
秘術の発見 Arcane Discoveries

Alchemical Affinity/Alchemical Affinity --出典:Magical Marketplace 18ページ--:Having studied alongside alchemists, you’ve learned to use their methodologies to enhance your spellcraft. Whenever you cast a spell that appears on both the wizard and alchemist spell lists, you treat your caster level as 1 higher than normal and the save 難易度 of such spells increases by 1. Additionally, you may copy spells from an alchemist’s formula book into your spellbook just as you could with another wizard’s spellbook. You must be at least a 5th-level wizard to select this discovery.

Balanced Summoning/Balanced Summoning --出典:Champions of Balance 20ページ--:You maintain balance by calling on opposing forces when summoning. Whenever you cast a summon monster spell, you can summon two creatures from a single list 1 or more levels lower than the level of the spell. The two creatures must have alignments that are opposite along at least one axis(chaotic and lawful or evil and good). For example, if you cast summon monster III, you could summon a celestial wolf and a fiendish hyena from the 2nd-level list.

Beyond Morality(超常)/Beyond Morality --出典:Champions of Balance 21ページ--:As long as you are neutral, you may choose to be treated as the most favorable alignment when affected by spells whose effects vary based on alignment(such as holy word). If you are neutral in relation to evil and good, you may choose to be treated as good or evil. If you are neutral in relation to chaos and law, you may choose to be treated as lawful or chaotic. You may only choose to be treated as one alignment type along a single axis at a time(for instance, if you were within the area of both a magic circle against evil spell and an unholy blight spell, you would have to choose to be either evil, good, or neutral for the purpose of determining the spells’ effects). You must be at least an 9th-level wizard to select this discovery.

Bonded Mask/Bonded Mask --出典:Pathfinder #80:Empty Graves 26ページ--:Your devotion to the Forgotten Pharaoh enables you to select a mask—typically an Osirian funerary mask—as your bonded item. The mask must be worn to have effect, and occupies the head slot. In addition, the mask shields you from notice. While wearing your bonded mask, efforts to use the Diplomacy skill to gather information about you take a –1 penalty, and you gain a +1 competence bonus on all saving throws against scrying and mind-reading effects that allow saving throws.

Creative Destruction(超常)/Creative Destruction --出典:Champions of Balance 21ページ--:You have learned how to use destructive energy to empower yourself. When you cast an evocation spell that deals damage, you gain a number of temporary hit points equal to the total number of dice used to determine the damage caused by the spell. Temporary hit points gained from this discovery do not stack and disappear after 1 hour.

Defensive Feedback(超常)Defensive Feedback --出典:Champions of Balance 21ページ--:Rather than dissipate damaging energy, you can redirect some of it back to its source. When an abjuration spell you cast prevents damage(with damage reduction or energy resistance), if the attacking creature is within 30 feet of the protected creature, the foe takes 1d6 points of damage for every 10 points of damage prevented.

Faith Magic/Faith Magic --出典:Magic Tactics Toolbox 3ページ--:Select one spell granted by a domain belonging to the god you worship. This spell must be at least 2 levels lower than the highest-level wizard spell you can cast. When you first prepare your spells for the day, you can prepare this spell once, using a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell’s actual level. This is cast as a divine spell.

Idealize(超常)/Idealize --出典:Champions of Balance 21ページ--:In your quest for self-perfection, you have discovered a way to further enhance yourself and others. When a transmutation spell you cast grants an enhancement bonus to an ability score, that bonus increases by 2. At 20th level, the bonus increases by 4. You must be at least a 10th-level wizard to select this discovery.

Infectious Charms/Infectious Charms --出典:Magical Marketplace 18ページ--:Your charms are so smooth that they’re contagious. Anytime you target and successfully affect a single creature with a charm or compulsion spell and that creature is within 30 feet of another opponent, your spell has a chance of affecting the second creature as well. As a swift action immediately after affecting a creature with a charm or compulsion spell, you can cause the spell to carry over to the nearest creature within 30 feet. The spell behaves in all ways as though its new target were the original target of the spell. You must be at least an 11th-level wizard to select this discovery.

Ioun Bond/Ioun Bond --出典:People of the River 9ページ--:You can form an arcane bond with an ioun stone. If you choose this arcane discovery at 1st level, you gain a dull gray ioun stone as a bonded object at no cost. A bonded ioun stone must be orbiting your head to have effect. At 12th level, you can turn a bonded dull gray ioun stone into another kind of ioun stone as if you possessed the Craft Wondrous Item feat; if you die or replace a bonded ioun stone that has been transformed in this way, the stone reverts to a dull gray ioun stone. You must have chosen a bonded object as your arcane bond to select this discovery.

Knowledge Is Power/Knowledge Is Power --出典:People of the River 9ページ--:Your understanding of physical forces gives you power over them. You add your Intelligence modifier on combat maneuver checks and to your 戦技防御値. You also add your Intelligence modifier on Strength checks to break or lift objects.

Observant Illusion(超常)/Observant Illusion --出典:Spymaster's Handbook 23ページ--:You can project your senses into any ongoing figment or shadow illusion you create with a spell of at least 3rd level. You can see through its eyes and hear through its ears as if you were standing where it is, and during your turn you can switch from using its senses to using your own, or back again, as a swift or move action. While you are using its senses, your body is considered blinded and deafened. You must be at least a 9th-level wizard to choose this discovery.

Psychic Preperation/Psychic Preperation --出典:Magic Tactics Toolbox 3ページ--:You have learned a limited way to access psychic magic(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 144). When you first prepare your spells for the day, you can prepare one spell as a psychic spell. This spell must be at least 2 levels lower than the highest-level wizard spell you can cast, and takes a slot 1 level higher than the spell’s actual level. When you cast this spell, it operates as a psychic spell, including using emotional and thought components in place of somatic and verbal components, and only having expensive material components.

Resilient Illusions/Resilient Illusions --出典:Magical Marketplace 18ページ--:You are able to conjure illusions so lifelike that they defy disbelief. Anytime a creature tries to disbelieve one of your illusion effects, make a caster level check. Treat the illusion’s save 難易度 as its normal 難易度 or the result of the caster level check, whichever is higher. You must be at least an 8th-level wizard to select this discovery.

Steward of the Great Beyond/Steward of the Great Beyond --出典:Champions of Purity 27ページ--:Whenever a creature attempts to use a teleportation effect or summon a creature within 30 feet of you, you may attempt to block the effect. Make an opposed caster level check(1d20 + caster level) as an immediate action. If the check succeeds, the spell or effect fails and is wasted; otherwise, it is unaffected. You can use this ability once per day plus one additional time for every 5 wizard levels you possess beyond 10th. You must be at least a 9th-level wizard to select this discovery.

Time Stutter(擬呪)/Time Stutter --出典:People of the River 9ページ--:You can briefly step out of time, pausing the world around you. This ability acts as the time stop spell, except that you gain only 1 round of apparent time. You can use this ability once per day plus one additional time for every 5 wizard levels you possess beyond 10th. You must be at least a 10th-level wizard to select this discovery.

Werewolf Shape/Werewolf Shape --出典:Blood of the Moon 25ページ--:When you cast beast shape IV or shapechange, you can choose to take the shape of a werewolf in addition to the other shapes available. While in werewolf shape, you gain all the effects of the werewolf template instead of the spell’s normal benefits. You act in all respects as a natural lycanthrope for the duration of the spell, including the ability to inflict the curse of lycanthropy using the spell’s save 難易度. You must be at least a 15th-level wizard to select this arcane discovery.

Yuelral's Blessing/Yuelral's Blessing --出典:Champions of Purity 27ページ--:You cast any spells that appear on both the wizard and druid spell lists at +1 caster level and with +1 to the save 難易度. In addition, you may replace the material component of any arcane spell with gems of the same value. You must be at least a 5th-level wizard to select this discovery.

系統 Schools

Cheliax:Egorian Academy Infernal Binder School Cheliax:Egorian Academy Infernal Binder School

出典 Inner Sea Primer 29ページ

The prestigious Egorian Academy of the Magical Arts in Cheliax’s capital city teaches a full spectrum of magic, both specialized and universalist, but the college is best known for its Infernal Binding program in the school of conjuration. An infernal binder learns the Names of Hell, and can use those powers to summon and bind devils to do her bidding. If she makes a single mistake in the binding, she opens herself to an eternity of torment. Egorian Academy wizards are recognized across Avistan as premier practitioners of the arcane arts. Many hold high positions in magical colleges across Golarion, but most seek to return one day to teach at their alma mater in Egorian.

Suggested Opposition Schools:Divination, illusion, or transmutation.


必要条件An infernal binder must choose a familiar as her arcane bond at 1st level.

Associated School:Conjuration.

Replacement Powers:The following school powers replace the acid dart and dimensional steps powers of the conjuration school.

Planar Knowledge(変則)/Planar Knowledge:As an infernal binder, you gain a +3 bonus on Knowledge(planes) checks.

Assume Control(超常)/Assume Control:At 1st level, you can attempt to gain control over a summoned creature by disrupting the bond between it and the caster who summoned it. You must make a caster level check(1d20 + caster level) equal to 10 + the summoning caster’s level. If you know the summoned creature’s name, you receive a +2 circumstance bonus on the check. If the check is successful, you can control the summoned creature as if you had summoned it for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level(minimum 1 round). This does not increase the duration of the original summoning. The original summoning caster can attempt to regain control of the summoned creature as a standard action by making a caster level check against your caster level + 10. When your control ends, the creature reverts to the control of its summoner. At 9th level, you can use this ability to bargain with called creatures as if you were the caster who conjured them. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Imp Familiar(変則)/Imp Familiar:At 7th level, you gain Improved Familiar as a bonus feat, and must take an imp as a familiar. The imp replaces your current familiar.

Extradimension School Extradimension School

出典 Black Markets 26ページ

Associated School:Conjuration.

Replacement Powers:The following school power replaces the summoner’s charm power of the conjuration school.

Reshape Space(超常)/Reshape Space:Whenever you cast a spell that creates an extradimensional space or demiplane, increase the duration by a number of units(rounds, minutes, hours, etc.) equal to 1/2 your wizard level(minimum 1). At 20th level, you can make one spell that creates an extradimensional space or demiplane permanent. You can have no more than one such spell made permanent in this way at a time. If you designate another spell as permanent, the previous permanent spell ends.

Foresight School Foresight School

出典 Advanced Player's Guide 145ページ

Associated School:Divination.

Replacement Powers:The following school powers replace the diviner's fortune and scrying adept powers of the divination school.

Prescience(超常)/Prescience:At the beginning of your turn, you may, as a free action, roll a single d20. At any point before your next turn, you may use the result of this roll as the result of any d20 roll you are required to make. If you do not use the d20 result before your next turn, it is lost. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Foretell(超常)/Foretell:At 8th level, you can utter a prediction of the immediate future. While your foretelling is in effect, you emit a 30-foot aura of fortune that aids your allies or hinders your enemies, as chosen by you at the time of prediction. If you choose to aid, you and your allies gain a +2 luck bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, caster level checks, saving throws, and skill checks. If you choose to hinder, your enemies take a –2 penalty on those rolls instead. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Prophecy School Prophecy School

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 10ページ
Prophets who specialize in arcane magic often claim specialty in manipulating the powers of luck to their advantage.

Associated School:Divination.

Replacement Powers:The following replace the forewarned and scrying adept powers of the divination school.

Inspiring Prediction(超常)/Inspiring Prediction:A number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier, you can predict an ally’s success, bolstering others’ resolve. As a swift action, you can shout an inspiring prediction, granting each ally within 50 feet who can hear you a +4 luck bonus on her next attack roll, saving throw, or skill check.

In Accordance with the Prophecy(超常)/In Accordance with the Prophecy:A number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier, you can publicly declare that your next spell is guided by prophecy. When you do, the next spell you cast has a 20% chance of fizzling(1–20 on a d%). If the spell does not fail, treat the spell as if it had been modified by the Empower Spell feat, even if you do not have that feat. At 12th level, the chance that the spell fizzles is reduced to 15%(1–15 on a d%). At 16th level, the chance is reduced to 10%(1–10 on a d%)

Qadira:Mage of the Veil School Qadira:Mage of the Veil School

出典 Inner Sea Primer 29ページ
The city of Katheer is home to a great number of arcane colleges in the Qadiran tradition. Magic has a proud history in this land; its many schools compete with one another to find the best route to understanding the secrets of power.

Among these is the focused school of veil magic. Rather than controlling the elements or transforming the environment, mages of the veil focus on much more subtle magic—blending into their surroundings to watch, observe, and gather secrets, or fading from view completely for the sake of solitude. Most graduates of this college enter the service of the satrap as spies, scouts, or infiltrators.

必要条件A mage of the veil must select disguise self as one of his spells known at 1st level.

クラス技能A mage of the veil gains Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth as class skills.

Associated School:Illusion.

Replacement Powers:The following school powers replace the blinding ray and invisibility field powers of the illusion school.

Face in the Crowd(擬呪)/Face in the Crowd:At 1st level as a standard action, you can cause yourself to appear so normal, mundane, and unexceptional that you blend in to your surroundings. All creatures within 30 feet treat you as if you belonged there, effectively ignoring you. Creatures outside of this area may notice that you appear out of place, but as soon as they approach within 30 feet they are affected by the magic and no longer think something is amiss. If you interact with an affected creature in any way, it gains a Will save(難易度 10 + 1/2 your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier) to disbelieve the illusion and notice you. The effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to your wizard level, or until the illusion is dispelled. The minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be used in 1-minute increments. This is a mind-affecting phantasm effect.

This ability does not turn you invisible and opponents are not considered flat-footed. It does not allow you to disguise yourself as a specific individual, type of person, or member of another race, so you cannot blend into a group of uniformed guards or appear as a member of an individual’s family, and a human cannot blend into a group of gnolls. You can blend in with any group made up of different types of people, such as a crowd of courtiers in a king’s throne room, and you can disguise yourself(either through magic or more mundane means) to appear as a specific type of person or another race(such as a uniformed guard or a gnoll) before using this ability.

Master of the Veil(擬呪)/Master of the Veil:At 8th level, you can create an illusion that hides the appearance of yourself and any number of allies within 30 feet for 1 round per wizard level. This ability otherwise functions like the spell veil. The rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Absalom:Arcanamirium Crafter School Absalom:Arcanamirium Crafter School

出典 Inner Sea Primer 28ページ
The most famous magical college of the Inner Sea region, the Arcanamirium of Absalom teaches a broad array of specialties, but its most intensive specialty is no specialization at all. It is one of the primary training academies of universalist magic on Golarion, and the wizards who graduate from the school become well respected, well paid, and highly soughtafter in their homelands. An Arcanamirium crafter is one of the builders of the arcane world, assembling magic items with facility, skill, and power. He is intimately familiar with the craft and practice of imbuing items with arcane power, and works with precision even early in his career to help create some of the most powerful magic items of Golarion.

Associated School:Universalist.

Replacement Powers:The following school power replaces the hand of the apprentice power of the universalist school.

Metacharge(変則)/Metacharge:As an Arcanamirium crafter, you gain a bonus feat at 3rd level, which must be an item creation feat or metamagic feat. You must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. When using metamagic feats to create magic items, your skill and understanding of the principles involved in the item’s creation give you a +2 bonus on the skill check made to create the item.

AetherElemental School) Aether(Elemental School)

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 20ページ
Aether is a strange and complex substance that occurs where the Elemental Planes touch the Ethereal Plane. Wizards who study aether use it to manipulate objects on the Material Plane. The aether elemental school is an elemental arcane school a wizard can specialize in instead of one of the standard schools of magic.

Like a normal arcane school, the aether elemental school grants a number of school powers, as well as one bonus spell slot of each level the wizard can cast, from 1st on up. This bonus spell slot must be used to prepare a spell from the aether elemental school’s spell list(see below). Unlike a normal arcane school, the aether elemental school requires the wizard to select a single element as his opposition school(air, earth, fire, or water, from pages 142–143 of the Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide, for example). The wizard does not need to select a second opposition school. He must expend two spell slots to prepare a spell from his opposed elemental school as normal.

Aether Magic:Add the following spells to your wizard spell list at the listed spell level:0—telekinetic projectileOA, 2nd—spiritual weapon, 4th—spiritual allyAPG, 5th—ethereal envelopeOA, 6th—animate objects, 7th—ectoplasmic eruptionOA, 9th—telekinetic stormOA.

Aether Supremacy(超常)Aether Supremacy:You gain a +2 enhancement bonus on Sleight of Hand checks. This bonus increases by 1 for every 5 wizard levels you have. In addition, you can cast mage hand at will as a spell-like ability that uses your caster level. At 5th level, you can attempt Sleight of Hand checks against a target within 30 feet, though the skill check 難易度 increases by 5, and any creature within line of sight of either you or the target can attempt an opposed Perception check to notice the attempt. At 10th level, you can attempt a Sleight of Hand check as a move action with only a –10 penalty. At 20th level, whenever you attempt a Sleight of Hand check, assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.

Telekinetic Protection(超常)/Telekinetic Protection:As a swift action, you can grant yourself protection against nonmagical attacks by forming a field to telekinetically deflect them. You gain ダメージ減少 5/magic for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Receptive Vibrations(超常)/Receptive Vibrations:At 8th level, you are constantly surrounded by ephemeral and invisible strands of aether, increasing your awareness of your surroundings. You are never denied your Dexterity bonus to アーマー・クラス against attacks made within 30 feet of you because you are flat-footed or because your assailant is unseen. In addition, you gain a bonus on Perception checks to avoid being surprised equal to half your wizard level.

Aether Elementalist Wizard Spells

0 - telekinetic projectile
1st - floating disk, magic missile, unseen servant
2nd - ablative barrier, blur, pilfering hand, spiritual weapon
3rd - blink, ectoplasmic snare, force punch, tiny hut
4th - resilient sphere, spiritual ally, telekinetic charge, telekinetic maneuver
5th - condensed ether, ethereal envelope, interposing hand, mage's faithful hound, secret chest, telekinesis, wall of ectoplasm
6th - animate objects, enemy hammer, forceful hand, leashed shackles
7th - ectoplasmic eruption, ethereal jaunt, grasping hand, phase door
8th - clenched fist, telekinetic sphere
9th - etherealness, telekinetic storm

Ice School Ice School

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 21ページ
Associated School:Air or Water.

Replacement Powers:The following school powers replace the lightning flash and cyclone powers of the air school and the cold blast and wave powers of the water school.

Freezing Shards(超常)/Freezing Shards:As a standard action, you can cause shards of ice to burst forth from the ground around you. The shards deal 1d4 points of piercing damage and 1d6 points of cold damage + 1 point for every 2 wizard levels you have to all creatures within 5 feet of you. A successful Reflex save(難易度 = 10 + half your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier) negates the piercing damage and halves the cold damage. The shards remain until the beginning of your next turn; during this time, the area is difficult terrain. You are not affected by your own freezing shards and can move through the area normally. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Icy Shackles(超常)/Icy Shackles:At 8th level, as a standard action, you can make a melee touch attack against a foe to conjure icy restraints around its ankles, reducing its base speed to 5 feet and dealing it an amount of cold damage at the beginning of its turn equal to your Intelligence modifier. The manacles have アーマー・クラス 10, hardness 0, and 30 hit points, and a creature can destroy them with a successful Strength check(難易度 = 10 + half your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier) as a standard action. The icy shackles melt away after 1 minute. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to your Intelligence modifier.

Smoke School Smoke School

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 21ページ
Associated School:Air or Fire.

Replacement Powers:The following school powers replace the lightning flash and cyclone powers of the air school and the fire jet and dancing flame powers of the fire school.

Smokesight(超常)/Smokesight:You can see normally through natural fog and smoke, as well as any fog and smoke that you(but not others) magically create. A number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence bonus, you can touch another creature as a standard action to grant it this vision for 1 hour.

Body of Smoke(擬呪)/Body of Smoke:At 8th level, you can assume a gaseous form(as per the spell of that name) as a swift action for a number of minutes per day equal to your wizard level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

Magma School Magma School

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 21ページ
Associated School:Earth or Fire.

Replacement Powers:The following school powers replace the acid cloud and earth glide powers of the earth school and the fire jet and dancing flame powers of the fire school.

Magma Furrow(超常)/Magma Furrow:As a standard action, you can send forth a 20-foot line of magma. Any creature in this line takes 1d6 points of fire damage + 1 point for every 2 wizard levels you have. A successful Reflex save(難易度 = 10 + half your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier) halves this damage. In addition, the ground in this area remains molten for another 1d4 rounds. Creatures that begin their turns in the area can move out that turn without penalty, but those that enter the area each take 1d6 points of fire damage. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Lava Shield(超常)/Lava Shield:At 8th level, you can create a barrier of lava to protect you for 1 round as a standard action. Choose one edge of your space. That edge is treated as a solid wall for attacks targeting you only. You gain total cover from attacks that pass through this edge, and you gain the benefits of fire shield(warm shield) while adjacent to the lava shield. You can dismiss the lava shield as a free action, and it disappears immediately if you leave your space. You can use this ability a number of rounds per day equal to half your wizard level.

Mud School Mud School

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 21ページ
Associated School:Earth or Water.

Replacement Powers:The following school powers replace the acid cloud and earth glide powers of the earth school and the cold blast and wave powers of the water school.

Hindering Muck(超常)/Hindering Muck:As a standard action, you can create a 15-foot cone of sticky mud. Any creature in the cone must succeed at a Reflex save(難易度 = 10 + half your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier) or become entangled for 1 round for every wizard level you have. An affected creature can take a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity to wipe off enough of the mud to remove the entangled condition. Jumping into a large body of water or being subject to an effect that creates a substantial amount of water(such as a casting of create water) removes all the mud on a creature. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Mud Missile(超常)/Mud Missile:At 8th level, you can fling a ball of hardened mud at a foe within 30 feet as a standard action. If you succeed at a ranged touch attack, the mud slams into the target’s face, dealing 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage for every 2 wizard levels you have and blinding the target for 1d4 rounds. A creature can remove the blinding mud from itself or another creature with a successful Strength check(難易度 = 10 + half your wizard level) as a standard action. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to half your wizard level.

VoidElemental School) Void(Elemental School)

出典 Dragon Empires Primer 29ページ
The void is a complex idea considered by some to be a fifth element—one that comprises thought, space, spiritualism, and insight. Wizards who tap into its mysterious powers gain control over energies that bind the earth to the heavens and the planes to their mysterious and eternal alignments, as well as the powers that stitch living beings to their spirits. The void elemental school presented here is an additional arcane school for the wizard class.

A wizard who specializes in the void element gains a number of school powers and one bonus spell slot of each level that the wizard can cast, from 1st on up. This bonus spell slot must be used to prepare a spell from the void elemental school’s spell list. Unlike a normal arcane school, the void elemental school requires the wizard to select a single element(air, earth, fire, or water) as his opposition school. A wizard must expend two spell slots to prepare a spell from his opposed elemental school as normal. He does not need to select a second opposition school.

For the sections below, a single asterisk(*) denotes a spell from the RPG Advanced Player’s Guide. A double asterisk(**) denotes a spell from Ultimate Magic.

Void Magic:Add the following spells to your wizard spell list at the listed spell level:1st—keen senses, 3rd—twilight knife*, 4th— wandering star motes*, 6th—true seeing, 8th— moment of prescience.

Void Awareness(超常)Void Awareness:Your ability to recognize the void allows your body to react to magical manifestations before you’re even aware of them. You gain a +2 insight bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities. This bonus increases by +1 for every five wizard levels you possess. At 20th level, whenever you would be affected by a spell or spell-like ability that allows a saving throw, you can roll twice to save against the effect and take the better result.

Reveal Weakness(超常)/Reveal Weakness:When you activate this school power as a standard action, you select a foe within 30 feet. That creature takes a penalty to its アーマー・クラス and on saving throws equal to 1/2 your caster level(minimum –1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence bonus.

Aura of Prescience(超常)/Aura of Prescience:At 8th level, you can emit a 30-foot aura of void energy for a number of rounds per day equal to your wizard level. Allies within this aura gain a +2 insight bonus on ability checks, attack rolls, damage rolls, saving throws, and skill checks. These rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Void Elementalist Wizard Spells

0 - guidance
1st - gravity bow, keen senses, shield, true strike
2nd - continual flame, haunting mists, invisibility, masterwork transformation, see invisibility, share memory
3rd - arcane sight, clairaudience/clairvoyance, dispel magic, nondetection, seek thoughts, tapestry's embrace, twilight knife
4th - minor creation, moonstruck, wandering star motes
5th - fabricate, major creation, mind fog, telepathic bond, teleport
6th - dispel magic, greater, legend lore, mage's lucubration, true seeing
7th - simulacrum, teleport, greater, vision
8th - mind blank, moment of prescience, orb of the void, whirlwind
9th - foresight, mage's disjunction, time stop

ウィザードのアーキタイプ Wizard Archetypes

‌Absalom:Arcanamirium Crafter ‌Absalom:Arcanamirium Crafter

‌出‌典‌ Inner Sea Primer 28ペー‌ジ‌

The most famous magical college of the Inner Sea region, the Arcanamirium of Absalom teaches a broad array of specialties, but its most intensive specialty is no specialization at all. It is one of the primary training academies of universalist magic on Golarion, and the wizards who graduate from the school become well respected, well paid, and highly soughtafter in their homelands. An Arcanamirium crafter is one of the builders of the arcane world, assembling magic items with facility, skill, and power. He is intimately familiar with the craft and practice of imbuing items with arcane power, and works with precision even early in his career to help create some of the most powerful magic items of Golarion.

Associated School:Universalist

Replacement Power:The following school power replaces the hand of the apprentice power of the universalist school.

Metacharge(変則)/Metacharge:As an Arcanamirium crafter, you gain a bonus feat at 3rd level, which must be an item creation feat or metamagic feat. You must still meet all prerequisites for a bonus feat, including caster level minimums. When using metamagic feats to create magic items, your skill and understanding of the principles involved in the item’s creation give you a +2 bonus on the skill check made to create the item.

Arcane Physician ‌Arcane Physician

‌出‌典‌ Healer's Handbook 6ペー‌ジ‌

Arcane physicians use their scholarly knowledge and arcane mastery to achieve incredible feats of medicine. Most worship Qi Zhong, Nethys, or other patrons of disparate sorts of magic.

Medicinal Alchemy:The arcane physician treats all spells of the healing subschool on the alchemist extract list as if they were on the wizard spell list for the purpose of activating magic items.

Additionally, he can expend a spell slot of the appropriate level to meet the spell requirements for magic item construction(including potions) as if the expended spell slot contained any alchemist spell that belongs to the healing subschool. If the spell is on both the wizard and alchemist lists, the arcane physician may expend a slot equal to the spell’s alchemist level instead of the spell’s wizard level. At 8th level, the arcane physician can expend a spell slot of 1st level or higher as a standard action to alter a potion or alchemical remedy held in hand. An alchemical remedy can become any other alchemical remedy of the same or lower price of the arcane physician’s choice. A potion can change to contain any alchemist extract of the arcane physician’s choice that belongs to the healing subschool and is of the same level as or lower than the expended spell slot. The extract must have no material component costing more than 1gp, and it must be one that it is possible to make into a potion.

This ability replaces arcane school.

Brew Potion/Brew Potion:At 1st level, an arcane physician gains Brew Potion as a bonus feat.

This replaces scribe scroll.

Arcane Physician ‌Arcane Warden

‌出‌典‌ Blood of the Ancients 12ペー‌ジ‌

In the aftermath of Earthfall, some elven wizards from Mierani chose to remain behind and provide aid to others. These elves were and still are highly honored by their kin, as they sacrificed the easy comfort and refuge of Castrovel to brave the wreckage of Earthfall in order to save what short-lived human lives they could. Although Golarion has long since recovered from Earthfall, the elven arcane warden traditions remain particularly useful for those who face long-term explorations of hostile environments—whether on Golarion or the planes beyond. The arcane wardens of today are wizards who specialize in the discovery or generation of places of safety and refuge.

Universal Magic/Universal Magic:An arcane warden values all schools of magic and recognizes that, faced with an unpredictable world, versatility is one of the greatest tools for survival. All arcane warden wizards must be universalists.

This alters arcane school.

クラス技能An arcane warden focuses his training on survival, be it navigating difficult regions, enduring in the wilderness, or aiding others in such conditions. He gains Climb, Heal, Survival, and Swim as class skills. Appraise, Fly, Knowledge(nobility), and Linguistics are not class skills for the arcane warden.

This alters the wizard’s class skills.

Ready for Anything(変則)/Ready for Anything:Instead of crafting magical items or learning ways to manipulate metamagic, arcane wardens prefer to spend their time providing safety and refuge for others. At 1st level, an arcane warden gains a bonus feat associated with aiding allies or providing shelter. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the arcane warden gains an additional bonus feat. The arcane warden must qualify for any feat he takes, and must choose from the following list:Alertness, Endurance, Great Fortitude, Improved Great Fortitude, Leadership, Self-Sufficient, Skill Focus(Survival), Toughness, or any teamwork feat.

This replaces Scribe Scroll and the bonus feats gained at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels.

Generous Touch(超常)/Generous Touch:Arcane wardens are talented at enhancing the magical effects they create to bolster allies. When an arcane warden casts a spell with a target of “creature touched” on a willing target other than himself, he can cause the effects of the spell to last longer than normal. A spell with a duration of 1 round per level lasts an additional number of rounds equal to the arcane warden’s Intelligence modifier(minimum of 1 additional round). A spell with a duration of 1 minute per level lasts for an additional number of minutes equal to the arcane warden’s Intelligence modifier(minimum of 1 additional minute). Spells with different durations than this are not enhanced by this ability. Only one spell can be enhanced in this way on any individual creature at a time.

This replaces the hand of the apprentice universalist school ability.

Restorative Shelter(超常)/Restorative Shelter:While an arcane warden can find refuge in many naturally occurring hideaways, his preferred places of rest are magically created cottages, homes, and even manors. An arcane warden learns the following spells:mage’s magnificent mansion, rope trick, secure shelter, and tiny hut. These spells do not take up room in the arcane warden’s spellbook, and he does not need his spellbook to prepare these spells. He must still be the appropriate level to prepare the spell in question. The arcane warden’s caster level is treated as 2 higher than his actual caster level for the purposes of determining the duration of these spells and resolving attempts to dispel these spells. Any creature that spends at least 8 hours relaxing in one of these shelters gains a bonus equal to the level of the spell that created it on any saving throws against disease or poison effects made in the next 24 hours.

This replaces the metamagic mastery universalist school ability.

‌Bonded Wizard ‌Bonded Wizard

‌出‌典‌ Cohorts and Companions 17ペー‌ジ‌

Many wizards form an arcane bond with an item, but for some this bond becomes a powerful mystic union.

Arcane Bond(変則)/Arcane Bond:A bonded wizard must select an item as her arcane bond. The bonded object’s hit point and hardness increase by +1 per level the bonded wizard possesses.

Hidden Bond(擬呪)/Hidden Bond:A bonded wizard can change the appearance and magical aura of her bonded item at will, as if using disguise self and magic aura, but affecting only the item; for the purpose of disguise self, the item’s item type(such as weapon or ring) is its creature type.

This ability replaces Scribe Scroll.

Bonded Force(超常)/Bonded Force:At 5th level, a bonded wizard wearing or wielding her bonded object can channel magical energies through it to create tools, armor, and weapons from pure force. She gains a pool of force points equal to half his wizard level. She can expend 1 point from his force pool as a standard action to create an effect that acts as mage armor(lasting 1 hour), shield(lasting 1 minute), or spiritual weapon(any simple or martial weapon, using her Intelligence modifier to determine its attack bonus rather than Wisdom and lasting 1 round per wizard level). These effects are visible; they take the appearance of armor, shields, or weapons as appropriate, and they always have some visual detail reminiscent of the wizard’s bonded item(such as the pattern of a bonded ring appearing as decoration on a mage armor or shield effect).

At 9th level, when the bonded wizard uses bonded force for mage armor, the armor bonus increases by 1; when she uses bonded force for shield, the shield bonus increases by 1; and she gains a +1 enhancement bonus on attack and damage rolls when using bonded force for spiritual weapon. The increases for mage armor and shield and the enhancement bonus for spiritual weapon improve by an additional 1 at 13th level and again at 17th level. When she uses bonded force for spiritual weapon, the bonded wizard can choose to reduce this enhancement bonus by 1 to double the spiritual weapon’s critical threat range as the keen weapon property, and for mage armor or shield, she can choose to reduce the armor or shield bonus by 1 to protect herself from critical hits and sneak attacks as the light fortification armor property.

Alternatively, the bonded wizard can expend a point from her force pool to create a tool of force, which functions as a masterwork version of a simple tool of her choice that could be reproduced by a traveler’s any-tool(Ultimate Equipment 323). The tool has the same アーマー・クラス and durability as a spiritual weapon and lasts for 10 minutes. The circumstance bonus the tool of force grants to appropriate skill checks starts at +2(as masterwork tools) and increases to +3 at 9th level, and by an additional +1 every 4 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +5 at 17th level.

A bonded wizard can only have one instance of bonded force active at a time. If she uses this ability again, any previously created force construct immediately ends.

This ability replaces a wizard’s bonus feats normally gained at 5th and 15th level.

Reshape Bond(擬呪)/Reshape Bond:At 10th level, a bonded wizard can repair her bonded item or turn it into another object once per day as a full-round action. Transforming it functions as polymorph any object, but does not alter the item’s magical properties(including its item slot), while repairing it functions as make whole. The wizard may also sacrifice a prepared spell in order to repair an additional 1d6 points of damage per level of the sacrificed spell. This replaces the wizard’s bonus feat normally gained at 10th level.

‌Cheliax:Egorian Academy Infernal Binder ‌Cheliax:Egorian Academy Infernal Binder

‌出‌典‌ Inner Sea Primer 29ペー‌ジ‌

The prestigious Egorian Academy of the Magical Arts in Cheliax’s capital city teaches a full spectrum of magic, both specialized and universalist, but the college is best known for its Infernal Binding program in the school of conjuration. An infernal binder learns the Names of Hell, and can use those powers to summon and bind devils to do her bidding. If she makes a single mistake in the binding, she opens herself to an eternity of torment. Egorian Academy wizards are recognized across Avistan as premier practitioners of the arcane arts. Many hold high positions in magical colleges across Golarion, but most seek to return one day to teach at their alma mater in Egorian.

Associated School:Conjuration

Suggested Opposition Schools:Divination, illusion, or transmutation.

Alignment:Lawful Evil, Lawful Neutral, Neutral Evil, or Neutral.

Requirements:An infernal binder must choose a familiar as her arcane bond at 1st level.

Replacement Powers:The following school powers replace the acid dart and dimensional steps powers of the conjuration school.

Planar Knowledge(変則)/Planar Knowledge:As an infernal binder, you gain a +3 bonus on Knowledge(planes) checks.

Assume Control(超常)/Assume Control:At 1st level, you can attempt to gain control over a summoned creature by disrupting the bond between it and the caster who summoned it. You must make a caster level check(1d20 + caster level) equal to 10 + the summoning caster’s level. If you know the summoned creature’s name, you receive a +2 circumstance bonus on the check. If the check is successful, you can control the summoned creature as if you had summoned it for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your wizard level(minimum 1 round). This does not increase the duration of the original summoning. The original summoning caster can attempt to regain control of the summoned creature as a standard action by making a caster level check against your caster level + 10. When your control ends, the creature reverts to the control of its summoner. At 9th level, you can use this ability to bargain with called creatures as if you were the caster who conjured them. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence modifier.

Imp Familiar(変則)/Imp Familiar:At 7th level, you gain Improved Familiar as a bonus feat, and must take an imp as a familiar. The imp replaces your current familiar.

‌Chronomancer ‌Chronomancer

‌出‌典‌ Legacy of the First World 30ペー‌ジ‌

Time is not an immutable force but an inscrutable phenomenon. Rare arcane scholars known as chronomancers demonstrate the ability to shift themselves in short bursts between the past, future, and alternate presents.

Temporal Pool(超常)/Temporal Pool:A chronomancer gains a reservoir of temporal energy to manipulate the time stream in a variety of ways listed below. This temporal pool has a number of points equal to half his class level + his Intelligence modifier(minimum 1). This pool refreshes once per day when the chronomancer prepares his spells.

Forewarned/Forewarned:The chronomancer can expend 1 point from his temporal pool when he rolls initiative to allow himself or an ally within 30 feet to roll 1d4 and add it to that character’s initiative result. At 5th level, the chronomancer can expend 2 points from his temporal pool as an immediate action to apply this benefit to a saving throw he has just rolled(but before the result is revealed). At 10th level, the die size increases to 1d6.

Rewind/Rewind:As an immediate action after losing a spell due to a failed concentration check or after casting a spell that had no effect(such as due to successful saving throws, a failed caster level check to overcome spell resistance, or other immunities), the chronomancer can expend a number of points from his temporal pool equal to half the spell’s level(minimum 1) to immediately prepare the spell again, as if it had not been cast. Any material components expended in the original casting remain expended, as are actions used to cast the original spell.

Accelerate/Accelerate:At 10th level when casting a spell, the chronomancer can expend 2 points from his temporal pool to apply the effects of haste to one creature affected by the spell until the end of the chronomancer’s next turn.

Complex Contingency/Complex Contingency:At 15th level, the chronomancer can specify two trigger conditions when casting contingency. In addition, when the chronomancer’s contingency would trigger, the chronomancer can expend 1 point from his temporal pool as an immediate action to prevent the contingency from triggering, saving the stored effect for later.

Parallel Self/Parallel Self:At 20th level, if the chronomancer is killed, he can immediately expend 10 points from his temporal pool to summon an alternate version of himself from a parallel existence, appearing up to 30 feet away. This alternate version is identical to the chronomancer except he is a member of a random race, determined using the table that accompanies reincarnate. The alternate version has half the chronomancer’s total hit points(but not any temporary hit points) and those spells the chronomancer had prepared when he died. The alternate version has the same equipment as the chronomancer but does not bear any artifacts the chronomancer was carrying. Any expendable items, charges, or expensive material components the alternate version uses are also expended for the chronomancer. This alternate version remains for 1 minute before the duplicate and its equipment are ripped back to their reality.

This ability replaces arcane bond and the bonus feats gained at 10th, 15th, and 20th levels.

Clocksmith ‌Clocksmith

‌出‌典‌ Construct Handbook 10ペー‌ジ‌

Clocksmiths are oddities among wizard communities, pursuing the study and creation of clockwork constructs to near obsession. These wizards favor mechanical experiments over other arcane pursuits.

Clockwork Bond(変則)/Clockwork Bond:A clocksmith forms a bond with one of his clockwork creations and begins play with a constructed familiar. He must select this familiar as his arcane bond. The constructed familiar functions as a typical familiar of its type except as noted here. The construct familiar is always a construct with the clockwork subtype. A construct familiar grants only half of its typical bonus(minimum +1 bonus) from its special familiar ability to its master.

This alters arcane bond.

Clockwork Expertise(変則)/Clockwork Expertise:A clocksmith is especially adept at dealing with clockworks. He gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against effects created by creatures of the clockwork subtype. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level. Additionally, he treats his caster level as 1 higher when casting a spell that affects or targets only creatures of the clockwork subtype. At 8th level, he treats his caster level as 2 higher when casting such a spell.

This replaces the school powers granted by the wizard’s arcane school.

Craft Construct/Craft Construct:A clocksmith gains Craft Construct as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. He can create any construct, but he increases the cost required to create constructs without the clockwork subtype by 50%.

This replaces Scribe Scroll.

Familiar Tinkering(変則)/Familiar Tinkering:At 5th level, a clocksmith learns to improve upon his clockwork familiar. A clocksmith can grant his familiar 1 evolution point worth of eidolon evolutions for every 5 wizard levels he has, though he can’t select any evolutions that require a specific base form. Each time the clocksmith gains a level, he can change his familiar’s evolutions. These evolutions stack with those from the Evolved Familiar feat.

This replaces the bonus feats gained at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels.

Familiar Adept ‌Familiar Adept

‌出‌典‌ Familiar Folio 8ペー‌ジ‌

Many wizards employ familiars to assist them, but only a few have unlocked the true power of their school of magic through the familiar itself.

Diminished Expertise/Diminished Expertise:A familiar adept doesn’t gain Scribe Scroll at 1st level or the wizard’s bonus feats at 5th and 10th levels. He must also choose one additional opposition school, even if he is a universalist.

School Familiar(変則)School FamiliarAt 1st level, a familiar adept must select a familiar for his arcane bond. His familiar automatically gains the school familiar archetype(see page 14), but it cannot use its lesser school power until 4th level. At 8th level, it gains access to its greater school power. This ability alters arcane bond.

Familiar Spells(変則)/Familiar Spells:A familiar adept stores his spells in his familiar rather than in a spellbook, exactly as a witch does. His familiar can freely trade spells known with a witch’s familiar, provided the spells traded are on both casters’ class spell lists. The familiar adept’s familiar uses the witch rules for familiars, including the increased cost of replacing the familiar. This ability alters spellbooks.

Focused School(変則)/Focused School:A familiar adept’s training is focused more deeply on his familiar and his school of magic. At 1st level, 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, his familiar gains the ability to use the wizard’s 1st-level school ability one time per day without it counting against the wizard’s daily uses.

First World Caller ‌First World Caller

‌出‌典‌ Heroes from the Fringe 17ペー‌ジ‌

Some wizards, typically First World gnomes, have mystical ties with the First World, the primordial home of the fey. This bond allows them to more easily conjure creatures and effects from the First World, giving them the nickname of First World callers.

Fey Familiar/Fey Familiar:A First World caller must select a familiar as his arcane bond. This familiar is often the fey creature that was created when the First World caller’s soul passed through the First World on the way to being born. The familiar counts as both an animal and a fey for the purposes of effects that depend on its type, rather than counting as a magical beast. It gains only half the normal natural armor bonus for a familiar based on the First World caller’s level(rounded down, minimum 0), and it doesn’t grant its special familiar ability to its master. Instead, the familiar gains the fey-touched creature template(see sidebar). At 10th level, the familiar grows a pair of delicate, gossamer wings, gaining a fly speed equal to its land speed and average maneuverability. If the familiar could already fly, its maneuverability improves by one step instead.

This alters arcane bond.

Fey Summoner/Fey Summoner:A First World caller is able to conjure fey creatures. He gains Augment Summoning as a bonus feat. He adds the following creatures to the summon monster list of the same level, allowing him to summon them with the appropriate summon monster spell:1st—grimple(gremlin), mite, sprite; 2nd—atomie, fuath(gremlin), nixie; 3rd— leprechaun, nuglub(gremlin), pooka; 4th—kelpie, korred, twigjack; 5th—lampad, lurker in light, swan maiden; 6th—cold rider, oceanid, sangoi; 7th—alp, bogeyman, ijiraq; 8th—banelight, fastachee, rusalka; 9th—ankou, kamaitachi, wild hunt archer.

This ability is a function of the First World caller himself, and it applies even if he uses a scroll, wand, or other magic item to cast a summon monster spell. If he creates such an item and it is used by another character, the spell functions as an ordinary summon monster spell.

This replaces arcane school and Scribe Scroll.

Warp Reality(超常)Warp Reality:At 10th level, a First World caller can reshape the nearby area at his whim, as he pulls in aspects of the mutable and primal First World. To use this ability, he must expend a spell slot of 5th level or higher as a standard action and succeed at a 難易度 15 Charisma check. If he succeeds, he can apply one of the following planar traits to the area in a 60-foot radius for 2d4 minutes:normal gravity, heavy gravity, light gravity, mildly aligned(chaos, evil, good, or law), enhanced magic, or impeded magic. At 15th level, he can instead expend a slot of 7th level or higher and attempt a 難易度 20 Charisma check. If successfully, he can apply two planar traits from the previous list, or any one of the following traits:no gravity, subjective directional gravity, erratic time, fire-dominant, water-dominant, negative-dominant, positive-dominant, or wild magic. See page 58 of Pathfinder RPG Planar Adventures for more information on planar traits.

This replaces the bonus feats gained at 10th and 15th level.

Instructor ‌Instructor

‌出‌典‌ Cohorts and Companions 31ペー‌ジ‌

Whether serving as staff at a formal school of magic or simply acting as a wandering teacher, an instructor has an apprentice who trades service to the instructor for lessons in magic.

Apprentice(変則)/Apprentice:At 1st level, an instructor acquires the services of a loyal apprentice. She functions similarly to a cohort, though your apprentice begins as a 1st-level commoner with Magical Aptitude as their 1st-level feat and NPC ability scores(13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8 before racial modifiers). When the instructor reaches 3rd level, if his Leadership score is at least 2, the apprentice becomes a 1st-level wizard of the same school specialization as the instructor, and she gains heroic ability scores(15, 14, 13, 12, 10, 8 before racial modifiers). The apprentice never gains item creation feats, but otherwise follows the normal rules for a cohort.

Each time the instructor gains a level, he may dismiss his existing apprentice as graduated(or expelled, depending on her performance), and gain a new cohort following the same rules. If an apprentice dies in service to the instructor, the instructor takes a –2 penalty to his Leadership score. This penalty is reduced by 1 for every level the instructor gains after the death, to a minimum of 0.

Because cohorts are most interested in the instructor’s magical ability, the instructor uses his Intelligence modifier, rather than Charisma, to determine his Leadership score. At 7th level, an instructor may select the Leadership feat—using his Intelligence modifier to determine his Leadership score—but doing so only provides followers, never a second cohort.

This ability replaces arcane bond.

Trained Teamwork(変則)/Trained Teamwork:Starting at 5th level, the instructor can take a teamwork feat as his wizard bonus feat. As long as his apprentice is within 60 feet, the apprentice gains all such teamwork feats as bonus feats. The apprentice does not have to meet the feat’s prerequisites. This ability modifies the bonus feats gained at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.

Pact Wizard(FF) ‌Pact Wizard(FF)

‌出‌典‌ Familiar Folio 8ペー‌ジ‌

Some wizards make bargains with beings from other realms in order to gain arcane power. These pact wizards have unparalleled access to extraplanar allies, but these bonds never come without strings attached.

Familiar(変則)/Familiar:A pact wizard must select a familiar for his arcane bond. The familiar’s loyalty ultimately lies with the pact wizard’s patron, and it reports back to the patron on the wizard’s activities. This ability alters arcane bond.

Pact Focus(変則)/Pact Focus:At 1st level, a pact wizard must choose one additional opposition school, even if he is a universalist. A pact wizard can’t pick conjuration as an opposition school. This ability alters arcane school.

Pact(変則)/Pact:A pact wizard enters into a bargain with an extraplanar being in order to gain increased wizardly powers. At 1st level, he selects a patron belonging to one specific subtype of outsider for which there exists an improved familiar option(such as devil or azata). The pact wizard can select a subtype of outsider even with a diametrically opposed alignment; in this case, the patron being offers the pact in an attempt to tempt or redeem the pact wizard. A pact wizard whose alignment shifts away from the chosen outsider subtype, who grossly abuses his familiar or any outsider of the chosen subtype, or who commits egregious acts against the alignment of the patron loses all the benefits of this archetype(but keeps the additional opposition school) until he receives an atonement.

Aura(変則)/Aura:A pact wizard has an aura corresponding to the alignment of his chosen subtype as a cleric of his wizard level.

Pact Summons(変則)/Pact Summons:A pact wizard can select Sacred Summons(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 155) as a wizard bonus feat. He can use this feat only to summon outsiders of his chosen subtype.

True Form(変則)/True Form:At 7th level, a pact wizard’s familiar reveals its true form, automatically transforming into an outsider improved familiar of the chosen subtype.

Pact Wizard(HHH) ‌linkプラグインエラー:URLを入して下さい。}

‌出‌典‌ Haunted Heroes Handbook 20ペー‌ジ‌

While the art of wizardry is usually a scholar’s pursuit, there are those who seek mastery of arcane power without tedious study and monotonous research. Motivated by foolish ambition, such individuals turn to the greatest enigmas of the cosmos in the hopes of attaining greater power. Though few successfully attract the attention of these forces, those who do receive phenomenal arcane power for their efforts, but become the dutiful playthings and servants of the forces with which they consort.

Effortless Magic(変則)/Effortless Magic:Although a pact wizard still uses a spellbook to prepare his wizard spells, his close tieswith his otherworldly patron allow him to do so nearly effortlessly. A pact wizard can prepare all of his spells in only 15 minutes, and his minimum preparation time is only 1 minute.

This alters the wizard’s spellcasting.

Patron Spells/Patron Spells:At 1st level, a pact wizard must select a patron. This functions like the witch class ability of the same name, except the pact wizard automatically adds his patron’s spells to his spellbook instead of to his familiar. In addition, the pact wizard can expend any prepared spell that isn’t a spell prepared using the additional spell slot the wizard receives from his arcane school in order to spontaneously cast one of his patron’s spells of the same level or lower.

This ability replaces Scribe Scroll.

Great Power, Greater Expense(変則)/Great Power, Greater Expense:As a pact wizard grows in power, his choice of patron begins to affect his physical body. At 5th level, the pact wizard chooses one oracle curse, using 1/2 his character level as his effective oracle level when determining the effects of this curse. If an oracle curse would add spells to the oracle’s list of spells known, the pact wizard instead add those spells to the wizard’s spell list as well as to his spellbook.

At 10th level, the pact wizard can invoke his patron’s power to roll twice and take the better result when attempting any caster level check, concentration check, initiative check, or saving throw. He can activate this ability as a free action before attempting the check, even if it isn’t his turn. He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + 1/2 his Intelligence modifier. At 15th level, when the pact wizard invokes his patron’s power to roll twice on a check, he adds his Intelligence bonus to the result as an insight bonus. When he applies metamagic feats to any spells he learned via his patron or curse, he treats that spell’s final effective level as 1 lower(to a minimum level equal to the spell’s original level).

At 20th level, whenever the pact wizard invokes his patron’s power to roll twice on a check and his result is a natural 20, he automatically succeeds, regardless of whether or not a check of that type would normally allow an automatic success.

This ability replaces the bonus feats a wizard gains at 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level.

Poleiheira Adherent ‌Poleiheira Adherent

‌出‌典‌ Blood of the Ancients 16ペー‌ジ‌

Poleiheira adherents are wizards who wish to emulate the explorations and discoveries of Arustun and partake in great odysseys as they seek to imitate his achievements. These adherents bond to a book in tribute to Arustun and his extensive journals—known as the Poleiheira. This allows them to record their travels as well as any lost magic and lore they encounter.

Bonded Book(擬呪)/Bonded Book:A Poleiheira adherent forms a bond with a spellbook. This bonded book becomes intrinsically tied to a Poleiheira adherent’s conscious and subconscious mind. The book always opens to the right page, and she can record any number of spells and other information in her bonded book—when she turns pages, more blank pages appear. Other wizards find it difficult to read the book, which displays information in a seemingly random order:the 難易度 of all Spellcraft checks to copy or prepare spells from the book increases by 10.

Each time a Poleiheira adherent attains a new wizard level, she gains four spells(rather than two) to add to the bonded book. The cost and time requirement for writing a new spell into the book are halved. The time to prepare spells is reduced to one third(20 minutes to prepare all spells, and 5 minutes to prepare up to one quarter of her spells). Once per day while holding the book in one hand, she can use it to cast any one spell she has written in the bonded book, even if the spell is not prepared.

A Poleiheira adherent can replace a lost or destroyed bonded book in the same manner as a bonded item. The new bonded book retains a number of spells per spell level equal to the Poleiheira adherent’s Intelligence modifier from the previous bonded book, as well as all the mundane information that was recorded in the previous bonded book. If a Poleiheira adherent replaces her bonded book or dies, the previous book reverts to an ordinary blank spellbook.

This replaces arcane bond.

Great Odyssey/Great Odyssey:A Poleiheira adherent specializes in exploration and travel rather than a particular school of magic. She gains the abilities below.

This replaces arcane school.

Mount(擬呪)/Mount:A Poleiheira adherent can summon a magical steed to her side(per the mount spell) that lasts up to 2 hours per wizard level. The duration of this ability doesn’t need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 2-hour increments. When riding a mount summoned with this ability, a Poleiheira adherent can substitute Spellcraft checks for Ride checks.

Master Mariner(超常)/Master Mariner:At 8th level, a Poleiheira adherent can telekinetically control a boat or ship with such skill and finesse that she counts as a number of people equal to her wizard level for the purpose of determining how many crew members are needed to move a water vehicle(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat 174). When controlling a ship in this manner, she can substitute Spellcraft checks for Profession(sailor) checks.

Primalist ‌Primalist

‌出‌典‌ Inner Sea Magic 37ペー‌ジ‌

A primalist is a wizard who has spent a considerable amount of time studying the chaos that is primal magic—she seeks order in chaos, and hopes to master the raw power of primal magic to bolster her own abilities. A primalist wizard has the following class features.

Primal Magic(超常)Primal MagicAt 1st level, a primalist may attempt to channel primal magic as a swift action to cast a prepared spell without losing that spell from its spell slot. Essentially, a primalist is forcing primal magic into the world and attempting to shape it into a specific spell effect. To use this ability, she casts the spell as she would normally, but as the spell’s effects take place, she makes a concentration check(難易度 20 + double the spell’s level). If she fails this check, she expends the spell normally as if she had cast it, but its actual effects are replaced by a primal magic event with a 脅威度 equal to her caster level and she is staggered for 1 round per level of the spell she was attempting to cast. If she makes this check, she casts the spell normally and it is not expended from her prepared spell slot, allowing her to cast that spell again at a later point.

You may use primal magic in this manner once per day. This ability replaces arcane bond. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th level, you can use it an additional time per day.

Enhance Primal Magic Event(超常)/Enhance Primal Magic Event:At 5th level, when a primalist triggers a primal magic event, as a swift action she can increase or decrease its 脅威度 by 1. If she makes a concentration check(難易度 = 15 + the primal magic event’s 脅威度), she can instead increase or decrease the 脅威度 by 2. If she reduces a primal magic event’s 脅威度 to less than 1, the event is negated. She can choose to use this ability after she determines what primal magic event she triggers, but before she resolves the effects of that event. This ability replaces the wizard bonus feat acquired at 5th level.

Primal Surge(超常)/Primal Surge:At 10th level, whenever a primalist triggers a primal magic event, she rolls the percentile dice twice to determine the event that occurs and chooses which one of the two possible events occurs. She becomes resistant to the effects of primal magic events. Anytime an event would affect her, the GM rolls 1d20 + the event’s 脅威度 against a 難易度 of 11 + her wizard level. If this roll fails, the event does not affect her, similar to a creature with spell resistance ignoring magical effects with an 呪文抵抗 check. If the primal magic event is duplicating the effects of a spell that does not allow spell resistance(such as create pit), this resistance does not apply. This ability replaces the wizard bonus feat acquired at 10th level.

Qadira:Mage of the Veil ‌Qadira:Mage of the Veil

‌出‌典‌ Inner Sea Primer 29ペー‌ジ‌

The city of Katheer is home to a great number of arcane colleges in the Qadiran tradition. Magic has a proud history in this land; its many schools compete with one another to find the best route to understanding the secrets of power.

Among these is the focused school of veil magic. Rather than controlling the elements or transforming the environment, mages of the veil focus on much more subtle magic—blending into their surroundings to watch, observe, and gather secrets, or fading from view completely for the sake of solitude. Most graduates of this college enter the service of the satrap as spies, scouts, or infiltrators.

Associated School:Illusion.

Requirements:A mage of the veil must select disguise self as one of his spells known at 1st level.

クラス技能A mage of the veil gains Bluff, Disguise, and Stealth as class skills.

Replacement Powers:The following school powers replace the blinding ray and invisibility field powers of the illusion school.

Face in the Crowd(擬呪)/Face in the Crowd:At 1st level as a standard action, you can cause yourself to appear so normal, mundane, and unexceptional that you blend in to your surroundings. All creatures within 30 feet treat you as if you belonged there, effectively ignoring you. Creatures outside of this area may notice that you appear out of place, but as soon as they approach within 30 feet they are affected by the magic and no longer think something is amiss. If you interact with an affected creature in any way, it gains a Will save(難易度 10 + 1/2 your wizard level + your Intelligence modifier) to disbelieve the illusion and notice you. The effect lasts for a number of minutes equal to your wizard level, or until the illusion is dispelled. The minutes do not need to be consecutive, but must be used in 1-minute increments. This is a mind-affecting phantasm effect.

This ability does not turn you invisible and opponents are not considered flat-footed. It does not allow you to disguise yourself as a specific individual, type of person, or member of another race, so you cannot blend into a group of uniformed guards or appear as a member of an individual’s family, and a human cannot blend into a group of gnolls. You can blend in with any group made up of different types of people, such as a crowd of courtiers in a king’s throne room, and you can disguise yourself(either through magic or more mundane means) to appear as a specific type of person or another race(such as a uniformed guard or a gnoll) before using this ability.

Master of the Veil(擬呪)/Master of the Veil:At 8th level, you can create an illusion that hides the appearance of yourself and any number of allies within 30 feet for 1 round per wizard level. This ability otherwise functions like the spell veil. The rounds do not need to be consecutive.

Scroll Scholar ‌Scroll Scholar

‌出‌典‌ Pathfinder Society Field Guide 26ペー‌ジ‌

A scroll scholar values knowledge and learning as much as her other abilities, trading a portion of her potential in her chosen class for greater breadth of skill at deciphering old texts, piecing together strange fragments of esoteric lore, and deciphering the hidden qualities of strange and unusual magical items. The scroll scholar archetype can be taken by either clerics or wizards—they give up different class abilities for the new abilities granted by this archetype. A wizard must either be a universalist wizard or a diviner wizard in order to take this archetype—other types of school specializations are not suited to this archetype’s focus. A scroll scholar has the following class features.

Diligent Student(変則)/Diligent Student:At 1st level, a scroll scholar chooses one Knowledge skill. This becomes a class skill if it is not already one. The scroll scholar adds half her class level to all Knowledge checks of this type(minimum 1). At 5th level and every five levels thereafter, a scroll scholar chooses 1 additional Knowledge skill to receive this bonus. For clerics, this ability replaces one of the 1st-level granted powers from her domains—the character gets to choose which of her two 1st-level granted powers it replaces. For wizards, this ability replaces diviner’s fortune(if a diviner) or hand of the apprentice(if a universalist).

Secrets Revealed(擬呪)/Secrets Revealed:At 5th level, a scroll scholar gains the ability to cast comprehend languages and identify as spelllike abilities. Her caster level is equal to her character level in whatever class she took the scroll scholar archetype for. She can cast these spells once per day each at 5th level, twice per day each at 7th level, and three times per day each at 9th level. At 11th level, one of these spell-like abilities(scholar’s choice) becomes a constant spell-like ability, and at 13th level, the second one becomes a constant spell-like ability. If the scholar is a cleric, this ability replaces the increase to her channel energy damage normally gained at 5th level—her channel energy damage increases to 3d6 at 7th level instead, and for the rest of her career as a cleric lags 1d6 behind normal. If the scholar is a wizard, this ability replaces her bonus feat for 5th level.

Flash of Insight(超常)/Flash of Insight:At 10th level, once per day, a scroll scholar can gain a +5 bonus on a single attack roll, caster level check, or saving throw as an immediate action. This decision must be made before the results of the roll are known, but can be made after the die is rolled. This ability can be used twice per day at 15th level, and 3 times per day at 20th level. This ability replaces the normal addition of a new 4th-level spell slot to the character’s spells per day— from this point on, the cleric or wizard has one fewer 4thlevel spell slot than other clerics or wizards.

Shadowcaster ‌Shadowcaster

‌出‌典‌ Inner Sea Magic 39ペー‌ジ‌

Trained in the dark mysteries of Nidal’s Umbral Court and its Kuthonite dogma, your training allows you to harness the power of shadows to bolster your spellcasting. A shadowcaster has the following class features.

Shadow Spells(超常)Shadow Spells:At 1st level, a shadowcaster uses his shadow to prepare additional spells. He must spend his entire period of spell preparation in dim illumination to use this ability. He may prepare a number of additional spell levels of spells equal to the level of the highestlevel wizard spell he can cast. For example, if he can cast 6th-level wizard spells, he could prepare six 1st-level spells, two 3rd level-spells, or any similar combination that adds up to a total of six spell levels. These spells are stored in his shadow. He can only cast these spells when he is in an area of normal light or dim light. He gains Shadowtongue as a bonus language. This ability replaces arcane bond.

Shadowsight(変則)/Shadowsight:At 5th level, a shadowcaster gains darkvision 60 feet. This ability replaces the shadowcaster’s 5th-level wizard bonus feat.

Shadowy Specialization(変則)/Shadowy Specialization:At 10th level, when a shadowcaster casts shades, shadow conjuration, shadow evocation, and similar illusion spells that have a listed fraction of the strength of real effects, he increases the percentage of damage caused by the spell’s effect or summoned creatures by one-fifth(+20%) against creatures that make their saving throw against the effect, up to a maximum of 100% of the strength. For example, shadow evocation and shadow conjuration deal 40% normal damage on a successful save instead of 20%. This ability replaces the shadowcaster’s 10th-level wizard bonus feat.

Spirit Binder ‌Spirit Binder

‌出‌典‌ Familiar Folio 9ペー‌ジ‌

While most wizards learn their arts through gradual study, spirit binders have made a sudden arcane breakthrough due to the traumatic experience of losing a loved one.

Soulbound Familiar(変則)/Soulbound Familiar:A spirit binder must select a familiar for his arcane bond. Unlike in a normal familiar-summoning ritual, a spirit binder created his special familiar through a dangerous ritual catalyzed by the death of a loved one. Before the loved one’s spirit passed on to the Boneyard, the spirit binder was able to bind the spirit to an animal or vermin, which then became his familiar.

A soulbound familiar’s personality is that of the lost loved one, rather than a servant of the spirit binder. It can have any alignment, even one that is diametrically opposed to the spirit binder’s. A soulbound familiar has the base attack bonus and base saving throws of the loved one’s favored class(using the spirit binder’s level as its level). If the loved one died before the beginning of the campaign, the spirit binder selects the familiar’s favored class at 1st level and it cannot be changed. This ability alters arcane bond.

Arcane School:A spirit binder can’t choose necromancy as an opposition school. This ability alters arcane school.

Lost Talents(変則)/Lost Talents:A spirit binder’s soulbound familiar possesses some of the ability of the lost loved one, and it is capable of learning more. At 1st level, 5th level, and every 5 levels thereafter, the spirit binder’s familiar gains a new feat for which it meets the prerequisites. This ability replaces Scribe Scroll and the wizard’s bonus feats.

Sword Binder ‌Sword Binder

‌出‌典‌ Arcane Anthology 11ペー‌ジ‌

Sword binders follow a tradition of martial wizards who often worked with the Church of Aroden and the crowns of Taldor and then Cheliax. Once common in Absalom, Cheliax, and Taldor, where they were frequently battlefield commanders, historians, and expedition leaders, they have become much rarer over the past century.

Arcane Bond/Arcane Bond:A sword binder must choose a sword as his bonded item. He gains proficiency with it. This alters arcane bond.

Sword of the Mage(超常)/Sword of the Mage:A sword binder can send his bound sword to strike his foes. He gains the hand of the apprentice ability of the universalist school, but can use that ability only with his bound sword. His range with the ability is close(25 feet + 5 feet per 2 wizard levels he possesses), and he can use it a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier + 1/2 his level.

At 5th level, whenever the sword binder casts a spell with a range of touch from the wizard spell list, he can use his bonded sword to deliver the touch attack, including expending a daily use of hand of the apprentice to make the touch attack at range. This occurs as part of the same action as casting the spell. He gains all the attack bonuses that apply to his sword(including enhancement bonuses and relevant feats), but does not add his sword’s damage or effects to the touch spell.

At 8th level, when a sword binder casts a ranged touch spell or activates this ability to cast a touch spell through it, he can send his bound sword to deliver the spell and strike the target in one motion. Rather than a touch attack, he makes a ranged attack with the sword. If the sword hits, it deals normal weapon damage for hand of the apprentice and the spell automatically hits that target. If the sword misses, the spell lingers on the weapon and the sword binder can attempt to deliver the spell again by activating this ability as a standard action. If the sword binder drops or sheaths the weapon with the spell’s charge still held, the charge dissipates to no effect.

This ability replaces arcane school and bonus school spell slots.

Telekinetic Sword(擬呪)/Telekinetic Sword:At 10th level, a sword binder can control his bound sword(and only his sword) as per the sustained force option of telekinesis. While the sword is flying in this way, the sword binder can monitor the area around the sword with clairaudience/clairvoyance as a swift action. This ability can be used once per day at 10th level, and an additional time per day at 15th level and again at 20th level. This ability can be used for 2 rounds per sword binder level each day. This ability replaces the 10th level bonus feat.

Thassilonian Specialist ‌Thassilonian Specialist

‌出‌典‌ Inner Sea Magic 17ペー‌ジ‌

Only wizards can truly follow the ancient philosophies created by Thassilon’s runelords, for only wizards have the capability to specialize in a school of magic.

The choice to specialize in a Thassilonian school of magic must be made when a character first becomes a wizard. Once the choice to do so is made, it cannot be changed.

利益:A Thassilonian specialist wizard receives two additional spell slots of each spell level he can cast. These bonus spell slots must both be used to prepare the same spell from the wizard’s school of specialization, allowing the wizard to cast that spell twice(as he has prepared the spell twice). The wizard cannot use these slots to prepare two different spells, even if they are of the school he is specialized in.

Restrictions:A Thassilonian specialist does not get to customize his choice for opposition schools—that choice is selected for him when he chooses his specialization. These restrictions are more significant than those most wizards follow, and are known as prohibited schools. A Thassilonian wizard can never prepare a spell that is in one of his prohibited schools—he treats these spells as if they were not on the wizard spell list. If using a spell trigger or spell completion item to cast a spell from one of his prohibited schools, he must use the Use Magic Device skill to do so.

Thassilonian Magic:While the concept of wizard specializations along the classically recognized schools of magic certainly dates back to the time of Azlant, and perhaps beyond into the dim recesses of time before humanity rose to prominence, it was the runelords of Thassilon who explored school specialization to its full extreme.

Focusing their research on the discovery that each school of magic was opposed by two specific opposition schools, the runelords developed methods of further enhancing their mastery over their chosen arcane specialties. Essentially, they defined these seven schools as much by what they couldn’t do as by what they could. By excising “impurities” introduced by fixed oppositional schools, they traded arcane versatility for greater strength in their chosen fields. The seven schools of Thassilonian Magic are presented here.

Envy(Abjuration):The art of suppressing magic other than your own. Prohibited Schools:evocation, necromancy.
Gluttony(Necromancy):Magic that manipulates the physical body to provide for an unending hunger for life. Prohibited Schools:abjuration, enchantment.
Greed(Transmutation):Magically transforming things into objects of greater value or utility, and enhancing the physical self. Prohibited Schools:enchantment, illusion.
Lust(Enchantment):Magically controlling and dominating other creatures to satisfy your desires, and manipulating others’ minds, emotions, and wills. Prohibited Schools:necromancy, transmutation.
Pride(Illusion):Perfecting your own appearance and domain through trickery and illusions. Prohibited Schools:conjuration, transmutation.
Sloth(Conjuration):Calling agents and minions to perform your deeds for you, or creating what you need as you need it. Prohibited Schools:evocation, illusion.
Wrath(Evocation):Mastery of the raw destructive power of magic, and channeling those destructive forces. Prohibited Schools:abjuration, conjuration.

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