出典 Blood of Angels 26ページ
正義の畏怖(超常)/Righteous Awe:悪のクリーチャーに対して素手での接触攻撃を行うときは、意志セーヴに成功するか(難易度 = 10+インクィジター・レベルの半分+【判断力】修正値)、1d4ラウンドの間怯え状態とならなければならない。接触されたクリーチャーが悪の来訪者である場合、怯え状態の代わりに恐れ状態となる。君はこの能力を1日に3+【判断力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用できる。
送還の接触(擬呪)/Dismissive Touch:8レベルの時点で、悪の来訪者に対して素手での接触攻撃を成功させると、1日1回擬似呪文能力としてディスミサルを発動することができる(術者レベルはインクィジター・レベルに等しい)。この能力に対するセーヴ難易度は2増加する。
出典 Magical Marketplace 10ページ
信仰深い乗馬(超常)/Faithful Steed:8レベルの時点で、審問能力を使用すると、乗騎は選択した審問の1つの利益を得る。16レベルの時点で、乗騎は選択した2つの審問の利益を得る。
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 30ページ
内密の祝福(超常)/Blessed Secrecy:4レベルの時点で、 〈はったり〉、〈変装〉、〈手先の早業〉、〈隠密〉技能の判定を試みる時、2回ロールして望む方の結果を採用することができる。この能力は1日に【判断力】に等しい回数だけ使用できる。
呪文遅延化(超常)/Delayed Spells:8レベルの時点で、君が発動した呪文の効果を最大インクィジター・レベル毎に1ラウンド遅らせることができる。呪文を発動するときに遅らせる時間を選択肢、標準アクションとして精神集中をすることで、遅延期間中にすぐに呪文を起動することができる。この能力は1日1回と8レベルを超える4レベル毎に追加の1回を使用できる。
出典 Blood of Fiends 27ページ
炎への恐怖(超常)/Fear the Flames:60フィート以内にいる見ることができるクリーチャーに、1ラウンドしかかからない単純なアクション1つを行うように命令することで、永遠の苦しみから逃れるチャンスを与えることができる。拒否した善と中立のクリーチャーは1ラウンドの間怯え状態となるが(意志・無効)、悪のクリーチャーは1ラウンドの間に行われた全てのロールと判定に+2の士気ボーナスを得る。君はこの能力を1日に3+【判断力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用できる。これは[言語依存、精神作用]効果である。
魂の蒐集家(擬呪)/Collector of Souls:8レベルの時点で、標準アクションとして1日1回、幻術のフィーンドを呼び出し、生きている知性のあるクリーチャーを一時的に苦痛と悲惨の死後の世界に引きずり込むように命令する。それ以外の点ではこれはファンタズマル・キラーと同様に機能するが、頑健セーヴに失敗した目標は死ぬ代わりに1d4+インクィジター・レベルに等しいラウンド数の間麻痺状態となる。
出典 Faiths and Philosophies 23ページ
沈黙の接触(超常)/Touch of Silence:近接接触攻撃で、1ラウンドの間目標を沈黙化させる(呪文のサイレンスとしてだが、目標にのみ影響する)。君はこの能力を1日に3+【判断力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用できる。
破門(超常)/Excommunicate:8レベルの時点で、1日1回標準アクションとして、30フィート以内のクリーチャーを沈黙化させることができる。難易度 = 10+インクィジター・レベル+【判断力】修正値に対する意志セーヴに成功するとこの効果を無効化できる。セーヴに失敗したクリーチャーは1ラウンド後に2回目のセーヴを得る。2回目のセーヴに失敗した場合、1日間の間、目標は話すことも、呪文の音声構成要素を提供することも、言語依存効果の使用も、書くことも、パントマイムを行うことも、単純な肯定あるいは否定よりも複雑なことを伝えることを目的としたその他の行動を取ることもできない。
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 30ページ
犠牲者の選択(擬呪)/Chosen Victim:1日1回、選択した犠牲者としてクリーチャーを指定できる。目標に関する情報を収集するための〈交渉〉判定、目標に対する〈はったり〉、〈威圧〉判定、目標を追跡するための〈生存〉判定に+2のボーナスを得る。選択した犠牲者に対する破壊、貫通、清純、一撃の審問は、インクィジター・レベルが3レベル高いかのように扱う。
処刑者の一打(超常)/Executioner’s Strike:8レベルの時点で、戦闘での精度が驚異的に高くなり、目標が適切な防御ができない場合に致命的な打撃を与えることができる。1日1回選択した犠牲者に対して標準アクションとして攻撃を行うことができる。攻撃が命中し、目標が君に対するアーマー・クラスへの【敏捷力】ボーナスを失っている場合、クリティカル・ヒットは自動的に確定する。
出典 Champions of Purity 22ページ
自律行動破壊(擬呪)/Disrupt Animation:擬似呪文能力としてディスラプト・アンデッドを使用し、ダメージに【判断力】修正値を加えることができる。君はこの能力を1日に3+【判断力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用できる。
自律行動の開放(超常)/Unravel Animation:8レベルの時点で、クリーチャー種別としてアンデッドを指定したベイン能力を起動する時、ディスラプションの武器の特殊能力を得ることを代わりに武器に選択できる。この効果に対する難易度は10+インクィジター・レベル+【判断力】修正値に等しい。
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 30ページ
迷宮入りの言葉(変則)/Labyrinthine Words:ウソを付くための〈はったり〉判定と、他のクリーチャーに影響を与えるための〈交渉〉判定に【魅力】修正値に加えて【判断力】修正値を加える。
心の欲望(擬呪)/Heart’s Desire:8レベルの時点で、政治的な味方は耐候性力の目標に関する信仰の導きを受ける。1日1回、擬似呪文能力として、インクィジター・レベルを術者レベルとしたコミューンを使用することができるが、他人の目標について質問することに限られる。
出典 Blood of Fiends 27ページ
獣取り憑き(超常)/Beast Ride:4レベルの時点で、標準アクションとして1日1回、体を空けて、最大インクィジター・レベルに等しいラウンド数の間30フィート以内の動物の種別を持つ任意のクリーチャーの体に生息することができる。君がこのように動物に憑依している間、君の体は無防備状態となり気がつけない。同じ次元界にいる限り、体から任意の距離を移動でき、いつでもフリー・アクションとして自分の体に戻ることができる。動物や君の体がダメージを受けたり、動物を攻撃しようとしたり、キャラクターから外れたことをしようとすると、効果は即座に終了し、君は自分の体に戻る。
心体奪取(擬呪)/Body Snatch:10レベルの時点で、ヒット・ポイントが0を下回ったために気絶状態となった場合の割り込みアクションとして、1日1界体から魂を抜け出させ、30フィート以内の別のクリーチャーの体を占領しようとすることができる。この能力は実際の体が受け皿として機能し、目標を追い出すのではなく意識を抑制することを除いて、マジック・ジャーと同様に機能する。何らかの形で容態安定化しない限り、体は通常通り出血し続ける。ヒット・ポイントが【耐久力】に等しい負の値に下回ると、マジック・ジャーの効果は途中で終了し、通常通り死亡する。
出典 Champions of Purity 22ページ
神格:アーバダー、エラスティル、 ニヴィ・ロンボダズル、シェリン
焦点の捜索(変則)/Focused Search:1日1回、人物あるいは物体を焦点として指定できる。これには1分間の精神集中が必要である。その間このアイテムあるいは人物に精通している場合はそれを想像し、そうでない場合はアイテムまたは人物の詳細について瞑想しなければならない。新しい焦点を選択するまで、その焦点について見聞きするための〈知覚〉判定、焦点あるいは焦点を所有しているクリーチャーを追跡するための〈生存〉判定にインクィジター・レベルの半分に等しいボーナスを得る。このボーナスは追跡の特殊能力から得られるボーナスと累積する。
ロケート・フォーカス(擬呪)/Locate Focus:8レベルの時点で、1日1回、目標として現在の焦点を使用して、ロケート・クリーチャーまたはロケート・オブジェクトを擬似呪文能力として使用することができる。この効果の範囲はレベル毎に1マイルである。
出典 Faiths and Philosophies 23ページ
忍耐強い感性(超常)/Patient Sensibility:〈交渉〉、〈知覚〉、〈真意看破〉判定に+2のボーナスを得る。
救世主の慈悲(超常)/Redeemer's Mercy:4レベルの時点で、君が使用するすべての武器は、マーシフルの魔法の武器の特殊能力を得る。その武器は君が用いるのをやめると、即座に元の能力に戻る。
やり直しの機会(擬呪)/Second Chance:8レベルの時点で、敵に2回目のチャンスを与え、その誤りを正すことができる。標準アクションとして、擬似呪文能力としてアトーンメントを発動し、君が共有する宗教の信条に反した、あるいは君の属性に自由に改宗したいクリーチャーを目標とすることができる。アトーンメントのためにコストがある物質構成要素必要な場合、構成要素の代わりに犠牲として永続的な負のレベルを受け入れることができる。この効果の目標は、アトーンメントの効果の一部としてキュア・シリアス・ウーンズ呪文の利益も受ける。
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弁舌の才の鼓舞(変則)/Inspired Rhetoric:〈交渉〉、〈威圧〉、〈芸能:朗誦〉判定を行うときは【魅力】修正値の代わりに【判断力】修正値を加える。〈芸能:朗誦〉は君のインクィジターのクラス技能となる。
祝福の更生(変則)/Blessed Correction:4レベルの時点で、〈交渉〉、〈威圧〉、〈芸能:朗誦〉判定を行うとき、2回ロールして望む方の結果を採用することができる。この能力は1日に【判断力】ボーナスに等しい回数だけ使用できる。
不満の目覚め(超常)/Awaken Discontent:8レベルの時点で、権力者の過ちを非難し、改革を求める刺激的な演説を行うことができる。この演説の目標となる目標はインクィジター・レベルに等しい術者レベルと10+インクィジター・レベルの半分+【判断力】修正値に等しいセーヴ難易度のチャーム・パースンの影響を受ける。この能力は1日に【判断力】ボーナスに等しい回数だけ使用できる。
出典 Magical Marketplace 10ページ
破損の修繕(超常)/Mend the Broken:標準アクションとして、物体あるいはクリーチャーに接触し、1d4+2インクィジター・レベル毎に1ポイントを治癒することができる。この能力は破損状態の物体あるいは最大ヒット・ポイントの半分未満のクリーチャーにのみ使用できる。この能力は1日に【判断力】ボーナスに等しい回数だけ使用できる。
免責の浄化(超常)/Cleanse Impunity:8レベルの時点で、1つの軸に対して自身の反対側の属性(混沌、悪、善、秩序)を選択する。一度選択するとこれを変更することはできない。選択した属性の副種別を持つクリーチャーの呪文抵抗を克服する目的で術者レベル判定; 選択した属性の補足説明を持つ効果を解呪する効果、呪いや病気や毒を取り除くための効果に【判断力】修正値を加える。中立属性のインクィジターは呪いや病気や毒を取り除くための効果のための術者レベル判定にのみボーナスを得る。
出典 Blood of Angels 27ページ
変身燃やし(超常)/Burn Shroud:標準アクションとして、クリーチャーに対して素手接触攻撃を行うことができる。目標は1d4ポイントの[火炎]ダメージ+インクィジター・レベルの半分(最小1)を受ける。目標が現在その外見を変えるようなポリモーフ効果の対象となっている場合(オルター・セルフ、変身、ドッペルゲンガーの憑依などの生来の変身能力など)、代わりに1d6+の[火炎]ダメージ+インクィジター・レベルの半分(最小1)を受ける。この能力は1日に3+【判断力】ボーナスに等しい回数だけ使用できる。
正体暴き(超常)/Reveal Form:8レベルの時点で、標準アクションとして1日1回、神格の名を呼び出し、30フィート以内の1体の変身した目標に命令して、その真の姿を明らかにすることができる。目標は意志セーヴに成功するか(難易度 = 10+インクィジター・レベルの半分+【判断力】修正値)、次のターンに持続中のポリモーフ効果、生来の変身能力を解呪し、本来の姿にならなければならない。この能力を受けたクリーチャーがセーヴに失敗し、持続中のポリモーフ効果や生来の変身能力を解呪できない場合、代わりに1ラウンドの間よろめき状態となる。これは[精神作用](強制)効果である。
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 30ページ
権威の弱体化(擬呪)/Undermine Authority:1日に君の【判断力】ボーナスに等しい回数、君の宗教に反して行動する政府の役人やリーダーに対するキャラクターの態度を悪化させることができる。これは同様に、そのキャラクターに対する役人やリーダーの影響力を減少させる。説得には〈交渉〉判定を試みるのに十分な会話が必要であり(通常1分)、目標の態度に影響を与えるために通常通りの〈交渉〉を試みる。ただし君が判定に失敗した場合、目標は[精神作用](強制)の対象となり、インクィジター・レベルに等しいに数の間、その態度が変化する。目標は意志セーヴィング・スローに成功すると(強制)に抵抗できる(難易度 = 10+インクィジター・レベルの半分+【判断力】修正値)。目標がその役人あるいはリーダーから[精神作用]効果を受けている場合、その効果は自動的に1分間の間抑制される。
反乱軍の指導者(変則)/Rebel Leader:8レベルの時点で、ボーナス特技として《統率力》を得る。
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 30ページ
魅惑の媚態(擬呪)/Disarming Flirtation:君に性的魅力を感じている可能性のある目標を誘惑して、君の言葉を考えようとしない場合でも、最大1分間の間、君の言葉を聞かせるように【魅力】判定を試みることができる。この【魅力】判定の難易度は10+目標の【判断力】修正値に等しい。戦闘で使用することに成功した場合、この能力は変わりにフェイントに成功したものとして機能し、目標は君に対する【敏捷力】ボーナスを失っている限り、君を攻撃するようなアクションを行うことはできない。
献身の鼓舞(変則)/Inspire Devotion:同意するパートナーとの肉体的快楽の行為に少なくとも1時間従事することにより、〈交渉〉判定を試みて、そのパートナーの態度を変えることができるステップ数を最大にすることなく、そのパートナーの態度を改善するか、そのパートナーとの影響力を高める(あるいはそのパートナーとのライバルの影響力を減らす)ことができる。
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罪悪感(超常)/Sin Sense:全ラウンド・アクションとして、君はその心を素早く読むことによって、どの罪が最も強く影響を与えるかを決定することができる。この事実を学ぶと、その罪に関連する誘惑が何らかの形で組み込まれている限り、目標に対して行われる次の【魅力】に基づく技能判定に+4のボーナスを得る。この能力は1日に3+【判断力】修正値に等しい回数だけ使用できる。これは[精神作用]効果である。
出典 Blood of Angels 27ページ
墓場へ戻れ(超常)/Back to the Graves:治癒呪文(名前に「キュア」が含まれる呪文)を発動してアンデッド・クリーチャーにダメージを与える場合、術者レベル毎に+1ポイントのダメージではなく、術者レベル毎に+2ポイントのダメージを追加する。各呪文の最大ダメージは変わらない。
神聖な儀式(超常)/Hallowed Rite:8レベルの時点で、神聖な葬儀を行う能力を得る。この儀式には1日かかる。その間必要な詠唱と祈りを行い、お香を炊く。儀式の終了時に君は死体の埋葬を監督しなければならない。埋葬は準備から24時間以内に行われなければならず、そうでなければ儀式は失敗する。死体が埋葬されると、ハロウ呪文の効果下にあるかのように、アンデッド・クリーチャーに変えることはできない(術者レベルはインクィジター・レベルに等しい)。
出典 Monster Hunter's Handbook 7ページ
Abolishers are incorruptible inquisitors who weed out creatures of alien, unnatural origins, finding and exposing aberrations for what they are.
Sworn to Purity(変則)/Sworn to Purity:An abolisher must select one of the following domains:Air, Animal, Earth, Fire, Plant, Water, or Weather. If she ever changes her deity to one that has none of the listed domains, she loses this archetype and becomes a normal inquisitor or ex-inquisitor.
This ability alters domains.
Revealing Gaze(変則)/Revealing Gaze:An abolisher receives a morale bonus on opposed Perception checks against other creatures’ Disguise and Stealth checks equal to half her inquisitor level(minimum +1). She grants this bonus to all adjacent allies.
This ability replaces stern gaze.
Expose Aberration(擬呪)/Expose Aberration:At 2nd level, an abolisher can use detect aberrationAPG at will. When she hits a creature with a weapon attack, she automatically knows if the creature is an aberration or not. At 5th level, she can activate her bane ability as an immediate action after she hits an aberration but before damage is rolled.
This ability replaces detect alignment and alters bane.
Escape Corruption’s Grasp(擬呪)/Escape Corruption’s Grasp:At 5th level, an abolisher is divinely protected against the grasping tentacles and paralyzing secretions of aberrations. For a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level, she can ignore impediments to movement, as per freedom of movement. These rounds don’t need to be consecutive. Activating this ability is an immediate action.
This ability replaces discern lies.
出典 Demon Hunter's Handbook 15ページ
The natural enemies of demoniacs and other cultists of fiendish forces, cold iron wardens are inquisitors who dedicate their lives to eradicating the taint of demonkind from Golarion.
Track Teleportation(超常)/Track Teleportation:At 2nd level, a cold iron warden may acquire clues about a teleporting creature’s destination by closely examining the place it once stood. As a full-round action while standing in a square that a creature occupied when it cast a conjuration(teleportation) spell or spell-like ability, the cold iron warden may attempt a Survival check(難易度 10 + the teleportation spell’s caster level) to sense the direction of the creature’s destination as well as whether the destination lies within 25 feet, 100 feet, 1,000 feet, or more than 1,000 feet of her. She must use this ability within a number of rounds after the creature’s teleportation equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level, after which the trail goes cold. A cold iron warden may use this ability once per day plus one additional time per day for every 4 levels she has beyond 2nd.
At 12th level, if the cold iron warden exceeds the Survival check 難易度 by 5 or more, she can also sense the creature’s location as if using the locate creature spell, using her inquisitor level as the caster level. At 18th level, if the cold iron warden exceeds the Survival check 難易度 by 10 or more, she can also sense the creature’s location as if she had cast discern location. This ability replaces track and the teamwork feats gained at 12th and 18th level.
Abyssal Scourge(超常)/Abyssal Scourge:At 3rd level, a cold iron warden gains Alignment Channel as a bonus feat and must choose either chaotic or evil outsiders. She can channel energy as a cleric of her inquisitor level – 2 a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier, but only to use Alignment Channel to damage outsiders. The 難易度 of the Will save to halve the damage is equal to 10 + 1/2 the inquisitor’s level + the inquisitor’s Charisma modifier. At 6th level, the energy lingers in the affected area for 1 round as a shimmering, barely perceptible, mist that disrupts Abyssal magic. A creature in the mist that casts a conjuration(summoning) spell or spell-like ability with the selected alignment subtype must succeed at a concentration check or lose the spell. At 15th level, any chaotic or evil creature that casts a conjuration(teleportation) spell or spell-like ability while in the mist must succeed at a concentration check or lose the spell. The concentration check 難易度 for both abilities is equal to 15 + double the level of the conjuration spell.
A cold iron warden can take other feats to add to this ability such as Improved Channeling, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Command Undead. This ability replaces solo tactics and the teamwork feats gained at 6th and 15th level.
Favored Judgment/Favored Judgment:At 3rd level, the inquisitor gains Favored Judgment(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 150) as a bonus feat but must choose either outsider(chaotic) or outsider(evil). At 9th level, she gains Favored Judgment as a bonus feat a second time and must choose either outsider(chaotic) or outsider(evil). This ability replaces the teamwork feats gained at 3rd and 9th level.
Bane(超常)/Bane:A cold iron warden reduces the amount of bonus damage dealt when using her bane ability against creatures that are not outsiders with the chaotic or evil subtype by 1d6. She increases the amount of bonus damage by 1d6 when she selects outsiders with the chaotic or evil subtype. This ability modifies the bane ability.
Translate Telepathy(超常)/Translate Telepathy:At 5th level, an inquisitor can sense when a creature within 5 feet of her receives or sends a telepathic message. The distance at which she can detect telepathic messages increases by 5 feet for every 5 additional inquisitor levels she has beyond 5th level, to a maximum of 20 feet at 20th level. By making a Perception check(難易度 15 + the highest 脅威度 of the creatures using telepathy) as an immediate action, she may listen to all telepathic messages sent to and by creatures in this area for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. This ability replaces discern lies.
出典 Haunted Heroes Handbook 14ページ
Most common among Pharasmins but found within any faith that loathes undead or evil spirits, expulsionists are inquisitors who seek to rid the material world of the corrupting inf luences of wicked spirits that twist mortals to their own ends.
Expel Spirit(超常)/Expel Spirit:At 1st level, an expulsionist receives Alignment Channel and Turn Undead as bonus feats. She can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Charisma modifier as per a cleric with an effective level equal to her inquisitor level, but only to harm or turn evil outsiders or undead(treating all evil outsiders as undead creatures for the purpose of determining whether they can be affected by Turn Undead). She can take other feats that add to this ability, such as Extra Channel or Improved Channel, but not other feats that fundamentally alter this ability, such as Elemental Channel, and she cannot select Alignment Channel multiple times. The 難易度 to save against this ability is equal to 10 + 1/2 the expulsionist’s inquisitor level + her Charisma modifier.
At 8th level, an expulsionist can expend one use of her channel energy ability to attempt to force a possessing creature from its host body. The expulsionist must make a melee touch attack against the possessed creature; if successful, the expulsionist deals damage to the possessing creature as if it were targeted by the expulsionist’s channel energy ability(regardless of the possessing creature’s creature type), and the possession effect ceases as the possessing creature is ejected from the host body. A successful Will save(難易度 = the expulsionist’s channel energy 難易度) halves the damage taken and negates the expulsion.
This ability replaces domain.
Expulsionist Lore(変則)/Expulsionist Lore:At 1st level, an expulsionist gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her inquisitor level(minimum +1) on skill checks to notice haunts and incorporeal creatures; on Knowledge(religion) checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of haunts and incorporeal creatures; and on Sense Motive checks to determine whether a creature is possessed, under the effects of an enchantment or curse, or otherwise magically controlled.
This ability replaces monster lore.
Spirit Sleuth(変則)/Spirit Sleuth:At 5th level, upon interacting with a rejuvenating undead(such as a ghost) or haunt for the first time(such as by attacking the ghost or channeling energy to damage the haunt), an expulsionist can attempt a Sense Motive check as a free action to determine the specific course of action required to permanently neutralize the spirit of haunt(難易度 = 20 + the target’s 脅威度).
This ability replaces discern lies.
出典 People of the Wastes 27ページ
Some of Brigh’s inquisitors, and occasionally those who follow Torag, track down malicious construct crafters and fight renegade constructs with unrivaled expertise.
Penetrating Blows(変則)/Penetrating Blows:A keeper of constructs’ attacks are divinely guided to pierce the defenses of constructs. The keeper of constructs treats her weapons as adamantine for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction when attacking constructs. At 8th level, she ignores the first 5 points of ダメージ減少 or hardness when attacking constructs. At 16th level, she ignores the first 10 points of ダメージ減少 or hardness when attacking constructs.
This replaces the inquisitor’s domain.
Construct Influence(変則)/Construct Influence:A keeper of constructs’ knowledge of constructs’ inner workings allows her to gain an upper hand over constructs. She can use the Intimidate skill to demoralize constructs, and when she attempts to do so, she gains a bonus on the check equal to half her inquisitor level(minimum 1).
This replaces stern gaze.
Construct Lore(変則)/Construct Lore:A keeper of constructs adds twice her Wisdom modifier plus her Intelligence modifier as a bonus when attempting Knowledge checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of constructs.
This replaces monster lore.
Wrest Control(擬呪)/Wrest Control:At 14th level, three times per day, the keeper of constructs can issue a command to a construct as a standard action. This functions as a suggestion spell that is dismissible, affects the construct despite its normal immunity to mind-affecting effects, and has a caster level equal to the keeper of constructs’ inquisitor level. The construct can resist the command with a successful Will saving throw(難易度 = 10 + half the keeper of constructs’ inquisitor level + her Wisdom modifier). A construct that successfully saves is immune to this ability for the following 24 hours. This effect immediately ends if the construct is attacked while under its influence.
If an affected construct was being controlled by a creature, that individual can regain control of the construct with a successful Charisma check(attempting this check requires a standard action) opposed by the inquisitor’s Charisma check. On a success, the original creature regains full control of the construct and this effect ends.
This replaces exploit weakness.
出典 Blood of the Sea 24ページ
Aquatic creatures worship many different deities and powers based on their alignment, their community, and their culture, including Gozreh, Hei Feng, Kelizandri, and the fearsome demon lord Dagon. These deities all have organized churches beneath the waves that engage zealous followers to hunt down apostates and enemies. Regardless of their faith, these undersea zealots are known as keepers of the current.
Underwater Hunter(変則)/Underwater Hunter:Tracking creatures underwater is particularly challenging, but a keeper of the current can read traces of eddies in the water to follow her prey. A keeper of the current adds her level as a bonus on Survival checks to follow creatures underwater. She gains no bonus when finding or following tracks out of the water. Rules for using the Survival skill underwater are on page 47 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Aquatic Adventures.
This ability replaces track.
Marine Magic/Marine Magic:At 5th level and at every 3 levels thereafter, a keeper of the current can learn a spell with the water descriptor from the cleric, druid, inquisitor, or wizard spell list in place of a spell she already knows. In effect, she loses an old spell in exchange for a new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level inquisitor spell she can cast. The keeper of the current can swap out only a single spell at any given level and must choose whether to swap the spell at the same time she gains new spells known for the level.
This ability alters the inquisitor’s spellcasting.
Rudderless Attack(変則)/Rudderless Attack:At 5th level, an opponent that takes extra damage from the keeper of the current’s bane or greater bane ability has its swim speed halved for 1d4 rounds. A successful Fortitude saving throw(難易度 = 10 + half the inquisitor’s level + her Wisdom modifier) negates this effect. If the keeper of the current targets a creature already affected by this ability, its swim speed is not further reduced but the duration of the effect is extended by 1d4 rounds.
This ability replaces discern lies.
出典 Monster Summoner's Handbook 7ページ
While most inquisitors have learned to take advantage of the movements of their opponents and allies in combat, some instead summon creatures as a means of claiming strategic advantage, exploiting the mystic connection between themselves and their summoned creatures to impart a bit of their own tactical knowledge.
Summon Monster(擬呪)/Summon Monster:Starting at 1st level, a monster tactician can cast summon monster I as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + her Wisdom modifier. She can cast this spell as a standard action, and the creatures remain for 1 minute per level(instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level and every 2 inquisitor levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by 1 spell level, allowing her to summon more powerful creatures(to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level). A monster tactician cannot have more than one summon monster spell active in this way at a time; if she uses another, any existing summon monster immediately ends. These summon monster spells are considered to be part of the monster tactician’s spell list for the purposes of spell trigger and spell completion items. In addition, she can expend uses of this ability to fulfill the construction requirements of any magic items she creates, so long as she can use this ability to cast the required spells.
At 2nd level and each level thereafter, the monster tactician can add one monster from the expanded summon monster list(see pages 28–29) to her list of available summoned creatures. She can add a new option to any summon monster spell she can cast at the time she chooses the monster; once made, these choices cannot be changed.
This ability replaces judgment.
Summon Tactics(超常)/Summon Tactics:At 5th level, every time a monster tactician casts a summoning spell, she can choose any one teamwork feat she knows. All creatures summoned by the spell are treated as if they had the chosen feat for all purposes, without needing to meet any prerequisites. At 8th level and again at 16th level, the number of teamwork feats that she can choose when casting a summoning spell increases by 1. She cannot choose the same feat twice. At 20th level, all creatures summoned by the spell are treated as if they knew all of the monster tactician’s teamwork feats. This ability replaces discern lies, second judgment, third judgment, slayer, and true judgment.
出典 Merchant's Manifest 30ページ
Servants of gods who hold oaths to be sacrosanct, oathkeepers formally oversee the creation of bargains and personally hunt down those who dare to violate them. Many of these inquisitors previously oversaw religious vows in more formal settings, though more pursue more lucrative contracts. Wronged merchants or cheated customers often seek out oathkeepers to bring justice when local authorities fail.
属性:An oathkeeper must be of a lawful alignment, and her alignment must be within one step of her deity’s.
This alters the inquisitor’s alignment requirements.
クラス技能:An oathkeeper removes Knowledge(nature) from her list of class skills and adds Appraise.
This alters the inquisitor’s class skills.
Divine Witness(超常)/Divine Witness:Every oathkeeper inquisitor develops a unique personal symbol, which she can use to seal an agreement between two or more willing parties. The agreement, whether it’s a trade contract, a truce, or a political marriage, must be as detailed as possible and then signed in the oathkeeper’s presence by every creature involved. Creatures must sign of their own free will—any magical or physical coercion will cause the contract to crumble into ash when the oathkeeper attempts to place her seal upon it. So long as no mystic or physical force is influencing any participating creature, the oathkeeper can mystically seal the arrangement with her personal symbol, binding all signing parties into upholding their ends of the bargain for the length of time spelled out in the agreement.
Should any oathbound creature break the exact wording of the contract, the agreement is dissolved and the offending creature is cursed, taking a penalty on all d20 rolls equal to the oathkeeper’s Wisdom modifier for a number of weeks equal to the oathkeeper’s inquisitor level. Furthermore, the inquisitor’s symbol appears as a mystic symbol on the offending creature’s throat and hands, allowing the oathkeeper to know the creature’s location at all times, as per the discern location spell.
If a creature is forced into breaking the agreement by magic or overwhelming physical force(for example, breaking an agreement not to harm via a compulsion spell or by physically hurling an oathbound creature to deal damage to another), then the agreement dissipates harmlessly. The oathkeeper’s curse is a curse effect, but it can be removed only with a miracle or wish spell.
This replaces monster lore.
Oathbreaker’s Scourge(超常)/Oathbreaker’s Scourge:At 2nd level, if an oathkeeper is given physical evidence of a broken agreement and asked to hunt down the contract’s breaker by the offended party, the oathkeeper gains a +4 sacred or profane bonus on Diplomacy and Survival skill checks to gather information about and track the target. The inquisitor is also treated as being 3 levels higher for the purpose of one judgment she uses against the deal breaker, so long as she keeps possession of the evidence. If the oathkeeper uses oathbreaker’s scourge when attacking someone who is actually innocent of fraud—due to forgery, hasty judgments, or other deceptions—she loses access to all of her oathkeeper archetype abilities for 1 month or until she is the target of an atonement spell. This replaces track.
出典 Blood of the Beast 4ページ
Throughout the Mwangi Expanse, cults of Angazhan pollute the pristine jungle with demonic inf luence and wanton bloodshed. For generations, the catfolk of Murraseth have viewed such faiths with loathing and hatred, and they believe it is their sacred duty to hunt down the followers of the Ravener King and expel them from the Material Plane.
属性:Any nonevil.
Charged by Nature/Charged by Nature:Rather than having a deity patron, a ravener hunter is charged by the spirits of the Mwangi to eradicate evil wherever it appears. At 1st level, a ravener hunter chooses an oracle mystery from the following list:ancestorUM, battleAPG, flameAPG, heavensAPG, lifeAPG, lunar(Pathfinder Player Companion:Blood of the Moon 28), natureAPG, solar(Pathfinder Player Companion:Harrow Handbook 26), stoneAPG, timeUM, volcano(Pathfinder Adventure Path #95:Anvil of Fire 72), wavesAPG, windAPG, or woodUM. She gains one revelation from her chosen mystery. She must meet the revelation’s prerequisites, using her inquisitor level as her effective oracle level to determine the revelation’s effects, and she never qualifies for the Extra RevelationAPG feat. The ravener hunter gains a second revelation from her chosen mystery at 8th level.
This ability replaces domain.
Holy Magic/Holy Magic:A ravener hunter adds all spells of 6th-level and lower on the cleric spell list with the good descriptor to her inquisitor spell list as inquisitor spells of the same level. If a spell appears on both the cleric and inquisitor spell lists, the ravener hunter uses the lower of the two spell levels listed for the spell. She cannot cast 2 with the chaotic, evil, or lawful descriptors, even from spell trigger or spell completion items.
This ability alters the inquisitor’s spells.
Demon Hunter/Demon Hunter:At 3rd level, a ravener hunter gains Demon Hunter(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:The Inner Sea World Guide 286) as a bonus feat, ignoring its prerequisites. She also gains a +2 bonus on Knowledge(religion) checks to recognize the worshipers of any deity with the DemonAPG subdomain, as well as a +2 morale bonus on attack rolls and caster level checks to overcome spell resistance of creatures that she recognizes as followers of such a deity.
This ability replaces the teamwork feat gained at 3rd level.
Solo Tactics(変則)/Solo Tactics:A ravener hunter gains this ability at 6th level instead of 3rd level.
出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 17ページ
Masters of mind tricks and deception, these divine assassins track down and kill anyone who has forbidden knowledge about their faiths.
Bound by Secrecy(変則)/Bound by Secrecy:A reaper of secrets must choose Norgorber as her deity. If she ever changes her deity, she loses this archetype and becomes a normal inquisitor.
Deceitful Lore(変則)/Deceitful Lore:At 1st level, a reaper of secrets adds her Wisdom modifier on Bluff and Disguise skill checks in addition to her Charisma modifier. This ability replaces monster lore.
Soul-Piercing Gaze(超常)/Soul-Piercing Gaze:At 1st level, as a swift action, a reaper of secrets can focus on a single creature she can see. She then gains an insight bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks against that creature equal to 1/2 her level(minimum +1). The effect ends if she focuses on a new target. This ability replaces stern gaze.
Mind-Game Tactics(超常)/Mind-Game Tactics:At 3rd level, a reaper of secrets can read other creatures so well she can use their reactions to gain a tactical advantage. She treats any creature targeted by her soul-piercing gaze as if it were her ally and possessed the same teamwork feats as she does for the purposes of positioning and threatening when she determines whether she receives a benefit from her teamwork feats. She cannot use this ability to benefit from any teamwork feats that require particular actions from allies, such as Swap PlacesAPG.
For example, a reaper of secrets with the Precise StrikeAPG feat gains the bonus from that feat if she and the target of her soul-piercing gaze occupy flanking positions relative to the creature she attacks.
This ability replaces solo tactics.
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 45ページ
Royal accusers serve the prince of Ustalav, cutting through the nation’s baroque politics and quietly facing its many threats.
クラス技能:A royal accuser adds Knowledge(local) to his list of class skills, instead of Knowledge(nature).
This alters the inquisitor’s class skills.
Meticulous Inspection(変則)/Meticulous Inspection:A royal accuser gains a morale bonus equal to 1/2 his inquisitor level on all Perception checks(minimum +1).
This ability replaces stern gaze.
Detect Monsters and Secrets(擬呪)/Detect Monsters and Secrets:At 2nd level, a royal accuser can use detect aberrationAPG, detect secret doors, and detect undead at will. He can only use one of these at any given time.
This ability replaces detect alignment.
Favored Enemy(変則)/Favored Enemy:At 3rd level, a royal accuser gains favored enemy, as the ranger class feature. He must choose his favored enemy from the following list:aberration, dragon, humanoid(orc), humanoid(shapechanger), and undead. He gains another favored enemy at 9th and 15th levels.
This replaces solo tactics and the teamwork feats gained at 3rd, 9th, and 15th levels.
Informed Hunch(超常)/Informed Hunch:At 6th level, once per day, a royal accuser can contemplate an ongoing investigation he is involved in and potentially know whether his hunches are on the right track. This functions as augury, except if it succeeds, the royal accuser gets one of the following results in place of weal, woe, or weal and woe. The royal accuser treats his inquisitor level as his caster level.
Correct(if the hunch is the exact truth, such as if a particular individual is responsible for a crime, or if a particular organization is behind a series of events).
Incorrect(if the hunch is entirely off base, such as if a suspected individual had nothing to do with a crime, or a suspected organization had no interest or hand in a series of events).
On the right track(if the hunch is partially correct, such as if a suspected individual participated in a criminal conspiracy or had foreknowledge of the crime in question, or if a suspected organization directly profited from and knew about but did not entirely orchestrate a series of events).
This replaces the teamwork feat granted at 6th level.
Greater Detect Magic(擬呪)/Greater Detect Magic:At 12th level, a royal accuser can use greater detect magic(Ultimate Intrigue 212) at will.
This ability replaces the teamwork feat granted at 12th.
Final Sway(変則)/Final Sway:At 18th level, a royal accuser’s word and intuition are greatly trusted and valued. Once per day, when using the influence system(Ultimate Intrigue 102) and interacting with an individual or organization with whom he has at least minor sway or is respected(rank 2), the royal accuser can treat his influence as two steps higher for the purposes of making a single request of that individual or organization. Alternatively, he can treat an individual’s attitude toward him as up to two steps higher for the purpose of such a request.
This replaces the teamwork feat granted at 18th level.
出典 The Harrow Handbook 22ページ
Though surrounded by meaning and tradition revered by most harrowers, the harrow is a tool that could be abused. Those inquisitors known as suit seekers take grave offense at the misuse of this ancient power, and dedicate their considerable skills to hunting and eliminating any who would abuse the harrow’s magic and the heritage it represents. No two suit seekers seem to share the same vision, though, and so most of these harrow-wielding inquisitors end up at odds with other diviners throughout Avistan and even one another.
属性:A suit seeker’s alignment must be neutral on the good-evil axis, the lawful-chaotic axis, or both.
クラス技能:The suit seeker removes Knowledge(dungeoneering), Ride, and Survival from the inquisitor’s list of class skills, and adds Knowledge(history) and Use Magic Device to the list.
領域:A suit seeker must select the Knowledge or Luck domain; the Memory or Fate subdomain; or the Fate, Fervor, or Illumination inquisition(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 41–42).
Improvised Array(超常)/Improvised Array:The suit seeker can call upon the harrow to help her choose an appropriate judgment and bolster her effectiveness with that judgment. As part of activating her judgment ability, the suit seeker can draw an impromptu array of two cards from a complete harrow deck she owns. Once drawn, the array remains the same until the judgment effect ends, though the inquisitor can change her judgment at any time as a swift action, as normal. The act of drawing an improvised array requires a free hand, though the suit seeker can keep a drawn array in her belt or otherwise on her person to perform actions with both hands while still maintaining the cards’ benefits.
At 1st level, as long as the suit seeker has at least one card in her improvised array that matches her current judgment, she increases her effective inquisitor level by a number of levels equal to the number of matching cards for the purpose of determining that judgment’s effects. At 8th level, when a suit seeker gains her second judgment, she can forgo pronouncing a second judgment and instead draw four cards for her improvised array. At 16th level, she can forgo pronouncing a second and third judgment and instead draw up to six cards for her improvised array, or she can forgo only her third judgment and draw an array of four cards.
In addition to increasing her effective inquisitor level for the purpose of the corresponding judgment, a suit seeker with three or more cards of the same suit in her improvised array gains immunity to ability damage to the corresponding ability score. A suit seeker with five or more cards of the same suit in her improvised array gains a +4 enhancement bonus to the corresponding ability score. These benefits last until the suit seeker’s judgment effect ends.
Suit |
Judgment |
Ability |
Books |
Piercing |
Intelligence |
Crowns |
Smiting |
Charisma |
Hammers |
Destruction |
Strength |
Keys |
Protection |
Dexterity |
Shields |
Resiliency |
Constitution |
Stars |
Healing |
Wisdom |
A suit seeker does not gain access to and cannot use the justice, resistance, or purity judgments. A suit seeker makes the following adjustments to her judgments.
Smiting/Smiting:At 6th level, while the suit seeker has her smiting judgment active, her weapons can only count as an alignment type(chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction if the selected alignment is represented on one of the suit seeker’s cards in her current improvised array. If multiple alignments are represented in the improvised array, the suit seeker must select one. If the array contains only neutral cards, the suit seeker cannot benefit from this judgment. She can change the alignment of her judgment to another alignment represented in the array as a swift action.
Resiliency/Resiliency:At 10th level, the ダメージ減少 provided by this judgment can change from magic to an alignment type(chaotic, evil, good, or lawful) only if the selected alignment is represented on one of the suit seeker’s cards in her current improvised array. If multiple alignments are represented in the improvised array, the suit seeker must select one. If the array contains only neutral cards, the suit seeker cannot benefit from this judgment. She can change the alignment of this judgment to another alignment represented in the array as a swift action.
This ability modifies judgment, second judgment, and third judgment.
Eye of the Harrow(超常)/Eye of the Harrow:At 2nd level, a suit seeker can use the magic of her improvised array to hone her attacks against targets that match the cards’ alignment. If any of the cards in her improvised array matches the alignment of an enemy creature within 60 feet on either the good-evil axis or the lawful-chaotic axis, the card glows faintly and the inquisitor gains a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls against enemies of the matching alignment as long as the card is in her array. If a card matches the alignment of an enemy within 60 feet on both alignment axes, the card glows brightly and the inquisitor gains a +1 sacred bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls against enemies of the matching alignment.
This ability replaces detect alignment.
Unravel Array(超常)/Unravel Array:At 20th level, a suit seeker can tear apart a target’s place in destiny, rendering the creature immobile or possibly dead. As long as she has an improvised array drawn, the suit seeker can destroy one of the cards in her array and designate a single creature within 30 feet as the target of the harrow’s magic. The designated creature must succeed at a Will save(難易度 10 + 1/2 the inquisitor’s level + the inquisitor’s Wisdom modifier) or one of its ability scores is immediately reduced to 0, which can immobilize, render unconscious, or kill the creature. The ability score reduced corresponds to the ability score of the card destroyed.
Regardless of whether or not the target succeeds at its save, it becomes immune to the inquisitor’s unravel array ability for 24 hours. Once this ability has been used, it cannot be used again for 1d4 rounds. The destroyed harrow card is removed from the harrow deck. The suit seeker can continue to use the reduced deck for the purpose of her suit seeker powers as long as she wants, though she has no chance of drawing the destroyed card until she purchases a new harrow deck.
This ability replaces true judgment.
出典 Wilderness Origins 11ページ
The sworn of the Eldest archetype is available to PCs of any race.
Sworn of the Eldest are gathlains who have pledged their loyalty to one of Eldest of the First World. Although the Eldest rarely have adherents as other deities do, they still occasionally require mortal agents to advance their aims. Sworn of the Eldest consider their chosen Eldest to be akin to powerful patrons or fey royalty and serve them faithfully.
Whimsical Worship(変則)/Whimsical Worship:A sworn of the Eldest uses her Charisma modifier, rather than her Wisdom modifier, to determine all class features and effects relating to her inquisitor class, including her spells, cunning initiative, and true judgment abilities.
神格:A sworn of the Eldest must select one of the Eldest as a deity and must select a domain or subdomain of that Eldest for her domain ability; she cannot be devoted to an ideal or philosophy.
This alters domain.
Disarming Discernment(変則)/Disarming Discernment:A sworn of the Eldest adds her Charisma modifier on Sense Motive skill checks, in addition to her Wisdom modifier.
This replaces monster lore.
Feytongue(変則)/Feytongue:A sworn of the Eldest receives a morale bonus equal to half her inquisitor level(minimum +1) on Bluff and Diplomacy checks.
This replaces stern gaze.
Feywatcher(変則)/Feywatcher:Resistant to the tricky ways of other fey, a sworn of the Eldest gains the resist nature’s lure druid class feature.
This replaces solo tactics.
Magic of the Eldest/Magic of the Eldest:At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a sworn of the Eldest gains a bonus spell slot of the highest spell level she can cast, and she learns the corresponding spell listed for her domain as a bonus spell known. She can use this bonus spell slot only to cast the domain spell of that level.
This replaces all teamwork feats.
出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 18ページ
Masters of secretly gathering information to further their faith’s ends, urban infiltrators excel at operating within an unfriendly society or infiltrating an enemy cult. This archetype is popular among Cult of the Dawnflower inquisitors operating in Taldor, but it is available to any inquisitor who prefers subtle investigation to forthright zeal.
クラス技能:An urban infiltrator adds Disable Device, Knowledge(history), Knowledge(local), and Knowledge(nobility) to her list of class skills in place of Knowledge(dungeoneering) and Knowledge(nature).
This alters the inquisitor’s class skills.
Gifted Detective(変則)/Gifted Detective:An urban infiltrator adds her Wisdom modifier as well as her Charisma modifier on Bluff and Disguise skill checks and on Diplomacy checks to gather information. Attempting a Diplomacy check to gather information never takes an urban infiltrator more than 1 hour.
This ability replaces monster lore.
A Thousand Faces(超常)/A Thousand Faces:At 11th level, an urban inquisitor gains the ability to change her appearance at will, as if using the alter self spell.
This ability replaces stalwart.
出典 Inner Sea Magic 41ページ
Undead are a scourge upon the living. The vampire hunter believes that the worst of the undead are the ones with unnatural appetites for flesh and blood—things that should persist without feeding, but consume anyway. Vampires and ghouls are especially dangerous because they turn their victims into more of their kind, and just one reckless night-feeder can turn an entire city into a den of undead.
Vampire hunters use their skills and magic to track and slay the hungry dead, walking a fine line between the purity of good magic and the tempting evil of turning dark necromancy against the unliving. Rare even in grim Ustalav, and slain on sight in Nidal and Geb, vampire hunters lead lonely existences under the constant threat of becoming that which they live to destroy. A vampire hunter has the following class features.
Judgment/Judgment:The following vampire hunter judgments work differently than those of a standard inquisitor.
Purity/Purity:At 10th level, the judgment bonus is doubled against diseases and energy drain saving throws, but not curses or poisons.
Smiting/Smiting:At 6th level, the vampire hunter’s weapons count as silver instead of an alignment type.
Silversmith/Silversmith:At 2nd level, a vampire hunter learns the secrets of crafting silver into dangerous weapons. She adds a bonus equal to her class level on any Craft or Spellcraft check made to create a silver item that bypasses ダメージ減少/silver, such as alchemical silver, silversheen, or silver weapon blanch(see the Advanced Player’s Guide). This ability replaces detect alignment.
Bane(超常)/Bane:A vampire hunter can only imbue her weapons with the undead-bane ability, but it persists even when she isn’t holding the weapon.
Sun Strike(超常)/Sun Strike:At 5th level, a vampire hunter can infuse a single weapon she wields with the purifying light of the sun as a swift action for a number of rounds per day equal to her inquisitor level. These rounds do not need to be consecutive. While a weapon is infused with the sun, it deals +1d6 points of damage to any creature that is susceptible or vulnerable to sunlight, including many types of undead(particularly spectres, vampires, and wraiths). This additional damage also applies to oozes and fungus-based monsters. A weapon infused with sun strike sheds illumination as if it were a sunrod.