


永久花The Everbloom













AR4606年にエイローデンぬまで、女神メラウニは“最後のアズラント人the Last Azlanti”(訳注エイローデンのこと)の宗教における多くの聖人の1人にすぎなかった。彼女は、抑圧的な政治体制うあらゆる人々にとって希望の旗印であり、ほとんど何も持たないが自由な人生を生きたいという願いを持つ人々に勇気を与えていた。彼女の後見人(訳注エイローデン)のは―彼のに伴ってすさまじい大変動と災害が起こった―彼女にを当て、多くの新しい信者を引きつけた。彼女に忠実な彼らは、シェリアックス帝国the Chelaxian Empireの獄のような搾取に対する反乱を組織する勇気を見出し、多くの外縁部の領土が帝国の支配を脱するのを援助した。公平でよい社会復活できるように、という人々の希望を回復させながら、彼らは未開状態への緩やかな滑落に対してった。メラウニは、エイローデンの他の随行者――えばアイオーメディ――のように人気があることは決してなかった。それはおそらく、彼らの後見人が生を終える前に、“継承者the Inheritor”(訳注アイオーメディのこと)の信仰がすでにしっかりと確立されていたからである。[2]



メラウニ聖職者はアイオメーディの神官と非常にいい関係にあり、アイオメーディの神官は必要ならいつでも彼らを助ける用意がある。“継承者The Inheritor”自身メラウニを彼女の「妹」と呼ぶ。[5]




[1] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 247. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 171. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[3] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 172. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[4] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Gods and Magic, p. 46. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[5] Sean K Reynolds.(2009). Iomedae. The Sixfold Trial, p. 70. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-196-1
[6] Todd Stewart.(2009). The Great Beyond:A Guide to the Multiverse, p. 32. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-167-1


Titles The Everbloom
Alignment Chaotic good
Portfolio Hope, Devotion, Uprisings
Cleric Alignments 中立にして善 混沌にして善 混沌にして中立
Domains Chaos, Good, Healing, Liberation, Protection
Favored Weapon morningstar

The minor goddess Milani(pronounced meh-LAW-nee)[1] is the patron of all those who fight against oppression and unjust rule.[2] Her symbol is a rose growing out of a blood-soaked street.[3]

Until the death of Aroden in 4606 AR, the goddess Milani was simply one of dozens of saints within the Last Azlanti's faith. She was the beacon of hope to all those who fought against repressive regimes, giving courage to those who had little but their desire to live a free life. The death of her patron, combined with the tremendous upheaval and suffering that followed his death, gave her a focus and attracted many new followers. Those devoted to her found the courage to organize the rebellions against the infernal takeover of the Chelaxian Empire, helping many of her outlying territories break free of its control. They fought against the slow slide into barbarism, restoring people's hope that a just and good society could be restored. Milani has never been as popular as Aroden's other followers, such as Iomedae, perhaps because the Inheritor's worship had already been firmly established before their patron's passing.[2]

◎Church of Milani
Her church is generally most popular in areas of intense upheaval, such as Galt and the River Kingdoms.[3] Clergy in service to Milani generally have intense periods of work and prosteletizing in troubled regions followed by years of tranquility once they achieve their goals. They are aware that their calling often ends in martyrdom, and it is a common belief that those who are strong of faith will return again to continue the fight. Many clerics of Milani believe that they are a new incarnation of a martyr of the church, and can in fact access memories from their previous lives.[4]

Milani's clergy are on very good terms with Iomedae's priests, who are always ready support them should the need arise. The Inheritor herself refers to Milani as her "sister".[5]

○Milani's Domain
The goddess claims a small part of Aroden's former domain on the plane of Axis. Only a few square miles in size, it sits near the center of her former patron's realm. From here she gives aid to all those fighting oppression and evil.[6]

[1] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 247. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[2] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 171. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[3] Erik Mona et al.(2008). Campaign Setting, p. 172. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-112-1
[4] Sean K Reynolds.(2008). Gods and Magic, p. 46. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-139-8
[5] Sean K Reynolds.(2009). Iomedae. The Sixfold Trial, p. 70. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-196-1
[6] Todd Stewart.(2009). The Great Beyond:A Guide to the Multiverse, p. 32. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-167-1

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