
ドルイドの領域 Druid Domains

悪地の領域 Badlands Domain

出典 Faiths and Philosophies 24ページ



荒れ渡り(変則)/Wasteland Stride:2レベル点で、通常移動速度で、障害を被ることなく、軽いまたは密な瓦礫の中を移動したり、急な坂を上り下りしたりできる。ただし、移動を妨げるために魔法で操作された範囲は、依然として響を及ぼす。これは森渡りと置き換える。

の精(超常)/Badlands Spirit:8レベル点で、自然の化身を使用してアース・エレメンタルの姿となるたび、ドルイドクラス・レベルに応じて以下の擬似呪文能力を得る:ガイザーAPG8レベル); シロッコAPG(12レベル)、スコーリング・ウィンズUM(15レベル)。これらの擬似呪文能力は1日1回使用可能である。


クロコダイルの領域 Crocodile Domain

出典 Faiths and Philosophies 24ページ


使い魔君はドワーフ・カイマンの使い魔を得る(Pathfinder Player Companion:Animal Archive, Pathfinder Adventure Path #55)。この能の有効ウィザードレベルドルイドレベルに等しい。ドルイドレベル使い魔を決定するとき使い魔を与える他のクラスレベル累積する。

スロー(変則)/Death Roll:自分よりもサイズが1段階大きい敵に組みついているとき、組みつき判定を行って乱暴に転がり、敵を倒し、1d8ポイントのダメージを与えることができる。この能を使用するとき、ドルイドレベルの半分(最低1)に等しい戦技ボーナスへのボーナスを得る。この能は、1日に3+【判断力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用できる。

待ち伏せ(変則)/Ambush:6レベル点で、急所攻撃+1d6を得る。この急所攻撃の増加は、他の源の急所攻撃ダメージ累積する。 この急所攻撃ダメージは、6レベル以降5ドルイドレベル毎に+1d6ずつ増加する。


豹の領域 Panther Domain

出典 Faiths and Philosophies 25ページ


狩人の感覚(変則)/Hunter's Senses:君は合言葉で自身感覚を増強する能を得る。標準アクションとして、君は自身鋭敏嗅覚特殊能力強化した視界を与える。通常の視界を持つ場合、夜目を得る。夜目を持つ場合30フィートの暗視を得る。暗視を持つ場合、暗視距離は30フィート増加する。この能は1日にドルイドレベルに等しい分数を1分単位で使用できる。この増強した間隔を解除することはフリー・アクションである。

暗闇を動く(変則)/Move in Darkness:8レベル点で、通常または魔法暗闇範囲で、4ドルイドレベル毎に〈隠密〉判定イニシアチブ判定に+2のボーナスを得、20レベル点で最大+10のボーナスを得る。


Plane of Airの領域 Plane of Air Domain

出典 Planes of Power 6ページ

領域能力You draw your power from the boundless expanse of air and clouds. In addition, Fly is a class skill for you, and you can take ranks in the skill even without first having a reliable means to fly or glide. In addition, you can use wild empathy to influence a creature with the air subtype if its Intelligence score is 1 or 2.

Aerial Agility(変則)/Aerial Agility:You can navigate the air unhindered. As a free action, you automatically succeed at your Wisdom check to change your direction in an area of subjective gravity, and you can increase or decrease your falling speed by 10 feet per druid level during the first round after you change the direction of gravity. When you are in areas of light, normal, or heavy gravity, activating this ability instead grants you a bonus equal to your druid level on Fly checks and Acrobatics checks to jump for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. You can use this ability a number of times equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Wind Savant(超常)/Wind Savant:At 8th level, you treat the penalties from natural or magical wind effects as two steps less severe. In addition, you are surrounded by a cushion of air that grants you a bonus equal to 1/2 your druid level on saving throws against gases, gaseous breath weapons, inhaled poisons, and similar effects.

Alternatively, you can choose to gain a Small air elemental as a familiar, as if you possessed the Improved Familiar feat. Your effective wizard level for this ability is equal to your druid level and stacks with other classes that grant a familiar.

領域呪文1レベル—feather fall、2レベル—elemental speechAPG3レベル—fly、4レベル—planar adaptationAPG5レベル—overland flight、6レベル—mass planar adaptationAPG7レベル—mass flyAPG8レベル—mass invisibility、9レベル—winds of vengeanceAPG

Plane of Earthの領域 Plane of Earth Domain

出典 Planes of Power 6ページ

領域能力You can navigate the untold wonders of the Plane of Earth with ease. In addition, you can use wild empathy to influence a creature with the earth subtype if its Intelligence score is 1 or 2.

Spelunker(超常)/Spelunker:You ably clamber through underground areas. As a free action, you can ignore difficult terrain from stony surfaces, you take no penalties for squeezing through rocky areas, and you gain damage reduction 5/— against rocky hazards such as spike growth. This effect lasts for 1 round, and you can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

One with the Stone(超常)/One with the Stone:At 8th level as a swift action, you gain the earth glide universal monster ability(Bestiary 2 296) with a speed equal to your base speed. You can breathe normally while using this ability. You can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to your druid level, and these rounds don’t need to be consecutive.

Alternatively, you can choose to gain a Small earth elemental as a familiar, as if you possessed the Improved Familiar feat. Your effective wizard level for this ability is equal to your druid level and stacks with other classes that grant a familiar.

領域呪文1レベル—stone fistAPG2レベル—elemental speechAPG3レベル—burrowUM4レベル—planar adaptationAPG5レベル— passwall、6レベル—mass planar adaptationAPG7レベル—stone to flesh、8レベル—repel metal or stone、9レベル—clashing rocksAPG

Plane of Fireの領域 Plane of Fire Domain

出典 Planes of Power 7ページ

領域能力You embrace the destructive flames and ever-roaring volcanoes of the Plane of Fire, having proven yourself impervious to its heat. In addition, you can use wild empathy to influence a creature with the fire subtype if its Intelligence score is 1 or 2.

Fire Hardened(変則)/Fire Hardened:You ignore fire damage from the fire-dominant planar trait, and you gain fire resistance 5. If you have natural fire resistance, it increases by 5 instead, and if you are naturally immune to fire, you heal hit points and ability damage at twice the normal rate when resting on a fire-dominant plane. You can touch a willing creature to grant these benefits for 1 hour. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

All-Consuming Flames(超常)/All-Consuming Flames:At 8th level, you can channel the extraplanar heat into your allies’ weapons within 30 feet as a standard action. For 1 minute, the affected weapons gain the cold-outsider-bane, fire-outsider-bane, or flaming weapon special abilities. You must grant each weapon the same ability, and this ability affects no more than two of any ally’s weapons. You can use this ability once per day, plus an additional time per day for every four levels beyond 8th.

Alternatively, you can choose to gain a Small fire elemental as a familiar, as if you possessed the Improved Familiar feat. Your effective wizard level for this ability is equal to your druid level and stacks with other classes that grant a familiar.

領域呪文1レベル—obscuring mist(creates smoke)、2レベル—elemental speechAPG3レベル—ash stormUM4レベル—planar adaptationAPG5レベル—scorching ash formARG、6レベル—mass planar adaptationAPG7レベル—delayed blast fireball、8レベル—destruction、9レベル—fiery bodyAPG

Plane of Waterの領域 Plane of Water Domain

出典 Planes of Power 7ページ

領域能力You are at one with the Plane of Water, able to navigate it and weaponize it at will. In addition, you can use wild empathy to influence a creature with the water subtype if its Intelligence score is 1 or 2.

Aquatic Veil(超常)/Aquatic Veil:As a standard action, you can sheathe your body in a thin layer of water for a number of rounds equal to your Wisdom modifier. This grants you a bonus on Swim checks equal to 1/2 your druid level and allows you to breathe normally underwater. You can end the effect when delivering a touch spell to create a pseudopod of water that extends your effective reach by 5 feet for that attack. When used underwater, the pseudopod instead increases your reach by 10 feet. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Hydraulic Crush(擬呪)/Hydraulic Crush:At 8th level, you can strike an area with a pressurized blast of water in a 5-foot-radius column 30 feet tall with a range of 60 feet. Creatures in the area take 1d6 bludgeoning damage per druid level and are knocked prone. When used underwater, the radius and height double, and the effect instead creates a powerful eddy that causes affected creatures to lose their Dexterity bonus to Armor Class for 1 round instead of knocking them prone. A successful Reflex save halves the damage and prevents the secondary effect. You can use this ability once per day, plus an additional time for every 6 levels beyond 8th.

Alternatively, you can choose to gain a Small water elemental as a familiar, as if you possessed the Improved Familiar feat. Your effective wizard level for this ability is equal to your druid level and stacks with other classes that grant a familiar.

領域呪文1レベル—touch of the seaAPG2レベル—elemental speechAPG3レベル—water breathing、4レベル—planar adaptationAPG5レベル—solid fog(functions underwater)、6レベル—mass planar adaptationAPG7レベル—fluid formAPG8レベル—seamantleAPG9レベル—tsunamiAPG

Ruinsの領域 Ruins Domain

出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 35ページ

領域能力You sense nature’s creeping reclamation of what once belonged to the civilized world and understand how to ensure ruins that hold power or significance will persist.

Ruin Touch(超常)/Ruin Touch:You can strengthen or weaken objects with your touch. With a melee touch attack, you can increase or decrease the hardness of an object(up to a 10-foot cube) or construct by an amount equal to half your druid level(minimum 1) for 1 minute. You cannot reduce an object’s hardness below 0, and the same target cannot be affected by this ability more than once. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Remembrance(擬呪)/Remembrance:At 4th level, when within a ruin or other structure that is no longer claimed by civilization, you can call upon the wisdom of the land and its long-dead residents. Once per day for every 4 druid levels you possess, you can cast divination as a spell-like ability. Additionally, if you are within ruins when you cast commune with nature, you gain information about the crumbling structures around you as though they were part of nature.

Surefooted(変則)/Surefooted:At 8th level, your speed is not reduced by difficult terrain unless the terrain has been magically manipulated to impede motion.

領域呪文1レベル—magic stone、2レベル—stone callAPG3レベル—meld into stone、4レベル—rusting grasp、5レベル—commune with nature、6レベル—stone tell、7レベル—statue、8レベル—earthquake、9レベル—clashing rocksAPG

Uskbondの領域 Uskbond Domain

出典 Horror Realms 45ページ

領域能力The Uskbond functions as a unique domain with the granted powers and domain spells below. A druid who takes the Uskbond must be neutral evil and worship Zon- Kuthon. A druid who has taken an archetype that alters or replaces nature bond cannot take the Uskbond.

Absorb Pain(超常)/Absorb Pain:Whenever you take lethal damage, you can choose as an immediate action to convert a number of points of this damage equal to 1d6 + your Wisdom modifier into nonlethal damage. When you use this ability, you gain a +4 profane bonus on all saving throws versus pain effects during the following round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Gruesome Display(変則)/Gruesome Display:At 8th level, as a standard action you can alter your appearance in such intense, horrific ways that onlookers become nauseated. One creature you select within 30 feet who can see you must succeed at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 your druid level + your Wisdom modifier) or be nauseated for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 your druid level. Every 2 levels beyond 8th, you can affect one additional creature, to a maximum of seven targets within 30 feet at 20th level. Each time you activate your gruesome display, you must affect at least one target, but you can choose to affect fewer targets than your maximum. Once you’ve targeted the maximum number of creatures granted by level(regardless of whether they successfully save to resist the effect or not), you cannot use gruesome display again for the remainder of the day. This is a mind-affecting fear effect.

領域呪文1レベル—delay painUM2レベル—lesser curse terrainHA3レベル—excruciating deformationUM4レベル—curse terrainHA5レベル—symbol of pain、6レベル—greater curse terrainHA7レベル—verminous transformationHA8レベル—supreme curse terrainHA9レベル—maze of madness and sufferingHA(haunted forest only)。

Verminの領域 Vermin Domain

出典 Ultimate Wilderness 46ページ、Inner Sea Monster Codex 35ページ

領域能力You see the perfection of nature in the spindly limbs and strange forms of all vermin, great and small alike.

Vermin Whisperer(超常)/Vermin Whisperer:You can use your wild empathy ability on vermin. When you do so, you impart a modicum of implanted intelligence on the vermin, allowing you to interact with vermin as if they were animals. Vermin whisperer functions only on vermin that are mindless or have an Intelligence score of 2 or lower.

Sudden Sting(超常)/Sudden Sting:At 8th level, you can inflict a lingering, painful sting as a swift action that requires a successful melee touch attack. This sting deals 1d4 points of piercing damage plus 1 point for every 2 druid levels you have, and the target must succeed at a Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + half your druid level + your Constitution modifier) or become staggered for 1 round. This is a pain effect. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

領域呪文1レベル—ant haul、2レベル—summon swarm、3レベル—vermin shape I4レベル—vermin shape II、5レベル—insect plague、6レベル—swarm skin、7レベル—creeping doom、8レベル—verminous transformation、9レベル—summon nature’s ally IX(1d3 purple worms only)。

Vultureの領域 Vulture Domain

出典 Faiths and Philosophies 25ページ

Note that Agent of Rebirth is replaced with:At 8th level, the druid can cast an extended air walk spell as a spell-like ability once per day.

領域能力Yours is the power of death and rebirth. Your spirit soars above all and moves with the flow of unseen currents.

Death's Companion(変則)/Death's Companion:Your totem grants you protection from the harbingers of death. As an immediate action, you gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against disease, death spells, and death effects that lasts a number of rounds equal to your druid level. This bonus increases by 2 at 6th level and every 5 levels thereafter, to a maximum of +8 at 16th level. You may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Wisdom modifier.

Agent of Rebirth(擬呪)/Agent of RebirthAt 8th level, you may expend a quantity of special oils worth 1,000gp to cast reincarnate as a spell-like ability usable once per day. Additionally, when using this ability or casting reincarnate as a prepared spell, you have some influence over the physical form that the reincarnated spirit will take. When rolling against the spell’s incarnation table, you may roll twice and choose between the two results.

領域呪文1レベル—deathwatch、2レベル—glideAPG3レベル—death knell、4レベル—death ward、5レベル—breath of life、6レベル—circle of death、7レベル—resurrection、8レベル—finger of death、9レベル—winds of vengeanceAPG

Druid Herbalism Druid Herbalism

出典 Healer's Handbook

Instead of granting access to a domain or an animal companion, a druid’s bond with nature can take a third form:access to druidic herbalism.

Druidic herbalism is a nature bond option that can be taken by any druid at 1st level except those with archetypes or alternate class features that alter or replace nature bond or mandate a specific nature bond choice.

A druid who chooses to learn druidic herbalism can use combinations of nuts, berries, dried herbs, and other natural ingredients along with appropriate containers to create herbal concoctions or magic consumables that function like potions. This acts like the Brew Potion feat, but only for spells on the druid spell list. Herbal concoctions are typically thick and sludgy, and their creation time, caster level, spell duplication capabilities, and all other variables and properties are identical to those of potions created using Brew Potion. Herbal concoctions created with herbs that cause special effects when ingested(see page 10 of Pathfinder Player Companion:Heroes of the Wild) retain those effects as well as the appropriate spell effect.

A druid can create a number of free herbal concoctions per day equal to her Wisdom modifier. Additional concoctions cost the same as creating an equivalent potion using Brew Potion. Druids can sell their herbal concoctions just as if they were potions(though NPCs unfamiliar with druidic herbalism may need some convincing before purchasing these wares).

At 4th level, a druid’s increasing skill with herbalism means that she can disguise the effects of her herbal concoctions. When a creature attempts a Perception or Spellcraft check to identify one of the druid’s concoctions, the concoction appears to be a different herbal concoction of the druid’s choice unless the creature exceeds the identification 難易度 by 5 or more. The druid must designate this false result when creating the concoction. If a creature exceeds the identification 難易度 by 5 or more, it correctly identifies the concoction, though not that the druid tried to fool it.

Additionally, at 4th level, when the druid creates additional concoctions, she need pay only half the normal cost to create them. It takes her only half the normal time to create her concoctions, and she can create concoctions of spells from any spell list, as long as she can cast the spell. At 7th level, when the druid creates concoctions with potential false identification results, a creature attempting to identify the concoction must exceed the identification 難易度 by 10 or more to determine the concoction’s true identity.

Additionally, at 7th level, a druid can create any herbal concoction in 1 minute. She can also create a special concoction of any spell higher than 3rd level that she can cast, but to do so, she must expend a spell slot of the same level. These special concoctions do not cost her anything to create and function like extracts created by an alchemist with the infusion discovery.

ドルイドの‌アー‌キ‌タ‌イ‌プ‌ ‌Druid ‌Archetypes‌ ‌

3.5 Material Ashvawg Tamer‌ ‌Ashvawg Tamer‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Pathfinder #5:Sins of the Saviors 71ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

The ashvawg tamer is a variant class that allows a druid to bond with strange and monstrous creatures. Given the unusual nature of these companions, the tamer also learns ways to strengthen his valuable ally. Most tamers worship Lamashtu, the Demon Queen, though a few have discovered these practices independently. Tamers develop a stronger bond with their companion than some of the most powerful druids or rangers, and often travel to exotic locations to find strange specimens to tame, with bragging rights going to those with the most unusual creature.

クラス技能Eliminate Diplomacy and Heal from the druid’s class skill list.

Add Intimidate and Knowledge(arcana).

Bestial Bond(擬呪)/Bestial Bond:At 4th level, the druid can call out to savage powers of the wilds, entreating them to aid her and her companion. Doing so allows her to cast cure serious wounds, neutralize poison, or remove disease on her animal companion as a spell-like ability by channeling the power of nature. The druid does not need to have these spells prepared as they come directly from the goddess. Using this ability, however, causes the druid to take 1d4 points of Wisdom damage. Any effect that prevents this Wisdom damage from occurring also prevents the use of this ability.

Variant Companion(変則)/Variant Companion:At 4th level the druid adds additional non-animals to her alternate list of animal companions. If she chooses one of these creatures as an animal companion, she may use her wild empathy ability to influence the creature(even though it is not an animal and its intelligence may be above 2), though she takes a –4 penalty on this check. If the druid and the companion share a common language these checks are not needed. If the companion’s intelligence is 3 or higher, the number of “tricks” the druid can teach it refers to the number of commands the creature understands regardless of language.

1st Level or Higher:darkmantle, krenshar, shocker lizard
4th Level or Higher(Level –3):hippogriff
10th Level or Higher(Level –9):girallon, griffon, owlbear, sea cat
13th Level or Higher(Level –12):bulette, chimera

Undying Bond(擬呪)/Undying Bond:At 6th level the druid can use her bestial bond ability to cast resurrection on her animal companion.

Exotic Companion(変則)/Exotic Companion:At 9th level the druid adds additional non-animals to her alternate list of animal companions, all of them with higher intelligence and strange shapes. It otherwise functions as the variant companion ability.

7th Level or Higher(Level –6):worg
10th Level or Higher(Level –9):ettercap, manticore, minotaur, winter wolf
13th Level or Higher(Level –12):behir, dragonne, hieracosphinx

Resist Nature's Lure/Resist Nature's Lure:The druid does not gain this ability.

Wild Shape(超常)/Wild Shape:The druid does not gain her second daily use of her wild shape ability at level 6. Hereafter she has one fewer daily use of the ability than a standard druid of her level.

Venom Immunity(変則)/Venom Immunity:The druid does not gain this ability.

‌Defender of the True World‌ ‌Defender of the True World‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Monster‌ ‌Hunter's‌ ‌Handbook‌ ‌10ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Some druids specialize in protecting Golarion from the threat of First World inhabitants. They are devoted to tracking down, diverting, and slaying fey threats.

クラス技能A defender of the true world gains Diplomacy as a class skill.

This alters the druid’s class skills.

ボーナス言語A defender of the true world can select Aklo, Sylvan, or Undercommon as bonus languages, in addition to the normal list of bonus languages available.

Enemy of the First World/Enemy of the First World:A defender of the true world cannot use summon nature’s ally to summon fey creatures.

This modifies spontaneous casting.

Fey Empathy(変則)/Fey Empathy:A defender of the true world gains a +2 competence bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate checks when interacting with fey creatures. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 druid levels she has(maximum +7 at 20th level).

This replaces wild empathy.

Fey Stalker(変則)/Fey Stalker:At 3rd level, the defender of the true world’s animal companion and any creatures she summons with summon nature’s ally gain a +1 morale bonus on attack and damage rolls against fey creatures. This bonus increases to +2 at 8th level, +3 at 13th level, and +4 at 18th level.

This ability replaces trackless step

Feybane(変則)/Feybane:At 4th level, a defender of the true world doesn’t gain a bonus on saving throws against spells and effects that utilize or target plants. She instead treats her natural attacks as cold iron for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, and she gains a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome the spell resistance of fey creatures.

This ability alters resist nature’s lure.

Beguiling Immunity(変則)/Beguiling Immunity:At 9th level, a defender of the true world becomes immune to the mind-affecting effects of fey.

This ability replaces venom immunity.

First World Deceiver(超常)/First World Deceiver:At 13th level, a defender of the true world gains the ability to change her appearance as per alter self, except she can take the form of a humanoid or fey creature. Her base land speed from this ability cannot exceed 60 feet.

This ability replaces a thousand faces.

‌Draconic Druid‌ ‌Draconic Druid‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Legacy of Dragons 24ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Some druids believe that dragons are the ultimate expression of nature, combining elemental fury with majestic beauty. These druids consort with dragons and eventually transform into draconic forms.

Drake Companion/Drake Companion:A draconic druid gains a drake companion instead of an animal companion.

This ability replaces nature bond, wild empathy, woodland stride, venom immunity, a thousand faces, and timeless body.

Dragon Sense/Dragon Sense}:A draconic druid studies dragons and their history. She gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge(arcana) and Knowledge(history) checks.

This ability replaces nature sense.

Resist Dragon's Might/Resist Dragon's Might:A draconic druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities of dragons.

This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Dragon Shape/Dragon Shape:A draconic druid can’t use wild shape to change into any of the usual forms available to a druid. Instead, at 4th level, she can use wild shape to change into a dragon-scaled version of herself with long fangs, gaining a +1 natural armor bonus to her アーマー・クラス and a bite attack appropriate for her size(1d6 points of damage for a Medium druid) but otherwise retaining her usual form. At 10th level, she can spend two uses of wild shape to transform into a Medium dragon as per form of the dragon I, and at 12th level, she can spend two uses to change into a Large dragon as per form of the dragon II. Each time that a draconic druid uses wild shape counts as a separate casting of the spell for the purpose of refreshing her uses of her breath weapon.

‌Drovier‌ ‌Drovier‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Magic Tactics Toolbox 6ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Droviers view their allies and adventuring companions as a herd or pack to be protected and directed, with variations on that theme ranging from culture to culture. The orcs of Belkzen see droviers as alpha predators, offering tribal warriors totemic power in exchange for obedience in combat. The elves of the Mwangi Expanse regard them as spokespeople for the jungle, adopting aspects that help preserve and defend the land.

Nature's Bond(変則)/Nature's Bond:A drovier must take the Animal domain with this ability, or the Eagle or Wolf animal domains from pages 34 and 36 respectively of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic.

This ability modifies nature’s bond.

Communal Aspect(超常)/Communal Aspect:At 4th level, a drovier can imbue her allies(including herself) with an aspect of a wild animal. As a standard action, she chooses an animal totem and grants the abilities of that totem to every ally within 30 feet. This otherwise functions like the spell animal aspectUC. She can use this ability for 10 minutes per druid level each day. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 10-minute increments. If she uses the ability to grant a new aspect, any previous aspect immediately ends. At 20th level, the drovier can use this ability at will.

At 6th level, the drovier’s communal aspect ability grants the benefits of the spell greater animal aspectUC. The drovier can still choose only one aspect to grant her allies. At 8th level, the drovier can choose to grant her allies the benefits of the spell aspect of the falconAPG instead of an animal aspect. At 10th level, the drovier can choose to grant her allies the benefits of the spell aspect of the bearAPG instead of an animal aspect. At 12th level, the drovier can choose to grant her allies the benefits of the spell aspect of the stagAPG instead of an animal aspect. At 14th level, the drovier can choose to grant her allies the benefits of the spell aspect of the wolfAPG rather than an animal aspect.

This replaces wild shape.

Elemental Ally ‌Elemental Ally‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Monster Summoner's Handbook 16ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

An elemental ally is a druid who has crafted powerful bonds of trust and friendship with one ally from each of the four primary elemental planes. Elemental allies are most common in Qadira, where they are considered similar to genie-binders.

Elemental Eidolons/Elemental Eidolons:At 1st level, an elemental ally has four elemental eidolons she can summon, one each for the elements of air, earth, fire, and water. Their abilities and statistics are determined using the rules for elemental eidolons for the summoner class from page 33 of Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained, as if the elemental ally were a summoner of her druid level, except they gain no additional evolution pool( just those evolutions from their base form and base evolutions from their subtype).

Each of the four elementals has its own base form, skills, and feats. The elemental ally can summon one of these elementals with the same 1-minute ritual a summoner normally uses to do so. The elemental ally can’t summon an eidolon or cast summon nature’s ally if she currently has an eidolon summoned. She also can’t summon an eidolon if she currently has a creature summoned through other means. If one of the elemental ally’s eidolons is killed, she cannot summon any eidolons for 24 hours. The elemental ally can dismiss her eidolon as a standard action.

As the elemental ally gains levels, her elemental eidolons’ base statistics and base evolutions increase as if her druid level were her summoner level. The eidolons gain the darkvision, link, share spells, evasion, ability score increase, devotion, multiattack, and improved evasion abilities at the appropriate levels, but never gain an evolution pool. Abilities and spells that grant additional evolution points to eidolons do not function for elemental eidolons, though any ability that would grant evolution points to an animal companion does work. The elemental ally does not gain life link or any other class features a summoner gains in relation to her eidolon.

This ability replaces nature’s bond and wild shape.

Elemental Empathy(変則)Elemental Empathy:An elemental ally can improve the attitude of a creature of the elemental subtype. This ability functions just like a Diplomacy check to improve the attitude of a person. The elemental ally rolls 1d20 and adds her druid level and her Charisma modifier to determine the elemental empathy check result.

To use elemental empathy, the elemental ally and the elemental must be able to study each other, which means that they must be within 30 feet of one another under normal conditions. Generally, inf luencing an elemental in this way takes 1 minute, but as with influencing people, it might take more or less time.

An elemental ally can also use this ability to influence a non-elemental outsider with the air, earth, fire, or water subtype, but she takes a –4 penalty on the check.

This ability replaces wild empathy.

Elemental Magic/Elemental Magic:The elemental ally can target elementals(including her elemental eidolons) with any spell she casts that targets animals, even though elementals can’t normally be targeted by such spells.

Elemental Resistance(変則)Elemental Resistance:At 4th level, an elemental ally gains resist acid, cold, electricity, and fire 5. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Fungal Pilgrim ‌Fungal Pilgrim‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Heroes of the Darklands 16ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Druids often work to preserve the natural world, but some seek to further emulate it. Fungal pilgrims are druids seeking transformation into a more plantlike existence. These unique adherents of nature’s creed see fungi as the means to such ends, as many fungi—particularly those of the Darklands— naturally work their way into the bodies of living creatures.

Devotion to Ascension(変則)/Devotion to Ascension:A fungal pilgrim must select the Plant domain for her nature bond if she does not select an animal companion.

This alters nature bond.

Spore Spawning/Spore Spawning:At 4th level, a fungal pilgrim who selected the Plant domain for her nature bond gains the ability to grow fungal creatures from the spores of her body. Once per day, when casting a summon nature’s ally spell to summon a single creature, the fungal pilgrim can infuse her fungal connection into the casting. The creature summoned must be selected from the summon nature’s ally list for 1 spell level lower than the spell cast. For example, if the fungal pilgrim casts summon nature’s ally III, she must choose a creature from the list in summon nature’s ally II.

Creatures summoned in this manner gain the fungal creature template(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 116), except they do not gain the create spawn and poison spore cloud special attacks. A creature summoned in this manner cannot be harvested for its poison.

A druid can use this ability an additional time per day at 6th level and every 2 levels thereafter, for a total of eight times at 18th level. At 20th level, it can be used any number of times per day.

This ability replaces wild shape if the fungal pilgrim selected the Plant domain as her nature bond.

Fungal Companion/Fungal Companion:At 4th level, a fungal pilgrim who selected an animal companion for her nature bond initiates a transformation in her companion. The animal companion gains the fungal creature template(Bestiary 4 116), but does not gain the create spawn, poison spore cloud, and poisonous blood special attacks. At 10th level, the animal companion gains the poisonous blood special attack. At 14th level, the animal companion gains the poison spore cloud special attack. At 20th level, the animal companion gains the create spawn special attack; created spawn are under the control of the fungal pilgrim. Spawn created in this way last for only 48 hours before rotting away.

This ability replaces wild shape if the fungal pilgrim selected an animal companion as her nature bond.

Mycological Transformation(変則)/Mycological Transformation:Fungal spores become fully integrated into the druid’s body, inside and out. At 15th level, she gains all immunities granted by the plant creature type as well as the light sensitivity universal monster rule. She counts as a plant for the purposes of effects that would negatively affect or damage plants. In addition, she no longer needs to eat or sleep in the typical manner, and instead gains the fungal creature’s rejuvenation ability. She can perform her daily meditation during her rejuvenation.

This ability replaces timeless body.

Goliath Druid ‌Goliath Druid‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Giant Hunter's Handbook 20ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Goliath druids hone their spiritual and magical connections to nature’s largest creatures, especially dinosaurs, giants, and megafauna, revering these massive creatures as living relics of a primeval time when all creatures were more in harmony with nature. Despite this respect, a goliath druid doesn’t hesitate to infiltrate giant groups who defile nature and destroy them from within.

Goliath druids have the following class features.

クラス技能A goliath druid gains Bluff, Diplomacy, and Knowledge(local) as class skills, but does not gain Craft, Profession, and Ride as class skills.

ボーナス特技A goliath druid with an Intelligence bonus can select Giant as a bonus language.

Primal Size/Primal Size:A goliath druid adds enlarge person to her list of class spells. She can cast this spell only on herself. She can also channel stored spell energy to cast this spell without preparing it—she can lose a prepared spell of 1st level or higher to cast enlarge person. This ability replaces nature sense.

Primal Bond(変則)/Primal Bond:When a goliath druid forms a nature bond, if she selects a cleric domain, she must selected from the Animal, Destruction, or Strength domains, or the Ferocity, Growth, or Rage subdomainsAPG.

If the goliath druid selects an animal companion, she must select a dinosaur or megafauna. If she has a dinosaur or megafauna animal companion, she can target it with enlarge person even though the companion isn’t of the humanoid type.

This ability alters nature bond.

Primal Empathy(変則)/Primal Empathy:A goliath druid’s wild empathy functions only with creatures that are Large or larger. This ability alters wild empathy.

Face Nature’s Might(変則)/Face Nature’s Might:At 4th level, a goliath druid gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of giants. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Wild Shape(超常)/Wild Shape:Druids’ ability to wild shape into a creature of the animal type allows a goliath druid to assume only the form of a dinosaur or megafauna. She doesn’t gain the ability to become an elemental or plant.

At 6th level, the goliath druid can use wild shape to become a Large humanoid of the giant subtype. This functions as the alter self spell, except the goliath druid gains a +4 size bonus to Strength, a –2 penalty to Dexterity, and a +1 natural armor bonus. If the Large humanoid form she takes has rock throwing, she gains rock throwing(range 40 feet, 1d8 damage). If the form has the aquatic subtype, she gains the aquatic and amphibious subtypes.

At 12th level, when taking the form of a giant, the goliath druid’s wild shape functions as giant form I.

At 14th level, the goliath druid can also use wild shape to change into a Huge giant. When taking the form of a giant, the goliath druid’s wild shape functions as giant form II.

This ability alters wild shape.

Primal Summons/Primal Summons:A goliath druid adds the following creatures to the list of creatures she can normally summon using summon nature’s ally spells.

Summon Nature’s Ally I:CompsognathusB2.
Summon Nature’s Ally II:DimorphodonB4.
Summon Nature’s Ally III:VelociraptorB4.
Summon Nature’s Ally IV:Ogre, parasaurolophusB2.
Summon Nature’s Ally V:GlyptodonB2, iguanodonB3.
Summon Nature’s Ally VI:BaluchitheriumB3, megalaniaB3.
Summon Nature’s Ally VII:Cliff giantB4.
Summon Nature’s Ally VIII:SpinosaurusB3.
Summon Nature’s Ally IX:DiplodocusB4.

This ability replaces venom immunity and a thousand faces.

Green ScourgeGreen Scourge‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Monster Hunter's Handbook 7ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Green scourges are militant druids sworn to restore natural order. They’re less concerned with nurturing the natural world than most druids, instead focusing their efforts on slaying corrupted creatures.

Nature’s Armaments/Nature’s Armaments:A green scourge can lose a prepared 1st- or 2nd-level spell in order to cast shillelagh or flame blade, respectively. She can instead choose to lose a higher-level spell in order to increase the enhancement bonus of her shillelagh, or to add any of the following weapon special abilities to her shillelagh or flame blade:bane(aberrations only), frost, mighty cleaving, returning, shock, throwing, or vicious. If the target weapon is a quarterstaff, these bonuses apply to only one of its ends. If a flame blade gains the frost or shock special ability, the base damage of the spell changes to match the energy type; neither a flame blade nor shillelagh can gain both of these special abilities. A green scourge cannot add the throwing property to a flame blade unless she also adds the returning property.

When adding weapon special abilities or increasing the enhancement bonus, the final level of the spell expended is 1 higher than the base spell level(2nd for shillelagh and 3rd for flame blade), increased by the additional special abilities’ total base price modifier(see Table 15–9 on page 469 of the Core Rulebook). For example, creating an aberration-bane vicious flame blade requires spending a 5th-level spell slot, which also counts as a 5th-level spell for purposes of dispelling.

This ability alters spontaneous casting.

Aberration Sense(変則)/Aberration Sense:At 1st level, a green scourge adds Knowledge(dungeoneering) to her class skills and gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge(dungeoneering) checks.

This replaces nature sense.

Scentless(変則)/Scentless:At 3rd level, a green scourge cannot be detected or tracked with the scent ability or any other special senses that rely on acute smell. She can choose to exude a scent if desired.

This ability replaces trackless step.

Resist Unnatural Influence(変則)/Resist Unnatural Influence:At 4th level, a green scourge gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against aberrations’ spelllike abilities, supernatural abilities, and poisons.

This replaces resist nature’s lure.

Kraken Caller ‌Kraken Caller‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Dirty Tactics Toolbox 16ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Some druids draw upon power irreverently stolen from one of the most dangerous creatures of the depths:the kraken.

Call of the Waves(変則)/Call of the Waves:A kraken caller must choose Besmara as her deity. If she ever changes her deity, she loses this archetype and becomes a normal druid.

ボーナス言語A kraken caller’s bonus language options include Aquan instead of Sylvan. This ability alters the druid’s bonus languages class feature.

Dauntless Swimmer(変則)/Dauntless Swimmer:At 2nd level, a kraken caller can always take 10 on Swim checks, even if she is rushed or threatened. This ability replaces woodland stride.

Hold Breath(変則)/Hold Breath:At 3rd level, a kraken caller can hold her breath for a number of minutes equal to her Constitution score before she risks drowning. This ability replaces trackless step.

Resist the Waves’ Lure(変則)/Resist the Waves’ Lure:At 4th level, a kraken caller gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of creatures with the aquatic subtype. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Wild Shape(超常)/Wild Shape:A kraken caller’s options for wild shape are limited to animals with the aquatic or water subtype or that have the amphibious special quality. The kraken caller can alternatively expend a daily use of wild shape to grow tentacles out of her body while otherwise retaining her own form. This effect lasts for 10 minutes per level, or until the kraken caller changes back.

At 4th level, the kraken caller grows two tentacles while in this form. The tentacles have a reach of 5 feet regardless of the kraken caller’s size, and the kraken caller can use them as secondary natural attacks that deal 1d4 points of damage(1d3 for a Small kraken caller). She also gains a racial bonus on Climb, Swim, and dirty trick combat maneuver checks equal to the number of tentacles grown.

At each of 6th, 8th, 10th, and 12th levels, a kraken caller can grow an additional tentacle. As a move action, she can retract or regrow any number of the additional tentacles, redistributing the mass of any retracted tentacles. For every 2 retracted tentacles, she can increase the reach of the remaining tentacles by 5 feet(to a maximum of 15 feet), or increase the damage dealt by her tentacles as if she were one size category larger.

While in this form, a kraken caller can expel a 10-footradius cloud of ink once per minute as a standard action. This cloud provides total concealment in water and persists for 1 round per level. The ink has no effect out of water. This ability alters wild shape.

Beast of the Depths(超常)/Beast of the Depths:At 13th level, a kraken caller gains a swim speed equal to her base land speed and can breathe water as though affected by the spell water breathing. This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Mantella ‌Mantella‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Potions and Poisons 4ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

A mantella focuses on exploring her poisonous heritage, whether or not it has manifested in her own personal biology. The mantella is an archetype available to grippli druids.

Poison Affinity(超常)/Poison Affinity:At 4th level, if a form the mantella assumes with wild shape has any poison abilities, the mantella also gains those abilities. However, the mantilla can never use wild shape to take the form of an elemental.

This alters wild shape.

Toxic Diet(変則)Toxic Diet:At 6th level, both the mantella and her animal companion gain immunity to poison. Additionally, as an immediate action when exposed to a dose of poison, a mantella can absorb the toxin and store it internally for up to 1 day. As a swift action, a mantella can secrete this poison; this changes the poison’s type to injury and applies the dose of poison to all of the druid’s natural attacks. A mantella can use this ability three times per day, plus one additional time per day at 8th level and every 2 druid levels thereafter.

This alters venom immunity and replaces spontaneous casting.

Nature Priest ‌Nature Priest‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Healer's Handbook 23ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Nature priests serve two masters:their deities and nature itself, and can call upon the power of both to fuel their divine abilities.

Faithful:Like a cleric, a nature priest must worship a deity and her alignment must be within one step of her deity’s(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 166).

クラス技能A nature priest adds Knowledge(religion) to her list of class skills instead of Knowledge(geography).

This alters the druid’s class skills.

Weapon Proficiencies:A nature priest is proficient with her deity’s favored weapon in addition to a druid’s typical weapon proficiencies.

This alters the druid’s weapon proficiencies.

Studious Piety(変則)/Studious Piety:A nature priest gains a +1 bonus on Knowledge(religion) checks. This bonus increases to +2 when attempting checks that involve knowledge of her deity or her faith.

This ability replaces nature sense.

Chosen Druid(変則)/Chosen Druid:If a nature priest chooses a domain for her nature bond, she must choose one of her deity’s domains(or subdomains) in place of those typically available to a druid.

This ability alters nature bond.

Shepherd of the Faithful(超常)/Shepherd of the Faithful:At 4th level, a nature priest and all allies within 60 feet that can see or hear her gain a +2 insight bonus on skill checks to notice or avoid natural hazards, difficult terrain, and rough winds or water, as well as on saving throws against natural hazards. This ability offers no protection against the abilities of creatures or the effects of spells or items.

This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Divine Servants(超常)/Divine Servants:At 9th level, a nature priest adds the spells lesser planar ally, planar ally, and greater planar ally to her druid spell list at their cleric spell levels. When she casts these spells, the planar allies summoned require half the payment described in those spells.

This ability replaces the venom immunity ability.

Nithveil Adept ‌Nithveil Adept‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Inner Sea Intrigue 44ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Nithveil adepts learn the secret magic of the First World fey in the moving, reality-phasing city of Nithveil, which appears on the new moon at seemingly random locations in the Grungir Forest in the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. The most common deities worshiped by these druids are the Green Mother and the Lantern King, Eldest patrons of intrigue and trickery.

Nithveil Skills:A Nithveil adept adds Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Sense Motive, Perform(any), and Stealth to her list of class skills.

This ability replaces nature sense.

Nature Bond(超常)/Nature Bond:A Nithveil adept cannot select an animal companion, and can take only a domain. If she worships an Eldest, the Nithveil trickster can choose any of the domains or subdomains granted by that Eldest in addition to those normally available to druids.

This ability alters nature bond.

Animal Speech(超常)/Animal Speech:A Nithveil adept can imbue normal animals with the ability to speak for a brief period. Once per day as a standard action, the Nithveil adept can touch an animal to grant it the ability to speak any language the druid knows for 1 minute per druid level. This does not increase the animal’s Intelligence or improve its attitude, and the animal behaves as though communicating with someone under the effects of a speak with animals spell, save that it can speak with anyone who understands the language the Nithveil adept grants it. The Nithveil adept gains one additional use of this ability at 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

This ability replaces spontaneous casting.

Resist Fey Influence(変則)/Resist Fey Influence:At 4th level, a Nithveil adept gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of fey. Once per day before attempting such a saving throw, the Nithveil adept can choose to roll two dice and take the better result, applying the +4 bonus as normal.

This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Locate Nithveil(擬呪)/Locate Nithveil:At 9th level, a Nithveil adept can cast find the path as a spell-like ability, but only to locate Nithveil. The spell’s duration is extended until the druid reaches her destination or until Nithveil recedes from the Material Plane at the end of the new moon. This ability can be used only once per month, during the new moon.

Planar Extremist ‌Planar Extremist‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Antihero's Handbook 13ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Through determined interest or repeated exposure to those places where the borders between planes are weaker, some druids lose their neutral stance and find themselves gravitating toward one of the four most extreme alignments:chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful evil, or lawful good. While no longer able to harness the forces of nature like their neutral kin, these planar extremists find that their powers have shifted to reflect the Outer Plane most closely associated with their alignment. This is an ex-class archetype and can be taken by a character immediately upon becoming an ex-druid.


The following archetype can be taken by an ex-druid immediately upon becoming an ex-druid, regardless of character level, replacing some or all of the lost class abilities. If another archetype the character had before she became an ex-druid replaces the same ability as the ex-class archetype, she loses the old archetype in favor of the new one; otherwise, she can retain both archetypes as normal. Planar extremixts can gain further levels in the druid class, even though becoming an ex-druid normally prohibits further advancement in the class. While an ex-member of a class can recant her failings and atone for her fall from her original class(typically involving an atonement spell), her acceptance of her ex-class archetype means she must atone both for her initial fall and for further straying from the path. As a result, such a character must be the target of two atonement spells or a similar effect to regain her lost class features. Upon doing so, she immediately loses this archetype and regains her original class(and archetype, if she had one).

属性A planar extremist must have an alignment of chaotic evil, chaotic good, lawful evil, or lawful good.

This alters the druid’s alignment.

Aura(変則)/Aura:The planar extremist radiates an aura matching her alignment as if she were a cleric of her druid level.

呪文A planar extremist gains one fewer spell slot per spell level than normal in which to prepare spells. The planar extremist removes all summon nature’s ally spells from her spell list and replaces them with the summon monster spells of the same levels. The druid can otherwise cast spells as normal for a druid of her level.

This alters the druid’s spells.

Planar Bond/Planar Bond:A planar extremist forms a bond with a manifestation of the Outer Plane with which she is aligned. This bond can take one of two forms. The first is a close tie to the plane to which she is aligned, granting the planar extremist one of the domains of her alignment(for example, a lawful good planar extremist could take either the Lawful or Good domain). This option otherwise functions as a druid’s nature bond if she chose a close tie to the natural world.

The second option is to form a close bond with an outsider from an Outer Plane. The abilities of this outsider companion are determined using the rules for eidolons for the unchained summonerPU class, as if the planar extremist were a summoner of her druid level, except the outsider companion gains no additional evolution pool(only the evolutions from its base form and base evolutions for its subtype), and it must be of a subtype whose alignment exactly matches the alignment of the planar extremist. The planar extremist can summon her outsider companion with the same 1-minute ritual a summoner normally uses to do so, but she can’t cast summon monster spells if she currently has her outsider companion summoned, and she can’t summon her companion if she already has a creature summoned through other means.

As the planar ally gains class levels, her eidolon’s base statistics and base evolutions increase as if her druid level were her summoner level. The eidolon gains the darkvision, link, share spells, evasion, ability score increase, devotion, multiattack, and improved evasion abilities at the appropriate levels, but never gains an evolution pool. Abilities and spells that grant additional evolution points to eidolons do not function for her outsider companion, though any abilities that would grant evolution points to an animal companion do work. The planar extremist does not gain life link or any other class features a summoner gains in relation to her eidolon.

This replaces nature’s bond.

Spontaneous Casting/Spontaneous Casting:A planar extremist can channel stored spell energy into summoning spells that she hasn’t prepared ahead of time. She can lose a prepared spell in order to cast a summon monster spell of the same level or lower, but only to summon creatures whose alignment matches hers.

This alters a druid’s spontaneous casting.

Resist the Opposite(変則)/Resist the Opposite:At 4th level, a planar extremist gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against the spell-like and supernatural abilities of creatures whose alignment is diametrically opposed to her own.

This replaces resist nature’s lure.

Planar Aspect(超常)/Planar Aspect:At 4th level, as a standard action, a planar extremist can gain the benefits of the bloodrager bloodline associated with her alignment(choosing from Abyssal, Celestial, or Infernal), as if she were a bloodrager of her druid level. She can gain these benefits for 1 minute per druid level as if she were bloodraging(but she gains no other benefits or penalties of bloodrage) or until she dismisses it as a swift action; this duration need not be used consecutively but must be spent in 1-minute increments. She can use this ability an additional time per day at 6th level and every 4 levels thereafter, for a total of five times per day at 18th level. At 20th level, a planar extremist can use planar aspect at will.

This replaces wild shape.

Restorer ‌Extremist‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Healer's Handbook 22ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌
The restorer archetype's guide across lifetimes ability grants heal as a spell-like ability once per day in place of reincarnate

Restorers carefully tend to the health of both the environment and creatures in it. Restorers in the most remote places often choose druidic herbalism as their nature bond option.

Healing Touch(変則)/Healing Touch:A restorer gains a +2 bonus on Heal checks. When a restorer uses Heal to provide first aid, the bonus increases to +3.

This ability replaces nature sense.

Natural Medic/Natural Medic:A restorer can channel stored spell energy into healing spells that she did not prepare ahead of time. The restorer can “lose” any prepared spell in order to cast any cure spell she can cast of the same spell level or lower(a cure spell is any spell with “cure” in its name).

This ability replaces spontaneous casting.

Enemy of Blight(変則)/Enemy of Blight:At 4th level, a restorer can ignore the effects of an overgrown area that has been magically manipulated to impede motion. She can ignore these effects for a number of rounds per day equal to double her Wisdom bonus. These rounds don’t have to be used consecutively.

This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Guide across Lifetimes(擬呪)/Guide across Lifetimes:At 13th level, once per day as a full-round action, a restorer can cast reincarnate without a material component.

This ability replaces a thousand faces.

Season Keeper ‌Season Keeper‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌People of the Stars 13ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Imbued with the primeval potency of their planet’s seasons, those druids known as season keepers guide Triaxian communities through the stark transition from summer to winter(and vice versa). The nature spirits that season keepers allow to possess their animal companions inspire both awe and dread in onlookers, but all value the gifts of the seasons that the season keepers bestow on their communities.

This archetype is available to Triaxian druids, as well as druids of other races with the GM’s permission.

Nature Bond(変則)/Nature Bond:A season keeper must select an animal companion for her nature bond. Seasonal Spirits(Su):Starting at 1st level, each day when she prepares spells, a season keeper can imbue her animal companion with the spirit of summer or the spirit of winter.

Spirit of Summer/Spirit of Summer:The season keeper’s animal companion projects a 15-foot-radius aura of cooling and vigor. Allies in the aura can exist comfortably in hot conditions as if they each had the seasoned racial ability of a Summerborn Triaxian. At 3rd level, the aura increases the power of the season keeper’s healing magic—whenever the season keeper targets an ally with a spell that has the healing descriptor, the target also gains fast healing 2 for a number of rounds equal to the spell’s level. At 9th level, allies within the aura leave no trails in natural grassy or forest environments, thus can’t be tracked in such terrain. At 15th level, the duration of the fast healing effect increases to 2 rounds per spell level and affected allies can ignore difficult terrain caused by natural undergrowth such as nonmagical thorns, briars, overgrowth, and similar terrain.

Spirit of Winter/Spirit of WinterThe season keeper’s animal companion projects a 15-foot-radius aura of warmth and calm. This aura allows allies to exist comfortably in cold conditions as if they each had the seasoned racial ability of a Winterborn Triaxian. At 3rd level, allies gain resistance 10 to cold as long as they remain within the aura. At 9th level, affected allies leave no trails in natural snow or ice, thus can’t be tracked in such terrain. At 15th level, affected allies gain resistance 20 to cold and can ignore difficult terrain caused by ice or snow.

This ability modifies nature bond and replaces trackless step, venom immunity, and timeless body.

Wild Shape(超常)/Wild Shape:A season keeper gains this ability at 6th level, except that her effective druid level for the ability is equal to her druid level – 2. If she has imbued her animal companion with the spirit of winter, she uses her full druid level when taking on the form of an ice elemental. If she has imbued her companion with the spirit of summer, she uses her full druid level when taking on the form of a plant. A season keeper cannot use wild shape to assume the form of an elemental except an ice elemental, and can assume that shape only if her animal companion has the spirit of winter. Similarly, she can assume a plant form only if her animal companion has the spirit of summer. This ability modifies wild shape.

Supernaturalist ‌Supernaturalist‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Occult Origins 21ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Supernaturalists wholly embrace paranormal phenomena as extensions of nature.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:A supernaturalist is not proficient with any type of armor. This alters the druid’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Eldritch Botanist(変則)/Eldritch Botanist:A supernaturalist can affect plants with mind-affecting effects she creates and with spells that normally affect animals. Any such spell that allows a Will save can instead be negated by the target plant with a successful Fortitude save at the same 難易度. She also can choose plant bond and green empathy, as a treesinger druid(Advanced Race Guide 25), in place of nature bond and wild empathy.

Paranormal Scholar(変則)/Paranormal Scholar:A supernaturalist gains Psychic SensitivityOA as a bonus feat and adds Diplomacy, Knowledge(arcana), and Sense Motive as class skills. At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, she can select a spell from the psychic class’s spell list(Occult Adventures 69) and add it to her druid spell list, and is able to prepare and cast it as a druid spell. This replaces nature sense, trackless step, and resist nature’s lure.

Animal Spirit(超常)/Animal Spirit:At 4th level, a supernaturalist can perform a seance to call an animal spirit of any animal with which she is familiar to serve as her companion and guide. The supernaturalist gains spirit, spirit bonus, spirit surge, and taboo abilities as a medium(Occult Adventures 30) 3 levels lower than her druid level. The supernaturalist’s allies cannot participate in this seance. This ability replaces wild shape. The spirit abilities of the animal spirit are as follows.

Spirit Bonus/Spirit Bonus:Your spirit bonus applies on attack and damage rolls with natural weapons and on skill checks relating to animals and plants.

Seance Boon/Seance Boon:Your natural armor bonus to アーマー・クラス increases by 1.

Favored Location/Favored Location:Native terrain of the animal type being invoked.

Influence Penalty/Influence Penalty:You become wild and savage, taking a penalty equal to your spirit bonus on caster level checks, Charisma- and Intelligencebased ability checks, and skill checks.

Taboos/Taboos:Choose one:you must not speak(except with animals and plants); you must not wield manufactured weapons; you must not eat anything you did not kill or harvest yourself.

Totem Transformation(Lesser, Su)/Totem Transformation:You gain any of the following abilities possessed by the animal you select as your animal spirit:bite(1d6 for a Medium druid), 2 claws(1d4 for a Medium druid), darkvision, improved land movement speed(up to a +20-foot enhancement bonus to the druid’s base land movement speed), low-light vision, scent, and swim(up to 30 feet).

Pack Leader(Intermediate, Su)/Pack Leader:When you summon animals that match your animal spirit, they gain a +2 bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws.

Wildstrike(Greater, Su)/Wildstrike:You can allow your animal spirit to gain 1 point of influence over you as a swift action to allow an animal or plant(including your companion) within 30 feet that can see or hear you to immediately take an additional standard action.

Wild Heart(Supreme, Ex)/Wild Heart:You gain a +4 bonus on saves against enchantment and mind-affecting effects, and immunity to effects that affect only humanoids. Once per day, you can cast any summon nature’s ally spell you can cast spontaneously as a standard action without expending a spell slot.

Survivor ‌Survivor‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Champions of Balance 24ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

The survivor embodies the neutral aspect of the natural world and eschews druidic magic in favor of more pragmatic and worldly survival methods.

クラス技能A survivor adds Stealth to her list of class skills.

Weapon Proficiencies:In addition to the normal druid weapon proficiencies, a survivor is proficient with the shortbow and longbow.

Diminished Spellcasting/Diminished SpellcastingA survivor’s number of spells per day for each spell level is one less than normal(for example, a 4th-level survivor can cast three cantrips, two 2nd-level spells, and one 1st-level spell per day). If this reduces the number of spells for a level to 0, she gains only the bonus spells for that level she would be entitled to based on her Wisdom score.

Nature Bond(変則)/Nature Bond:At 1st level, a survivor must select an animal companion as her nature bond.

Element of Surprise(変則)/Element of Surprise:At 4th level, if a survivor makes a successful attack during a surprise round against a target that is unaware of her, her victim takes a penalty on its initiative check during the following round equal to half the damage dealt by the survivor’s attack(minimum 0, maximum equal to the survivor’s class level). This cannot reduce an initiative result below 1. This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Trap/Trap:At 4th level, a survivor learns how to create a snare trap(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 65) and one other ranger trap of her choice(see page 25 or Ultimate Magic 64). At 6th level and every 2 levels thereafter, she learns another trap. The survivor can use these traps a total number of times per day equal to 1/2 her druid level + her Wisdom modifier. Once a trap is learned, it can’t be unlearned and replaced with a different type of trap. The survivor cannot select an individual trap more than once. This ability replaces wild shape.

Launch Trap/Launch Trap:At 9th level, a survivor can affix a magical ranger trap to an arrow or thrown weapon, allowing her to set the trap remotely or use it as a direct attack. Attaching the trap to the projectile is part of the full-round action of creating a new trap. The trapped projectile is fired or thrown in the normal manner. If the projectile is fired at a square, the trap is treated as if the survivor had set the trap in that square, except the 難易度 is 5 lower than normal. If the projectile is fired at a creature, the target takes damage from the ranged weapon and is treated as if it had triggered the trap(saving throw applies, if any). The attack has a maximum range of 60 feet, and range increments apply to the attack roll. The duration of the trapped projectile starts from when it is created, not from when it is used. This ability replaces venom immunity.

Swarm Monger ‌Swarm Monger‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Blood of the Beast 21ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Swarm mongers are unparalleled survivors, thriving on the filthy fringes of society. Whereas other druids commune with nature or even the spirit of a city, swarm mongers find beauty and strength in decay, and they draw their power from fungus, disease, and their own singular will to survive.

Fecund Familiar(変則)/Fecund Familiar:A swarm monger bonds with an urban familiar, treating her druid level as her wizard level for the purposes of determining her familiar’s abilities. The swarm monger must select her familiar from the following options:cat, house centipedeUM, rat, raven, or scarlet spiderUM. The fecund familiar gains the benefits of its master’s child of pollution, shadowy opportunist, and venom immunity class abilities.

As a standard action, a swarm monger can cause her familiar to burst forth into a full swarm of identical creatures, filling four contiguous 5-foot squares and gaining temporary hit points equal to half its master’s maximum hit points. While in swarm form, the familiar loses the improved evasion, share spells, deliver touch attack, and scry on familiar special abilities. It uses its normal アーマー・クラス, saving throws, and skill bonuses, and it gains the swarm subtype and the ability to make swarm attacks(dealing 1d6 points of damage at 1st level and using the swarm monger’s druid level as the swarm’s Hit Dice to determine damage increases as per the swarm subtype). The swarm monger is immune to her own familiar’s swarm attack.

Beginning at 5th level, any creature damaged by a fecund familiar’s swarm attack must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the swarm monger’s druid level + the swarm monger’s Wisdom modifier) or be sickened for 1d6 rounds. At 12th level, creatures that fail their Fortitude saving throws instead become nauseated.

A swarm monger can transform her familiar into a swarm a number of times each day equal to her Wisdom modifier(minimum 1), and the transformation lasts for 1 minute per druid level, or until the swarm monger reverts her familiar back to a singular form as a standard action. A fecund familiar cannot be reduced in size to Diminutive or smaller when in swarm form.

This ability replaces nature bond.

Low Friends(変則)/Low Friends:At 2nd level, a swarm monger gains Vermin HeartAPG as a bonus feat.

This ability replaces woodland stride.

Shadowy Opportunist(変則)/Shadowy Opportunist:A swarm monger gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge(local) and Stealth checks.

This ability replaces nature sense.

Child of Pollution(超常)/Child of Pollution:Starting at 4th level, a swarm monger gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against disease and poisons, and she can eat spoiled or rotting food and drink without ill effect. Once per day for every 4 druid levels she has, a swarm monger can devour a handful of rotting food as a standard action to gain a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 + her druid level that last for 1 hour.

This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Swarm Shape(超常)/Swarm Shape:At 12th level, a swarm monger can use wild shape to transform into a swarm of vermin, functioning as swarm skinAPG, but not allowing her to split into more than one contiguous swarm. She doesn’t leave her gear behind when she uses this ability, and she can revert to her mundane form normally.

This ability replaces the normal wild shape options gained at 12th level.

Tempest Tamer ‌Tempest Tamer‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Blood of the Sea 25ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Druids draw upon the fiercest powers of nature, and tsunamis, typhoons, and whirlpools are among the most powerful forces in the ocean. Tempest tamers are at one with the water and gain the ability to soothe these dangerous phenomena. Tempest tamers can be found in many of Golarion’s oceans, but all avoid the spectacular Eye of Abendego—they are all keenly aware of the supernatural origin of that massive hurricane, and they know they cannot quell its fury without first acquiring extraordinary power.

Speech of the Sea/Speech of the Sea:A tempest tamer’s bonus language options include Aquan and Auran, in addition to the bonus languages available to the character from her race. However, the tempest tamer does not gain Sylvan as a bonus language option.

This ability alters bonus languages.

Whirlpool Walker(変則)/Whirlpool Walker:At 4th level, a tempest tamer can resist winds and the unnatural powers of sea creatures. The tempest tamer gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against spells with the air or water descriptor and the spell-like and supernatural abilities of creatures with the air, aquatic, or water subtype. This bonus also applies to saving throws to avoid damage from a vortex, whirlpool, or similar effects, as well as to saving throws to prevent being pulled into or moved by such effects.

This ability replaces resist nature’s lure.

Tempest Wild Shape(超常)/Tempest Wild Shape:At 4th level, a tempest tamer gains the ability to turn herself into a Small water elemental. This ability functions as per the elemental body I spell except as noted here. The effect lasts for 1 hour per druid level or until she changes back. Changing form(to an elemental or back) is a standard action and doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity.

At 6th level, a tempest tamer can use tempest wild shape to change into a Small air elemental. At 8th level, a tempest tamer can use tempest wild shape to change into a Medium air or water elemental, as per elemental body II. At 10th level, a tempest tamer can use tempest wild shape to change into a Large air or water elemental, as per elemental body III. At 12th level, a tempest tamer can use tempest wild shape to change into a Huge air or water elemental, as per elemental body IV.

A tempest tamer can use this ability once per day plus an additional time per day at 6th level and every 2 levels thereafter(up to a total of eight times at 18th level). At 20th level, she can use tempest wild shape at will.

This ability replaces wild shape.

Toxicologist ‌Toxicologist‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Magic Tactics Toolbox 23ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Druids protect the natural environs of the world, and sometimes that requires forcibly expelling those who would pollute, despoil, or otherwise harm such areas. Single battles may not be enough to win the war, so some druids specialize in the stealthy application of insidious poisons to their targets. In the verdant depths of the Mwangi Expanse or the Valashmai Jungle of Tian Xia, many druids work to root out their enemies by means of powerful toxins, believing word of their foes’ horrifying deaths will deter others from attempting similar desecrations of the natural world.

Expanded Repertoire(変則)/Expanded Repertoire:A toxicologist adds the following extracts and spells to her druid spell list as druid spells of the listed spell level:poisoned egg(1st level, Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Inner Sea Gods 238), transmute potion to poisonAPG(2nd level), stinking cloud(3rd level), toxic giftUM(4th level), and cloudkill(5th level). A toxicologist can channel stored spell energy only into summoning spells she has prepared ahead of time.

This ability alters spells and replaces spontaneous casting.

Natural Poison Lore(変則)/Natural Poison Lore:A toxicologist has a deep understanding of and appreciation for poisons. At 2nd level, she cannot accidentally poison herself when applying poison to a weapon and cannot accidentally poison an animal companion or summoned creature when applying poison to its claws(though poison obviously should not be applied to a creature’s bite).

This ability replaces wild empathy and woodland stride.

Expert Poisoner(超常)/Expert Poisoner:At 4th level, a toxicologist increases the DCs of any spells she casts with the poison descriptor by 1.

This ability replaces trackless step and resist nature’s lure.

Toxic Shaper(超常)Toxic Shaper:A toxicologist never gains the ability to use wild shape to transform into an elemental or plant. At 8th level, a toxicologist can transform into a Small or Medium vermin. When she takes this form, her wild shape functions as vermin shape IUM. At 10th level, a toxicologist can transform into a tiny or large vermin. When she takes this form, her wild shape functions as vermin shape IIUM.

This ability alters wild shape.

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