



出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 27ページ

オーラ 微弱・変成術 術者レベル 5

市価 +1,000 GP; 重量



必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》シュリンク・アイテムコスト +500 GP



出典 Pathfinder #100:A Song of Silver 21ページ、Pathfinder Society Field Guide 50ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 7

市価 +1ボーナス重量



必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》キャッツ・グレイスコスト



出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 24ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 7

市価 +1ボーナス重量

1日3回、ヴィウェルダリング・ウェポンの使用者がこの武器での攻撃に成功すると、武器通常ダメージを与えることに加えて、使用者は1d6ラウンドの間その敵にconfusedを与えることができる。目標はこの効果を終了するために、各ラウンド難易度 17の意志セーヴィング・スローを試みることができる。


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》コンフュージョンコスト



出典 Dungeoneer's Handbook 28ページ

オーラ 微弱・力術 術者レベル 5

市価 +1ボーナス重量



必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》ブレイクまたはシャターコスト



出典 Champions of Purity 30ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 7

市価 +1ボーナス重量



必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》ステイビライズコスト


Dazzling Radiance/眩い閃

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 24ページ

オーラ 中程度・幻術 術者レベル 7

市価 +1ボーナス重量

この武器の特殊能力は、近接武器にのみ付与できる。ダズリング・レイディアンス・ウェポンを用いるキャラクターが《威圧演舞》を使用すると、武器は明るい色の輝きで点滅する。その点滅を見ることができる使用者から15フィート以内にいる全てのクリーチャー難易度 17の頑健セーヴを試みなければならない。失敗したクリーチャーは2ラウンドの間盲目状態となり、さらに追加の1d4ラウンドの間目が眩んだ状態となる; 成功した場合は変わりに1d4ラウンドの間目が眩んだ状態となる。


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》カラー・スプレーコスト



出典 Spymaster's Handbook 30ページ

オーラ 中程度・死霊術 術者レベル 7

市価 +1ボーナス重量


使用者が妨げの傷クラス(Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained 22ページ)を持っている場合、この特殊能力当惑または狼狽によって適用させるペナルティを1増加させる。


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》ビストウ・カース作成者は〈治療〉に5ランクを持っていなければならない; コスト



出典 Pathfinder Society Primer 14ページ

オーラ 中程度・幻術 術者レベル 9

市価 +1ボーナス重量



必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、dazzling bladeRGコスト

ドラウスカージ Drowscourge


出典 Faction Guide 59ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 8

市価 +1ボーナス重量

Lantern Bearersによって発明されたこの強化は、少なくとも+1のボーナス魔法の武器に付与することができる。ドライダードラウの副種別を持つクリーチャーに対して、武器の特殊能力はさらに+1増える。所持者は1日1回ドラウを検知し(ディテクト・アニマルズ・オア・プランツなどのように)、1日1回暗視を得ることができる(呪文として)。


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》ダークヴィジョンディテクト・イーヴルサモン・モンスターIコスト ——



出典 Pathfinder Society Field Guide 50ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 7

市価 +1ボーナス重量

A dueling weapon bears magical enhancements that makes it particularly effective at performing certain combat maneuvers. When a dueling weapon is used to perform a combat maneuver that utilizes the weapon only(see below), it grants a luck bonus equal to twice its enhancement bonus on the 戦技ボーナス check made to carry out the maneuver. The dueling weapon also grants this same luck bonus to the wielder’s 戦技防御値 score against these types of combat maneuvers. These combat maneuvers include disarm and trip maneuvers, but not bull rush, grapple, or overrun maneuvers. If you’re using the additional combat maneuvers in the Advanced Player’s Guide, this also includes any dirty trick maneuvers that utilize the weapon, as well as reposition combat maneuvers, but not drag or steal combat maneuvers. Note that this luck bonus stacks with the weapon’s enhancement bonus, which in and of itself adds to 戦技ボーナス checks normally.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》キャッツ・グレイスコスト



出典 Quests and Campaigns 30ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 8

市価 +1ボーナス重量

ファーヴェント・ウェポンは特定の神格または一連の神格信仰で鼓動している。使用者が1柱または複数の神格信奉者である場合、いくつかの利益を得る。まず、他の宗教のメンバーから武器を隠すための〈はったり〉〈変装〉〈手先の早業〉判定に+4の洞察ボーナスを得る。異なる宗教立ちすくみ状態目標に対する攻撃が命中した場合、目標難易度 13の意志セーヴに成功するか、1分間の間怯え状態とならなければならない。最後に、使用者は他の宗教のメンバーに対するクリティカル・ヒットを確定させるためのロールに+2のボーナスを得る。



必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》アライン・ウェポンコスト



出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 26ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 6

市価 +1ボーナス重量



必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》エンラージ・パースンコスト



出典 Pathfinder #10:A History of Ashes 22ページ

オーラ 中程度・力術 術者レベル 7

市価 +1ボーナス重量

A weapon with the guided property allows its wielder to use his instinct when striking blows with it. Attacks from a guided weapon generally don’t strike hard, but they strike at precisely the right moment to maximize damage if in the hands of a particularly wise wielder. A character who attacks with a guided weapon modifies his attack rolls and weapon damage rolls with his Wisdom modifier, not his Strength modifier. This modifier to damage is not adjusted for two-handed weapons or off-hand weapons—it always remains equal to the wielder’s Wisdom modifier. A guided weapon may be wielded as a normal weapon, using Strength to modify attack and damage rolls, but this goes against the weapon’s nature and imparts a –2 penalty on all attack rolls made in this manner.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》スピリチュアル・ウェポンコスト



出典 Agents of Evil 26ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 5

市価 +1ボーナス重量

Injecting weapons feature bulbous pommels and small grooves along their blades, allowing them to store and deliver poison. An injecting weapon can hold up to 3 doses of injury poison. As a swift action, the wielder of an injecting weapon can coat the weapon with 1 dose of one of the inserted poisons. Only bladed weapons can be made into injecting weapons. Adding a dose of poison to the reservoir is a full-round action.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、delay poison; コスト



出典 Quests and Campaigns 30ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 8

市価 +1ボーナス重量

A kinslayer weapon is enhanced with enmity against all those born into the wielder’s familial line. Against creatures related to the wielder, this weapon’s enhancement bonus is +2 better than its actual bonus. It also deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against such creatures. This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、detect relations; コスト



出典 Weapon Master's Handbook 30ページ

オーラ 微弱・変成術 術者レベル 6

市価 +1ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed only on melee weapons. The wielder of a leveraging weapon gains a bonus equal to the weapon’s enhancement bonus to her Combat Maneuver Defense against bull rush, dragAPG, repositionAPG, and trip combat maneuvers. The leveraging weapon’s enhancement bonus is doubled when applied to combat maneuver checks to attempt bull rush, drag, reposition, and trip combat maneuvers.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、enlarge person; コスト



出典 Agents of Evil 26ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 8

市価 +1ボーナス重量

A miserable weapon cuts through the energy resistance of certain foes. Miserable weapons must be crafted with a designated creature type(just like bane weapons), and each time they deal damage to their designated foes, their magic halves the creatures’ natural energy resistances for 1 round.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、summon monster Iコスト



出典 Quests and Campaigns 30ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 10

市価 +1ボーナス重量

A patriotic weapon radiates with the collective power and strength of a particular nation of people. If the wielder is a member of that nationality, he gains several benefits. First, the wielder gains a +4 insight bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and Sleight of Hand checks to conceal the weapon from members of other nationalities. On a successful hit against a flat-footed target of a different nationality, the target must succeed at 難易度 13 Will save or be shaken for 1 minute. Finally, the wielder receives a +2 bonus to confirm critical hits against members of other nationalities.

The nationality affected must be determined at the patriotic weapon’s creation and cannot be altered. At the GM’s discretion, the nationality named may be a specified human ethnicity, such as Chelaxian or Shoanti.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、summon monster Iコスト



出典 Taldor, Echoes of Glory 27ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 5

市価 +1ボーナス重量

This ability can only be placed on a melee weapon. A weapon with the pitfall quality gives you a heightened danger sense. When holding a pitfall weapon, apply the weapon’s enhancement bonus to your initiative checks, Reflex saves made to avoid traps, and アーマー・クラス against attacks made by traps. For example, a +5 pitfall longsword gives you a +5 bonus to initiative, +5 to Reflex saves made to avoid traps, and a +5 bonus to アーマー・クラス against attacks made by traps. Wielding two weapons with the pitfall weapon quality only grants the bonuses from the better weapon.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、Improved Initiative、キャッツ・グレイスコスト



出典 Magical Marketplace 15ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 7

市価 +1ボーナス重量

A weapon with the rusting special ability is so badly tarnished that no amount of cleaning can restore it. Although the weapon constantly sheds flecks of rust and corroded metal, it remains structurally sound. When the wielder confirms a critical hit with a rusting weapon, she can forgo any extra damage to instead deal normal damage to the target and affect the target or the target’s armor with the rusting grasp spell. A rusting weapon cannot be used against unattended inanimate objects. A rusting weapon is immune to mundane or magical rust, including the attack of a rust monster.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、rusting grasp; コスト



出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 24ページ

オーラ 微弱・心術 術者レベル 5

市価 +1ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed on only weapons that deal nonlethal damage. A sapping weapon deals an additional 2d6 points of nonlethal damage. When the wielder confirms a critical hit with the weapon, the target becomes fatigued for 5 rounds.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、pain strikeAPG、touch of fatigue; コスト



出典 Advanced Class Origins 28ページ

オーラ 微弱・占術 術者レベル 5

市価 +1ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed only on light or one-handed piercing melee weapons. Weapons with this enhancement are particularly devastating in the hands of a swashbuckler. Anytime the weapon threatens a critical hit, the wielder can spend 1 panache point as an immediate action to automatically confirm the critical hit. When the swashbuckler confirms a critical hit in this fashion, she doesn’t regain panache for confirming the critical hit, though she can regain panache normally if the attack is a killing blow.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、true strike; コスト



出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 27ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 10

市価 +1ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed only on melee bludgeoning weapons. A smashing weapon deals an additional 2d6 points of damage to inanimate objects, including when it is used to sunder armor and weapons.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、 bull's strength; コスト



出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 27ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 8

市価 +1ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed only on reach weapons, piercing melee weapons, and weapons from the flail fighter weapon training group. When a sticky weapon scores a critical hit against a target, instead of rolling to confirm the critical threat, the wielder can deal normal damage and attempt a steal combat maneuver check against the target of the attack. This combat maneuver doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity, and the wielder gains a +2 bonus on the combat maneuver check.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、 Improved Steal、spider climb; コスト

Summon Bane

Summon Bane/)

出典 Monster Summoner's Handbook 21ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 8

市価 +1ボーナス重量

A summon bane weapon excels against summoned creatures, including those summoned by conjuration(summoning) spells(such as summon monster and summon nature’s ally spells), those summoned by conjuration(calling) spells(such as planar ally and planar binding), and eidolons. Against such summoned creatures, the weapon’s enhancement bonus is +2 better than its normal bonus. It also deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against such foes.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、summon monster IV or summon nature's ally IV; コスト



出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 52ページ

オーラ 微弱・変成術 術者レベル 3

市価 +1ボーナス重量

Popular among those who seek to impersonate skilled warriors, a training weapon grants one combat feat to the wielder as long as the weapon is drawn and in hand. The feat is chosen when this special ability is placed on the weapon. That feat cannot be used as a prerequisite for any other feats and functions for the wielder only if she meets its prerequisites. Once chosen, the feat stored in the weapon cannot be changed.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、magic weapon, creator must have the chosen combat feat and its prerequisites; コスト



出典 Aquatic Adventures 63ページ

オーラ 微弱・占術 術者レベル 5

市価 +1ボーナス重量

This ability can be placed only on a melee bludgeoning or slashing weapon. Melee attacks with the weapon don’t take the usual –2 penalty for attacking underwater, and they deal full damage.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、freedom of movement; コスト

Concealed, Lesser

Concealed, Lesser/)

出典 Spymaster's Handbook 30ページ

オーラ 微弱・変成術 術者レベル 5

市価 +3,000 GP; 重量

This special ability can be placed on only light or one-handed melee weapons. A lesser concealed weapon functions as a concealed weapon(above), but can transform into only a mundane object of the same size and general shape of the weapon(determined at the weapon’s creation). A melee weapon cannot have both this special ability and the concealed special ability


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、major creation; コスト 1,500 GP



出典 Spymaster's Handbook 30ページ

オーラ 微弱・変成術 術者レベル 5

市価 +4,000 GP; 重量

A resizing weapon instantly shrinks or grows to suit the size of any creature that picks it up unless it is currently wielded by another creature. It reverts to its original size 1 round after it leaves its wielder’s possession.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、resize item; コスト 2,000 GP



出典 Weapon Master's Handbook 30ページ

オーラ 中程度・防御術 術者レベル 10

市価 +7,000 GP; 重量

As a standard action, the wielder of a liberating weapon can free herself or an adjacent creature from spells and abilities that inhibit movement, such as paralysis, solid fog, slow, and web. The wielder attempts a combat maneuver check while holding the weapon(難易度 = 15 + either the spell’s caster level or the creature’s ヒット・ダイス); success dispels the effect. Only a single attempt can be made against each spell or effect.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、dispel magic, freedom of movement; コスト 3,500 GP



出典 Spymaster's Handbook 30ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 10

市価 +7,500 GP; 重量

This special ability can be placed only on a light or one-handed melee weapon. A concealed weapon alters its shape at its wielder’s command, transforming into a non-weapon object of the wielder’s choice. This object must be a mundane item whose size and shape is similar to that of the concealed weapon or smaller, and it must be sized for a creature of the same size as the weapon’s intended wielder. For example, a Medium short sword can transform into a quill sized for a Medium creature, but it cannot transform into a saw sized for a Small creature. A concealed weapon cannot transform into a consumable item, and if its alternate form is that of a container, any contents stored within the concealed weapon’s alternate form are ejected into the wielder’s space when the weapon transforms back to its original form.

While transformed, a concealed weapon doesn’t register as magical, as per magic aura, though it retains the weight, hit points, and any hardness of its original form. A concealed weapon cannot assume the form of an object made from a special material(such as adamantine) unless it is already made of that material. For instance, a wooden club cannot transform into a mithral frying pan, but a mithral dagger can.

Transforming a concealed weapon into a mundane form requires a standard action, while returning it to its weapon form requires a move action. This transformation lasts until it is changed back into its original form or has been left unattended for 8 hours, whichever comes sooner.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、major creation; コスト 3,750 GP



出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 26ページ

オーラ 中程度・力術 術者レベル 8

市価 +2ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed only on melee slashing weapons. When a culling weapon is used to make an attack using the Cleave or Great Cleave feat, it deals an additional 2d6 points of damage on both the initial attack and any additional attacks granted by Cleave or Great Cleave. The weapon also applies the bonus 2d6 points of damage to successful attacks granted by use of the Cleaving FinishUC and Improved Cleaving FinishUC feats.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、divine favor; コスト



出典 Quests and Campaigns 30ページ

オーラ 中程度・力術 術者レベル 9

市価 +2ボーナス重量

A heretical weapon functions as a fervent weapon, but when wielded against a member of the religion to which it is attuned, the weapon’s enhancement bonus is +2 better than its actual bonus. It also deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against followers of the designated religion. This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、align weapon、weapon of aweAPG、creator must be a member of the attuned religion; コスト



出典 Magical Marketplace 15ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 7

市価 +2ボーナス重量

A legbreaker weapon reduces the base land speed of a struck creature by 10 feet for 1d4 rounds. Multiple hits from a legbreaker weapon do not reduce a creature’s land speed further, but they do extend the duration of the penalty. This speed penalty can be removed with a successful 難易度 15 Heal check. On a critical hit, in addition dealing critical damage and impeding the victim’s speed, the wielder may perform a free trip combat maneuver against the struck creature. This ability can only be placed on bludgeoning melee weapons.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、touch of gracelessnessAPGコスト



出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 52ページ

オーラ 中程度・心術 術者レベル 10

市価 +2ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed only on bludgeoning melee weapons. Whenever the wielder deals critical hit damage or sneak attack damage with an obliviating weapon, the victim loses all memory of the previous 1d6 minutes unless it succeeds at a 難易度 16 Fortitude saving throw. If it fails the saving throw, it becomes flat-footed until the start of its next turn.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、modify memory; コスト



出典 Magical Marketplace 23ページ

オーラ 中程度・力術 術者レベル 9

市価 +2ボーナス重量

This weapon special ability can only be placed on ammunition. A creature struck by a piece of penetrating ammunition must succeed at a 難易度 17 Fortitude save or the ammunition proceeds to travel into another creature in line. The attacker must be able to trace a line starting at her space and passing through both targets to make this additional attack. The second attack is made at a –4 penalty, in addition to any modifiers for added range.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、mirror strikeUC; コスト



出典 Weapon Master's Handbook 30ページ

オーラ 微弱・力術 術者レベル 6

市価 +2ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed only on melee bludgeoning weapons. The wielder of a quaking weapon can strike the ground as a standard action to perform a trip combat maneuver that applies to all foes within a 5-foot-radius spread, a 10-foot cone, or a 20-foot line along the ground. The wielder can trip creatures of any size this way. This trip maneuver attempt provokes attacks of opportunity unless the wielder has some feat or ability that prevents it, and the wielder can never be knocked prone as a result of failing this special trip combat maneuver check.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、greater thunderstompACGコスト



出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 423ページ、Pathfinder #5:Sins of the Saviors 57ページ

オーラ 微弱・2つの系統 術者レベル 13

市価 +2ボーナス重量

During Thassilon’s height, many of the empire’s greatest soldiers, mercenaries, and arcane assassins wielded weapons infused with two allied schools of magic that worked together to grant the wielder additional prowess over practitioners of an opposing school of magic. Weapons steeped in enchantment and illusion magic, for example, held great power over wielders of transmutation. Such weapons were often banned in Thassilon, so wary were the runelords of their propagation, yet all seven kept champions and assassins armed with runeforged weapons targeting their enemies’ weaknesses in secret.

Each runeforged weapon opposes a school of magic. The wielder gains a +2 morale bonus on all saving throws against spells from the weapon’s opposed magic. All runeforged weapons are, to a certain degree, empathic. They enhance sin or virtue in those who wield them, so a fighter armed with a dominant weapon becomes more domineering than before, for example. Anyone wielding a runeforged weapon takes a –2 penalty on all Diplomacy checks, as her vices or virtues are magnified at the expense of personality. No weapon can have more than one runeforged weapon quality at a time, and a creature that carries two runeforged weapons(even those o f the same type) takes a –5 penalty on all attack rolls, Will saving throws, and skill checks, as her mind is constantly assailed by multiple empathic urges.

Each of the seven Thassilonian schools of magic is opposed by a single runeforged weapon quality—each of these being the combination of that school’s opposition schools. The seven correct component combinations and the type of runeforged weapon each combination creates are listed below. Note that the first name for each type of weapon listed is its sinful name— the second is the name a virtuous character can use to refer to the weapon. In any event, a runeforged weapon functions the same, regardless of whether it magnifies a wielder’s sin or virtue.

A wielder who is considered sinful or virtuous(see page 416) with the same type of sin/virtue as a runeforged weapon he wields becomes more aware of danger around him—gaining a +2 insight bonus on Initiative checks and a +1 dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス.

The specific effects of each of the seven types of runeforged weapons are listed below.

Covetous/Charitable(opposes evocation):A union of conjuration and abjuration magic, a covetous weapon functions as a bane weapon against evokers and creatures with the fire subtype. As long as the weapon is wielded, the wielder gains fire resistance 5.

Dominant/Commanding(opposes transmutation:A union of enchantment and illusion magic, a dominant weapon functions as a bane weapon against transmuters and against creatures with the shapechanger subtype. As long as the weapon is carried, it can absorb up to three harmful transmutation effects(such as baleful polymorph or petrification) inflicted on the wielder per day.

Jealous/Trusting(opposes necromancy):A union of abjuration and enchantment magic, a jealous weapon functions as a bane weapon against necromancers and against undead created by necromancy spells(not against self-manifested undead or undead created by the create spawn special ability). As long as the weapon is carried, it can absorb up to 3 negative levels inflicted on the wielder per day.

Miserly/Generous(opposes illusion):A union of transmutation and conjuration magic, a miserly weapon functions as a bane weapon against illusionists and creatures from the Plane of Shadow. The first three times each day that this weapon strikes an illusion, it automatically makes a dispel magic attempt to dispel the illusion.

Parasitic/Symbiotic(opposes enchantment):A union of necromancy and transmutation magic, a parasitic weapon functions as a bane weapon against enchanters and against creatures that are charmed, dominated, or otherwise under another creature’s magic control. The first time each day that this weapon strikes a creature under the effects of an enchantment spell, it automatically makes a dispel magic attempt to dispel the enchantment. If the attempt is successful, it siphons that energy into the wielder, healing her of 6d6 points of damage(hit points in excess of maximum are gained as temporary hit points that last for 1 hour).

Sadistic/Compassionate(opposes abjuration):A union of evocation and necromancy magic, a sadistic weapon functions as a bane weapon against abjurers and any creatures with an active abjuration spell effect. A sadistic weapon shrouds its wielder in an aura of mock magic—when the wielder is subjected to a dispelling effect, that dispelling attempt instead targets only the aura of mock magic. If the aura is dispelled, it replenishes again in 24 hours.

Tyrannical/Liberal(opposes conjuration):A union of illusion and evocation magic, a tyrannical weapon functions as a bane weapon against conjurers and summoned monsters. The first three times each day that the weapon scores a critical hit against a creature with the extraplanar subtype, the weapon casts dismissal at the creature struck.





出典 Weapon Master's Handbook 30ページ

オーラ 中程度・召喚術 術者レベル 10

市価 +2ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed only on melee or thrown weapons. The wielder of a sharding weapon can make a special ranged attack with the weapon in place of any melee attack. To do this, the wielder goes through the motion of throwing the weapon without releasing it. The weapon splits off a duplicate of itself that flies as if thrown by the wielder at the intended target. The duplicate gains a range increment of 10 feet for this purpose, but uses the same proficiency and otherwise functions the same as the original weapon. The duplicate vanishes after hitting or missing its target.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、major creation; コスト



出典 Dungeoneer's Handbook 28ページ

オーラ 中程度・力術 術者レベル 8

市価 +2ボーナス重量

A shattering weapon functions as a breaking weapon that also explodes with a resounding crash upon striking a successful critical hit. In addition to the extra damage from the breaking ability, a shattering weapon deals an extra 1d10 points of damage to objects and crystalline creatures on a successful critical hit. If the weapon’s critical multiplier is ×3, it deals an extra 2d10 points of damage instead, and if the multiplier is ×4, it deals an extra 3d10 points instead. When used against a crystalline creature, this damage stacks with bane and similar weapon special abilities(though the damage from the breaking ability still doesn’t).

Even if the breaking ability is not active, the weapon still deals its extra damage on a successful critical hit. A shattering weapon ignores the hardness of objects with a hardness of 10 or lower.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》ブレイクまたはシャターコスト



出典 Magical Marketplace 25ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 7

市価 +2ボーナス重量

This special ability can only be placed on ranged weapons. Whenever the wielder attempts to make a sneak attack with a sniping weapon, the maximum distance she can be from her target increases to 45 feet. This ability does not stack with other abilities that increase the distance at which a ranged sneak attack may be made.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、longshotUCコスト



出典 Agents of Evil 26ページ

オーラ 中程度・変成術 術者レベル 7

市価 +2ボーナス重量

Weapons with the toxic special ability reinforce the effects of applied poisons. The save 難易度 of a poison applied to the weapon and delivered via an attack increases by 2. In addition, each time such a weapon strikes a target, there is a 25% chance that the poison dose is not expended in the attack and can be used to make an additional attack. A single dose of poison can be preserved by this property only once.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、accelerate poisonAPG、pernicious poisonUM; コスト



出典 Quests and Campaigns 30ページ

オーラ召喚術 術者レベル 12

市価 +2ボーナス重量

A treasonous weapon functions as a patriotic weapon, but when wielded against a member of the nationality to which it is attuned, the weapon’s enhancement bonus is +2 better than its actual bonus. It also deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against members of the designated nationality. This extra damage is not multiplied on a critical hit.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、summon monster I、weapon of aweAPG、creator must be a member of the attuned nationality; コスト

Transformative, Greater

Transformative, Greater/)

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 52ページ

オーラ変成術 術者レベル 15

市価 +15,000GP; 重量

A greater transformative weapon becomes any other weapon the wielder desires when a command word is spoken. The weapon cannot become ammunition, but can freely change between simple, martial, exotic, light, one-handed, twohanded, melee, and ranged. The weapon retains all of its enhancement bonuses and weapon special abilities. However, abilities prohibited by its current shape do not function. For example, a keen greater transformative weapon functions normally in the form of a piercing or slashing weapon, but cannot use the keen special ability when in the shape of a bludgeoning weapon. A double weapon that loses the double quality cannot use the abilities on one of its ends(wielder’s choice), whereas a non-double weapon that gains the double quality applies all its abilities to only one end. When unattended for 1 day, the weapon reverts to its true shape.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、polymorph any object; コスト 7,500GP



出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 24ページ

オーラ変成術 術者レベル 15

市価 +3ボーナス重量

A gory weapon functions as a wounding(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 149) weapon, except it deals 1d2 points of bleed damage when it strikes. Additionally, when the wielder confirms a critical hit with this weapon, he can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize the target as an immediate action with a circumstance bonus equal to his character level.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、bleed, inflict serious wounds; コスト



出典 Champions of Purity 30ページ

オーラ防御術かつ力術術者レベル 12

市価 +3ボーナス重量

A redeemed weapon was once a corrupt unholy weapon. The taint of evil has been purged from it, however, and the weapon is now in all ways a holy weapon, dealing an additional 2d6 points of damage against all creatures of evil alignment. In addition, the wielder gains a sacred bonus on saving throws equal to the weapon’s enhancement bonus against the spells and abilities of evil outsiders and a +5 competence bonus on Knowledge(planes) checks to identify evil outsiders and their special powers or vulnerabilities. When the redeemed weapon special ability is added to an unholy weapon, the weapon loses the unholy property and gains the redeemed property, and the crafter must pay the price of adding a +1 enhancement bonus to the weapon.


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、consecrate, holy smite, creator must be good; コスト

Spell Siphon

Spell Siphon/)

出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 27ページ

オーラ変成術 術者レベル 15

市価 +5ボーナス重量

This special ability can be placed only on melee weapons. A spell siphon weapon allows the wielder to siphon a single combat spell from a target. When the wielder rolls a critical threat against the target, she can forgo confirming the critical hit(dealing normal damage) to instead automatically learn what combat spells are active on the target. For the purposes of this ability, a combat spell is any spell that grants a bonus to Strength, Dexterity, Constitution, movement, or Armor Class, or on attack rolls, damage rolls, or saving throws.

The wielder can then attempt a check to siphon one of the combat spells of her choice. This check uses either the wielder’s caster level or the wielder’s base attack bonus plus the weapon’s enhancement bonus, and is attempted against a 難易度 of 11 + the targeted spell’s caster level. If the wielder succeeds, the target immediately loses access to the spell being siphoned, and the wielder gains the effects of the spell for its remaining duration or 1 minute, whichever is shorter. If the spell siphon weapon has a critical multiplier greater than ×2, the wielder can attempt to siphon one additional combat spell for each additional multiplier beyond 2(two spells for ×3, three for ×4, and so on).


必要条件 《魔法の武器防具作成》、greater arcane sight, limited wish; コスト

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