
インヴェスティゲーターの技 Investigator Talents

ドミノ倒し*(変則)/Domino Effect --出典:Advanced Class Origins 15ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター調査打撃を使用する、相をお互いに利用し、次の行動のために備える。調査打撃で敵にダメージを与えることに成功したフリー・アクションとして、インヴェスティゲーターは最初の相に隣接する敵に調査打撃効果を適用することができる。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは少なくとも5レベルでなければならない。

破壊の打撃*(変則)/Iconclastic Strike --出典:Inner Sea Intrigue 31ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター調査打撃ダメージを与えると、調査打撃ダメージを受けたクリーチャーに対してフリー・アクションとして武器破壊戦技を行うことができる。目標となる物体聖印あるいは信仰巻物である場合、この武器破壊機会攻撃を誘発せず、判定が成功すると最大ダメージを与える。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは少なくとも13レベルでなければならない。

数値的打撃*(変則)/Numerical Strike --出典:Disciple's Doctrine 17ページ--:1日1回インヴェスティゲーター調査打撃クリティカル・ヒットを確定させた通常通りダメージをロールする代わりに平均値のダメージを与えることができる。これには攻撃の成功によって与えられたダメージと、調査打撃からの追加ダメージが含まれている。閃きを費やしこの能を1日2回使用することができる。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは少なくとも5レベルでなければならない。

上級数値的打撃*(変則)/Numerical Strike, Greater --出典:Disciple's Doctrine 17ページ--:1日1回、調査打撃クリティカル・ヒットを確定させた通常通りダメージをロールする代わりに、打撃の大最ダメージを与えることができる。これには攻撃の成功によって与えられたダメージと、調査打撃からの追加ダメージが含まれている。閃きを費やしこの能を1日2回使用することができる。この能を使用するのにアクションは必要ない。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは少なくとも13レベルでなければならない。

数値的打撃体得l*(変則)/Numerical Strike, Masterful --出典:Disciple's Doctrine 17ページ--:インヴェスティゲーターは、数値的打撃と上級数値的打撃の両方を1日3回使用できる。インヴェスティゲーターはどちらの能を使用するために閃きを使用する必要はないが、1日3回を超えて使用することはできない。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは数値的打撃と上級数値的打撃のを持ち少なくとも17レベルでなければならない。

調査延長化*(変則)/Prolonged Study --出典:Advanced Class Origins 15ページ--:インヴェスティゲーターは長期間相調査することができる。調査尖塔の能効果【知力】修正値の2倍に等しいラウンド数の間、あるいは調査打撃ダメージを与えるまでのいずれか早い方まで持続する。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは少なくとも13レベルでなければならない。

消音打撃*(変則)/Silencing Strike --出典:Inner Sea Intrigue 31ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター調査打撃ダメージを与える場合、目標頑健セーヴ難易度 = 10+インヴェスティゲータークラス・レベルの半分+【知力】修正値)に成功するか、1d4+1ラウンドの間話すことができない(音声構成要素を含む)。セーヴに成功するとこの持続時間は1ラウンドに減少する。このクリティカル・ヒット完全耐性を持つクリーチャーには効果がない。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは少なくとも15レベルでなければならない。

減速化打撃*(変則)/Slowing Strike --出典:Advanced Class Origins 15ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター調査打撃ダメージを与える、相頑健セーヴ難易度 = 10+インヴェスティゲータークラス・レベルの半分+【知力】修正値)に成功するか、足萎えさせる打撃によって減速されなければならない。減速された相移動速度は、ヒット・ポイントダメージ回復する呪文を適用することで治癒されるか、難易度 15の〈治療〉判定に成功するかまで、5フィートずつ減少する(最小5フィートまで)。複数の減速化打撃は累積する。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは少なくとも7レベルでなければならない。

時限打撃*(変則)/Timed Strike --出典:Advanced Class Origins 15ページ--:インヴェスティゲーターが相調査する時間がながければ長いほど、調査打撃で最終的に与えるダメージは大きくなる。インヴェスティゲーター調査打撃を行う調査尖塔で目標調査した連続したラウンド数に等しい追加ダメージを与える。

即席のトワイライト・タロン*(変則)/Twilight Talon Improvisation --出典:Inner Sea Intrigue 31ページ--:インヴェスティゲーターが即席武器調査打撃ダメージを与えるフリー・アクションとして、その敵を目標とする裏技戦技APGを行うことができる。この戦技はそれを防ぐ特技その他の能を持っていない限り、通常通り機会攻撃を誘発する。

Other Talents
禁忌/Anathema --出典:Potions and Poisons 15ページ--:インヴェスティゲーターが人あるいはクラスに由来するを含む、作成または準備するとき、代わりに禁忌作成するために閃きの1回分の使用回数を費やすことができる。禁忌として見なされるが、生物的には本質的に脆弱性用する者であり、通常完全耐性を持つクリーチャー響を及ぼすことができる。禁忌作成されたら、レンジャーの得意な敵のリストからクリーチャー種別(該当する場合は副種別)を選択する; 禁忌はこの選択された種別に対してのみ機能する。インヴェスティゲーターはまた禁忌響を与える次の特殊能力の1つを選択する:ダメージ減少ダメージ減少/―を除く)、エネルギー抵抗インヴェスティゲーターが選択した種別1つ)、高速治癒移動速度呪文抵抗


応用工学(変則)/Applied Engineering --出典:Advanced Class Origins 15ページ--:インヴェスティゲーターはエンジニアリングの知識を活用して、通常は野蛮なや鋭いを必要とするタスクをカイケルできる。物体あるいは範囲を研究し、〈知識:工学〉判定を試みるために全ラウンド・アクションを使用して閃きを1回分使用することができる。この次のターン物体破壊するための【筋力】判定や、その範囲に隠されているや区画を発見するための〈知覚〉の代わりに〈知識:工学〉判定の結果を使用することができる。

無神論者の閃き(変則)/Atheist Inspiration --出典:Inner Sea Intrigue 31ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター閃き使用回数を費やすことなく、信仰呪文抵抗するためのセーヴィング・スロー閃きを使用することができる。このは他の前提条件を満たす的で《信仰への反抗》特技(Pathfinder Player Companion:Faiths & Philosophies 7ページ)とみなされる。

キャスリング(変則)/Castling --出典:Elemental Master's Handbook 9ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター自身サイズより大きいのクリーチャーによって与えられた柔らかい遮蔽を、遮蔽であるかのように扱う。このを得たインヴェスティゲーター遮蔽は、〈隠密〉判定を試みることを許可しない。

秘術の導管(超常)/Eldritch Conduit --出典:Magic Tactics Toolbox 7ページ--:ネックスゲブの間のMana Wasteでの生存は、十分な魔法装備を見つけることに大きく依存しており、これにはワンド巻物からを盗み、より必要なものに動を与えることが含まれている。全ラウンド・アクションとして、このを持つインヴェスティゲーターは2つのポーション、2つのワンド、2つの巻物を使用することを選択できる。各アイテムは、通常通り使用されているかのように消費されたりチャージを失う。インヴェスティゲーターは一方の魔法効果を得ることを選択し、もう一方の術者レベルを使用してその効果を計算する。インヴェスティゲーターは他の能で許可されていない限り、依然としてUse Magic Deviceを使用して巻物ワンドを操作する判定に成功しなければならないが、両方のアイテムを操作するための技能判定は1回だけである。

Extra Earthcraft/Extra Earthcraft --出典:Elemental Master's Handbook 9ページ--:インヴェスティゲーターは確実の追加の2earthcraftポイントを得る。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターはearthcraft能を持っていなければならない。

偽りの術者(変則)/False Spellcaster --出典:Inner Sea Intrigue 31ページ--:インヴェスティゲーターはエキスを変更して皮膚に密かに塗ることができるオイルとして提供することができる。このようにエキスを使用して観察者を騙し、エキスの効果を生み出すために呪文を発動したと思わせるために音声あるいは動作構成要素を偽ることができる。この偽造がどれほどの説得がるかを決定するために〈はったり〉判定を試みる。観察者が発動しようとしている呪文を決定しようとするために〈はったり〉判定と対抗する〈呪文学〉判定に成功すると、真相に気がつく。観察者は何が起こっているかを認識しているのか銅貨にかかわらず、エキスの効果を識別するための難易度は20+エキスの呪文レベルに等しい。インヴェスティゲーター注入アルケミストの発見を持っている場合、接触遠隔注入を行うことができるが、残留物付与のヒントは、本当に呪文を発動していないことを認識するために、目標に対抗の〈呪文学〉判定に+2のボーナスを与える。

得意な合図(変則)/Favored Beat --出典:Inner Sea Intrigue 31ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター自身高名を受ける特定の共同体に精通している。同名のヴィジランテ社交の技を得る(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 12ページ)。この共同体は、同名の社交の技によって許可されているように、人口に応じて居住地あるいは居住地の一部(特定の地区や近辺など)にすることができる。別のインヴェスティゲーターの技を選択できるときは、インヴェスティゲーター前提条件を満たすために自身インヴェスティゲーター・レベルヴィジランテレベルとして使用し以下の社交の技(Ultimate Intrigueの10~13ページ)から選択することもできる:お得意様取引名士の特権事情通著名第一人者王室の支援ヴィジランテ社交の技的のために、インヴェスティゲーターヴィジランテの人格を持っておらず、常に社交の人格であると見なされる。

防衛的配置/Fortified Position --出典:Elemental Master's Handbook 9ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター遮蔽反応セーヴボーナスを得るときは、同様のボーナス頑健セーヴにも得る。

上級禁忌/Greater Anathema --出典:Potions and Poisons 15ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター禁忌の能減少は10に増加し、ダメージ減少/―を追加し、禁忌で低下できる能のリストに再生を追加する。加えてインヴェスティゲーター禁忌作成するとき、クリーチャー種別に加えて特定のクリーチャーヴァンパイアなど)を指定できる。この特定の敵に対して使用した場合、禁忌に対するセーヴ難易度構成要素より2高くなる。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーター禁忌を持っていなければならない。

群衆のただの顔/Just a Face in the Crowd --出典:Magic Tactics Toolbox 7ページ--:ガルドの民衆扇動家は群衆に溶け込み、隠れたり、隠れているように見える者を見つけだしたりすることができる。インヴェスティゲーターは10体以上のクリーチャー自身から30フィート以内にいる場合、〈変装〉〈知覚〉判定クラス・レベルの半分に等しいボーナスを得る。

素持続化(変則)/Lingering Venom --出典:Potions and Poisons 15ページ--:インヴェスティゲーターが個人的に武器に適用するあるいはその他の方法で敵に与えるは、治癒のために追加の1回のセーヴに成功する必要がある。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは少なくとも5レベルでなければならない。

数学的錬金術(超常)/Numerical Alchemy --出典:Disciple's Doctrine 17ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター精神数学の技能によりエキスを最も速く、最も効率的な方法で混合するために必要な筋の動きを正確に知ることができる。インヴェスティゲーター閃きを1回分使用して、エキスを1ラウンドで混合することができる(1分ではなく)。

上級数学的錬金術(超常)/Numerical Alchemy, Greater --出典:Disciple's Doctrine 17ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター自身の動きを計算し、危険や予期しない状況に対する反応を電の如き速さで説明することができる。標準アクションとして、エキスを混合するために閃き使用回数を使用することができる。このを選択するために、インヴェスティゲーターは数学的錬金術を持ち、少なくとも11レベルでなければならない。

ダンジョン探検(超常)Occult Dungeoneer --出典:Magic Tactics Toolbox 7ページ--:アブサロムの街のこそ泥は、製品が安全にがかかっていることを期待しており、一日の終わりに食事ができるようになるには、高品質の道具魔法の訓練が必要になる場合がある。このを持つインヴェスティゲーターは、以下の呪文の使用権を持つ呪文リストを持っているかのように、呪文起動型と呪文完成型のアイテムを使用できる:ディテクト・シークレット・ドアーズファインド・トラップスノックロケート・オブジェクトオブスキュア・オブジェクト呪文起動型の装置が使用者の術者レベルを適用することを許可している場合(スタッフなど)、インヴェスティゲーター自身クラス・レベル術者レベルとして使用できる。インヴェスティゲーターはまた、インヴェスティゲーター・レベル自身術者レベルとして使用し、1日1回超常能力としてノックを使用できる。

よくある顔(超常)/One of Those Faces --出典:Spymaster's Handbook 21ページ--:このを持つインヴェスティゲータースレイヤーは、Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide〔残虐〕〔失敗した見習い〕〔退役軍人〕〔悪戯っ子〕〔河ネズミ〕〔流浪の子〕〔博識〕特徴、あるいはPathfinder Player Companion:Taldor, Echoes of GloryのNarrows Survivor、〔金持ちの道楽人〕特徴を選択することもできる。


念視への精通(変則)/Scrying Familiarity --出典:Spymaster's Handbook 23ページ--:君は占術のセンサーに精通している。占術念視呪文効果に対するセーヴィング・スロー占術のセンサーに気がつくための〈知覚〉判定占術呪文効果を使用するときの呪文抵抗を克服するための術者レベル判定で2回ロールし良い方の結果を採用することができる。魔法のセンサーに気がついた場合、センサーによる検知を避けるための術者の術者レベル判定に対抗する〈隠密〉判定を試みることができる。

呪文蓄積(超常)/Spell Storing --出典:Magic Tactics Toolbox 7ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター2レベル点までの1体の目標で害のない呪文を自分の中に保存することができる。呪文発動時間は1標準アクションでなければならない。これらの条件を満たす呪文インヴェスティゲーターに発動され、呪文を保存していないときは、即座に効果を受けるのではなく保存することを選択できる。その後いつでも標準アクションとして。インヴェスティゲーター呪文を発動させることができる(その呪文がちょうど発動したかのようにあらゆる方法で機能する)。このを選択するためには、インヴェスティゲーター〈魔法装置使用〉に1ランク持っていなければならない。

持続的な閃き知識(変則)/Sustained Inspirational Expertise --出典:Inner Sea Intrigue 31ページ--:冴え渡る助言インヴェスティゲーターの技(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 33ページ)を介して味方にボーナスを与えるインヴェスティゲーターは次のラウンド即行アクションとして閃きを1回分師、1ラウンドの追加ラウンドの間付与したボーナス持続時間を延長することができる。付与される洞察ボーナスはこの能が使用されるラウンド毎に1ずつ減少する。この能を選択するためには、インヴェスティゲーターは少なくとも11レベルで、冴え渡る助言を持っていなければならない。

いついつまでも(超常)/The Whole Time --出典:Magic Tactics Toolbox 7ページ--:アスピス財団に雇われている傭兵保護されている目標攻撃するためにワンド・オヴ・インヴィジビリティを使用し、群衆に溶け込んで次の攻撃の源を脱出または偽装することがよくある。この能を持つインヴェスティゲーター魔法視認困難から攻撃する練習をしている。以下の呪文が使用権を持つ呪文リストにあるかのように、呪文起動型と呪文完成型のアイテムを使用することができる:グレーター・インヴィジビリティインヴィジビリティヴァニッシュAPG


不平衡の(変則)/Unbalancing Trick --出典:Elemental Master's Handbook 9ページ--:インヴェスティゲーター前提条件を満たしていなくても、ボーナス特技として《足払い強化》を得る。6レベル点で、《上級足払い》の全ての前提条件を満たしているかのように扱われる(ただしその利益を得るためには通常通り特技をとらなければならない)。

インヴェスティゲーターのアーキタイプ Investigator Archetypes

Antiquarian Antiquarian

出典 Blood of the Ancients 14ページ

Antiquarians are collectors, explorers, and scholars who delve into ruined places in search of lost lore and artifacts.

Relic Magic/Relic Magic:Antiquarians emulate Arustun, founder of the Jistka Imperium, by exploring and recording the remnants of lost civilizations. Rather than using extracts, an antiquarian carries a collection of holy and unholy symbols, charms, and trinkets. Though an antiquarian may never know who or what grants him his power, he can produce magical effects all the same. Relic magic functions as the alchemy class feature, except as noted below.

An antiquarian begins play with a collection of religious trinkets that functions as his formula book and weighs 2 pounds total, with each trinket functioning as a formula. Adding new trinkets has the same cost and time requirement as adding formulae to a formula book. An antiquarian can study a wizard’s spellbook or alchemist’s formula book to learn formulae, but an antiquarian’s trinket collection is too esoteric for anyone except another antiquarian to learn spells from. An antiquarian prepares spells by meditating and charging relics with supernatural power, which has the same requirements and limitations as preparing extracts. However, instead of creating extracts, an antiquarian casts spells as though he were an arcane spellcaster, which means he can affect other creatures with his spells. An antiquarian does not suffer from arcane spell failure.

An antiquarian doesn’t gain a competence bonus on Craft(alchemy) checks to create alchemical items, and he cannot identify potions with that skill. Furthermore, he cannot select alchemist discoveries as investigator talents.

This alters alchemy.

Item Lore(変則)/Item Lore:An antiquarian can identify even the most esoteric objects at a glance. At 2nd level, he can discern whether an item is magical simply by studying it for 1 round. Once he identifies a magic item in this way, he can use Spellcraft to attempt to identify the properties of the magic item as if he had used detect magic. Furthermore, he can detect whether an item is cursed if his check to identify the magic item exceeds the 難易度 by 5.

This replaces poison lore.

Curse Resistance(変則)/Curse Resistance:At 2nd level, an antiquarian gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against spells and effects with the curse descriptor. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level and to +6 at 8th level. At 11th level, the antiquarian becomes completely immune to such effects.

This replaces poison resistance and poison immunity.

Swift Search(変則)/Swift Search:At 4th level, an antiquarian can study the secrets of a location with incredible speed. Whenever he takes 20 on a Perception check, it takes him only 1 minute.

This replaces swift alchemy.

Bonded Investigator Bonded Investigator

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 38ページ

Bonded investigators use intelligent familiars to assist them in their investigations. They are common in the Inner Sea region’s bustling cities, where a rat, cat, raven, or another small animal can go largely unnoticed.

Familiar(変則)/Familiar:At 2nd level, a bonded investigator gains a familiar to aid him. This familiar functions as the wizard arcane bond class feature, using the bonded investigator’s class level to determine the familiar’s special abilities. The bonded investigator’s extracts are considered spells for the purposes of familiar abilities like share spell and deliver touch spells.

This ability replaces poison lore, poison resistance, and poison immunity.

Inspired Familiar(変則)/Inspired Familiar:At 4th level, a bonded investigator’s familiar becomes a cunning assistant to the investigator. The familiar can access the investigator’s inspiration pool to augment its own actions; the use of inspiration is deducted from the investigator’s number of daily uses as normal. The familiar can use the inspiration ability(and gains the increased benefits of investigator talents that affect the bonus dice used in this ability) but cannot expend uses of inspiration for other purposes.

This ability replaces the studied strike damage gained at 4th level.

Studied Strike(変則)/Studied Strike:At 6th level, a bonded investigator gains studied strike +1d6. At 10th level and every 4 investigator levels thereafter, this damage increases by +1d6.

This ability alters studied strike.

Improved Familiar(変則)/Improved Familiar:At 7th level, a bonded investigator gains the Improved Familiar feat as a bonus feat, treating his investigator level as his arcane caster level for the purposes of determining what familiars are available to him.

This replaces the investigator talent gained at 7th level.

Investigator Talents:The following investigator talents complement the bonded investigator archetype effortless aidACG, perceptive trackingACG, tenacious inspirationACG, and unconventional inspirationACG.

Cryptid Scholar Cryptid Scholar

出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 18ページ

Cryptid scholars research monsters that lurk secretly at the edge of civilization, developing a deep expertise regarding their anatomy, habits, and ecology. Most cryptid scholars are affiliated with the University of Lepidstadt, but spend more time away performing field work than they do consorting with their fellow scholars(many of whom find a cryptid scholar’s peculiar specialty suspicious at best). Although competent as lone monster hunters, cryptid scholars excel when they have associates with whom to share their insights.

Intuitive Monster Lore(変則)/Intuitive Monster Lore:A cryptid scholar adds his Wisdom modifier on Knowledge skill checks in addition to his Intelligence modifier when attempting skill checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures. At 5th level, a cryptid scholar can take 10 on such checks, even when threatened or distracted.

This ability replaces poison lore and poison resistance.

Opportune Advice(変則)/Opportune Advice:At 4th level, when the cryptid scholar succeeds at a Knowledge check to identify a monster’s special powers or vulnerabilities, he can take a move action to share his insights with his allies. Allies within 30 feet who can hear the cryptid scholar gain a +1 insight bonus to their ACs and on saving throws against extraordinary, supernatural, and spell-like abilities used by creatures of the same type and all the same subtypes as the monster identified. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the cryptid scholar’s Intelligence modifier(minimum 1) or until he uses knowledgeable strike(see below), whichever comes first. This bonus increases by 1 at 8th level and every 4 investigator levels thereafter(to a maximum of +5 at 20th level). A creature cannot benefit from opportune advice regarding more than one specific kind of monster at a time.

Once the cryptid scholar has used this ability to provide a bonus against a specific kind of monster, he can’t grant a bonus against that same kind of monster again for 24 hours, unless he expends one use of inspiration when taking a move action to use this ability.

This ability replaces studied combat, and the cryptid scholar cannot choose investigator talents that add effects to studied combat or studied strike.

Knowledgeable Strike(変則)/Knowledgeable Strike:At 4th level, the cryptid scholar can direct allies to exploit a monster’s weaknesses. If the cryptid scholar ends his opportune advice early as a move action, each ally within 30 feet who can hear the cryptid scholar deals additional damage on its next successful unarmed, natural, or weapon attack against that specific kind of monster within 1 round. The additional damage is 1d6 at 4th level and increases by 1d6 for every 4 investigator levels thereafter(to a maximum of 5d6 at 20th level). The damage of knowledgeable strike is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit; creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to knowledgeable strike. Ranged attacks gain this additional damage only against a target within 30 feet. The ally must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. Knowledgeable strike cannot be used against a creature with concealment.

This ability replaces studied strike.

Dread Investigator Dread Investigator

出典 Cohorts and Companions 14ページ

The dread investigator observes human behavior after the fact, honing their intuition by delving into the mysteries of death. They breach sealed tombs to recover research material rather than riches. Many join—or found—cults dedicated to Urgathoa, while others are simply researchers or Osirionologists who must become accustomed to undeath to pursue their work.

Delayed Inspiration/Delayed Inspiration:A dread investigator gains inspiration at 4th level instead of 1st and gains studied combat and studied strike at 7th level instead of 4th. A dread investigator’s studied strike deals 1d6 fewer points of damage than normal. This alters inspiration, studied combat, and studied strike.

Embalming Fluids(変則)/Embalming Fluids:A dread investigator adds the following spells to his class list of extracts:1st—hide from undead, sanctify corpseUM; 2nd—gentle repose, lesser animate deadUM; 3rd—animate dead, speak with dead; 4th—rest eternalAPG. A dread investigator can use these extracts to affect dead bodies as if using the infusion discovery to affect another creature. This ability replaces poison lore.

Negative Energy Resistance(変則)/Negative Energy Resistance:At 2nd level, a dread investigator gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against death effects, energy drain, and negative energy. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level and +6 at 8th level. At 11th level, effects created by undead that inflict ability drain, ability damage, or energy drain have only half their normal effect on a dread investigator(minimum 1 point of ability damage or ability drain, or 1 negative level). This ability replaces poison resistance and immunity.

Investigator Talent:When a dread investigator selects the alchemical discovery talent, he can select from the following additional discoveries:alchemical zombieUM, mummificationUM, or preserve organsUM.

Reanimation Fluid(変則)/Reanimation Fluid:At 7th level, a dread investigator adds undead anatomy IUM to his formula book, and he can share this extract with an unconscious creature as if he had the infusion discovery. If the creature is dying when it receives the infusion, it stabilizes and gains temporary hit points equal to twice the dread investigator’s level. Rather than having the extract take effect immediately, the dread investigator may choose for the extract to remain latent for up to 10 minutes per level. He can trigger the extract’s effect at any point by touching the creature as a standard action, and it automatically triggers if the creature using it is reduced to 0 or fewer hit points. The dread investigator can also amplify the effect of the extract, allowing it to function as undead anatomy IIUM, but this reduces the extract’s duration to 1 round per level and at the end of its duration the creature using the extract is reduced to –1 hit points.

At 13th level, a dread investigator adds undead anatomy II to his formula book, and at 19th level undead anatomy IIIUM, which he can use in the same way, including amplifying the effect of the extract to the next-higher-level undead anatomy spell. This ability replaces the investigator talents gained at 7th, 13th, and 19th level.

Engineer Engineer

出典 Construct Handbook 13ページ

A number of investigators use their vast knowledge to build machines that replicate the intricacies of the world. These investigators create devices to enhance the minds and bodies of their allies and themselves.

Custom Mechanism(変則)/Custom Mechanism:An engineer can create a mechanism, a small device that assists with the execution of an activity. Creating a mechanism requires 1 minute of time and expends 1 use from the engineer’s inspiration pool. An engineer chooses a skill to associate with the mechanism when he creates it. As an immediate action, a mechanism can be activated to grant the engineer’s inspiration die on a check of the associated skill. An engineer can create a mechanism that affects attack rolls or saving throws, but she expends 2 uses from her inspiration pool to do so. Any creature can use a mechanism, but a creature can have only 1 mechanism at a time, as multiple mechanisms interfere with each other while in close proximity. A mechanism remains active for a number of minutes equal to the engineer’s Intelligence modifier(minimum 1). At 5th level, an engineer’s mechanisms remain active for a number of minutes equal to the engineer’s level. At 11th level, an engineer’s mechanisms remain active for a number of hours equal to the engineer’s level.

This replaces the trapfinding, poison lore, and poison resistance class features.

Mechanical Understanding(変則)/Mechanical Understanding:At 3rd level, an engineer gains a deeper understanding of constructs and machines. He gains a +1 bonus on Knowledge(arcana) checks to identify constructs and a +1 bonus on Knowledge(engineering) checks. This bonus increases by 1 at 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter.

This replaces trap sense.

Guardian of Immortality Guardian of Immortality

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 41ページ

Guardians of immortality are Thuvian investigators charged with hunting down those who would attempt to steal or learn for themselves the secret to creating the sun orchid elixir.

Guardian’s Gaze(変則)/Guardian’s Gaze:At 2nd level, a guardian of immortality adds 1/2 his investigator level as a bonus on Sense Motive checks.

This ability replaces poison lore.

Desert Survivor(変則)/Desert Survivor:At 2nd level, a guardian of immortality is trained by the druids of Duwwor to survive the hazards of the desert. He gains Endurance as a bonus feat and does not treat sand as difficult terrain. At 5th level, he gains resist fire 10. At 8th level, he can see twice as far in sandstorms, clouds, and fog, and whenever he gains an advantage in a desert tile during a pursuit(Ultimate Intrigue 142), he gains an additional advantage.

This ability replaces poison resistance.

Liar’s Familiarity(変則)/Liar’s Familiarity:At 7th level, a guardian of immortality learns Lamasaran decoy and forgery techniques to better defeat them. His inspiration applies automatically without using an action or a use of inspiration on saving throws to disbelieve illusions, Disguise skill checks, Perception checks to see through disguises, and Linguistics checks to create or detect forgeries.

This replaces the investigator talent gained at 7th level.

Orchid’s Drop(変則)/Orchid’s Drop:At 11th level, a guardian of immortality is entrusted with a secret solution designed by Thuvian alchemists to emulate certain aspects of the sun orchid elixir, granting him a +1 alchemical bonus on all saving throws.

This ability replaces immunity to poison.

Teleportation Warden(超常)/Teleportation Warden:At 13th level, a guardian of immortality is trained by the mages of Pashow to sense the impending arrival or departure of creatures using teleportation. This ability constantly functions like trace teleport(Ultimate Intrigue 226). In addition, the guardian of immortality can use conjuration foil(Ultimate Intrigue 207) once per day as an immediate action.

This replaces the investigator talent gained at 13th level.

Investigator Talents:The following investigator talents complement the guardian of immortality archetype:alchemist discoveryACG, combat inspirationACG, greater combat inspirationACG, inspired alertnessACG, stealing strikeACG, and toppling strikeACG.

Holomog Demolitionist Holomog Demolitionist

出典 Heroes of Golarion 18ページ

Holomog is an ancient nation built on even more ancient ruins. Its renowned civil engineers develop skills that allow them to take full advantage of their environments.

Structural Knowledge(変則)/Structural Knowledge:At 2nd level, a Holomog demolitionist gains Improved Sunder as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

This replaces poison lore.

Structural Insight(変則)/Structural Insight:At 2nd level, a Holomog demolitionist gains an insight bonus equal to his investigator level on Acrobatics checks to move through difficult terrain. At 5th level, when attempting to damage objects and structures, he ignores the first 5 points of hardness. At 8th level, the Holomog demolitionist gains a +2 insight bonus on attack rolls when attempting to sunder an item. At 11th level, he can attempt a sunder combat maneuver check against a wall no more than 5 feet thick. If the damage from the sunder combat maneuver exceeds the wall’s hardness, the Holomog demolitionist creates a 5-foot opening in the wall, through which a Medium creature can easily pass.

This replaces poison resistance.

Ricochet(変則)/Ricochet:At 3rd level as a standard action, the Holomog demolitionist can attack an adjacent wall or object with a melee weapon. On a hit, he creates a 15-foot-cone of rock shards or splinters that deals 2d6 points of damage to targets in the area of effect. A target can attempt a Reflex save(難易度 = 10 + half the Holomog demolitionist’s level + his Intelligence modifier) to reduce this damage by half. At 9th level, the damage increases to 4d6, and the investigator can create this effect with a ranged weapon by targeting a wall or object within 30 feet.

This replaces the investigator talents gained at 3rd and 9th levels.

Studied Strike(変則)/Studied Strike:A Holomog demolitionist’s studied strike damage increases every 4 levels, rather than every 2(to 2d6 at 8th, 3d6 at 12th, 4d6 at 16th, and 5d6 at 20th level).

This alters studied strike.

Battlefield Preparation(変則)/Battlefield Preparation:At 6th level, the investigator can create 10 feet of difficult terrain by spending a full-round action to analyze and manipulate his surroundings. This terrain can be in any shape designated by the investigator, but at least 1 square must be adjacent to his position. For every 4 levels he has beyond 6th, the investigator can create an additional 10 feet of difficult terrain, to a maximum of 40 feet at 18th level. This is a physical alteration that remains in place until the surface is altered again(the road is repaved, the floor repaired, etc.), and the Holomog demolitionist ignores the effects of any difficult terrain he creates in this way.

At 10th level, the Holomog demolitionist can use this ability to create clouds of dust and rubble that create concealment rather than difficult terrain in the same area. This concealment lasts 1d4 rounds plus 1 round for every 4 investigator levels, and the Holomog demolitionist is affected by the concealment as normal.

At 14th level, the difficult terrain the Holomog demolitionist creates provides cover for himself and his allies.

Jinyiwei Jinyiwei

出典 Blood of the Ancients 19ページ

Lung Wa’s corruption and political decay led to its eventual collapse, but the empire did not spend its last decades in surrender. A special task force of secret police, known as the jinyiwei, was one of Lung Wa’s last bulwarks against this decline. The jinyiwei were unable to save the empire; they failed in their mission to root out, expose, and counteract their government’s existing wrongdoing, and the organization itself ultimately fell prey to the same political decline that rotted Lung Wa’s bureaucracy. However, their legacy now inspires purists who seek out and eliminate corruption wherever they find it. Since the earthly government of Lung Wa has failed, these new jinyiwei claim they act under the celestial government’s mandate.

Divine Inspiration/Divine Inspiration:A jinyiwei follows a mandate from Heaven to combat corruption in the mortal world. A jinyiwei adds her Wisdom modifier to her inspiration pool, rather than her Intelligence modifier. Additionally, rather than dabbling in the arcane arts of alchemy, a jinyiwei is empowered by the forces of celestial bureaucracy. She casts spells as an inquisitor of the same level.

This alters the inspiration class feature and replaces the alchemy class feature.

Suspicious Mind(変則)/Suspicious Mind:A jinyiwei adds half her level(minimum 1) to Sense Motive checks, Linguistics checks to detect forgeries, and Perception checks to see through disguises, locate creatures using Stealth, or locate a secret door or compartment.

This replaces trapfinding.

Celestial Insight(変則)/Celestial Insight:At 3rd level, a jinyiwei learns to see through the types of magic that often lead others astray. She gains a +1 competence bonus on saving throws to resist enchantment and illusion effects. At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1(to a maximum of +6 at 18th level).

This replaces trap sense.

Imperial Judgment(超常)/Imperial Judgment:At 4th level, a jinyiwei can carry out trial and sentence with her own divine authority. She gains the judgment inquisitor class feature as an inquisitor 3 levels lower than her investigator level, and her investigator levels stack with inquisitor levels for the purposes of determining her judgments’ abilities and number of judgments per day. At 11th level, she gains the second judgment inquisitor class feature, and at 19th level, she gains the third judgment inquisitor class feature.

This replaces swift alchemy.

Lamplighter Lamplighter

出典 Heroes of the Streets 17ページ

Lamplighters are investigators tasked with keeping the night streets safe and lit, and securing darkened areas against whatever dangers lurk in the shadows. They also investigate those who seek to hide their crimes from the light of day.

技能Perform and Profession are not class skills for a lamplighter. This ability alters the investigator’s class skills.

Lamplighter(超常)LamplighterAt 1st level, a lamplighter can take a move action to create a small flame that immediately ignites a lamp, torch, or similar flammable item he’s holding.

Alchemical Illumination(擬呪)/Alchemical Illumination:At 2nd level, as a standard action, a lamplighter can cast certain light spells by burning a magic extract, infusion, or potion of a spell of the same or greater level than the light spell in a lit lantern or torch. If the spell has a range of touch, the lantern or torch counts as the object touched. The spell’s 難易度, if any, equals 10 + spell level + the lamplighter’s Intelligence modifier. At 2nd level, the lamplighter can cast light and continual flame(24 hour duration). At 5th level, the lamplighter can cast daylight and discovery torchUC. At 8th level, the lamplighter can cast searing light. At 11th level, the lamplighter can cast judgment lightUC. The lamplighter need not have an active judgment to cast this spell, can choose what color of judgment light is created, can use his alignment for golden light, and can select any element for copper light. This ability replaces poison lore, poison resistance, and poison immunity.

Ready for the Revelation(変則)/Ready for the Revelation:At 3rd level, a lamplighter can use inspiration on initiative checks without spending a use of inspiration. He can use his Intelligence modifier in place of his Dexterity modifier on initiative checks. At 6th level, if the lamplighter has Quick Draw, he can draw a weapon as part of his initiative check. At 9th level, the lamplighter isn’t flat-footed before he acts in the first round of combat. At 12th level, the lamplighter adds his Intelligence bonus as well as his Dexterity bonus to initiative checks. At 15th level, the lamplighter can act last during the surprise round even if he is otherwise unaware combat has started. At 18th level, the lamplighter is not limited to just a move or standard action during the surprise round—he can act normally. This ability replaces keen recollection and trap sense.

Lepidstadt Inspector Lepidstadt Inspector

出典 Advanced Class Origins 15ページ

The ability of investigators trained at the University of Lepidstadt to get to the bottom of a mystery is legendary, and troubled settlements throughout the region often send petitions to the university requesting the aid of a formally trained inspector when some mystery threatens the community as a whole. These inspectors are tasked with assuming nothing and asking difficult and unpopular questions as necessary to get to the truth behind a problem. Inspectors are well-prepared to deal with mystical threats, but they are also mindful that what some claim are supernatural problems may well be just the result of more mundane threats such as bandits, wild beasts, or public hysteria.

Interrogation(変則)/Interrogation:A Lepidstadt inspector is a master of harrying others until they cooperate with his investigations, and knows instinctively when the answers he receives are falsehoods. He adds 1/2 his class level(minimum 1) to Intimidate checks made to inf luence a creature’s attitude and to Sense Motive checks. This ability replaces trapfinding.

Keen Mind(変則)/Keen Mind:At 3rd level, a Lepidstadt inspector’s strong, analytical mind resists attacks and hazards that would muddy his clear thoughts. He gains a +1 bonus on Perception checks and Will saves. These bonuses increase to +2 at 9th level and +3 at 15th level. This ability replaces trap sense, poison resistance, and poison immunity.

Perceptive Tracking(変則)/Perceptive Tracking:At 3rd level, a Lepidstadt inspector must take the perceptive tracking talent as his investigator talent. He doesn’t need to be trained in Perception to do so.

Relentless Pursuit(変則)/Relentless Pursuit:At 5th level, a Lepidstadt inspector can learn enough about a suspect through observation that he can deduce the most effective way to deal with the subject. Once per day, if a Lepidstadt inspector finds a creature’s tracks using perceptive tracking, he gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against or about that creature, as well as on weapon attack and damage rolls against that creature. These bonuses last until the Lepidstadt inspector selects a new subject for relentless pursuit. This ability replaces swift alchemy and the investigator talent gained at 5th level.

Malice Binder Malice Binder

出典 Blood of the Coven 28ページ

A lock of hair, a bit of blood, even a footprint is enough to grant a wily witch hunter an edge. Malice binders often rise from the ranks of the common folk rather than from wealthy nobles or the church. Their magic is old and crude, but devastatingly effective against those they hunt.

Witch Lore(変則)/Witch Lore:Malice binders hunt and kill those who would plague the world with supernatural power. A malice binder can use inspiration on Knowledge(arcana), Spellcraft, Sleight of Hand, and Survival checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided he is trained in the skill, rather than on any Knowledge and Linguistics checks. He can later spend an investigator talent to gain the ability to use inspiration on any Knowledge and Linguistics checks.

This alters inspiration.

Take a Bit(変則)/Take a Bit:The malice binder gains Improved Steal as a bonus feat at 1st level. At 3rd level, he can use inspiration to improve a steal combat maneuver check by spending one use of inspiration rather than two.

This replaces trapfinding and trap sense.

Fettering(超常)/Fettering:A malice binder forgoes alchemy for the study of sympathetic magic that allows him to hinder foes. Fetters rely on the magical resonance of creatures capable of casting spells(spellcasters and creatures with spell-like abilities) which saturates even their hair and clothing. Fetters cannot target a creature with no magical ability. The malice binder knows one fetter at 1st level and gains another at 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter.

Every fetter requires a token taken from his desired target:a few hairs, a lost tooth, nail clippings, a scrap of clothing, or a small treasured possession with some significance. An investigator can obtain a single token in any of the following ways:a successful Sleight of Hand check against an unsuspecting target, a successful steal combat maneuver, or a successful Perception check(難易度 = 15 + the creature’s 脅威度) to search an area his target occupied for at least 2 hours. Malice binders can search such a location for additional tokens, but each subsequent Perception check increases the 難易度 by 5, regardless of success or failure. Tokens rely on the magic that clings to spellcasters and creatures with spell-like abilities; they must be carefully preserved as soon as they are recovered and before they can be used. Preparing a token requires a move action, and a malice binder can maintain one prepared token per class level. Each token can be used only to power a fetter targeting the creature it came from, and it is consumed in the process. At 7th level, the malice binder can instead prepare a token as a swift action.

The 難易度 to resist a fetter is equal to 10 + half the investigator’s class level + the investigator’s Charisma bonus. Activating a fetter is a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity, and unless otherwise stated the target must be within 30 feet, plus 5 feet per 2 levels. Once a creature has been the target of a specific fetter, it is immune to that effect for 24 hours.

This replaces alchemy.

Divine Dread(超常)/Divine Dread:Binding a token to a holy symbol anathema to the target fills the creature with supernatural dread, imposing the shaken condition for 1 round per class level. At 6th level, the target is frightened instead. At 11th level, the target becomes panicked instead. On a successful Will saving throw, the target is instead shaken for a single round.

Hexing Shield(超常)/Hexing Shield:By placing a token between two shiny copper coins and then putting them in a creature’s mouth, the malice binder can ward himself or others. This fetter grants whoever holds it in his mouth a +2 resistance bonus on Will saving throws against the target’s spells, supernatural abilities, and spell-like abilities. The fetter lasts 10 minutes per class level, but whoever holds it in his mouth cannot eat, drink, speak, or cast spells with verbal components without ending the effect early. At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the resistance bonus granted improves by 1, to a maximum of +8 at 19th level. The malice binder can have only one hexing shield active at a time.

Incapacitate(超常)/Incapacitate:By rubbing soot into a token, the malice binder clouds his target’s senses or stifles the target’s tongue. This fetter deafens or silences the target for 1 round per 2 class levels(minimum 1 round). Silenced creatures cannot speak or cast spells with verbal components, but they are otherwise unrestricted from making sounds. At 6th level, a malice binder can either blind his target or both silence and deafen it. On a successful Will saving throw, the target is instead dazzled for a single round.

Repulse(超常)/Repulse:By binding a token to a bit of rancid meat, the malice binder can impede his target’s approach. Once activated, this fetter forces its target to spend twice the normal amount of movement to approach the fetter while within range of its effect; it does not affect the target’s ability to move away. At 11th level, the fetter’s target cannot physically approach within 10 feet of the fetter, as if affected by a repulsion spell. This fetter remains active for 1 minute per class level and can be handed to another creature or left somewhere to ward against a witch’s entry. A target can overcome this effect with a successful Will saving throw when the fetter is first activated.

Salting Wounds(超常)/Salting Wounds:The malice binder can rub salt into a wound—his own or that of an adjacent ally—treating the wound as a token to protect the injured creature from the danger that threatens it. This fetter grants a +2 deflection bonus to アーマー・クラス against attacks from the creature that caused the original wound, which is treated as the fetter’s target for the purposes of how often it can be used. At 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the deflection bonus to アーマー・クラス increases by 1, to a maximum of +6 at 20th level. This fetter is painful to whom it protects, sickening the protected creature while the fetter remains in effect.

Shackle(超常)/Shackle:Binding a token to manacles or a length of rope causes the restraints to fly out and entangle the target. A target can avoid this fetter with a successful Reflex save. An entangled target can attempt to escape as a standard action with either an Escape Artist check or a combat maneuver check using the same 難易度 as the initial saving throw. Using masterwork manacles in this fetter increases the escape 難易度 by 2.

Temptation(超常)/Temptation:Anointing a token with incense or scented oils creates a supernaturally appealing object to attract a target’s attention. Once activated, this fetter lasts for 1 minute per class level. If the target approaches within the fetter’s area of effect, it is compelled to approach the fetter and pick it up; the compulsion can be negated with a successful Will save. This effect ends immediately if the target picks up the fetter or the fetter moves more than 30 feet plus 5 feet per 2 levels away from the target. At 11th level, the fetter fascinates its target once picked up, affecting it as if by the spell hypnotism for 1 round per class level; this fetter is not limited by the target’s Hit Dice.

Witch Compass(超常)/Witch Compass:Placing a token on top of a compass causes the needle to point toward the malice binder’s target for 1 hour per class level, granting a +10 circumstance bonus on Survival checks to track that creature. The target must be within 1 mile per class level, or else the needle spins aimlessly.

Wrack(超常)/Wrack:The binder can drive an iron nail through a token to leave his target sickened with pain until the end of the malice binder’s next turn. At 6th level, the target is instead staggered until the end of the malice binder’s next turn. The target can negate this fetter with a successful Fortitude save. For this fetter, a binder can use a clear footprint as a token; finding an appropriate footprint requires a successful Survival skill check to track the target.

Take a Bit More(変則)/Take a Bit More:At 8th level, taking a bit of clothing or hair to use as a token becomes second nature for the malice binder. He gains Quick Steal as a bonus feat. When attempting to steal a token, he gains a +2 competence bonus on combat maneuver checks.

This replaces poison resistance.

Witch Trapper(変則)/Witch Trapper:Beginning at 11th level, whenever the malice binder would gain a fetter, he can instead select a ranger trap(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 64), treating his investigator level as his ranger level for the purpose of determining the trap’s effect.

This replaces poison immunity.

Questioner Questioner

出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 26ページ

Dabblers in arcane magic and masters of stealth and guile, questioners are investigators who often find themselves mucking about in cases for less-than-savory clientele or that require an extra bit of subtlety. Although questioners are found in nearly every major city in the Inner Sea region, Ustalav has the highest concentration; many belong to the famed Sleepless Detectives, while others have trained to evade the notice of that acclaimed agency.

Inspiration for Subterfuge(変則)/Inspiration for Subterfuge:A questioner can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Stealth checks he attempts without expending a use of inspiration, provided he’s trained in that skill.

This ability alters inspiration.

呪文A questioner casts arcane spells drawn from the bard spell list. He can cast any spell he knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a questioner must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell’s level. The saving throw 難易度 against a questioner’s spell is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the questioner’s Intelligence modifier.

Like other spellcasters, a questioner can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. He knows the same number of spells and receives the same number of spell slots per day as a bard of his investigator level, including for cantrips. In addition, he receives bonus spells per day if he has a high Intelligence score.

At 5th level and every 3 investigator levels thereafter, a questioner can learn a new spell in place of one he already knows, using the same rules as a bard. In effect, the questioner loses the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell the questioner can cast.

A questioner need not prepare his spells in advance. He can cast any bard spell he knows at any time, assuming he has not yet used up his allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level.

This ability replaces alchemy.

Know-It-All(変則)/Know-It-All:At 2nd level, a questioner receives a +1 bonus on skill checks for all Knowledge skills in which he is trained. This bonus increases by 1 at 5th level and every 3 investigator levels thereafter, to a maximum of +6 at 17th level. If he has the perceptive trackingACG investigator talent, he also adds this bonus on Perception checks to find and follow tracks. At 5th level, the questioner gains the eidetic recollectionACG investigator talent as a bonus talent, ignoring its prerequisites. This ability replaces poison lore.

Restricted Talents/Restricted Talents:A questioner selects investigator talents as normal, except he cannot select the alchemist discovery investigator talent.

This ability alters investigator talents.

Investigator Talents:The following investigator talents complement the questioner archetype particularly well:expanded inspirationACG, inspirational expertiseACG, perceptive trackingACG, rogue talentACG, and underworld inspirationACG.

Reckless Epicurean Reckless Epicurean

出典 Potions and Poisons 14ページ

Reckless epicureans are investigators who, for whatever reason, tend to test unknown concoctions on themselves. Whether an obsessive scientist, a healer determined to ensure the safety of her tinctures, or a seeker of new and interesting potions, a reckless epicurean’s body is saturated with experimental chemicals and magic. She can prepare extracts without formulae by approximating the taste, and she can guzzle cursed concoctions without batting an eyelash.

A Familiar Taste(変則)A Familiar Taste:At 2nd level, a reckless epicurean adds half her level as a bonus on Perception and Spellcraft checks to identify potions. The benefits she receives from poison resistance and poison immunity also apply against harmful potions and other ingested substances with negative effects, such as drugs.

This replaces trapfinding.

Experimental Potable(超常)/Experimental Potable:At 5th level, once per day, a reckless epicurean can prepare one experimental potable using a formula that she does not know from the alchemist formulae list into an extract slot of the appropriate level. These experimental potables often have side effects. When a creature consumes one of these potables, the investigator must succeed at a Spellcraft check(難易度 = 15 + the formula’s level). On a failure, she must roll on the Wild Magic Surge table(Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained 147) to determine the extra effects. If the wild magic surge effect isn’t possible due to the nature of the spell or effect, roll instead on the Universal Surge Effects table(Pathfinder Unchained 148). Results concerning the caster affect the drinker of the experimental potable instead.

At 8th level, and every 3 levels thereafter, the reckless epicurean can prepare one additional experimental potable per day.

This replaces the investigator talent gained at 5th level.

Sympathetic Resistance(超常)/Sympathetic Resistance:At 13th level, when a reckless epicurean drinks an extract or a potion, she gains an alchemical bonus on saves against spells and spell-like abilities of the same school as that potion or extract for a number of rounds equal to her Intelligence modifier. This bonus is equal to the level of the spell contained in the extract or potion. The investigator can use this ability a number of times per day equal to her Intelligence modifier(minimum 1).

This replaces the investigator talent gained at 13th level.

Scavenger Scavenger

出典 Blood of the Beast 21ページ
A scavenger rogue gains Skill Focus(Appraise, Disable Device, or Knowledge [engineering]) in place of Craft Construct at 11th level

Scavengers are masters of systems:how they fit together, why they work, and how to make the most of their parts. However, scavengers generally lack other investigative talents such as social skills or an understanding of history and lore. The ratfolk of Numeria excel at this art, but nearly every warren across Golarion boasts at least a few resourceful scavengers.

Gadgetry(超常)/Gadgetry:A scavenger is a master of mechanical arts rather than alchemical ones, and he gains a competence bonus on Craft(clockwork) checks equal to his class level. He can use Knowledge(engineering) to identify wondrous items as if using detect magic and Spellcraft. A scavenger does not gain any bonuses to or special uses of the Craft(alchemy) skill.

Rather than prepare his extracts as consumable liquids, a scavenger constructs small, single-use devices infused with bits of his own magic aura to achieve the same effects. Alchemist and investigator discoveries that affect extracts result in identical effects on a scavenger’s gadgets(such as the infusion discovery, which would allow another creature to use a gadget, just as it would allow that creature to use an extract).

This ability modifies alchemy.

Mechanical Inspiration(変則)/Mechanical Inspiration:At 1st level, a scavenger can use inspiration to apply a bonus to Appraise, Disable Device, and Knowledge(engineering) checks without expending a use of inspiration, but he must spend a use of inspiration to apply a bonus on Knowledge, Linguistics, and Spellcraft checks.

This ability modifies inspiration.

Jury-Rig(変則)/Jury-Rig:Beginning at 2nd level, a scavenger can sacrifice one of his gadgets to repair or enhance an adjacent mechanical device, such as a lock, trap, or vehicle. Doing so either repairs 1d6 points of damage per extract level of the gadget sacrificed or applies a bonus or penalty to one specific skill check involved in using the device. The scavenger could, for example, sacrifice a gadget to impose a penalty on all Disable Device checks to disarm a trap, add a bonus on all Disable Device checks to open a lock, or add a bonus on all Profession(driver) checks to drive a carriage. This modifier is equal to twice the extract level of the gadget sacrificed, and lasts for 10 minutes per class level.

This ability replaces poison lore.

Construct Mastery(変則)/Construct Mastery:At 2nd level, a scavenger gains a +2 bonus on all Craft checks to modify or repair creatures of the construct type, as well as a +2 bonus on all weapon damage rolls against constructs. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level, and to +6 at 8th level. At 11th level, the scavenger gains Craft Construct as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces the investigator’s poison resistance and poison immunity.

Skeptic Skeptic

出典 Haunted Heroes Handbook 11ページ

The skeptic accepts the existence of the occult world while challenging claims that the supernatural explains all of life’s problems. Skeptics tirelessly strive to debunk the legends surrounding possessions and spiritual hauntings, but stand prepared on the off chance a legend turns out to be true. Though these strongwilled investigators master the art of identifying and overcoming haunts and possessions, they often revel in the thrill of revealing a more mundane truth.

Hauntfinding(超常)/Hauntfinding:At 1st level, a skeptic’s knowledge of haunts allows her to notice them with ease, regardless of the methods by which the haunts make their presence known in the realm of the living. The skeptic adds 1/2 her level to all skill checks to notice haunts. If she notices a haunt, she adds this same bonus to any initiative check made as a result of that haunt activating. This bonus is an insight bonus.

This ability replaces trapfinding.

Suspect Hoax(変則)/Suspect Hoax:Regardless of the actual situation at hand, a skeptic naturally suspects that trickery or hoaxing is at hand. This mindset helps to set the skeptic at ease even when confronted by the most terrifying of situations, be the source of that fear mundane or legitimately supernatural. At 2nd level, a skeptic gains a +1 insight bonus on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities used to falsely create the impression of a supernatural presence, as well as a +1 insight bonus on saving throws caused by the effects of actual haunts or incorporeal undead. This bonus increases to +2 at 5th level, and to +3 at 8th level. At 11th level, a skeptic is immune to fear effects.

This ability replaces poison resistance.

Smite Haunt(超常)/Smite Haunt:Normally, damaging a haunt is a tricky affair requiring the ability to channel positive energy or wield spells capable of doing the same, but the skeptic learns methods of using her own convictions to accomplish the same feat. At 4th level, as a standard action, a skeptic can focus her willpower to damage an active haunt. She must be within a haunt’s area to smite the haunt. When the skeptic uses this ability, she deals an amount of damage to the haunt equal to her studied strike bonus.

This ability replaces swift alchemy.

Exorcising Touch(超常)/Exorcising Touch:At 7th level, a skeptic can damage a creature currently possessing another without lethally harming the possessed creature. To make an exorcising strike, the skeptic must make a touch attack against the possessed creature. On a hit, she damages the possessing creature or entity, dealing an amount of lethal damage equal to her studied strike bonus damage. The possessed creature takes this amount of damage as nonlethal damage at the same time.

This ability replaces the investigator talent the skeptic would otherwise gain at 7th level.

Tekritanin Arbiter Tekritanin Arbiter

出典 Blood of the Ancients 31ページ

The Tekritanin League facilitated trade and settled disputes between a vast array of diverse cultures. The arbiters were the first line of diplomatic defense, solving problems before they could become disruptive.

Tekritanin(変則)/Tekritanin:A Tekritanin arbiter gains Tekritanin as a bonus language. Tekritanin is a fluid and evolving hybrid tongue which shares roots with many modern languages. When the arbiter speaks Tekritanin, any creature that speaks a common Inner Sea human language will understand him well enough to allow the arbiter to use the Diplomacy skill or affect the creature with language-dependent effects. At the GM’s discretion, some human languages might be too divergent or unrelated to Tekritanin to use this ability immediately. In this case, the arbiter must interact with creatures speaking the language for at least 1 hour to permanently apply this ability to the foreign language. A Tekritanin arbiter adds 1/2 his level(minimum 1) to Linguistics checks.

This replaces trapfinding.

Expert Mediator(変則)/Expert Mediator:A Tekritanin arbiter learns to forge lasting harmony between enemies. At 2nd level, whenever the arbiter uses the Diplomacy skill to improve the starting attitude of a creature, that attitude shift lasts for 24 hours instead of 1d4 hours, barring any circumstance or event that causes it to be decreased. If the arbiter spends 1 minute continuously interacting with a creature, he can attempt a Sense Motive check(難易度 = 10 + the creature’s Bluff skill bonus) to identify the creature’s starting attitude(per the Diplomacy skill) in regard to all other creatures present(including himself ). With this understanding, the arbiter can use the Diplomacy skill to improve a target’s attitude toward any other creature present. This functions as if using the Diplomacy skill to improve the target’s attitude toward the arbiter, but instead uses the Diplomacy 難易度 determined by the target’s starting attitude toward the creature of the arbiter’s choosing.

This replaces poison lore.

Hidden Meaning(変則)/Hidden Meaning:A Tekritanin arbiter’s deep knowledge of language provides him protection from effects that require communication. At 2nd level, he gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against language-dependent effects. This bonus increases to +4 at 5th level and to +6 at 8th level. At 11th level, he gains immunity to language-dependent effects.

This replaces poison resistance.

Fluent Speaker(変則)/Fluent Speaker:At 3rd level, a Tekritanin arbiter learns to speak one language with the skill of a native speaker. He chooses one language he knows and gains a +1 bonus on Disguise checks to appear as an individual native to any region where the language is primarily spoken. In addition, he gains a +1 bonus on both Diplomacy checks to change initial attitudes and Sense Motive checks to detect falsehoods when dealing with individuals with the selected language as their native language. At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1 and the Tekritanin arbiter can select one additional language that his bonuses apply to, up to a maximum of +6 each for six languages at 18th level.

This replaces trap sense.

Toxin Codexer Toxin Codexer

出典 Potions and Poisons 14ページ

While most investigators are well versed in the knowledge of poisons, the toxin codexer has made it a way of life. He meticulously seeks out new poisons and catalogs their effects, both those that are harmful and those that are potentially beneficial. A toxin codexer’s detailed understanding of how his toxins work allows him to blend them with exact precision, creating even more deadly venoms or providing painful medicines for those in need.

Poison Lore(変則)/Poison Lore:A toxin codexer gains the poison lore ability at 1st level. This ability is otherwise identical to the investigator’s poison lore class feature.

Synthetic Venom(変則)/Synthetic Venom:When a toxin codexer prepares his extracts, he can use his slots to prepare short-lived poisons instead of extracts. The following poisons can be prepared into extract slots:

1st—arsenic, giant wasp poison, medium spider venom; 2nd—black adder venom, id moss, striped toadstool; 3rd— blue whinnis, lich dust, sassone leaf residue; 4th—dark reaver powder, purple worm poison, third eye; 5th—deathblade, hemlock, witch hunter’s sword; 6th—black lotus extract, dragon bile, king’s sleep.

Additional poison selections can be added to this list with GM approval.

The Fortitude save 難易度 of these poisons is 10 + the toxin codexer’s Intelligence modifier + the extract level of the poison. Poisons created in this way are unstable and become inert after 1 day if not used. Once the poison is administered to a target, the duration is as normal for that poison’s type, even if longer than 1 day. These poisons can be applied to weapons(if applicable) only by the toxin codexer, unless he has the infusion alchemist discovery.

This modifies alchemy and replaces trapfinding and the investigator talent gained at 3rd level.

Modify Toxin(変則)/Modify Toxin:At 3rd level, a toxin codexer learns to unlock both the beneficial and detrimental side effects of his poisons. These effects apply even if the target succeeds at her save against the poison, but they still count as poison effects. A modified toxin becomes inert if not used within 1 hour.

As a move action, the toxin codexer can expend one use of inspiration to apply one of the following effects to a poison in his possession, choosing either the benefit or the detriment when an effect has both options. These effects last for a number of rounds equal to the investigator’s Intelligence modifier unless otherwise stated.

At 6th level, the toxin codexer can also choose from the following effects:

At 9th level, the toxin codexer can also choose from the following effects:

At 12th level, the toxin codexer can also choose from the following effects:

This replaces keen recollection and trap sense.

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