
スレイヤーの技 Slayer Talents

急所攻撃 Sneak Attack Talents

Sever Alignment*(超常)/Sever Alignment --出典:Distant Realms 13ページ--:When making a sneak attack against an opponent with an alignment subtype, a rogue with this talent can forgo her sneak attack damage to scramble the creature’s metaphysical nature. If the attack succeeds, the rogue deals weapon damage as normal, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + half the rogue’s level + the rogue’s Intelligence modifier) or lose all damage reduction overcome by aligned weapons(such as ダメージ減少 10/good), lose all regeneration overcome by aligned sources(such as regeneration 10 [good]), and lose the ability to cast spells and use spell-like abilities with alignment descriptors for 1 round for every 2d6 points of sneak attack damage the rogue would have dealt(minimum 1 round). The rogue must have the aligned sneak attack talent to select this talent.

その他 Other Talents

Aligned Sneak Attack(超常)/Aligned Sneak Attack --出典:Distant Realms 13ページ--:When making a sneak attack against a creature that has damage reduction that can be overcome by weapons of a particular alignment(such as ダメージ減少 5/good), the rogue’s attack reduces that damage reduction by an amount equal to the number of sneak attack dice rolled until the end of the rogue’s turn.

Blood Reader(変則)/Blood Reader --出典:Advanced Class Origins 21ページ--:While able to see a studied target, a slayer with this talent knows exactly how many hit points his opponent has remaining. This only works against living targets.

Castling(変則)/Castling --出典:Elemental Master's Handbook 9ページ--:The slayer treats soft cover granted by creatures of her size or larger as though it were cover instead. Cover the slayer gains from this talent does not allow her to attempt Stealth checks.

Catfolk Rogue Talent/Catfolk Rogue Talent --出典:Dirty Tactics Toolbox 22ページ--:A catfolk slayer can select one of the following catfolk rogue talents(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Race Guide 92) in place of a slayer talent:deadly scratch, graceful faller, nimble climber, or vicious claws. Any talent effects based on rogue level use the slayer’s class level. The slayer must fulfill any prerequisites.

Eternal Opposition(変則)/Eternal Opposition --出典:Martial Arts Handbook 18ページ--:Samsaran only. While most imperial dragons, undead, and other long-enduring foes can count on outlasting their mortal adversaries, the samsaran slayer has pledged to oppose their machinations across all his lifetimes. When his studied target is of the dragon, fey, outsider, or undead type, the slayer gains a +2 insight bonus to his アーマー・クラス against its attacks and on saving throws against its abilities.

Experience Across Ages(変則)/Experience Across Ages --出典:Martial Arts Handbook 18ページ--:Samsaran only. Once per day, a samsaran slayer can draw upon insights from his previous lifetimes to help identify a foe or recall a key piece of information. As a swift action, the slayer can attempt a Knowledge check as if he had a number of ranks in the appropriate Knowledge skill equal to his slayer level. A slayer can use this talent one additional time per day for every 5 slayer levels he has.

Extra Earthcraft/Extra Earthcraft --出典:Elemental Master's Handbook 9ページ--:The slayer gains 2 additional earthcraft points each day. The slayer must have the earthcraft ability to select this talent.

Focused Poison(変則)/Focused Poison --出典:Potions and Poisons 13ページ--:The slayer can focus his poison delivery to be especially deadly to his studied target. When the slayer studies a target, he can immediately reduce the number of additional studied targets he can maintain. Reducing this number does not require an action. For each target reduced in this way, the 難易度 of poisons used against his studied target increases by 1. The slayer must be at least 6th level and have the poison use talent to select this talent.

Fortified Position(変則)/Fortified Position --出典:Elemental Master's Handbook 9ページ--:Whenever the slayer gains a bonus on Reflex saves due to cover, she gains an equal bonus on Fortitude saves.

Inured to Terror(変則)/Inured to Terror --出典:Martial Arts Handbook 18ページ--:Samsaran only. With their knowledge of the cyclical nature of existence, there are few experiences that can daunt samsaran slayers for long. As an immediate action when a slayer fails a saving throw against a fear effect, he can attempt the saving throw a second time to reduce the severity of the effect from panicked to frightened, frightened to shaken, or shaken to unaffected. Additionally, the 難易度 of Intimidate checks to demoralize him increases by 2.

Jaguar's Grace(変則)/Jaguar's Grace --出典:Heroes of Golarion 4ページ--:A slayer with this talent does not take the normal –4 penalty when dealing nonlethal damage using a weapon that normally deals lethal damage. Attacks made this way can apply nonlethal sneak attack damage. The slayer must be at least 4th level to select this talent.

Jaguar's Pounce(変則)/Jaguar's Pounce --出典:Heroes of Golarion 4ページ--:When a slayer with this talent deals sneak attack damage, he can attempt a disarm or trip combat maneuver as an immediate action as if the target were flat-footed(losing its Dexterity bonus to 戦技防御値). This combat maneuver does not provoke attacks of opportunity. The slayer must have the jaguar’s grace talent to select this talent.

Jaguar's Protection(変則)/Jaguar's Protection --出典:Heroes of Golarion 4ページ--:When a slayer with this talent deals sneak attack damage, he draws the target’s attention away from his allies. The affected enemy takes a –2 penalty on attack rolls made against anyone other than the slayer for 1 minute. The slayer must have the jaguar’s pounce talent to select this talent.

Mountainside Ambush(変則)/Mountainside Ambush --出典:Martial Arts Handbook 18ページ--:Samsaran only. Fighting in the mountains of Zi Ha has trained samsaran slayers to strike the unwary with deadly attacks from above. If a slayer deals sneak attack damage to a creature that is unaware of his presence while he is standing on higher ground than his target, he does not have to roll sneak attack damage; instead, the sneak attack deals maximum damage. The samsaran must be standing on solid ground to use this ability.

Mystic Veil(擬呪)/Mystic Veil --出典:Martial Arts Handbook 18ページ--:Samsaran only. Samsaran slayers are adept at obscuring the passes of their mountain homes from intruders. The slayer can cast silent image as a spell-like ability once per day for every 2 slayer levels he has, using his slayer level as his caster level. The slayer uses his Intelligence modifier on concentration checks when using this ability, and the 難易度 to disbelieve the illusion is equal to 11 + the slayer’s Intelligence modifier. The slayer must have an Intelligence score of at least 11 to select this talent.

One of Those Faces(擬呪)/One of Those Faces --出典:Spymaster's Handbook 21ページ--:Investigators and slayers can also select this talent if they have the Brute, Failed Apprentice, Militia Veteran, Rapscallion, River Rat, Vagabond Child, or Well-Informed trait from Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide, or Narrows Survivor or Wealthy Dabbler trait from Pathfinder Player Companion:Taldor, Echoes of Glory.
Each day, you can use disguise self as a spell-like ability for up to 10 minutes per character level. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 10-minute increments. Additionally, once you have used this ability, whenever you use it for the next 24 hours you must take the same alternate appearance.

Recall Training(変則)/Recall Training --出典:Martial Arts Handbook 18ページ--:Samsaran only. By calling on the memories of previous incarnations, a samsaran slayer can use martial techniques that transcend his usual capabilities. Once per day, the slayer can take a move action to gain the benefit of a combat feat he doesn’t have. This effect lasts for 1 minute per slayer level he has. The slayer must meet all the feat’s prerequisites.

Redirect Poison(変則)/Redirect Poison --出典:Potions and Poisons 13ページ--:The slayer can divert poisoned attacks against him. When a creature unsuccessfully attacks the slayer with a poisoned weapon or a natural weapon that would poison him, the slayer can attempt to redirect the attack to a creature within his reach(including, possibly, the creature that unsuccessfully attacked the slayer). As an immediate action, the slayer can make an attack roll against the creature to which he would redirect the poison. On a success, the poison is redirected to the target, and the target must attempt a saving throw against the poison as normal. This attack only redirects the poison and does not otherwise damage the targeted creature. This ability cannot affect a creature that attacked the slayer with a poisoned natural weapon, but it can affect a creature that attacked him with a poisoned manufactured weapon.

Scrying Familiarity(変則)/Scrying Familiarity --出典:Spymaster's Handbook 23ページ--:You are well acquainted with scrying sensors. You can roll twice and take the better result on saving throws against divination(scrying) spells and effects, on Perception checks to notice scrying sensors, and on caster level checks to overcome spell resistance when you use a scrying spell or effect. If you notice a magical sensor, you can attempt a Stealth check opposed by the caster’s caster level check to avoid being detected by the sensor.

Studied Ally(変則)/Studied Ally --出典:Advanced Class Origins 21ページ--:The slayer can study an ally or friendly creature he can see as a move action. The slayer gains a +1 bonus on checks and attack rolls to use the aid another action to help with that ally’s skill checks, attacks, or アーマー・クラス. This bonus increases at the same rate as a slayer’s studied target bonus. At 7th level, a slayer can study an ally as a move or swift action. A slayer’s studied ally counts against the number of studied targets he can have active at once.

Unbalancing Trick(変則)/Unbalancing Trick --出典:Elemental Master's Handbook 9ページ--:The slayer gains Improved Trip as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. At 6th level, she is treated as if she meets all the prerequisites of Greater Trip(although she must take the feat as normal to gain its benefits).

上級の技 Advanced Slayer Talents

Armored Marauder(変則)/Armored Marauder --出典:Chronicle of Legends 6ページ--:Some elite slayers exchange leather and chain for plate when stalking prey. A slayer with this talent gains proficiency with heavy armor. In addition, the armor check penalty of any heavy armor the slayer wears is reduced by 1 for every 6 class levels he has.

Armored Swiftness(変則)/Armored Swiftness --出典:Chronicle of Legends 6ページ--:In time, the heaviest armor can become like a second skin. A slayer with this talent can move at full speed in heavy armor. In addition, the maximum Dexterity bonus of heavy armor the slayer wears increases by 1 for every 6 class levels he has. A slayer must have the armored marauder slayer talent to select this talent.

Marksman’s Shot(変則)/Marksman’s Shot --出典:Chronicle of Legends 6ページ--:Those who seek to slay with a single shot must have keen eyes and perfect poise. As an attack action, the slayer makes a single ranged attack at his highest attack bonus with a ranged weapon he wields. The target of the attack must be the slayer’s studied target. On a successful hit, the slayer doubles the number of sneak attack dice applied to the attack; if the attack was not a sneak attack, this benefit does not apply.

Reaping Stalker(変則)/Reaping Stalker --出典:Chronicle of Legends 7ページ--:Some slayers prefer weapons with grim symbolism of lives cut short and can wield such weapons with unparalleled lethality. A slayer with this talent treats any sickle or scythe he wields as though it were one size larger for the purpose of determining its damage dice. In addition, the slayer increases the critical threat range of any sickle or scythe he wields by 1; this does not stack with other effects that alter a weapon’s threat range.

Swallow Reversal(変則)/Swallow Reversal --出典:Chronicle of Legends 7ページ--:This technique, a creation of a legendary Minkaian duelist, mimics the movement of a bird in flight to pierce an opponent’s defenses. As an attack action, the slayer can make a single melee attack against his studied target at his highest base attack bonus. When attempting a swallow reversal, the slayer rolls two attack rolls and uses the highest result. If the attack is a critical threat, the slayer attempts to confirm the critical hit as normal. The slayer can use swallow reversal at will, but it can only be used against a given target once per day.

スレイヤーのアーキタイプ Slayer Archetypes

Ankou's Shadow Ankou's Shadow

出典 Legacy of the First World 14ページ

Ankous are terrifying, winged fey assassins dispatched by the greatest lords of the First World to eliminate rivals. Some mortals emulate ankous to become the perfect assassins; others believe themselves to be ankous incarnated in mortal shells on a deep cover mission. In either case, an ankou’s shadow practices the deadliest skills of the First World’s most feared enforcers.

Shadow Double(擬呪)Shadow Double:An ankou’s shadow can take a full-round action to create a single, quasi-real, shadowy duplicate. This shadow double remains in his square, mimicking his movements as a single mirror image, except that it lasts until it is destroyed or he chooses to dismiss it as a swift action. This ability does not stack with the mirror image spell or with similar abilities, such as the copycat ability of the Trickery domain.

At 5th level, an ankou’s shadow gains a second shadow double. In addition to using these shadow doubles as mirror images in his square, he can move his doubles as part of his own move action, dividing his movement between himself and his doubles. When outside his square, shadow doubles do not protect the ankou’s shadow as mirror image and are limited in the actions they can take. Shadow doubles provide flanking for the ankou’s shadow and his allies, but they do not possess teamwork feats or special abilities that alter the effects of flanking or aiding another. As a swift action, the ankou’s shadow can direct his shadow doubles to use the aid another action, using his own base attack bonus plus his Intelligence modifier for the roll. Although a shadow double appears to duplicate the ankou’s shadow’s gear, this gear is part of its form; a shadow double’s gear cannot be destroyed, dropped, or stolen. A shadow double disappears if it ventures more than 50 feet from the ankou’s shadow or if it leaves his line of sight or effect. A shadow double that is hit by an attack roll or takes any damage is destroyed. The アーマー・クラス of a shadow double is equal to the ankou’s shadow’s touch アーマー・クラス, and it has the same 戦技防御値 and saving throw bonuses as the ankou’s shadow. Shadow doubles possess evasion if the ankou’s shadow does. Mind-affecting effects targeting a shadow double affect the ankou’s shadow instead, though he isn’t affected twice by effects that target both him and a shadow double.

At 10th level, an ankou’s shadow gains a third shadow double. He can divide his actions between his actual body and his shadow doubles, using them as the origin point for attacks or abilities. For example, an ankou’s shadow making three attacks as a part of a full attack could make his primary attack from his own body and his other two attacks from two of his shadow doubles.

At 15th level, an ankou’s shadow gains a fourth shadow double. In addition to the abilities above, an ankou’s shadow can assign the doubles to perform simple tasks on their own, as the unseen servant spell, except that the shadow doubles have an effective Strength score of 10.

This ability replaces studied target.

Ankou’s Vision(擬呪)/Ankou’s Vision:At 7th level, an ankou’s shadow can use see invisibility, as per the spell, as a swift action for 1 minute per level per day. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

This ability replaces stalker.

Shadow Prey(変則)Shadow Prey:An ankou’s shadow cannot denote a target as his quarry unless he has a shadow double present, but unlike other slayers, the target does not need to be one of his studied targets.

This ability alters quarry and improved quarry.

Unfettered Shadows(超常)Unfettered Shadows:At 20th level, as a standard action an ankou’s shadow can unfetter all of his shadow doubles for 1 minute. While unfettered, each shadow double can move and attack as if it were the ankou’s shadow without using any of his actions. A creature struck by a shadow double can attempt a Will save(難易度 20 + the ankou’s shadow’s Intelligence modifier) each time it takes damage to recognize the illusion. If it succeeds, the target treats all the shadow doubles as 20% real, as the spell shadow conjuration. The shadow doubles cannot use the shadow double ability. The ankou’s shadow can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Intelligence modifier.

スレイヤーの技The following slayer talents(and rogue talents) complement the ankou’s shadow archetype:bleeding attack, fast stealth, slowing strike, and surprise attack.

Advanced Slayer Talents:The following advanced slayer talents(and advanced rogue talents) complement the ankou’s shadow archetype:assassinate, hunter’s surpriseAPG, and woodland stride.

Butterfly Blade Butterfly Blade

出典 Heroes of the High Court 24ページ

Followers of a tradition dating back to the ancient empire of Yixing, the yellow-robed agents known as butterfly blades now operate primarily in Goka, where many serve the city’s politically savvy ruler. Butterfly blades work in the shadows, eliminating threats with their namesake weapons and intimidating troublesome nobles.

Studied Stalker(変則)/Studied Stalker:A butterfly blade gains the stalker class feature at 1st level, rather than at 7th level. The butterfly blade doesn’t add his studied target bonus on Knowledge or Survival checks.

This ability alters studied target and replaces track.

ボーナス特技Whenever a butterfly blade would gain a slayer talent, he can instead select a feat from the following list:Cutting HumiliationUI, EnforcerAPG, Intimidating Prowess, Nerve-Racking NegotiatorUI, or Threatening NegotiatorUI. The butterfly blade does not need to meet the feat’s prerequisites.

This alters slayer talents.

Butterfly’s Kiss(変則)/Butterfly’s Kiss:Butterfly blades train to inflict painful cuts rather than lethal ones. A butterfly blade can deal nonlethal damage with butterfly swords(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 25) without taking a penalty on attack rolls. At 3rd level, a butterfly blade gets a +1 bonus on attack rolls with butterfly swords, and the damage die of any butterfly sword he wields increases by one step; at 9th level and again at 15th level, the attack bonus increases by 1 and the damage die increases by an additional step.

At 6th level, the butterfly blade gains the knockout class feature(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 24), as per a brawler of his class level – 2.

This ability replaces sneak attack.

Innocent Butterfly(擬呪)/Innocent Butterfly:At 7th level, a butterfly blade can use aura of the unremarkableUI once per day as a spell-like ability. At 11th level, he can use it twice per day, and at 14th level, it becomes a constant spell-like ability that he can activate or deactivate as a free action. The ability’s caster level is equal to his slayer class level, and the 難易度 is equal to 10 + the number of ranks the butterfly blade has in either Bluff or Intimidate, whichever is higher.

This ability replaces stalker, swift tracker, and quarry.

Deadly Butterfly(変則)/Deadly Butterfly:At 19th level, a butterfly blade becomes a bloody whirlwind in combat. When he strikes a foe with a butterfly sword, he automatically confirms critical threats. In addition, any butterfly sword he wields is treated as if it has the speed weapon special ability. If the weapon already has the speed weapon special ability, this doesn’t stack.

This ability replaces improved quarry.

Covenbane Covenbane

出典 Blood of the Coven 26ページ

Covenbane slayers are scarred by arcane magic at a young age, and that resonance gives them supernatural insight into the psychic bonds between others. They are adept at fighting tight-knit groups, exploiting their connections to hunt and wound teams. The churches of Iomedae and Milani in particular dispatch special agents to rescue hexed children from Irrisen, Razmiran, and other lands plagued by abusive arcanists and then raise them in this deadly art.

Hag Sense(超常)/Hag Sense:A covenbane’s magical scars throb in the presence of magic. A covenbane adds half his level(minimum +1) on Perception, Sense Motive, and Survival checks to identify, recognize, or track a hag, arcane spellcaster, or creature with spell-like abilities. He can also use his hag sense to recognize whether someone within 30 feet of him is using magic to hide her true form. To do this, he must succeed at a Perception check against a 難易度 equal to 15 + the target’s 脅威度; success indicates the presence of a magical disguise, but it does not reveal the creature’s true form.

This replaces track.

Studied Coven(超常)/Studied Coven:At 2nd level, a covenbane can designate an entire coven as his studied target by studying any single member. He applies his studied target bonus against all members of the studied creature’s coven, and all members of the coven count as one target for the purposes of determining the maximum number of studied targets a slayer can maintain. This bonus remains even if one or more members of the coven die after the covenbane studies them. Beginning at 7th level, the covenbane can designate other magically linked creatures, such as those bound by a hivemind or a telepathic bond spell, as a coven, but he can target only three members of such a link. Studying a coven always requires a move action, even if the slayer could normally study a target with a swift or immediate action.

This replaces the slayer talent gained at 2nd level.

Disrupt Coven(超常)/Disrupt Coven:Anyone the slayer threatens no longer counts as an ally for the purposes of friendly spellcasting or employing teamwork feats and cannot access any special abilities gained from being part of a coven(including coven spellcasting).

This replaces stalker.

Unseen Sense(超常)/Unseen Sense:At 11th level, the covenbane learns to use his hag sense to help target concealed or invisible opponents in combat. He can use his hag sense to detect invisible opponents as well as magically disguised creatures. He also gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat but gains its benefits only against spellcasters and creatures with spell-like abilities.

This replaces swift tracker.

Pureblade Pureblade

出典 Advanced Class Origins 20ページ

First known in Numeria, these aberration hunters have spread to other regions of Golarion, even as far as the lands bordering the Mana Wastes. In Numeria, Pureblades are skilled at slaying naturally arising aberrations and any creatures that have been mutated by exposure to the bizarre alien technology that pervades the land. Pureblades from Alkenstar and Nex lead forays into the magic-starved Mana Wastes to eliminate aberrations before the creatures can threaten their lands.

Aberration Hunter(変則)/Aberration Hunter:If a Pureblade deals damage to an aberration, as an immediate action he can apply his studied target bonus against that target even if he didn’t sneak attack it. In addition, a Pureblade can attempt Knowledge(dungeoneering) skill checks untrained when trying to identify aberrations. This ability replaces track.

Alien Prescience(擬呪)/Alien Prescience:At 2nd level, as a standard action a Pureblade can detect aberrations. This works like detect undead, except it detects aberrations instead of undead. This ability replaces the slayer talent received at 2nd level.

Discern Weakness(変則)/Discern Weakness:At 7th level, a Pureblade becomes an expert at locating an aberration’s weak points. The Pureblade rolls twice to confirm critical hits against aberrations and keeps the higher roll. This ability replaces stalker.

Steely Mind(変則)/Steely Mind:At 8th level, a Pureblade gains a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws against mind-affecting spells and effects. This bonus increases to +4 at 12th level and +6 at 16th level. In addition, once per day as a standard action, a Pureblade can shed a magical effect placed on him by an aberration as break enchantment, using his slayer level as his caster level. A Pureblade can use this ability twice per day at 12th level and three times per day at 16th level. This ability replaces the slayer talent received at 8th level.

Aberration Slayer(変則)/Aberration Slayer:At 20th level, a Pureblade can use his master slayer ability on any aberration, even if it’s not his studied target. This ability alters master slayer.

Sczarni Executioner Sczarni Executioner

出典 Advanced Class Origins 21ページ

These professional killers are trained and used almost exclusively by the various Sczarni crime families. Streetwise and ruthless, they operate independently, often making their talents available to the highest bidder. Though a few unscrupulous Sczarni executioners exploit this arrangement and force families to pay higher rates for their services, most of these assassins follow a strict personal code and maintain absolute transparency with their employers.

Talents marked with an asterisk(*) add effects to a slayer’s sneak attack. Only one of these talents can be applied to an individual attack, and the decision of which to use must be made before the attack roll is made.

クラス技能A Sczarni executioner doesn’t receive Knowledge(dungeoneering)(Int), Knowledge(geography)(Int), Ride(Dex), or Survival(Wis) as class skills. Instead, he receives Appraise(Int), Diplomacy(Cha), and Escape Artist(Dex) in addition to the other standard slayer class skills.

Bloodstained Hands(変則)/Bloodstained Hands:A Sczarni executioner must be evil. If he ever becomes nonevil, he loses this archetype and becomes a regular slayer.

Focused Killer(変則)/Focused Killer:At 1st level, a Sczarni executioner’s studied target bonuses and the DCs of his slayer abilities increase by 1 against humanoid opponents, but decrease by 1 against non-humanoid targets. This ability alters studied target.

Painful Strike(変則)/Painful Strike*:At 4th level, a Sczarni executioner automatically gains this talent. Sczarni executioners are trained to cause excruciating pain when striking targets, often leaving them reeling in agony or completely incapacitated as they slowly bleed out. A creature that takes sneak attack damage from a Sczarni executioner must make a successful a Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the Sczarni executioner’s class level + his Intelligence modifier) or become sickened for 1d4 rounds. This ability alters the slayer talent received at 4th level and replaces swift tracker.

Assassinate(変則)/Assassinate:At 10th level, a Sczarni executioner must select the assassinate advanced slayer talent.

Swift Death(変則)/Swift Death:At 14th level, once per day a Sczarni executioner can attempt to assassinate a foe without studying his foe beforehand. He must still succeed at a sneak attack against the target. At 19th level, he can make two such attacks per day. This ability replaces quarry and improved quarry.

Spawn Slayer Spawn Slayer

出典 Blood of the Ancients 22ページ

Generations of Ninshaburian warriors fought the Spawn of Rovagug, holding the line against impossible odds. Some of their ancient techniques persist to this day.

Studied Spawn(変則)/Studied Spawn:A spawn slayer specializes in fighting against larger, single targets. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the bonuses on weapon attack rolls, damage rolls, and skill checks against a studied target increase by 1, as do the DCs of slayer abilities against a studied target. He can also ignore size restrictions against a studied target when attempting combat maneuvers against larger foes. At 5th level, if the target is Large or larger, these bonuses increase by an additional 1. At 10th level, if the target is Huge or larger, the bonuses increase by an additional 2. At 15th level, if the target is Gargantuan or larger, the bonuses increase by an additional 3. At 20th level, if the target is Colossal in size, the bonuses increase by an additional 4. A spawn slayer cannot maintain these bonuses against more than one target at a time. He does not gain the ability to study an opponent as a swift action at 7th level.

This alters studied target.

Gain Leverage(変則)/Gain Leverage:At 7th level, a spawn slayer learns techniques to counteract a foe’s size advantage. When performing a combat maneuver against a studied target of Large or larger size, the spawn slayer gains a bonus on the check equal to the creature’s size modifier to 戦技ボーナス(Large +1, Huge +2, Gargantuan +4, and Colossal +8). The spawn slayer adds this same bonus to his 戦技防御値 when defending against combat maneuvers from a Large or larger studied target.

This replaces stalker.

Force Vulnerability(変則)/Force Vulnerability:At 20th level, a spawn slayer can create an opening in even an invulnerable foe’s defenses. As a standard action, he can make a single attack against a studied target at his full attack bonus. If the attack hits, the damage bypasses any damage reduction and the target must succeed at a Will saving throw(難易度 10 + half the slayer’s level + the slayer’s Intelligence modifier) or lose one of its defensive abilities for 2d6 rounds. The slayer can choose which defensive ability is lost from the following options:a single immunity, all resistances, regeneration, or spell resistance. Whether or not the target fails this save, it cannot be targeted by force vulnerability again(by you or another slayer) for 24 hours.

This replaces master slayer.

Spire Diver Spire Diver

出典 Pathfinder #124:City in the Deep 80ページ

Peerless divers, assassins, and scouts, spire divers operate in and out of water using the same weapons and equipment. Although the elves of the Mordant Spire originally developed the techniques that spire divers use, people living in coastal areas and archipelagos near the Mwangi Expanse and Tian Xia have similar, independently developed warrior and diving traditions.

Studied Target(変則)/Studied Target:A spire diver does not gain the ability to add her studied target bonus on Bluff and Survival checks against an opponent she has studied. At 7th level, she cannot add her studied target bonus on Disguise checks. Instead, when using any bow or crossbow against her studied target underwater, the spire diver ignores the normal penalty for shooting underwater and instead treats the weapon as though its range increment were 10 feet. At 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels, the range increment increases by 10 feet, to a maximum of 50 feet.

When using a bow or crossbow that already has an underwater range increment, such as an underwater crossbow, the spire diver adds the range increment gained from studied target as a bonus to the weapon’s usual underwater range increment, though the combined range increment cannot exceed the weapon’s normal range increment.

This alters studied target and stalker.

Hold Breath(変則)/Hold Breath:A spire diver increases the number of rounds she can hold her breath before she is required to start attempting Constitution checks to avoid drowning by 2 per slayer level she has.

This replaces track.

スレイヤーの技A spire diver can select the strong stroke rogue talent as a slayer talent.

Swift Swimmer(変則)/Swift Swimmer:At 11th level, a spire diver gains a swim speed equal to her base speed.

This replaces swift tracker.

Diver’s Advance(変則)/Diver’s Advance:At 13th level, a spire diver can swim up to twice her swim speed once per day as a move action. She can use Stealth as part of this movement but takes a –10 penalty on her check for doing so. At 17th level, she can use this ability twice per day.

This replaces slayer’s advance.

Diver’s Quarry(変則)/Diver’s Quarry:A spire diver gains quarry and improved quarry as a normal slayer, but she does not gain the ability to take 10 or take 20 on Survival checks while moving at normal speed without penalty. Instead, at 14th level, a spire diver can take 10 on Knowledge checks to identify a monster she has selected as her quarry. At 19th level, she can take 20 on these checks without spending extra time to do so. The spire diver must be trained in the appropriate Knowledge skill to use this ability.

This alters quarry and improved quarry.

Spiritslayer Spiritslayer

出典 Haunted Heroes Handbook 15ページ

Originally trained and employed by the enforcers of the Pure Legion seeking to defend Rahadoum from divine spellcasters, Rahadoumi spiritslayers have proven so invaluable in culling ghosts, shadow demons, and other incorporeal creatures that their techniques have spread across the Inner Sea region and beyond. Ironically, most now are trained and employed by the church of Pharasma to cull wicked spirits.

Spirit Sense(変則)/Spirit Sense:At 2nd level, a spiritslayer manifests an uncanny sixth sense regarding the presence of invisible creatures. He gains Blind-Fight as a bonus feat and ignores the usual +20 bonus to the 難易度 of any Perception check to pinpoint the location of an invisible creature. If the spiritslayer manages to pinpoint an invisible creature’s location using a Perception check, he can study that creature with his studied target ability as a swift action.

In addition, whenever the spiritslayer studies a possessed creature, he can automatically switch his studied target from the possessed creature to the possessing entity should that entity be expelled from his studied target. A spiritslayer adds his studied target bonus on attack rolls to all saving throws he attempts against possession effects used by his studied targets.

This ability replaces the slayer talent gained at 2nd level.

Spiritslayer Talents/Spiritslayer Talents:A spiritslayer can select the following slayer talents, in addition to general slayer talents.

Disrupt Possession(変則)/Disrupt Possession:Whenever a spiritslayer with this talent deals sneak attack damage to a creature that is being possessed, he also deals his sneak attack damage to the possessing entity. Once per round, a possessed creature that is damaged by disrupt possession can attempt a new Will saving throw to end the possession, gaining a +1 bonus on its save for each sneak attack damage die the spiritslayer rolled. This talent alters the spiritslayer’s sneak attack, and doesn’t stack with other talents that alter sneak attack. A spiritslayer must be at least 8th level before selecting this talent.

Greater Spirit Sense/Greater Spirit Sense:A spiritslayer who selects this talent gains Greater Blind-FightAPG as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites. In addition, he adds 1/2 his slayer level to his Perception checks to pinpoint the location of ethereal creatures, and once per round he can attempt a Perception check to pinpoint the locations of all invisible creatures within 30 feet of him without needing to take an action. A spiritslayer must be at least 10th level and have the improved spirit sense spiritslayer talent before selecting this talent.

Improved Spirit Sense/Improved Spirit Sense:A spiritslayer who selects this talent gains Improved Blind-FightAPG as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites. In addition, he adds 1/2 his slayer level on Perception checks to pinpoint the location of an invisible creature. He can use Perception to pinpoint the location of an ethereal creature, but he doesn’t gain this bonus on Perception checks when doing so. A spiritslayer must be at least 6th level before selecting this talent.

Ghost Slayer(変則)/Ghost Slayer:At 7th level, whenever a spiritslayer makes an outsider or undead creature with the incorporeal subtype his studied target, his attacks count as magic for the purpose of striking that creature(though this doesn’t give his attacks an enhancement bonus) and he can deal precision-based damage to such creatures(though his precision damage is reduced by 50% unless he has a means to bypass the creature’s reduction in damage from corporeal sources, such as a ghost touch weapon). At 14th level, the spiritslayer’s attacks against outsiders or undead creatures with the incorporeal subtype ignore the 50% reduction in damage from magical corporeal sources that such creatures have and can deal precision-based damage to incorporeal creatures.

This ability replaces stalker.

Toxic Sniper Toxic Sniper

出典 People of the Wastes 27ページ

Followers of the daemonic harbinger Cixyron hide throughout the Mana Wastes, scavenging for guns. With significant firepower in hand, the Furious Thunder’s snipers bring poisonous death to the wastes.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:A toxic sniper is proficient with all simple weapons and firearms. He is proficient with light armor. This alters the toxic sniper’s weapon and armor proficiency.

Scrapper’s Gun/Scrapper’s Gun:A toxic sniper gains the Gunsmithing feat, a battered gun identical to that gained by a 1st-level gunslinger, and the ability to restore his battered gun as if he were a gunslinger.

This replaces track.

Sharpshooter’s Study(変則)/Sharpshooter’s Study:A toxic sniper’s focus makes him extremely deadly with ranged weapons. He gains a bonus on attack and damage rolls against his studied target only when attacking with a ranged weapon.

This alters studied target.

Toxic Grit(変則)Toxic Grit:At 2nd level, the toxic sniper gains the Amateur Gunslinger feat as a bonus feat.

This replaces the slayer talent gained at 2nd level.

Toxic Shots(変則)Toxic Shots:At 4th level, a toxic sniper can coat his ammunition in poison without requiring a pitted bullet. He is trained in applying poison in this way and cannot accidentally poison himself when applying poison to his ammunition. The toxic sniper can create a number of toxic shots per day equal to half his slayer level plus his Wisdom modifier. The penetrating nature of a toxic shot increases the 難易度 of any poisons applied in this way by 2. A toxic sniper cannot create a toxic shot that is part of an alchemical cartridge.

This replaces the slayer talent gained at 4th level.

Marksman(変則)/Marksman:At 6th level, a toxic sniper reduces the penalty on Stealth checks while sniping by 5. He reduces the penalty by 5 again at 12th level and at 18th level. At 8th level, he increases the distance from which he can deliver a ranged sneak attack against his studied target by 10 feet. This increases by 10 feet again at 14th level and at 20th level.

This replaces slayer talents gained at 6th, 8th, 12th, 14th, 16th, 18th, and 20th levels.

Precise Toxin(変則)/Precise Toxin:At 10th level, a toxic sniper can deliver a toxic shot to especially vulnerable areas. When he hits an opponent with a toxic shot and deals sneak attack damage, he can forgo all his bonus damage to increase the 難易度 of the his toxic shot’s poison. The 難易度 increases by 1 for every 2d6 points of sneak attack damage he forgoes in this way.

This replaces the slayer talent gained at 10th level.

Turncoat Turncoat

出典 Heroes of the Darklands 17ページ

In Sekamina, betraying others before they have the chance to betray you can be a necessary survival technique. While not all adventurers have the heart for such underhanded dealings, others have developed a knack for it. The turncoat’s natural talents for deception and treachery are fitting when negotiating with the untrustworthy inhabitants of Sekamina and other notoriously unscrupulous areas, and his ability to adapt allows him to preempt opponents’ schemes. Not all party members may be comfortable with having someone so adept at backstabbing among their ranks, but most tend to be grateful that he uses his skills to their benefit.

Dubious Recognition(変則)/Dubious Recognition:A turncoat adds half his level(minimum 1) to Sense Motive checks to recognize when a creature is lying or attempting to take advantage of the turncoat and his allies.

This replaces track.

Double Speak(変則)/Double Speak:At 7th level, a turncoat can attempt a Bluff check in place of a Diplomacy check against a studied target. The target can attempt an opposed Sense Motive check.

This ability replaces stalker.

Sudden Betrayal(変則)/Sudden Betrayal:At 14th level, as a standard action a turncoat can choose a single creature within 30 feet. He gains a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks against this target. If the target has an attitude of indifferent or better toward him, the first attack roll the turncoat makes against that target is automatically treated as threatening a critical hit. If the target’s attitude is friendly or better, a successful attack is treated as a confirmed critical hit. This ability can be used only once per day.

At 19th level, the bonus increases to +6, and the attack is treated as a confirmed critical hit if the target is at least indifferent to the turncoat.

This ability replaces quarry and improved quarry.

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