


蟷螂神The Mantis God, 血の道を行くものHe Who Walks in Blood






蟷螂the Red Mantis訳注ゴラリオンで恐れられる暗殺者集団)、暗殺者






ソートゥース・サーベル(Sawtooth sabre, 後述)

アチャイケク(uh-CHAY-kekと発音する)[1]は暗殺者の神であり、メデオーガルティ島the island of Mediogalti(med-ee-oh-GALL-tee)に拠点を置く暗殺組織蟷螂に属する暗殺者の守護神格である[2]。アチャイケクカリストリア復讐の女神だが不要な殺人を行わない)とノルゴーバー(賃の有無に関わらず、あらゆる殺人の神)の中間の位置を占めている[3]。彼の聖印は祈るような形で描かれた蟷螂カマ一組である[4]。


アチャイケクは真の神格ではないが、特別な的のために神々によって創造された最初の存在である。アチャイケク創造を担当したのが厳密に誰であるかについては一般に意見が分かれているが、複数の神格が協したことはまず間違いないようである[5]。とにかく、アチャイケクが必要だと神々が考えた原因は、AR3823年に起きた亜神アラズニthe demigod Arazniのに関係している。単なる定命のものに過ぎない“囁く大帝Whispering Tyrant”(訳注アラズニを殺した人間リッチ、ター=バフォンTar-Baphonを指す)により殺されたことで、神々は自らの弱さに気づき、この事実による将来の脅威から身を守る必要性に気づいたのだ。加えて、ほとんどの神々も決して自分自身ゴラリオン上に顕現しないように用心し、代わりに使節や幻やイメージに頼るようになった。





ソートゥース・サーベル(Sawtooth sabre項から抜粋)


[1] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 246. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 196. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[3] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Gods and Magic, p. 45. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[4] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 170. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[5] Brian Cortijo, Joshua J. Frost, James Jacobs, & Richard Pett.(2008). Bestiary. Escape from Old Korvosa, p. 81. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-092-6
[6] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 202. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[7] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Gods and Magic, p. 3. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[8] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 210. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1

◎二次参考文献 Futher References


Titles The Mantis God, He Who Walks in Blood
Alignment Lawful evil
Portfolio Blood, Death, Assassination
Worshipers The Red Mantis, assassins
Cleric Alignments 秩序にして中立, 秩序にして悪, 中立にして悪
Domains Death, Evil, Law, Trickery, War
Favored Weapon Sawtooth sabre

Achaekek(pronounced uh-CHAY-kek)[1] is the god of assassins, and the patron god of the Red Mantis assassins, based on the island of Mediogalti.[2] Achaekek takes a middle position between Calistria, the goddess of revenge if not necessarily murder, and Norgorber who is the god of all murder, whether paid for or not.[3] His symbol are a pair of mantis claws depicted as if in prayer.[4]

Achaekek isn't a true deity, but the first entity created by the gods for a specific purpose. There is general disagreement as to exactly who is responsible for Achaekek's creation, although it was most likely an alliance of several deities.[5] In any case, the reason the gods thought Achaekek was necessary involved the death of the demigod Arazni in 3823 AR[6]. Killed by the Whispering Tyrant, a mere mortal, the gods realized their vulnerability and recognized the need for protection from future threats of that nature. In addition, most gods also took the precaution of never personally manifesting on Golarion, relying instead on emissaries, visions and images.[7]

The Mantis God has an uneasy relationship more than a few of Golarion's deities, as they do not approve of his heavy-handed purpose and methods. None dare to oppose him however, at least not openly.[4]

◎Church of Achaekek
Achaekek does not actively seek followers. He is nevertheless worshiped by the Red Mantis assassins, who use the Mantis God's persona and tactics as a model for their behavior, and in order to strike terror into their opponents.[4]

◎Sawtooth sabre
The Red Mantis use the sawtooth sabre as their signature weapon. This is because they are cruel, yet efficient weapons, a perfect combination for the assassin's guild. The Sawtoothed Sabre's blade is cured like a normal sabre, but instead of a straight edge, the cutting edge is serrated, allowing deeper wounds. This grisly weapon weighs only 2 pounds, another plus for an assassin trying to sneak into and out of a guarded area. [8]

[1] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 246. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 196. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[3] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Gods and Magic, p. 45. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[4] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 170. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[5] Brian Cortijo, Joshua J. Frost, James Jacobs, & Richard Pett.(2008). Bestiary. Escape from Old Korvosa, p. 81. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-092-6
[6] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 202. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[7] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Gods and Magic, p. 3. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[8] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 210. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1

◎Further references

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