
発露 Swashbuckler Deeds

Deeds of Renown Deeds of Renown

出典:Chronicle of Legends

Swashbucklers and gunslingers perform impressive deeds through their grit and panache, but some are capable of truly spectacular acts known as renowned deeds. A swashbuckler or gunslinger(though not members of other classes) can select a renowned deed for her class upon reaching the class level listed in the deed’s description. This replaces the specific listed deed or deeds; if the character would not gain the appropriate deeds, she cannot select the renowned deed, as if selecting an archetype.

Vengeful Heart(変則)/Vengeful Heart --出典:Chronicle of Legends 5ページ--:Some swashbucklers are driven by vengeance above all else. At 1st level, the swashbuckler gains the samurai’s resolve class feature, treating her swashbuckler level as her samurai level. Whenever the swashbuckler spends a use of resolve, she must also spend a point of panache or a use of charmed life, or the use of resolve has no effect. This deed replaces the derring-do deed and one other 1st-level deed.

Hilt Hammer(変則)/Hilt Hammer --出典:Chronicle of Legends 5ページ--:Precise strikes with a slender blade do little to hinder amorphous or incorporeal creatures; when encountering such threats, some swashbucklers abandon precision in favor of brutish strikes. At 3rd level, the swashbuckler can activate this deed before rolling the attack roll when making an attack that would benefit from precise strike. An attack altered this way deals only half the normal damage from precise strike, but this damage is not treated as precision damage. This deed alters(but does not replace) the precise strike deed and replaces one other 3rd-level deed.

Dodging Dance(変則)/Dodging Dance --出典:Chronicle of Legends 5ページ--:The swashbuckler moves around her opponents' attacks to open them up for strikes. At 7th level, a swashbuckler can spend 1 panache point to move up to half her speed as a move action. If a creature makes an attack of opportunity against her due to this movement, she can attempt an Acrobatics check with a 難易度 equal to the attacking creature's 戦技防御値. If she succeeds, the attack of opportunity misses, and the swashbuckler can make an attack of opportunity against the attacking creature instead. She can attempt to evade multiple attacks of opportunity during this movement, but the 難易度 of the Acrobatics check increases by 2 for each additional opponent that makes an attack of opportunity against her during this movement. If the swashbuckler has an ability that grants her additional attacks of opportunity, she can use them to respond to multiple missed attacks of opportunity with her own attacks. This deed replaces the swashbuckler's grace deed and one other 7th-level deed.

Vengeful Soul(変則)/Vengeful Soul --出典:Chronicle of Legends 5ページ--:Sometimes vengeance can take years or even decades, forcing the aggrieved swashbuckler to push the limits of her endurance. At 11th level, the swashbuckler gains the samurai's greater resolve class feature. At 19th level, the swashbuckler gains the samurai's true resolve class feature. The swashbuckler must have the vengeful heart renowned deed to select this deed. This deed replaces the subtle blade and cheat death deeds, plus an additional 11th-level deed.

スワッシュバックラーのアーキタイプ Swashbuckler Archetypes

Courser Courser

出典 Blood of the Beast 24ページ

Many tengus still hold some bitterness at their lack of wings, and while a small number cultivate enough magic in themselves to recall the gift of flight, those tengu denizens of Golarion’s greatest cities have refined their own way to fly. Coursers move with grace and ease, racing across rooftops, dashing up walls, and clearing vast gaps between buildings. These daredevils clash for territory and rob vastly superior enemies, trusting in their incredible speed and mobility to keep them safe rather than resorting to swordplay.

Swift Target(変則)/Swift Target:At 1st level, the courser gains Dodge as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites. As long as she has at least 1 panache point and is wearing light armor or no armor, her base speed increases by 5 feet.

This ability replaces the swashbuckler’s opportune parry and riposte deeds.

Nimble Toes(変則)/Nimble Toes:At 3rd level, the アーマー・クラス bonus gained from the nimble class feature increases by 1 as long as the courser moves at least 20 feet during her turn, though it is reduced by 1 if she does not move at least 10 feet on her turn. These modifiers last until the beginning of the courser’s next turn.

This ability modifies nimble.

Confounding Target(変則)/Confounding Target:At 4th level, the courser gains Spring Attack as a bonus feat even if she does not meet the prerequisites. As long as she has at least 1 panache point and is wearing light armor or no armor, her base speed increases by 10 feet rather than 5 feet. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 4th level.

Deeds:A courser gains the following deeds, each of which replaces an existing deed.

Wall Run(変則)/Wall Run:At 3rd level, the courser can run horizontally across vertical surfaces for 1 round by spending 1 panache point. She can perform this deed only while wearing light armor or no armor, and she must end her movement for the round on solid ground or else fall prone. The courser can use this deed to run straight up vertical surfaces as well, but every 5 feet up counts as 10 feet of movement.

This deed replaces menacing swordplay.

Impossible Leap(変則)Impossible Leap:At 7th level, as long as the courser has at least 1 panache point and is wearing light armor or no armor, she adds her swashbuckler level on all Acrobatics checks to jump. She can spend 1 panache point as an immediate action to jump 10 feet in the direction of her choice. This ability can be used to extend another jump or change direction mid-jump. If used in response to an attack, this deed functions as the dodging panache deed, but it allows the courser to move 10 feet.

This deed replaces the superior feint deed.

Swift Strikes(変則)/Swift Strikes:At 11th level, the courser can spend 1 panache point to target two separate creatures when she uses the Spring Attack feat. She rolls the attack once and compares the result to each target’s Armor Class separately. Additional damage—such as from a critical hit or weapon property—applies to only the first target struck. Her movement still provokes attacks of opportunity normally from any creature she doesn’t attack.

This deed replaces the bleeding wound deed.

Okayo Corsair Okayo Corsair

出典 Martial Arts Handbook 11ページ

An Okayo corsair practices a unique acrobatic martial art that draws inspiration from both the mysticism of monastic combat traditions and the flair of a swashbuckler. This style originated among pirates of the Dragon Empires and has since spread and become popular in the Shackles.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:Okayo corsairs are proficient with simple weapons and all weapons from the monk weapon group, as well as light armor and bucklers.

This replaces the swashbuckler’s weapon and armor proficiency.

Okayo Finesse(変則)/Okayo Finesse:An Okayo corsair gains the benefits of the Weapon Finesse feat with light or one-handed melee weapons from the monk weapon group, and she can use her Charisma score in place of Intelligence and Wisdom for the purpose of meeting prerequisites for combat feats. This ability counts as the Weapon Finesse feat for the purpose of meeting feat prerequisites.

This replaces swashbuckler finesse.

Okayo Panache(変則)/Okayo Panache:An Okayo corsair regains panache only when she confirms a critical hit or makes a killing blow with a light or one-handed weapon from the monk weapon group. Additionally, the Okayo corsair gains the ability to use a light or one-handed monk weapon for her swashbuckler class features, deeds, and feats, even if the weapon is not a piercing weapon, but she can’t use other light or one-handed weapons with her class features or deeds.

This alters panache.

Deeds:An Okayo corsair gains the following deeds.

Ki Panache(超常)/Ki Panache:At 3rd level, a power similar to a monk’s ki awakens within the Okayo corsair. She can spend 1 panache point as a swift action to gain one of the following three benefits:she can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus when making a full attack, she can increase her speed by 20 feet for 1 round, or she can give herself a +4 dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス for 1 round.

This deed replaces menacing swordplay.

Slow Fall(超常)/Slow Fall:At 7th level, the Okayo corsair can spend 1 panache point to slow her descent as per feather fall, treating her swashbuckler level as her caster level, provided that she is adjacent to a wall.

This deed replaces superior feint.

High Jump(超常)/High Jump:At 11th level, so long as the Okayo corsair has at least 1 panache point, she adds her level as a bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump and always counts as having a running start. She can spend 1 panache point as a swift action to gain a +20 bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump for 1 round.

This deed replaces bleeding wound.

Abundant Step(超常)/Abundant Step(Su):At 15th level, an Okayo corsair can spend 2 panache points as a move action to move magically between spaces, as dimension door. Her caster level for this effect is equal to her swashbuckler level. She can’t take other creatures with her when she uses this ability.

This deed replaces dizzying defense.

ボーナス特技At 4th level, an Okayo corsair’s swashbuckler levels are considered both fighter levels and monk levels for the purpose of meeting combat feat prerequisites.

This alters the bonus feat class ability.

Rondelero Swashbuckler Rondelero Swashbuckler

出典 Weapon Master's Handbook 6ページ

Rondelero swashbucklers are Taldan specialists in an aggressive, lightly armored fighting style that utilizes the falcata and buckler.

Falcata Emphasis(変則)/Falcata Emphasis:At 1st level, a rondelero swashbuckler is proficient with falcatasUE and can treat a falcata as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for the purposes of the swashbuckler’s finesse as well as all feats and class abilities that refer to such a weapon. This ability replaces the derring-do deed.

Rondelero Deeds(変則)/Rondelero Deeds:A rondelero swashbuckler gains the following deeds at the appropriate levels.

Shield Catch(変則)/Shield Catch:At 3rd level, while he has at least 1 panache point, the rondelero swashbuckler gains a +4 bonus on all combat maneuver checks to disarm that he attempts with his buckler. This deed replaces kip-up.

Rondelero Chop(変則)/Rondelero Chop:At 11th level, when the rondelero swashbuckler hits with a melee attack using a light or onehanded slashing melee weapon, he can spend 1 panache point to attempt a sunder combat maneuver check against the target of his attack as an immediate action without provoking attacks of opportunity. This deed replaces bleeding wound.

Shattering Chop(変則)Shattering Chop:At 15th level, while the rondelero swashbuckler has at least 1 panache point, he can attempt a shattering chop as a full-round action, pooling all of his attack potential into a single melee sunder combat maneuver with a light or one-handed slashing weapon. When he does, he gains a +4 bonus on her combat maneuver check and ignores half of the hardness of the item he sunders. This deed replaces perfect thrust.

Buckler Bash(変則)/Buckler Bash:At 2nd level, a rondelero swashbuckler can perform a shield bash with a buckler(use the same damage and critical multiplier as for a light shield). He can treat a buckler as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for the purposes of the swashbuckler’s finesse and all feats and class abilities that refer to such a weapon.

Rondelero Flexibility(変則)/Rondelero Flexibility:At 6th level, as a full-attack action, a rondelero swashbuckler wielding a falcata in one hand and a buckler in the other can alternate between using his falcata and his buckler for each attack. This does not grant additional attacks or incur penalties as twoweapon fighting does, and does not cause her to lose his Armor Class bonus from her buckler.

Charmed Life(変則)/Charmed Life:A rondelero swashbuckler does not gain charmed life until 10th level, at which point he can use the ability only once per day. At 14th level and again at 18th level, he can use the ability an additional time per day. This ability alters charmed life.

Shackles Corsair Shackles Corsair

出典 Advanced Class Origins 22ページ

While it doesn’t take much more than a ship and a crew in the Shackles to become a pirate, Shackles corsairs are a finer breed of freebooter. A Shackles corsair’s debonair charm and style make her a paradoxical celebrity even among the nations whose ships she plunders.

Swagger(変則)/Swagger:At 3rd level, a Shackles corsair’s confident swagger unnerves her foes and inspires her crew. She gains a +1 bonus on Intimidate checks, and the 難易度 of Intimidate checks made against her increases by 1. She and her allies gain a +1 morale bonus on Profession(sailor) checks. These bonuses and her Intimidate 難易度 increase by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 3rd.

At 7th level, a Shackles corsair’s swagger gives her an additional benefit when she uses charmed life. If she succeeds at a saving throw against an opponent’s attack or ability while using charmed life on that save, she can attempt an Intimidate check to demoralize that opponent without using an action. This ability replaces nimble.

Deeds:A Shackles corsair gains the following deeds.

Eyes of Abendego(変則)/Eyes of Abendego:Every true Shackles captain dreams of winning the Free Captain’s Regatta, and the wise begin training for it early. At 3rd level, whenever she has at least 1 panache point, a Shackles corsair can see three times as far as normal in nonmagical fog. In magical fog, she can see normally for 10 feet; after that, creatures and objects have partial concealment for the next 10 feet and total concealment thereafter. This deed replaces swashbuckler initiative.

Plunder(変則)/Plunder:A Shackles corsair knows she doesn’t always need to win the fight—she just needs to get what she came for. At 7th level, as a full-round action she can make a single attack with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon against a foe that is either shaken or denied its Dexterity bonus to アーマー・クラス. If the attack hits, the Shackles corsair also pilfers a small, loose item from her target as if she had succeeded at a Sleight of Hand or steal combat maneuver check. She doesn’t need to attempt a Sleight of Hand check, but if she does so and surpasses the target’s opposed Perception check, the target is unaware that the item is stolen. This deed replaces targeted strike.

Whirling Dervish Whirling Dervish

出典 Advanced Class Origins 23ページ

In Qadira and throughout the Padishah Empire, Sarenrae’s worshipers praise the Dawnflower through dance. Her more warlike followers adapted these dances into graceful martial forms, and their swashbuckling style is feared throughout the Inner Sea region and beyond for its ability to devastate foes with a scimitar through motion and agility regardless of strength of arms.

Dervish Finesse(変則)/Dervish Finesse:A whirling dervish can treat a scimitar as a one-handed piercing melee weapon for the purposes of the swashbuckler’s finesse and all feats and class abilities that refer to such a weapon. She must not be carrying a weapon or shield in her off hand to gain this benefit. This ability alters swashbuckler finesse.

Dawnflower’s Mercy(変則)/Dawnflower’s Mercy:While violence is sometimes necessary to cleanse evil, Sarenrae’s desire for redemption prevents her dervishes from reveling in a foe’s defeat. A whirling dervish does not gain any panache for dropping a foe below 0 hit points unless that foe is an evil outsider or undead, or if the damage she dealt was nonlethal. Additionally, she gains 1 panache point if she causes an evildoer with a number of Hit Dice equal to at least 1/2 her character level to surrender to her. She can gain this benefit no more than once per round, even if multiple enemies surrender. This ability alters panache.

Dervish Dance(変則)/Dervish Dance:At 4th level, a whirling dervish can use her Dexterity modifier instead of her Strength modifier on melee damage rolls when using her swashbuckler finesse. She counts as having the Dervish DanceISWG feat for purposes of meeting feat prerequisites.

Deeds:A whirling dervish gains the following deeds.

Whirlwind Dance(変則)/Whirlwind Dance:At 7th level, a whirling dervish can sweep through her opponents’ lines like a cyclone. As a fullround action, she can spend 1 panache point to move up to her speed. She can make attacks against creatures with her reach during this movement, up to the number of attacks she’s entitled to with a full attack. Each attack is made at her highest attack bonus, and must target a different creature. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. This deed replaces superior feint and targeted strike.

Dance of Dawn(変則)/Dance of Dawn:At 11th level, whenever a whirling dervish is in conditions of dim light or brighter and hits with a melee attack, she can spend 1 panache point to ref lect the light off her blade into the eyes of her target. That opponent is blinded for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the whirling dervish’s class level + her Dexterity modifier) negates this effect. This deed replaces bleeding wound.

Dance of Mercy(変則)/Dance of Mercy:At 19th level, when a whirling dervish confirms a critical hit with a light or one-handed piercing melee weapon, in addition to the normal damage, she can spend 1 panache point to inflict a deadly stab. The target must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the dervish’s class level + her Dexterity modifier) or take an amount of nonlethal damage equal to its current hit points + 1, as well as becomes paralyzed for 1 hour. Performing this deed doesn’t grant the swashbuckler a panache point. This deed replaces deadly stab.

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