
下級アーティファクト Minor Artifacts


Abyssal Runestoneアビスルーン
出典 Pathfinder #134:It Came from Hollow Mountain 47ページ
オーラ召喚術混沌]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

アビサル・ルーンストーンは、術者が発動中に消費するレベル以上の呪文を準備している場合、術者にレッサー・プレイナー・アライプレイナー・アライグレーター・プレイナー・アライを発動できるようにする; プレイナー・アライ呪文アビサル・ルーンストーンではなく術者の術者レベルに等しい術者レベル機能する。任意発動の術者は、この方法でアビサル・ルーンストーンを使用することはできない。

混沌にして悪来訪者アビサル・ルーンストーンを食べると、そのルーンストーンは破壊され、来訪者永続的にアドヴァンスド・クリーチャーテンプレートを得る。既にこのテンプレートを持っている、またはパワー脅威度 20を超えているクリーチャーは、アビサル・ルーンストーンを食べても何の利益も得られない。

アビサル・ルーンストーンは、儀式や強魔法、特にアビスに関連する苦難効果を早める構成要素としてその他の使用方法もある——えば、polymorph plague(Pathfinder #135:Runeplague参照)の即効性が高く伝染性の高い変作成アビサル・ルーンストーンの消費を必要とする。




Aiger's Kiss/)
出典 Pathfinder #59:The Price of Infamy 60ページ
オーラ防御術力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

The Shackles are rife with tales of legendary treasures, but the story of the loss of Aiger’s Kiss has seen a resurgence of late, it being the 25th anniversary of the blade’s loss in the Black Tower near the Cannibal Isles. Wielded before that loss by Captain Tevenida Aiger—and rumored to have been given to her by Norgorber’s herald as a reward for an unknown task— Aiger’s Kiss is said to have been a particularly potent weapon against outsiders. In addition to being a notorious pirate captain, Tevenida Aiger was a priestess of Norgorber, and her specialty was the capture of Chelish warships, particularly those employing devils or other extraplanar defenses. Some whisper that Captain Aiger and her sword vanished in the Black Tower due to a Chelish trap set in the structure, but in fact her fate was much grimmer than that(see Part Three of “The Price of Infamy” for details).

Aiger’s Kiss is a short sword of the planes(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 477). Three times per day, it can be used to cast dimensional anchor on a creature the sword has just struck— activating this effect is a swift action for the sword’s wielder. If the strike is a critical hit, the effect gains a +10 bonus on its caster level check to penetrate the target’s spell resistance, if any.

The weapon’s greatest power, though, is its ability to destroy portals or seal planar rifts. Once per year, Aiger’s Kiss can be plunged into an extraplanar portal as a standard action—doing so immediately results in two effects. First, it targets the portal with a mage’s disjunction(this effect lasts for as long as the sword remains in the portal). Second, as long as the sword remains lodged in the portal, it becomes affected by an antipathy effect against all outsiders. Once removed from a portal, it takes the sword a year to build up its magic to be able to use this ability again.


If Aiger’s Kiss is used to attempt to seal a planar rift from the Material Plane to an extraplanar realm under Norgorber’s control, the sword is immediately destroyed and the planar rift is unharmed—in fact, doing so immediately summons the herald of Norgorber to the site to claim the fragments of the sword and punish those who destroyed it.


Amatatsu Seal/アマタツ家の神権)
出典 Pathfinder #49:The Brinewall Legacy 60ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

この龍のは、ミンカイの五家の王権神授説の1つであり、ミンカイ帝国を統治するアマタツ家の神聖な権利を表している。しかし、純血のアマタツがその責務を承る事ができない場合、アマタツ・シールは生きている人型生物の宿主の数に関係なく、アマタツとして支配する権利を授けることができる。このアマタツの子孫は、過去、現在、そして未来の可能性についての一連のビジョンを経験することがある。アマタツ・シールには、アマタツの子孫に以下の呪文を発動するために使用できる1日毎に5回分のチャージが割り当てられる:あるいは、シールはアマタツの子孫にヒールを発動することができるが、そうすると5回分全てのチャージ数が消費される。最後にシールの最良で、アマタツの子孫にリザレクションを発動することができるが、そうすることで、1ヶ間の間呪文を発動する能を失う。アマタツ・シール自体は強魔法放射しており、適切な源を持つ者は海、大陸を超えてもこの魔法を感じることができ、どれくらい離れていても追跡できるようにする。元々は正当な継承者から盗まれた場合に追跡できるようにすることを的としていたが、この機能によりwarding boxが開いている限り、oni of the Five Stormsが追跡できてしまっていたため、warding boxからシールを外す行為は危険である。この響についてはJade Regent Adventure Pathの以降の冒険で詳述されている。


アマタツ・シール破壊するためには、ミンカイの五家の王族それぞれの正当な末裔が、自らの意志でImperial Shrine in Kasai HarborのWell of Demonsに家系のシールを一緒に投げ込まなければならない。


Amethyst Crescent Ioun Stone/アメジストの三日形のアイウーン・ストーン
出典 Pathfinder #126:Beyond the Veiled Past 23ページ
オーラ・さまざま; 術者レベル 12レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量



このユニークなアイウーン・ストーンは、強正のエネルギー注入されている。 破壊するためには、負のエネルギー界に投げ込まれなければならず、そこで少なくとも1週間の間、エントロピー通して浮いた後に々になることができる。


Argental Font/アルゲンタルの泉)
出典 Pathfinder #40:Vaults of Madness 34ページ
オーラ召喚術治癒); 術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2,000ポンド

このしい彫刻が施された造りの噴には、妖精が踊る姿が描かれており、色に輝く純粋なを湛えている。の女神Acavna は、Saventh-Yhiの都市の創設に、ヒロインのSavithの勇姿への感謝の意を込めて、このアルゲンタル・フォントを贈った。泉のを飲んだ者は、グレーター・レストレーションヒールの複合的な利益を受け、能力値ダメージ能力値吸収負のレベル狂気を含むすべての苦難が直ちに治癒される。この者を蘇らせることはできないが、泉に浸かったアンデッドクリーチャーは即座に破壊される(セーヴなし)。泉は何度使っても、どれだけを汲んでも涸れることはないが、は泉から取り出されてから1ラウンドの間だけ効果を維持し、それ以降は普通のとなる。ミラクルあるいはウィッシュ呪文でなければ、この泉はその場所から移動できない。個々のクリーチャーは、1年に1度だけアルゲンタル・フォント効果の利益を受けることができる。




Automaton Core/)
出典 Construct Handbook 16ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

These glowing metal cylinders are often gold- or silver-plated and decorated with tiny, glowing arcane symbols. These cores are primarily used to provide life-giving power to an automaton, but an automaton core can also be harvested from an automaton’s body and used to enhance spellcasting(see page 21 for details). A spellcaster holding an automaton core treats her caster level as 4 higher for all purposes. The innate power of an automaton core depends on the 脅威度 of the automaton from which it was extracted:it contains 1 spell point per 脅威度. As a swift action, a spellcaster can expend a number of spell points from the automaton core to cast a spell she has prepared without expending that spell or spell slot. The number of spell points required to use this ability is equal to twice the level of the spell cast. Once all of the automaton core’s spell points are expended, the automaton core can no longer power an automaton. There are currently no known methods to restore an automaton core.

An automaton core can also be used to offset the cost of building a construct. When it is included in the process of crafting a construct, an automaton core offsets an amount of the construction cost equal to 2,500gp per spell point. A core used in this manner is still removable following the normal rules for removing an automaton core.

Automatons covet these cores, as they can use a core to reactivate automaton allies whose cores have failed, or whose cores have been stolen. Automatons have been known to ruthlessly hunt down and kill creatures who carry these items.


An automaton core can be destroyed only by placing it in a ritual circle where it is surrounded by six other automaton cores. These surrounding cores must then expend an amount of spell points equal to the remaining points in the central core. This overloads the central core, destroying it forever.

Automaton Cores

Although the bodies of automatons are wonders in and of themselves, the true technological marvels they bear are the automaton cores that power these constructs. The secret to the creation of automaton cores has since been lost to time, but each core contains a spark of consciousness from a particular individual, combined with a significant portion of planar energy. These two components are merged using powerful magical energy to form a core of seemingly limitless arcane potential that powers an automaton. This energy courses throughout an automaton’s body, powering the construct and completing an internal connection that allows the individual automaton’s consciousness to remain active.

Powering an automaton with a core other than its original core can cause a conflict with the consciousness stored within the body. The two different individuals may engage in a mental struggle as each attempts to wrest control of the body from the other. This usually leads to one individual consciousness overpowering the other, but it occasionally creates a new, shared consciousness wherein the two individuals meld to form a single new entity with shared memories.

Removing an automaton core from a destroyed or willing automaton is a laborious and risky process that requires a number of hours equal to half the automaton’s 脅威度. After this time, the remover must attempt a Spellcraft check with a 難易度 equal to 20 + the automaton’s 脅威度. On a success, the automaton core is removed and can be used normally. On a failed check, the removal attempt is unsuccessful and cannot be attempted again for 24 hours. Failing this check by more than 5 causes damage to the core and reduces its total number of spell points by 1. Returning a core to an inactive automaton’s body to restore the creature requires another Spellcraft check with the same 難易度. If the consciousness in the body and the core are incompatible or unwilling to meld, the two attempt an opposed Charisma check. The winner of the opposed roll takes over as the dominant consciousness, but it may find itself opposed again later.


Azlanti Orreryアズラント太陽系儀)
出典 Pathfinder #122:Into the Shattered Continent 52ページ
オーラ 中程度・心術変成術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1,750ポンド



下級アーティファクトであるが、アズランティ・オーラリ通常ダメージ破壊できる。硬度 20、300ヒット・ポイントである。

3.5 Materialアズランティ・シールストーン

出典 Revenge of the Kobold King 14ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術変成術術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量





Baba Yaga's Besomバーバ・ヤーガの箒)
出典 Pathfinder #72:The Witch Queen's Revenge 62ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド



最後にバーバ・ヤーガズ・ビーソム武器として使用でき、+4 ダンシングクラブとして機能する。攻撃に成功すると、箒で攻撃されたクリーチャーは1ラウンドの間盲目状態となる。





Baba Yaga's Mortar and Pestleバーバ・ヤーガのすり鉢とすりこぎ)
出典 Pathfinder #72:The Witch Queen's Revenge 62ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 50ポンド


モルタルとペソルは、中に入れた物体砕するように命令することができる; 毎ラウンド物体硬度を迂回して3d6ポイントのダメージを受ける。この方法でヒット・ポイントが0になった物体末へと砕される。魔法のアイテムダメージを受けないように毎ラウンド難易度 19の頑健セーヴを試みることができる。モルタルとペソルでアーティファクト破壊できない。






出典 Pathfinder #102:Breaking the Bones of Hell 13ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド




バルゴラーノルゴーバーの15レベル以上のクレリックを殺害するために使用しなければならない。その点で、バルゴラーは休止状態となり(Pathfinder Adventure Path #98:Turn of the Torrentの36ページ参照)、ダメージを受けることで通常通り破壊できる。


Cloud Diadem/)
出典 Pathfinder #96:Shadow of the Storm Tyrant 31ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 30ポンド

This giant-sized silver-and-steel crown allows its wearer to telepathically control Ironcloud Keep’s engine and direct the castle’s motion. In addition, the wearer of the cloud diadem can extend his perception through the castle’s constructs(such as the animated statues in area F11 and the mithral golem in area F48), allowing him to see and hear through the statues’ senses, as the witness spell(Ultimate Magic 249), and can telepathically control the statues remotely, in a manner similar to shield guardians(Bestiary 158). Lastly, as a full-round action, the wearer can concentrate to teleport one of the animated statues from its teleportation pedestal in area F11 to his side.

Most of cloud diadem’s gems are magically connected to the controls on the stelae in Ironcloud Keep’s engine room(area F12). The ash giant alchemist Ulkraf was able to connect one of the crown’s unused gems to his alchemic bomb in the castle’s propulsion ducts(area F3), creating the dead man’s switch that will detonate the bomb if Volstus is defeated.

The cloud diadem is sized for a Huge wearer, and does not magically adjust to wearers of different sizes, so the PCs will be unable to use the magical properties of the crown, but the precious materials used to create the diadem amount to 20 pounds of pure silver(worth 100gp) and 150,000gp worth of enormous gemstones.


If Ironcloud Keep is destroyed, the cloud diadem loses all of its magic, becoming a mundane(though still valuable) crown.


Crown of the Simurgh/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 57ページ、Pathfinder #24:The Final Wish 87ページ
オーラ占術変成術]; 術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

A crown of the simurgh grants the wearer the protection of the simurgh(Bestiary 3) who created it. The crown only works for a single creature for whom the crown was specifically crafted. A simurgh can create one crown of the simurgh every 500 years.

While wearing a crown of the simurgh, the wearer is constantly affected by the spell protection from evil. Once per day, the wearer of this crown can spend a full-round action concentrating to mentally contact the simurgh who created the crown. If the simurgh allows this connection to be made, the wearer instantly knows the distance and direction of the simurgh and can communicate with it as per the spell sending. Should the simurgh be on the same plane and both parties wish it, the crown’s wearer can teleport to the simurgh’s location. Ten minutes after teleporting to the simurgh’s side, however, the crown’s wearer teleports back to wherever he was before teleporting(or the nearest safe square), whether he wishes to or not.

As a final effort or in a time of great need, the wearer can take a full-round action to hold the crown to the sun and call out to the simurgh that created it. This summons the simurgh as per the spell summon monster IX. The simurgh remains for 1 minute, and follows the wearer’s commands. At the end of this time, the simurgh vanishes and the crown is destroyed.


Aside from making use of the crown of the simurgh’s summoning ability, this artifact is also destroyed if it is taken onto the Plane of Shadow.


Crystal Control Rod/)
出典 Tombs of Golarion 47ページ
オーラ召喚術力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

This translucent crystalline rod is 2-1/2 feet long; its ends are jagged and its length is carved with arcane runes. In addition to functioning as a greater elemental metamagic rod(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 188), a crystal control rod also provides the wielder with access to and control over the demiplane at the heart of the Prismatic Lantern in the following ways.

If a crystal control rod is destroyed, the elemental bound to the associated elemental node is freed and that elemental node becomes unstable(see area B3).


The rod is destroyed if it takes 100 points of damage of the energy type opposed to its associated element from a single source in 1 round.


Cubic Spiral/)
出典 Pathfinder #120:Vault of the Onyx Citadel 78ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 20米トン

The cubic spiral regulates the environment around it when directed by a knowledgeable operator. Shallow gouges on one side of the block serve as a bed in which up to 20 tiny clusters of cubic minerals blossom and grow. Plucking a cluster is a standard action, and plucked clusters regrow on the relic in 1 month. Plucked clusters have no powers of their own, but inserting a cluster into one of the six holes in the cubic spiral as a standard action activates one of the artifact’s functions. Once a user activates a function of the cubic spiral, the function remains active until complete(if a limitation is specified below), until the user commands the artifact to cease its function, or until the user is no longer within 1,000 feet. Except for the diminution function, the cubic spiral can engage in only one function at a time.

Diminution(front facing, smallest hole)/Diminution(front facing, smallest hole):The cubic spiral shrinks to any size between its full size and 1 foot in height, as commanded. The weight of the artifact decreases proportionally with its height; at its smallest size, it weighs 150 pounds.

Drill(front facing, middle hole)/Drill(front facing, middle hole):This function activates only if the cubic spiral is at its smallest size. The cubic spiral spins and pushes its way relentlessly in an indicated direction, boring an 18-inch-diameter hole into solid objects at a rate of 10 feet per round. The cubic spiral can bore through any material with a hardness of less than 20. Creatures can move easily out of the way of the spinning artifact, but those that don’t take 20d6 points of slashing damage(no save). The user indicates a maximum distance when this function is activated, up to 1,000 feet. Once it has reached this distance, or if it cannot proceed to the full distance, the cubic spiral returns to the user through the borehole.

Slide(front facing, largest hole)/Slide(front facing, largest hole):The cubic spiral slides rapidly in an indicated direction at a speed of 100 feet per round. This movement need not be along the ground, as the artifact can slide through the air or across water. The cubic spiral deals 20d6 points of bludgeoning damage to creatures and objects in its path(Reflex 難易度 20 negates). If it’s not at its full size, reduce the damage dealt by 1d6 for each foot smaller than its full size. The user indicates a maximum distance when this function is activated, up to 1,000 feet. The cubic spiral’s slide stops at the end of this distance or if it encounters a wall or other impassable object. If airborne at the end of its slide, it falls but takes no damage regardless of the distance fallen.

Temperature Regulation(rear facing, smallest hole)/Temperature Regulation(rear facing, smallest hole):The cubic spiral radiates waves of heat or cold to adjust the temperature within 1,000 feet. The user indicates a temperature between -20˚ F and 140˚ F, and the artifact maintains that temperature within the area.

Tornado(rear facing, middle hole)/Tornado(rear facing, middle hole):The cubic spiral spins quickly in place, creating an effect like a stationary tornado(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 439) within 100 feet and creating severe winds within 1,000 feet.

Vacuum(rear facing, largest hole)/Vacuum(rear facing, largest hole):The cubic spiral destroys all air adjacent to it each round. Creatures adjacent to the artifact can’t speak, use breath weapons, cast spells with verbal components, or do anything else that requires breathing. If the cubic spiral is in a sealed chamber, air-breathing creatures in the chamber eventually suffocate.


The cubic spiral is destroyed if a mindless user directs it to use its drill function on itself.


Dawnflower's Kiss/)
出典 Pathfinder #77:Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth 62ページ
オーラ力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

The sacred weapon known as Dawnflower’s Kiss is said to have been one of a dozen identical weapons created long ago when Sarenrae split open the world while fighting Rovagug. When she did this, fragments of the world turned molten by her blade flew from the battle, landing in remote parts of Golarion where they cooled and transformed into these potent scimitars. The weapons were sought out by her church and were entrusted to her greatest champions. Over time, though, those champions fell and the blades were lost.

A Dawnflower’s Kiss is a +4 holy flaming scimitar. Once per round as a standard action, the wielder can slash at the air with a Dawnflower’s Kiss to fire a single bolt of searing light from the weapon. Once per day, the wielder may instead unleash a sunbeam with this standard action. In the hands of a worshiper of Sarenrae, the scimitar becomes a +5 holy flaming burst scimitar that functions as a divine focus for spellcasting. If used as a divine focus, the scimitar increases the save 難易度 for the spell cast by 1. Finally, by expending one use of mythic power, a worshiper of Sarenrae can as a standard action throw the sword to make a single attack against up to eight targets within 60 feet of her—these attacks resolve as melee attacks made at the worshiper’s highest attack bonus.

The Dawnflower’s Kiss found in this adventure was claimed long ago by Baphomet from a paladin of Sarenrae after her husband betrayed her to the Horned Lord. The blade has been corrupted—it now functions as a +4 unholy flaming scimitar, and none of its other powers function at all until it is cleansed, such as through the redeemed corruption forge back in Drezen or a miracle spell, or by bringing the scimitar to the unquiet shade of Lady Cessily Mantiel in area H2. When handed the weapon, she sighs in relief and infuses the blade with her spirit, restoring it to full functionality while simultaneously releasing her spirit from the prison.


A Dawnflower’s Kiss must be thrown into the Pit of Gormuz at midnight on the winter solstice. If the blade remains in the pit for 1 year, during which time the light of the sun never strikes it, the weapon crumbles to corruption.


Decemvirate Helm/十人委員会のヘルム)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 58ページ、Pathfinder Society Field Guide 51ページ
オーラ召喚術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 頭部市価 —; 重量 3ポンド



本来の的が何であれ、ディセムヴィリトゥ・ヘルムはmantles of officeとして機能するように設計されているように見える。24時間以内に5人以上の人間が着用した場合、1日の間機能を停止する。その後、24時間以内に5人以上の人間が着用した場合、ヘルムは永久に魔法効果を失う。


Deck of Harrowed Tales/悲痛な物語のデッキ)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 58ページ、The Harrowing 4ページ
オーラ召喚術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

デッキ・オヴ・ハロウド・テイルズは、Harrowed Realmに繋がれたユニークなハロウ・デッキである。これはハロウ・デッキのイラストのキャラクターの気まぐれで質な表現が存在する幻想的な擬似次元界である(この領域詳細についてはサイバー参照せよ)。1日1回、使用者からの精神的な合言葉で、デッキ・オヴ・ハロウド・テイルズゲート呪文に従って、Harrowed Realmに渦巻く渦を生成できる。この能はデッキがHarrowed Realmにある間は機能しないため、内部の人間は別の脱出方法を見つける必要がある。Harrowed Realmの詳細はPathfinder Module:The Harrowingを参照せよ。


デッキ・オヴ・ハロウド・テイルズは、各ハロウ・カードに関連付けられた54のクエスト神話上のシリーズを完了する事によってのみ破壊できる。そうして初めて最後の55番クエストが明らかになり、それが完了するとデッキとHarrowed Realmは存在しなくなる。


Drakesbane Horn/)
出典 Pathfinder #93:Forge of the Giant God 34ページ
オーラ心術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 7ポンド

The Drakesbane Horn is a 4-foot-long spiraling horn cut from the skull of a primordial drake. Its surface is carved with an intricate pattern of interlocking knots inlaid with silver and copper. When sounded, the horn can drive off or attract dragons of all varieties. Lesser dragons such as drakes typically flee in terror from the sound of the Drakesbane Horn, while more powerful dragons are compelled to seek out the horn. Creatures must be able to hear the horn to be affected by it.

The Drakesbane Horn affects dragons based on their 脅威度, as detailed below.

If the character playing the horn has the bardic performance class feature or the raging song class feature and succeeds at a 難易度 15 Perform(wind instruments) check, dragons of 脅威度 5 or less are instead affected by fear(Will 難易度 16), while dragons of 脅威度 6 to 脅威度 10 affected by the horn’s sympathy effect must succeed at an additional Will save(難易度 10 + 1/2 the character’s level + the character’s Charisma modifier) or also be fascinated for as long as the character continues to play the horn.

A creature that successfully saves against the horn’s effects is immune to further blasts for the next 24 hours. Note that the Drakesbane Horn does not grant the character playing it any ability to communicate with or otherwise control creatures affected by the horn.


The Drakesbane Horn is destroyed if it is soaked in the blood of an ancient dragon and then played by a stone giant elder.


Earth's Eye/)
出典 Pathfinder #120:Vault of the Onyx Citadel 79ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

The earth’s eye is a small geode that resembles a crystalline eye that sparkles brilliantly. When the earth’s eye is worn on a headband and positioned in the center of the forehead, it creates a mental bond between the wearer and all natural, unworked stone within 200 feet. By concentrating, the wearer can alter this stone in the following ways. These changes are permanent but are too gradual to damage most creatures and objects.

Calcific Alterations/Calcific Alterations:The wearer pulls mineral-rich moisture through the stone to create stalactites, stalagmites, and similar rock formations. These formations are the same type of stone as the surrounding area, and they appear to be seamless, natural growths. This change requires 1 full round of concentration for each 5-foot square affected.

Create Habitat/Create Habitat:The wearer draws forth a natural spring or pool of clear water, causes edible molds or fungi to sprout, or opens narrow vents that bring in fresh air from elsewhere. This change requires 1 full round of concentration for each 5-foot square affected.

Crystalline Forms/Crystalline Forms:The wearer transforms stone into translucent crystal. Sighted creatures can see through up to 30 feet of translucent crystal; thicker crystal is too cloudy to see through. The wearer can also transform nonmagical crystal into ordinary stone. This change requires 1 minute of concentration for each 5-foot square affected.

Reduce Stone/Reduce Stone:The wearer can remove stone entirely, but the resulting open space appears natural. Anything previously supported by stone that was removed entirely—such as a cavern ceiling—collapses. This change requires 1 minute of concentration for each 5-foot square affected.

Stone Tell/Stone Tell:The wearer can cause a 5-foot-square area of stone to ripple slightly, displaying momentary images of creatures and objects that have touched, used, or passed by the stone. This functions as stone tell but works only on natural stone. This requires 10 minutes of concentration.

The earth’s eye does not function when in natural sunlight.


A mortal wearer must use the earth’s eye to entomb herself entirely within stone, with no open space within 200 feet other than the space the wearer occupies. The wearer must then cast flesh to stone on herself to merge with the surrounding earth, destroying herself and the earth’s eye.


Eye of Abenatrex/)
出典 Dragonslayer's Handbook 29ページ
オーラ なし; 術者レベル なし
市価 —; 重量

The Eye of Abenatrex appears as a crystalline eyeball almost too large to be held in one hand. Gouges mar its surface and a golden triangle is embedded deep in the black iris—the symbol of the Saoc Brethren of the lost nation of Lirgen.

The city of Oagon was home to a cadre of wealthy merchants and astrologers who were the unknowing minions of the blue dragon Abenatrex. By sending false prophecies into their dreams, she directed the development of trade between Lirgen and its neighbors. Proud of her achievements, Abenatrex made the fatal error of revealing herself to her underlings, expecting respect. What she actually received was a pretense of fealty from subjects who turned the tables on her and stole what they perceived as their gold from under her nose. Through powerful magic, the Lirgeni took her entire hoard to fill their already overflowing coffers. For a while, Abenatrex remained oblivious to the immense slight, but inevitably, one of the wizards made a mistake and their ruse was revealed. Driven mad with rage and confusion, Abenatrex clawed out her own unbelieving eyes and frenziedly collapsed her lair around her.

From out of the rubble, one of her eyes was recovered, and over the decades since Lirgen’s fall, the Eye of Abenatrex has been sought by kings and dragons alike.

効果The Eye of Abenatrex can be held in the hand or mounted atop a staff. The bearer of the eye is immune to the effects of the illusory hoard spell and can cast dispel magic three times per day using his character level as the effect’s caster level. If mounted on a staff, the eye also automatically casts dispel magic(術者レベル 13th), targeting any illusions it interacts with. Also, any sorcerer of the draconic bloodline who wields the eye adds all spells on pages 28–29 to her spells known.



3.5 Materialアイ・オヴ・ラプチャー

Eye of Rapture/陶酔の
出典 Carnival of Tears 17ページ
オーラ幻術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

アイ・オヴ・ラプチャーは一度起動すると、1平方マイルほどの範囲が、心術幻術が融合した強魔法に包まれる。範囲内の者は見たいものだけを見て、陶酔したような喜びに包まれる。自分の先入観に沿わない物は無視してしまう。この効果は2d4時間持続し、使用者はいつでも撃された幻想を変えることができる。持続時間が終了すると、アイは結晶の塵になり、すべての魔法の特性を失う。アイ魔法に陥らないようにするためには難易度 25の意志セーヴが必要である。アイは強フェイ管理人がないと魔法が使用できない。custodianが殺害されると、アイは壊れて々に砕ける。


Fasciculus Labyrinthum/迷宮に関する束)
出典 Pathfinder #76:The Midnight Isles 60ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

バフォメットのルーン文字は、このスリムは皮の大冊を現している。より大きな作品から取られたこのファスィキュラス・ラビュリントゥムはバフォメット崇拝の儀式の多くを詳述している。そのページには imago lensの操作方法の詳細と、 imago lensを作成するための不完全手順が記載されている。本が運ばれている限り(持ち主のバッグ・オヴ・ホールディングのような他次元界間で運ばれている場合でも)、所持者にメイズ呪文に対する完全耐性狂気および混乱効果に対するすべてのセーヴィング・スローに+4の不浄ボーナスを与える。




Fetoring Maw悪臭の口)
出典 Pathfinder #140:Eulogy for Roslar's Coffer 40ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド




のドーム The Fog Dome

PCは、のドームの数フィート以内に近づいても、が痛くなるようなきつい臭い以外には何の響も受けない。ドームは実際には町の地下と近くのトゥロンデル川/Tourondel Riverのに浸透している球体の一部である。川のはないが、のドームの中を泳いでんだ魚の骸で満ちている。難易度25の〈知識:神秘学〉判定に成功したPCは、この効果は非常に強魔法のアイテム(おそらく下級のアーティファクト)によって生み出されたものだと推測する。


有毒の蒸気/Poisonous Vapors:ヒット・ダイスが3以下の生きているクリーチャー自動的に殺害する(セーヴなし)。4ヒット・ダイス以上ある生きているクリーチャーはきりの中にとどまっている各ラウンドで1d4ポイントの【耐久力】ダメージを受ける(頑健難易度28・半減)。まとわりつくと、クリーチャーの肺に押し込まれ皮膚から浸透するため、息を止めているクリーチャーでさえ、に曝される。これは効果である。

困惑の/Bewildering Mist:魔法のように感覚を曇らせ、の中に完全にいるクリーチャーが向きを変えるのを容易にするの中で移動を開始するクリーチャーは、難易度 25の〈生存〉判定に成功しなければならない。そうでない場合、その移動はランダムな方向になる(失敗いした投擲飛散武器の方向を決定する方法を使用する)。 この移動によってから抜け出すクリーチャーは、困惑のによって誤った方向を向いていたことを即座に理解する。 これは[精神作用]効果である。





Final Blade/最後の
出典 Inner Sea World Guide 300ページ
オーラ術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1,000ポンド

ファイナル・ブレードとして知られるギロチンは、ガルトとRed Revolutionの血なまぐさい象徴となっているが、実はこの恐ろしい装置の最初のものは、正義のために作られたものであった。ファイナル・ブレードは元々、刑囚を苦しまずに早くなせると同に、刑執行の際に犠牲者の魂をギロチンのの中に閉じ込め復活を防ぐために作られたものである。には独特の外観があり、市民はを人のように呼んでいる。罪判決を受けた囚人について話すとき、「太陽が沈む前にBloody Jaineと一緒に眠るだろう」と言うかもしれない。

ファイナル・ブレードで処刑できるのは、大型以下の無防備状態の(あるいは同意する)クリーチャーのみである。ファイナル・ブレード目標を切るために鎌を下ろしたとき、6d6+12ポイントのダメージを与える犠牲者へのとどめの一撃として扱う。ファイナル・ブレードダメージはすべてのダメージ軽減(エピックのダメージ減少は除く)を貫きすべての再生効果無効化する。この効果によって殺害されたクリーチャー自動的に魂をブレード自体に取り込まれるソウル・バインド効果目標となる(セーヴなし)。ファイナル・ブレードは保持できる魂の数に制限はない。ファイナル・ブレードから魂を開放してそのクリーチャー復活させることは可能であるが、その儀式はGray Gardenersだけが知っている極秘事項である。




Flamma Horacalcumホラカルコン
出典 Pathfinder #66:The Dead Heart of Xin 58ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ 中程度・力術術者レベル 20レベル重量 7ポンド



このは、所持者の時間をわずかに曲げたり歪めたりして、全てのイニシアチブ判定に+4のボーナスを与える。1日3回、即行アクションとして、ヘイストを発動するように命じることができる。所持者は標準アクションとして使用し、焼けるようなに相当する細いビームを放つことができる。この効果に当たったクリーチャー難易度 20の意志セーヴに失敗した場合、呪文に従って減速状態となる。


に関連する強破壊魔法効果を受けた特定の場所(Xin’s Palaceなど)では、フランマ・ホラカルコンが過去のイメージを浮かび上がらせる。このイメージは、装置のが最高設定にある場合にのみ表示され、正確に表示される内容は異なることがある――はほんの数時間前の出来事を明らかにするかもしれないし、何百世紀も前のことを明らかにするかもしれない。Xin’s palace内の様々な遭遇は、フフランマ・ホラカルコンが明らかにするものに関するセクションが含まれている。




Fluttered Wing/羽ばたく羽)
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 49ページ
オーラ心術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

1日1回、フラッタード・ウィングの所持者は、少なくともそれに無関心クリーチャーと静かにそしてなだめるように会話をすることができる。所持者がそうしている間、その目標に対する〈はったり〉〈交渉〉判定に+10のボーナスを得る。会話中のどの点でも、目標サジェスチョンを発動することができる。そうする呪文を単なる単語として発動する行為を隠匿し、〈はったり〉判定に+10のボーナスを得て判定を試みることができる; 観察者は自分の〈真意看破〉判定の結果がこの〈はったり〉判定の結果を上回った場合のみサジェスチョンを発動していることに気がつく。




3.5 Materialフューネラル・マスク・オヴ・ザ・フォー・ファラオズ・オヴ・アセンション

Funeral Mask of the Four Pharaohs of Ascension/昇天した4柱のファラオの葬儀用マスク)
出典 Entombed with the Pharaohs 10ページ
オーラ変成術秩序]; 術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位 頭部、両市価 下級アーティファクト重量


しかしマスクのより大きなは、Four Pharaohs of Ascensionのピラミッドのかけている部分を招来することである(パート3参照)。



Funerary Crown of the True King/真なる王の葬儀用王冠)
出典 Ships of the Inner Sea 44ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 頭部市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

この素晴らしいヘルムのこめかみ部分から突き出ている湾曲したは、実際にはケルン・リノームの顎から採取されたである。 昔のリノーム諸王によって、そしてその王のために製作されたヘルムは、リノーム死の呪い目標となった着用者のためにそのを留保する。価値のある着用者の場合、フューネラリー・クラウン・オヴ・ザ・トゥルー・キングは、現在着用者に響を与えている死の呪いを抑制し、恐怖効果、および他のすべての呪い抵抗するためのセーヴィング・スローに+4の抵抗ボーナスを与える。 ヘルムはまた、着用者が他のリノーム殺し/ linnorm slayerに響を与えようとするすべての【魅力】に基づく判定に+4洞察ボーナスを与える。 標準アクションとしてに1回、着用者は最大10分間B4/エインヘリヤルPathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 84ページ)を召喚することができる。それ以外のについては、このサモン・モンスターVIIと同等である。



フューネラリー・クラウン・オヴ・ザ・トゥルー・キングは”Father of All Linnorms”, ファフニールによって飲み込まれた場合のにも破壊することができる。


Godclaw Gauntlets/神ガントレット
出典 Pathfinder #107:Scourge of the Godclaw 16ページ
オーラ防御術力術変成術術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位市価 —; 重量 各々1ポンド

各々ゴッドクロー・ガントレッツ+2 アクシオマティックスパイクト・ガントレットである。1日1回左ゴッドクロー・ガントレッツを使用して呪文高速化オーダーズ・ラス呪文を、右ゴッドクロー・ガントレッツを使用して呪文高速化ディスミサルを発動することができる。




ゴッドクロー・ガントレッツヘルナイトの神騎士団によってワールドウーンドアビスに運ばれなければならない。ヘルないとは、少なくとも脅威度 15以上のデーモンガントレットの両方を噛み砕き、食べられることを許可しなければならない。


Harp of Night's Hope/)
出典 Nidal, Land of Shadows 39ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 75ポンド

This beautifully made concert harp features intarsia butterflies on its walnut frame and column, golden pedals, and silver strings. It produces a warm, mellow tone.

If played for a full hour during a starry night, the Harp of Night’s Hope grants restful sleep and heartening, reassuring dreams to all good-aligned creatures within 1,200 feet, granting those creatures a +1 morale bonus on all saving throws and skill checks for the next 24 hours. This morale bonus does not stack with itself. Additionally, when the harp grants its morale bonus, each creature of any alignment within range that is subject to an ongoing negative effect(such as possession, a spell of the compulsion subschool, or a similar effect) can immediately attempt a new saving throw with a +1 bonus to break free of the effect. If the effect does not ordinarily allow a saving throw to resist it, the harp does not grant one.

If the harp is played for an hour in the same place on a second consecutive night(24 hours later), in addition to extending the duration of the morale bonus provided to good-aligned creatures, the harp grants a new saving throw to creatures under ongoing negative effects as described above, this time with a +3 bonus. If the harp is played for an hour in the same place on a third consecutive night, the morale bonus is again extended, and creatures suffering from ongoing negative effects receive a new saving throw to break free, this time with a +5 bonus.

After being played for 3 consecutive nights, the harp cannot be used again to grant morale bonuses or new saving throws for a month.


The Harp of Night’s Hope crumbles into ash if a kyton takes it to Zon-Kuthon’s stronghold of Xovaikain on the Shadow Plane and there severs each of its strings with a blade made from the sharpened finger bones of a Desnan who committed a heresy and did not atone before death.


Haykali's House of Cards/)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 19ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

This item operates as a standard 22-card deck of many things, save that if its wielder takes 5 minutes to build a card house out of its deck(a 難易度 20 Sleight of Hand check), he and any creatures touching him are instantly transported to a pocket dimension constructed to resemble a massive, fully furnished mansion made out of cards. Within its ever-shifting corridors, the PCs must defeat personifications of the negative cards or be immediately shunted back to the Material Plane and suffer the effects of the card that conquered them. If the PCs successfully reach the heart of the mansion, they find the positive result cards floating there. Each PC may choose one, whereupon he returns to the Material Plane and receives its effects. A creature may enter the House of Cards only once. Designing and mapping the adventure that results from characters entering the House of Cards is left up to the GM; such preparations should take place before introducing this artifact.


Haykali's House of Cards can be destroyed only by surmounting its challenges and then using the Moon card to wish for the deck's destruction.


Heart of Nhur Athemon/)
出典 The Emerald Spire Superdungeon 130ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 15ポンド

This multi-chambered clockwork device is about the size of an ogre’s fist. Tiny mechanisms whir and grind, powering a constant thump reminiscent of a heartbeat. When placed upon the chest of a humanoid creature, the Heart of Nhur Athemon phases into the chest cavity, consuming and replacing the user’s natural heart, and granting the user a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Anyone who touches the Heart of Nhur Athemon must succeed at a 難易度 25 Will save or be compelled to place the heart against her chest(this is a mind-affecting compulsion effect).

A successful 難易度 30 caster level check made as part of a remove curse spell or similar effect forces the Heart of Nhur Athemon to phase out of its host’s chest. Because the Heart of Nhur Athemon consumes its host’s natural heart, destroying or expelling the item while it is keeping a character alive kills the character 1 round after it’s removed, unless a restoration spell is immediately applied to the host.

The heart is also the phylactery of the Azlanti lich Nhur Athemon. If Nhur Athemon is destroyed, the phylactery immediately begins to rebuild the lich’s body nearby. The process takes 1d10 days, and begins anew if interrupted so long as the phylactery is not destroyed.


The heart must be thrown into the chasm in area 真なる中立7 or targeted with a transmute metal to wood spell.


Hellfire Halo獄の輪)
出典 Pathfinder #107:Scourge of the Godclaw 36ページ
オーラ防御術変成術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 頭部市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

この汚れた指輪は、燃えるような輪が邪の中に燃え上がっているように見える。 は無害で、消えずの松明のようにを放つ。 着用者は、即行アクションとして、これらのを抑制または起動ですることができる。ヘルファイア・ハロー〈威圧〉ランクを与えるヘッドバンド・オヴ・メンタル・スペリアリティ+2として機能する。ハローが燃えている間、着用者はアルコン義憤のオーラ効果に完全対し絵を持ち。攻撃するエンジェル防御のオーラを無視する。加えて、ホーリィ・オーラ効果下でクリーチャー攻撃する1日に最大3回まで着用者は呪文高速化ディスペル・マジックを発動するかのようにその効果の解呪を試みることができる(術者レベル16)。クリーチャー悪を討つ一撃を使用して着用者を攻撃する各日の最初の、その一撃効果は即座に終了して無駄になり、攻撃を行うクリーチャー難易度 20の意志セーヴに成功するか1d4ラウンドの間よろめき状態とならなければならない。




Helm of Governance/)
出典 Pathfinder #126:Beyond the Veiled Past 55ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 頭部市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

This helm masks the wearer’s face and functions as a helm of telepathy combined with an amulet of proof against detection and location. The wearer can cast disguise self at will and benefits from discern lies and true seeing at all times. The helm provides complete protection from all gaze attacks and all forms of mental control. The helm also interfaces with illusory effects, allowing the wearer to see and hear through certain illusions as though those illusions acted as scrying sensors. The helm is currently attuned to numerous projection pads depicting Jazradan’s programmed image, scattered throughout the ruins of Azlant.

Once per day as a swift action, the wearer of the helm of governance can utter the Azlanti word for “stop,” which causes a time stop effect. Similarly, up to three times per day as a swift action, the wearer can say “insufficient” in Azlanti, which targets a creature within 300 feet with greater dispel magic.


The helm is forever tied to its wearer, even unto death. Only by killing the helm’s owner, Grand Arcanist Jazradan, can this artifact be destroyed.


Hourglass of Shadows/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 58ページ、The Demon Within 29ページ
オーラ死霊術]; 術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 350ポンド

The Hourglass of Shadows is a foul artifact that allows the user to process a creature’s remains into an undead shadow. The unwieldy, 5-foottall device rests suspended on an iron stand fitted with pivots that allow its user to rotate a central chamber of etched, smoke-colored glass. To operate the device, the user must place the ashes of a Small, Medium, or Large sentient creature into the glass chamber along with a crushed onyx worth 100gp. After the ashes have flowed through the chamber three times—a process that takes 3 hours—the contents can be emptied. If deposited into a clay pot filled with grave dirt and brackish water, the ashes transform the mundane container into a shadow urn. A creature whose remains have been defiled in this way cannot be restored to life by any method short of a miracle or wish until the shadow urn containing its spirit has been destroyed.

A shadow urn contains an unquiet spirit befouled by the Hourglass of Shadows. These fragile urns can be thrown, have a range increment of 10 feet, and shatter on contact with any creature or solid surface. When a shadow urn is broken, the single greater shadow contained within is released. This shadow is free-willed—owing no allegiance to the owner of the Hourglass of Shadows or whoever broke its urn—and typically attacks the nearest creature, seeking to sate its hunger for life energy. A shadow urn is destroyed when it is used. If not shattered, a shadow urn contains the soul within indefinitely.


Casting a spell with the light descriptor on the Hourglass of Shadows renders it inoperative for 1 day per level of the spell. Casting sunburst on the Hourglass under the light of the noonday sun causes it to shatter. Similarly, a shadow urn broken in an area of full natural sunlight destroys the shadow within rather than releasing it.


Id Portrait/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 59ページ、Gallery of Evil 31ページ
オーラ心術死霊術総合術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 50ポンド

This 4-foot-by-8-foot oil-on-wood masterwork painting depicts an elegant high-backed padded chair in the foreground of a gothic study with heavy curtains, polished tables supporting decorative lamps, plush rugs, and hundreds of books on shelves. The silver-andgold frame is equally elegant and etched with faintly glowing arcane symbols.

The painting is a powerful minor artifact that can be used to create one or more duplicates of any living creature that has a Charisma score of at least 10. By touching the painting and uttering a command word, the subject creature is drawn into the painting and appears seated in the chair. The subject is under the effects of a binding spell.

Delving into the subconscious mind, the painting creates a duplicate of the subject that lasts for 1 day per Hit Die the creature possesses. If the subject creature has a positive Charisma modifier, additional duplicates equal to its Charisma modifier may be created. Each of these duplicates represents an alter ego of the subject. Some beings may have multiple alter egos. In this case, the subject creature determines exactly how many id duplicates he wants the id portrait to create, up to a maximum determined by his Charisma modifier.

An id duplicate can be of a different class from the subject creature, and it has average hit points for that class, the same number of Hit Dice as the subject creature, and the same basic knowledge and goals as the subject creature(modified by any ability score changes). It is an average member of its class, with appropriate skills and feats. Reallocate the subject creature’s ability scores to make them appropriate to the new class chosen.

A duplicate can carry out whatever tasks the original creature desires. If all duplicates are destroyed, the original creature is ejected from the id portrait and permanently loses 1 point of Charisma(this cannot be replaced by any means short of a miracle or wish). In addition, he is under the effects of slow and dimensional anchor for the following 24 hours. These effects cannot be dispelled. The portrait is usually placed somewhere hidden and safe, or in the care of trusted guardians, since the subject creature is significantly weakened until he recovers from the magical effects. When a duplicate has lived out its allotted time, it simply dies. Even if the duplicate is slain or dies before its duration expires, the body remains and behaves as a normal corpse. Spells such as miracle, raise dead, and resurrection fail to affect a duplicate corpse created by the id portrait.

An id duplicate has a challenge rating equal to the base creature’s 脅威度 –1.


The id portrait can only be destroyed by painting a fresh portrait seated in the chair with marvelous pigments. The subject of this painting must be the original creator of the artifact.


Imperial Diadem/)
出典 Pathfinder #114:Black Stars Beckon 10ページ
オーラ心術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 頭部市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

Fashioned from rose gold and set with multicolored gemstones that glitter with internal illumination, the Imperial Diadem contains the memories and personalities of Yhtill’s population. Any creature that wears the item for at least 24 hours has a portion of its soul infused within the artifact. This fusion grants a constant death ward effect to the wearer. As a standard action, Cassilda can teleport the Imperial Diadem to her hand from any distance, including across planar boundaries.

Three times per day, the Imperial Diadem grants the wearer the ability to use mind-affecting effects on creatures with a minimum Intelligence of 3 that are normally immune to mind-affecting effects. The Imperial Diadem also allows the wearer to cast prying eyes, greater scrying, and vision each once per day.


The Imperial Diadem is destroyed if both Hastur and Cassilda die within 24 hours of each other. This releases all of those souls stored within the item to the Boneyard or permits them to be resurrected in a restored Yhtill.


Ioun Stones, Thassilonian/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 421ページ
オーラ・様々; 術者レベル 12レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

Whether they were invented by the Azlanti or merely discovered by them, ioun stones were an important part of Azlanti society—and by extension, of Thassilonian society. Many of Thassilon’s rulers— particularly runelords like Karzoug—took to the art of embedding these stones in their flesh. An ioun stone implanted in this manner cannot be sundered or stolen. Further rules on implanting ioun stones can be found in Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Seekers of Secrets.

Thassilonian wizards perfected and enhanced many forms of ioun stones, such as the four unusually powerful stones listed below. These stones are minor artifacts, and methods of their creation have been lost since Thassilon’s fall.

Amber Spindle/Amber SpindleAn amber spindle grants a +1 resistance bonus on all saving throws(the bonuses from possessing multiple amber spindles stack, up to a maximum of +5).
Crimson Sphere/Crimson Sphere:This ioun stone grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Intelligence(the bonuses from possessing multiple crimson spheres stack, up to a maximum of +6).
Emerald Ellipsoid/Emerald Ellipsoid:An emerald ellipsoid grants 5 bonus hit points(the bonuses from multiple emerald ellipsoids stack; there is no maximum benefit).
Onyx Rhomboid/Onyx Rhomboid:This stone grants a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution(the bonuses from possessing multiple onyx rhomboids stack, up to a maximum of +6).


Jaundiced Skull Ioun Stone/)
出典 Pathfinder #126:Beyond the Veiled Past 56ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

In addition to serving as a vessel for Auberon’s soul, the jaundiced skull ioun stone is a potent artifact with two protections against detection. First, when active, the ioun stone is invisible as it orbits the bearer’s head. Secondly, the jaundiced skull ioun stone is immune to divination effects.

If a lich activates this ioun stone, it can use its paralyzing touch as a ranged touch attack to a distance of 60 feet. In addition, if the lich whose soul is stored within the jaundiced skull ioun stone is slain and someone else takes possession of the artifact, the rate at which the lich rejuvenates is accelerated, as the ioun stone begins sapping the life force from its current bearer. The stone’s bearer quickly rots, taking 1 point of Constitution drain initially and every hour thereafter while it is activated unless the bearer succeeds at a 難易度 25 Fortitude save. The creature bearing the ioun stone receives a new saving throw each time it would be subjected to Constitution drain. As long as the ioun stone has dealt at least 1 point of Constitution drain, the deterioration assists in the reformation of the lich’s body, reducing the time required for rejuvenation to 1d10 hours instead of the normal 1d10 days.


The jaundiced skull ioun stone can be destroyed only after the destruction of the lich whose soul it holds and before the lich has rejuvenated. During this time, the ioun stone must be subjected to a consecrate spell and then be smashed to pieces. The jaundiced skull ioun stone has アーマー・クラス 26, 50 hit points, and hardness 10.


Life Lantern/)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 62ページ
オーラ力術死霊術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

The life lantern appears as a large ankh made of gold with a polished sphere of sapphire fitted into its center. Held in one hand by a living bearer, the life lantern glows with a radiance equal to that of a sunrod. If the carrier is undead, the life lantern instead sheds an area of magical darkness akin to that exuded by a darkness spell.

The light or darkness exuded by a life lantern enhances certain elements of necromancy. In an area of light generated by a living carrier of a life lantern, dying creatures gain a +4 bonus on all Constitution checks to stabilize. More significantly, a body brought back to life via raise dead, resurrection, or any similar effect does not gain any negative levels upon being brought back, as long as the body is restored while it is illuminated by the life lantern’s light. Once per year, the life lantern may be used by a living creature to cast resurrection on a creature by touching the life lantern to a portion of the dead creature’s body.

When the life lantern sheds darkness in the hand of an undead creature, all undead creatures in that area of darkness gain fast healing 5. Once per week, the life lantern may be used by an undead creature to cast create greater undead.

The life lantern also functions as a holy or unholy symbol for a spellcaster who worships a deity who grants access to the domains of Death or Healing, and the spellcaster need not actually have those domains to use the lantern in this way.


If the life lantern is buried in a coffin along with a living creature, it crumbles to dust when the creature dies.


Lotus Stone of Namrut/)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 72ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

The Lotus Stone of Namrut is a sizable limestone tablet over an inch thick and slightly smaller than a human head. It is carved into the shape of a highly stylized, blossoming lotus. The stone’s greatest power lies in its ability to restore life to any individual that has been deceased for fewer than 48 hours. To perform the resurrection ritual, the tablet must be placed the upon the individual’s chest at dusk; when the first rays of the rising sun to touch the deceased individual’s face, he awakens.

During the ritual, the deceased person experiences a powerful vision in which he enters the divine court of Namrut, a blue-skinned Osirian man with lotus flowers blossoming from his head and palms. Hundreds of white and blue lotus flowers float in the pools that line the stone pathways of Namrut’s courtyard. Namrut offers the individual the blessing of life; in return he asks that he not be forgotten. If the individual accepts, Namrut graciously returns him to life per resurrection. When the individual wakes, he discovers that the back of his neck has been marked with the symbol of Namrut’s white lotus. The marking is permanent and cannot be removed by any means short of a miracle or wish. Thereafter, provided the individual keeps his promise to remember Namrut, the lotus grants the marked character a number of spell-like abilities.

A number of times per day equal to 1 + the marked character’s Wisdom modifier(minimum 1), the marked character can perform a lotus ritual to simulate the effects of one of the following spells:cure critical wounds, neutralize poison, remove blindness/deafness, remove disease, or restoration. Performing the lotus ritual requires a full 10 minutes of prayer, during which the marked individual can not be interrupted. In addition to prayers, the ritual requires the consumption of lotus tea.


The Lotus Stone of Namrut can be destroyed by grinding it to dust upon the altar in Namrut’s palace, and then scattering the dust into the lotus-petal-shaped lakes that surround Shiman-Sekh.


Magi Staff of the Deep Black/)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 49ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

This crystalline blue-white staff fell from the sky during a dazzling display of falling stars. Sages believe it was once part of an enormous piece of ice drifting between worlds since the dawn of time, only coming to the world on a quirk of chance. Though as hard as crystal, the staff feels like wet ice, is cold to the touch, and gives the impression of great age. It slowly sinks in fresh or salt water(unlike true ice, which floats), and while it creates a cocoon of ice around itself when submerged, it is only after several hours that this coating is thick enough to cause the staff to bob to the surface. The staff’s powers(and the equivalent staff of the magi powers they replace) are:

The staff otherwise has the normal powers and abilities of a staff of the magi. If it is broken in a retributive strike, the bearer has a 25% chance to be held in stasis somewhere(as imprisonment, no saving throw), a 25% chance to be transported to a random plane, and a 50% chance to be utterly destroyed.


This item can be destroyed in the same manner as a normal staff of the magi. It is also destroyed if consumed by an elder fire elemental or an efreeti, or if cast into an active volcano.


Magi Staff of the Mammothマンモス魔道師の杖)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 49ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド


スタッフは2チャージでコーン・オヴ・コールド(15d6ダメージ反応難易度 19・半減)を発動することもできる。サモン・モンスターIXを発動するとき、マギ・スタッフ・オヴ・マンモスは常に1d4+1体のセレスチャルまたはフィーンディッシュマストドン招来できる。




Magi Staff of the Necromancer/)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 49ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

This long staff of smooth, pale bone is bent in a swaying shape, like a crone’s back, and is carved with ancient symbols of death and spirits, with the writing standing out in stark black from a thick paste of human ash rubbed into it. Any good creature who holds or carries the staff gains two permanent negative levels(similar to holding an unholy weapon). The staff’s powers(and the equivalent staff of the magi powers they replace) are:

The staff otherwise has the normal powers and abilities of a staff of the magi. If broken in a retributive strike, the bearer has a 25% chance to be transported to the Negative Energy Plane, a 50% chance to be transported to a random plane, and a 25% chance to be utterly destroyed. Rumor has it that the staff contains a hollow space to hold a lich’s phylactery, though arcane scholars point out that no sane lich would keep his life essence in a magic item that explodes when broken.


This item can be destroyed in the same manner as a normal staff of the magi. It is also destroyed immediately if a good cleric casts heal on the staff while on the Positive Energy Plane.


Magi Staff of the Scholar学者魔道師の杖)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 49ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド





Maleficus Spike/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 59ページ、Pathfinder #17:A Memory of Darkness 25ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 16ポンド

A maleficus spike is an ancient item forged of cold iron with an adamantine core designed to keep demons at bay. When driven into the wall of a building, a maleficus spike infuses the walls of the structure with a dimensional lock effect and a ward that repels evil outsiders. Any outsider with the evil subtype that tries to enter or damage the warded building must attempt a 難易度 30 Will save. If it fails, the outsider takes 12d6 points of damage and becomes nauseated for 1 hour. An outsider that remains inside a building warded in this manner must make a new Will save each round to avoid damage and nausea. The effect is lessened against non-outsider evil creatures, but they too are affected—such creatures gain a +4 bonus on their Will saves, take only 4d6 points of damage on a failed save, and are nauseated for only 1 minute.

The stone and doors of a structure warded by a maleficus spike are considered to be magically treated(+20 to Break DCs, double hardness, and double hit points). Additionally, the structure self-repairs damage at the rate of 5 points of damage per round, provided the damage was inflicted while the maleficus spike was functioning; the spike can’t repair existing damage when it is installed.

A maleficus spike consumes an enormous amount of magical energy. It contains enough energy to ward a structure for 24 hours, after which it becomes dormant until recharged. Recharging a maleficus spike requires a spellcaster to spend 10 minutes in contact with the spike, after which the spellcaster selects a number of spell slots totaling no fewer than 24 spell levels to expend to infuse the artifact with enough energy to ward the structure for another 24 hours. Prepared spells in these slots are lost for a day, and for spontaneous spellcasters those slots are used for a day. Spell-like abilities cannot be used to fuel a maleficus spike.


To destroy a maleficus spike, it must be hammered into a structure on the Abyss using a tool bearing the unholy symbol of any demon lord.


Mindbind Figurine/)
出典 The Moonscar 28ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・心術術者レベル 25レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 80ポンド

This 2-foot-tall marble statue has the exact appearance of a mortal creature, constantly reflecting any changes to its appearance from injury, age, or even reincarnation. The creature represented may be identified only if you are already familiar with the creature, and until activated, the creature exhibits no evidence of its connection to the mindbind figurine.

An unsculpted mindbind figurine appears as a featureless humanoid, but can be linked to a creature in a complex demonic ritual overseen by a chosen acolyte of the demon lord Nocticula, at which point the statue takes on the form of the creature and is bound inexorably to the creature’s mind while awaiting its activation.

When broken, a mindbind figurine triggers a delayed dominate monster effect in the mind of the sculpted creature, causing it to play its designated role in Nocticula’s sinister plans. The creature gets no save against this effect, as the save is made at the time of the figurine’s creation.


A mindbind figurine can only be destroyed by physical damage. Destroying one in such a manner activates the linked creature.


Mythic Amulet of the Abyss/)
出典 Pathfinder #77:Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth 63ページ
オーラ召喚術混沌]; 術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

A mythic amulet of the Abyss bears the rune of a single demon lord on its face, indicating the lord to which the amulet is attuned. At its basest, a mythic amulet of the Abyss functions as an unholy symbol to this demon lord as well as a phylactery of faithfulness.

A mythic amulet of the Abyss grants its wearer all three of the demon lord’s boons, regardless of the wearer’s actual level. It grants all of the first boon’s spell-like abilities at will. The amulet found in this adventure is associated with Baphomet, and as such it grants the following boons(see Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Lords of Chaos, Book of the Damned, Vol. 2 for details on other demon lords’ boons):

Additionally, the wearer of the amulet gains a +4 enhancement bonus to natural armor, immunity to electricity and poison, and resistance 10 to acid, cold, and fire.

Any lawful or good character who wears this amulet gains 2 negative levels. These negative levels remain as long as the amulet is worn. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they can’t be overcome in any way as long as the amulet is worn.


A mythic amulet of the Abyss can be destroyed as a swift action by the demon lord to which it is attuned, up to a range of 120 feet.


Nahyndrian Chisel/)
出典 Pathfinder #78:City of Locusts 62ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

This large chisel appears to be made of deep purple crystal— it is, in fact, carved from the heart of a single enormous Nahyndrian crystal. Imbued with devastating magic, the Nahyndrian chisel may be used three times per day to target a creature or object with a mage’s disjunction. Activating this ability requires the user to make a successful touch attack against the target. A Nahyndrian chisel can be used as an improvised weapon in combat—when so utilized, it has a +3 enhancement bonus on attack rolls and damage rolls, deals 1d4 points of piercing damage on a hit, and automatically bypasses any damage reduction(including ダメージ減少/epic or ダメージ減少/—).


If a Nahyndrian chisel is successfully used to destroy an artifact, it must succeed at a 難易度 25 Will save or be destroyed.


Nahyndrian Crystal/)
出典 Pathfinder #76:The Midnight Isles 60ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術死霊術]; 術者レベル 30レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

Normally, when a demon lord is slain while its Abyssal resurrection ability has already been used, its body joins the countless others petrified into the walls of the Rift of Repose. The demon lord Nocticula discovered a method to bypass this, however, and now any demon lord slain by her is instead absorbed into her realm, creating an island in her domain. The demon lord’s personality and themes influence the nature of the newly formed isle, but little of its physical form remains save for its ichor. This lifeblood fossilizes deep within the island into Nahyndrian crystals.

The majority of Nahyndrian crystals are flawed, but the most perfect of them retain the mythic power of their demonic source. These Nahyndrian crystals have hardness 30 and 120 hit points, and can be used in the creation of various powerful items.

Nahyndrian crystals feel cold to the touch, and contact with one can be debilitating. When a creature touches a Nahyndrian crystal, it takes 1d4 points of Wisdom drain as flashes of horrific anguish flood the creature’s mind(Fortitude 難易度 25 negates). A creature can only be affected in this way by a Nahyndrian crystal once in a 24-hour period.

A creature that carries a Nahyndrian crystal on its person(even if the crystal is carried in an extradimensional space, such as a bag of holding) gains 2 negative levels; creatures with both the chaotic and evil subtypes only gain 1 negative level in this manner. These negative levels remain as long as the crystal is carried and are removed as soon as the crystal is abandoned. The negative levels from multiple Nahyndrian crystals stack. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way while the crystal is possessed(including via restoration spells). A creature who carries enough Nahyndrian crystals to gain enough negative levels to equal or exceed its Hit Dice immediately dies—a humanoid slain in this manner immediately rises as an advanced bodak.

A Nahyndrian crystal cannot be teleported. Anyone attempting to use a teleportation effect on a creature carrying a Nahyndrian crystal(including the creature itself) must attempt a 難易度 30 caster level check. If the caster fails the check, the spell doesn’t work and is wasted; otherwise, the spell works normally, but any Nahyndrian crystals carried by the teleporter remain behind, dropping to the ground where the teleporter was previously standing.


A Nahyndrian crystal can be destroyed by physical damage, provided the source can penetrate the crystal’s hardness.


Nahyndrian Elixir/)
出典 Pathfinder #76:The Midnight Isles 61ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術死霊術]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

This thick, syrupy, deep purple elixir contains within it the ability to infuse a drinker with a tiny fragment of a dead demon lord’s mythic power. So potent is this elixir that it must be stored in a magically reinforced cold iron flask capped with a mixture of lead and demon ichor—the flask itself is essentially a wondrous magic item that does nothing else and costs 8,000gp to craft. Even then, the elixir’s essence fills a 10-foot-radius area with unholy energies that sicken all living creatures(this is a poison effect with no saving throw). If the flask is opened, this radius expands to 30 feet. A thin sheet of lead, 1 inch of common metal, or 1 foot of stone blocks this effect. Once the flask is opened, the elixir must be imbibed within 1 minute; re-capping the elixir at this point doesn’t reset or pause this countdown. If the elixir has not been imbibed in that time, the energy within explodes in a 30-foot-radius burst that deals 15d6 points of unholy damage(Will 難易度 25 half) to all creatures in the area of effect, destroying the elixir.

If a creature drinks a Nahyndrian elixir, it must succeed at a 難易度 25 Fortitude save or take 4d6 points of Constitution drain(demons automatically succeed). If a non-mythic chaotic evil creature succeeds, it undergoes mythic ascension—gaining either the first tier in a mythic path or a mythic rank, at the GM’s discretion. A chaotic evil creature that is already mythic treats a Nahyndrian elixir as nectar of the gods(Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 155).

Nahyndrian elixirs have the same strange immunity to teleportation effects as Nahyndrian crystals.


Merely opening the elixir ensures its destruction. Pouring the contents out triggers its unholy explosion instantly.


Nargrym's Steel Hand/)
出典 Pathfinder #93:Forge of the Giant God 13ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

Forged from solid steel, this magically animated prosthetic hand is elaborately sculpted down to the finest detail. Nargrym’s steel hand can be used to replace the normal hand of a humanoid creature—it can’t be worn in addition to an already existing hand. When attached to the wrist stump of a living humanoid creature, Nargrym’s steel hand magically forms a permanent bond to the wearer’s flesh and nerves. Once the hand has bonded to the wearer’s wrist, the wearer gains full control over the hand as if it were part of his own body. The hand has a full range of motion and functions as a normal hand. While worn, Nargrym’s steel hand grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Strength(treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the hand is worn) and a +5 bonus to 戦技防御値 against disarm attempts. In addition, the wearer can wield weapons of one size category larger than the wearer’s size without penalty and without altering the weapon’s designation as a light, one-handed, or twohanded weapon. For example, a Medium creature wearing Nargrym’s steel hand could wield a Large longspear as a two-handed weapon without penalty. However, whenever the wearer of the hand is within line of sight of a creature with the giant subtype, he must succeed at 難易度 15 Will save or be compelled to attack the giant, as suggestion. Once bonded to a wearer, Nargrym’s steel hand cannot be removed except by the wearer or after the wearer’s death.


Nargrym’s steel hand is destroyed if it is smashed by a giant wielding a hammer of thunderbolts.

3.5 Materialネクロパイア・クリスタル

Necropyre Crystal/)
出典 Blood of Dragonscar 29ページ
オーラ死霊術防御術]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 10ポンド

This shining violet crystal is as large as a grapefruit. In its depths swirl spectral shapes and glimpses of a strange landscape. When activated it grows as bright as a daylight spell, but this light is not harmful to any creature, even undead or those sensitive to light. Corrupted by proximity to a thousand murders and tempered in the fires of a dragon’s belly, the necropyre crystal is no longer the benign item it was before the destruction of talamir. The earth itself has rejected the corrupted crystal, and the crystal’s powers do not function while you or it are in contact with the ground.

Any creature you kill while bearing the crystal has its soul absorbed into the crystal(preventing anyone from raising them from the dead), granting you powers while you carry it. After 10 kills, you gain fast healing 10. After 30, you gain spell resistance 30. After 60, you gain damage reduction 15/—. After 100, you gain a +5 profane bonus to all saving throws and a unique negative energy power related to your other abilities(a fighter’s melee attacks may gain the unholy property, a dragon’s breath weapon may become infused with negative energy, and so on). These kills are attuned to you; another person carrying the crystal gains no benefit unless they have slain the appropriate number of people while bearing it. It is possible for different people to have different levels of power from the crystal depending on how many they have killed while holding it.

The crystal tends to spontaneously create necropyre creatures from the tortured souls within it and sometimes reabsorbs these creatures into itself if they are nearby. The necropyres never harm you, nor are they under your command.

The crystal bestows one negative level on any non-evil creature touching or carrying it. The negative level remains as long as the crystal is touched, held, or carried, and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. This negative level never results in actual level loss, but it cannot be overcome in any way(including restoration spells) while you possess the crystal. The crystal is semi-sentient and hungry for souls. Over time it corrupts you, turning you chaotic evil and eventually forcing you to murder others to sate the crystal’s craving for life energy(friends, family, and innocents are the crystal’s favorite targets).

Destroying the crystal requires physical or magical force(hardness 8, ヒット・ポイント 100). when the crystal is destroyed, all the spirits trapped within it(as well as any necropyre creatures created by it) are freed and escape to their reward in the afterlife(after the crystal’s destruction, these victims can be raised from the dead normally).


Oculus of Abaddon/)
出典 Pathfinder #33:The Varnhold Vanishing 52ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術占術死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

An oculus of Abaddon is a potent artifact rumored to have been created by one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse as a way to reward those who work as their agents on the Material Plane. More likely, these items were crafted by a powerful pre- Earthfall race that has long since moved on, leaving behind these dangerous artifacts to tempt mortals into serving the needs of the Horsemen.

An oculus of Abaddon appears as a sphere of clear crystal that contains a pinpoint of flickering red light at its center. When held, the oculus feels warm to the touch and fills the holder with a sudden desire to pluck out an eye and place the oculus within the socket—this causes 1d8 points of damage, 1 point of bleed damage, and 2 points of Constitution damage. Once placed in an eye socket, the oculus can only be removed by ripping it free(causing the same amount of damage as the initial plucking). An oculus placed in an empty eye socket immediately heals all damage caused by plucking the previous eye out. Once placed, an oculus allows its new owner to utilize its powers, as listed below.

Familiar farsight at will(if the user has a familiar or an animal companion, he may use clairaudience/clairvoyance to observe the world through his familiar, despite any intervening distance as long as he and the familiar are on the same plane)

The oculus of Abaddon’s greatest power, though, is its haunting beckon. This ability is usable once per year, and allows the user to manipulate the minds of a huge number of targets, provided that the end goal of the manipulation is a tragic or otherwise horrific fate for those being manipulated. This functions as mass charm monster, but with a range of 1 mile, and establishes a telepathic link between the caster and all minds in that area. The effects are still language-dependant despite this telepathy—creatures without the ability to understand language(typically, creatures with an Intelligence score of 2 or lower) are unaffected. All other creatures are automatically affected unless they have 6 or more ヒット・ダイス, in which case they gain a 難易度 22 Will save to resist the effects. Spell resistance applies regardless of ヒット・ダイス.

The oculus of Abaddon is powerfully neutral evil and possesses a limited and hateful intellect of its own. While not capable of communicating directly with its owner, it refuses to activate its powers for any user who is not neutral evil.


A foul and hideous object, the oculus of Abaddon is fortunately relatively easy to destroy, as far as artifacts go. To destroy an oculus of Abaddon, it must be smashed by a bludgeoning holy weapon wielded by a permanently blinded humanoid—alternatively, any bludgeoning weapon wielded by a permanently blinded good outsider with at least 7 ヒット・ダイス will work as well. A 難易度 30 Knowledge(arcana) check is enough to learn this method of destruction.


Orb of Dragon Mastery/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 33ページ
オーラ心術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

These grim orbs swirl hypnotically with shades of crimson and the color of the draconic breed whose minds they can ensnare. The bearer of an Orb of Dragon Mastery can, as a standard action, dominate dragons of the orb’s particular variety within 250 feet(as dominate monster), the target dragon being forced to make a 難易度 23 Will save to resist. Spell resistance is not useful against this effect. By steeping the orb for 1 hour in the blood of a true dragon that has been dead for no more than a day, the 難易度 to resist the orb’s dominate monster effect can be increased by an amount equal to the slain dragon’s age category.(Thus, steeping the orb in the blood of an old dragon would increase the 難易度 by +8.) This bonus decreases by –1 every day until the orb returns to its normal 難易度 or is again steeped in a dragon’s blood. An Orb of Dragon Mastery cannot be steeped in the blood of multiple dragons for an increased benefit. The blood may come from any breed of true dragon, not just dragons of the orb’s color.


A dragon of the color the Orb of Dragon Mastery controls must willingly swallow the orb, an act that kills the dragon but also shatters the artifact.


Orb of Dragonkin/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 34ページ
オーラ心術術者レベル 19レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

Each of the Orbs of Dragonkin holds power over a specific race of lesser draconic creatures with the dragon type(except for true dragons). The bearer of an Orb of Dragonkin can, as a standard action, dominate a creature of the orb’s particular variety within 200 feet(as dominate monster), with the targeted creature being forced to make a 難易度 23 Will save to resist. Spell resistance is not useful against this effect. Each Orb of Dragonkin grants the wielder the アーマー・クラス and saving throw bonuses of the draconic creature the orb is associated with. These values replace whatever values the character would otherwise have, whether better or worse. These values cannot be modified by any means short of ridding the character of the orb. The owner of an orb knows if there are draconic creatures of the type the orb is related to within 10 miles at all times. Each Orb of Dragonkin also has an individual power that can be invoked once per round at caster level 10th.


An Orb of Dragonkin shatters if subjected to the breath weapon of a true dragon of the same alignment as the orb’s associated draconic creature.


Orb of Dragonshape/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 34ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 19レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

Once per day, the bearer of one of these scintillating, 1-foot-diameter orbs can transform into a Huge dragon of a specific variety. This effect is similar to that created by form of the dragon III, but the bearer also gains spell resistance 21 and the following abilities linked the orb’s dragon type, usable three times during the transformation. The transformation lasts for 10 minutes and cannot be ended prematurely.


To destroy an Orb of Dragonshape that transforms the user into a good-aligned dragon, an evil dragon must use the orb to transform and sacrifice itself to save another. To destroy an orb tied to evil dragons, a good dragon must use it to transform and go on a rampage resulting in the death of more than 100 innocents.


Orrery of Distant Worlds/)
出典 Doom Comes to Dustpawn 28ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 11レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 8ポンド

This portable orrery models Golarion’s solar system, and is collapsible down to a 1-foot-diameter globe—expanding it out to its full size(about 4 feet across) or collapsing it takes 2d6 minutes.

When expanded, the orrery of distant worlds becomes affixed to whatever surface it sits upon, functioning as if anchored to that surface via an immovable rod. If consulted, it grants a +10 bonus on all Knowledge(geography) checks made to navigate or to answer questions about outer space. Once per month, it may be used to contact alien minds on far-flung worlds—this works identically to the spell contact other plane(use the demigod line to determine the effects of the spell or to determine ability score decreases). At your discretion, use of the orrery can have unanticipated results, as it can accidentally release stored information when activated(see area D7 on page 24 for an example of this event).

The 11 planetary spheres and the sun sphere can be detached and carried separately. As long as even one of these spheres is missing, the orrery cannot be collapsed or moved, nor can it be used to contact alien minds. Once detached, a planetary sphere carries 4 charges that can be used to activate a spell effect. The effects of the 12 spheres and the number of charges required to use a sphere’s spell are as follows:

A sphere can be recharged by replacing it on the orrery, at which point it may be recharged by an arcane spellcaster in the same method by which a staff is recharged.


Although it is a minor artifact, the orrery of distant worlds may be destroyed by regular damage. It has hardness 20 and 300 hit points, but has already taken 180 points of damage from the crash. Charges held within spheres remain usable even after the orrery is destroyed, but they can no longer be recharged.


Osa Painting/)
出典 Horror Realms 41ページ
オーラ召喚術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 10ポンド

Several Osa paintings exist, each displaying a hand-painted Shenmen landscape. These paintings react to specific groups of individuals, sensing in them a likeness between their fates and the curse that haunts Shenmen. Creatures viewing the landscape that are deemed worthy(GM’s discretion) are selected by the painting, and a likeness of that creature appears in the depicted scene. Once a full group is selected(usually four, but sometimes only one and at other times a group of a dozen or more), the portrait triggers and each of the creatures depicted must succeed at a 難易度 20 Will save or be transported to the viewpoint depicted, across any distance(including across planes), via teleportation. Once the group has been gathered, they are placed under the effects of a geas/quest spell(no save) to undertake a specific action in that region, preventing them from leaving Shenmen until the task is completed.


Once a selected group is brought to Shenmen and completes the task set by the Osa painting, the painting itself turns into a blank, nonmagical canvas.

オヴィンバアン ”エネミー・オヴ・オール・エネミーズ”

Ovinrbaane, Enemy of All Enemies/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 60ページ、Pathfinder #34:Blood for Blood 52ページ
オーラ力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 12ポンド
属性 混沌にして中立
【知力】 11; 【判断力】 12; 【魅力】 15; 自我 25
言語 empathy

Dedicated Powers wielder gains freedom of movement and dispel magic(術者レベル 20th) against opposing attacks and effects(the dispel magic power attempts to dispel any offensive effect only once and only as it first takes effect on the sword's wielder)
特殊 defeat/slay all
擬似呪文能力術者レベル 17th, concentration +19)
3回/日― aid
1回/日―modify memory

Ovinrbaane(literally translated as “enemy of all enemies”) is a cursed, intelligent +3 wounding greatsword. When Ovinrbaane succeeds at a contest of will(Core Rulebook 535), it uses modify memory to mislead its wielder into believing he’s the barbarian warlord Armag and that anyone around him who isn’t obviously a member of his tribe is a mortal enemy. The cursed greatsword also slowly changes the features of the wielder over the course of several days or even weeks to appear as those of the original Armag. If left unchecked, these powers seemingly bring the warlord back to life, recreating the savage warrior it deems to be its own true wielder.


To destroy Ovinrbaane, its wielder must bring it to the Boneyard and strike three blows against his own gravestone, causing the sword to shatter.


Pendant of the First Tears/(最初の涙のペンダント)
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 12ページ
オーラ召喚術心術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量

この涙の形をしたクリスタルは繊細なセッテキングとチェーンにぶら下がっており、どちらもブラック・ダイヤモンドのに覆われている。このペンダントは、影界に自分の領域を構築する直前にキュトンのデマゴーグであるInkariaxが訪れた別離、冷静、苦痛のQueen of the NightであるDolorasの王冠の破片から鍛造された。Queen of the Nightはこの魔法の結晶を、好意の証としてデマゴーグに贈った。

標準アクションとして、ペンダント・オヴ・ザ・ファースト・ティアーズを着用しているクリーチャーは、エリアB16のあるInkariaxの宮殿の物理的な外観に触れ、即座に控えの間/antechamberに転送されることができる。これはプレイン・シフトとして機能し、White Death’s Diademは他次元界として扱われ、宮殿の控えの間(エリアB18)のに何も占めていないランダムなマス以外に到着する可能性はない。着用者は追加のクリーチャーをつないでこの方法で全ての控えの間に転送することができるが、ペンダントは一度に8体までしか転送することはできない。同様に控えの間にいる着用者は標準アクションとして、控えの前のに触れることで、エリアB16にある控えの間のの反対側の最も近い場所転送されることができる。





Pharaoh's Key/ファラオの鍵)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 63ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

ファラオズ・キーはおそらくShory帝国を起源とする奇妙な外見の装置で、直径約1フィートである。この装置の主な用途は、Slave Trenchesの発砲をトリガーする起動アイテムとしてであるが、片で持っている限りエレメンタルクリーチャーに対する保護も与える。所持者はエレメンタルの副種別を持つクリーチャーによる攻撃に対するアーマー・クラスに+5の反発ボーナスを、全てのセーヴィング・スローに+5の抵抗ボーナスを得る。加えて、ファラオズ・キーを片に持っている間、所持者の攻撃エレメンタルの副種別を持つクリーチャーが持つダメージ軽減を無効化する。




Phylactery of the Failed/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 61ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

Not every lich that attempts the transition to undeath succeeds. For most, this means an excruciating, spellblasted death; for a small fraction of others, this means a typically brief but painful existence as a failed lich; but for an exceedingly rare few, this means something in between. A phylactery of the failed has a minute chance of coming into being anytime a spellcaster attempts to achieve lichdom and fails(equivalent to 1 in 100). In such cases, the magicuser’s body is destroyed, but the phylactery he prepared remains and is invested with a remnant of his shattered consciousness. The creature that opens a phylactery of the failed must immediately succeed at a 難易度 30 Will saving throw or be affected by a disease-like curse known as a parasitic soul(detailed below). Those affected by a parasitic soul have their own personality and sanity overwhelmed by the remnant ambitions and memories of the would-be lich whose destruction created the phylactery. If the cursed creature is killed by the parasitic soul, her body is animated 1 day later as a lich with the same memories and abilities of the magic-user who created the phylactery, essentially allowing that spellcaster to finally achieve lichdom. The cursed creature cannot be returned to life until the lich is destroyed.

If the parasitic soul is excised from a victim, it returns to the phylactery and attempts to infect the next creature to open the box. The parasitic soul can only infect one creature at a time. While a creature is infected by a parasitic soul, the phylactery the soul is bound to has no dangerous properties and cannot infect other creatures.

The invasive nature of phylacteries of the failed has spawned the creation of several other pernicious magic items, such as the disease-spreading death’s head coffer(see Pathfinder Adventure Path #8).

Parasitic Soul Curse and disease; save Will 難易度 30; frequency 1/day; effect 1d6 Intelligence damage; cure a parasitic soul can only be cured by casting both a spell that prevents the target from being mentally controlled(like protection from evil) and remove curse.


Casting resurrection upon a phylactery of the failed restores the would-be lich to life as a living spellcaster with the statistics the magic-user had before attempting the transformation into lichdom. This destroys the phylactery, but brings a powerful evil spellcaster back into being.


Quake Cannon/)
出典 Wardens of the Reborn Forge 40ページ
オーラ力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1,000ポンド

The cannon consists of a pivoting chair designed for a Medium creature mounted atop a tripod that splays 10 feet in diameter. Attached to the front of the chair is a 12-foot-long, hollow mithral cylinder wound with a fine braid of incredibly thin copper wire and set at a variable angle to allow it to be aimed like a siege weapon. At the cylinder’s end is a small clamp designed to hold a large crystal through which the cannon’s beam travels, acting as a focal lens.

Once per week, the quake cannon can be activated to create an earthquake effect(as the spell) centered on any point within 50 miles. Activating the cannon takes 10 minutes, and a diamond worth at least 10,000gp must be used as the device’s focal lens. This diamond is expended in the process of firing the weapon.

If an eidite gem worth at least 5,000gp is instead used as a focal lens, the quake cannon does not create an earthquake at the targeted location, but instead fires an ultrasonic pulse that affects only clockworks within the same area of effect as the cannon’s normal earthquake effect. Any constructs with the clockwork subtype in the affected area must succeed at a 難易度 25 Will save or be overwhelmed with electromagnetic impulses and ultrasonic disruptions. Clockwork creatures that fail their saving throws against this effect become confused for 1 minute. During this time and for 24 hours afterward, affected creatures are compelled to move toward the quake cannon as fast as they can. This is a sonic effect.


The crystallized heart of a shaitan that has never left the Elemental Plane of Earth must be used as a focal lens. Doing so centers the device's earthquake effect on the quake cannon itself and destroys the device, but not before it activates one last time.


Radiant Blue Ioun Stone/輝く色のアイウーン・ストーン
出典 Pathfinder #126:Beyond the Veiled Past 36ページ
オーラ・さまざま; 術者レベル 12レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量



このストーンは、アーマー・クラス 26、50HP、硬度10であることを除き、他のアイウーン・ストーンと同様に破壊できる。


Raven's Head/ワタリガラス
出典 Artifacts and Legends 61ページ、Pathfinder #46:Wake of the Watcher 55ページ
オーラ召喚術治癒); 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 8ポンド

ファラズマの教会で神聖視されているこのメッキされた+3アンデッドベインヘヴィ・メイスはPrince Adamondais VirholtがWhispering Tyrantとのいで失うまで、Bishop of Caliphasの役職の象徴であった。正のエネルギー放出を持つキャラクターはレイヴンズ・ヘッドを用いている間、持っていない場合は《エネルギー放出の一撃》特技を得る。ファラズマクレリックに渡ると、レイヴンズ・ヘッドディスラプション武器の特殊能力を得、使用者は《エネルギー放出の一撃》特技を4クレリックレベル高いものとして使用することができ(難易度 +2、+2d6ダメージ)、1日追加で3回の使用回数を得る。




出典 Pathfinder #99:Dance of the Damned 48ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

Reprisal is an unusually well-balanced and responsive +2 rapier. Reprisal’s wielder can apply her Dexterity modifier to damage rolls with the weapon in place of her Strength modifier—this bonus is not increased if Reprisal is wielded two-handed, but is halved if the rapier is wielded in an off-hand. If Reprisal confirms a critical hit against an evil outsider, the rapier gains the evil-outsider-bane special ability and is treated as silver, cold iron, and good for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction for the next minute. Subsequent critical hits extend this duration by 1 minute per blow. As long as this effect persists, Reprisal’s wielder gains a +2 sacred bonus on all saving throws against attacks from evil outsiders. These effects end prematurely if Reprisal is sheathed, disarmed, or is otherwise no longer wielded.


If Reprisal is used to knowingly and deliberately murder a true worshiper of Cayden Cailean, the rapier may thereafter be destroyed normally, as if it were not an artifact.


Revelation Quill/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 422ページ、Pathfinder #5:Sins of the Saviors 17ページ
オーラ占術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

The first revelation quills were created by the followers of the Peacock Spirit. Since the fall of Thassilon, the method for creating them has been lost. The few revelation quills that remain today continue to function, drawing their revelations, it is said, from the Peacock Spirit itself. The quill is fashioned from a peacock’s tail feather. Its nib is made of bone, and when held in one’s hand, the quill seems strangely heavy. If placed in an empty vial or other glass container of similar size and left there for an hour, a revelation quill fills that container with ink. The ink created is of a random color 50% of the time, otherwise the ink is black.

While a revelation quill can certainly function as a standard writing implement, its true strength lies in its ability to answer questions. Once per day, if the user concentrates on a specific future goal, event, or activity occurring within the coming week, the revelation quill takes over and writes out a short phrase in response, often in the form of a cryptic rhyme or omen, much in the same way the divination spell functions. Once per week, the user may use the quill in the same way to cast contact other plane instead, asking up to 10 questions of the mysterious intellect that guides the revelation quill.


The quill must be tricked into revealing the method of destroying itself without asking it to reveal that method.


Rift-Born Sphere裂け目生成の球体)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 44ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

この球体は、あらゆる点で通常スフィアー・オヴ・アニヒレイションとして機能するが、ゲート呪文を使用して破壊すると、GMが選択した次元界自動的に次元界裂け目が生じる。 球体は元の場所に残り、そのままの状態響を受けない。




Runeslave Cauldron/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 424ページ、Pathfinder #4:Fortress of the Stone Giants 91ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 900ポンド

This 12-foot-high, 10-foot-diameter cauldron is made of solid iron, cast in one piece and thick enough to withstand great heat. Its side is marked with the Sihedron Rune, while many other Thassilonian runes grace its rim.

A runeslave cauldron has the ability to infuse the body of a freshly slain giant, reviving it and transforming it into a runeslave(see page 412). Before it can be used, the runeslave cauldron must first be activated by filling it with a specially prepared broth of rare necromantic ingredients and rainwater collected from several open graves. The cost of the special ingredients is 10,000gp, but once the cauldron is filled, a fire lights under it automatically and keeps the broth bubbling and functional for 1 year.

Once the cauldron is filled with broth, one need only sacrifice a giant(the method of killing the giant is incidental) and then place the giant’s corpse wholly or partially within the cauldron’s bubbling contents. One hour later, the sacrificed giant rises from the cauldron as if true resurrection had been cast on it. In addition, the newly revived giant gains the runeslave template(see page 412). The cauldron can revive up to five giants a day in this manner. Non-giant corpses placed in the broth are unaffected by the cauldron’s magic.

Any living creature(save for a runeslave) completely immersed in the boiling broth inside a functional runeslave cauldron immediately takes 6d6 points of fire damage per round. In addition, the smoke produced by the cauldron as it boils is particularly noxious to good-aligned beings. It spreads to a radius of 30 feet around the cauldron, and while the smoke isn’t thick enough to obscure vision, its foul-smelling vapors sting and burn those of good alignment. Each round such a creature remains in the smoke, he must make a 難易度 20 Fortitude save or be blinded and nauseated for as long as he remains in the area plus an additional 1d6 rounds after leaving the area.


By brewing a certain variant mixture of broth and then attempting to use the runeslave cauldron to transform a good-aligned giant who volunteers for the job, the cauldron can be caused to crack open across the Sihedron carving. This immediately destroys the cauldron and slays all living runeslaves it has created.


Runewarded Gauntletsルーンの守りの篭
出典 Pathfinder #133:Secrets of Roderic's Cove 39ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド





Runewell Amulet(Envy)/羨望のルーン井戸のお守り)
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 56ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量





Runewell Amulet(Greed)/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 425ページ、Pathfinder #6:Spires of Xin-Shalast 65ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量

This amulet of gold and red crystal grants the wearer a +5 enhancement bonus to her natural armor. In addition, the wearer becomes attuned to both the runewell of greed and the soul lens that controls it—allowing the wearer to benefit from the fragmentary souls gathered and absorbed by the runewell. As long as the runewell functions, the wearer does not age and has no need for food or water. In addition, she can fly at a speed of 60 feet with perfect maneuverability and gains fast healing 10. If the runewell amulet is removed, the wearer loses all of these abilities. While this does mean the wearer begins aging normally and must eat and drink, she does not suffer any ill effect from the years that passed or the meals she missed while she wore the amulet.


A runewell amulet must be thrown into an active runewell of an opposing magic(a runewell of lust or a runewell of pride in the case of this particular amulet)—doing so causes the amulet to shatter into four fragments, which then scatter throughout the region that was once Thassilon. If these four fragments can be gathered and placed back in the associated runewell(the runewell of greed in this case), the amulet reforms and returns to full use.


Runewell, Minor/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 424ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 900ポンド

Runelord Alaznist, inspired by and jealous of Karzoug’s success with the runewell of greed, experimented with variant runewells of her own design. Many of these minor runewells of wrath existed in her domain—though today most are lost deep under the waters of the Varisian Gulf or are hidden away in Hollow Mountain, with only the one remaining on mainland Avistan hidden in the Catacombs of Wrath under Sandpoint.

Every time a creature with a wrathful soul(including most goblins and quite a few of the victims murdered years ago by Jervas Stoot) dies within a mile of a minor runewell, it gains 1 wrath point. There’s no limit to the number of wrath points the minor runewell can store, but it currently contains only 20. Each time the well’s waters are drawn upon(as detailed below), a number of wrath points are expended. If enough points are expended to put its total at 0 or negative wrath points, the minor runewell deactivates, its waters fading away. Reactivating the minor runewell requires long-lost rituals—or the reactivation of a major runewell somewhere else in the world. Such an event restores a minor runewell of wrath to a starting level of 3 wrath points.

A minor runewell is only 3 feet deep, yet any living creature that enters its freezing orange waters immediately takes 2d6 points of cold damage and must succeed at a 難易度 15 Will save or be overcome with wrath. Failure indicates the creature becomes enraged(as if under the effects of a rage spell) and immediately attacks the nearest living creature. If no living creatures are in sight, the enraged creature is compelled to seek out a victim, moving at full speed in its search. This rage persists for 2d6 minutes, after which point the creature becomes fatigued. Each activation of a minor runewell in this manner costs 3 wrath points.

A minor runewell can also be commanded to disgorge a sinspawn. To manifest a sinspawn, a creature need only allow a few drops of its blood to fall into the pool. One round later, a sinspawn emerges from the well and immediately attacks the closest creature in which it cannot scent wrath. Each use of a minor runewell in this manner costs 6 wrath points.


Once a minor runewell of wrath is deactivated, it can be destroyed forever by filling it with holy water that is then set to a boil for no less than 24 hours.

3.5 Materialシャドウ・アーン

Shadow Urnの壺)
出典 The Demon Within 30ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量





Shinobi Fuhonsen/)
出典 Pathfinder #53:Tide of Honor 24ページ
オーラ幻術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量

The shinobi fuhonsen is said to have been the first payment ever made to a ninja in the history of Minkai. The tarnished bronze coin has a square central hole and bears six ideograms on its two faces—four on one face and two on the other, with two spaces apparently left blank. A leather thong is threaded through the coin’s central hole, allowing the coin to be worn around the neck.

The six ideograms on the coin correspond to six different skills:Acrobatics, Climb, Disguise, Escape Artist, Perception, and Stealth. A 難易度 30 Knowledge(arcana) or 難易度 20 Linguistics check identifies the ideograms and their corresponding skills. The shinobi fuhonsen currently has six powers, each corresponding to one of the six ideograms and its associated skill. If a new owner has at least 8 ranks in another skill, the shinobi fuhonsen gains an additional power based on that skill, and a new ideogram emerges on the coin’s surface. The new power and the skill it corresponds to are left up to the GM, though the power should be related to its skill, and the skill should be one on which the owner often relies. Although the existing powers of the shinobi fuhonsen are based on skills common to rogues and bards, new powers and their corresponding skills are not restricted to those of any one class. Only one new power may be unlocked per owner.

The coin’s powers only function for a worthy owner, who must have at least 8 ranks in each of the six skills, plus 8 ranks in another skill. If the bearer of the coin is not a worthy owner(i.e., does not have enough skill ranks), the coin vanishes from the bearer’s possession at the next new moon, reappearing elsewhere in Minkai to seek out a new owner.

When a new owner first takes possession of the shinobi fuhonsen and activates a new power, the new ideogram(and its associated power) appears on the coin on a temporary basis, and the owner receives a vision of the coin’s previous owners at the time of their deaths. If the new owner is not chaotic evil, he must immediately make a 難易度 25 Will save or his alignment shifts one step toward chaotic evil. If the save succeeds, the owner resists the change and can use the coin’s powers until the next new moon, when he must make another save. The owner must make a new Will save at every new moon until his alignment becomes chaotic evil, or until the artifact is no longer in his possession.

As long as the owner is not chaotic evil, he can simply discard the shinobi fuhonsen, at which point the coin vanishes at the next new moon. Once the owner becomes chaotic evil, the new ideogram(and its associated power) becomes permanent and he can no longer discard the coin, as if it were a cursed item.

Each of the coin’s powers can be activated by speaking the name of the corresponding ideogram, unless otherwise noted. The known powers(and their associated skills) of the shinobi fuhonsen are as follows.
Power #1(Acrobatics):The owner can cast shadow walk once per day.
Power #2(Climb):The owner can cast spider climb three times per day.
Power #3(Disguise):The owner is permanently under the effects of misdirection.
Power #4(Escape Artist):The owner can cast dimension door three times per day.
Power #5(Perception):The owner can cast scrying once per day.
Power #6(Stealth):The owner can cast mislead once per day.
Powers #7–8(8 ranks in another skill):Yet to be discovered.


The shinobi fuhonsen can be destroyed if it is swallowed by an ancient sovereign dragon(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3). If the dragon succeeds at a 難易度 30 Fortitude save, the coin is destroyed. If the save fails, the coin remains intact and vanishes to reappear elsewhere.


Sihedron Tome(Envy)嫉妬シヘドロンの大冊)
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 56ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

ベリマリウスの呪文書には、呪文を書くためのページが無数にある。シヘドロン・トウムから呪文を準備するウィザードは、【知力】が6高いかのようにボーナス呪文を準備できる。これは【知力】への実際のボーナスではなく、使用者に追加の利益を与えるものではない。ベリマリウスのシヘドロン・トウムには、Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebookにあるすべてのウィザード/ソーサラー呪文力術死霊術系統のものを除く)と、彼女が準備したものが含まれている。GMの裁量で、それよりも多くの呪文を保持させることができる。




Sihedron Tome(Greed)欲望シヘドロンの大冊)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 426ページ、Pathfinder #6:Spires of Xin-Shalast 65ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

最初のシヘドロン・トウムはEmperor Xinに仕えるドラゴンによって作られたと言われている。この大冊のそれぞれは独特な外見があり、呪文を発動する人が呪文を書くためのページが無数にある。秘術知識に値する図書館を保持している可能性のあるシヘドロン・トウムから呪文を準備するウィザードは、【知力】が6高いかのようにボーナス呪文を準備できる。これは【知力】への実際のボーナスではなく、使用者に追加の利益を与えるものではない。カルゾウグのシヘドロン・トウムには、Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebookとこの書籍にあるすべてのウィザード/ソーサラー呪文心術幻術系統のものを除く)が含まれている。GMの裁量で、それよりも多くの呪文を保持させることができる。




Sistrum of Bastet/)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 74ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

The Sistrum of Bastet is a powerful artifact that, when used properly, allows a bard to use her bardic performance ability to enhance the spells of a divine spellcaster or conceal her true motives. Once per day, when the wielder uses the Sistrum of Bastet as part of a bardic performance, she can inspire a divine spellcaster within range of the performance and bolster the effects of any spells that spellcaster casts. Thereafter, for the duration of the performance, whenever the designated divine caster chooses to cast a spell, the bard can expend 1 or more rounds of bardic performance as an immediate action to enhance her allied divine spellcaster’s spell as if that individual had prepared it with the Heighten Spell Metamagic Feat. The number of levels by which the divine spell is heightened is determined by the number of rounds of bardic performance sacrificed. For example, if the sistrum’s player sacrifices 2 rounds of bardic performance, the divine caster’s spell level increases by 2. A spell’s level can never increase beyond 9th level, and can’t be higher than the divine caster can cast.

Second, a bard wielding the Sistrum of Bastet can conceal the activity of casting a bard spell by masking it in a performance. As a swift action, the bard can combine her casting time for a spell with a Perform check. Observers must succeed at a Perception or Sense Motive check opposed by the user’s Perform check to realize she is also casting a spell. This uses 1 round of her bardic performance ability, regardless of the spell’s casting time. In addition, a bard using the Sistrum of Bastet can select a number of creatures equal to her level. The bard can deliver secret messages to these individuals without needing to use the Bluff skill. The bard still must be able to speak to deliver the message.

Finally, when the wielder gains a bard level and is able to learn a new spell in place of one she already knows, she can choose a spell from the cleric spell list. This spell must be of the same level as the spell that she is replacing, and the bard casts that spell as a divine spell. If the Sistrum of Bastet ever leaves her possession for longer than 24 hours, any divine spells added in this way are lost unless she can reclaim the instrument.


The Sistrum of Bastet can be destroyed only if a serpent’s coils crush it after it has spent a year in complete darkness.


Slime Tendril/)
出典 Pathfinder #122:Into the Shattered Continent 76ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

A horrid, slimy whip crafted from a severed aboleth’s tentacle, the slime tendril grants the wielder unpleasant transformative powers akin to those of the aboleths. The wielder of the slime tendril can breathe water as well as air, as if under a constant water breathing effect.

The slime tendril functions as a +3 quenching scorpion whip. Three times per day as an immediate action, when the wielder damages a creature with the slime tendril, the wielder can force the creature to attempt a 難易度 20 Fortitude saving throw. Victims who fail this save are subjected to an aboleth’s slime extraordinary ability. Use of the slime tendril imparts a slow, terrible transformation upon the wielder. One day after the wielder first uses the slime tendril to affect another creature with the slime ability, the wielder’s skin grows rubbery, increasing her natural armor bonus by 2. One week later, the wielder gains the aquatic subtype and the amphibious special quality, and she starts to experience strange dreams of cyclopean architecture in cavernous ocean trenches and a strong desire to live in the open ocean. If the wielder subsequently refrains from using the weapon’s slime ability, these changes reverse after 1d4 months. Each time the wielder uses the weapon’s slime ability during this time, she must succeed at a 難易度 20 Fortitude saving throw or transform permanently into a skum, using the statistics from the Bestiary in place of her own. This transformation cannot be reversed while the wielder carries the slime tendril, and a wish or a miracle is required to reverse it otherwise. A wielder transformed into a skum by the slime tendril has a soul-piercing longing for the ocean and takes 1d4 Wisdom drain each day she spends on dry land.

Aboleths within 10 miles of the slime tendril automatically become aware of the weapon’s distance and direction, and they can use their dominate monster spell-like ability on the slime tendril’s wielder as if the wielder were in the ability’s normal range.


The slime tendril is destroyed if the aboleth from which it was originally cut holds the weapon and is the target of a regenerate spell, restoring the aboleth’s limb and destroying the slime tendril.


Soul Lens/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 426ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 8ポンド

This large lens of green crystal has the Thassilonian rune for transmutation and greed inscribed upon its surface. The lens is fitted in an iron ring, which is attached to an articulated arm that allows the lens’s position to be adjusted to any angle and configuration. The soul lens has but a single purpose—whenever a creature is subjected to a specific ritual in which its body is branded, tattooed, or otherwise marked with the Sihedron rune, the lens can focus upon that creature’s soul. At any point thereafter when the marked creature dies, its soul passes through this lens on its way into the afterlife and eventual judgement before Pharasma—as the soul passes through, the soul lens filters elements of the sin of greed from the soul and focuses that fragment of soul-energy into the runewell of greed. This does not significantly damage the soul(although it does cause it a severe amount of spiritual anguish)—a creature that dies and has its soul filtered through the soul lens can still be brought back to life as normal.


A dominant weapon must be used to smash the soul lens. The soul lens has hardness 20(this hardness cannot be bypassed) and 200 hit points, but the dominant weapon gains the full benefits of its bane special abilities when damaging the soul lens. The soul lens takes no damage from other attacks.


Sparkling Blue Rhomboid Ioun Stone/きらめく色の偏菱形のアイウーン・ストーン
出典 Pathfinder #126:Beyond the Veiled Past 51ページ
オーラ・さまざま; 術者レベル 12レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量



このアーマー・クラス 26、ヒット・ポイント50、硬度10であることを除いて、他のアイウーン・ストーンと同様に破壊できる。


Spear of Shards/)
出典 Pathfinder #120:Vault of the Onyx Citadel 81ページ
オーラ占術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 10ポンド

The spear of shards is a +6 returning wounding spear created by the Vault Keepers to guide them through the convoluted passages between Golarion’s Vaults and to keep dangerous subterranean creatures at bay. The large crystal composing the spear’s head is mounted on a 5-foot shaft of lightweight metal that swirls with a complex pattern that every so often appears to shift. A ring designed to fit a dozen smaller teardrop-shaped crystals connects the base of the spear’s head to the shaft, although only seven of the 12 sockets contain a crystal. Each of these smaller crystals is about an inch long and angles slightly outward on one side of the ring to act like barbs when the spear is lodged deeply in flesh. Each of these crystals pulses with a warm amber light. Any xiomorn within 1 mile of the spear of shards is automatically aware of its presence, as well as the distance and direction to the artifact.

Each of the smaller crystals is attuned to a different Vault beneath Golarion. When the wielder of the spear of shards rhythmically taps one of these smaller crystals as a full-round action, the spear identifies the path to the attuned Vault and can direct its wielder unerringly to the Vault, as per find the path. This effect lasts until the spear reaches the attuned Vault or until the crystal at the head of the spear is tapped in the same manner. The five missing crystals are lost but, if rediscovered, could be attached to the spear of shards and reveal the way to their attuned Vaults as well.

The spear of shards has sufficient intelligence to remain staunchly loyal to its xiomorn creators. If wielded by a non-xiomorn, it either refuses to provide directions or intentionally provides erroneous directions to keep the wielder away from the Vaults. If used by a nonxiomorn in combat, the spear of shards damages the wielder rather than the target on any attack roll that is a natural 1, as a cursed backbiter spear. When the spear of shards is used by a non-xiomorn in combat against a xiomorn, any attack roll other than a natural 20 results in an attack against the wielder instead. A non-xiomorn can use the Use Magic Device skill to emulate a xiomorn and trick the spear of shards, but the 難易度 of this check is increased by 10(to 難易度 35) to reflect the spear’s suspicion.


If a creature born in sunlight convinces the spear of shards to guide him to all 12 of the Vaults represented by the crystals ringing the spear’s head(which would require discovering and reattaching the missing crystals), the artifact is destroyed.


Sphere of Bleeding Snowflakes/出血する片の球体)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 43ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量





Staff of Rightful Rule/)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 69ページ、Crucible of Chaos 15ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

This staff is a single piece of mithral carved with lines and small dots and encrusted with blue and violet gemstones at either end. The runes marking it are a mixture of Auran and Infernal terms, intertwined. The staff delivers a shocking grasp(術者レベル 15th) to any creature other than the staff’s owner that holds it, and no chaotic creature can become its owner. Asserting ownership requires a successful 難易度 20 Use Magic Device or Charisma check made while holding the staff. Once a creature becomes the staff’s owner, it remains so until another creature asserts ownership.

A staff of rightful rule has 10 charges when it is created. In addition to the normal method of recharging staves, spent charges from a staff of rightful rule can be restored by casting dictum into the staff. Each casting restores 1 charge, but the staff may never hold more than 10 charges at any one time. The staff allows use of the following spells:


A staff of rightful rule may be destroyed by a word of chaos targeted at the staff. The caster of the spell must succeed at a 難易度 30 caster level check to destroy the staff. If the caster fails this check, the staff deals 10d6 points of damage to him.


Suishen, Guardian of the Amatatsu/)
出典 Pathfinder #50:Night of Frozen Shadows 61ページ
オーラ力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 6ポンド
属性 中立にして善感覚範囲 暗視 60フィート、detect Amatatsu scions、read languages
【知力】 12; 【判断力】 16; 【魅力】 13; 自我 25
言語 会話、テレパシー
擬似呪文能力術者レベル 20th)
―endure elements
3回/日―air walk, daylight, resist energy(cold), see invisibility

Suishen is a +2 defending flaming katana(see page 27). The ancestral blade of the Amatatsu family, Suishen is believed to contain the soul of the first Amatatsu emperor of Minkai. It has been passed down through generations of the family, serving as advisor and spiritual guide. It was actually Suishen’s idea to be sold to Fynn Snaevald in order to save the family line.

Suishen can detect any scion of the Amatatsu family within 60 feet, whether a natural-born descendant or a person invested with the right to rule as an Amatatsu(such as a creature marked by the Amatatsu Seal). Although Suishen is neutral good, any Amatatsu scion, regardless of alignment, can wield the sword without gaining a negative level. This boon is at Suishen’s discretion, however, and should such a scion ever betray the family or prove unworthy as an heir, the sword can reinstate this penalty and cause a personality conflict. Even though Suishen can likely dominate anyone who tries to wield it, the sword usually acquiesces to the wishes of its wielder, provided she is a rightful Amatatsu scion-though after 50 years of holding its silence, Suishen is a bit rough as a conversationalist, communicating in a very gruff, no-nonsense manner.

Suishen has a number of additional abilities as well, though it reveals these powers to its wielder only after she has shown herself honorable and worthy of bearing the family’s heirloom blade. Each time Suishen’s wielder is involved in a fight in which an oni of the Five Storms(such as Kimandatsu) is killed, the wielder is made aware of one new power in the following order. If a new person wields Suishen, that person must learn the sword’s additional powers all over again.


Suishen is destroyed if the blade is used to slay the last Amatatsu scion.


Sun Orchid Elixir/)
出典 Inner Sea World Guide 300ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

Thuvia’s sun orchid elixir is a nearly perfect solution for those who seek eternal life. A single dose of sun orchid elixir cannot stop the aging process, but it does the next-best thing—it restores youth. A creature that drinks the elixir is restored to its starting age as a young adult. The drinker’s new age is randomly determined using Table 7–1 on page 169 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook. All penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution the drinker may have suffered as a result of advanced age are removed, but all bonuses to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma that result from advanced age remain(although as the character ages again into middle age and beyond, he does not gain any of these bonuses a second time).

Vanity-seekers go to nearly any length to acquire the elixir, resorting to bribery, extortion, and murder. To curtail such troubles in the land of its creation, the use of the elixir is outlawed in Thuvia(except by the formula’s creator). Each vial of sun orchid elixir requires six mature sun orchids and 1 month’s time to ferment, although the exact formula used is a secret known only to the denizen of Alchemist’s Keep in Thuvia. Prices for a dose of the elixir vary wildly since the elixir is sold at auction, but no dose has ever sold for less than 50,000gp.


A dose of sun orchid elixir is simple to destroy—merely pouring the elixir out and allowing the fluid to evaporate or be absorbed into the ground is enough to ruin it, as is mixing it with any other fluid or solvent. Of course, if word gets out of this fantastic waste of powerful magic, any number of enraged or scandalized organizations might seek out the character responsible for the elixir’s waste to extract bloody vengeance.


Tentacle of the Vaults/)
出典 Pathfinder #120:Vault of the Onyx Citadel 80ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 8ポンド

The tentacle of the Vaults is an artifact fashioned by the xiomorns from an aboleth tentacle to aid in their wars against the piscine masterminds. The tentacle is 8 feet in length and too rubbery and flexible to carry comfortably; humanoids find it more convenient to wear the tentacle of the Vaults wrapped around the waist like a belt or over the shoulder as a sash, but no matter how the tentacle is worn, it does not occupy a magic item slot. The tentacle’s owner can cast dispel magic and remove disease each five times per day.

The tentacle’s primary power activates when its owner tosses it onto the ground and speaks a command word as a standard action. The tentacle animates, transforming into a construct with the statistics listed in the paragraph below until the owner commands the construct to return to an inanimate tentacle as a free action. The construct obeys and serves its owner. It understands all languages spoken by its owner but does not speak. If the construct is destroyed, the artifact reverts to an inanimate tentacle that can be used again at a later time. The tentacle of the Vaults can be animated for up to 1 hour each day. This time does not need to be consecutive, but it must be used in 1-minute increments.

When animated, the tentacle of the Vaults has the statistics of a Medium animated object(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 14) with a hardness of 20, the grab special attack, and the following special abilities.

Aboleth-Bane Aura(超常)/Aboleth-Bane Aura A magical aura extends in a 20-foot radius centered on the construct. All creatures within the aura, including the construct, gain a +8 bonus on attack rolls and melee damage rolls against aberrations. Any creature subject to a compulsion effect immediately receives another saving throw to break free from the effect(if one was allowed to begin with) when it enters the aura and at the start of its turn each round that it remains within the aura.

Dispel Illusion(擬呪)/Dispel Illusion As a swift action, the construct can cast dispel magic(術者レベル 20th) on an illusion spell within 100 feet. This ability does not count against the number of uses of dispel magic granted by the artifact.


If the tentacle of the Vaults is soaked in the necromantic fluids from the Vault called the Land of Black Blood and then used to cast remove disease on a mythic aboleth(Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 178) within 1 day, the mythic aboleth permanently loses its slime ability and the artifact is destroyed.


Terendelev's Scales/テレンデレヴズの
出典 Pathfinder #73:The Worldwound Incursion 65ページ
オーラ・さまざま; 術者レベル 19レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

こののひらサイズシルヴァー・ドラゴンはユニークなアイテムである――Storm KingのでTerendelevがんだ結果の本質的な下級アーティファクトである。


雲歩き/Cloudwalking:標準アクションとして1日3回、スケイルを使用してレヴィテートを発動できる。渦巻く雲の柱が浮揚する物体またはクリーチャーの下から上昇し、目標の高度に応じて拡大および縮小する。 この柱は直径5フィートであり(目標サイズに関係なく)、完全に含まれているすべてのクリーチャーまたは物体視認困難を与える(20%の失敗確率)。


抵抗力/Resistance:標準アクションとして1日3回、スケイルを使用してresist elementsを発動できる――ただし、[氷]あるいは[雷撃]に対してのみである。

清浄なる武器/Sacred Weaponry:標準アクションとして1日3回、スケイルを使用してアライン・ウェポンを発動できるが、武器秩序あるいはにするためのみである。通常アライン・ウェポン呪文とは異なり、この効果素手打撃あるいは肉体武器にも発動できる。


Storm King Khorramzadehは、食べるだけでテレンデレヴズ・スケイルズ破壊することができる。


Tessarael's Book of Infinite Spells/テッサラエルの膨大なる呪文の書)
出典 Fangwood Keep 27ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド















ページ上の正確な呪文を決定するには、GameMastery Guideの表5ー27から5ー31または5ー37から5ー41を参照するか別の方法でランダムに決定する。





The Elder Decks/古のデック)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 19ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量





The Enthroned King即位した王)
出典 Pathfinder #118:Siege of Stone 50ページ
オーラ力術死霊術術者レベル 13レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

小さなガラス瓶の中にが立ち込め、折老けた顔が現れますが、すぐに消えてしまう。この瓶がクリーチャーの体に公然と着用されている限り、Enthroned Kingの鼓舞する存在感が、着用者にすべての能力値判定セーヴィング・スロー技能判定に+1の幸運ボーナスを与える。中に閉じ込められている精神は、ドワーフ、特にクラッゴダンのスカイ・シタデルを守るために完全に専念している。1日3回、ジ・エンスローンド・キング自身不滅生命の一部を使用者に注入し、1d10+10ポイントの一時的ヒット・ポイントを与えることができる。



3.5 Materialザ・ラスト・セオレム

The Last Theorem/)
出典 The Pact Stone Pyramid 29ページ
オーラ・全系統]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

This book is non-magical; it is the hieroglyphic formulas contained within it that radiate both magic and evil. The formulas cannot be duplicated or transcribed unless the reader has the ability to create artifacts. If the reader loses focus for even an instant, the numbers swim into new positions throughout the text. anyone who studies them for at least an hour may make a Concentration check to attempt to hold them in their proper place and determine how much of their meaning they can discern. Anyone who has studied the star charts from J1:Entombed with the Pharaohs receives a +4 circumstance bonus to their Concentration check.

難易度 10:The Last Theorem contains 11 constants, each of which is derived from the relationship between the planet aucturn and Golarion. The reader must make a 難易度 14 Will save or suffer from fear.

難易度 15:The Last Theorem can be used to compute the date that the countdown clocks began and when the count will end. the reader must make a 難易度 14 Will save or suffer from feeblemind.

難易度 25:The Last Theorem is capable of affecting the physical world, but is missing the hidden value of the “White axiom.” Without that, The Last Theorem’s power cannot be unleashed. The reader must make a 難易度 18 Will save or enter a permanent catatonic state similar to that created by an eyebite spell. If both the Concentration check and the Will save are successful, the reader’s understanding provides a permanent +1 enhancement bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma(player’s choice). Future readings by the same person have no additional effect. only one person can gain the bonus conferred by the theorem every 11 months.


The Morrowfall/モロウフォール)
出典 Pathfinder #27:What Lies in Dust 50ページ
オーラ力術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

ザ・モロウフォールはAohlの片割れであり、数千年前に反していた2つの神々の間で神聖な停が行われた後、古代のJaytirian Societyに贈られた異物である。ザ・モロウフォールは今ではほとんど忘れ去られている強太陽神であるEasivraのを表したものである(Easivraの名前知るためには難易度 30の〈知識:宗教〉判定が必要であるが、ザ・モロウフォール接触した善属性クリーチャーは即座にその名前とアーティファクト使い方を知ることができる)。ザ・モロウフォール呪文の通りのデイライトを発する。さらに、強く差し出してEasivraの名前を口にすることで(標準アクションとして)、ザ・モロウフォールを使用して以下の呪文を発動することができる。
回数無制限—ディテクト・アンデッドディスラプト・アンデッドデイズ・モンスター難易度 13)
3回/日—ブラインドネス難易度 13)、デイライトシアリング・ライト
1回/日—サンビーム難易度 20)、サンバースト難易度 22)




The Totemrix/)
出典 Pathfinder #29:Mother of Flies 52ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

The Totemrix is the dark half of the Aohl, an artifact gifted to the lost Jaytirian Society of the Mwangi Expanse following a sacred truce between their two feuding gods. The Totemrix is a manifestation of power from the now-dead demon lord of shadows, Vyriavaxus. It’s a 難易度 30 Knowledge(religion) check to know this, but any evilaligned creature that touches the Totemrix immediately knows the name and how to use the artifact’s powers. The Totemrix constantly emits darkness, as per the spell of the same name, reducing illumination levels in a 20-foot radius by one step.

As long as the Totemrix is carried, the wielder’s demeanor and attitude become increasingly morbid. After a day of keeping the Totemrix in his possession, its owner becomes incredibly possessive of the artifact and will not voluntarily relinquish it—if the wielder loses possession of the Totemrix, he becomes obsessed with recovering it. Every day that the owner maintains possession of the Totemrix, he gains 1 “shadow point.” When the owner’s shadow point total equals his experience level, he must make a 難易度 25 Fortitude save. Regardless of the results of this save, the owner dies—if the Fortitude save is a success, though, he rises the next evening as a vampire. If a player character succumbs to this potent curse and becomes a vampire, you should assume control of that PC until the other characters can defeat him and, hopefully, resurrect him. The compulsion to maintain ownership of the Totemrix is a curse that functions at 術者レベル 15th.

A vampire created in this manner continues to covet the Totemrix, and indeed, if separated from its ownership(or unable to benefit from its power, as in the case of it being joined to the Morrowfall), suffers a –4 penalty on all skill checks, attack rolls, and saving throws until he recovers the artifact.

In the hands of a vampire, the Totemrix gains a potent new ability—when the vampire uses his children of the night ability, he may call upon shadow beasts. When he calls upon shadow beasts, he calls 2d6 shadowgarms(see Pathfinder Adventure Path volume #25), 1d4 shadow rat swarms(see page 37), 1d4+1 shadows, or 1d3 shadow mastiffs(see page 31). Although the vampire can only do so as often as he can use children of the night(once a day for most vampires), shadow beasts called in this manner persist in the area and follow the vampire’s last command until they are slain or banished. At any one time, a vampiric wielder of the Totemrix can maintain a number of shadow beasts equal to the amount of spawn he can control(up to 52 at a time for Ilnerik); attempts to call more shadow beasts while this total number is maxed still function, but the called shadow beasts persist for only up to 1 hour before vanishing.




Throne of Blasphemy/)
出典 Hell Unleashed 62ページ
オーラ心術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 500ポンド

By sitting on the throne of blasphemy and intoning profane blasphemies(a full-round action) with hands soaked in the blood of a good-aligned sentient being, a creature gains the ability to poison the minds of those nearby for 24 hours. Every round the seated creature speaks(a standard action), all creatures with Intelligence scores of 3 or higher within 100 feet must succeed at a Will save or be compelled to listen, becoming vulnerable to its blasphemies. The save 難易度 is equal to 10 + the seated creature’s Charisma modifier + 1/2 its Hit Dice. Deafened creatures, or those immune to sonic mind-affecting effects, are not considered to be listening.

The seated creature can then use its speech to affect listeners as if by the following spells:confusion(as a 4th-level spell), crushing despair(as a 4th-level spell), enthrall, modify memory, or suggestion(as a 3rd-level spell). The seated creature can affect multiple victims with different spell effects in the same round. The 難易度 to resist these spells is equal to the original 難易度 from above + the mimicked spell’s level. Victims still receive saving throws against these effects, but if they fail their saves, they are not aware that the throne is working its power on them.

Any victim that succeeds at its saving throw against a particular spell effect is immune to that effect for the next 24 hours. However, it can still be affected by the throne’s other spell effects. These are sonic mind-affecting effects.

A creature that gains the power to poison other creatures’ minds from the throne maintains this ability for 24 hours even if it moves off the throne. If another creature sits on the throne and gains this power, any other creature that gained the ability this way immediately loses it.

The throne imposes 2 permanent negative levels on nonevil creatures that sit upon it and use its blasphemous power.


The throne of blasphemy is destroyed if a lawful evil creature is killed upon it and then magic circle against evil is cast upon the throne.


Thrushmoor Star Stelae/)
出典 Pathfinder #110:The Thrushmoor Terror 8ページ
オーラ 微弱・召喚術変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 各々44,000ポンド

The Star Stelae in Thrushmoor are partially operational and provide the following benefits to any creature bearing an unholy symbol of Hastur—the Yellow Sign. Each Star Stela has a number of charges that can be replenished with an appropriate sacrifice, and activating one of the artifact’s effects expends a number of charges. Each stone can hold a maximum of 50 charges. Because these artifacts are damaged and not operating at their full potential, their auras register as faint instead of strong or overwhelming.

If a creature in possession of a Yellow Sign touches a Star Stela, it immediately receives a flow of telepathic impressions that it can attempt to interpret with a 難易度 25 Knowledge(arcana) or Knowledge(religion) check. If the creature succeeds, it understands what the Star Stela can do, and can attempt to tap into their power.

Any creature using a Star Stela for any of these effects is bombarded with strange images and distant whispers. If the creature makes use of the teleportation effect, it steps into one wall and emerges into what looks like an abandoned and eerily quiet city filled with swirling yellow mist before exiting to its desired location.

A creature bearing the unholy symbol of Hastur can make use of the following effects.

City Stride:By touching one of the Star Stelae, a user can create a temporary portal on a wall within 200 feet of the stone. The user can then travel to another wall within 200 feet of one of the other two Star Stelae as if via dimension door. A sooty mural of a gloomy and abandoned city appears on any wall used for this manner of travel. This use expends 2 charges.

Sinister Whispers:By touching one of Thrushmoor’s Star Stelae, a user can transmit a short, whispered message to any point within 300 feet of any of the three artifacts. All creatures wearing an unholy symbol of Hastur within that area hear the whispered message and can give a short reply. This use expends 1 charge. If the user and another creature are touching different stones at the same time, one of them can expend 2 charges to communicate telepathically for 1 minute.

If a stone is depleted of all its charges, it becomes inactive and can’t be used anymore. An inactive Star Stela can be activated again only through the successful completion of a specific occult ritual(the same one that Melisenn used to originally awaken the stones).

Charges can be replenished through sacrifice. If a sentient living creature is killed in the name of Hastur while in contact with one of the Star Stelae, the artifact gains a number of charges equal to 1 per Hit Die of the sacrificed victim.


Thrushmoor’s Star Stelae can be destroyed by a flying polyp using its wind blast to deal 500 points of damage to each stone during a particular celestial alignment that occurs once per year.


出典 Pathfinder #66:The Dead Heart of Xin 61ページ
オーラ占術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 10ポンド


過去を調べるために使用される場合、タイムグラスは2つのことのいずれかを行う――忘れられていた記憶を明らかにしたり、古い知識を新しいコンテキストに入れたりすることができる(1つの〈知識〉判定に+20のボーナスを与える)、またはキャラクターが過去出会った特定の人物へのリンクを付与し、その人物との簡単な一方行のコミュニケーションを可能にする。このメッセージの受信者は一般的にビジョン、奇妙な予言、または神の洞察の形でメッセージを解釈する――受信者はメッセージが実際に未来からのものであることを知らない(時間の流れを維持し、パラドクスとうためにタイムグラスが過去へのメッセージを歪めているため)。PCが初めてこの使用を使用する、トロールのAugustilleと接触し、その結果「The Asylum Stone」でPCに与えら奇妙な予言が得られる。タイムグラス自体が〈知識〉判定ボーナスを与えるか、過去の精神リンクをさせるかを決定する――GMはこのアーティファクトがキャンペーンにどのように相互作用するかを制御することができる。






Torc of Kostchtchieコシチェイのトルク)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 62ページ、The Witchwar Legacy 26ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術心術]; 術者レベル 25レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド


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