft(alchemy) instead of Handle Animal for all purposes involving his construct mount, though the check still takes a –5 penalty due to the construct mount’s unusual nature.

To create a construct with a mind and body that are constantly changing and improving, the construct rider must manufacture vast quantities of clockwork or animating reagents. As such, the construct rider can never gain the mutagen or cognatogen ability, even from a discovery or another class.

At first, his mount is a singular masterpiece created during a momentary stroke of brilliance. At 4th level, the construct rider gains Craft Construct as a bonus feat and can use his extracts instead of spells to meet spell prerequisites when crafting other constructs.

This ability replaces Brew Potion, mutagen, and the discovery gained at 4th level.

Diminished Extracts/Diminished Extracts:A construct rider may prepare one fewer extract of each level than normal. If this reduces the number to 0, he may prepare extracts of that level only if his Intelligence allows bonus extracts of that level.

Construct Rider Discoveries(超常)Construct Rider Discoveries:The construct rider can select from the following archetype-specific discoveries in place of an alchemist discovery.

Internal Reservoir(変則擬呪)/Internal Reservoir:The construct mount contains a reservoir tank than the construct rider can fill with one dose of a potion or extract the construct rider created. As a move action that doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity, the construct mount can apply the potion or extract to itself. Refilling the reservoir is a complicated process that requires a 難易度 20 Craft(alchemy) check. Failure destroys the potion or extract. The process requires 1 minute, and provokes attacks of opportunity. A construct rider must be at least 6th level before selecting this discovery.

Vaporizing Reservoir(変則超常)/Vaporizing Reservoir:The construct rider upgrades his mount’s reservoir, adding a compartment near the mouth which stores a bomb. Loading the bomb requires the same process as loading an extract or potion. A construct mount loaded with a bomb can unleash it as a breath weapon in a 15-foot cone or a 30-foot line as a standard action, dealing damage as a direct hit against all targets in the area of effect. The alchemist selects a line or cone area when loading the reservoir. Because the construct mount lacks the alchemist’s Throw Anything ability, the alchemist’s Intelligence bonus doesn’t apply to this damage. A construct rider must be at least 8th level and possess the internal reservoir discovery before selecting this discovery.

Widened Vaporizer(超常)/Widened Vaporizer:When the construct mount uses its breath weapon from the vaporizing reservoir discovery, it can also unleash a 30-foot cone or a 60-foot line. A construct rider must be at least 10th level and possess the internal reservoir and vaporizing reservoir discoveries before selecting this discovery.

Cruorchymist Cruorchymist

出典 Construct Handbook 12ページ

Cruorchymists see their blood as just another tool for their experiments. They use this blood to create new life that can be commanded to serve the cruorchymist’s goals.

Blood Familiar(変則)/Blood Familiar:A cruorchymist has created a homunculus from basic materials and his own blood. The homunculus takes the shape of a Tiny humanoid. It functions in all ways as a familiar, treating the cruorchymist’s alchemist level as his effective wizard level. If a cruorchymist wishes to replace his blood familiar, he can reduce the cost of the replacement ritual by taking 2 points of Constitution drain for every 100gp he wishes to forgo. At 3rd level, if the cruorchymist has the infusion discovery, a blood familiar can deliver extracts that have a range of touch for its cruorchymist master.

This replaces mutagen. A cruorchymist can never gain the mutagen, cognatogen, or inspired cognatogen ability, even from a discovery or another class.

Blood Treatment(変則)/Blood Treatment:A cruorchymist can give up some of his blood to restore his blood familiar. As a swift or immediate action, a cruorchymist can take a number of points of Constitution drain. His blood familiar heals 1d6 hit points for every 1 point of Constitution drain the cruorchymist inflicts upon himself in this way.

This replaces Brew Potion.

Blood Augmentation(変則)/Blood Augmentation:At 4th level, a cruorchymist can provide more of his blood to further enhance his blood familiar. As a swift action, the cruorchymist can take 1 point of Constitution damage to provide his familiar with an animal aspect for 1 minute, treating his alchemist level as his hunter level. The cruorchymist takes 1 additional point of Constitution damage for every minute he maintains the animal aspect beyond the first. At 12th level, the cruorchymist can select two animal aspects for his blood familiar instead of one, taking 2 points of Constitution damage for every minute that he maintains both animal aspects.

Crypt Breaker Crypt Breaker

出典 Inner Sea Magic 33ページ

Crypt breakers are most common in Osirion, where they use their powers of perception and alchemical adaptation to safely investigate the mysteries of that lands’ past. They are often involved in expeditions into dangerous tombs and catacombs, where their ability to create alchemical devices designed to neutralize constructs and undead are often crucial to survival. A crypt breaker has the following class features.

Alkahest Bombs(超常)/Alkahest Bombs:A crypt breaker’s bombs are specially designed to work best against constructs and corporeal undead-two foes commonly encountered in ancient tombs. Known as alkahest bombs, these bombs deal acid damage instead of fire damage. Alkahest is an alchemical fluid that eats away unliving flesh and animated constructs, but it doesn’t work as well against other targets. Against constructs and corporeal undead, alkahest bombs deal 1d8 points of damage, plus 1d8 points of damage for every odd-numbered level instead of 1d6. Against all other creatures, alkahest bombs deal 1d4 points of damage, plus 1d4 points of force damage for every odd-numbered level. This ability otherwise functions as and replaces the standard alchemist bomb class feature.

Crypt Breaker’s Draught(超常)Crypt Breaker’s Draught:Rather than develop mutagens that increase their natural armor and physical abilities at the expense of their minds, crypt breakers focus on the creation of special draughts that can enhance their senses. When a crypt breaker drinks one of these draughts, he gains a +4 bonus on all Perception checks and gains one of the following special senses:darkvision 60 feet, low-light vision, or scent. While under the effects of a crypt breaker’s draught, the alchemist also gains light blindness. This ability replaces the mutagen class ability(a crypt breaker cannot create mutagens unless he selects the mutagen discovery).

Trapfinding/Trapfinding:A crypt breaker adds 1/2 his level on Perception checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks(minimum +1). A crypt breaker can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. When determining the ability of a crypt breaker to deal with locks or traps, treat his alchemist levels as rogue levels. This ability replaces the Brew Potion bonus feat.

Discoveries/Discoveries:A crypt breaker may take the following rogue talents as discoveries:quick disable, trap sense, and trap spotter. Treat the crypt breaker’s alchemist level as his rogue level for these talents.

Enhanced Alkahest(超常)/Enhanced Alkahest:At 14th level, a crypt breaker’s alkahest grows more potent. Against constructs and corporeal undead, the crypt breaker’s alkahest bombs deal +1 points of damage per die, and the bomb threatens a critical hit on a 19-20. This does not stack with other effects that improve critical hit threat ranges. This ability replaces persistent mutagen.

Dimensional ExcavatorDimensional Excavator

出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 14ページ

Alchemists are often drawn to the Mana Wastes to study the strange energies and interactions that can be found there. Though many overeager alchemists ultimately disappear during research expeditions, more cautious scholars of alchemy in Alkenstar are content to simply read the notes left behind by their more adventurous kindred. Some of these scholars have discovered and recorded ways to cause their bombs to create minor tears in the fabric of reality, forming extradimensional pits to vex their foes.

Extradimensional Extract(超常)/Extradimensional Extract:The intense study a dimensional excavator applies to dimensional forces causes him to treat his class level as 2 lower when qualifying for alchemist discoveries other than those granted by Precipitous Discoveries(see below). At 4th level, the dimensional excavator adds create pit to his list of extracts known, treating it as a 2nd-level alchemist extract. He can create an extract of this spell, which can then be thrown as a ranged attack, targeting a creature or square. If it strikes a square, the pit manifests in that area and all nearby creatures are affected normally. If a creature is struck, the pit manifests in the creature’s location, and the struck creature must succeed at a Reflex save with a –2 penalty or fall into the pit.

This alters the discovery ability, and replaces the discovery gained at 4th level.

Precipitous Discoveries(超常)/Precipitous Discoveries:At 6th level, a dimensional excavator can choose to learn an additional pit spell in place of learning a new discovery. The alchemist must be able to use an extract of the appropriate level to select a pit spell as an extract. He can add the following spells to his extracts known, and use them as per the extradimensional extract ability:spiked pit(3rd-level extract), acid pit(4th-level extract), hungry pit(5th-level extract).

This alters the discovery ability.

Dragonblood ChymistDragonblood Chymist

出典 Legacy of Dragons 12ページ

For alchemists, the key to effective mixtures lies in potent ingredients, and what could be more formidable than the blood of wyrms? The dragonblood chymists of Kaer Maga specialize in the reckless distillation of extracts and elixirs that allow them to experience the might of a dragon, however dangerous it might be

Dragonblood Mutagen(超常)/Dragonblood Mutagen:At 1st level, a dragonblood chymist discovers how to create a mutagen that he can imbibe in order to mimic the might of a dragon. While he maintains his original form, his features take on a draconic appearance, becoming scaly and lizard-like. He gains a +2 natural armor bonus and a +2 alchemical bonus to his Strength for 10 minutes per class level.

At 2nd level, the dragonblood chymist has learned to concentrate the potency of his dragonblood mutagen such that it grants him two claw attacks and a bite attack. If these are the only attacks the dragonblood chymist makes in a round, they are primary attacks and are made using his full base attack bonus. Otherwise, these natural attacks are treated as secondary attacks. The claw attacks deal 1d4 points of damage(1d3 if he is Small) and the bite attack deals 1d6 points of damage(1d4 if he is Small). While the mutagen is in effect, he gains a +2 competence bonus on Intimidate checks. At 12th level, the dragonblood mutagen grants a +4 natural armor bonus and a +4 alchemical bonus to his Strength. At 16th level, the dragonblood mutagen grants a +6 natural armor bonus and a +6 alchemical bonus to his Strength. This ability otherwise functions as mutagen.

This ability modifies the mutagen class feature; replaces the discoveries gained at 2nd, 12th, and 16th levels; and precludes the dragonblood chymist from taking any other mutagen discoveries.

Explosive Breath(超常)/Explosive Breath:At 1st level, a dragonblood chymist gains the ability to expel fire from his mouth in the same manner as a dragon. He gains the breath weapon bomb alchemist discovery but must apply this discovery to every bomb he creates.

This ability replaces the Throw Anything ability

Draconic Resistances(変則)/Draconic Resistances:At 2nd level, a dragonblood chymist gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against paralysis and sleep effects. This bonus increases to +4 at 6th level, and to +6 at 10th level. At 10th level, a dragonblood chymist becomes immune to paralysis and sleep effects.

This ability replaces poison resistance, poison use, and swift poisoning

Ectoplasm MasterEctoplasm Master

出典 Haunted Heroes Handbook 14ページ

Able to distill spectral horrors into alchemical reagents, the eccentric techniques of the ectoplasm master originated among agents of the Whispering Way, though their secrets have since been exposed and spread to the winds by their rivals in the Esoteric Order of the Palatine Eye. Today, the ectoplasm master is not automatically regarded as an agent of sinister evil as a result.

Ectoplasmic Extracts(超常)/Ectoplasmic Extracts:Instead of using alchemical reagents in order to create alchemical items(including his bombs, extracts, and mutagens), an ectoplasm master uses reagents such as corpse dust, crystallized ectoplasm, and similar reagents as alchemical catalysts. Just as with standard alchemists, the costs of these materials are insignificant and are comparable to the costs of the valueless material components of most spells. As a result of his eccentric techniques and use of odd alchemical components, an ectoplasm master has an expanded formula list. He adds all sorcerer/wizard spells of 6th level or lower from the necromancy school to his alchemist formula list(but must still learn each of these spells normally). If a spell appears on both the alchemist formula list and the sorcerer/wizard spell list, the ectoplasm master uses the lower of the two spell levels listed for the spell.

This ability alters extracts and replaces Brew Potion.

Ectoplasm Master Discoveries(超常)Ectoplasm Master Discoveries:An ectoplasm master is able to select the following alchemist discoveries, in addition to general discoveries.

Ectoplasmic Mutagen/Ectoplasmic Mutagen:Whenever the ectoplasm master imbibes a mutagen, his living flesh transmutes into ectoplasm, causing him to take on a semiliquid form. He no longer gains a natural armor bonus from his mutagen, but instead becomes immune to critical hits and precision damage(such as sneak attacks) while under the mutagen’s effects. An ectoplasm master must be at least 6th level to learn this discovery.

Ectoplasmic Servant/Ectoplasmic Servant:An ectoplasm master who selects this discovery adds all summon monster spells of 6th level or lower to his alchemist formula list as ectoplasmic extracts. Whenever he summons a creature using an ectoplasmic extract, the creature must appear in a square adjacent to his own, and it gains the ectoplasmic creature template. Creatures summoned using ectoplasmic extracts cannot have templates other than the ectoplasmic creature template.

Siphon Bomb/Siphon Bomb:The ectoplasm master’s bombs can be modified to neutralize and crystallize the ectoplasmic energy of haunts and incorporeal undead. A siphon bomb deals full damage to incorporeal creatures as if it were a force effect, but deals only nonlethal damage to corporeal creatures. A siphon bomb also damages haunts, provided the siphon bomb explodes within a haunt’s area of effect. This discovery modifies the alchemist’s bombs and doesn’t stack with other discoveries that modify bombs.

Eldritch PoisonerEldritch Poisoner

出典 Black Markets 28ページ

Eldritch poisoners are masters of the toxic arts, synthesizing lethal and incapacitating poisons with uncanny speed and expertise.

Arcanotoxin(超常)/Arcanotoxin:An eldritch poisoner can blend volatile chemicals and her own personal magic to create deadly poisons known as arcanotoxins. She can use this ability a number of times each day equal to her alchemist level + her Intelligence modifier. An arcanotoxin functions only when used by the eldritch poisoner and becomes inert if not used within 1 minute. Creating an arcanotoxin is a standard action, and it can be applied to a weapon as a move action.

At 1st level, an eldritch poisoner must choose whether her arcanotoxin deals Strength or Dexterity damage. At 3rd level and every 2 alchemist levels thereafter, she can enhance her arcanotoxin in one of the following ways. She can’t select the same improvement twice in a row.

This ability replaces bomb.


Type poison, injury; Save Fortitude 難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the eldritch poisoner’s alchemist level + her Intelligence modifier
Frequency 1/round for 2 rounds
Effect 1d2 ability damage(see above); Cure 1 save

Toxicologist(変則)/Toxicologist:An eldritch poisoner gains a +2 bonus on Craft(alchemy) checks to create poisons and antitoxins, and creates them in half the normal amount of time. This ability replaces Throw Anything.

Sneak Attack(変則)/Sneak Attack:At 1st level, the eldritch poisoner gains a sneak attack identical to the rogue class feature, dealing 1d6 points of sneak attack damage at 1st level; the damage increases by 1d6 at 4th level and every 4 alchemist levels thereafter. This ability replaces mutagen and persistent mutagen.

Discoveries:An eldritch poisoner can select any of the following discoveries, in addition to those available to other alchemists. Arcanotoxin discoveries with a save 難易度 use her arcanotoxin’s save 難易度.

Antidote(超常)/Antidote:The eldritch poisoner can sacrifice one use of her arcanotoxin to create an extract of delay poison which she can feed to an adjacent, willing creature as a standard action. Beginning at 10th level, she can instead use this ability to create an extract of neutralize poison.

Apothecary(変則擬呪)/Apothecary:The eldritch poisoner can use detect poison at will as a spell-like ability and gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her alchemist level on Heal checks to identify or treat poisons and to the bonus she grants when successfully treating a poison.

Combine Toxins(変則)/Combine Toxins:An eldritch poisoner can diversify her arcanotoxin, dealing damage to any two ability scores with a single dose. The alchemist must already know how to target both ability scores with her arcanotoxin. A combined toxin reduces the damage die of its arcanotoxin by one step, to a minimum of 1 point of ability damage to each ability score.

Contact Toxin(超常)/Contact Toxin:The eldritch poisoner can create her arcanotoxin as a contact poison. A vial of contact arcanotoxin can be thrown up to 30 feet as a ranged touch attack or smeared onto a surface as a standard action, but it becomes inert after 1 minute. The arcanotoxin’s save 難易度 is reduced by 2. The eldritch poisoner must be at least 4th level to select this discovery.

Envenom(超常)/Envenom:The eldritch poisoner can create and apply her arcanotoxin to a held weapon(her own or an ally’s) as a move action. The toxin lasts 1 minute or until used.

Lethal Toxin(超常)/Lethal Toxin:The eldritch poisoner’s arcanotoxin can deal Constitution damage. She must be at least 10th level to select this discovery.

Mind-Altering Toxin(超常)/Mind-Altering Toxin:Whenever a creature fails its saving throw against the eldritch poisoner’s arcanotoxin, it also becomes dazzled by hallucinations for the toxin’s duration as a secondary effect. When the alchemist reaches 10th level, targets become confused instead. The alchemist must be at least 6th level to select this discovery.

Paralytic Toxin(超常)/Paralytic Toxin:Whenever a creature fails its saving throw against the eldritch poisoner’s arcanotoxin, it also becomes staggered for the toxin’s duration as a secondary effect. Beginning at 15th level, the target becomes paralyzed instead. The poisoner must be at least 8th level to select this discovery.

Sickening Toxin(超常)/Sickening Toxin:When a creature fails its save against the eldritch poisoner’s arcanotoxin, it also becomes sickened for the toxin’s duration as a secondary effect. When the alchemist reaches 12th level, targets become nauseated instead.

Tailored Toxin(変則)/Tailored Toxin:Choose one creature type(and subtype, for humanoids or outsiders). The eldritch poisoner’s arcanotoxin is particularly effective against such creatures, increasing the save 難易度 by 2. This discovery can be selected more than once; each time it applies to a different creature type(or subtype).

Toxic Fumes(変則)Toxic Fumes:The eldritch poisoner can create her arcanotoxin as an inhaled poison. She can throw a vial of arcanotoxin up to 30 feet as a ranged touch attack, affecting all creatures in a 10-foot-by-10-foot square. The arcanotoxin’s save 難易度 is reduced by 4, its duration is halved, and a successful save immediately ends the inhaled arcanotoxin’s effect. The eldritch poisoner must be at least 6th level to select this discovery.

Careful Injection(変則)/Careful Injection:At 4th level, an eldritch poisoner can forgo some of her sneak attack damage in order to increase the save 難易度 of a poison or arcanotoxin on the weapon used to make the sneak attack. The poison’s 難易度 increases by 1 for every 1d6 points of sneak attack damage forgone. This ability replaces the discovery gained at 4th level.

Energy ScientistEnergy Scientist

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 30ページ

Energy scientists fervently prepare themselves to overcome exposure to specific elemental hazards so that they can traverse the Elemental Planes in search of novel discoveries and reagents.

クラス技能An energy scientist adds Knowledge(planes) and Swim to his class skills.

This alters the alchemist’s class skills.

Energy Bombs(超常)/Energy Bombs:Whenever an energy scientist regains his daily uses of bombs, he must attune to one element and its corresponding energy type:air(electricity), earth(acid), fire(fire), or water(cold). The energy scientist’s bombs deal the type of energy damage that corresponds to his attuned element until he regains his daily uses of bombs, at which point he must attune to one element again. If the energy scientist uses a discovery that changes his bomb’s damage type to one that is different from that of his attuned element(such as using the acid bomb discovery when the alchemist is attuned to fire), instead of its normal amount of damage, the bomb deals 1d4 points of damage, plus 1d4 for every odd-numbered alchemist level.

This ability causes the explosive bomb and inferno bomb discoveries to change the bomb’s damage type to fire if the alchemist is not attuned to fire.

This ability alters bombs and replaces brew potion.

Limited Extracts(変則)/Limited Extracts:An energy scientist reduces his extracts per day by 1 for each extract level he can create, and he cannot prepare extracts with an elemental or energy descriptor that doesn’t match his attuned element.

This ability alters alchemy.

Attuned Resistance(変則)/Attuned Resistance:At 2nd level, an energy scientist gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against effects with descriptors that match his currently attuned element or its corresponding energy type, or that deal his currently attuned element’s corresponding energy damage. This bonus increases to +3 at 5th level and to +4 at 8th level. At 10th level, an energy scientist gains the effect of planar adaptation for the Elemental Plane tied to his currently attuned element.

This ability replaces poison resistance and poison immunity.

Salvage Energy(変則)/Salvage Energy:At 2nd level, an energy scientist can siphon power from slain elementals into temporary alchemical weapons. While studying the remains of an elemental that has been dead for no longer than 1 minute per alchemist level, you can attempt a Craft(alchemy) check(難易度 = 20 + the elemental’s 脅威度) as a standard action. Success means the alchemist produces a number of canisters of alchemist’s fire(from fire and magma elementals), bottled lightning(from air and lightning elementals), deadground dust(from earth and mud elementals), or liquid ice(from water and ice elementals) equal to half the elemental’s 脅威度, rounded down. These items cannot be sold and become inert after 24 hours. At 6th level, the save DCs of the items produced increase by 2.

This ability replaces poison use and swift poisoning.


出典 Potions and Poisons 8ページ

Little more than moonshiners to some, fermenters focus their efforts on imbibing substances, learning from the resulting effects on their bodies, and infusing this knowledge into their skill sets. Fermenters consider themselves living experiments and accept the risks and benefits inherent in their work.

Substance Tolerance(変則)/Substance Tolerance:At 2nd level, whenever a fermenter consumes a drug, she gains a +2 bonus on her saving throw to resist becoming addicted. Whenever she consumes a tincture, she gains its usual benefits, but all penalties imposed are reduced by 1.(If the tincture’s penalties instead impose a condition or another penalty that is not numerical, such as the penalties imposed by starlight juice, this ability has no effect at 2nd level.) Additionally, the fermenter can consume a number of alcoholic beverages equal to one plus three times her Constitution modifier before becoming sickened for 1 hour per drink above this maximum.(Normal rules for drunkenness can be found here) The bonus on saving throws to resist addiction increases to +3 at 8th level and to +4 at 10th level. At 10th level, the fermenter suffers no penalties at all from drinking tinctures, including conditions and other nonnumerical penalties(starlight juice would not make her dazzled, for example). Additionally, at 10th level she can consume a number of alcoholic beverages equal to one plus four times her Constitution modifier before becoming sickened.

This replaces poison resistance and the discovery gained at 10th level.

Volatile Bombs(変則)/Volatile Bombs:At 2nd level, a fermenter under the influence can make her bombs more potent, but they also become unstable and more difficult to aim. As long as the fermenter is under the effects of a drug or tincture, or has imbibed an alcoholic drink in the past 10 minutes, her bombs deal 1 additional point of damage per damage die. While this ability is in effect, she also takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls made with her bombs. At 7th level and every 6 levels thereafter, this penalty increases by 1(to a maximum penalty of –5 at 19th level).

This replaces poison use.

Batch Brew(変則)/Batch Brew:At 6th level, a fermenter learns how to brew tinctures in larger batches. Whenever she creates a tincture using Craft(alchemy), she can simultaneously create a number of additional tinctures equal to her Intelligence modifier. She expends resources for each tincture separately, but she attempts a single Craft check and applies the result to each tincture being brewed.

This replaces swift poisoning.

First World InnovatorFirst World Innovator

出典 Legacy of the First World 6ページ

The First World’s energies slowly leak into the Material Plane, haphazardly infusing mundane reagents with unpredictable power. Those who can harness these unusual substances—called primal reagents—walk a fine line between genius and catastrophe.

Primal Reagents(超常)/Primal Reagents:By spending 10 minutes patrolling his surroundings after recovering his daily extract slots, a First World innovator can gather a number of doses of primal reagents equal to half his alchemist level + his Intelligence modifier. Primal reagents retain their potency until the next time the First World innovator regains his extract slots. As part of the same action used to consume an extract, imbibe a potion, throw a bomb, or drink his mutagen, the First World innovator can expend 1 dose of primal reagents for additional effects as described below.

Bomb:Expending 1 dose can change either the bomb’s damage type or its damage dealt. When changing the damage type, the bomb deals acid, cold, electricity, or fire damage(determine the type randomly) instead of its normal damage. When changing the bomb’s damage dealt, the bomb’s die size increases by one step(for example, increasing 1d6 to 1d8), but it deals 1 less point of damage per die rolled.

Extract or Potion:Expending 1 dose increases the caster level of the extract or potion by 1.

Mutagen:Expending 1 dose grants the First World innovator an additional effect for the duration of the mutagen, determined at random(by rolling 1d4):halve all benefits provided by the mutagen; imbibing the mutagen immediately either heals 1d4 points of ability damage to one ability score(if applicable) or restores a number of hit points equal to 2d8 plus the First World innovator’s alchemist level; the mutagen grants the First World innovator his choice of the benefits of the lingering spirit, preserve organs, or spontaneous healing alchemist discoveries; or the mutagen grants the First World innovator his choice of the benefits of the feral mutagen, tentacle, vestigial arm, or wings alchemist discoveries. He cannot select a discovery if he does not meet its prerequisites.

At 6th level, the alchemist can expend multiple doses of primal reagents to apply multiple effects. When throwing a bomb, he can expend 2 doses to change both the bomb’s damage type and damage dealt. When imbibing an elixir or potion, he can expend an additional number of doses equal to the extract’s or potion’s spell level to increase its caster level by 2 instead of 1. When imbibing a mutagen, he can expend 2 doses to roll twice for additional effects, applying both results.

At 10th level, whenever the First World innovator or would use a dose of primal reagents to alter the damage type of a bomb, the bomb deals acid, cold, electricity, fire, force, or sonic damage(determine the type randomly) instead of its normal damage. Additionally, whenever the First World innovator would use a dose to gain an additional effect for a mutagen, he may roll 1d6 for the effect, adding to the list of options above:the mutagen grants immunity to poison and paralysis; or one numeric benefit of the mutagen(such as the natural armor bonus) selected by the First World innovator increases by 1d3.

This ability replaces the Brew Potion, poison use, swift poisoning, and poison immunity class features.

Limited Bombs(超常)/Limited Bombs:A First World innovator can use a number of bombs per day equal to half his class level + his Intelligence modifier(minimum 1) per day.

This ability alters the bombs class feature.

Refined Reagents(超常)/Refined Reagents:At 2nd level, whenever the First World innovator expends a dose of primal reagents to roll a die to apply a randomized outcome to his bombs or mutagen, he can expend 1 additional dose to ignore the result and roll again; he must take the second result.

This ability replaces poison resistance.

擲弾兵 Grenadier

出典 Pathfinder Society Field Guide 30ページ



軍用武器習熟/Martial Weapon Proficiency:1レベル点で、擲弾兵習熟した武器として1つの軍用武器を選択する。この能は“ポーション作成”と置き換える。

錬金術武器(超常)/Alchemical Weapon:2レベル点で、擲弾兵移動アクションとして、1つの武器、または矢弾に1つの有害な錬金術の液体または末(錬金術師の火くしゃみ粉)を注入することができるようになる。このアクションにより注入した錬金術アイテムは消費されるが、その効果は対象の武器に移る。この錬金術アイテムはこの武器が命中したクリーチャーに完全な効果を及ぼすが、飛散や拡散、またはその他の追加の目標を得る効果は発生しない。追加で与えるダメージは、ダメージボーナス・ダイスのように扱われ、クリティカル・ヒットにより倍加されない。この錬金術処置は処置を行った武器に有害な効果を及ぼさず、攻撃が命中しなかった場合は処置した1分後に効果が切れる。6レベル点で、擲弾兵錬金術武器の能即行アクションで使用できるようになる。15レベルの点で、この能フリー・アクションで使用できるようになる。この能は“毒に対する抵抗”と置き換える。

精密爆弾(変則)/Precise Bombs:2レベル点で、擲弾兵精密爆弾錬金術師発見ボーナス発見として獲得する。この能は“毒の使用”と置き換える。

指向爆発(超常)/Directed Blast:6レベル点で、擲弾兵爆弾を円形ではなく20フィートの円錐形に飛散させるように爆発されることができるようになる。この円錐形アルケミストの位置から開始し、アルケミストが指示した方向に広がっていく。アルケミストは、この円錐形マスの中にいるクリーチャー1体を爆弾の標的として指定し、そのクリーチャーに対し攻撃ロールを行う; 円錐形その他マスにいるクリーチャーは飛散ダメージを受ける。アルケミストが“爆散爆弾”の発見を持っており、“指向爆発”を行った場合、飛散ダメージ円錐形は20フィートではなく30フィートまで伸びる。この能は“素早い”と置き換える。

よろめき化爆発(超常)/Staggering Blast:10レベル点で、擲弾兵爆弾は極めて圧倒的な爆発を持つようになる。擲弾兵爆弾クリティカル・ヒットを成功させたとき、爆弾が直接命中したクリーチャーは1d4ラウンドの間、よろめき状態になる。頑健セーヴ難易度爆弾の飛散ダメージを避ける反応セーヴ難易度に等しい)に成功した場合持続時間は1ラウンドになる。この能効果は“霜爆弾”のよろめき化効果累積するが、《よろめき化クリティカル》特技効果とは累積しない。“よろめき化爆発”による追加の命中はこの効果の合計持続時間に追加する。この能は“毒に対する完全耐性”と置き換える。

Gun Chemist Gun Chemist

出典 People of the Wastes 11ページ

Simple alchemists may dabble in explosives, but for the rare gun chemist, a firearm’s barrel is his crucible.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:Gun chemists are proficient with all simple weapons, firearms, and light armor.

This replaces the gun chemist’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Alchemical Ordnance(超常)/Alchemical Ordnance:A gun chemist is adept at using his know-how to infuse his ammunition with volatile chemicals and his own magical reserves. When loading a firearm, he can infuse the ammunition as a free action. The compounds are unstable, and if not fired within a number of rounds equal to the gun chemist’s Intelligence modifier(though no sooner than the end of his next turn), the alchemical ordnance becomes inert and loses its additional effects; he can still fire the firearm as normal. Each day, the gun chemist can infuse a number of pieces of alchemical ordnance equal to his class level + his Intelligence modifier, and he can fire no more than one piece per round.

Alchemical ordnance deals damage as normal, plus an amount of fire damage equal to 1d6 + the gun chemist’s Intelligence modifier. The damage of the gun chemist’s alchemical ordnance increases by 1d6 points at every odd-numbered class level(this bonus damage is not multiplied on a critical hit or by using feats such as Vital Strike). The explosive nature of alchemical ordnance causes the attack— both the firearm’s base damage and the alchemical ordnance’s additional damage—to deal full damage to swarms of any size. If the gun chemist uses alchemical ordnance to make a scattering shot with a weapon with the scatter quality, each creature in the area instead takes additional fire damage equal to the alchemical ordnance’s minimum damage(so if the alchemical ordnance would deal 2d6+4 points of fire damage normally, it deals only 6 points of fire damage with a scattering shot).

The gun chemist’s alchemical ordnance functions safely only in weapons he wields. If anyone but a gun chemist attempts to fire a firearm loaded with alchemical ordnance that is not yet inert, the firearm’s misfire value increases by 4. If the firearm would explode as the result of such a misfire, the explosion deals additional fire damage equal to that of the alchemical ordnance.

Alchemical ordnance is treated like an alchemist’s bomb for the purpose of discoveries, though such discoveries ignore any effects associated with a bomb’s splash damage or radius unless the gun chemist also applies the exploding bullet discovery. A scattering shot modified by a discovery applies additional effects as though affected creatures were caught in the splash damage of a bomb rather than subject to a direct hit. The DCs of saving throws associated with alchemical ordnance are equal to 10 + half the gun chemist’s alchemist level + the gun chemist’s Intelligence modifier.

This replaces bombs.

Gunsmith:A gun chemist gains a battered gun identical to the one gained by a 1st level gunslinger, as well as the Gunsmithing feat(including the ability to restore his battered gun as if he were a gunslinger). As a standard action, the gun chemist can expend one use of his alchemical ordnance to remove the broken condition from a single firearm he is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained from a misfire.

This replaces Brew Potion and Throw Anything.

Discoveries:A gun chemist selects alchemist discoveries as normal. He can also select from the discoveries below, which are unique to the gun chemist. Discoveries marked with an asterisk(*) do not stack, including with other alchemist discoveries marked by an asterisk that modify bombs. Only one such discovery can be applied to an individual alchemical ordnance.

Chemical Stability:When firing an alchemical ordnance, the gun chemist reduces the misfire value of the firearm by 1(minimum 0) and ignores any increased misfire value from using an alchemical cartridge.

Exploding Bullet/Exploding Bullet*The gun chemist’s alchemical ordnance splashes adjacent targets as though it were a splash weapon, dealing the alchemical ordnance’s minimum additional damage to other creatures caught in the splash(Reflex half). A gun chemist must be at least 4th level before selecting this discovery.

Fast Ordnance/Fast Ordnance:A gun chemist with this discovery can fire more than one piece of alchemical ordnance as part of a full attack. A gun chemist must be at least 8th level before selecting this discovery.

Cartridge Savant(変則)/Cartridge Savant:At 2nd level, a gun chemist can make optimal and highly efficient use of alchemical cartridges, such as flare cartridges. If the gun chemist fires such an alchemical cartridge and it allows a saving throw to negate or reduce the cartridge’s effect, the saving throw’s 難易度 increases by 1(to a maximum 難易度 of 22). The 難易度 increases by an additional 1 at 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter(to a maximum of 7 higher at 20th level). When a gun chemist fires an alchemical cartridge that deals a type of damage in place of a firearm’s normal damage(such as a dragon’s breath cartridge), he can increase the damage dealt by an amount equal to his Intelligence modifier.

This replaces poison resistance.

Repeat Fire(変則)/Repeat Fire:At 6th level, a gun chemist gains Rapid Reload as a bonus feat and must select a type of firearm. If he already has this feat, he can instead gain one combat feat for which he qualifies.

This replaces swift poisoning.

Homunculist Homunculist

出典 Familiar Folio 8ページ

One of the grand goals of alchemy is the ability to create new life. A homunculist has made this dream a reality, growing and modifying a familiar in his own laboratory.

Diminished Poisoning/Diminished Poisoning:A homunculist doesn’t gain the poison use, poison resistance, poison immunity, or swift poisoning class features.

Homunculus Familiar(変則)/Homunculus Familiar:The homunculist has created a living homunculus in the shape of an animal or vermin. It functions in all ways as a familiar, treating the homunculist’s alchemist level as his effective wizard level. This ability replaces mutagen.

Experimentation(変則)/Experimentation:A homunculist is constantly experimenting on his familiar to give it new and unusual features and abilities. At 4th level, the homunculist can grant his familiar 1 evolution point worth of eidolon evolutions for every 4 alchemist levels he possesses, though he can’t select any evolutions that require a particular base form. Each time the homunculist gains a level, he can change his familiar’s evolutions. These evolutions stack with those from the Evolved Familiar feat. The homunculist can select the Evolved Familiar feat as an alchemist discovery if he meets its prerequisites.

Mixologist Mixologist

出典 Inner Sea Taverns 57ページ

Certain alchemists focus on mastering the chemical reactions between alcohol and the physical body. Though the powerful potions they brew can have drawbacks, they are at least pleasurable.

Alcoholic Alchemy(超常)/Alcoholic Alchemy:A mixologist can infuse potions and extracts he creates with alcohol, increasing their potency. When a mixologist brews a potion, he can spend an additional 10gp in raw materials to increase his caster level by 1 for the purpose of the potion’s effects, but the potion counts as a strong alcoholic drink(see the sidebar on page 55). When a mixologist creates his extracts, he can spend 1 extra minute doing so to increase his caster level by 1 for the purpose of that extract’s effects, but the extract counts as a strong alcoholic drink. A mixologist can prepare one alcoholic extract for each level of extracts he can prepare. A mixologist can’t ever gain a mutagen or discoveries that alter mutagens.

This alters alchemy and brew potion and replaces mutagen.

Alcoholic Bombs(超常)/Alcoholic Bombs:When the mixologist creates a bomb, he can cause the detonation to produce intoxicating fumes. A creature that takes a direct hit from an alcoholic bomb becomes tipsy(see page 54) if it fails a Fortitude saving throw. If the creature is already tipsy, it becomes drunk instead. If the creature is already drunk, it becomes soused instead. A soused creature that fails its Fortitude saving throw passes out for 1d3 hours and wakes up with a hangover. This ability counts as a discovery that modifies bombs, so it doesn’t stack with other discoveries that modify bombs.

This replaces the discovery gained at 2nd level.

Alcoholic Resistance(変則)/Alcoholic Resistance:At 2nd level, a mixologist’s bonus on saving throws against poison also applies on saving throws to become less drunk and to avoid passing out. This doesn’t allow a mixologist to become immune to alcohol.

This alters poison resistance.

Mixologist Master(超常)Mixologist Master:At 14th level, a mixologist can have up to two alcoholic extracts for each level of extracts he can prepare as long as he can prepare at least two extracts of that level.

This replaces persistent mutagen.

Mnemostiller Mnemostiller

出典 Distant Realms 52ページ

Mnemostillers extract memories, storing them as a thick vapor called mnemos. They can return memories as easily as administering a potion, and experienced mnemostillers create a variety of effects through the careful administration of past traumas or victories.

Mental Ambix/Mental Ambix:A mnemostiller’s alchemy relies on force of personality, using his own mind as an alchemy lab to draw and purify the mnemos collected from others. A mnemostiller uses his Charisma score in place of his Intelligence score for the purpose of extracts and bonus extracts. A mnemostiller still uses his Intelligence score to learn new formulae.

The mnemostiller can cast detect thoughts as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier(minimum 1).

This alters alchemy and replaces throw anything.

Rasugen(超常)/Rasugen:A mnemostiller learns to brew a unique type of mutagen, called a rasugen, that suppresses his mind to enter a state of sublime purity. In this state, a mnemostiller becomes incredibly resilient, but cannot perform complex skills. Once imbibed, a rasugen grants a +2 alchemical bonus on all saving throws and 2 temporary hit points per alchemist level for 10 minutes per alchemist level. In addition, while the rasugen is in effect, a mnemostiller takes a –2 penalty to his Intelligence score and can’t attempt checks using Appraise, Craft, Disable Device, Heal, Knowledge(any), Profession, Sleight of Hand, or Spellcraft. This acts in all other ways like a mutagen.

This replaces mutagen. A mnemostiller can never gain the mutagen, cognatogen, or inspiring cognatogen ability, even from a discovery or another class.

Anguish Bomb(超常)/Anguish Bomb:A mnemostiller crafts his bombs from mnemos of pain and discomfort, inflicting psychic damage. An anguish bomb is identical to a bomb except that it deals nonlethal damage, it deals no damage to inanimate objects and creatures immune to mental effects, and creatures caught in the anguish bomb’s splash can attempt a Will save for half damage. A mnemostiller uses his Charisma score in place of his Intelligence score to determine the bonus damage of his anguish bomb and the save 難易度 of the anguish bomb’s splash damage. He still uses his Intelligence score to determine his number of bombs per day. If the mnemostiller has taken any hit point damage in the past 24 hours, his anguish bombs inflict 1 additional point of nonlethal damage for every 2 alchemist levels he has.

This replaces bombs.

Brewed Memories/Brewed Memories:A mnemostiller can create several unique extracts from the mnemos he pulls from the minds of others. At 2nd level, he adds mindlink, placebo effect, and thought echo to his formula book as 1st-level extracts. At 5th level, he adds aura alteration, detect mindscape, and mindscape door to his formula book as 2nd-level extracts. At 8th level, he adds mindwipe and thoughtsense to his formula book as 3rd-level extracts; the range for a mindwipe extract becomes creature touched, and it can be applied only to a helpless or willing creature.

This replaces poison resistance.

Natural Empath(変則)/Natural EmpathA mnemostiller’s studies naturally focus on others. He gains infusion as a bonus discovery at 2nd level.

This replaces poison use.

Mind-Delver(超常)/Mind-Delver:At 10th level, a mnemostiller can use mind probe as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to his Charisma modifier(minimum 1).


First developed to help heal souls who had experienced undeath for a time, the art of mnemostil involves a practitioner carefully extracting or returning memories as an oily vapor—mnemos—which allows tortured souls to confront their past horrors one at a time while finding closure. In a city largely dedicated to waiting out eternity and cultivating absent passion, however, there are abundant souls eager to feel anything, good or bad. Black-market mnemostillers pay handsomely to extract memories from remarkable souls, even traveling to other planes to build up their stock before returning to Spire’s Edge to sell their wares. While there is some crossover with information brokers, mnemostillers typically sell experiences and emotions rather than secrets. Petitioners searching for purpose buy what memories they can to try and shape themselves toward one Outer Plane destination or another, often trading in their genuine memories as payment, until little of the original individual remains. Some criminal syndicates target visiting souls and outsiders to extract their memories by force.

Mnemostil has also created a unique faith in Spire’s Edge:amnesia cults. Many petitioners succumb to the expectation that they grow—that who they were in life is somehow not enough—and so render themselves into temporary or permanent blank slates to dwell in inert bliss. Others cannot reconcile their own actions and so wipe themselves clean to live in ignorance.

Pruning the development of the soul is anathema to the purpose of Spire’s Edge, and the city’s psychopomps aggressively hunt both mnemostillers and amnesia cultists, with punishment for the crime invariably being exile into the Astral Plane.

Oenopion Researcher Oenopion Researcher

出典 Inner Sea Magic 37ページ

Nex is known for its advanced magical lore, and the alchemists of Oenopion are incredibly skilled at making potions, elixirs, and other materials crucial to the country’s economy and its monster-creating fleshforges. A Oenopion researcher has the following class features.

Discoveries:The following discoveries complement the Oenopion researcher archetype:acid bomb, bottled ooze, feral mutagen, infuse mutagen, infusion, sunlight bomb.

Experimental Mutagen(超常)/Experimental Mutagen:At 2nd level, an Oenopion researcher learns how to create an experimental mutagen that benefits others, though not as well as his normal mutagen. The experimental mutagen works just like a standard mutagen, except the natural armor bonus and the alchemical bonus to the ability score are half normal(+1 natural armor bonus and +2 to one ability score). The experimental mutagen has no risk of nauseating a creature who drinks it. The researcher decides when he creates the mutagen if it is a standard mutagen(which gives no benefit if another creature drinks it) or an experimental mutagen(which does); there is no difference in the cost, time to create, or any other aspect of the mutagen. If the researcher has discoveries or other abilities that alter or increase the benefits of the mutagen, these apply to the experimental mutagen(though the drinker only gets half the numerical bonus of the mutagen). This ability replaces poison use.

Acid Resistance(変則)Acid Resistance:At 3rd level, an Oenopion researcher gains acid resistance 5. This ability replaces swift alchemy.

Oozemaster Oozemaster

出典 Monster Hunter's Handbook 17ページ

The oozemaster is a specialized alchemist who fights and ensnares oozes. An oozemaster carefully studies the characteristics of the oozes he hunts to help him create new and more effective mutagens and bombs.

クラス技能An oozemaster gains Knowledge(dungeoneering) as a class skill but does not gain Knowledge(nature) as a class skill.

Ooze Bomb(超常)/Ooze Bomb:An oozemaster’s bombs deal acid damage instead of fire damage, and they deal damage only on a direct hit; they do not splash. A creature damaged by an ooze bomb takes additional acid damage equal to the oozemaster’s Intelligence modifier at the start of the oozemaster’s next turn. A creature can take this delayed damage only once per round; additional hits extend the duration of the ongoing damage by 1 round each.

An oozemaster cannot select discoveries that change the type of damage dealt by his bombs, nor those that affect the bomb’s splash radius.

This ability otherwise functions as and replaces the bomb class feature.

Ooze Toxin(変則)/Ooze Toxin:An oozemaster can extract deadly toxins from the bodies of slain oozes and use them against his foes, making him a deadly opponent with unpredictable stratagems. As a full-round action while adjacent to an ooze that died within the past 10 minutes, an oozemaster can attempt a Craft(alchemy) check with a 難易度 equal to 10 + the ooze’s Challenge Rating to create a toxin. If successful, the oozemaster can extract a number of doses of toxin from an ooze equal to half its Constitution modifier(minimum 1). These toxins remain potent for 1 hour before becoming inert.

The oozemaster can throw an ooze toxin as a ranged touch attack with a range increment of 10 feet, or he can apply the toxin to a weapon as if it were an injury poison. The toxin deals 1d6 points of acid damage plus an additional 1d6 points of acid damage per 3 Hit Dice the ooze had. If the ooze had any additional effects conveyed by its slam attack other than grab(such as a gelatinous cube’s paralysis ability), the oozemaster can also apply these qualities to this attack. The save 難易度 for additional abilities produced by this attack is 10 + half the alchemist’s level + the alchemist’s Intelligence modifier.

This ability replaces Brew Potion, though an oozemaster can still select Brew Potion without meeting the feat’s prerequisites.

Ooze Resistance/Ooze Resistance:At 2nd level, an oozemaster becomes especially resistant to the abilities of his chosen foes. He gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against the extraordinary and supernatural abilities of oozes. This bonus increases by +1 at 5th level and every 3 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +8 at 20th level.

This replaces poison resistance and poison immunity.

Discoveries:The following discoveries complement the oozemaster archetype:bottled ooze, ooze blight, and splitting mutagen.

Perfumer Perfumer

出典 Wilderness Origins 17ページ

While most alchemists focus on the flash of loud explosions, full-bodied potions, and dramatically transformative mutagens, others prefer subtlety and elegance. A perfumer alchemist refines extracts to their most pure and rarefied forms to spread on the wind, and would rather share a head-turning aroma at a social than drink a bone-twisting mutagen before a brawl.

Atomized Extracts(超常)/Atomized Extracts:A perfumer’s extracts are stored in atomizers, rather than bottles or vials, allowing him to spray them at himself or an adjacent ally. The target is considered the imbiber, as if she had drunk an extract prepared with the infusion discovery. As the contents of an atomizer are inhaled, the target must be able to breathe. Atomized extracts are considered extracts for purposes of other abilities, and become inert when not in the alchemist’s possession.

This alters extracts and replaces brew potion.

Effervescent Bombs(超常)/Effervescent Bombs:Rather than deal direct damage, a perfumer’s bombs create an effervescent puddle in a 5-foot radius for a number of rounds equal to the alchemist’s intelligence bonus(minimum 1). Each creature within this area takes 1d4 points of fire damage immediately and again each round it remains within or enters the puddle. A creature caught in the puddle when it is first created can attempt a Reflex save(難易度 = 10 + half the perfumer’s level + the perfumer’s Intelligence modifier) for half damage. The effervescent bombs’ damage increases by 1d4 at 3rd level and every odd level thereafter. Effervescent bombs otherwise functions as bombs, and discoveries that apply to bombs apply to effervescent bombs.

This alters bomb.

Pheromones(超常)/Pheromones:A perfumer can spend 1 hour to distill a special mixture of exotic pheromones and alchemical reagents and store it in an atomizer. The mixture remains potent until used or until the perfumer distills another pheromone mixture, at which point the first becomes inert and the duration of its effects immediately end. Spraying this mixture on a willing creature as a standard action grants the target a +4 alchemical bonus to Charisma and a –2 penalty to Constitution for 10 minutes per alchemist level. Additionally, the target creature gains a +2 alchemical bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks.

This replaces mutagen. A perfumer can never gain the mutagen, cognatogen, or inspired cognatogen ability, even from a discovery or another class.

Persistent Pheromones/Persistent Pheromones:At 14th level, the alchemist gains the ability to distill extremely potent pheromones. His pheromone atomizers can be sprayed on up to four different targets before becoming fully used. This allows a perfumer to affect multiple targets with a single atomizer.

This replaces persistent mutagen.

Royal Alchemist Royal Alchemist

出典 Heroes of the High Court 11ページ

Paranoia runs rampant among the noble courts of the Inner Sea. On account of this distrust, many rulers often hire specialized alchemists capable of concocting protections from both poisons and diseases for the nobles and their guests. The royal alchemist tradition began in the nation of Rahadoum shortly after the Oath Wars as a replacement for the protection once offered by the clerics and priests of the region. Today, royal alchemists are found in the courts of Cheliax, Galt, Taldor, and, surprisingly, Geb, where living visitors to the Blood Lords are offered protection from the death around them.

クラス技能A royal alchemist adds Diplomacy and Knowledge(nobility) to his list of class skills instead of Knowledge(nature) and Survival.

This alters the alchemist’s class skills.

Alchemical Antidote/Alchemical Antidote:At 2nd level, a royal alchemist can blend special mixes of antitoxin, medicine, and other remedies into alchemical antidotes that can be imbibed by anyone. The royal alchemist creates his alchemical antidotes when he prepares his extracts for the day; they remain potent for 1 day before losing their properties, and the cost of the materials used to make them is insignificant. An alchemical antidote does not qualify as an extract or an infusion for the purpose of feats or discoveries.

The royal alchemist has a pool of points equal to 1/2 his alchemist level + his Intelligence bonus that he can divide among any number of alchemical antidotes, though the maximum number of points he can spend on a single antidote is equal to 1/2 his alchemist level(minimum 1). Each point grants the imbiber of the alchemical antidote a +1 alchemical bonus on saving throws against poison for a number of hours equal to the royal alchemist’s Intelligence bonus(minimum 1).

The royal alchemist can also create an antidote that protects against diseases. For every 2 points the royal alchemist spends from his pool, the imbiber of the alchemical antidote gains a +1 alchemical bonus on saving throws against disease for 24 hours. The royal alchemist can expend 10 points from his pool to provide immunity to diseases or poisons(decided by him at the time of the antidote’s creation); this immunity lasts for a number of minutes equal to the royal alchemist’s Intelligence bonus(minimum 1) after the antidote is imbibed. An alchemical remedy can protect against either diseases or poisons, but not both.

At 6th level, the royal alchemist can alter the distribution of the bonuses of any unused alchemical antidotes as a full-round action, either combining them or splitting the bonuses further. The royal alchemist must be holding all unused alchemical antidotes he wishes to alter in this way.

This ability replaces the alchemist’s poison use and swift poisoning.

Sacrament Alchemist Sacrament Alchemist

出典 Healer's Handbook 11ページ

Sacrament alchemists serve in a great variety of priestly roles for their deities. A sacrament alchemist is often invaluable even to like-minded allies who are not adherents of the alchemist’s religion but who nonetheless rely on his divine abilities.

Faithful:Like a cleric, a sacrament alchemist must worship a deity, and must be within one step of his deity’s alignment.

Sacramental Cognatogen(超常)/Sacramental Cognatogen:A sacrament alchemist can anoint himself as his deity’s servant using his own special version of a mutagen called a sacramental cognatogen. This is brewed, imbibed, maintained, and can nauseate non-alchemists in the same way as a mutagen. While a sacramental cognatogen is in effect, the sacrament alchemist takes a –2 penalty to Dexterity.

Instead of providing physical benefits, the sacramental cognatogen grants the sacrament alchemist access to the domain powers of one domain or subdomain belonging to his deity as if he were a cleric of his alchemist level. The sacrament alchemist must choose the domain or subdomain when he brews the sacramental cognatogen. A sacrament alchemist can select an alignment domain only if his alignment matches that domain. He treats his alchemist level as his cleric level for purposes of using these domain powers, and treats his Intelligence modifier as his Wisdom modifier for purposes of variable effects. The effects of the sacramental cognatogen last for 10 minutes per alchemist level.

A sacrament alchemist doesn’t gain the bonus spells listed for each domain, nor does he gain any bonus spell slots. Levels of classes that normally provide access to domains stack with the sacrament alchemist’s alchemist level for purposes of determining domain powers and abilities, but not for purposes of determining bonus spells. Discoveries, feats, and effects that interact with the mutagen class feature do not affect sacramental cognatogen. A sacrament alchemist cannot take the cognatogen or mutagen discoveries.

This ability replaces mutagen.

Divinely Inspired Alchemy(超常)/Divinely Inspired Alchemy:At 3rd level, a sacrament alchemist’s faith inspires him with ideas for novel alchemical achievements, although the mental strain means that he can’t reliably repeat them. Once per day while preparing extracts, for a period of 24 hours, a sacrament alchemist can gain an alchemist discovery for which he qualifies. He treats his alchemist level as 2 lower for the purpose of this discovery.

This ability replaces swift alchemy.

Discoveries:The following discoveries complement the sacrament alchemist archetype:combine extracts, dilution, infusion, and ranged baptism.

Tinkerer Tinkerer

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 46ページ
Source Inner Sea Intrigue pg. 46

Tinkerers constantly dabble in clockworking, creating special familiars that they regularly upgrade and with which they form bizarre bonds. Many worship Brigh and can be found throughout Golarion, especially in dwarven and gnome communities.

Clockwork Bond(変則)/Clockwork Bond:At 1st level, a tinkerer forms a bond with one of her creations, and begins play with it at no cost. This functions as the familiar option of the wizard’s arcane bond class feature, with the tinkerer’s effective wizard level equal to her alchemist level. If a tinkerer would gain a familiar through another class, those levels stack for purposes of determining the familiar’s abilities.

A tinkerer’s familiar can take any shape the tinkerer wishes, but its statistics and abilities are identical to a clockwork spy with the normal adjustments and abilities for a familiar applied, and it is a construct with the clockwork subtype. At 3rd level, if the tinkerer has the infusion discovery, a clockwork spy familiar can deliver the tinkerer’s extracts with a range of touch for her. At 7th level, a clockwork spy can communicate with constructs with the clockwork subtype. Unlike most familiars, a clockwork spy does not grant special abilities to its master.

With 1 minute of work and a successful 難易度 15 Heal check, a tinkerer can restore 1d4 hit points to her clockwork spy familiar. At 4th level, a tinkerer can restore 1d6 hit points to her familiar in this same way. This amount increases to an additional 1d6 hit points every 4 levels thereafter(2d6 at 8th level, 3d6 at 12th level, 4d6 at 16th level, and 5d6 at 20th level).

This ability replaces mutagen. A tinkerer cannot choose the cognatogen or mutagen discoveries.

Tinkering(変則)/Tinkering:At 2nd level, a tinkerer can spend 1 hour working on her clockwork spy familiar to enhance it with one of the options from the following list. At 5th level, the tinkerer can choose a second option from the list. The same option cannot be chosen twice.

Clockwork Familiar(変則)/Clockwork Familiar:At 6th level, the tinkerer turns her familiar into a clockwork familiar that takes any form she wishes. She must choose which type of item is installed in the clockwork familiar. She gains the clockwork familiar at no cost, as if she were a 7th-level spellcaster with the Improved Familiar feat.

This ability replaces swift poisoning.

Greater Tinkering(変則)/Greater Tinkering:At 8th level, a tinkerer can spend 1 hour working on her familiar to enhance it with one of the options from the following list. A tinkerer can change the enhancement applied to her familiar, but doing so takes 1 hour.

Clockwork Upgrade(変則)/Clockwork Upgrade:At 10th level, a tinkerer has learned how to change the type of magic item her clockwork familiar can carry. This requires 1 hour of uninterrupted work. A tinkerer can change the type of item her clockwork familiar carries only once every 24 hours. Additionally, a tinkerer can remove a spent item and install a new one as a move action.

This ability replaces poison immunity.

Clockwork Mimicries(変則)/Clockwork Mimicries:At 14th level, a tinkerer can use her mechanical mastery to create clockwork mimicries of powerful magic items. Doing so takes 1 hour of uninterrupted work, and allows the tinkerer to create a wondrous item that functions for a number of hours per day equal to her alchemist level. When creating such a clockwork item, the tinkerer must use materials worth an amount equal to the wondrous item’s construction cost. She need not meet any of the item’s other creation requirements. A tinkerer cannot create a mimicry of a consumable wondrous item or a wondrous item with finite charges, and she can have only one mimicry at a time. The clockwork item never functions as a wondrous item for any other creature.

The tinkerer can spend 1 hour disassembling a clockwork mimicry and reassembling it into a mimicry of a different wondrous item. When she disassembles a clockwork mimicry, she can salvage parts worth half of the mimicry’s creation cost. She still must pay the full creation cost for the new mimicry. This resets the duration the mimicry functions per day.

This replaces persistent mutagen.

Discoveries:The following discoveries complement the tinkerer archetype combine extract, dilution, elixir of life, enhance potion, eternal potion, extend potion, infusion, and promethean disciple.

Toxicant Toxicant

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 7ページ

In lands such as Daggermark and Katapesh where poisons are legal and may be openly studied and sold, some alchemists obsess over the myriad ways that poisons and venoms can be applied and delivered. Known as toxicants, these deadly artists induce the production of deadly secretions within their own bodies in order to better inflict crippling conditions upon their foes.

Toxic Secretion(変則)Toxic Secretion:At 1st level, a toxicant has learned to mimic creatures with the ability to secrete harmful toxins through the skin. Once per day, in a process that takes 10 minutes, the toxicant can create and imbibe a tincture that causes her skin to secrete a mild toxin. The toxicant is immune to this secretion, but any creature that hits her with a natural attack or unarmed strike must succeed at a Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the toxicant’s alchemist level + the toxicant’s Intelligence modifier). On a failed save, the target takes an amount of damage equal to the toxicant’s Intelligence modifier. At 4th level, a target that fails its save must succeed at a second save 1 round later or take the same amount of damage again. This effect repeats as long as the target continues to fail its saving throws, to a maximum number of rounds equal to 1 + 1 for every 4 alchemist levels the toxicant possesses(to a maximum of 6 rounds at 20th level). This is a poison effect(Ultimate Magic 138). The toxicant can suppress this secretion as a standard action, in which case it remains suppressed for 1 hour or until the toxicant reactivates it as a standard action.

At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, the toxicant can choose a condition to have her toxin impose. Once this choice is made, it can’t be changed. A creature that fails its save against the toxic secretion also gains these conditions until it succeeds at a save against the secretion, or until the toxin’s duration ends. At higher alchemist levels, the toxicant gains access to stronger conditions; some replace lower-level conditions, which must be selected first. The following conditions are available at the given alchemist levels:3rd—bleed(1d6), dazzled, fatigued, or sickened; 6th—dazed or shaken; 9th—blinded(replaces dazzled) or staggered(replaces dazed); 12th—exhausted(replaces fatigued); 18th—stunned(replaces exhausted and staggered).

As a swift action, the toxicant can collect and concentrate this secretion into a poison she can deliver as a touch attack or apply to a weapon. Targets of such attacks must attempt saving throws as if they had touched the toxicant’s toxic secretion. The toxicant can do this a number of times per day equal to her alchemist level + her Intelligence modifier.

This ability replaces mutagen.

Toxic Digestion(変則)Toxic Digestion:At 14th level, a toxicant can drink a poison as a standard action and suspend it within her own body. She is not affected by the poison, and doesn’t need to attempt saving throws against it. When the toxicant next uses her toxic secretion on a creature that attacks her with a natural or unarmed attack, she can expose the attacker to the digested poison(with that poison’s normal duration, effects, and save 難易度) rather than her normal toxic secretion, even if the digested poison isn’t normally a contact poison. The alchemist can maintain only a single digested poison at a time. If she digests a new poison, any older digested poison is lost. This ability replaces persistent mutagen.

Trap Breaker Trap Breaker

出典 Dungeoneer's Handbook 23ページ

Trap breakers forgo the study of poison to instead master the construction and deployment of traps, using their nimble fingers to disable dangerous devices and their alchemical knowledge to create devastating land mines.

Trapfinding(変則)/Trapfinding:Starting at 2nd level, a trap breaker adds 1/2 his alchemist level on Perception checks made to locate traps and on Disable Device checks. A trap breaker can use Disable Device to disarm magic traps. This ability replaces poison use and poison resistance +2.

Explosive Disarm(変則)/Explosive Disarm:At 5th level, a trap breaker can attempt to disarm a mechanical trap by detonating it rather than disarming it with a Disable Device check. As a fullround action, a trap breaker may expend one of his bombs to make a ranged touch attack against a trap, using the trap’s Disable Device 難易度 as its アーマー・クラス. If the attack misses, the bomb’s splash damage activates the trap. If the attack hits, the bomb deactivates the trap without setting it off. The trap breaker must both know the location of the trap and be able to reach the trap’s trigger with a ranged touch attack in order to use this ability. At 8th level, a trap breaker can disarm magic traps with this ability. This ability replaces poison resistance +4 and poison resistance +6.

Land Mine(変則)/Land Mine:At 6th level, a trap breaker can turn his bombs into land mines. Setting a land mine is a fullround action that provokes attacks of opportunity. The land mine fills a single 5-foot square, and can’t be placed in the same space as another trap, land mine, or magic trap. The trap breaker can arm the land mine with any bomb he is eligible to use, and the effects of this bomb are immediately transferred to the land mine. Creating a land mine uses up two of the alchemist’s bombs per day. The DCs for Perception checks to notice the land mine, Disable Device checks to disable it, and saving throws to avoid its effects are equal to 10 + 1/2 the alchemist’s level + his Intelligence modifier. All alchemist land mines are mechanical traps with the qualities Trigger:location and Reset:none. Land mines last for 1 day per alchemist level or until they are triggered, whichever comes first. This ability replaces swift poisoning.

Mine Engineering(変則)/Mine Engineering:At 10th level, a trap breaker’s expertise in improving explosives allows him to create land mines with minimal expense. Creating a land mine uses up only one of the alchemist’s bombs per day. This ability replaces poison immunity.

Wasteland Blightbreaker Wasteland Blightbreaker

出典 Healer's Handbook 10ページ

The deleterious effects of the weird hazards of the Mana Wastes require special skill to remedy. Many wasteland blightbreakers are also chirurgeons.

Healing Infusion(擬呪超常)/Healing Infusion:At 2nd level, the blightbreaker can prepare extracts of the healing subschool as if he had the infusion discovery and can choose to render any such extracts inert and prepare other extracts to replace them(unlike infusions, which continue to occupy the alchemist’s daily extract slots until consumed or used). If the blightbreaker has the infusion discovery, or if he is also a chirurgeon, he can use touch injection as a spell-like ability once per day as a standard action, but only to absorb an infusion of the healing subschool.

This ability replaces poison resistance +2.

Swift Healing Infusions(擬呪)/Swift Healing Infusions:At 6th level, the blightbreaker can absorb an infusion of the healing subschool as if with touch injection as a standard action an unlimited number of times per day. While he has a healing extract absorbed in this fashion, he can deliver it as a swift action.

This ability replaces swift poisoning.

Banish Blights(超常)/Banish Blights:At 8th level, a blightbreaker can end any effect affecting a creature that could be reversed by break enchantment. To do so, the affected creature must imbibe one of the blightbreaker’s infused extracts of the healing subschool of at least 3rd level. The blightbreaker must then attempt a caster level check as described in break enchantment. If the blightbreaker succeeds at the check, the creature is free of the spell, curse, or effect. The blightbreaker can also use this ability to attempt to dispel primal magic events(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Inner Sea Magic 12–13) affecting a creature or an area. To do so, the affected creature must imbibe an infused extract as described above, and the blightbreaker must attempt a caster level check against a 難易度 equal to 11 + the primal magic event’s 脅威度. If he succeeds at the check, the primal magic event ends as if the blightbreaker had successfully used dispel magic. If the blightbreaker attempts to dispel a primal magic event affecting an area, as a standard action, he must dump an infused extract of the healing subschool of at least 3rd level onto an affected square. He then must attempt a caster level check against a 難易度 equal to 11 + the primal magic event’s 脅威度. If he succeeds at the check, the primal magic event ends as if the blightbreaker had successfully used dispel magic.

This ability replaces poison resistance +6 and the discovery gained at 8th level.

Discoveries:The following discoveries complement the wasteland blightbreaker archetype:dispelling bomb, elixir of life, healing bomb, healing touch, infusion, spontaneous healing.

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