


デーモン女王The Demon Queen、怪物の母Mother of Monsters、デーモンの母Demon Mother
























ラマーシュトゥと彼女の精神錯乱気味の信徒は、奇形の生物、怪物、強さを高く評価する。彼女に仕える魔術師やクレリックは、しばしばシェムハジアンデーモンShemhazian demonや他の奈落のクリーチャー礼拝中に召喚する。[5]





イェスアズマリ(The Yethazmari)












シャーグの髑髏(The Skull of Mashaag)


『ラウムの四つの皮』(The Four Hides of Lawm)





[1] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 247. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Gods and Magic, p. 24. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[3] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Lamashtu. Sins of the Saviors, p. 66. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-040-7
[4] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Lamashtu. Sins of the Saviors, p. 69. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-040-7
[5] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Lamashtu. Sins of the Saviors, p. 73. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-040-7
[6] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 165. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1


Titles The Demon Queen, Mother of Monsters, Demon Mother
Alignment Chaotic evil
Portfolio Madness, Monsters, Nightmares
Worshipers Gnolls, medusae, harpies, goblins, some minotaurs, hidden human cults
Cleric Alignments 混沌にして中立, 中立にして悪, 混沌にして悪
Domains Chaos, Evil, Madness, Strength, Trickery
Favored Weapon Falchion

Lamashtu(pronounced lah-MAHSH-too)[1] is the mother and patroness of many misshapen and malformed creatures that crawl, slither, or flap on, above, or below the surface of Golarion.[2][3]

Lamashtu was once a mighty demon lord, in ages past she was allied with Pazuzu, in what manner is often disputed by scholars of demon lore, some say they were lovers, others say siblings, or simply convenient allies. In this time she lured the god Curchanus into her territory, beset him with swarms of demons and monsters until he was weak enough for her to attack him, in doing so she ripped his beast domain from him, beginning an ancient vendetta with Curchanus's protege Desna.

Pazuzu was enraged by this shift in power, and as she returned from that battle he betrayed and attacked her. He wounded her terribly, but her newfound divinity allowed her to survive, and they have been mortal enemies since, Lamashtu's vendetta against him is only equalled by Desna's own vendetta against her.

It is claimed by many monstrous humanoid races that she was their first progenitor and creator.[4]

Lamashtu, in a stance befitting her demonic origins, considers all other gods enemies. She is aware of Desna's hatred, but treats it as beneath her notice. Despite this widespread animosity, she focuses her attentions on growing her cults and expanding their reach, as well as the birthing of new and hideous monstrosities. She has an odd view of Shelyn, who she would love to capture and twist to her own monstrous vision of beauty. Needless to say, the faithful of Shelyn find this an abhorrent and terrifying concept.

Lamashtu is not actively at war with other demon lords, with the sole exception of Pazuzu. She does have rivalries with some, and is said to have others as her lovers(such as Baphomet).

◎Appearance and Emmisaries
Pictures of Lamashtu portray her as a jackal-headed woman, with a third vertical eye in the center of her forehead, heavily pregnant, with feathered wings, a snake's tail and taloned feet. She is often depicted carrying her two deadly blades, Redlust and Chillheart. Her head may vary depending on the nature of her worshipers, gnolls preferring the jackal head, medusae a snake's, harpies a hawk's, and so on.

YaenitLamashtu and her deranged faithful hold creatures of deformity, monstrosity and virility in high regard. Thaumaturges and clerics in her service often call Shemhazian demons and other Abyssal creatures into their service. [5]

This hideous yet powerful and cunning yeth hound has one green eye and one red. He relishes the promise of carnage and a good hunt.[5]
These slavering, monstrous hyena-demons resemble corrupted hound archons with gangly limbs and deformed hyenas heads, they love maiming and killing in Lamashtu's name.[5]
◇The Yethazmari
Appearing as a 14-ft tall jackal with smoking eye sockets, black leathery wings and a snake for a tail, the Herald of Lamashtu brings terror and bloodshed. In its wake spawn of horrific and brutal trysts rise up to cause madness anew.[5]

◎Church of Lamashtu
Lamashtu's church is scattered and lacks an overall hierarchy, yet it is rare for two priest's to come into direct conflict, as they recognise each other's shared devotion and the hostility visited by those outside the religion. Many thaumaturges pay obesiances to Lamashtu as she is a Demon lord as well as a goddess.

○Worshipers and Clergy
Her followers seek out deformity in themselves and in others. She is typically worshiped by races such as gnolls(who claim they were created when Lamashtu took a hyena as her consort), goblins and medusae.

The usual clothing of her human followers is that of a jackal mask(of leather or metal), a pair of swords or knives made to resemble Lamashtu's personal weapons, and a cloak of black feathers. Monstrous races wear much the same but typically forgo the mask.

Lamashtu's favor manifests as violent dreams, the appearance of sudden deformities, or unexplained pregnancies that often result in the painful(and sometimes fatal) birth of a deformed child. Worshipers who displease her may give birth to a "perfect" child, such as a human or halfling. They may also find themselves infertile or unable to achieve sexual satisfaction.[6]

○Temples and Shrines
Lamashtu is not usually worshipped in a man-made building, but rather a ring of stones, pillars, trees, wooden blocks, a pit in the ground, or a flat rock. Entrances into underground places of worship represent the entrance to the goddess' underworld domain. They typically operate on the outskirts of civilisation, or in the true wilderness, and many are stained with blood and littered with the remains of failed births, and the victims of the successful ones.

○Unholy Texts
Lamashtu's cults rarely place much interest or emphasis on texts, preferring to rely on divine revelation and madness. Nonetheless, the more coherent of her followers have jotted down some horrendous writings over the aeons.

◇The Skull of Mashaag
The yellowed skull of a yaenit who died in the service of Lamashtu, this object has the ability to speak the goddess' will in several languages. Every few years, her worshipers meet to hear its teachings, and heroes from each tribe undergo a series of contests to determine which group is to keep it next.[5]
◇The Four Hides of Lawm
This is a collection of three leather parts, each made from the skin of a humanoid, the fourth was lost long ago and is said to contain monstrous rites of power and fertility in Lamashtu's name. [5]

The cults of Lamashtu celebrate no known regular holidays, though births, deformities and demon visitations are often the cause of hedonistic and debauched celebrations among the them.

[1] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 247. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Gods and Magic, p. 24. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[3] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Lamashtu. Sins of the Saviors, p. 66. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-040-7
[4] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Lamashtu. Sins of the Saviors, p. 69. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-040-7
[5] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Lamashtu. Sins of the Saviors, p. 73. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-040-7
[6] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 165. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1

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