
戦場の軍旗 Battle Standards


快速の軍旗(変則) Fleet Standard

出典 Chronicle of Legends 4ページ


ジンクスの軍旗(変則) Jinx Standard

出典 Chronicle of Legends 4ページ


ならず者の軍旗(変則) Knave Standard

出典 Chronicle of Legends 4ページ

ならず者の軍旗河川諸王国キャヴァリアーの間で一般的である、この軍旗の利益を受ける味方は移動によって誘発する機会攻撃に対するアーマー・クラスに+2のボーナスを得、挟撃からの利益を受ける攻撃ロールに+1の士気ボーナスを得る。10レベル点と以降5レベル毎に、アーマー・クラスへのボーナスが1ずつ増加する、14レベルの点で、旗印の利益を受けている味方は急所攻撃+1d6を得る; これは他の急所攻撃の源と累積する。キャヴァリアーあるいはサムライがこの軍旗を振ると、60フィート以内のキャヴァリアーあるいはサムライ【魅力】修正値に等しい数の味方は(最小1体)、割り込みアクションとして機会攻撃範囲内にいる敵に対してフェイントを試みることができる。

頑固の軍旗(変則) Stalwart Standard

出典 Chronicle of Legends 4ページ


キャヴァリアーの騎士団 Cavalier Orders

Order of the Beast(ISC) Order of the Beast(ISC)

出典 Inner Sea Combat 30ページ

A cavalier belonging to this order seeks only destruction and chaos. Cavaliers of the order of the beast revel in destruction, and go out of their way to cause as much mayhem and disorder as possible. While some celebrate war and a victory well fought, an order of the beast cavalier fights only to taste the blood of his dying foe. Members of this order are often insane, and may venerate Rovagug or the elder gods and Great Old Ones of the Dark Tapestry. There are no colleges or universities where an aspiring cavalier can learn the ways of the order of the beast; it is a corruption of the other cavalier orders, and its secrets are whispered in the dreams of unbalanced youths by dark beings and passed down in forbidden rituals.

On Golarion, order of the beast cavaliers are most often found leading orc tribes on raids from within the Hold of Belkzen, commanding small bands of brigands or raiders in the Mana Wastes, or sowing chaos anywhere a destructive leader is welcomed or venerated, particularly in lands where the law holds little sway.

布告The cavalier wreaks havoc wherever he goes. An order of the beast cavalier must never show mercy and, when crossed, exacts the maximum possible revenge. The cavalier must seek out conflict at every juncture and cannot avoid a fight if provoked. That which he cannot steal, pillage, or claim, he must completely destroy or desecrate.

挑戦Whenever an order of the beast cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on all damage rolls while using Cleave or Great Cleave so long as the target of his challenge is the first creature attacked. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier possesses.

技能An order of the beast cavalier adds Disable Device(Dex) and Stealth(Dex) to his list of class skills. An order of the beast cavalier can make Disable Device checks untrained. If he has ranks in the skill, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level(minimum +1) when using it to sabotage, jam, or destroy a device.

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the beast gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Vandal(変則)/Vandal:At 2nd level, the cavalier gains Improved Sunder as a bonus feat. In addition, when dealing damage to objects(including when using the sunder combat maneuver), he adds half his cavalier level to the damage roll. If an order of the beast cavalier successfully breaks an object, he receives a +2 morale bonus on all attack rolls until the end of his next turn.

Havoc(変則)/Havoc:At 8th level, the cavalier’s mount gains the trample monster special ability. If the cavalier’s mount has trample from another source, damage from the mount’s trample attack instead increases as though the mount were one size category larger(see Table 3–1 on page 302 of the Pathfinder RPG Bestiary); this does not alter the damage dealt by the mount’s slam attack. A creature that attempts a Reflex saving throw to avoid damage from the mount’s trample attack provokes an attack of opportunity from the cavalier.

Unstoppable Ravager(変則)Unstoppable Ravager:At 15th level, the cavalier becomes an unstoppable engine of destruction. If the cavalier’s current hit points drop below 0, he does not fall unconscious. Instead, he continues to act so long as his negative hit point total does not exceed the amount of damage he dealt to an enemy on a single melee attack during the last round. The cavalier receives no Constitution check to stabilize while using this ability, and automatically takes 1 point of damage each round. When his current negative hit points exceed his negative Constitution score, the amount of damage he must deal to continue to act is now equal to the difference between his current negative hit point total and his negative Constitution score. Additionally, the cavalier can no longer benefit from magical healing(save for a wish or miracle spell), and he immediately dies once he can no longer take an action due to this ability.

Order of the Blossom Order of the Blossom

出典 Legacy of the First World 27ページ

Cavaliers of the order of the blossom dedicate their lives to protecting fey, especially those visiting the Material Plane from the First World. These cavaliers might be fey themselves, but even if they aren’t, they exhibit the same whimsy and occasionally cruel sense of humor typical of most denizens of the First World.

布告The cavalier cannot refuse a fey’s request for aid unless it will interfere with his existing duties, or he believes the fey seeks to directly oppose his other aims and goals. He must strive to prevent gates to the First World from being exploited or corrupted. If the cavalier encounters blighted fey or other corrupted fey, he must strive to destroy them.

挑戦Whenever an order of the blossom cavalier issues a challenge, the target of the challenge takes a –1 penalty on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities used by fey or by the cavalier. This penalty increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier has. An order of the blossom cavalier can’t issue a challenge against any creature of the fey type unless that creature has the blighted fey template.

技能An order of the blossom cavalier adds Disguise and Knowledge(nature) to his list of class skills. An order of the blossom cavalier can attempt Knowledge(nature) skill checks untrained. Whenever an order of the blossom cavalier attempts a Bluff check to feint in combat, he receives a bonus on the check equal to half his cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the blossom gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Sneak Attack(変則)/Sneak Attack:At 2nd level, an order of the blossom cavalier can make a sneak attack, as the rogue ability of the same name. At 2nd level, his sneak attack damage is +1d6. This damage increases by 1d6 at 8th level and every 6 levels thereafter. If the cavalier gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonus damage stacks.

Fey Enchantments(擬呪)/Fey Enchantments:At 8th level, an order of the blossom cavalier learns to use the following spell-like abilities:animal messenger, enthrall, hideous laughter, and suggestion, with a caster level equal to his cavalier level. He can use these spell-like abilities a total of three times per day, in any combination(such as by casting enthrall three times, or animal messenger once and suggestion twice). The saving throw 難易度 for these spell-like abilities is 10 + half the cavalier’s level + his Charisma modifier. At 16th level, the cavalier can use his spell-like abilities seven times per day, and he adds charm monster and terrible remorse to the list.

Curse of the First World(超常)/Curse of the First World:At 15th level, an order of the blossom cavalier channels pandemonium through his weapon. His melee attacks count as chaotic-aligned for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. In addition, whenever he confirms a critical hit against a target under an enchantment effect, that target is confused for 1d6 rounds. Each round the confused creature rolls to determine its action, it rolls twice and the cavalier chooses which result to use. This is a mind-affecting effect.

Order of the Eclipse Order of the Eclipse

出典 Distant Shores 32ページ

Hobgoblins have long taken advantage of the tactical edge darkvision gives them when fighting in darkness, particularly against elves, humans, and samsarans. As the ruling class of Kaoling, hobgoblin samurai have adopted the benefit of darkness as a spiritual alliance that forms a guiding principle in not only how they fight, but every aspect of their lives. This has given rise to the order of the eclipse, a respected samurai order devoted to darkness itself. Although the order is not officially restricted to hobgoblins, its edicts make it difficult for any samurai without darkvision to operate in its ranks.

布告The samurai cannot create light where it is not necessary—anything that can be done in darkness should be. The samurai must belong to a military organization(within Kaoling this is likely to be a warband commanded by a senior samurai, who in turn answers to Warlord Tsung-cha Kavangaki or one of the Council of Nine). The samurai must enforce his place within this order and societies that recognize its authority, obeying those senior to him without question and demanding total obedience from those beneath him. The samurai must take every opportunity to extinguish the lights of his foes.

挑戦The order of the eclipse samurai gains a +1 bonus on all Intimidate checks made against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by 1 for every four levels the samurai possesses.

技能An order of the eclipse samurai adds Perception(Wis) and Survival(Wis) to his list of class skills. In addition, whenever he makes a Perception check to notice an invisible creature or object, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his samurai level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A samurai that belongs to the order of the eclipse gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Dark Rider(超常)/Dark Rider:At 2nd level, whenever the samurai is on his mount, both he and his mount share any of the following senses if either of them possesses it:darkvision, low-light vision, scent, and see in darkness. This applies regardless of the source of the sense(including senses gained from spells or magic items), but only while the samurai is mounted. If the samurai and mount both have a sense but one has an improved version(such as a samurai with darkvision with a range of 60 feet riding a mount that has darkvision with a range of 90 feet), both receive the improved version of the sense.

Eclipsing Blade(擬呪)/Eclipsing Blade:At 8th level, the samurai can cast darkness on a weapon he is holding. The darkness does not affect the vision of any order of the eclipse samurai, or that of their mounts. The spell immediately ends if the weapon leaves the samurai’s hand. He may do this once per day, plus one additional time per day for every four levels he possesses above 8th(to a maximum of four times per day at 20th level).

See in Darkness(変則)/See in Darkness:At 15th level the samurai can see perfectly in darkness, even magical darkness, as the universal monster ability of the same name.

Order of the Eel Order of the Eel

出典 Blood of the Sea 24ページ

Cavaliers who join the order of the eel believe communication and negotiation are the true paths to greatness and success for all. They seek out new individuals to befriend, offer their services as guides or mercenaries, and negotiate the terms of mutually beneficial arrangements. Locathah eel riders were the founders of the order of the eel, but other aquatic races have since joined. Even a few land-dwelling cavaliers along the coastline have pledged themselves to this order of diplomats and negotiators.

布告The cavalier must greet all strangers with an open mind and show a willingness to cooperate with others. The cavalier must never turn down the opportunity to forge alliances or strike bargains, so long as the terms of such agreements remain fair. The cavalier must punish those who have reneged on bargains struck with the cavalier or others of his order.

挑戦Whenever an order of the eel cavalier issues a challenge, allies of a different race than the cavalier receive a +1 circumstance bonus on attack rolls against the target of his challenge whenever he is threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the cavalier has.

技能An order of the eel cavalier adds Knowledge(local)(Int) and Perception(Wis) to his list of class skills. An order of the eel cavalier can attempt Knowledge(local) skill checks untrained. In addition, whenever an order of the eel cavalier uses Diplomacy to negotiate the terms of an agreement, he receives a bonus on the check equal to half his cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the eel gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Temporary Alliance(変則)/Temporary Alliance:At 2nd level, an order of the eel cavalier gains the ability to create a meaningful, if temporary, alliance with another individual. As a full-round action, the cavalier enters into an alliance with a willing creature that has an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. The creature thereafter receives a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls against targets the cavalier threatens and on saving throws against spells and effects generated by those targets. These bonuses last for 1 hour for every 2 cavalier levels the order of the eel cavalier has or until the cavalier creates a new alliance with a different creature. A cavalier can have only one alliance active at a time; if he creates a new alliance while under the effects of an existing alliance, the existing alliance immediately ends and the new one takes effect.

Rally Allies(変則)/Rally Allies:At 8th level, an order of the eel cavalier inspires diverse groups of allies against their common enemies, bringing them together based on their similarities while downplaying their differences. As a swift action, the cavalier can grant a competence bonus on weapon damage rolls to all allies within 30 feet. The bonus is equal to the number of distinct races in the ally group, including the cavalier’s race, up to a maximum bonus equal to the cavalier’s Charisma modifier(minimum +1). This bonus lasts for 1 round. The cavalier can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 12th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

Share the Danger(超常)/Share the Danger:At 15th level, an order of the eel cavalier can form a pact to share danger with an ally. As a full-round action, the cavalier enters into this pact with a willing creature that has an Intelligence score of 4 or higher. The cavalier and his partner each gain a deflection bonus to アーマー・クラス equal to the cavalier’s Charisma modifier(minimum +1). A partner that takes damage from attacks and effects that deal hit point damage(including from special abilities) takes only half damage, and the other half of the damage is dealt to the other partner in the pact. Forms of harm that do not involve hit points, such as charm effects, ability score damage and drain, negative levels, and death effects, are not affected. If either partner in the pact suffers a reduction of hit points from a lowered Constitution score, the reduction is not split, as it is not hit point damage. This effect ends if the cavalier makes a new pact(at which point the existing pact immediately ends), if the partners in the pact move more than 1,000 feet apart, or if either partner in the pact takes a swift action to dissolve the partnership. Damage already divided is not reassigned when the pact ends.

Order of the Ennead Star Order of the Ennead Star

出典 Path of the Hellknight 58ページ

Cavaliers belonging to this order have joined the Hellknight crusade against chaos, adopting a life of ironclad discipline and swearing to thwart disorder by any means. Through intimidation and strength of arms, these severe warriors embody the grim fist of law, pursuing and crushing disorder wherever it festers. Many strike out from one of the Hellknights’ stark, black citadels. Others roam between cities and villages, serving as judges and emissaries of a harsh vision of justice(see the circuit judge cavalier archetype). Like other Hellknights, most members of this order begin their service by undergoing training at a Hellknight citadel or instruction from a true Hellknight. Most eventually pursue levels in the Hellknight prestige class, looking ahead to the day when they will face their lethal test against the forces of Hell. Until then, members of the order of the Ennead Star are typically Hellknight armigers or other initiates with dispensation to quest and quell disorder wherever they might find it. Regardless of his own goals, each cavalier is associated with a specific group of Hellknights and rigidly follows its unbending strictures. Members of the order of the Ennead Star are most commonly found in the lands of Absalom, Cheliax, Isger, Rahadoum, and Varisia, but the cavaliers’ goals might take members anywhere across the Inner Sea region.

布告The cavalier is a merciless champion of the law, and if he must crush dreams, coerce obedience, or slay in the name of law, that is a small price to pay for peace and progress. The cavalier must bring lawbreakers to justice, and when that is not possible, he must serve as executioner of that justice. He must also uphold the tenets of his Hellknight order.

挑戦An order of the Ennead Star cavalier gains bonuses when he challenges a creature of chaotic alignment with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher or one that the cavalier has witnessed committing a crime against local laws within the past hour. Against such a targets of his challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls. He also gains this bonus on Intimidate checks to demoralize such targets. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 class levels that the cavalier has.

技能An order of the Ennead Star cavalier adds Knowledge(local)(Int) and Perception(Wis) to his list of class skills. Additionally, he gains a circumstance bonus on Perception checks to act in a surprise round equal to 1/2 his cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the Ennead Star gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Oppress(擬呪)/Oppress:At 2nd level, when the cavalier deals damage to an opponent with his Hellknight order’s favored weapon, as a swift action he learns whether that creature’s alignment is chaotic, as if he had cast detect chaos and studied the creature for 3 rounds. Additionally, if he learns that a creature is chaotic by using this ability, he gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against it. This bonus does not stack with itself, but it does stack with the bonus from the cavalier’s challenge.

Subjugate(変則)/Subjugate:At 8th level, whenever the cavalier confirms a critical hit with a melee weapon against a creature of chaotic alignment with an Intelligence score of 3 or higher, or against a creature that the cavalier has witnessed committing a crime within the past hour, he adds his Charisma modifier to the total critical hit damage. If the critical hit kills the creature or renders it unconscious, as an immediate action the cavalier can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 15 feet who can see him. This ability can be used only once per combat.

Hand of the Law(変則)/Hand of the Law:At 15th level, the cavalier can declare himself an enforcer of martial law as a swift action. For a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, the cavalier can ignore difficult terrain and gains an additional +2 bonus on attack rolls while charging. Any creatures the cavalier demoralizes while this ability is in effect are shaken for a number of additional rounds equal to the cavalier’s Charisma modifier. Additionally, when these creatures attack the cavalier, attempt saving throws against the cavalier’s abilities, or attempt opposed skill checks against the cavalier, they take a –3 penalty for being shaken(instead of –2). A cavalier can use this ability only once per combat.

Order of the First Law Order of the First Law

出典 People of the Sands 21ページ

Cavaliers belonging to the order of the First Law are dedicated to hunting down anyone practicing, preaching, or otherwise facilitating religion in Rahadoum.

布告The cavalier must strive to protect atheists and all those who reject the gods. He must never have a patron deity or willingly serve agents of the divine. He must protect the common folk from suffering due to the actions of divine agents.

挑戦Whenever an order of the First Law cavalier issues a challenge, each round that he makes an attack against the target of his challenge, he gains 1 temporary hit point on his turn. These temporary hit points last up to 1 hour. The number of temporary hit points gained per round increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier possesses.

技能An order of the First Law cavalier adds Heal(Wis) and Knowledge(religion)(Int) to his list of class skills. An order of the First Law cavalier can attempt Knowledge(religion) skill checks untrained. If he has ranks in the skill, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level(minimum +1) when making checks to identify members of religious faiths or religious paraphernalia.

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the First Law gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Rejection of Faith(変則)/Rejection of Faith:At 2nd level, the cavalier must refuse all divine magic, including helpful effects or spells. As long as he has not benefited from divine magic in the past 24 hours, he receives a +2 morale bonus on one saving throw of his choice. Each day he can change the saving throw to which this bonus applies.

Threat of Reason(変則)/Threat of Reason:At 8th level, whenever the cavalier threatens a space occupied by a divine spellcaster, the spellcaster must add 4 to the 難易度 of any concentration checks, dispel checks, or caster level checks she attempts.

Godslayer(変則)/Godslayer:At 15th level, whenever the cavalier makes a melee attack against the target of his challenge and that target is a divine spellcaster, the cavalier gains a bonus on attack and damage rolls equal to his Charisma modifier. This damage is multiplied on a critical hit.

Order of the Flame Order of the Flame

出典 Blood of the Elements 7ページ

A cavalier of the order of the flame devotes his life to the pursuit of personal glory. Even if such pursuit puts his own life on the line, the cavalier pursues legendary status and the fame and glory associated with such renown.

布告The cavalier must pursue glory for himself and those with whom he associates. He must strive to heap glory upon his name, no matter the costs. He must challenge and defeat an ever-increasing host of rivals to further cement his illustrious reputation.

挑戦A cavalier of the order of the flame becomes ever more emboldened with each glorious victory. As an immediate action after reducing the target of his challenge to 0 hit points or fewer, the cavalier can elect to issue a glorious challenge to an opponent within 15 feet.

Glorious Challenge/Glorious Challenge:A glorious challenge does not count against the cavalier’s number of challenges per day, but otherwise acts like a cavalier’s challenge class feature. When he issues a glorious challenge, the cavalier takes a –2 penalty to アーマー・クラス for the duration of the glorious challenge(this penalty stacks with the usual –2 アーマー・クラス penalty against opponents other than the target of the cavalier’s challenge). The cavalier gains a morale bonus on melee damage rolls against the target of his glorious challenge equal to 2 × the number of consecutive glorious challenges he has issued thus far. As long as he continues to defeat targets of his glorious challenges and there are more opponents in range, the cavalier can continue to issue glorious challenges indefinitely, with the penalty to アーマー・クラス and the bonus on damage rolls increasing with each subsequent foe. For example, a 5th-level cavalier that has just issued his third glorious challenge after defeating the original target of his challenge takes a –6 penalty to アーマー・クラス(–8 against creatures other than the target of his glorious challenge) and gains a +11 bonus on melee damage rolls(a +5 bonus from his base challenge ability plus a +6 morale bonus for three consecutive glorious challenges).

技能A cavalier of the order of the flame adds Knowledge(local) and Survival to his class skills. Whenever the cavalier’s current hit point total matches or exceeds his maximum hit point total, he gains a bonus on Intimidate checks equal to 1/2 his cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A cavalier of the order of the flame gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Foolhardy Rush/Foolhardy Rush:At 2nd level, the cavalier can charge across the battlefield at a moment’s notice. Whenever the cavalier attempts an initiative check, as long as he rolls an 11 or higher on the die, he can move up to his base speed as an immediate action and he is not considered flat-footed. If the cavalier takes an action to move during his next turn, he subtracts the number of feet moved during the initiative check from his total movement.

Daunting Success/Daunting Success:At 8th level, whenever the cavalier confirms a critical hit with a melee weapon, as an immediate action he can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize all foes within 15 feet who can see him. This ability can be used only once per combat.

Blaze of Glory/Blaze of Glory:At 15th level, the cavalier can declare a blaze of glory as a standard action. For a number of rounds equal to his Charisma modifier, the cavalier increases his base speed by 10 feet, can ignore difficult terrain while charging, and gains a +4 bonus on his attack rolls(instead of +2). A cavalier can use this ability only once per combat.

Order of the Guard Order of the Guard

出典 Inner Sea Combat 30ページ

Cavaliers who join the order of the guard dedicate themselves to the staunch and unyielding protection of a specific person or object—generally one they have been hired to protect. Members of the order of the guard are often mercenaries, offering their valuable services for a fee to those who wish to protect their investments; this is especially in Druma, where many cavaliers belong to the illustrious and steadfast Blackjackets of the Mercenary League. An order of the guard cavalier can offer his services to a cause in which he believes without accepting a monetary payment, though the cavalier’s protection must come at some price, be it a favor, the release of knowledge, or other intangible trade. A tenet of the order is that the high level of protection the order strives for is only obtainable if the protector invests something of himself in the task and stands to lose something valuable should he fail.

布告An order of the guard cavalier must strive to protect his ward to the best of his ability, even if doing so costs the cavalier his life. The cavalier must always receive some compensation for his services, be it money, a favor, or other payment. A member of the order of the guard must carry out the orders stipulated in his contract or dictated by his employer as long as doing so does not violate other elements of the order’s code or a previously agreed upon contract.

挑戦At the start of each day, an order of the guard cavalier must declare a person or object(including an easily defined group of objects, such as a series of chests or a collection of books) that he is dedicated to protecting that day, typically the subject he has been hired to protect; the selected item is known as the cavalier’s ward. Whenever the cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus to アーマー・クラス against the target of his challenge so long as the cavalier is physically located between his ward and the target. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier possesses.

技能An order of the guard cavalier adds Knowledge(geography) and Perception to his list of class skills. Additionally, an order of the guard cavalier receives a bonus on Knowledge(nobility) checks equal to 1/2 his cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力An order of the guard cavalier gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Prepared for the Journey(変則)/Prepared for the Journey:At 2nd level, the cavalier can prepare for the terrain through which he will be traveling with 48 hours of study and customization of his equipment. He can select any terrain type from the list available to a ranger for his favored terrain class feature. While in the selected terrain, the cavalier gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and on Knowledge(geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival skill checks. At 8th level and every 6 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1. Additionally, when calculating overland movement speed in the selected terrain, the cavalier and his mount treat trackless terrain as though it contains a road or trail, and terrain with a road or trail as though it were a highway. If traveling along a highway, the cavalier and his mount can travel for 10 hours before needing to attempt Constitution checks for a forced march.

Close at Hand(変則)/Close at Hand:At 8th level, when the cavalier is within 30 feet of his ward, he gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and saving throws. If his ward is captured, stolen, or otherwise in the possession or control of the cavalier’s enemies, the cavalier loses these benefits. In their place, he gains the effects of a locate object or status spell(depending on the nature of his ward) targeting his ward and lasting 24 hours. When moving toward his ward, the cavalier and his mount increase their speed by 10 feet. At 12th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the bonus on attack and damage rolls and on saving throws increases by 1 and the bonus to speed increases by 5 feet.

Quick Retort(変則)/Quick Retort:At 15th level, the cavalier can strike out at those who mean his ward harm. Whenever a creature attacks the cavalier’s ward, or attempts to steal, sunder, or otherwise wrest control of it from the cavalier or his allies, the attacking creature provokes an attack of opportunity from the cavalier. The cavalier receives a +2 bonus on attacks of opportunity he makes against such creatures.

Order of the Hammer Order of the Hammer

出典 The Harrow Handbook 18ページ

Cavaliers of the order of the hammer respect might over all, and believe that those who prove their strength have earned the right to make decisions for the weak. When the cavalier’s own goals conflict with those of a mighty ruler, the cavalier must prove that her own strength and ideals are superior.

布告The cavalier must continually strive to prove her own strength as well as the strength of those she is allied with, especially when faced with adversity or by those who would seek to best the cavalier’s brawn.

挑戦An order of the hammer cavalier can attempt a free grapple check or free sunder combat maneuver check anytime she takes the full-attack action against the target of her challenge. This free combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

技能An order of the hammer cavalier adds Acrobatics(Dex) and Knowledge(local)(Int) to her list of class skills. In addition, whenever the cavalier uses Acrobatics to jump, she can add her Strength bonus to the check in addition to her Dexterity modifier, and she receives a bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump equal to 1/2 her cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the hammer gains the following abilities as she increases in level.

Mighty Bash(変則)/Mighty Bash:At 2nd level, the cavalier does not provoke attacks of opportunity when she attacks foes while unarmed so long as she is dealing nonlethal damage. In addition, the cavalier’s unarmed strikes deal more nonlethal damage than usual; she is treated as having a number of monk levels equal to her cavalier level for the purpose of determining how much nonlethal damage her unarmed strikes deal. For example, a 12th-level cavalier of the order of the hammer would deal 2d6 points of nonlethal damage with her unarmed strike. The cavalier must still select the Improved Unarmed Strike feat if she wants to deal lethal damage with her unarmed strike, and lethal damage dealt with her unarmed strike is not increased by this ability.

Crushing Grapple(変則)/Crushing Grapple:At 8th level, the cavalier gains Chokehold as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites. She does not take the –5 penalty on grapple checks to put an opponent in a chokehold.

Inspiring Flex(変則)/Inspiring Flex:At 15th level, the cavalier can display her own brawn to inspire greater strength in his allies. As a standard action, she can grant herself and any allies within 30 feet a +4 morale bonus on melee attack rolls, combat maneuver checks, Fortitude saves, and Strength checks. The cavalier can maintain her inspiring flex as a free action, and she can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal 1/2 her cavalier level; this duration need not be continuous.

Order of the Hero Order of the Hero

出典 Monster Hunter's Handbook 13ページ
The order of the hero order replaces his edict with that of the order of the shield in Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide.

A cavalier belonging to this order specializes in hunting down large monsters and protecting communities from them. Cavaliers of this order tend to value bravery, dedication, and single-minded determination.

布告The cavalier must choose an area, whether it’s a settlement or nation, and vows to slay any monster threatening that area. He must fulfill any pledge he makes to slay a beast, tracking it to its lair if necessary, and forsaking any new quarry until his current target is slain. The cavalier must attempt to ensure that no lasting damage is dealt to his domain in the pursuit of his prey.

挑戦Whenever an order of the hero cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on melee damage rolls against the target of his challenge if it is at least one size category larger than he is. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 cavalier levels he has.

技能An order of the hero cavalier adds Knowledge(arcana)(Int) and Knowledge(nature)(Int) to his list of class skills. In addition, whenever an order of the hero cavalier uses a Knowledge check to identify a monster, he gains a bonus on this check equal to half his cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A cavalier who belongs to the order of the hero gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Monster Expert(変則)/Monster Expert:At 2nd level, the cavalier learns how to dodge the attacks of his monstrous foes and the traps in their lairs. He gains a bonus equal to his Charisma bonus on Fortitude and Reflex saves against abilities and spells that have an area of effect.

Resist Energy(超常)/Resist Energy:At 8th level, the cavalier can steel himself against harmful energies. Once per day as a move action, he chooses one of the following:acid, cold, electricity, or fire. He gains energy resistance 5 against the chosen type for 1 minute. At 12th, 16th, and 20th levels, the resistance increases by 5, and the cavalier gains an additional daily use of this ability.

Counterstriking Challenge(変則)/Counterstriking Challenge:At 15th level, once per day when he challenges a Large or larger creature, the cavalier can also prepare to interrupt the creature’s special attacks. The challenged target provokes an attack of opportunity from the cavalier whenever it activates an extraordinary or a supernatural attack(such as a breath weapon or gaze attack). If the cavalier deals damage with this attack, the creature must succeed at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + half the cavalier’s level + his Charisma modifier) or it fails to activate the special attack and loses the action it took to do so. The cavalier can perform three such attacks of opportunity over the course of a counterstriking challenge.

Order of the Land Order of the Land

出典 Knights of the Inner Sea 24ページ

There are some cavaliers who dedicate themselves to the land and the people who inhabit the rural areas between urban centers. These cavaliers often lead untrained militias of revolutionaries in backwoods towns, fighting against oppressive governments or the savage elements that threaten citizens in their daily lives. Self-reliance and the ability to make do with sparse resources are hallmarks of a cavalier who follows the order of the land.

布告The cavalier must always strive to protect the common folk from the depredations of oppressive regimes. He must not decline any duty or mission because he is not properly equipped for it.

挑戦Whenever an order of the land cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on ranged attack rolls against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.

技能An order of the land cavalier adds Knowledge(local)(Int) and Survival(Wis) to his list of class skills. In addition, whenever an order of the land cavalier makes a Survival check to avoid getting lost, he receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 his cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the land gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Adaptive Strike(変則)/Adaptive Strike:At 2nd level, the cavalier receives Catch Off-Guard as a bonus feat. As a swift action, he can cause an armed opponent to become flat-footed against any attacks he makes during that round with an improvised weapon. This ability can be used once per combat.

Terrain Training(変則)/Terrain TrainingAt 8th level, the cavalier may select a terrain type from the ranger Favored Terrains table. As a standard action, he can shout orders that grant all allies within 60 feet a competence bonus equal to his Charisma modifier on initiative checks and Knowledge(geography), Perception, and Survival checks while they are in this terrain for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 his cavalier level. At 12th level and every four levels thereafter, the cavalier may select a new terrain type that this ability can affect.

Wild Charge(変則)/Wild Charge:At 15th level, the cavalier and his mount can ignore difficult terrain for the purpose of making a charge attack. In addition, if the charge attack is successful and both he and his opponent are occupying squares with difficult terrain, the cavalier gains a +2 competence bonus when using his mighty charge ability to make a bull rush, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver.

Order of the Monument Order of the Monument

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 15ページ

Cavaliers who join the order of the monument dedicate themselves to the protection and service of a particular city or settlement and often follow or respect the faiths of their home locale. Cavaliers belonging to this order hold themselves to their city’s laws and customs even when traveling abroad.

布告The cavalier must strive to protect the settlement, all those who reside within it, and those travelers who hail from it. He must adhere to the settlement’s laws even while away from its borders and promote its populace’s overarching ideals and values whenever possible.

挑戦Whenever an order of the monument cavalier issues a challenge, he gains a +1 dodge bonus to his アーマー・クラス against attacks made by the target of his challenge when the cavalier is flanked, as well as a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against fear and mind-affecting effects. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier has.

技能An order of the monument cavalier adds Knowledge(local) and Knowledge(religion) to his list of class skills. An order of the monument cavalier chooses one of these two skills. He can attempt skill checks with his chosen skill untrained. If he has ranks in the skill, he receives a bonus on the check equal to half his cavalier level(minimum +1) as long as the check involves his chosen settlement or a faith with a significant presence in his chosen settlement.

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the monument gains the following as he increases in level.

Sworn Defender(変則)/Sworn Defender:At 2nd level, the cavalier gains a +1 morale bonus on saving throws to resist effects created by creatures whose alignments are at least two steps away from his settlement’s alignment(e.g., a cavalier of a lawful good settlement and an opponent of neutral alignment). If the creature’s alignment is three or more steps away from his settlement’s alignment, the bonus increases to +2.

Protector of the People(変則)/Protector of the People:At 8th level, the cavalier can inspire the people around him as a swift action. Each creature within 30 feet that is either a resident of his chosen settlement or whose alignment is within one step of the cavalier’s settlement gains a morale bonus on saving throws equal to the cavalier’s Charisma modifier for 1 round. This bonus doubles if a creature meets both requirements. The cavalier can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time per day at 12th level and every 4 levels thereafter.

Bastion of the Monument(変則)/Bastion of the Monument:At 15th level, the cavalier defends his homeland with unmatched ferocity. As a swift action, the cavalier can declare an opponent an enemy of his settlement. This grants the cavalier and his allies a +4 bonus on attack rolls, damage rolls, and ability and skill checks against the opponent, as well as on saving throws to resist effects originating from that opponent. The cavalier can end this ability as a swift action. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to half his cavalier level. This duration need not be continuous but must be used in 1-round increments.

Order of the Penitent Order of the Penitent

出典 Knights of the Inner Sea 24ページ

Not all knights begin their careers as nobles’ children or as squires. Some start out as thieves, murderers, or cheats, and only after they see the suffering caused by their crimes do they dedicate themselves to honorable service. Cavaliers who follow this order seek to make up for the crimes they’ve committed in the past, and do whatever they can to restore their tainted honor.

布告The cavalier must be merciful to wrongdoers and show unfettered fairness whenever he passes judgment. He must assume that only the most heinous monsters are irrevocably evil, and must deliver all foes capable of fair trial to the appropriate local law enforcers.

挑戦Whenever an order of the penitent cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus to his 戦技防御値 against combat maneuvers made by the target of his challenge whenever he is threatening the target. This bonus increases by +1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.

技能An order of the penitent cavalier adds Escape Artist(Dex) and Sense Motive(Wis) to his list of class skills. Whenever he makes an Escape Artist check, the cavalier may add his Strength bonus to the check in addition to his Dexterity modifier.

騎士団能力An order of the penitent cavalier gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Expert Captor(変則)/Expert Captor:At 2nd level, as long as he has rope, the cavalier can tie up a grappled opponent, even if the opponent is not pinned, otherwise restrained, or unconscious, and he does not take the usual –10 penalty on his combat maneuver check to do so. When determining the 難易度 to escape bonds secured by the cavalier, the cavalier’s Combat Maneuver Bonus increases by 1/2 his cavalier level.

Adept Disarmer(変則)/Adept Disarmer:At 8th level, the cavalier gains Improved Disarm as a bonus feat. In addition, whenever he makes a successful disarm check, as long as he has at least one hand free and the dropped item can be held in one hand, he can automatically pick up the dropped item in his free hand.

Saving Grace(変則)/Saving Grace:At 15th level, whenever he would strike a creature with a melee attack that deals lethal damage and would bring the creature’s hit points below 0, the cavalier can, as a free action, change the type of damage dealt to nonlethal damage. The cavalier can use this ability once per round.

Order of the Reins Order of the Reins

出典 Merchant's Manifest 31ページ

The cavaliers of the order of the reins hold a strong rapport not just with their mounts, but with all tamed and domesticated animals on Golarion. From camels and horses to teams of sled dogs, these cavaliers hold themselves honor-bound to protect these creatures for their labor and loyalty. Cavaliers of the order of the reins often serve as the commanders of caravans or other expeditions, using their unique skills to ensure that the caravan and its wares safely reach their intended markets.

布告The cavalier must do everything in his power to keep a caravan or traveling group safe once he has agreed to protect it. He must see that any allied animal injured under his watch is healed, or personally give it a merciful death if survival is not an option. He must not let any animal under his command suffer needlessly.

挑戦Whenever an order of the reins cavalier issues a challenge, all allied animals, animal companions, familiars, and mounts within 60 feet gain a +1 bonus on attack rolls and a +2 bonus to アーマー・クラス against the target. This bonus increases by 1 for every additional 4 levels the cavalier has.

技能An order of the reins cavalier adds Appraise and Perception to his list of class skills. Any animal that the cavalier is riding can use the cavalier’s Handle Animal modifier in place of its own Acrobatics and Swim skill modifiers as long as the cavalier is mounted on it.

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the reins gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Control the Herd(変則)/Control the Herd:At 2nd level, the cavalier can direct multiple animals with one forceful command. The cavalier can handle a number of nonhostile, riderless animals equal to his cavalier level with a single use of the Handle Animal skill, so long as the commanded animals can see or hear the cavalier. The handled animals must all be ordered to perform the same trick. If an animal in the group does not know the trick the cavalier is commanding them to perform, the cavalier is considered to be pushing that animal. The cavalier cannot use this ability on animals more than two size categories smaller than he is. Using this ability requires a move action, though if the cavalier is pushing any animal as described above, it requires a full-round action.

Teamwork Tricks(変則)/Teamwork Tricks:At 8th level as a free action, the cavalier can use control the herd to handle allied and riderless animals and animal companions. Friendly and helpful animals that the cavalier commands with Handle Animal or his control the herd ability are considered to know any tasks or tricks the cavalier’s mount knows, in addition to any tasks or tricks they already know.

Stampede(変則)/Stampede:At 15th level, as a standard action, the cavalier can incite any riderless and nonhostile animals and animal companions within 60 feet of him to stampede. Each affected creature gains a +4 bonus to アーマー・クラス(this bonus stacks with the benefits of the cavalier’s challenge), the trample universal monster rule, and a bonus to damage equal to half the cavalier’s level for 1 round. The save 難易度 against an incited animal’s trample attack is 10 + half the cavalier’s level + his Charisma modifier. Incited creatures attack whatever targets the cavalier directs them to unless commanded otherwise by a bonded master(in the case of a familiar or animal companion).

Order of the Saddle Order of the Saddle

出典 Qadira, Jewel of the East 43ページ

Cavaliers of the order of the saddle have pledged themselves to the pursuit of perfect partnership between rider and mount. This order holds that the balance found when such a partnership is achieved contains the seeds of a better self, a better relationship with one’s community, and a better sense of how to keep the world itself healthy.

制限:Only horse-riding cavaliers are eligible to join this order.

布告The cavalier must care for her mount before herself. She must show mercy to any noncombatants or less intelligent creatures who serve her opponents. She must teach any who ask about how to better communicate with their mounts. The only meat she may eat must come from animals that have been humanely raised and slaughtered. She must strive to ensure her community lives in harmony with the land it occupies and that it doesn’t cause unnecessary suffering to the animals under its care.

挑戦Whenever an order of the saddle cavalier issues a challenge and is astride her mount, she can charge the target of her challenge—moving and attacking as if with a standard charge—and then move again as if using Ride-By Attack. Her total movement for the round can’t exceed her mounted speed. This maneuver provokes attacks of opportunity, but the cavalier gains a +1 dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス against attacks of opportunity while charging the target of her challenge. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier has. If the cavalier already has the Ride-By Attack feat, this dodge bonus increases by 2.

技能An order of the saddle cavalier adds Knowledge(nature) and Perception to her list of class skills. When she uses Survival to track a creature or find food and water for herself and her mount, she receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 her cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A cavalier that belongs to the order of the saddle gains the following abilities as she increases in level.

Mounted Synergy(変則)/Mounted Synergy:At 2nd level, the cavalier receives Mounted Combat as a bonus feat and, whenever she is mounted, gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks as long as her mount is conscious and mobile.

Stalwart Mount(超常)Stalwart Mount:At 8th level, the cavalier’s mount becomes healthier and more robust. It gains Toughness as a bonus feat(if it already has Toughness, or takes this as a feat later, the hit points granted by the feat are doubled) and gains a +2 bonus on saving throws.

Protective Partner(変則)/Protective Partner:At 15th level, the cavalier wreaks terrible vengeance on those who would try to harm her mount. Whenever an opponent attacks the cavalier’s mount, the attacking creature provokes an attack of opportunity from the cavalier. The cavalier receives a +2 bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls when she makes these attacks of opportunity.

Order of the Scales Order of the Scales

出典 Champions of Balance 22ページ

Members of this cavalier order serve the cause of legal integrity. Many order of the scales cavaliers track down and apprehend fleeing lawbreakers so that these vagrants may answer for their crimes and make good on their debts. They often serve as judges or stakeholders, and work to ensure that wherever a bargain is made—whether it is monetary, a life debt, or an oath to be upheld—both ends make good on their promises.

布告The cavalier must fulfill all binding agreements he makes with others. If a bargain becomes impossible to fulfill, he must satisfactorily compensate all aggrieved or adversely affected parties involved in the bargain. When serving as a judge or arbiter, the cavalier must make fair, impartial judgments, and if unable to do so, must recuse himself at the earliest possibility. If authorized to enforce an agreement, the cavalier must wholeheartedly strive to accomplish this, remaining unswayed by threats, bribery, and other deterrents.

挑戦Whenever an order of the scales cavalier issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on combat maneuvers and attacks of opportunity made against the target of his challenge. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 levels the cavalier possesses.

技能An order of the scales cavalier adds Knowledge(local)(Int) and Linguistics(Int) to his list of class skills. He gains a bonus equal to half his level(minimum +1) on Sense Motive checks to determine whether someone is bluffing and to determine whether a creature’s behavior is being inf luenced by an enchantment.

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to the order of the scales gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Mobile Wall(変則)/Mobile Wall:At 2nd level, the cavalier receives Step Up as a bonus feat. He can use this feat while mounted by succeeding at a 難易度 15 Ride check, directing his mount to move rather than himself. The cavalier gains a +1 bonus to his 戦技防御値 against attempts to tumble through squares he threatens. At 6th level, and every 4 levels thereafter, this bonus increases by an additional +1.

Seek Retribution(変則)/Seek Retribution:At 8th level, once per day after receiving a request for aid from a legal authority or an aggrieved party regarding the breaking of an oath, whenever the cavalier encounters the oath-breaking creature, he can choose to vehemently exact retribution. As a swift action, the cavalier can grant himself a competence bonus equal to his Charisma modifier on all attack rolls, weapon damage rolls, and opposed checks against the oathbreaking creature. These bonuses last for 1 round per level.

Sworn Oathkeeper(変則)/Sworn OathkeeperAt 15th level, the cavalier can formally witness an oath or agreement between two creatures. If either creature breaks or reneges on the agreement and the cavalier becomes aware of this, he gains the bonuses from his seek retribution ability against that creature at all times. This ability ends when the creature fulfills the conditions of the oath or receives just punishment for breaking the oath. The maximum number of witnessed oaths cavalier can have active at a time is equal to his Charisma modifier(minimum 1).

Order of the Songbird Order of the Songbird

出典 Heroes from the Fringe 14ページ
Members of this cavalier order serve the cause of legal integrity. Many order of the scales cavaliers track down

Samurai of the order of the songbird are artists, scholars, and poets. They treat battle as a beautiful art form; many of these samurai seek pacifistic means of defeating their foes. Even samurai of this order who kill their opponents do so with respect, considering such a fight to be an act of poetic tragedy. These samurai are most common in lands where beauty is treasured, such as Hwanggot, Jinin, and Tianjing.

布告The samurai must never destroy art unless doing so is part of an artful act or performance of her own. She must respect the skill of her opponents and never desecrate or purposefully humiliate a foe. If she takes a sapient life, she must create a piece of art, performance, or poem in honor of the fallen creature or creatures in order to memorialize what she has taken from the world.

挑戦An order of the songbird samurai gains a +1 dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス and a +1 sacred bonus on saves against the attacks and abilities of the target of her challenge. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 class levels the samurai has. The samurai must be wearing light or no armor, not using a shield, and carrying no more than a light load to gain this benefit.

技能An order of the songbird samurai adds Knowledge(religion)(Int) and Perform(Cha) to her list of class skills. The samurai adds half her level to Craft checks and Profession(gardener) checks.

騎士団能力A samurai belonging to the order of the songbird gains the following abilities.

Versatile Performance(変則)/Versatile Performance:At 2nd level, the order of the songbird samurai gains the benefits of the bard’s versatile performance ability with one Perform skill.

Poetic Inspiration(変則)/Poetic Inspiration:At 8th level, an order of the songbird samurai can speak a few words as a swift action, inspiring allies to great deeds. Allies within 30 feet who can hear the samurai gain a competence bonus equal to her Charisma modifier on attack and weapon damage rolls for 1 round. This ability can be used once per combat.

Beautiful Strike(超常)/Beautiful Strike:At 15th level, once per day when the order of the songbird samurai confirms a critical hit against the target of her challenge, she can declare it a beautiful strike without spending an action. The damage dealt by the attack becomes nonlethal damage, and the target must succeed at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + half the samurai’s class level + her Charisma modifier) or be charmed as per charm monster(caster level equals the samurai’s class level).

Order of the Staff Order of the Staff

出典 Knights of the Inner Sea 24ページ

Cavaliers belonging to the order of the staff dedicate their lives to guarding and assisting spellcasters, especially wizards and druids, and to overcoming those who seek to destroy items and locations of magical import.

布告The cavalier cannot refuse a spellcaster’s request for aid unless it will interfere with his existing duties, or he believes the spellcaster seeks to directly oppose the cavalier’s aims and goals.

挑戦Whenever an order of the staff cavalier issues a challenge, his target takes a –1 penalty on saving throws against spells and spell-like abilities for 1 round after the cavalier successfully damages the target. This penalty increases by 1 for every four levels the cavalier possesses.

技能An order of the staff cavalier adds Knowledge(arcana)(Int) and Knowledge(nature)(Int) to his list of class skills. He may use Knowledge(arcana) to identify spells being cast by arcane spellcasters as if he were using Spellcraft, and may do the same with Knowledge(nature) for divine spellcasters. If the cavalier readies an action to strike a creature when it casts a spell, and identifies the spell to be cast with the appropriate Knowledge check, he gains a +1 bonus on the attack roll.

騎士団能力A cavalier who belongs to the order of the staff gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Spell Aid(変則)/Spell Aid:At 2nd level, whenever the cavalier uses the aid another action to assist one of his allies, the ally receives a +2 competence bonus on the next concentration check, dispel check, or caster level check she makes(whichever comes first). At 8th level and every six levels thereafter, this bonus increases by an additional +1.

Arcane Vessel(変則)/Arcane Vessel:At 8th level, whenever the cavalier gains a bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, or damage rolls from a spell or spell-like ability cast by another creature, the cavalier also gains a number of temporary hit points equal to the level of the spell or spell-like ability. Temporary hit points gained from this ability from different spells stack, but only to a maximum number of temporary hit points equal to the cavalier’s level. These temporary hit points last for 10 minutes.

Synchronized Smash(変則)/Synchronized Smash:At 15th level, the cavalier can utilize the power of his spellcasting allies to make devastating attacks against the allies’ targets. If the cavalier is adjacent to an enemy affected by a targeted or area spell or spell-like ability cast by one of the cavalier’s allies, he can make an immediate attack of opportunity against the affected creature. If the cavalier is also affected by the spell(such as by being caught in the area of the same fireball spell), during the rest of that round he automatically confirms any critical hits made against the affected creature while using this ability.

Order of the Waves Order of the Waves

出典 Aquatic Adventures 53ページ
The order of the waves cavalier order's edict does not require constant underwater adventuring; the cavalier may still freely participate in adventures that do not take place underwater.

Cavaliers of the order of the waves explore the secrets under the sea.

布告The cavalier must perpetually seek out and explore new places and secrets under the sea, stopping only to fight to protect his newfound treasures and his people from undersea threats(typically evil undersea races like sahuagin, but alternatively goodly or neutral enemy races for cavaliers from evil races).

挑戦Whenever a cavalier of the order of the waves issues a challenge, he receives a +1 morale bonus on his saving throws as long as he is underwater. This bonus increases by 1 for every 4 class levels the cavalier has.

技能A cavalier belonging to the order of the waves adds Knowledge(geography) and Perception to his class skills. He can attempt Knowledge(geography) checks untrained, but if he has ranks in the skill, he adds half his cavalier level(minimum 1) to all Knowledge(geography) checks that involve finding an underwater location.

騎士団能力A cavalier belonging to this order gains the following abilities as he increases in level.

Waverider(変則)/Waverider:At 2nd level, the cavalier gains a swim speed equal to his unmodified base land speed. If he already has a swim speed, his swim speed increases by 10 feet, and if he and his mount both have a swim speed, the mount’s swim speed also increases by 10 feet. He gains a +1 morale bonus on damage rolls when underwater.

Current’s Rush(変則)/Current’s Rush:At 8th level, the cavalier gains a +2 bonus on attack rolls when charging in the same direction as a current that’s currently pushing him, as well as a +1 bonus on damage rolls for every 10 feet of the current’s speed(maximum +6 points of damage).

Explore the Seas(変則)/Explore the Seas:At 15th level, the cavalier gains Pressure Adept as a bonus feat and adds two oceanic zones to his native range instead of one. When exploring a new location underwater, he gains a +2 morale bonus on initiative checks and Perception checks, and can always act in the surprise round.

Order of the Vengeance Order of the Vengeance

出典 People of the River 10ページ

Often affiliated with the church of Calistria, those ex- Galtan cavaliers who subscribe to the order of vengeance seek not only to reclaim their rightful homeland, but to punish those who betrayed them.

布告The cavalier must seek retaliation(legal or otherwise) for any unjustified harm to her person or property. She may not forgive even the slightest insult.

挑戦Whenever a cavalier of the order of vengeance issues a challenge against a creature whose kind she has encountered in the past 24 hours, the cavalier gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls made against the target of her challenge. This bonus increases by +1 for every 4 levels the cavalier possesses.

技能A cavalier of the order of vengeance adds Knowledge(local) and Knowledge(nobility) to her list of class skills. Whenever the cavalier uses Diplomacy to gather information, she receives a bonus on the check equal to 1/2 her cavalier level(minimum +1).

騎士団能力A cavalier that belongs to the order of vengeance gains the following abilities as she increases in level.

Air Grievances(変則)/Air Grievances:At 2nd level, when the cavalier attempts to demoralize an opponent using Intimidate, the cavalier gains a bonus on her Intimidate check equal to 1/2 her cavalier level. At 8th level and every 6 levels thereafter, the penalties a cavalier’s target takes for being demoralized increase by 1.

Eye for an Eye(変則)/Eye for an Eye:At 8th level, the cavalier gains Critical Focus as a bonus feat. The cavalier can grant a critical feat(in place of a teamwork feat) to her allies using the tactician ability.

Retribution(変則)/Retribution:At 15th level, the cavalier gains retribution, as the order of the star ability of the same name.

キャヴァリアーのアー‌キ‌タ‌イ‌プ‌ Cavalier ‌Archetypes‌ ‌

‌Castellan‌ ‌Castellan‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Melee Tactics Toolbox 9ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

A castellan is a cavalier who dedicates himself to the defense of a castle or walled city. Though not as celebrated as the cavaliers who ride forth to take on distant foes, the castellan is no less brave or important, for the castellan and his allies are the last line of defense for those who depend on the fortification for protection.

Castle Defender/Castle Defender:At 1st level, a castellan gains a +1 bonus to Armor Class and an additional +1 bonus on attack rolls when he is on higher ground. He also gains an additional +1 bonus to Armor Class and on Reflex saves when he has cover other than soft cover from other creatures. At 6th level, a castellan gains evasion(as a rogue) when he has cover(but not soft cover) against the source of the attack. At 11th level, these bonuses increase by 1. At 16th level, he gains improved evasion instead of evasion. Both the evasion and improved evasion abilities work even when the castellan wears medium or heavy armor. This ability replaces mount.

Castle Lore/Castle Lore:At 3rd level, the castellan gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge(engineering), Knowledge(local), Knowledge(nobility), Perception, and Stealth checks when he is in urban terrain, including fortifications. A castellan in an urban environment can always act in a surprise round, though he remains flat-footed until he acts. At 8th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the castellan’s bonuses on skill and initiative checks increase by 2. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Guard Companion/Guard Companion:At 4th level, the castellan forms a bond with an animal companion that serves as a guard. While most castellans select birds or canines, the castellan can choose any animal companions available to rangers. This ability functions like the druid nature bond ability, except that the castellan’s effective druid level is equal to his cavalier level – 3 and his animal companion doesn’t gain the share spells special ability. This ability replaces expert trainer.

Mighty Defense/Mighty Defense:At 11th level, when the castellan readies an action to make a melee attack against a creature that is not yet adjacent to him, he doubles the threat range of any melee weapons wielded during the attack. This increase doesn’t stack with other effects that increase the threat range of his weapons. In addition, the cavalier can attempt a free dirty trick, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver if his readied attack is successful. This free combat maneuver doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. This ability replaces mighty charge.

Defending Challenge/Defending Challenge:At 12th level, the castellan takes no penalty to Armor Class when using his challenge ability. This ability replaces demanding challenge.

Supreme Defense/Supreme Defense:At 20th level, whenever the castellan readies an action to make a melee attack against a creature that is not yet adjacent to him, his readied attack deals double the normal amount of damage(or triple the damage if using a brace weapon against a charge). In addition, if the cavalier confirms a critical hit on the readied attack, the target is stunned for 1d4 rounds. A successful Will save(難易度 = 10 + the cavalier’s class level + the cavalier’s Strength modifier) reduces this to being staggered for 1d4 rounds. This ability replaces supreme charge.

突撃者Charger‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Inner Sea Monster Codex 5ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

突撃者ほどケンタウロスの壊滅的な武を象徴する士はいない。 この生来のキャヴァリアーは、そのの中で最も迅速で最も強なものとして生まれ、比類のない戦闘の偉業を達成することができる。突撃者は紛争の真っ只中に真っ向から突入し、敵に素早く接近して攻撃し、彼らのランスに向ける。




生来の乗機(変則)/Natural Mount:突撃者は、特技前提条件を満たす的のみで、《騎乗戦闘》特技を持っているとみなされ、前提条件としてを持つ特技を取得するときに〈騎乗〉技能前提条件の代わりに〈軽業〉技能を使用する。自身の姿のために、突撃者は議定しているかのように片ランスを用いることができ、突撃中にランスで2倍のダメージを与える。突撃者は他のクリーチャーが乗っている場合、《騎乗戦闘》特技の利益(または《曲乗り》などの他の同様の特技効果)を受けることはできない。この能乗騎と置き換える。

雷鳴の如きの(変則)/Thundering Hooves:3レベル点で、突撃者攻撃は追加の1d6ポイントのダメージを与え、クリティカル可能域は19〜20に増加する。この効果は、武器のクリティカル可能域を拡大する他の効果とは累積しない。突撃を行う突撃者自身攻撃ロールに-5のペナルティを受け、目標に対して追加の攻撃を行うことができる。この能キャヴァリアーの突撃と置き換える。


騎乗追撃(変則)/Ride Down:11レベルの点で、突撃者フリー・アクションとして突撃の経路内の任意の目標を蹴散らすことができる。蹴散らし戦技判定に成功するたび、突撃者自動的に蹴散らし目標攻撃と同じ量のダメージを与え、突撃を続行できる。突撃中に蹴散らしの試みが失敗した場合、突撃者進行戦技が失敗した目標の真正面のマスで終了する。この蹴散らしの試みは、機会攻撃を誘発しない。突撃の経路内の全ての目標に対して突撃者蹴散らし戦技判定累積する-2のペナルティを受ける。この能力強き突撃と置き換える。

Circuit Judge ‌Circuit Judge‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Path of the Hellknight 32ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

A circuit judge claims a specific region, becoming an expert in the local laws and, perhaps, becoming a fearsome executioner.

Circuit(変則)/Circuit:At 1st level, a circuit judge chooses a single community. While in that community or within 25 miles of it, she adds half her cavalier level(minimum 1) on Intimidate, Knowledge(local), and Sense Motive skill checks(as well as any other law-related skill checks, at the GM’s discretion). Whenever she advances in level, the range within which she gains this bonus expands by another 25 miles—50 miles at 2nd level, 75 miles at 3rd level, and so forth. This bonus on Intimidate checks increases by 2 when she enters a community within this area that she hasn’t visited for 1 week or more.

At 9th level and 17th level, the circuit judge can select another community within the range in which she gains this ability’s bonus. She can measure from that community(as well as previous communities) to determine whether she gains this ability’s bonus on the relevant skill checks.

This ability replaces tactician, greater tactician, and master tactician.

Sentence(変則)/Sentence:Once per day as a swift action, the circuit judge can choose one target within sight to sentence. The circuit judge gains the potential for a variety of bonuses related to that target. The circuit judge chooses the form of these benefits from the following list of inquisitor judgments:destruction, justice, protection, purity, or smiting.

The benefits of these judgments apply only to the circuit judge and the target—the protection judgment’s bonus to Armor Class, for example, applies only to attacks made by the sentenced target(not any creature who attacks the circuit judge while the judgment is active). Treat the circuit judge’s level as her inquisitor level for the purposes of determining how these judgments increase in power. The circuit judge can use this ability twice per day at 1st level, plus two additional times per day for every 3 cavalier levels beyond 1st, to a maximum of 14 times per day at 19th level. She can switch her sentence as a swift action, but doing so expends an additional daily use of this ability.

Sentencing a foe requires much of the circuit judge’s concentration. The circuit judge takes a –2 penalty to her Armor Class, except against attacks made by the target of her sentence.

The sentence remains in effect either until the target is dead or unconscious or until the combat ends. Sentences are considered challenges for the purposes of the effects listed in the challenge section describing the cavalier’s order.

This ability replaces challenge.

Double Jeopardy(変則)/Double Jeopardy:At 12th level, whenever a circuit judge sentences a foe, she can gain the benefits of two inquisitor judgments against the foe instead of one. Using this ability does not expend a daily use of sentence.

This ability replaces demanding challenge.

Constable ‌Constable‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Heroes of the Streets 17ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Constables keep order in the narrow streets and dark alleys of settlements.

クラス技能Perception is a class skill for constables. This alters the cavalier’s class skills.

Apprehend(変則)/Apprehend:A constable gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat and can attempt a grapple combat maneuver check in place of the attack at the end of a charge. At 2nd level, the constable receives a +1 bonus on Perception checks and combat maneuver checks to disarm, grapple, or trip opponents. At 7th level and every 5 levels thereafter, this bonus improves by 1. At 4th level, the constable does not treat crowds as difficult terrain. This ability replaces mount.

Squad Commander(変則)/Squad Commander:At 3rd level, a constable can spend 1 minute laying out a plan to activate the tactician ability without having it count against his number of uses per day. The ability must be triggered within 1 hour of the plan being made, and the benefits last for 1 minute per cavalier level he has. The constable can have only one plan at a time, and if a new plan is made, any old plan is lost. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Quick Interrogator(変則)/Quick Interrogator:At 4th level, a constable can attempt a Diplomacy check to gather information in 1d6 × 5 minutes and attempt a Diplomacy or Intimidate check to change someone’s attitude in 5 rounds. This ability replaces expert trainer.

Badge(変則)/Badge:At 5th level, a constable’s badge becomes a powerful symbol of rules and authority. As long as he wears his badge, allies within 30 feet who can see him gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm, compulsion, and fear effects and a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls against targets the constable has challenged. At 10th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the bonuses increase by 1. This ability replaces banner.

Instant Order(変則)/Instant Order:At 11th level, a constable can bark an order to an ally within 30 feet as a standard action. That ally can instantly take a single move or standard action to comply with the order. Taking the action dazes the ally for 1 round afterward. At 20th level, the constable can use this ability as a move action, but no more than once per round. This ability replaces mighty charge and supreme charge.

Greater Badge(変則)/Greater Badge:At 14th level, a constable can hold his badge aloft as a standard action to inspire his allies to be steadfast. All allies within 30 feet gain a number of temporary hit points equal to twice the constable’s cavalier level for 10 minutes. A given ally can benefit from this ability only once per day. This ability replaces greater banner.

Disciple of the Pike ‌Disciple of the Pike‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Monster Hunter's Handbook 13ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌
The disciple of the pike does not qualify for Advanced Weapon Training options.

The Hellknight Order of the Pike are renowned monster hunters, taking on large game using ancient weapon arts combined with modern equipment.

Bigger They Are(変則)/Bigger They Are:A disciple of the pike gains a +1 dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス against creatures larger than he is. This bonus increases by 1 if the creature is two size categories larger. At 6th level, the bonus increases to +3 against a creature three size categories larger, and at 12th level, the bonus increases to +4 against creatures four size categories larger.

This ability replaces mount.

Pike Charge(変則)/Pike Charge:At 3rd level, a disciple of the pike learns to make more accurate charge attacks with weapons from the polearms or spears fighter weapon group. He receives a +4 bonus on melee attacks when charging with a polearm or spear(instead of the normal +2). In addition, the disciple of the pike takes no penalty to his アーマー・クラス after making a charge attack with a polearm or spear.

This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Monster Hunter(変則)/Monster Hunter:At 4th level, a disciple of the pike has an uncanny ability to identify monsters. He can attempt Knowledge checks untrained to identify monsters and their weaknesses, and gains a bonus equal to half of his cavalier level on Knowledge checks to identify monsters.

This ability replaces expert trainer.

Weapon Training(変則)/Weapon TrainingAt 5th level, a disciple of the pike gains weapon training, just like a fighter. He must select polearms or spears as his weapon group, and never gains another weapon group. His bonuses with the selected group otherwise progress as though his fighter level were equal to his cavalier level.

This ability replaces banner and greater banner.

Agile Charger(変則)/Agile Charger:At 11th level, a disciple of the pike takes no penalties caused by difficult terrain while charging. His movement is still hampered by obstacles, poor visibility, and other conditions. This ability doesn’t allow him to move through impassible terrain.

This ability replaces mighty charge.

Deadly Charge(変則)/Deadly Charge:At 20th level, whenever a disciple of the pike makes a charge attack with a polearm or spear, he deals double the normal amount of damage. In addition, if he confirms a critical hit on a deadly charge, the target is stunned for 1d4 rounds. If the target succeeds at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + the cavalier’s base attack bonus), it is instead staggered for 1d4 rounds.

This ability replaces supreme charge.

#ref error:ご指定のファイルが見つかりません。ファイル名を確認して、再度指定してください。(or the order of the dragon)Drakerider ‌Drakerider‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Legacy of Dragons 24ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

While many cavaliers dream of riding a dragon into battle, drakeriders come to learn that the reality involves far more effort than they had expected. Unlike other cavaliers, drakeriders must train their mounts from hatchlings, fighting and toiling alongside their drakes for years through countless struggles before the proud dragons are willing to accept them as riders. Some residents of Triaxus, envious of the close connection between dragonriders and dragons, attempt to emulate this relationship by raising drake hatchlings. These efforts aren’t always successful, sometimes leaving the would-be drakeriders dead or maimed.

Drake Mount/Drake Mount:A drakerider gains a drake companion instead of a mount. She gains cavalier’s charge at 9th level instead of 3rd.

This ability replaces mount, tactician, expert trainer, banner, greater tactician, greater banner, and master tactician and alters cavalier’s charge.

Approved Order/Approved Order:A drakerider can join only an order approved by its mount. Suitable orders include order of the beast(ISC), order of the cockatrice, and order of the dragon, as well as other fitting orders at the GM’s discretion.

Esquire ‌Esquire‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Cohorts and Companions 30ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

The esquire is a roving knight who acquires the services of a faithful follower—an aide-de-camp—who serves as the esquire’s assistant, spear carrier, and guard.

Aide-De-Camp(変則)/Aide-De-Camp:At 3rd level, an esquire acquires the services of a loyal aide-de-camp. This NPC functions similarly to a cohort, though the aide-de-camp must advance in a class that grants proficiency with all martial weapons and cannot multiclass until the esquire reaches 7th level(though the aide-de-camp can select an archetype). If the aide-de-camp is a cavalier, he must follow the same order as the esquire.

The aide-de-camp gains Swift Aid as a bonus feat, and provides a +2(rather than +1) bonus when using this feat to aid the esquire. As a move action, the aide-de-camp can retrieve a stored item or an item on the ground and hand it to the esquire. The esquire does not have to take an action to receive the item, though he must be conscious and have a free hand. This action does not provoke attacks of opportunity for the aide-de-camp or esquire.

If the aide-de-camp dies performing an act that directly supports the edicts of the esquire’s order(GM’s discretion), the esquire does not take a penalty to his Leadership score. If an aide-de-camp dies, or is released from the esquire’s service, the esquire may gain a new aide-de-camp by scouting for potential candidates in a city or large town. This requires 1 day per 5 levels of the aide-de-camp to be recruited. This ability replaces mount.

Teamwork(変則)/Teamwork:At 3rd level, as long as an esquire and his aide-de-camp are adjacent, the aide-de-camp is treated as having any teamwork feats the esquire has. They also share any teamwork feats that function when two or more allies threaten the same target, as long as they both threaten the same target. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Shared Challenge(変則)/Shared Challenge:At 4th level, whenever an esquire challenges an opponent when his aide-de-camp is within 30 feet, he may grant his aide-de-camp bonuses equal to one-half of the bonuses he gains from challenge, including bonuses derived from the cavalier’s order. If the aide-de-camp is also a cavalier and challenges the same target, these bonuses do not stack. Like the esquire, his aide-decamp takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class against attacks from creatures other than the challenged opponent. This ability replaces expert trainer.

Banner(変則)/Banner:An aide-de-camp can carry an esquire’s banner for him and still grant allies within range the banner’s bonuses. While doing so the aide-de-camp gains double the normal morale bonuses provided by the banner. This ability modifies banner.

Avenge Me(変則)/Avenge Me:At 11th level, whenever the esquire is killed, dying, stunned, dazed, or otherwise unable to take actions, his aide-de-camp gains the full benefits of the esquire’s challenge and order abilities against all creatures that attacked the esquire in the previous round. If the aidede- camp is also a cavalier and challenges the same target, these bonuses do not stack. These benefits last until the esquire regains the ability to take actions, or until the aide-de-camp or the triggering opponents are killed.

If his aide-de-camp is killed, dying, or otherwise unable to take actions the esquire may declare one creature of his choice that attacked the aide-de-camp in the past round as his quarry; this functions identically to the ranger class ability. These bonuses last until the aide-de-camp recovers or until the cavalier or the triggering opponents are killed. This ability replaces mighty charge.

Fight As One(変則)/Fight As One:At 20th level, the shared challenge ability increases in power, granting the aide-de-camp full benefit of the esquire’s challenge. In addition, if the esquire and aide-de-camp both confirm a critical hit against the same target within the same round, the target must make a Fortitude save(難易度 10 +1/2 the esquire’s cavalier level + the esquire’s Charisma bonus) or be staggered for 1d4 rounds. This ability replaces supreme charge.

First Mother's Fang ‌First Mother's Fang‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Blood of the Beast 17ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Nagajor legend states that when Nalinivati created the first nagaji, she chose a paragon of their kind to instruct in the use of exotic weapons, lore, and words so the creature could best serve her as a bodyguard and emissary:the original first mother’s fang. Whether or not these paragons descend from a single nagaji, first mother’s fangs of Nagajor have expanded their numbers over the generations, and they no longer speak with the full authority of the First Mother. In modern times, a first mother’s fang acts as a servant of his nation, a skilled general and tactician in times of war and a noble governor during times of peace.

クラス技能A first mother’s fang adds all Knowledge skills to his list of class skills.

This alters the cavalier’s class skills.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:A first mother’s fang is proficient with all simple and martial weapons. Additionally, a first mother’s fang is proficient in one exotic melee weapon of his choice and one exotic ranged weapon of his choice.

This alters the cavalier’s weapon proficiencies.

Serpent Mount(変則)/Serpent Mount:Instead of the usual choices for a cavalier’s mount, first mother’s fangs ride on giant riding constrictors. These use the statistics of the constrictor snake druid animal companion, except that they are suitable mounts and begin as size Large at 1st level with no other adjustments to their abilities or statistics based on this size change. A serpent mount is considered to be a quadruped for the purpose of determining its carrying capacity, and its base land speed is 40 feet(other speeds are unaffected). At 4th level, a giant riding constrictor doesn’t increase in size again, but it does receive all the other usual 4th-level benefits.

This alters mount.

Honored Warrior(変則)/Honored Warrior:A first mother’s fang is expected to act as a military leader in wartime and a governor in peace time, and as a result, he must be versed both in the martial and political arts. At 1st level, he gains Combat Expertise as a bonus feat, and if his Intelligence score is less than 13, it counts as 13 for the sole purpose of meeting the prerequisites of combat feats that require Combat Expertise as a prerequisite.

At 2nd, 8th, and 15th levels, the first mother’s fang gains a vigilante social talent and a bonus combat feat. When selecting his vigilante social talent, a first mother’s fang can select celebrity discount, celebrity perks, great renown, incredible renown, instant recognition, loyal aid, renown, social grace, or triumphant return. He treats his cavalier level as his effective vigilante level when determining whether he meets a talent’s prerequisites, as well as its effects. He gains the improved attitude and Intimidate bonuses from renown as if he were in both social and vigilante identities. When selecting skills with social grace, he must choose from the following list:Appraise, Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge(geography, history, local, or nobility), Perform, Profession(soldier), or Sense Motive. He is always considered to be in his social identity for the purpose of social grace(though he continues to receive the benef its for both identities from renown). When selecting his bonus combat feat, he can choose from only combat feats that list Combat Expertise as a prerequisite.

This ability replaces order.

Gallant ‌Gallant‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Heroes of the High Court 12ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

Gallants embody the virtues of honor, generosity, and civility. Their personal symbol serves as an inspiration to others in a courtly setting as much as on a battlefield.

Code of Gallantry/Code of Gallantry:A gallant must belong to either the order of the blue rose, the order of the guard, the order of the lion, or the order of the sword. A gallant must also be of lawful good or neutral good alignment. A gallant who ceases to be lawful good or neutral good, or who violates his order’s edicts, loses all class features except armor and weapon proficiencies until he restores his alignment or atones for his violation(see the atonement spell), as appropriate.

This alters the cavalier’s order.

Symbol of Inspiration(変則)/Symbol of Inspiration:At 5th level, the gallant’s personal crest becomes an inspirational symbol of his chivalrous ideals. As long as he displays his crest on his tabard, banner, or similar item, allies within 60 feet who can see him gain a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against charm, compulsion, and fear effects, and a +2 bonus on damage rolls to deal nonlethal damage. At 10th level and every 5 cavalier levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1.

This ability replaces banner.

Symbol of Resilience(超常)/Symbol of Resilience:At 14th level, the gallant’s personal crest empowers his allies to stand firm against evil. While his personal crest is displayed, the gallant can bolster his allies’ resilience as a standard action. All allies within 60 feet of the gallant gain ダメージ減少 5/evil for 1 minute. An ally cannot benefit from this ability more than once per day.

This ability replaces greater banner.

Herald Squire ‌Herald Squire‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Knights of the Inner Sea 21ペー‌ジ‌‌ ‌

The herald squire is the eyes and ears of a traveling knight, often arriving ahead of her liege to bring word of his arrival, find lodgings, and get the lay of the land.

Introduction(変則)/Introduction:At 1st level, whenever a herald squire tries to influence a creature’s attitude with the Diplomacy skill for the first time, she may roll her Diplomacy check twice and take the best result. In addition, any improvement of a creature’s attitude toward the herald squire also applies to her knight. This ability replaces tactician.

Fleet of Foot(変則)/Fleet of Foot:At 2nd level, a herald squire gains fast movement, as the barbarian class feature of the same name. If the herald squire gains fast movement from another class, the bonuses to her speed do not stack. Whenever she makes long overland journeys alone or with only her mount, the distance a herald squire can travel each day increases by 20%. This ability replaces the 2nd-level order ability.

Transcend Language(擬呪)/Transcend Language:At 3rd level, three times per day, a herald squire can cast tongues on herself, using her herald squire level as her caster level. The effects of this ability last for a number of rounds equal to her herald squire level. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Hooded Knight ‌Hooded Knight

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Legacy of the First World 26ペー‌ジ‌

Some cavaliers wander the lonely roads of the world—any world, including the First World—protecting travelers and acting as their honor guard. Like the Eldest they usually venerate, they wear heavy hoods and rarely show their faces. Hooded knights are usually members of the order of the blossom(see page 27), the order of the shield, or the order of the sword.

クラス技能A hooded knight gains Knowledge(geography) and Survival as class skills instead of Climb and Swim.

This alters the cavalier’s class skills.

Feytouched Mount/Feytouched Mount:A hooded knight’s mount has the feytouched simple template(see page 10) when he is riding it, but it cannot use its change shape ability while being ridden.

This ability alters the cavalier’s mount.

Hero of the Roads(変則)/Hero of the Roads:When on a road, a hooded knight gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks and Knowledge(geography), Perception, Stealth, and Survival checks. These bonuses increase by 2 at 9th and 17th level. The speed of any mount a hooded knight rides is increased by 10 feet at 9th level and by an additional 10 feet at 17th level. By spending 1 minute coaxing his allies’ mounts and expending one use of his challenge ability, a hooded knight can grant the same speed increase to the mounts ridden by all allies within 30 feet who can see and hear him. This speed increase to his allies’ mounts lasts for 1 hour.

A hooded knight and his mount can hustle while traveling on a road without taking damage for 2 hours each day, plus an additional 2 hours at 5th level and every 5 levels thereafter(to a maximum of 8 hours at 15th level).

This ability replaces tactician.

Champion of the Roads(擬呪)/Champion of the Roads:At 9th level, a hooded knight gains dimension door as a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to his cavalier level. If the hooded knight is riding a mount, his mount does not count against the number of creatures he brings along with this ability. If the destination is not a road, the hooded knight is shunted to the nearest open space on a road, taking damage as described in the dimension door spell. The cavalier can use this ability once per day, plus one additional time for every 4 levels beyond 9th, to a maximum of three times per day at 17th level.

This ability replaces greater tactician.

Paragon of the Roads(擬呪)/Paragon of the Roads:At 17th level, when a hooded knight uses his champion of the roads ability, he can treat the ability as greater teleport rather than dimension door. The hooded knight’s mount and the mounts ridden by any creatures he brings along do not count against the number of teleported creatures.

This ability replaces master tactician.

Huntmaster ‌Huntmaster‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Animal Archive 6ペー‌ジ‌

Huntmasters train the beasts favored by lordly castes into swift and deadly trackers.

クラス技能A huntmaster gains Knowledge(nature), Stealth, and Survival as class skills.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:A huntmaster is not proficient with heavy armor. Huntmasters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, plus the net and whip.

Bestial Challenge(変則)/Bestial Challenge:Whenever a huntmaster issues a challenge, both he and his hunting pack gain the bonuses and penalties associated with his challenge. This modifies the challenge ability.

Hunting Pack(変則)/Hunting Pack:At 1st level, a huntmaster forms a close bond with an animal companion. This animal companion functions as a druid’s animal companion, using the cavalier’s level as his effective druid level. He can choose either a bird or a dog when selecting his animal companion.

The huntmaster can have more than one animal companion, but he must divide up his effective druid level between his companions to determine the abilities of each companion. Each time a huntmaster’s effective druid level increases, he must decide how to allocate the increase among his animal companions(including the option of adding a new 1st-level companion). Once an effective druid level is allocated to a particular companion, it cannot be redistributed while that companion is in the huntmaster’s service(he must release a companion or wait until a companion dies to allocate its levels to another companion). The share spells animal companion ability does not give the huntmaster the ability to cast a single spell so that it affects all of his animal companions.

A huntmaster’s animal companions gain a bonus on Survival checks to follow tracks equal to 1/2 the cavalier’s class level(minimum 1). This ability replaces mount.

Tactician(変則)/Tactician:A huntmaster’s tactician ability affects only his hunting pack, not other allies. This modifies the tactician, greater tactician, and master tactician abilities.

Takedown(変則)/Takedown:At 3rd level, a huntmaster’s dog can make a free trip or dirty trick(entangled) combat maneuver after a successful melee attack. A huntmaster’s bird can make a free dirty trick(dazzled or deafened) combat maneuver after a successful melee attack; if the target is already dazzled, the bird can choose dirty trick(blinded) instead. These combat maneuvers do not provoke attacks of opportunity. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Animal Trainer(変則)/Animal Trainer:At 4th level, a huntmaster’s expert trainer ability applies to birds and dogs rather than mounts. This modifies the expert trainer ability.

Swift Tracker(変則)/Swift Tracker:At 5th level, a huntmaster gains the swift tracker ability, as the ranger ability of the same name. This ability replaces banner.

ボーナス特技At 6th level, a huntmaster and all members of his hunting pack gain Step Up as a bonus feat. At 12th level, they gain Following Step and at 18th level, they gain Step Up and Strike. This ability replaces a cavalier’s standard bonus feats.

Pack Attack(変則)/Pack Attack:At 11th level, whenever a huntmaster and any of his hunting pack or multiple animals in his hunting pack are adjacent and attack the same target in melee, they are treated as flanking. In addition, they can flank a creature with improved uncanny dodge if the huntmaster has at least 4 more levels than the target. This ability replaces mighty charge.

Quarry(変則)/Quarry:At 14th level, a huntmaster gains quarry, as the ranger ability of the same name. The benefits of this ability also apply to his hunting pack. This ability replaces greater banner.

Improved Quarry(変則)/Improved Quarry:At 20th level, a huntmaster gains improved quarry, as the ranger ability of the same name. The benefits of this ability also apply to his hunting pack. This ability replaces supreme charge.

アルニサントの騎士Knight of Arnisant

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Armor Master's Handbook 5ペー‌ジ‌


の専化/Shield Expertise:1レベル点で、アルニサントの騎士ボーナス特技としてShield Focus特技を得る。キャヴァリアーレベルはShield Focus特技前提条件としてリストしているすべての特技の資格の的でファイターレベルとみなされる。


反発(変則) Shield:4レベル点で、アルニサントの騎士攻撃をそらすためにたtwを使用することを専にする。アーマー・クラスへの盾ボーナスに等しいボーナスアーマー・クラス戦技防御値加える・これは最大でキャヴァリアーレベルの半分までである。この計算には魔法から得た強化ボーナスは含まない。


紋章の旗印(変則)/Heraldic Banner:5レベル点で、アルニサントの騎士旗印として使用するが、利益は30フィート以内の味方にのみ適用される。


魂の(超常)/Soul Shield:9レベル点で、アルニサントの騎士を持っている、[呪い]の呪文効果に対するすべてのセーヴィング・スローに、最大でキャヴァリアーレベルの半分までの、アーマー・クラスへの盾ボーナスに等しいボーナスを加える。この計算には魔法から得た強化ボーナスは含まない。


防衛的な挑戦(変則)Defensive Challenge:12レベルの点で、アルニサントの騎士挑戦を宣言する目標はアルニサントの騎士に特に注意を払わなければならない。目標キャヴァリアー機会攻撃間合い内にいる限り、アルニサントの騎士以外に対する攻撃ロールに-2のペナルティを受ける。


心の(超常)/Heart Shield:17レベルの点で、アルニサントの騎士を持っている、[即呪文と魔法[即死]効果に対するすべてのセーヴィング・スローに、最大でキャヴァリアーレベルの半分までの、アーマー・クラスへの盾ボーナスに等しいボーナスを加える。この計算には魔法から得た強化ボーナスは含まない。


海洋乗り ‌Oceanrider‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Aquatic Adventures 53ペー‌ジ‌



. これは鎧への習熟を変更する。

水棲の乗機/Aquatic Mount:中型海洋乗りは通常の選択肢の代わりにシーホースまたはオルカ(ほとんどのオルカとは異なり、これは大型サイズから開始し、7レベルまでの他の7レベルはない)のいずれかに騎乗することができる一方で、小型海洋乗りはドルフィンに騎乗することができる。


クァバラットの先駆 ‌Qabarat Outrider

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌People of the Stars 11ペー‌ジ‌



《攻防一体》/Combat Expertise:1レベル点で、クァバラットの先駆は、前提条件を満たしていなくても、ボーナス特技として《攻防一体》を得る。

戦技戦術(変則)/Maneuver Tactics:1レベル点で、クァバラットの先駆は、ボーナス特技として戦技強化特技《フェイント強化》など)を得る。この特技前提条件は満たしていなければならない。標準アクションとして、クァバラットの先駆は、見るか聞くことができるか、または特技前提条件を満たしているかどうかに関係なく、30フィート以内のすべての味方にこの特技を与えることができる。味方はこのボーナス特技を3ラウンド+2クァバラットの先駆レベル毎に1ラウンドの間、保持する。クァバラットの先駆は、この能1レベルで1日1回、以降5レベル毎に追加で1回しようできる。





マインドリンクのパルス(超常)/Mindlink Pulse:14レベルの点で、クァバラットの先駆は標準アクションとして、自身の制限付きテレパシー距離内で、味方の精神を通して精神的エネルギーのパルスを送ることができる。不意討ちラウンド内にそうする場合、通常不意討ちラウンドで行動することが出来ないすべての味方が行動することができる味方が不意討ちラウンドで行動する能を拒否される場合、その味方のイニシアチブは、その味方のイニシアチブ・ロールまたはクァバラットの先駆のイニシアチブ-1のいずれか低い方に等しい。


Spellscar Drifter ‌Spellscar Drifter‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Inner Sea Combat 45ペー‌ジ‌

The Spellscar Desert is a dangerous wasteland into which few venture without a guide. Spellscar drifters have made themselves at home in these badlands. When not scouring the desert for forgotten treasures or magic hidden by the region’s shifting magic-dead zones, a Spellscar drifter might hire himself out as a guide, bodyguard, or assassin. There are even a few Spellscar drifters who are temporarily deputized by the Grand Duchy of Alkenstar to perform law enforcement tasks beyond the reach of the city’s normal constabulary. Spellscar drifters are self-reliant and always keep their firearms loaded—in the Spellscar Desert, a rider with a slow draw doesn’t live long.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:Spellscar drifters are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, the whip, and with all firearms. They are proficient with all light armor. This replaces the cavalier’s normal weapon and armor proficiencies.

Have Gun/Have Gun:At 1st level, the Spellscar drifter gains Amateur Gunslinger and Gunsmithing as bonus feats. The Spellscar drifter uses his Charisma modifier(minimum 1) in place of his Wisdom modifier when determining his maximum grit points and for any other abilities which use grit. Additionally, he also gains a battered gun identical to the one gained by the gunslinger. This ability replaces tactician.

Daring Deeds(変則)/Daring Deeds:At 3rd level, a Spellscar drifter gains Rapid Reload as a bonus feat. The Spellscar drifter must choose a firearm to associate with this feat. Additionally, the Spellscar drifter can select one additional 1st-level gunslinger deed which he can use with his Amateur Gunslinger feat. This ability replaces cavalier’s charge.

Worn Banner(変則)/Worn Banner:At 5th level, a Spellscar drifter can choose to use his hat as his banner. If the drifter does not wear a hat, another iconic accessory—such as an eyemask, bandana, or distinguishing coat—can instead serve as his banner. In all other ways, this ability functions as and replaces the banner cavalier ability.

ボーナス特技At 6th level, and at every 6 levels thereafter, a Spellscar drifter gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. These bonus feats must be either combat or grit feats, and the Spellscar drifter must meet the prerequisites as normal. This replaces the cavalier’s normal bonus feats.

Notorious Deeds(変則)/Notorious Deeds:At 9th level, a Spellscar drifter can select two additional gunslinger deeds which he can use with his Amateur Gunslinger feat. The Spellscar drifter can choose one deed from the list of deeds available to 3rd-level gunslingers and one from the list available to 7th-level gunslingers. This ability replaces greater tactician.

Old Reliable(変則)/Old Reliable:At 11th level, whenever a Spellscar drifter declares a challenge, the threat range of the Spellscar drifter’s firearm is doubled against the target of his challenge. This increase only affects one weapon and does not stack with other effects that increase the threat range of the weapon. In addition, if the Spellscar drifter rolls a misfire during his challenge, the Spellscar drifter can spend 1 grit point to reroll the attack roll. The Spellscar drifter must accept the results of the second roll, even if it is worse. This ability replaces mighty charge.

Spell Severed(変則)/Spell Severed:At 12th level, a Spellscar drifter becomes permanently marked by long exposure to the Spellscar Desert. The Spellscar drifter gains spell resistance equal to 10 + his character level. The Spellscar drifter can drop this spell resistance for 1 round as a standard action, or he can spend 1 grit point to drop it as a swift action. This ability replaces demanding challenge.

Infamous Deeds(変則)/Infamous Deeds:At 17th level, a Spellscar drifter can select two additional gunslinger deeds which he can use with his Amateur Gunslinger feat. The Spellscar drifter can choose one deed from the list of deeds available to 7th-level gunslingers and one from the list available to 11th-level gunslingers. This ability replaces master tactician.

Tough as Nails(変則)/Tough as Nails:At 20th level, a Spellscar drifter is able to select three additional deeds for use with his Amateur Gunslinger feat—two from the list of deeds available to 15th-level gunslingers, and one from the list available to 19th-level gunslingers.

In addition, if the Spellscar drifter confirms a critical hit on an attack made with a firearm, the target is stunned for 1d4 rounds. A successful Will saving throw(難易度 = 10 + the Spellscar drifter’s base attack bonus) reduces this effect to staggered instead of stunned. This ability replaces supreme charge.

Verdivant ‌Verdivant‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Wilderness Origins 15ペー‌ジ‌

Some vine leshys’ spirits are vibrant enough to project this animus beyond their own bodies. Called verdivants, these leshys explore the world atop unique companions formed from the leshy’s vines and animated by their nearly boundless energy. Both mount and rider brim with new growth, sporting bright flowers, whipping tendrils, clouds of pollen, and other manifestations charged with nature’s power. This archetype is typically available only to vine leshys, but with the GM’s permission, other races can take it as well.

Plant Mount(変則)Plant Mount:A verdivant buds off and cultivates his vines into an animal form, imbuing them with limited intelligence. The verdivant selects a mount appropriate for his size as normal, but this mount is a plant with the leshy subtype and has the same immunities as a vine leshy.

A verdivant can absorb and regrow his plant mount. This can either replace a slain mount or change a mount’s form; the new form must still be a suitable mount the verdivant is capable of riding. Either function takes 1 week, after which the newly regrown mount immediately benefits from its special abilities.

At 4th level, regrowing a mount takes only 24 hours.

This alters mount and replaces expert trainer.

Effloresce/Effloresce:At 2nd level, a verdivant can use a standard action to create efflorescences, explosive growths fed by his animating spirit. A verdivant can use this ability three times per day, plus one additional time per day for every 4 cavalier levels he has beyond 2nd. A verdivant can apply effloresces to himself, or his plant mount if it is adjacent. Efflorescences last for 1 round per cavalier level, and a verdivant can have at most two efflorescences in effect at a time. A verdivant can end an efflorescence during his turn as a free action.

At 6th level, a verdivant can effloresce as a move action. At 12th level, a verdivant can effloresce as a swift action, and he can have two efflorescences in effect simultaneously. At 17th level, a verdivant can effloresce twice as part of the same action.

At 2nd level, a verdivant can use the following efflorescences.

Shieldvines(変則)/Shieldvines:Allies within 10 feet do not provoke attacks of opportunity when leaving threatened squares; this increases to 20 feet at 9th level.

Floatflower(変則)/Floatflower:Allies within 10 feet ignore the effects of nonmagical difficult terrain. At 9th level, they also gain the effects of air walk while within 10 feet of the verdivant.

At 5th level, a verdivant gains the following efflorescences.

Innervating Pollen(変則)/Innervating Pollen:The verdivant and his allies within 30 feet gain a competence bonus either on attack rolls or to saving throws(the verdivant’s choice; all allies gain the same benefit) equal to one-third the verdivant’s cavalier level.

Bolsterbloom(超常)/Bolsterbloom:The verdivant and his allies within 30 feet gain fast healing 1; this fast healing increases by 1 at 9th level, and again at 14th and 17th levels.

At 9th level, a verdivant gains the following efflorescences.

Charged Blossoms(超常)/Charged Blossoms:Choose an energy type:acid, cold, electricity, or fire. The verdivant and his allies within 10 feet gain energy resistance 10 to the chosen energy type. At 14th level this affects allies within 20 feet, and the energy resistance increases to 20.

Slipstrands(超常)/Slipstrands:The verdivant and his allies within 10 feet are affected by freedom of movement; this increases to 20 feet at 17th level.

At 14th level, a verdivant gains the following efflorescences.

Ambrosia(超常)/Ambrosia:The efflorescence temporarily suppresses enchantments, transmutations, and curses on the verdivant and his allies within 30 feet, as break enchantment with a caster level equal to the verdivant’s cavalier level. Affected creatures ignore the effects of such conditions for the duration of the efflorescence, after which the conditions’ full effects resume. The duration of suppressed conditions continues to elapse while the condition is suppressed.

Luckleaf(超常)/Luckleaf:When attempting a d20 roll, allies of the verdivant within 30 feet of him can roll twice and use the better result; each ally can benefit from this ability only once per efflorescence. Luckleaf can be activated once per minute.

This replaces tactician, banner, greater tactician, greater banner, master tactician, and bonus feats.

Sinuous Steps(変則)/Sinuous Steps:At 3rd level, a verdivant and his plant mount gain the woodland stride druid class feature. In addition, they do not take any penalty to アーマー・クラス after making a charge attack.

This alters cavalier’s charge.

Vermin Tamer ‌Vermin Tamer‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Heroes of the Darklands 17ペー‌ジ‌

Due to the strange terrain, the lack of sunlight, and numerous other hazards, keeping a traditional mount in the Darklands can prove difficult. Cavaliers native to or traveling the region may choose to tame local creatures instead. Those who can overcome their revulsion and distrust of Sekamina’s strange fauna often find that such partnerships with native creatures serve both rider and mount well. While these mounts may be harder to handle than typical mounts, their versatility and adaptations prove indispensable.

Darklands Mount(変則)/Darklands Mount:At 1st level, a vermin tamer chooses a creature native to the Darklands as his mount. This functions as a cavalier’s mount. He can choose a giant beetle, giant centipede, giant gecko, giant slug, or giant spider as his mount. These mounts(except the giant gecko) and the rules for vermin companions are detailed here, under Vermin Companions.

The selected mount is combat trained. The vermin trainer does not take an armor check penalty on Ride checks while riding his mount. If the vermin tamer’s starting mount is large enough to act as a mount, it gains Light Armor Proficiency as a bonus feat. If the selected animal companion is too small to act as a proper mount, then the vermin tamer gains Undersized Mount as a bonus feat.

This ability alters mount.

Stuck in the Saddle(変則)/Stuck in the Saddle:A practiced vermin tamer can remain steady in the saddle even in unconventional situations. At 4th level, he gains a +4 circumstance bonus on any checks to stay in the saddle when his mount is climbing walls or flying. At 8th level, this bonus increases to +8, and he never falls off his mount when he is rendered unconscious.

This replaces expert training.

Disorienting Challenge(変則)/Disorienting Challenge:At 12th level, whenever a vermin tamer declares a challenge, he can confound his target with the erratic movements of his mount. As long as the vermin tamer begins his turn mounted, with his mount climbing or flying at a higher location than his target, the target of his challenge takes a –2 penalty to its アーマー・クラス.

This replaces demanding challenge.

波乗りWave Rider‌ ‌

‌出‌典‌‌ ‌Inner Sea Combat 47ペー‌ジ‌



の相/Seafaring Companion:1レベル点で、波乗りボーナス特技として《Monstrous Mount》を得る。波乗りはこの特技を使用してヒポカンパス乗騎しか選択することができない。それ以外については、この能キャヴァリアーの乗機と同様に機能し、キャヴァリアー乗騎と置き換える。

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