
上級アーティファクト Major Artifacts


出典 Pathfinder #91:Battle of Bloodmarch Hills 56ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 10ポンド

Agrimmosh appears to be a simple stone blacksmith’s hammer engraved with Minderhal’s holy symbol. It functions as a +2 impactUE warhammer that automatically resizes itself to match the size of its wielder. Once per day as a full-round action, the wielder of Agrimmosh can use the hammer to cast heightened enlarge person(Fortitude 難易度 23 negates). This effect lasts for 20 minutes. Whenever the wielder of Agrimmosh confirms a critical hit against a creature of the humanoid type, the target creature must succeed at a 難易度 23 Fortitude save or shrink by one size category, as by heightened reduce person. This effect lasts for 20 minutes.

In addition, Agrimmosh has other powers that are currently dormant. When the Hammer of Unmaking is struck against Minderhal’s Forge in the Cathedral of Minderhal(see Pathfinder Adventure Path #93:Forge of the Giant God), these powers are reawakened, and Agrimmosh gains the following abilities.

Whenever the wielder of Agrimmosh successfully strikes a creature with the hammer, as an immediate action he can attempt a targeted dispel check against the struck creature, as dispel magic, to end a single ongoing transmutation effect that alters the target’s size. Other ongoing spells and effects are unaffected. The wielder uses the hammer’s caster level as his own when attempting such a dispel check.

Agrimmosh also gains 3 charges, which renew at the beginning of each day. The wielder can expend the listed number of charges to activate one of the following spelllike abilities as a full-round action; expending an extra charge to activate the spell-like ability reduces the casting time to a swift action instead. Regardless, the wielder of Agrimmosh can activate only one of the weapon’s spell-like abilities per round.
Heightened enlarge person(1 charge, 難易度 23; this replaces Agrimmosh’s 1/day enlarge person ability)
Heightened mass enlarge person(2 charges, 難易度 23)
Lastly, Agrimmosh can be used in conjunction with Minderhal’s Forge at the Cathedral of Minderhal to resize magic armor and weapons. More details on this ability can be found in Pathfinder Adventure Path #93.


If Agrimmosh is heated in Minderhal’s Forge at the Cathedral of Minderhal for 10 years and then quenched in the blood of a slain rune giant, it loses all of its magical abilities and is destroyed, shattering into a thousand pieces.


Alaznist's Hateful Ranseurアラズニストの憎ランサー
出典 Pathfinder #138:Rise of New Thassilon 70ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ力術]; 術者レベル 20; 重量 12ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 暗視 120フィート、聴覚
【知力】 17; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 17; 自我 24
言語 言語読解能、会話、テレパシー(奈落語、アズラント語、サーシロン語)

アラズニスツ・ヘイトフル・ランサー+3 キーンスペル・ストアリングウーンディングアダマンティンランサーで、には焦げた人間が突き刺さっているが――ルーンロードであるAlderpashのを表現している――、武器としての使用を妨げるものではない。ランサーは使用者に攻撃ロールセーヴ能力値判定技能判定に+2の幸運ボーナスを与える。クリティカル・ヒットアラズニスツ・ヘイトフル・ランサー目標【知力】【判断力】【魅力】の値が最も高いものに1d4ポイントのダメージを与える。この武器は、バクラカーンの正当な支配者ではない者に破壊復讐を絶え間なく脅かし、使用者以外の全てのものを倒すことを的としている。ランサーは1日3回使用者にキュア・シリアス・ウーンズプロテクション・フロム・エナジーを発動でき、1日3回ライトニング・ボルトを発動できる。


アラズニスツ・ヘイトフル・ランサーはOliphaunt of Jandelayの砕けた足元に投げ込まれれば破壊できるが、今現在世界に生きているルーンロード・オヴ・ラスが存在しない場合に限る。


Anathema Archive/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 420ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

This unusually heavy scroll consists of a rather long sheet of supple, impossible-to-tear parchment wound between two rods. When the anathema archive is opened, it presents a tangle of Thassilonian runes to the observer. Each time the scroll is unfurled, the runes are in a different order, the contents of the archive shifting according to the user’s state of mind and desires each time it is used. The archive itself can be used for two purposes:to cast ancient spells and to divulge lore about hateful secrets and hidden horrors.

When using the anathema archive to cast spells, the user can either simply open it(in which case it randomly opens to one of the new Thassilonian spells presented earlier in this chapter) or the user can attempt to force the anathema archive to open to a specific spell from that list or to any arcane spell she knows how to cast. Doing so requires a Spellcraft check(難易度 = 20 + double spell level)—failure indicates the archive opens to a random spell from this chapter’s seven earlier options. Whatever spell the anathema archive is opened to, the user may cast that spell from the scroll as if she were casting a spell from a normal scroll, save that the spell is not consumed from the anathema archive upon being cast.

When used for research, the anathema archive grants a +10 insight bonus into any one Knowledge check associated with sinister or frightening ancient topics(subject to the GM’s discretion—sample subjects include evil outsiders, runelords, Thassilon, Leng, evil religions, or undead). This allows a character to make the Knowledge skill check untrained.

Each time a character uses the anathema archive, her mind becomes increasingly haunted and unhinged. Upon using the archive, the user must make a Will save(難易度 = 15 + twice the total number of times the user has used the anathema archive). Failure results in the user taking 1d4 points of Wisdom drain and becoming confused for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the total number of times she has used the artifact.

The anathema archive closes automatically each time it is used, and cannot be opened again for 24 hours by any force.


The anathema archive must be eaten by an angel who has been rendered deaf and blind by an evil source—the angel must not know that it is eating an artifact.


Anima Focus魂の焦点
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 420ページ、Pathfinder #6:Spires of Xin-Shalast 58ページ
オーラ召喚術死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 9米トン

アニマ・フォーカスはRuneforgeでのLords of Greedの研究とメモを基に、サーシロン帝国の晩年にKarzougが作成した巨大アーティファクトである。このアーティファクト物質界と”Eye of Avarice”のリンクを維持し、特別な儀式によって準備された強欲な魂の断片をEye of Avariceの内部にある魂のレンズを通してrunewell 自体に吸い上げる。アニマ・フォーカスには他のもあり、Pinnacle of Avariceにリンクしている――詳細は359ページを参照せよ。


アニマ・フォーカスリンクされている魂のレンズを破壊しなければならない。その後、アニマ・フォーカスは物理的なダメージあるいは魔法によって破壊される(硬度20; ヒット・ポイント 800; 破壊難易度 50)


Apollyon Ring/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 10ページ
オーラ占術死霊術]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 リング; 市価 —; 重量

Upon donning the Apollyon Ring, the wearer experiences an increased state of being, her consciousness becoming an infectious disease known as the Mark of the Prophet. The wearer is the host of this disease, but is immune to its effects. Any creature that comes into physical contact with the wearer(or with one afflicted by the disease) must make a successful Fortitude save or be infected. The disease causes 1d4 points of ability damage, with the affected ability being the wearer’s highest ability score(or her choice in the case of equally high scores). The disease’s other effects are detailed below. The saving throw to resist the disease is equal to 10 + the wearer’s Hit Dice + her Charisma modifier. This disease can be cured as normal. Creatures immune to disease are immune to any disease created by the Apollyon Ring, but also gain none of the abilities granted by wearing the ring.

Any creature infected by the disease becomes a potential host for the ring wearer’s senses. The wearer always knows how many creatures are infected and can detect any one of them as a standard action as per the status spell. Additionally, by spending a minute concentrating, the wearer can see and hear using any infected individual’s senses, as per the clairaudience/clairvoyance spell. The wearer remains dimly aware of her surroundings while making use of this effect, and may end it as an immediate action. She may use this ability any number of times per day. Once per day, she may also either cure any number of individuals infected with the disease within 300 feet, or force them to make an additional save against its effects at a –5 penalty.

Removing the Apollyon Ring or killing the wearer instantly cures all creatures afflicted by the Mark of the Prophet.

Mark of the Prophet

Type disease, contact; Save Fortitude 難易度 variable(see above)
Onset 1 day; Frequency 1/day
Effect 1d4 ability score damage; Cure 2 consecutive saves


The Apollyon Ring shatters if Apollyon, Horseman of Pestilence, is slain. Alternatively, the ring is destroyed if a creature immune to disease wears it and casts remove disease on at least one victim of every different disease known to the world.


Avernus Claw/)
出典 Hell Unleashed 39ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・さまざま; 術者レベル 28レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 24ポンド

Furcas’s weapon is a +4 axiomatic flaming burst unholy trident. The weapon’s flaming burst special ability wreathes the trident in hellfire—half the damage its flames deal is fire damage, while the other half results directly from infernal power and is therefore not reduced by fire resistance. As a standard action, Furcas can slam the trident’s haft against the ground, causing all creatures within 30 feet to be affected by dimensional anchor. Any affected creature that attempts to teleport or travel to another plane(even by a permanent gate) instead appears in a square adjacent to Furcas. As a standard action, Furcas can call the trident to his hand from any distance, even across planar boundaries.


The Avernus Claw must be sunk to the bottom of the deepest sea of Elysium for 1 year, then dealt a blow by the weapon of a chaotic good deity.


Barding of Pleated Light/)
出典 Pathfinder #74:Sword of Valor 65ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 鎧(バーディング); 市価 —; 重量 100ポンド

The barding of pleated light was crafted by angels in service to Pulura, the Shimmering Maiden, an empyreal lord once venerated by the conquered people of Sarkoris. This ornately crafted mithral full plate armor resizes to fit a horse, warhorse, or equivalent mount that it is placed upon. It acts as +2 greater spell resistance(19) full plate barding. The barding of pleated light grants additional powers related to the rippling light of an aurora. These powers can be activated by the wearer’s rider; the wearer can activate the barding’s powers only if it has an Intelligence score of 3 or greater.

First, the barding can be activated as the blinding shield special ability at will, but the wearer and the wearer’s rider are both immune to this blinding effect. Second, as an immediate action, the armor can be activated to divert harmful light or shadows. This grants the armor’s spell resistance to the wearer’s rider for 1 round, but this spell resistance only protects against spells with the light or shadow descriptor. Finally, the armor allows the wearer to pass through shimmering curtains of light. As an immediate action when charging, the armor can be activated to select any 10-foot-square area in the path of the charge. A curtain of multicolored light appears momentarily on each side of this area. The wearer can charge across this area as though it did not exist, disappearing into a ripple of light on one side and reappearing in a ripple of light on the other side. The wearer ignores terrain or obstacles in the intervening area(allowing the wearer to charge through allies in the area, for example), and the intervening area does not count toward the wearer’s charge movement. The ripple of light cannot be used for movement by anyone except the wearer and the wearer’s rider.


The barding of pleated light is destroyed if it’s reduced to 0 hit points in an area of absolute darkness with no light—not even a candle’s flicker or reflected moonbeam—within 10 miles in any direction.


Belimarius's Invidious Halberd/ベリマリウスの嫉妬ハルバード
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 56ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ防御術]; 術者レベル 17; 重量 12ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 暗視60フィート、聴覚
【知力】 15; 【判断力】 13; 【魅力】 10; 自我 19
言語 言語読解能、会話(アズラント語、エルフ語、サーシロン語)
特殊用途能力 魔法消費(下記参照
特殊 秘術呪文の術者を倒す


この武器知性ある+2 ディスペリング・バーストキーンスペル・ストアリングミスラルハルバードである。ベリマリウスズ・インヴィディアス・ハルバード秘術呪文の発動能を持つクリーチャーに命中する攻撃されたクリーチャー難易度 17の意志セーヴに成功するか、ハルバード3レベル以下の呪文1つを吸収しスペル・ストアリング呪文を保存する(またはディスペリング・バーストとして吸収した呪文ディスペル・マジックする)。ハルバードはどの呪文が保存されているかを選択するが、それ以外の場合、攻撃されたクリーチャー武器スペル・ストアリングを使用してハルバードが選択した呪文を保存したかのように機能し、その過程でその呪文の準備を失う(またはそれに関連する呪文スロットを失う)。既に呪文が保存されている場合、この能を使用することはできない。ベリマリウス・インヴィディアス・ハルバード呪文を吸収された後に攻撃されたクリーチャーに対して、フィーブルマインドを発動できる(難易度 17)。


ベリマリウスズ・インヴィディアス・ハルバードはOliphaunt of Jandelayの砕けた足元に投げ込まれれば破壊できるが、今現在世界に生きているルーンロード・オヴ・エンヴィが存在しない場合に限る。

3.5 Materialベルウェザー・ブローチ

Bellwether Brooch/)
出典 Guardians of Dragonfall 29ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・心術変成術術者レベル 29レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量 24ポンド

The creators of Dragonfall allowed for the possibility that at some point in the future, Dragonfall might require relocation. While they could not program the guardians with the flexibility of thought necessary to execute this task themselves, they did, through the Bellwether Brooch, allow the option for someone else to lead the guardians to a new location.

As long as the Bellwether Brooch resides in its setting in the Paragon Chamber of Dragonfall, the Guardians of Dragonfall follow their normal routines. If the Bellwether Brooch is removed from its setting, however, the guardians immediately stop performing these routines and await the commands of the brooch’s wearer. As a free action, the wearer of the brooch can telepathically command any Guardians of Dragonfall within 100 feet, and the guardians obey fully. The guardians resume their normal routines if the brooch is replaced in its setting. In addition, the wearer of the brooch receives a +10 insight bonus on skill checks to craft constructs, is treated as 5 levels higher for the purposes of creating constructs, and need not expend 経験点 in the creation of constructs.

The brooch is a clear diamond cut in an ovoid, two inches long. It has no chain or clasp; instead, it attaches itself to the wearer’s skin at the neck. The wearer can easily remove it, but it is treated as a “well-secured object” against any attempts to remove it by force.


出典 Artifacts and Legends 12ページ、Inner Sea World Guide 299ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

Blackaxe is a Huge +5 plant bane greataxe which is considered epic and can penetrate epic damage reduction. Virulent acid constantly seeps from its blade, dealing +1d6 points of acid damage on a successful hit. On a successful critical hit, Blackaxe deals an additional +2d10 points of acid damage. Once per minute, the weapon’s wielder can use heal on herself by striking a living and nonmagical tree with Blackaxe, causing the tree to wither to ash. The artifact is inexorably tied to the nascent demon lord Treerazer, who can call Blackaxe to his hand as a free action, despite any intervening distance, so long as Blackaxe is not kept in an area that prevents teleportation effects from occurring. While Blackaxe is wielded by another creature, Treerazer always knows that creature’s location and condition(as via the discern location and status spells), and by concentrating can observe the world around the wielder as if using that wielder’s senses. While in this state, Treerazer may use any of his spell-like abilities through the link, treating Blackaxe as if it were the source of the spelllike ability. Each time Treerazer does so, Blackaxe’s wielder must make a successful 難易度 25 Will save to avoid being staggered for 1 round from the flow of power. These spelllike abilities trigger during the wielder’s turn in initiative, but do not consume any of the wielder’s actions in that round.


In order to destroy Blackaxe, the weapon must be used against a powerful magical tree, and while the sap on the blade is still fresh it must then be used to sever one of the demon lord Cyth-V’sug’s many fungoid limbs. Doing so causes Blackaxe to explode in a burst of obsidian shrapnel and acid that deals 20d6 points of acid damage and 20d6 points of piercing damage to all within a 60-foot burst(難易度 30 Reflex save for half ).


Bloodstones of Arazniアラズニの血玉髄)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 13ページ
オーラ防御術死霊術秩序]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 各々2ポンド

















ラング・ブラッドストーン・オヴ・アラズニ Lung Bloodstone of Arazni





出典 Artifacts and Legends 17ページ

装備部位 なし; オーラ召喚術死霊術変成術術者レベル 20レベル重量 6ポンド
属性 混沌にして悪感覚範囲 暗視60フィート
【知力】 10; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 16; 自我 23
言語 empathy, speech, telepathy、アクロ語、共通語、森語
3回/日―barkskin(wielder only), blight(as swift action upon a creature it strikes in combat)
1回/―true resurrection(wielder only)
特殊用途能力 魔法消費(下記参照
特殊 秘術呪文の術者を倒す

The blade called Briar is an intelligent +5 cold iron vorpal bastard sword whose special purpose is to defeat denizens of the First World.


If Briar is claimed by the nymph Nyrissa—of whom it is fundamentally a part—the blade gradually begins rejoining with the fey queen. If left in Nyrissa’s possession, Briar fades out of existence over the course of a week. At the end of this time, the weapon is destroyed and Nyrissa regains her ability to love. Only one of the fey lords known as the Eldest can restore Briar once Nyrissa has reclaimed it.


Calabash of Last Draughts/)
出典 Feast of Dust 43ページ
オーラ死霊術変成術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

An elaborately carved stopper caps this black gourd. It was once a decanter of endless water, but the bottle’s magic has been warped by the daemon spirit trapped within. The Calabash of Last Draughts can be slung over a creature’s chest with its leather strap, and grants a +2 profane bonus to Intelligence when worn. Five times per day, the wearer can unstopper the bottle and splash a creature with the tainted water within as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet. A successful attack deals 1d4 points of Intelligence damage as the waters wipe away a creature’s memories and sense of self. A successful 難易度 18 Will save reduces this Intelligence damage by half. If a target is helpless or willing, the wearer can instead unstopper the calabash and feed the target its tainted waters, either dealing 2d4 points of Intelligence damage or allowing the wearer to change or eliminate the target’s memories as per the modify memory spell.

The Calabash of Last Draughts also erodes an outsider’s connection to the physical world. If a possessing creature’s Intelligence is reduced to 1 or lower in this way, it is immediately exorcised from its host’s body.

Upon picking up the Calabash of Last Draughts, a creature must succeed at a 難易度 18 Will save or immediately drink from the accursed gourd.


The Calabash of Last Draughts must be filled with water from the Progenitor Wave at the heart of the Sea of No Shadows in Nirvana, then dashed against the shores of the Mere of Broken Angels in Abaddon.

3.5 Materialキャントリアン・スプリング

Cantorian Springリサーラの聖杯)
出典 Gods and Magic 62ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

This long, straight staff bears a rough crystal at the top, wrapped in wire extending to the base. When the staff moves, something liquid shifts within the crystal. The staff tends to right itself if left alone, balancing easily on its lower end, easily moved or toppled but quickly returning to its upright position if left undisturbed for a few minutes. Though the creator of this item is uncertain, most believe it has some ties to Canzoriant, a powerful devil whose cult gained some renown by elves before the Age of Darkness(and who was crushed by Asmodeus in a failed coup). Canzoriant had an interest in conquest and breeding stronger slaves, and it is likely he played a role in its most famous work—the hobgoblin.

Ages ago, a group of elven adventurers located a strange colony where powerful mutated goblins were being bred into a great army that would wash over the elven cities. These new goblins were smarter, larger, and stronger than regular goblins, more disciplined, and fearsome, conditioned to hate elves with stories of horror and rumors that the elves reciprocated their hate and wanted the colonies razed. Alert to the hobgoblin threat, the elves located the artifact at the center of the colony and stole it; when the owners caught up to the elves, they battled, and in the confusion the artifact was lost. Since that time the hobgoblins have been their own masters and the names of the being or beings who thought up their creation have been lost. Over the centuries the staff has appeared, usually in the hands of someone wanting to create a new slave race(such as the supposedly-extinct zhug, born of hafling stock) or to inflict a particularly cruel punishment on an enemy(such as when Bandit King Anfax used it to transform his enemy’s army into catfish in the middle of a hot summer battle), and the Three Generations War in the River Kingdoms resulted in it changing hands at least four times between opposing parties.

The staff initially appears to be a fully-charged staff of transmutation. With the proper command word, once per day you can use it to cast a mass polymorph or baleful polymorph, though there reputedly is a very small chance that the staff will transform you as well. You can use it to cast bear’s endurance, bull’s strength, cat’s grace, eagle’s splendor, fox’s cunning, or owl’s wisdom up to 10 times per day in any combination, or use five of the daily “charges” of this power to cast a mass version of any of those spells.

If left to balance itself, you can tap its crystal once and speak a command word to cause it to slowly screw itself into the earth until only the crystal is visible. A few minutes later water begins to bubble up from the earth, forming a pool or spring if the shape of the ground permits it. This water is pure and clean and replenishes itself at a rate of one gallon per minute. Through an attunement process that takes several days of active concentration(similar to crafting a magic item) you can give the spring magical powers so that any who drink from it will be permanently affected, though there are usually slight side effects(for example, if the water enhances Dexterity, a drinker may gain cat-like features).

Many stories of magical fountains or springs crystal rests at the bottom and is obscured by plants or sediment, and it is possible that several variant races or subraces owe their existence to this artifact. The power of the spring tends to drift over time, requiring attention at least one day out of every month. Furthermore, the staff has been known to create a spring without its owner commanding it to do so. If the staff is removed from the spring, the water usually loses its magical powers and eventually drains away, though the Bouldertop Oasis in northern Osirion has no natural explanation and has a faint magical aura reminiscent of the Cantorian Spring.


Chalice of Lissalaリサーラの聖杯)
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 69ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・心術術者レベル 22レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド







Chalice of Ozem/)
出典 Pathfinder #77:Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth 62ページ
オーラ防御術力術場]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

This chalice is perhaps the last surviving artifact from Sacred Ozem, now forever lost in a tragic battle that ultimately led to the foundation of the Knights of Ozem. Made of shimmering mithral and studded with dozens of rubies, the Chalice of Ozem was carried from the ruins and handed down through generations until it was finally given to Iomedae, who used it in her fight against Erum-Hel during the Battle of Three Sorrows.

The chalice cannot be harmed by any substance it holds, no matter how caustic. Further, any liquid placed within the chalice will never spill unless the chalice’s carrier wills it. If the chalice is held and the command phrase spoken(“Ozem for Iomedae!”), it projects a globe of invulnerability. If a second command phrase is spoken(“Her sheltering shield!”) and a scooping motion is made with the chalice, a resilient sphere is created around the carrier. Each of these effects can be called upon twice per day.

Once per day, a mythic character can expend one use of mythic power while pouring a dose of holy water into the chalice to immediately transform that dose of holy water into a single dose of nectar of the gods( Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 155).


If the Chalice of Ozem is filled with Iomedae’s blood and Arazni drinks from it, the chalice shatters into glass fragments.


Chronicle of the Righteous/)
出典 Chronicle of the Righteous 52ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・全系統]; 術者レベル 25レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 12ポンド

The Chronicle of the Righteous is the collected records of the good Outer Planes as written by the exiled angel Tabris, who was ordered to catalog the lore of all the multiverse but was cast out of Heaven for his findings. The pages pertaining to the good Outer Planes lie within covers of beaten precious metals, bedecked with jewels of every color and inscribed with celestial iconography. Only a truly reverent individual, completely devoted to good, can open the Chronicle of the Righteous without an effort of will; for others, a successful 難易度 12 Will save is required to open the book. On a failed save, the individual decides she is unworthy of beholding the Chronicle and cannot attempt to open the book again for 24 hours.

The Chronicle of the Righteous is written in Celestial. It details the geography of the good-aligned planes, the gods, empyreal lords, and celestial creatures who live there, and the unadulterated truths of these beings and their acts—truths that are sometimes heartening and at other times unsettling. Any evil-aligned creature who touches the Chronicle of the Righteous gains 1 negative level. This level cannot be restored until the character has remained more than 10 feet away from the book for 24 hours. Nongood creatures attempting to read the book must succeed at a 難易度 15 Will save or have their alignment permanently take one step toward good.

A reader who spends 30 days(not necessarily consecutively) studying the book receives several benefits. The book contains copies of every conjuration(healing) spell and every spell with the good descriptor. The user gains a +4 bonus on all Knowledge(planes) checks if she uses the book as a resource(consulting it for at least 1 hour regarding a question), and its descriptions of the good-aligned planes are so accurate that any teleportation travel to or within those planes always brings the caster to the exact location desired.

As long as the book is carried, the user is immediately aware of any action that might cause an alignment shift or a loss of standing with her deity, as if she wore a phylactery of faithfulness. The Chronicle of the Righteous is also surrounded by a permanent zone of truth, and creatures must succeed at a 難易度 15 Will save to tell a lie within 20 feet of the book. The bearer of the book casts all good spells as if she were 2 caster levels higher and gains a +2 bonus on all Charisma checks and Charisma-based skill checks when interacting with good creatures. Three times per day, the book can be used to cast one of the following spells:banishment, consecrate, greater planar binding, holy smite, holy word, sanctify weapons, and summon monster VII. Each time the Chronicle of the Righteous is referenced or used to cast a spell, there is a 10% chance that any empyreal lords on the same plane as the user instantly become aware of the book’s precise location.


The Chronicle of the Righteous can be destroyed by first bathing it in the blood of a fallen empyreal lord who has killed at least 100 good mortals and then burning it in a pit of hellfire.


Cradle of Night/)
出典 Cradle of Night 57ページ
オーラ幻術]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

Once each year, a Cradle of Night can infuse a single living creature that handles it with a manifestation of the shadowbound corruption. If the creature wishes to reject the manifestation, it can do so by succeeding at a 難易度 25 Will save, but if the creature fails this saving throw, it gains the manifestation’s stain without its gift. A creature with a manifestation of the shadowbound corruption that carries a Cradle of Night on its person ceases aging, gains a +4 profane bonus to Strength and Constitution, and gains fast healing equal to its total Hit Dice. These effects are suppressed whenever the creature is in bright light, but time spent not aging does not catch up to the bearer at such times.


A Cradle of Night that is exposed to direct sunlight for 8 consecutive hours becomes relatively fragile and can be destroyed by damage, but spending at least a minute in shadow or darkness removes this fragility. While fragile, a Cradle of Night has hardness 15 and 30 ヒット・ポイント. If the artifact is destroyed, each creature that has willingly accepted a manifestation from the Cradle of Night must succeed at a 難易度 25 Fortitude save or be immediately destroyed, as if by a sphere of annihilation. Creatures that did not willingly gain the Cradle of Night’s manifestations instead immediately lose the shadowbound corruption(and all manifestations it granted), but suffer no other ill effect.


Crook and Flail of Kings/)
出典 Pathfinder #84:Pyramid of the Sky Pharaoh 61ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 各々5ポンド

Crafted by the fabled thaumaturge Sekhmenathes of An for Hakotep’s grandfather, these two symbols of rulership were passed down to the Sky Pharaoh by his father and buried with Hakotep in his crypt when his successor Djederet II ascended the throne.

The crook is an 18-inch-long cane with a hooked head made of gold reinforced with blue copper bands. It functions as a greater empower metamagic rodUE.

The flail is a 2-foot-long rod of gold, ending with three beaded strands of semi-precious stones. It functions as both a greater reach metamagic rod and a +2 thundering flailUE.

When the crook and flail are held simultaneously, one in each hand, the wielder can cast spells without providing somatic components(as Still Spell, but this doesn’t use a higher level spell slot or increase casting time). Furthermore, once per day as an immediate action, the wielder can reflect spells cast against him for 1 round(as spell turning) up to a total of 9 spell levels. If the wielder is a spellcaster, he can expend a prepared spell or spell slot to use this ability again; he can reflect a total number of spell levels equal to the level of the expended spell.


If the rightful ruler of Osirion strikes the crook and flail together with the intent to break them, both items shatter and turn instantly to sand.


Crown of Fangs/)
出典 Curse of the Crimson Throne(PFRPG) 432ページ、Pathfinder #12:Crown of Fangs 64ページ
オーラ心術幻術死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 頭部市価 —; 重量 4ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート
【知力】 10; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 12; 自我 20
言語 empathy

The eponymous fangs set into this jeweled golden circlet are those of the dragon Kazavon. The crown grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to her Constitution and Charisma scores, as well as regeneration 20. Only a blade capable of destroying the crown, like Serithtial, can bypass this regeneration. The wearer gains the personal benefits of foresight, while the crown itself can cast each of the following spells three times per day:alter self, dominate person(難易度 17), major image(難易度 17), mirror image, and mislead(難易度 19).

Queen Ileosa and this crown are bound together, and she retains its bonuses to her ability scores and regeneration even if she isn’t wearing the crown, regardless of the distance between the two. She prefers to wear the crown because that allows it to use its spells in her defense—and because of her vanity and pride.


The Crown of Fangs is destroyed if struck(while unattended) by a holy sword forged by a once-mortal god—the blade Serithtial is one such blade.


Crown of Infernal Majesty/)
出典 Pathfinder #106:For Queen and Empire 59ページ
オーラ防御術変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

This engraved and filigreed silver diadem is fashioned with three tines rising from the front of the circlet, the central one of which bears the encircled cross emblem of Cheliax. The Crown of Infernal Majesty grants its wearer a suite of abilities. Defensively, it provides immunity to fire and poison, immunity to mind-affecting effects, immunity to mental ability score damage, acid and cold resistance 10, and spell resistance equal to the wearer’s 脅威度 + 11. In addition, the wearer is immune to smite effects(including the smite evil ability of celestial creatures and paladins, and the destructive smite ability of the Destruction domain). A creature that attempts to smite the wearer of the crown gets no bonus on attack rolls against the wearer, and the crown reflects any bonus damage from the smite back against the attacker as evil-aligned damage that bypasses the corresponding damage reduction.

The wearer gains the see in darkness universal monster ability, and the ability to use discern lies, nondetection, and true seeing as constant spell-like abilities. The crown also grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to her Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores(with ranks in Intimidate, Knowledge [planes], and Sense Motive, as a headband of vast intelligence, as well as the ability to speak and read Abyssal, Celestial, and Infernal). Lastly, the wearer gains a +4 profane bonus on Charisma-based checks to bargain or deal with devils(such as with planar ally or planar binding spells).
The Crown of Infernal Majesty can be destroyed only by tricking Asmodeus into nullifying each of the Three Damnations written into the infernal contracts between Hell and House Thrune.


Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga/)
出典 Pathfinder #68:The Shackled Hut 61ページ、Artifacts and Legends 21ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術変成術術者レベル 30レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3,500ポンド

Approximately 15 feet tall and 15 feet square, this crude hut sits atop a pair of gigantic chicken legs that, when not tucked beneath the structure at rest, endlessly pick and scratch at the hut’s surroundings. The life-like legs aren’t the only thing that make the hut remarkable, however. The small building’s only door opens into a room that can be significantly larger than what the structure can naturally contain, for the hut possesses countless configurations of extradimensional rooms that change depending on the hut’s physical location. Nothing that transpires outside the hut has any effect on those inside. The properties and abilities of the Dancing Hut are divided into two categories:the defensive and the transportive.

DefensiveAt its most basic level, the Dancing Hut is a unique 脅威度 17 construct. The statistics and abilities of this remarkable creation are detailed below. A creature inside the hut can command the structure to move, attack, use its special abilities, or immediately perform any other function it is capable of by employing the Dancing Hut’s unusual controls, which consist of a brown hen’s egg inside a simple, cracked clay bowl sitting upon a table inside the hut. Both the bowl and egg can easily be removed or destroyed, but both reappear 1 hour later and only function within the confines of the hut. Breaking the egg reveals the head of live and very irate rooster that dies a long, squawking death—and disappears an hour later when the controls reform. Any creature that makes a successful 難易度 30 Use Magic Device check can use these innocuous controls to command the Dancing Hut. Failing this check causes the hut to dance erratically, potentially trampling creatures nearby, but has no effect on creatures inside the hut. A creature must succeed at a new Use Magic Device check every round to directly control the hut’s actions. The hut can be assigned simple, standing commands to follow, such as to attack any humanoid that approaches, to patrol an area, to head in a direction for a set period, or to flee if damaged, but cannot be assigned commands that require it to follow multipart instructions, recognize specific individuals, or seek a specific place.

Transportive:As a construct, the Dancing Hut can physically move on its own, but it also possesses the ability to slip between planes and even travel to other planets, carrying any inside the hut with it. This remarkable ability is activated using the cauldron within the hut, which links the hut to countless—if not infinite—locations across the planes. To use these transportive abilities, a creature must stand before the hut’s cauldron, place two ingredients inside, and stir the ever-bubbling stew within—a process requiring a full-round action, though finding the desired ingredients might take longer. The two ingredients act as “keys” to a specific destination. Each destination the hut can travel to has a specific combination, or “recipe,” of two keys, which appear to be relatively normal items stored throughout the hut itself. Although the keys appear to be absolutely mundane, only those specific items within the hut function as keys. So while a red apple might be one key, it must be the red apple found inside the Dancing Hut, not just any apple. Like the hut’s controls, keys can easily be destroyed or removed from the hut, but they reappear 1 hour later. In the Reign of Winter Adventure Path, Queen Elvanna has deactivated the keys within the hut to keep anyone from stealing the hut and taking it away from Golarion. Throughout the campaign, the PCs seek out additional keys hidden by Baba Yaga that enable them to control the hut. Since these additional keys were not present in the hut when Elvanna deactivated them, once brought into the hut, these new keys function exactly as would the keys normally found in the hut, in all cases. At no point during the campaign do any of the deactivated keys function; if placed within the hut’s cauldron, they simply disappear and reappear, still deactivated, 1 hour later. Until the PCs rescue Baba Yaga, who can reactivate the keys within the hut, the only way to use the Dancing Hut’s transportive abilities is with the extra keys left behind by Baba Yaga.

Once the proper keys have been placed in the cauldron, the Dancing Hut immediately appears at its new destination, as if it had traveled there via plane shift or interplanetary teleport(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 225). The hut always appears in the same location at a given destination—the keys are tied to that specific location. Once at a destination, the Dancing Hut can move(or be moved) normally to any other location on that world or plane. Once the hut arrives at its new destination, the keys immediately disappear from the cauldron, reforming elsewhere in the hut.

Each time a new combination of keys is used to transport the Dancing Hut to a new location, the interior layout of the hut changes, as each location to which the hut can travel has its own corresponding layout of the hut’s interior. As the hut travels, these layouts can change dramatically, though every layout contains one room with a cauldron and the hut’s controls, regardless of how many other rooms are present in that layout. Starting with Pathfinder Adventure Path #68, each adventure in the Reign of Winter Adventure Path presents a new layout of the hut, based on the physical location of the hut in that adventure.

When the Dancing Hut’s layout changes, the other layouts still exist, but are inaccessible from within the hut itself. Magic such as plane shift can still be used to visit these otherwise inaccessible layouts, and Baba Yaga herself(as well as certain other residents of the hut) can freely travel throughout all of the rooms of the hut, regardless of the hut’s physical location.
Properties of the Dancing Hut
As a construct, the Dancing Hut of Baba Yaga is also considered a 脅威度 17 creature, with its own creature statistics. These statistics are detailed here.


If the cauldron inside the Dancing Hut is used to open a gate within the cauldron itself, a rift in reality opens, destroying the hut’s extradimensional interior and sucking in the exterior frame—likely destroying whoever activated the cauldron, and some posit much more than that. Only Baba Yaga knows the recipe to open this self-destruct portal, one ingredient of which is her own left eye.


Deskari's Tooth/デスカリの歯)
出典 Pathfinder #78:City of Locusts 62ページ
オーラ召喚術死霊術]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 武器市価 —; 重量 2ポンド





Dryad's Song/)
出典 Pathfinder #119:Prisoners of the Blight 49ページ
オーラ召喚術変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

The gleaming, gold scepter bears elegant boughs and leaves, blooming into a miniature, flowered treetop at one end. The scepter’s rod has four slots, onto which four large rings can be slotted. Each ring is engraved with a phrase in Sylvan, and can be placed upon or removed from the scepter as a standard action.

Ring 1:“Daughters of the Fangwood green.”
Ring 2:“Hear my ardent call.”
Ring 3:“Discharge now to oaths long sworn.”
Ring 4:“For Accressiel glory, live or fall.”

Dryad’s Song grants anyone holding it a +5 morale bonus on all Diplomacy and Intimidate skill checks against fey that live within Fangwood Forest. Dryad’s Song allows its wielder to cast diminish plants, entangle, plant growth, and wood shape at will, though these spells affect plants only within Fangwood Forest. Up to three times each day, by reciting the poem on its rings as a full-round action, Dryad’s Song allows its wielder to either summon 40 ヒット・ダイス worth of dryads, nymphs, and satyrs, or allows its wielder and up to 19 additional Medium or smaller creatures to teleport anywhere within the Fangwood Forest as if they were very familiar with the destination. Summoned fey remain for 20 hours, can be dismissed at will, and are not obligated to obey the wielder’s command; dryads summoned by Dryad’s Song lose their tree dependence weakness while they serve on the wielder’s behalf. Unlike the corrupted version of the artifact, the fully restored Dryad’s Song grants access to its magic whether its various rings are slotted into the scepter or not. Just like the corrupted version, Dryad’s Song can purge the Darkblight from a living creature within 60 feet as a full-round action.

A ring from the scepter may be gifted to another person. The ring can be worn as a bracelet or on a necklace(occupying the appropriate magic item slot), and grants a +3 resistance bonus on its wearer’s saving throws. Once per day, the ring can be used to contact the wielder of Dryad’s Song via sending.

The glaistig Gendowyn maintains a powerful connection to the artifact, and can summon Dryad’s Song to her hand as a standard action.


Dryad’s Song crumbles into ash if it is wholly submerged in a mixture of glaistig blood and a traitor’s tears of regret.


Dryad's Song(Corrupted)/)
出典 Pathfinder #119:Prisoners of the Blight 49ページ
オーラ変成術死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

This tarnished gold scepter’s ends are shaped into sickly, withered-looking leaves. The scepter’s rod has four slots, into which four large rings can be placed. Each ring is engraved with a phrase in Abyssal, and can be placed upon or removed from the scepter as a standard action.

Ring 1:“Princess of the Blasted Heath.”
Ring 2:“Shall stand proud to station earned.”
Ring 3:“Moss and rot shall grow unchecked.”
Ring 4:“‘Til all hands bear the sin they’ve earned.”

The corrupted Dryad’s Song grants some limited control over the Darkblight. With a single ring, the bearer can cast entangle and wood shape each 3/day. With two rings, the bearer can also cast blight, diminish plants, plant growth, and tree stride each 1/day. With three rings, the bearer can also cast black tentacles 1/day, animating the fungal matter in the area in lieu of creating extradimensional tendrils. With all four rings, the bearer can recite the full poem on the scepter as a full-round action to purge a single creature within 60 feet of the Darkblight’s taint, as if she had successfully cast remove curse and remove disease—even removing the blighted fey template from a target creature(unwilling fey can resist this effect with a successful 難易度 28 Will save). All of these spell-like abilities affect only fungus and plants infected with the Darkblight.

A single ring on its own maintains some control over the Darkblight—reading a ring’s phrase as a standard action grants the creature holding it and up to nine other creatures she can see immunity to Darkblight infestation for 1 hour. A single ring does nothing to reverse the effects of Darkblight already infesting a creature.


If the blighted dryad Arlantia is killed, Dryad’s Song slowly reverts to its original state.


Everdawn Pool/)
出典 Curse of the Crimson Throne(PFRPG) 433ページ
オーラ心術幻術死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1,200ポンド

The runelords of Thassilon had a long tradition of placing power into pools, liquefying and containing raw magic to harness for a multitude of goals. Their runewells are perhaps the most notorious of these artifacts, though others, like the Runeforge, exist. But they learned this technique from the artifacts of those who preceded them. The Everdawn Pool is one such artifact. Unlike magical pools created by the runelords, it needs no well as a container—it is a 30-foot-diameter sphere of roiling, churning blood in which brief glimpses of limbs and faces(not all of them humanoid) constantly form and dissolve.

Records of where Sorshen first discovered the Everdawn Pool have been lost, if indeed they ever existed in the first place, along with any hint of who or what may have created this potent font of magical power(although certain obscure sources hint at Leng and the creatures known as the scarlet walkers that dwell in that nightmare realm). What seems certain is that she—and later, other runelords—were able to reverse engineer some of the Everdawn Pool’s properties and build pools of power of their own. In many cases, these pools even surpassed the Everdawn Pool. Certainly, the power of Karzoug’s Runewell of Greed exceeds that of the Everdawn Pool, as would, one would guess, the runewells created by those more powerful than him(Xanderghul, Alaznist, and Sorshen). Yet the Everdawn Pool remains the first. It provided a legacy that helped shape all of Thassilon, and was a significant part of what gave Sorshen the boost in power to claim and keep the role of Runelord of Lust for the duration of that ancient empire.

The Everdawn Pool requires specially prepared blood to function. A single drop of blood and one 12-hour ritual performed by any character capable of casting 9th-level spells who succeeds at a 難易度 30 Spellcraft check is enough to awaken the pool and grant it 1 charge. Additional charges can be stored in the Everdawn Pool by performing this ritual multiple times, but only one such ritual can be performed at any one time(effectively limiting the Everdawn Pool’s capacity to be recharged to a rate of no more than 2 charges per day). The pool can store up to 25 charges at a time, but when the PCs start Part 3 of “Crown of Fangs,” Queen Ileosa has used most of what she stored within and the Everdawn Pool has only 10 charges stored within it.

A creature that spends 10 minutes bathing in the blood of the Everdawn Pool becomes infused with its power for 1 week, during which time the creature is immune to bleed effects and modifies its total hit points with its Charisma modifier rather than its Constitution modifier. While immersed, a creature has no need to eat, drink, or breathe, and can see into every chamber of the Sunken Queen as if using an unlimited number of clairaudience/clairvoyance sensors. The creature can still observe only one location at a time, but can switch locations as a move action. As a side effect, a creature that has been so infused can use teleport effects within the Sunken Queen without restriction. The Everdawn Pool must have at least 1 charge stored to grant these boons to those that bathe within its waters, but granting these boons does not deplete its charges.

Once a creature is infused with the Everdawn Pool’s power, it can spend the pool’s charges to use the following abilities, as long as the creature is fully immersed in the pool at the time.

Blood Simulacrum:A creature infused with the Everdawn Pool’s power can spend 2 of the pool’s charges to create a blood simulacrum of itself. This creation takes 12 hours to complete and functions the same as that created by the spell simulacrum, save that the simulacrum’s creator can choose at the time of creation to grant a blood simulacrum the redirection ability. Up to seven blood simulacra can exist at any one time, but only one can have the redirection ability at a time.

Redirection(Su) As long as this simulacrum lives, any divination spell that attempts to locate or otherwise target the real creature is instead redirected to target this simulacrum. The caster of the divination spell has a small chance to notice the redirection with a successful 難易度 40 Spellcraft check as the divination spell is cast, but even if the redirection is noted, it remains impossible to tell where the effect was redirected from. This effect also affects long-distance spells like demand, dream, nightmare, and sending, but not mental communication such as telepathy.

Create Life:Once per day, a creature can use the Everdawn Pool to manifest a living creature to serve as a loyal minion—the type of creature created is determined by the combined power of the user’s soul and personality, but as a general rule the pool creates a minion whose 脅威度 is 3 lower than the creator’s 脅威度. In Ileosa’s case, life created using this power manifests as a taniniver. Creatures created by other NPCs(or even PCs) should be selected and customized as needed by the GM to represent the source. Only one life can be created by the Everdawn Pool at a time, and as long as the created life lives, it remains loyal to its creator unless it’s subjected to mind control effects. Creating life costs 5 charges but requires only a standard action.

Eternal Youth:The ritual to gain eternal youth requires blood samples from numerous mortals to be mixed into the Everdawn Pool. Once this step is completed, a creature must immerse itself in the Everdawn Pool, soaking in the pool’s power. At the end of each day, the pool expends 1 charge. Once the user has spent 100 charges in this manner, and as long as all 100 charges were spent within the span of a single year, all of those creatures that provided blood samples drop dead, and for each donor that dies, the user ceases to age for 1 year. Ileosa has infused the Everdawn Pool with blood harvested from thousands of Korvosans, so if she completes this ritual, she’ll remain young for thousands of years—more than enough time to repeat the ritual as she needs to extend her effective immortality. This adventure assumes that she is only 10 days(and thus 10 charges) away from completing her ritual when the PCs begin Part 3 of Chapter 6—see page 388 for more details. Note that using this function of the Everdawn Pool is an evil act and may have alignment repercussions for the user.

Manifest Magic:At a cost of 20 charges, a creature can activate the Everdawn Pool as a standard action to cast wish, but only in that spell’s capacity to duplicate an existing spell. Sorshen often used this ability to cast necromancy or transmutation spells, magic her specialization normally forbade her from using. The pool currently doesn’t have enough charges remaining for Ileosa to use this ability.


To destroy the Everdawn Pool, fresh samples of blood drawn from a titan, a demon lord, an infernal duke, an empyreal lord, and a mythic vampire must be introduced into the pool simultaneously(in the same round). Once these five blood samples have been added to the pool, a mortal creature that has lived at least 10 times as long as its natural lifespan would normally allow must enter the pool and use the pool’s ability to manifest magic to cast plane shift, moving itself and the pool to the Negative Energy Plane. The Everdawn Pool can attempt to save against this effect(it has a total Will save bonus of +18 against this specific effect). If it resists, the Everdawn Pool absorbs the mortal, effectively destroying the mortal as if via a sphere of annihilation; in this event, further attempts to destroy the pool require new samples of blood drawn from different creatures than those whose blood was used for the previous attempt. If the Everdawn Pool is successfully plane shifted to the Negative Energy Plane, the energies of that plane swiftly destroy the pool and deal 20d20 points of negative energy damage to the creature that transported the pool in the first place(Fortitude 難易度 30 half).


Gem of Dreams/)
出典 Dungeons of Golarion 43ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

No record of where Kamaria found this potent artifact exists, although many believe she discovered it while exploring a remote corner of the nightmare realm of Leng. The Gem of Dreams can be used once per month to absorb the dreaming mind of any sleeping creature it is in contact with—this ability must be activated as a full-round action. The sleeping creature can resist this doom by making a 難易度 20 Will save—with a success, he is afflicted by a nightmare spell(術者レベル 20th) but is otherwise unharmed. If he fails the save, his dreaming mind is stolen, warped, and then siphoned back into his body in the space of an hour. If the victim is awakened before this process completes, his body twists and transforms into a creature known as a dream eater(see above), at which point only wish or miracle(or the destruction of the Gem of Dreams) can restore him to his true form. At the point the transformation occurs, the creature that activated the gem’s power ceases to age for a month. By using the gem every month(and creating more and more dream eaters), a person can effectively become immortal in this manner. While this is technically nothing more than a beneficial side effect, it is this power that has generated the majority of the gem’s legendary fame.


The gem must absorb the dreams of a slumbering Spawn of Rovagug, whereupon it shatters into dust and releases a particularly powerful animate dream(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 29); the power of this animate dream is left to you, but it should be advanced in Hit Dice to a point where its 脅威度 is equal to 3 points above the party’s average level. Needless to say, the animate dream immediately attacks—if not slain, it reforms as a new Gem of Dreams after 24 hours.

3.5 Materialグレイトキューヴ・オヴ・ジャヤラシミ

Greatcube of Jayalakshmi/)
出典 Gods and Magic 62ページ
オーラ powerful・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4,000ポンド

Believed to be cut from the same mountain as the Stone Egg of Jayalakshmi, this polished cube is 3 feet across and bears countless symbols, patterns, lines, and tiny holes that pierce it no deeper than the thickness of a fingernail. Predominantly a rich gray but veined with white and gold like luxurious marble, it is somehow aligned to the flow of magical energy in its vicinity, and has been known to turn itself suddenly, usually less than an inch but rarely a foot or more. Like the Stone Egg it was once protected in a cave and studied until in 2804 AR a clever supplicant found a way to transform it into a hand-sized replica of itself and steal it away.

The Arclords of Nex possessed it for a time, though its disappearance in 2822 may have played a role in their loss of Jalmeray to the rajahs. Anecdotal evidence from the oldest record of the Shining Crusade mentions the Whispering Tyrant having an item that matches its description, though it played no role in any of their early battles. The gold dragon Mengkare claims he had it in his trove shortly before the founding of his Great Experiment. Since that time it has turned up in the hands of various strange mystics, petty magical tyrants, the church of Nethys(who may have a book describing its powers and how to activate them), and even a crafty linnorm, always for a short while before vanishing again.

In its large form, the cube encourages and enhances magic, similar to how its cousin the Stone Egg works with psionics. Those near it with the potential to become bards or sorcerers sometimes spontaneously cast their first cantrips. Wizards gain insight to the formulae for new spells, clerics and druids hear echoes of prayers lost to time.

If you know its secrets you can use the power of the cube to duplicate the effects of an empowered, extended, maximized, quickened, or silent greater metamagic rod, up to 8 enhanced spells per day, one cube-granted enhancement per spell. You can use it as a rod of absorption, absorbing or releasing up to 8 spell levels per day. You can use it as a spellbook, preparing spells from it without needing read magic, and it contains knowledge of all common spells as well as a few unusual ones. If you are a bard, sorcerer, or other spontaneous caster you can use your own spell slots to cast spells the cube knows, even if you do not know the spell yourself. Activating any of these powers requires you to be sitting on the cube or touching it with one hand. It cannot be moved by magic, only physical force; any attempts merely have no effect.

Transforming it to its hand-sized form or back requires a command word and takes 1 full round for the transformation to complete. In its small form it retains its rod of absorption powers and you can use it up to three times per day as a empowered, extended, maximized, quickened, or silent lesser metamagic rod.

The cube may also contain secrets of the planes and the strange colors between the stars, but doing so is risky, and several users have gone mad in the attempts to learn unspeakable secrets—but not before half-filling their spellbook or journal with dizzying runes and cryptic phrases. Some believe the cube is partly sentient and has an agenda of its own, and when it’s bearer’s path deviates from its goals it leaves, sometimes dramatically and dangerously(such as Chelish mage Arrokos Vlen’s sudden plummeting death when the small cube made itself large while they were flying a mile above the ground) or mysteriously(such as the hermit found in the Osirion desert crushed flat by a large carved cube which was nowhere to be found).


Guardian Key守護者の鍵)
出典 Pathfinder #66:The Dead Heart of Xin pg. 58
装備部位 なし; オーラ心術術者レベル 15レベル; 重量 0,000

このシンプル外見の鍵は、から粗く彫られているように見えるが、実際にはすべてのクロックワーク人造迅速にかつ効率的に巻くために使用できる一合鍵である。もともとこのキーにより、所持者は無限の数のクロックワークを同に命令することができた。このキーを使用すれば、シンはクロックワーク軍隊全体を楽に指揮することができ、その使用はサーシロンでの彼の権の鍵であった。しかし、シンがそれをclockwork reliquaryの人造の要素として使用した、キーのは大幅に低下した。シンはこれを必要なこととして受け入れた。もし全てが計画通りに進んでいれば、新しい体を使って軍隊を指揮することができるからだ。衰えたキーは破壊されたclockwork reliquaryの残骸から回収できる。

ガーディアン・キーはあらゆるクロックワーク人造の鍵に収まり、移動アクションとして一回転させるだけでクロックワークを完全にねじ巻きさせる。ガーディアン・キーによって傷つけられたクロックワークは5d8+20ポイントのダメージ回復し、通常の10倍長い間起動したままであり、この期間中攻撃ロールダメージ・ロール、セーヴィング・スローに+2のボーナスを得る。ガーディアン・キークロックワークの制御を掌握するためにも使用できる。そのためには、クリーチャー標準アクションとして目標クロックワークに対して接触攻撃を試みなければならない。その攻撃が当たった場合、クロックワーク抵抗するために難易度 15の意志セーヴを試みることができる。クロックワークセーヴが失敗した場合、そのクロックワークはキーの持ち主を自分の作成者とみなし、その人の命令に忠実に従う――命令がサーシロン語で話されている場合は。ガーディアン・キーは一度に1体の人造のみを制御できる。2体クロックワークを制御するために使用される場合、前のクロックワークはその職務から即座に解放される。




Handflower of Genocide/)
出典 Feast of Dust 41ページ
オーラ心術変成術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

Fine links spread from this gold bracelet to rings and finger-capping claws. This ornament was once a vambrace of the genieUE, but its magic has been warped and corrupted by daemon spirit trapped within.

The Handflower of Genocide grants its wearer a +2 profane bonus to Strength and a +4 profane bonus on checks to perform dirty trickAPG and grapple combat maneuvers. The wearer can cast murderous commandUM at will by caressing a target with the Handflower(reducing the spell’s range to touch and requiring a melee touch attack). Once per day as a full-round action, the wearer can concentrate to locate the nearest source of mass death within 500 miles, the Handflower directs her unerringly toward the death as per the find the path spell.

If the wearer touches a creature without casting murderous commandUM, the wearer must immediately succeed at a 難易度 18 Will save or be compelled to strangle the creature touched. If the wearer fails, she must attempt a combat maneuver check against the target’s 戦技防御値, including any bonuses to grapple. If successful, the target must immediately begin holding its breath, and every subsequent successful combat maneuver check reduces the time remaining until it suffocates by 1d6 rounds. The wearer can attempt a new Will save each round to stop strangling her victim, but she takes a cumulative –1 penalty for each prior failed check.


While wearing the Handflower of Genocide, a creature must foster a romance between a protean and an inevitable, and have each kiss the bracelet to grant its blessing.


Heart's Bane/)
出典 Pathfinder #108:Hell Comes to Westcrown 75ページ
オーラ防御術変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

This sword of twisted black silver has a burst of dark flames adorning the hilt and a pommel shaped like a pair of clawed hands. Its blade continually sheds an aura of shadow equivalent to the darkness spell. Heart’s Bane is a mithral bastard’s sting(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 150); normally a +2 mithral longsword, it becomes a +5 unholy mithral longsword(with all of the other abilities of a bastard’s sting) in the hands of an antipaladin. Heart’s Bane also functions as a bane weapon against creatures that worship Iomedae.

Heart’s Bane grants the following abilities when wielded by an evil creature. The wielder gains a +6 profane bonus to アーマー・クラス and 60 additional hit points. As a swift action up to eight times per day, the wielder can gain a profane bonus equal to the sword’s enhancement bonus on a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. As a standard action three times per day, the wielder can force a good creature to reflect on its past misdeeds and be overcome by grief, as per terrible remorse(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 243). Once per day, the wielder can swing Heart’s Bane above her head as a standard action to create an incendiary cloud. Half the damage caused by the spell is fire damage and the other half results directly from unholy power and is therefore not subject to being reduced by resistance to fire-based attacks.


If Iomedae’s current herald uses Heart’s Bane to deliver a coup de grace attack to an unwilling paladin of Iomedae, the sword shatters and is permanently destroyed.


Heart's Edge/)
出典 Pathfinder #108:Hell Comes to Westcrown 56ページ
オーラ防御術変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

This gleaming silver sword has a spray of quillons resembling a sunburst and a pommel shaped like a pair of hands clasped together. Its blade continually sheds light equivalent to the light spell. Heart’s Edge is a mithral holy avenger; normally a +2 mithral longsword, it becomes a +5 holy mithral longsword(with all of the other abilities of a holy avenger) in the hands of a paladin of Iomedae. Heart’s Edge also functions as a bane weapon against creatures with the shapechanger subtype. In addition, if a shapechanged creature or creature under the effects of a spell of the polymorph subschool is struck by the sword with a successful melee attack, that creature must succeed at a 難易度 19 Will save or immediately revert to its true form.

Lastly, Heart’s Edge grants the following abilities when wielded by a good creature. The wielder gains a +6 sacred bonus to her アーマー・クラス and 60 additional hit points. As a swift action up to eight times per day, the wielder can gain a sacred bonus equal to the sword’s enhancement bonus on a single Charisma-based skill check or Charisma ability check. As a standard action three times per day, the wielder can force an evil creature to reflect on its past misdeeds and be overcome by grief, as per forced repentance(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 224; Will 難易度 16 negates). Once per day, the wielder can swing Heart’s Edge above her head as a standard action to create and launch a globe of searing radiance, as per sunburst(Reflex 難易度 22 partial).


If a paladin of Iomedae uses Heart’s Edge to deliver a coup de grace attack to Iomedae’s current herald, who must offer the paladin its unconditional surrender, the sword shatters and is permanently destroyed.


出典 Heaven Unleashed 18ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・様々; 術者レベル 28レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

Helicyon is a +5 anchoringUE ghost touch holy quarterstaff. Helicyon can also appear as a walking stick and can assume its true form as a free action. Any time Helicyon deals damage, the creature struck must attempt a 難易度 25 Will saving throw. If it fails, the target becomes overwrought with remorse for events that took place in the course of its existence, even if it is denied, never had, or lost the capacity to feel emotion, as per overwhelming griefUM. This effect affects only creatures with Intelligence 3 or greater, even if they are normally immune to mind-affecting effects. Once affected or after a successful saving throw, the target becomes immune to this ability for 24 hours. As a standard action, Andoletta can summon Helicyon to her hand from any distance, even across planar boundaries.


Helicyon must be broken in the bare hands of an archon whose 脅威度 is 20 or greater, while that being renounces Heaven and swears allegiance to an evil master or cause.


Icecrown of Irrisen/)
出典 Pathfinder #72:The Witch Queen's Revenge 62ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

This jagged crown is composed of ice that never melts regardless of the ambient temperature. The Icecrown of Irrisen is the royal regalia of the queen of Irrisen, was crafted by Baba Yaga specifically for that role, and has been worn by all of Baba Yaga’s daughters who have served as monarchs of that realm. When placed on the head, the Icecrown merges with the wearer so that icicles seem to grow directly from her head. Once in place, the crown can be removed only by Baba Yaga or upon the death of the wearer or the destruction of the crown. The Icecrown of Irrisen deals 3d6 points of cold damage per round to any creature touching or wearing it as it absorbs body heat(or 6d6 points of cold damage per round to a creature with the fire subtype).

The Icecrown of Irrisen grants its wearer the following abilities:fire resistance 20, spell resistance 32, and a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and Charisma(with ranks in Knowledge [local] and Sense Motive, as a headband of vast intelligence). The wearer doesn’t take penalties to Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution from being of middle age or older(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 169), and retains a youthful appearance, always appearing to be the same age as when she first put on the crown. Once per day, the wearer can summon three elder ice elementals that remain for 1 hour and follow her commands. In addition, the Icecrown gives its wearer the following abilities:

回数無制限—frigid touchUM, ice crystal teleportUM, Irriseni mirror sight*, unseen servant
3回/日—control weather, dominate monster(creatures with the cold subtype only), ice spears*
1回/日—overwhelming presenceUM, polar midnightUM

Finally, the Icecrown of Irrisen gives its wearer the ability to shape the ice that forms the Royal Palace in Whitethrone, allowing her to create or destroy walls, doors, windows, and even furnishings and decorations at will.

*See Pathfinder Adventure Path #67 72–73.


The Icecrown of Irrisen can be destroyed only if the perpetual winter that shrouds the land of Irrisen ends and the normal course of the seasons returns. In this case, the Icecrown melts away on the first day of Irrisen’s new spring.


Imago Lens/)
出典 Pathfinder #76:The Midnight Isles 60ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・幻術混沌); 術者レベル 25レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 80ポンド

The imago lens appears as a 3-foot-diameter semitransparent disc of amber gripped in the jaws of a metal demonic frame. This device functions as a crystal ball with telepathy and true seeing—a successful 難易度 24 Will save allows a creature to resist being scried upon by the imago lens. Once per day, the imago lens may instead be used to create a projected image of the user, as the spell project image. The user may project this image into any location she has observed before, either in person or via scrying. Once the image is projected, the user can sense the world around the image as if she were there, communicate with nearby creatures, and even cast spells. The image cannot move from its current location. Using this effect is not without risk; if the image is dispelled, the user must succeed at a 難易度 25 Fortitude save or take 4d6 points of Constitution drain as her body reels from the sudden disconnection and her soul is warped and twisted by the lens’s powerful magic. The imago lens is a chaotic evil artifact, and each time it is used, a nonchaotic- evil user must also succeed at a 難易度 25 Will save to resist having her alignment shift one step closer to chaotic evil.


If a demigod is slain while it uses the lens to project an image, the lens shatters and the demigod turns into an insane ghost.

Infensus Mucro

Infensus Mucro/)
出典 Tomb of the Iron Medusa 13ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 20; 重量
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 empathy
【知力】 18; 【判断力】 19; 【魅力】 20; 自我 33
Powers bestow curse 3/day(難易度 19), spell immunity 1/day(術者レベル 17th)
Dedicated Powers wielder gains fire immunity and the ability to cast repulsion 1/day(術者レベル 17th)
Special Purpose defend the servants and interests of Asmodeus

This elegantly wrought +3 speed longsword remains pristine despite having been sheathed in a submerged corpse’s chest cavity for over 200 years. Given to Bartolomae by an agent of Asmodeus in return for the warlord’s(initially) secret allegiance to the arch fiend, this weapon carries within it the cruel soul of a long-dead high priest of Asmodeus. The weapon begins in a state of dormancy, at which point all of its intelligent weapon powers are unavailable, and it functions as nothing more than a +3 speed longsword. See the description of area L4 for details on how the sword can be awakened.


To destroy the weapon, you must immerse it in a bath of Asmodeus’s tears.

Invidian Eye

Invidian Eye/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 29ページ
オーラ防御術占術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

The Invidian Eye rewards devotion and punishes betrayal. When first given to a creature, the necklace recognizes members of the creature’s race and gender—but not a specific individual— as its owner. The owner automatically fails any saving throw made to resist the effects of divination magic, but the necklace seeks to protect the owner against danger, reactively casting spells to defend its wearer against effects that compromise her control. The spells the amulet can cast(and when it does so) include freedom(in response to imprisonment, petrification, paralysis, and similar effects described by this spell), greater dispel magic(in response to any fear or mind-affecting effect), remove curse(in response to curses), protection from chaos(in response to any form of possession or similar control). The wearer has no control over when these spells are cast and the target of these spells is always the wearer. The Invidian Eye can cast each spell 3 times per day.

If the Invidian Eye is worn by a creature not of the race and gender it recognizes as its owner, it ceases to use its defensive properties. In addition, once every 1d6 days, the gem makes a self-destructive suggestion. The wearer must succeed at a 難易度 20 Will saving throw or make a casual attempt to harm herself during the course of the day. This suggestion does not dominate the wearer’s actions, but she might be compelled to cut herself if she’s wielding a weapon or jump if she passes a high window. If the wearer resists this compulsion three times in a row, the Invidian Eye takes more serious measures, conjuring a miniature prismatic sphere into the wearer’s throat, which causes the wearer to begin suffocating(Core Rulebook 445). The sphere can only be removed by targeting the wearer with the same spells that normally remove a full size prismatic wall.

The race and gender the Invidian Eye perceives as its owner can be reset by casting mage’s disjunction upon the artifact, though this carries the normal risk of destroying the artifact. Whoever the necklace is next given to determines the artifact’s new owner.

The Invidian Eye is under the effects of a permanent nondetection spell. This affects only the artifact, not the wearer.


The Invidian Eye must be offered to 100 free-willed mortals who know nothing of its powers and be rejected by each.

Jawbone of the Venerable Galevius

Jawbone of the Venerable Galevius/)
出典 Pathfinder #74:Sword of Valor 67ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 周り; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

This brittle human jawbone is all that remains of the legendary Chelish diplomat Galevius. A simple cord allows the relic to be worn as a necklace. The jawbone represents all of Galevius’s substantial powers of negotiation. The power of the artifact is not in the jaw, but in the 16 teeth socketed into the bone. Upon donning the jawbone, the wearer understands all of its powers and limitations. As a standard action, the wearer may remove a tooth from the jawbone and crush it in an open hand to activate its powers. The jawbone does not function for an evil character; an evil wearer finds the teeth rooted too firmly in the bone to remove.

When the Jawbone of the Venerable Galevius is first found, it contains a full set of 16 teeth. When a tooth is removed and crushed by the wearer, it provides the following effect for 1 hour, although an effect immediately ends if the wearer removes the jawbone or crushes another tooth.

Incisors(4 teeth):These teeth are used for cutting; in a negotiation, an incisor represents an attack on an opponent’s position. Crushing an incisor grants a +4 sacred bonus on Intimidate checks and attack rolls.

Canines(2 teeth):Canines are used for tearing; in a negotiation, a canine represents a final, decisive strike in an argument. Crushing a canine grants a +4 sacred bonus on Diplomacy checks. In addition, whenever the user improves a creature’s attitude with the Diplomacy skill, the creature’s attitude automatically improves by an additional step(but does not exceed helpful).

Premolars(4 teeth):Premolars can perform multiple functions; in a negotiation, a premolar represents a careful shift of position. When crushed, a premolar grants a +4 sacred bonus on Bluff checks. In addition, the user does not provoke attacks of opportunity when moving.

Molars(6 teeth):These teeth are used for determined grinding; in a negotiation, a molar represents reasoned tenacity and persistence. Crushing a molar provides a +4 sacred bonus on Sense Motive checks and immunity to fatigue and exhaustion.

Despite the brittleness of the teeth socketed into the jawbone, the jawbone itself cannot be broken. Once all 16 teeth have been used, the empty jawbone immediately disappears, reappearing elsewhere in the world where a new owner is likely to encounter it. A prospective owner must be good-aligned and ideally has several ranks in Diplomacy.


If an evil user(that is capable of speech) wears the jawbone for a full year and does not speak a single word or utter a sound during that time, the jawbone crumbles to dust and is permanently destroyed.

Karzoug's Burning Glaive

Karzoug's Burning Glaive/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 422ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ占術]; 術者レベル 17; 重量 8ポンド
属性 中立にして悪感覚範囲 darkvision 120 ft., hearing
【知力】 17; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 17; 自我 22
Communication read languages, speak, telepathy(Ignan, Thassilonian)
Powers cure moderate wounds on wielder 3/day, faerie fire 3/day, major image(難易度 16) 1/day
Dedicated Powers fireball(術者レベル 17th; 難易度 16)
Special Purpose defeat non-spellcasters

Soon after the founding of Thassilon, the ancient emperor Xin crafted the Alara’quin, seven icons symbolizing the runelords’ mastery of rune magic and dominance over their respective domains. Karzoug’s +2 flaming dancing glaive is one of these ancient weapons.

Karzoug’s burning glaive possesses a keen intellect, granted to it by its imperial creator. Meant to embody all that is right and virtuous about the luxury of wealth, the weapon is only concerned with the acquisition of riches and safeguarding the treasures of the rightful runelord of Shalast. It eagerly seeks to immolate non-spellcasters, which it sees as paupers likely to steal what its master possesses. While the glaive endlessly fawns over Karzoug(as it would over any rightful ruler of Shalast), it tirelessly berates other wielders, constantly comparing their flaws to the perfection of its past runelord owners.


Karzoug’s burning glaive can be destroyed by hurling it under the crushing feet of the Oliphaunt of Jandelay, although only so long as no current runelord of greed lives in the world.

Lens of Galundari

Lens of Galundari/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 30ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・防御術術者レベル 22レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 10ポンド

At its most basic level, the Lens of Galundari functions as the focal point for an inward-facing magic circle spell of the user’s choice. The magic circle varies in radius, but can hold one outsider called into its space by the spell planar binding, regardless of its size. While the lens improves the effectiveness of the spell planar binding, it does not actually cast the spell, requiring some outside agency to cast the spell while employing the lens as an additional focus component. The target of the planar binding receives its normal Will save to resist, but once it appears within the lens’s magic circle, it cannot escape—the lens prevents the outsider from using its spell resistance or Charisma to escape, and locks it in place as per the spell dimensional anchor. Once trapped within the lens’s magic circle, an outsider is trapped indefinitely, until it agrees to the user’s demands or a sentient creature touches the prison with intent to free the outsider—doing so releases the outsider immediately. Even rolls of 1 on Charisma checks to coerce the outsider into service do not free the outsider.

While the lens does not grant the user a bonus on Charisma checks made to influence creatures trapped within its prison, it does grant the user an additional use for the outsider:The outsider can be bound within the lens, transforming the artifact into an arcane engine of sorts. The user must compel the outsider to submit to this service, as described by the spell planar binding. The outsider receives a +10 bonus on the opposed Charisma check made to resist entering into service. This bonus is reduced by 1 for every week the outsider remains bound(minimum 0). The lens can only hold one outsider at a time, and it cannot employ its magic circle effect while an outsider is trapped within.

If an outsider agrees to be bound into the lens, it becomes trapped inside the lens and cannot free itself. While bearing the lens, the wielder can employ any of the outsider’s spell-like abilities. How often the wielder can use these spell-like abilities is limited by the outsider’s Hit Dice and the frequency with which the imprisoned outsider can normally use its spell-like abilities. The outsider’s Hit Dice become a pool of soul points the wielder has access to, with each Hit Die equating to 1 soul point. The lens’s bearer can employ the imprisoned outsider’s spell-like abilities by spending a number of soul points equal to the spell-like ability’s spell level. If the lens no longer has enough soul points to pay for a spell-like ability’s use, the ability cannot be used. If the imprisoned outsider can only use a spell-like ability a certain number of times in an amount of time, the wielder cannot employ that spell-like ability more than that number of times in the amount of time specified, even if the lens has enough soul points to pay for the ability’s use. The lens’s total number of soul points replenishes every day.

The outsider within the lens can be freed by spending 1 soul point. The released outsider is exhausted, but is not controlled by the lens’s bearer. The outsider within the lens can also communicate telepathically with a creature touching the artifact, though it exerts no control over the bearer.


The Lens of Galundari can only be destroyed if a deity is freed from within. Although theoretically possible, it is unclear if a deity can be bound into the lens by normal means, but such a being’s release would be so explosive as to shatter the lens.

Linnorm's Lament

Linnorm's Lament/)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 38ページ
オーラ召喚術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

This horn operates as a normal horn of Valhalla, save that it can be blown more than once per day, with the warriors from previous soundings remaining until their 1 hour has passed. When the wielder blows the horn for the third time, he becomes destined to die before the next dawn, with chance-based events turning against him in more and more improbable ways until he’s slain. The manner of this curse and any potential methods of defeating it are left to the GM.


Linnorm's Lament shatters if someone blows it a third time and survives for 1 year afterward.


Lung Bloodstone of Arazniアラズニの肺臓の血玉髄)
出典 Pathfinder #141:Last Watch 28ページ
オーラ防御術死霊術秩序]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド




Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh/)
出典 Pathfinder #80:Empty Graves 62ページ
オーラ死霊術変成術術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位 頭部および額周り; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

Carved from gold and inlaid with cobalt, lapis lazuli, and onyx, this elaborate funerary mask was crafted for the Sky Pharaoh Hakotep I, and was intended to be interred along with his mummy in his tomb. Upon Hakotep’s death, the Nethysian sect called the Sacrosanct Order of the Blue Feather trapped a portion of Hakotep’s soul—his ka, or “vital spark”—inside the mask and stole it from the pharaoh’s tomb. To conceal this crime, the Order of the Blue Feather hid the mask(which came to be known as the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh) beneath the Sanctum of the Erudite Eye in Wati, where it was found millennia later by the necromancer Nebta-Khufre.

Empowered by Hakotep’s ka, the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh is a powerful artifact. When worn, the mask occupies both the head and headband magic item slots. After 24 hours, the mask attunes itself to its wearer, granting its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to one of his mental ability scores(Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma). The wearer chooses which ability score is enhanced the first time he puts on the mask. If the mask grants a bonus to Intelligence, it also grants ranks in skills as a headband of vast intelligence:first in Knowledge(nobility), then, as the bonuses increase, in Knowledge(history) and Knowledge(religion). Once the mask is attuned to a wearer, the enhanced ability score cannot be changed unless the mask attunes itself to a new wearer(which takes another 24 hours). In addition, the mask provides its wearer with deathwatch as a constant spell-like ability. The mask cannot be detected by any sort of divination magic, and grants its wearer a constant nondetection effect.

Once attuned, the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh has additional powers based on its wearer’s alignment. If worn by an evil character, the mask enhances the wearer’s control over undead, doubling the number of undead the wearer may control with animate dead, control undead, the Command Undead feat, and similar effects. Additionally, the wearer can cast animate dead once per day as a spell-like ability.

If worn by a good character, the mask grants its wearer immunity to disease, including supernatural diseases such as mummy rot. In addition, the wearer can cast death ward and speak with dead each once per day as a spell-like ability.

A neutral character who is neither good nor evil must choose to be treated as either good or evil when he first dons the mask. Once made, this choice cannot be reversed. A neutral character who uses the mask to create undead gains 1 permanent negative level for each Hit Die of undead created. These negative levels cannot be overcome in any way(including restoration spells), but they are immediately removed if the undead creatures are destroyed.

The Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh reveals additional powers as its wearer increases in levels. At 7th level, the mask’s enhancement bonus to a mental ability score increases to +4. Also at this level, an evil wearer can cast create undead once per day, and a good wearer can cast eyebite once per day instead. At 11th level, the mask’s enhancement bonus increases to +6, an evil wearer can cast control undead once per day, and a good wearer can cast finger of death once per day. At 15th level, an evil wearer can cast create greater undead once per day, and a good wearer can cast symbol of death once per day.

Legends hint at unspeakable rituals that can use the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh to create a “ka pulse,” channeling the energy of Hakotep’s fractured soul to animate huge numbers of undead creatures in a wide area, though doing so is rumored to destroy the wearer’s own ka, thereby denying the wearer access to the afterlife and enslaving his will to that of the Forgotten Pharaoh.


So long as the soul of Hakotep I remains sundered, the Mask of the Forgotten Pharaoh cannot be destroyed. If the three pieces of Hakotep’s divided soul(his ba, ib, and ka) are reunited, the mask loses all of its magical abilities, becoming a mundane but valuable funerary mask worth 50,000gp.

Minderhal's Forge

Minderhal's Forge/)
出典 Pathfinder #93:Forge of the Giant God 58ページ
オーラ変成術秩序]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

Minderhal’s Forge appears to be a giant stone blacksmithing forge and huge iron anvil set atop a basalt platform that rises from a pit of slag. First and foremost, Minderhal’s Forge functions as an altar of Minderhal(see page 246 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Inner Sea Gods for rules on altars). Any creature(not just a worshiper of Minderhal) can pray at the altar, though accepting the altar’s blessing is both an evil and lawful act. Praying at the altar grants a +2 circumstance bonus on Craft and Sense Motive checks, or one of the following weapon special abilities(creature’s choice) to one magic weapon carried or wielded by the creature:axiomatic or unholy. This effect is suppressed if the weapon leaves the creature’s grasp, but resumes if the weapon is returned to the creature.

Minderhal’s Forge is also a fully working forge. Any creature using the forge can create magic weapons, armor, or shields as if it possessed the Craft Magic Arms and Armor feat. If the creature already has that feat, the forge grants a +5 circumstance bonus on the Craft check needed to create a magic weapon, armor, or shields. Crafting any sort of item, whether magical or otherwise, using Minderhal’s Forge takes half the normal amount of time.

In addition, Minderhal’s Forge has 10 charges, which renew at the beginning of each day. A creature using Minderhal’s Forge can expend the listed number of charges to activate one of the following spell-like abilities as a full-round action, which can affect targets within 10 feet of the forge.

Lastly, Minderhal’s Forge can be used in conjunction with Agrimmosh, the Hammer of Unmaking(Pathfinder Adventure Path #91:Battle of Bloodmarch Hill 56) to resize armor and weapons. When a weapon, suit of armor, or shield is placed in Minderhal’s Forge and struck with Agrimmosh, the equipment permanently resizes to match the size of Agrimmosh’s wielder. This power is so strong that magic or even intelligent items are always affected; only artifacts receive a saving throw(Will 難易度 25 negates) to resist this effect.


Quenching Minderhal’s Forge with the blood of the last worshiper of Minderhal causes the forge to crumble into rubble and be destroyed.


Mirror of Sorshen/ソーシェン
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 69ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・心術術者レベル 25レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド


知性のあるクリーチャーがこのしいを見るときは、観察者がしいと思う人物、クリーチャー、またはアイテムのイメージが現れる――ほとんどの場合観察者が官能的に興奮していると感じるものを。現れている特定のイメージは、複数人が同を見ている場合でも人によって異なる。効果の表面を見る全ての者に響を与える凝視攻撃として機能し、これは所持者が標準アクションとして目標に積極的に向けることができる。観察者が難易度 27の意志セーヴに成功しない限り、恍惚状態となり、が見える限りとその後2d4分の間、をぼんやりと見つめ、その間最後にを見た方向を見つめ続ける。通常恍惚状態とは異なり、によって作成された効果は、明らかな脅威によって自動的に破壊されることはない。代わりに恍惚状態クリーチャーはそのような脅威毎に+6の状況ボーナスを得て新しいセーヴィング・スローを行える。GMの裁量により、真に無垢のクリーチャーや世俗的な喜びを全て放棄したクリーチャー恍惚状態効果完全耐性を持つ可能性がある。




Mog-Lathar, the Petrified Spider

Mog-Lathar, the Petrified Spider/)
出典 The House on Hook Street 30ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 6,000ポンド

Mog-Lathar is a well-preserved fossil of a gigantic Leng spider that has achieved sentience. Since its discovery in the Mindspin Mountains and subsequent arrival in Bridgefront, the petrified idol’s cult has grown to over 300 supplicants. The idol’s holy days fall on the vernal and autumnal equinoxes, as well as on the northern solstice. Sacrifices are typically in the form of fine goods and deeply intoxicated, lucidly dreaming humanoids.

Despite its imposing petrified bulk, the fossil is relatively brittle for a stone object of its size, with hardness 8, 78 ヒット・ポイント, and break 難易度 35.

The Huge idol can animate at will, as the spell animate object, and can grant divine spells to worshipers up to 5th level with access to the Chaos, Evil, and Trickery domains as a result of selecting the divine source idol ability twice. Its immortal promise ability grants a limited immortality to up to 20 favored worshipers. They do not age; do not need to eat, drink, or breathe; and do not suffer ill effects from extreme heat or cold.


Mog-Lathar must be physically transported to the Dimension of Dreams and encased in the webbing of its Leng spider brethren. Once cocooned, a single blow from a silver hammer will turn the idol to dust.


出典 Pathfinder #78:City of Locusts 63ページ
オーラ力術(悪)術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 武器市価 —; 重量 10ポンド

Storm Kingのお気に入りのであるノリズニガスは、斬に使用された最初の初期のデーモン・ロードにちなんで名付けられた大型+6 アンホーリィロングソードである――すべての斬撃と同様であり、ノリズニガスバロールに渡るとヴォーパル(・ウェポンとなる。ノリズニガスによって斬されたクリーチャー体は、斬によってに至った場合に分解され、100ポイントのダメージだけノリズニガスの使用者を回復する。



Omat's Sarcophagus

Omat's Sarcophagus/)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 73ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 1,500ポンド

Omat’s Sarcophagus is similar in appearance to the sarcophagi used in the burial rites of many ancient pharaohs. It is constructed from wood, and its surface is sealed with pitch and set with an alternating pattern of scaled bands carved from lapis lazuli and jasper and scribed with thousands of protective hieroglyphs. All other exposed surfaces are gilded. Although this item appears to be a normal sarcophagus, it has a number of special powers. Each of these effects can be used once per day, and they affect only creatures of the humanoid type.

If a humanoid that has been dead for less than 1 month is placed inside Omat’s Sarcophagus and the lid is sealed, the corpse’s soul is forced into the sarcophagus and trapped there. The corpse then disintegrates and the sarcophagus begins building a new young-adult body over the course of 2d12 days. This effect occurs even if the original creature had reached the end of its natural life. The body created is free of all physical ills and afflictions that the creature may have previously suffered. Once the new body is complete, the soul is then forced into the new body and the being awakens in the sarcophagus. If the sarcophagus is destroyed before the soul can be united with the newly formed body, the soul is once again released to the afterlife.

If a living creature is placed inside Omat’s Sarcophagus, it can use the device to travel to the Astral Plane, the Ethereal Plane, or Pharasma’s Boneyard. To activate this teleportation power, a creature must be inside the sarcophagus with the lid closed. The user must then recite aloud the sacred poem of Neb-Aku(which is inscribed on the interior of the sarcophagus’s lid) in Ancient Osiriani. The recitation immediately opens a portal, and the user can then move through the portal to the desired plane(chosen after reciting the poem). The sarcophagus doesn’t confer any abilities that protect the user while on another plane. For up to 48 hours after using Omat’s Sarcophagus to travel to another plane, the user can utter a command word to be immediately transported back to the sarcophagus. After this time passes, the user must find her own way back to the Material Plane.


The sarcophagus can be destroyed by sending it to the Boneyard and sundering it with a magic weapon after subjecting it to both positive and negative energy.

Pauper's Thighbone

Pauper's Thighbone/)
出典 Pathfinder #74:Sword of Valor 69ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

This ivory rod marked with nine special golden runes is an ornamental container for the true treasure sealed within— the broken thighbone of the unfailingly selfless Saint Argil. The rod cannot be opened except as part of the process to destroy it, as described below. When the Pauper’s Thighbone is picked up, the new wielder immediately understands all of the powers and limitations of the artifact.

When held like a rod, the Pauper’s Thighbone can be used to enhance a spell with a metamagic feat the wielder already knows. The wielder can apply any one of her metamagic feats to a spell she casts without increasing the spell’s casting time or the spell slot required. Enhancing a spell this way expends a number of the golden runes adorning the rod equal to the level increase of the spell normally required by the metamagic feat(for example, maximizing a spell with the Maximize Spell feat expends three golden runes). Enhancing a spell does not require an action and is performed as part of the casting time of the spell. Expended runes fade from bright gold to dull silver. Silver runes cannot be used to enhance spells, but they regain their golden color, and can be used again, at dawn each day.

As the Pauper’s Thighbone bears nine runes, it can be used to apply up to nine spell levels of increases daily. At the GM’s discretion, if the artifact’s owner intentionally ignores an opportunity to perform a selfless or generous act, one of the rod’s runes flickers and permanently disappears, reflecting the paucity of the owner’s soul. Inversely, if the owner of the Pauper’s Thighbone performs a particularly generous act(such as giving away a large percentage of her wealth to the needy), an additional special rune might permanently appear on the rod.

When possessed by an evil creature, the Pauper’s Thighbone instead burdens its owner with the weight of his sins. In this case, the Pauper’s Thighbone grants none of its powers and acts as a stone of weight. The rod can only be removed from an evil owner’s possession if the owner dies or if the owner willingly gives the rod to a nonevil creature, and the nonevil creature willingly accepts it.


If a nonevil owner is so consistently selfish as to cause all the runes of the Pauper’s Thighbone to permanently disappear, the rod can be broken open with a successful 難易度 35 Strength check. This liberates the shard of bone within but destroys the artifact.

Primogen Crown

Primogen Crown/)
出典 Pathfinder #127:Crownfall 57ページ
オーラ防御術変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 頭部市価 —; 重量

This crenellated gold coronet, decorated with jewels and etchings of lions, seems heavier in the hand than expected. A single roaring lion’s head decorates the crown’s front. The Primogen Crown grants its wearer a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, a +5 deflection bonus to アーマー・クラス, immunity to mind-affecting effects, spell resistance equal to the wearer’s 脅威度 + 11, a constant true seeing effect, and the ability to speak and be clearly heard by all sentient creatures within 1,000 feet. The crown also grants a +4 enhancement bonus to the wearer’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores(with ranks in Knowledge [history] and Knowledge [nobility] as well as the ability to speak and read Azlanti and Celestial, as per a headband of vast intelligence). Once per day, the wearer of the Primogen Crown can cast the following as spell-like abilities(術者レベル 20th):banishment, control weather, and greater dispel magic.

The Primogen Crown must be bonded to its wearer in a coronation ceremony in the Imperial Palace of Taldor to access its full power. Without this ceremony, the crown does not grant its wearer any spell-like abilities, spell resistance, bonus to アーマー・クラス, immunity to mind-affecting abilities, or bonus to mental attributes—only the +5 resistance bonus on saving throws. Once bonded to the crown, the wearer cannot knowingly speak or write a lie while wearing the Primogen Crown.


The Primogen Crown must be heated in Glory’s Flame, in the grand lighthouse of Mut to the east, and then cast into the icy headwaters of the Porthmos River to the west while still hot. The sudden cooling shatters it.


出典 Pathfinder #73:The Worldwound Incursion 64ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

In 4692 AR, soon after the start of the Fourth Crusade, a paladin of Iomedae and renowned demon slayer named Yaniel spoke out against the Mendevian crusaders, accusing them of negligence and sloth, and claiming these faults were what allowed Khorramzadeh to invade Kenabres and damage the wardstone. Her accusations cut too close to the truth, and in a moment of weakness her superiors threatened to excommunicate her. Instead, she said she would enter the Worldwound and fight the Fourth Crusade on her own, with only her magic sword Radiance for company. The church was happy to see Yaniel go, and in the 2 years that followed, she was thought to have been slain. Yet when she returned to Kenabres in 4694 AR, leading a small army of crusaders she’d rescued, both Yaniel and her superiors had changed. For her part, Yaniel had shed her pride and insubordination, and had gained a new appreciation for the difficult decisions leaders are forced to make. And the church leaders had learned that sometimes the truth is exactly what you need to hear. Alas, Yaniel was assassinated before the year was out, slain by the lilitu demon Minagho only a week into her second personal crusade. Her followers managed to return to Kenabres with Radiance, but Yaniel’s body had been taken. The sword had gone dark after Yaniel’s death, its magical powers apparently lost, and so the crusaders elected to place it in the Gray Garrison on display. Yet several months ago it was stolen by the Templars of the Ivory Labyrinth, who plan to soon send the sword north to Drezen for corruption into a weapon of evil.

Radiance was once a powerful weapon, yet since Yaniel’s death the blade has become inert. When handled by a paladin, however, the blade suddenly glows with golden light and functions as a +1 cold iron longsword that radiates light as a torch on command. The weapon shifts and changes its form to match the paladin’s deity’s favored weapon(in the hands of a paladin who doesn’t worship a deity, the weapon remains a +1 longsword). Certain events and tasks can awaken Radiance’s latent powers, eventually transforming it into a full-fledged holy avenger—these events are noted in the following adventures in Wrath of the Righteous as they occur.

In addition, Radiance is a legendary item(Pathfinder RPG Mythic Adventures 169) that bonds with a mythic paladin a s soon as it is wielded in combat—in this adventure, Radiance bonds if a paladin uses it in the final encounter against Vorlesh’s babaus. The weapon has two daily uses of legendary power that recharge each day, but does not currently possess any legendary attributes, for it has yet to be wielded by a mythic paladin. As Radiance has its own ability to grow in power, it cannot be given the upgradable legendary item ability.


A paladin must knowingly slay an angel with the blade, at which point the sword can be destroyed normally with damage.

Ravenous Blade

Ravenous Blade/)
出典 Feast of Dust 57ページ
オーラ死霊術変成術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 8ポンド

Jagged teeth stud the length of this falchion’s blackened steel blade. Warped and twisted by the daemonic spirit trapped within, this former +2 merciful falchion now tears the life’s essence from its victims. The Ravenous Blade acts as a +2 wounding falchion, and grants its wielder a +2 profane bonus to Charisma so long as it remains in her possession. Bleed damage dealt by the Ravenous Blade takes the form of nonlethal starvation damage, as the blade slowly consumes the fat and meat of creatures it has tasted. Anyone who takes nonlethal damage from the sword’s wounding property becomes fatigued, just as if he had begun starving normally.

Whenever the wielder kills or subdues a creature in combat(whether she does so with the Ravenous Blade itself or not), she must succeed at a 難易度 18 Will save or she is overcome by hunger pangs, and is compelled to consume the flesh of her victim. Sating this compulsion is a full-round action that provokes attacks of opportunity.


The Ravenous Blade must be driven into the heart of a good cleric, who must then gorge herself for 3 days and 3 nights uninterrupted until the sword has eaten its fill, at which point it rusts and crumbles.

Relic of Kazavon, Armor of Skulls

Relic of Kazavon, Armor of Skulls/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 36ページ、Pathfinder #12:Crown of Fangs 63ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ変成術術者レベル 20; 重量 30ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート
【知力】 10; 【判断力】 12; 【魅力】 10; 自我 10
Powers 3/day - fear(難易度 16), freedom of movement, protection from energy, shout(難易度 16)

Crafted from the skull of the dragon Kazavon, the Armor of Skulls is a Large intelligent +4 greater electricity resistance breastplate that grants its wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution. Once per day, the wearer can unleash either a bolt or burst of electricity. The bolt is a 120-foot line of electricity that deals 24d8 points of electricity damage(Reflex 難易度 37 for half ). The burst deals 6d8 points of electricity damage to all creatures within a 30-foot-radius burst(Reflex 難易度 37 for half ).


One who has never killed another creature must bind the Armor of Skulls in gold chains(worth 1,000,000gp), then slowly shatter the armor by shortening the chain by one link every day for 1,000 days.

Relic of Kazavon, Bound Blade

Relic of Kazavon, Bound Blade/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 36ページ、Pathfinder #12:Crown of Fangs 64ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ死霊術術者レベル 20; 重量 6ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート
【知力】 10; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 12; 自我 10
Communication empathy
Powers constant - deathwatch
3/day - deeper darkness, rage, slow(難易度 14)

The Bound Blade is a +3 unholy adamantine bastard sword, forged from the claws of Kazavon. For worshipers of Abadar, the Bound Blade is heresy made manifest. The sword grants the user a +6 enhancement bonus to Strength. As a free action, upon using the sword to reduce a sentient living creature to 0 or fewer hit points, the wielder can cast soul bind, forcing that creature to make a successful 難易度 25 Will save or have its soul trapped within the sword. While there is a soul trapped within the sword, the Bound Blade emanates the effects of the spell desecrate in a 50-foot-radius aura. This aura lasts for a number of days equal to the number of Hit Dice the slain creature possessed. After that period passes, the soul within the sword is destroyed and cannot be restored by any method short of divine intervention. The sword wielder can release a trapped soul by using the blade’s soul bind ability on another creature.


The Bound Blade shatters if used by a paladin of Abadar to slay a fallen paladin dedicated to Zon-Kuthon.

Relic of Kazavon, Crown of Fangs

Relic of Kazavon, Crown of Fangs/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 36ページ、Pathfinder #12:Crown of Fangs 64ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ幻術術者レベル 20; 重量 4ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート
【知力】 10; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 12; 自我 10
Communication empathy
Powers 3/day - alter self, dominate person(難易度 17), major image(難易度 17), mirror image, mislead(難易度 19)

Kazavon’s teeth were set into a jeweled circlet of gold, creating the Crown of Fangs. The crown grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Constitution and Charisma, as well as regeneration 20. Only the blade Serithtial(see page 61), a holy avenger, or a paladin’s smite evil ability can deal lethal damage to the wearer. Additionally, the wearer gains the personal benefits of the spell foresight.


The Crown of Fangs is destroyed if struck by a holy sword forged by a once-mortal god.

Relic of Kazavon, Howling Horn

Relic of Kazavon, Howling Horn/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 36ページ、Pathfinder #12:Crown of Fangs 65ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ力術術者レベル 20; 重量 12ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート
【知力】 10; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 12; 自我 10
Communication empathy
Powers 3/day - circle of death(難易度 19), repulsion(難易度 19), waves of exhaustion

Shaped from Kazavon’s horns into a deadly musical instrument, the Howling Horn grants the bearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and Charisma. Sounding the Howling Horn forces all nonevil creatures within 40 feet to make a successful 難易度 25 Fortitude save or be deafened for 2d6 rounds. A user who succeeds at a 難易度 20 Perform(wind instruments) check while using the horn summons forth the roar of Kazavon, a blast that affects creatures in a 40-foot cone, dealing 20d6 points of sonic damage and deafening them for 4d6 rounds(a successful 難易度 25 Fortitude save reduces the damage by half and negates the deafening). Unattended crystalline objects take double damage. Nonevil creatures within 10 feet of the horn when the roar is sounded must succeed at an additional 難易度 25 Will save or be affected as per the spell insanity.


A performer must use the Howling Horn to make a successful 難易度 40 Perform(wind instruments) check to entertain a good-aligned deity.

Relic of Kazavon, Shredskin

Relic of Kazavon, Shredskin/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 36ページ、Pathfinder #12:Crown of Fangs 65ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ占術幻術術者レベル 20; 重量 20ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート
【知力】 10; 【判断力】 12; 【魅力】 10; 自我 10
Communication empathy
Powers 3/day - deeper darkness, shadow walk(難易度 19), symbol of pain(難易度 17)

Kazavon’s shattered ribs were twisted into a mantle of bone fragments known as the Shredskin. The mantle grants its wearer a +6 enhancement bonus to Wisdom, a +5 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and the ability to hide in plain sight as per the shadowdancer class feature. The wearer can speak with any shadow, in a way similar to the effects of the spell stone tell. Shadows willingly tell the wearer what dangers they obscure and what creatures have come in contact with them in the past 24 hours. The shadows can only relate information about creatures they’ve enshrouded. Creatures bearing a light source are not usually touched by shadows, though shadows can tell when they’ve been disrupted by passing light.


The Shredskin must be taken to the Positive Energy Plane or Sarenrae’s domain on Nirvana and exposed to direct light for 1 month.

Relic of Kazavon, Staff of the Slain

Relic of Kazavon, Staff of the Slain/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 37ページ、Pathfinder #12:Crown of Fangs 66ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ力術術者レベル 20; 重量 6ポンド
属性 中立にして善(Kolwyddon), 秩序にして悪(Kazavon); 感覚範囲 30フィート
【知力】 12; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 10; 自我 10
Communication empathy
Powers at will - detect magic, ventriloquism(難易度 11)
3/day - create water, dimension door(during the day), lightning bolt(at night; 難易度 14), major image(難易度 14), veil(難易度 19)
1/day - hallucinatory terrain(難易度 16), mirage arcana(難易度 17)

Crafted from the tailbones of Kazavon, the Staff of the Slain is an intelligent +5 spell storing shock quarterstaff that grants its wielder a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence. In addition, the staff allows the wielder to change the energy type of any spell he casts that deals energy damage to electricity(such as causing a fireball to deal electricity damage). The staff harbors two personalities:the neutral good wizard Kolwyddon(dominant during the day) and the dragon Kazavon(dominant at night). Some of the staff’s powers change depending on the time of day and which personality is in control.


Unknown to either personality, destroying the staff requires submerging it for 24 hours in a pool of silver dragon tears.

Relic of Kazavon, Throne of Nalt

Relic of Kazavon, Throne of Nalt/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 38ページ、Pathfinder #12:Crown of Fangs 66ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ占術心術術者レベル 20; 重量 3,475ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート
【知力】 10; 【判断力】 12; 【魅力】 10; 自我 10
Communication empathy
Powers at will - detect evil, detect good, discern lies(難易度 16)
3/day - dismissal(難易度 17), greater command(難易度 17)
1/day - planar binding(難易度 19)

Great horns of gold, a massive sea serpent’s skull, and the wings of Kazavon form the ornate Throne of Nalt. The throne grants whoever is seated upon it a +6 enhancement bonus to Charisma and Wisdom. Once per day, the user can cast geas/quest. Any creature with the evil subtype takes a –6 penalty on saving throws to resist this effect.


The Throne of Nalt crumbles to dust if a person who wants nothing sits upon it and bequeaths all he has to another.


出典 Pathfinder #78:City of Locusts 63ページ
オーラ召喚術力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 武器市価 —; 重量 80ポンド

Riftcarver is an immense weapon carved from exoskeleton plates pried from the body of the now-long-forgotten monstrosity that birthed Deskari into the Abyss. The demon lord emerged fully formed, and the crafting of this weapon was among the first of his acts—Riftcarver aided the demon lord tremendously in those first few thousand centuries of his life, and was the primary tool he used to dig the Rasping Rifts.

Riftcarver is a Gargantuan +5 defending unholy wounding scythe. As part of its first successful hit against a target in any one round, Riftcarver can infest the creature hit with rot grubs(Pathfinder RPG GameMastery Guide 245). Once per minute as a standard action by striking at the ground, Riftcarver can create an earthquake centered on the target’s location. Riftcarver’s wielder never suffers any ill effects from earthquakes created by the scythe. Once per day, the scythe can be swept through the air as a standard action to rip a hole between worlds that serves as a 20-foot-diameter gate—this gate can be used only for planar travel, not for calling creatures. Riftcarver is made of the chitin of an Abyssal monster, yet it is treated as adamantine for the purposes of damaging objects and penetrating hardness.

Smaller versions of this artifact, built to be used by Medium cultists, also exist. Called rotcarvers, the majority of these weapons have been captured and destroyed by the crusaders by the Fifth Crusade. A rotcarver is a +3 scythe that can infest those it strikes with rot grubs, or can transform its user into a rot grub swarm. Rotcarvers are detailed on page 51 of Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Lost Kingdoms.


If the remains of its ancient, forgotten source can be located and restored to life, Riftcarver can be destroyed by using it to deliver a coup de grace against that creature. If the attack slays the resurrected horror, Riftcarver crumbles to dust.

Ring of Nine Facets

Ring of Nine Facets/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 40ページ
オーラ防御術召喚術変成術術者レベル 19レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 —; 重量

The gem set within this remarkably ancient ring is distinctly cut to exhibit nine perfect facets, each of a different hue. Each day at sunrise, the gem rotates to display a different facet. The active facet determines the ring’s power for that day. Each day, roll 1d10 on the Ring of Nine Facets Powers table to determine which facet—and thus which power—is active.

The wearer of the ring can, with a great deal of mental exertion, attempt to change the active facet away from one she does not desire. The gem can only be turned in a particular order that shifts the active facet to the next highest facet, and each facet is a particular number of steps away from one another(see the Ring of Nine Facets Powers table). To change the facet, the wearer must succeed at a Wisdom check as a full-round action, and the wearer takes nonlethal damage, regardless of success. The 難易度 of the Wisdom check to turn the gem is 15 + 5 per 1-step increase, while the nonlethal damage dealt equals 1d6 per 1-step increase. For example, if the facet of the day were yellow, the wearer could attempt a 難易度 20 Wisdom check and take 1d6 points of nonlethal damage to shift it to copper, or attempt a 難易度 25 Wisdom check and take 2d6 points of nonlethal damage to shift it to green. The ring’s facets cannot be shifted backwards(thus, yellow cannot turn directly to white; it must shift through all seven other colors to reach white). The ring’s facet can only be changed once per day.

Any nongood creature that wears the Ring of Nine Facets immediately takes 2d6 points of nonlethal damage and another 2d6 points of nonlethal damage every minute it continues to wear the ring.


Facet Color

Active Facet Power



Wearer is immune to disease



Wearer needs no air to survive



Wearer gains a +5 natural armor bonus



Wearer gains low-light vision



Wearer gains fast healing 1



Wearer can use fly at will



Wearer gains cold resistance 30



Wearer gains freedom of movement



Wearer gains a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws


Roll again


This step does not count as a facet for the purposes of adjusting the ring’s daily ability.


If the wearer of the Ring of Nine Facets successfully shifts it through all nine facets twice(requiring a 難易度 105 Wisdom check and incurring 18d6 points of nonlethal damage) a tenth, black facet is revealed. This causes the ring to deal 2d6 points of lethal damage to any nonneutral(not solely neutral) wearer every round it is worn. The other powers of this new facet are a mystery, but the wearer can use the tenth facet to completely destroy the Ring of Nine Facets.

Robe of the Rifts

Robe of the Rifts/)
出典 Pathfinder #78:City of Locusts 63ページ
オーラ変成術]; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 全身; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

The Robe of the Rifts is crafted of what appears to be fine silk, but is in fact forged of congealed dreams siphoned from the minds of slumbering spellcasters as they were ritually murdered. It was created by Areelu Vorlesh to augment her melee prowess soon after her transformation into a half-succubus in a process that involved humiliating favors granted to 13 separate demon lords. The Robe of the Rifts grants the following enhancements when it is worn.
The wearer’s attack rolls and damage rolls with all melee weapons are modified by her Intelligence modifier, not her Strength modifier. This modifier is never halved for secondary attacks, but neither is it increased for twohanded attacks.


The Robe of the Rifts must be donned by a humanoid with an Intelligence score of 3 or lower, who must repeat the 13 debasements Areelu performed for demon lords when creating the robe with 13 different and unwilling angels.


Runewell of Greed/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 425ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 900ポンド

Currently hidden at the heart of the Eye of Avarice in a demiplane lodged between Leng and the Material Plane, Karzoug’s runewell of greed is the key to both his escape from the destruction of Thassilon and his eventual return to life. The runewell itself is a core part of the Rise of the Runelords Adventure Path, but by the time the PCs arrive at the Eye of Avarice, the circular well(which appears to be filled with molten gold) has already done its job absorbing fragments of greedy souls and is in the process of using that energy to finalize Karzoug’s escape.

Beyond this effect, though, Karzoug can utilize the runewell in other ways. It grants him the ability to use scrying at will, although the runewell’s range is limited to the Xin-Shalast region or to specific agents like Mokmurian, Xanesha, and Lucrecia. Creatures that wear magic items marked with the Sihedron take a –4 penalty on saves against this effect. The runewell allows Karzoug to see through the eyes and speak through the mouths of anyone who wears a Sihedron medallion(see page 426). He can also, given time, call up from the runewell a live adult blue dragon minion to serve him as an ally or mount. This essentially functions as a gate spell, save that the dragon is actually created by the runewell rather than called. Karzoug can only have one such dragon in existence at any one time, and must wait 8 hours after a previous dragon’s death before calling a new blue dragon to serve him.

The runewell itself is 10 feet in diameter and 10 feet deep. The liquid it contains functions in all ways as molten gold—dealing damage is if it were lava upon creatures splashed or immersed within it. Gold drawn from the runewell cools normally and is permanent—the runewell immediately replenishes gold taken from its supplies—yet this gold cannot exist more than 30 feet from the runewell’s rim. If brought beyond this range, it vanishes in an instant.

Runewells associated with other runelords and sins exist throughout the ruins of Thassilon; each of these artifacts is a unique item with its own powers.


The runewell of greed is linked to Karzoug, and as long as he lives, the runewell cannot be destroyed. If Karzoug is slain, the molten gold within the runewell itself immediately hardens and turns to chalky, worthless stone, destroying the runewell in the process.


Runewell of Wrath憤怒ルーン井戸)
出典 Pathfinder #138:Rise of New Thassilon 70ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 900ポンド

アラズニストのルーンウェル・オヴ・ラスはHollow Mountainのルーンロードの領域の最上部に隠された他次元界にあるEye of Furyの中にある。魂から憤怒の断片を吸収するルーンウェルのしごとは既に終了しており、アラズニストが現れることを可能にしているが、Eye of FuryとAlaznist’s Demesneの間のポータルを提供すること以上のいくつかの追加の能をもっている。範囲がHollow MountainとRivenrake Island周辺に限定されているが、アラズニストに回数無制限にスクライングを発動する能を与える。また、アラズニストが選んだ者に[]に対する完全耐性を与える能を与える; この完全耐性は、取り消すまで永続的であるが、クリーチャーがEye of Furyにいる間だけ機能する。ルーンウェル自体の直径は10フィート、深さは10フィートである; そこに含まれている燃えるような液体は、その中に置かれた物体クリーチャー的でマグマとして機能する。アラズニストはこの液体のから1日あたり最大50,000GP相当の物質構成要素を抽出できる(通常ウィッシュまたはフォースケージなどの呪文を発動するための宝として使用する)。これらの物質構成要素は24時間以内の使用しないと消えていく。


ルーンウェル・オヴ・ラスアラズニストとリンクしており、彼女が生きている限り、ルーンウェルを破壊することはできない。アラズニストが殺害された場合、ルーンウェル内の液体のは即座に冷えて通常となり、その過程でルーンウェルを破壊する(ただし、エリアE10のanima focusがまだ機能していれば、アラズニストのAlaznist’s Demesneに行くためのポータルとして使用することはできる。

Saint Cuthbert's Mace

Saint Cuthbert's Mace/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 41ページ
オーラ防御術召喚術変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 8ポンド

Despite its ragged appearance, Saint Cuthbert’s Mace is a +5 axiomatic holy disruption heavy mace that allows the bearer to cast the spell searing light at will. Any evil creature that attempts to wield the Mace is damaged as though it were struck by the weapon’s searing light ability every round it wields the artifact.

On the 20th of Pharast every year, the mace makes use of greater teleport, interplanetary teleport(The Inner Sea World Guide), or plane shift to instantly travel to a location anywhere in the multiverse where it is needed, typically appearing where a worthy lawful good wielder will soon pass. The mace’s bearer has no control over this effect and is not included in the artifact’s teleportation.


One who has borne Saint Cuthbert’s Mace for a total of 3 years must use it to slay an evil demigod or greater power, causing the weapon to shatter.

Scepter of Ages

Scepter of Ages/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 42ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・変成術術者レベル 25レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 8ポンド

The Scepter of Ages can be wielded as a +4 heavy mace with a critical threat range of 18–20. In addition to the damage this weapon deals, any creature struck by the scepter ages a number of years equal to the damage taken. On a critical hit, not only does the scepter deal greater damage, but the victim ages 2 years for every point of damage taken. Creatures aged in this manner might have their physical ability scores reduced; consult Table 7–2 on page 169 of the Core Rulebook for the effects of aging on common humanoids. For the wide range of unlisted humanoids and non-humanoids this aging might affect, GMs should use their judgment, general knowledge, and creature descriptions to decide how the effects of aging apply on a race-byrace basis. GMs looking for a quick way to approximate the ages of minor opponents should alter Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution by –1 for every 10 years aged and consider +40 years to be a creature’s maximum age. Any creature aged to greater than its maximum age immediately dies. Constructs, outsiders, and undead are immune to the effects of aging. The mental abilities of those affected by this form of aging do not increase. Creatures that gain abilities dependant on their age gain these abilities as normal(though, at the GM’s discretion, these abilities might not be immediately usable). The spell regenerate restores 1 year of premature aging for every hit point it heals. Creatures killed by aging can only be restored by true resurrection, miracle, or wish, but even these spells do not heal aging, returning the target to life only 1 year younger than his maximum age.

In addition to its use as a weapon, the Scepter of Ages can open a portal through time. To do this, the scepter’s bearer must spend 10 minutes precisely aligning the delicate mechanisms within the artifact’s head to the exact dates she wishes to travel to. This requires the bearer to make either a 難易度 30 Knowledge(history) check to program a precise date or a 難易度 30 Wisdom check to travel to a general period. The bearer can rush through calibrating the scepter, activating it in 1 minute, but doing so increases the associated DCs by +10. Regardless of whether or not this check is successful, a 5-foot-wide glowing tear in time opens within 15 feet. This rift cannot be used as a weapon or to destructive effect. What time the passage opens to is determined by whether the bearer succeeds at the check(opening a portal to the desired time) or fails(opening a portal to the incorrect time, determined by how significantly he failed, as shown on the Accidental Time Travel Results table on page 43). The time beyond the portal cannot be viewed and can only be discovered by passing completely through. The rift remains open for 1 minute before closing. What creatures or conditions lie beyond the portal are determined by the GM(see the Ages of Golarion table on page 43 for examples of different times on Golarion).


Adhering to laws beyond those of this reality, The Scepter of Ages cannot be destroyed, only carried to a time beyond the reach of modern users. Some say this has happened dozens of times, yet still the scepter has been rediscovered ages later, unearthed among ancient ruins or by geological upheavals.


Scepter of Alaznistアラズニストの王笏)
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 70ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・系統なし; 術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 8ポンド


1日9回、セプター・オヴ・アラズニストの所持者は、グレーターエンパワー・メタマジック・ロッドグレーターエクステンド・メタマジック・ロッドまたはグレーターマクシマイズ・メタマジック・ロッドを使用したものとして発動する呪文を威強化持続時間延長または最大化できるが、これらの呪文修正効果の2つまたは3つ全てを同じ呪文に適用し、セプターの1日の使用回数をそれぞれ2回または3回消費できることを除く。呪文を発動するに消費される1日の使用回数は、呪文難易度を2減少させるが(最大6まで減少させる); しかしながら、この難易度の減少は力術呪文には適用されない。

セプターは+5 アダマンティンライト・メイスとしても機能する。使用者がクリーチャーに命中させると、使用者はセプターの1日の使用回数の1回分を即行アクションとして消費することにより、スペル・ストアリング・ウェポンとしてクリーチャーに最大3レベルの1体を目標にする呪文を発動することができる。呪文セプター・オヴ・アラズニストによって威強化持続時間延長または最大化して発動することはできないが、この方法で消費する1日の使用回数では、難易度を減少させることはできない。




Scintillating Garment/きらめく色彩の衣類)
出典 Pathfinder #138:Rise of New Thassilon 70ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 全身; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド




Scroll of Kakishon

Scroll of Kakishon/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 44ページ、Pathfinder #21:The Jackal's Price 9ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術術者レベル 23レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

This innocuous-looking scrap is nothing less than the physical manifestation of a man-made demiplane known as Kakishon, and the rune covering the scroll is in fact a representation of the plane’s several island regions. To open the gate, one must unfurl the scroll and speak the names Aliskiren, Isles of Night, Ismaizade, Kakishon, Khandelwal, Khosravi, and Serpent Isles, each time touching the section of the rune corresponding to the named island group. Once, this process allowed the user to choose where to appear within the realm, but the scroll is now damaged, and upon activation, all creatures within 50 feet with line of effect to the scroll must make a 難易度 40 Reflex save. Those who fail are sucked into the scroll and bodily transported to one of the waypoints within the demiplane of Kakishon(see map). At the same instant creatures enter the plane, any being that previously entered the plane involuntarily may choose to depart, being expelled from the scroll back to the Material Plane. Once inside Kakishon, escape can prove difficult, requiring those trapped within to wait for others to enter, for the casting of a spell similar to plane shift, or for the discovery of one of the foundations of Kakishon’s reality, all of which transport the subjects back to the Material Plane to a point within 10 feet of the Scroll of Kakishon.


Containing even a small group of chaotic beings such as azatas, proteans, or demons will gradually cause Kakishon to unravel, while a larger group or a more powerful chaotic entity can rend the demiplane to shreds in moments.


出典 Curse of the Crimson Throne(PFRPG) 435ページ、Pathfinder #11:Skeletons of Scarwall 56ページ、Artifacts and Legends 61ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ防御術術者レベル 17; 重量 5ポンド
属性 秩序にして善感覚範囲 60フィート
【知力】 13; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 13; 自我 16
言語 empathy

Serithtial is a +4 holy bastard sword crafted, it is said, by Iomedae herself as a gift to Mandraivus’s great-grandfather, a man who led several crusades against Nidal. The sword was handed down through the generations, finally coming into the hands of a well-respected hero of Lastwall— Mandraivus. Serithtial was the perfect weapon for Mandraivus’s assault on Scarwall, and some scholars of history now believe that Iomedae had foreseen its need and forged it early to ensure that Mandraivus not only would inherit it, but would respect its traditions all the more.

Although made of steel, Serithtial is treated as if made of both cold iron and silver for the purpose of penetrating damage reduction. Serithtial glows with the equivalent of a continual flame, but its wielder can extinguish or ignite this glow as a move action. In addition, it gains a further +2 enhancement bonus and deals an extra 2d6 points of damage against foes who serve or worship Zon-Kuthon, as if it had the bane weapon special ability against such foes. This effect also functions against Queen Ileosa and those who directly serve her—including creatures like the dragon Zarmangarof(who serves her under magical compulsion) and the Red Mantis assassins(who serve as paid mercenaries). While Serithtial was forged as a bastard sword and reverts to this shape when no one wields it, when held in the hand, the sword immediately transforms into the type of blade its owner is most proficient with(choosing from dagger, short sword, longsword, scimitar, falchion, greatsword, rapier, or bastard sword—the GM can add additional sword-like weapons as she sees fit).

Serithtial can cast cure moderate wounds and zone of truth three times per day each, and usually reserves its healing power to use on its wielder when he is reduced to 1/4 his total hit points.

Serithtial’s wielder gains the benefits of death ward and freedom of movement against attacks and effects generated by followers of Zon-Kuthon(and by extension, Queen Ileosa and her followers).

Although Serithtial is lawful good, as long as its wielder is dedicated to the defeat of Kazavon and those he has corrupted(such as Queen Ileosa), the sword does not attempt to seize control of its wielder. If its wielder does go against its wishes, Serithtial tries to force him to relinquish the blade to a more appropriate wielder. As with all holy weapons, Serithtial imposes 1 negative level on any evil creature attempting to wield it. The negative level remains as long as the creature holds the weapon in its hand and disappears when the weapon is no longer wielded. A worshiper of Zon-Kuthon who wields Serithtial takes 4 negative levels and is nauseated as long as these negative levels persist. The negative levels and any additional side effects cannot be overcome in any way(including by restoration spells) while the weapon is wielded.


Serithtial can be destroyed only if Kazavon—restored to life—or a great wyrm shadow dragon worshiper of Zon-Kuthon uses its breath weapon on the blade while Serithtial is unattended.

シャード・オヴ・ エンヴィ

Shard of Envy/羨望の破片)
出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 68ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ 圧倒的・防御術術者レベル 25レベル; 重量 1ポンド

呪い所持者は、他のクリーチャーの成功、富、外見を切望し、自分と同じ種族またはキャラクター・クラスクリーチャーから30フィート以内にいると不調状態となる。そのようなクリーチャーとの物理的な接触は、難易度 20の頑健セーヴに失敗した場合所持者を吐き気がする状態とする。



シャード・オヴ・ グラトニー

Shard of Gluttony暴食の破片)
出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 68ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ 圧倒的・死霊術術者レベル 25レベル; 重量 1ポンド






Shard of Greed/強欲の破片)
出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 68ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ 圧倒的・変成術術者レベル 25レベル; 重量 1ポンド


呪い所持者は強欲になり、ヒット・ダイス毎日少なくとも500GPの非魔法の宝や上質な服を着ていないと不調状態となる。所持者が所持品を売ったり譲ったりすると、難易度 20の意志セーヴに成功するか、1d4ポイントの【判断力】ダメージを受けなければならない。




Shard of Lust/色欲の破片)
出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 68ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ 圧倒的・心術術者レベル 25レベル; 重量 1ポンド






Shard of Pride/傲慢の破片)
出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 68ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ 圧倒的・幻術術者レベル 25レベル; 重量 1ポンド






Shard of Sloth/怠惰の破片)
出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 68ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術術者レベル 25レベル; 重量 1ポンド






Shard of Wrath憤怒の破片)
出典 Pathfinder #61:Shards of Sin 68ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術術者レベル 25レベル; 重量 1ポンド


呪い所持者は暴中になり、過去1時間以内に生きているクリーチャーを-1ヒット・ポイント以下にしない限り、不調状態となる。所持者がクリーチャー攻撃したら、攻撃をやめたい場合は難易度 20の意志セーヴを行わなければならない。そうでなければ、クリーチャーを殺すために可能な限りのことをする。



Shelana the Mother Deck

Shelana the Mother Deck/)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 21ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20; 重量
属性 混沌にして中立感覚範囲 30フィート senses
【知力】 19; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 20; 自我 21
言語 会話、テレパシー

Shelana the Mother Deck operates as an intelligent deck of many things, save that all her benefits and penalties are doubled(for example, the Star card grants a +4 bonus to ability stats instead of +2, the Skull card summons two dread wraiths at a time, and so on). Shelana can cast teleport once per day, transporting herself and her puzzle box only.


Shelana can only be destroyed by using her own Moon card to wish for her destruction.

Shield of Aroden

Shield of Aroden/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 47ページ、Gods and Magic 61ページ、Inner Sea World Guide pg. 300ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 市価 —; 重量 10ポンド

The Shield of Aroden is a +5 light fortification spell resistance(17) heavy wooden shield. Once per day, the bearer can invoke a form of fire shield that protects against cold attacks and damages opponents with fire and holy damage similarly to the spell flame strike. Once per round as an immediate action, if an adjacent ally is hit by a ranged or melee attack, the bearer can use the shield to redirect the attack to himself, taking all effects from that attack as if he were the intended target. All allies within 100 feet of the bearer gain the effect of bless and prayer. Additionally, all allies within 100 feet of the bearer know his relative position and condition, as per the spell status.

Beyond these properties, the Shield of Aroden is designed to protect its bearer from death. Any attack that would kill the bearer(not merely make him unconscious or dying) triggers this ability, redirecting the lethal attack fully upon the shield and leaving the bearer unharmed(even if the attack normally only works on living creatures). For example, if the bearer failed a saving throw against flesh to stone, the shield would turn to stone and shatter instead, whereas if the bearer failed his save against horrid wilting, the shield would turn to dry splinters. This power always destroys the shield, reducing it to 1d20 nearly invulnerable shards that suggest the way in which it was last destroyed.

The Shield of Aroden bestows two negative levels on any chaotic creature that attempts to wield it. These negative levels remain as long as the shield is held or carried. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way(including restoration spells) while the creature possesses the shield.


The Shield of Aroden is designed to be destroyed, but the supposedly invulnerable shards left by its destruction can be utterly destroyed if they are consumed by a chaotic neutral being at least as powerful as a demigod, such as the proteans’ Speakers of the Depths or the Eldest known as Count Ranalc.


Shield of Xin-Undoros/シン=アンドロスの
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 71ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・防御術術者レベル 23レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 20ポンド


シールド・オヴ・シン=アンドロス+5 鋼鉄製ヘヴィ・シールドであり、その所持者をルーン・ジャイアントのように不自然に強く回復力があるものにし、を準備している限り、【筋力】【耐久力】に+6の強化ボーナスを与える。標準アクションとして、持ち主は最大で自分のサイズよりも2段階大きいサイズまで、最大で巨大サイズまでサイズを増加させることができる。サイズ段階が増加する毎に、持ち主は【筋力】【耐久力】+2のボーナスを得、【敏捷力】に-2のペナルティを受ける。持ち主は別の標準アクション通常サイズに縮小させることができる; を失った場合この効果は終了する。

持ち主は呪文反射しようとアクションを準備することができる; 術者がによって与えられた呪文抵抗を克服するために術者レベル判定に失敗した場合、の持ち主はスペル・ターニングに従って呪文をその所持者に反射させることができる。



Shroud of Flies

Shroud of Flies/)
出典 Feast of Dust 35ページ
オーラ召喚術変成術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 肩周り; 市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

Crystal baubles that resemble insect wings line the edge of this luxurious but fraying cloak. The garment was once a cloak of displacement, but the harbinger spirit trapped within has warped and twisted it—now it offers false hope rather than security. The Shroud of Flies grants its wearer a +2 profane bonus to Constitution and +4 resistance bonus on Reflex and Will saves, but imposes a –6 penalty on Fortitude saves against disease.

Three times per day, the wearer can brush another creature with the shawl to remove all lingering effects caused by a disease, poison, or curse, as per break enchantment, remove curse, or remove disease. These effects are not eliminated, and return immediately with all accrued penalties after 24 hours. Any creature embraced in this way must immediately succeed at a 難易度 18 Fortitude save or be infected with one of the following diseases:blinding sickness, cackle fever, devil chills, or leprosy. Any creature the wearer touches while offering medical aid, such as casting cure spells, administering a potion, or using the Heal skill, must likewise succeed at this Fortitude save or become infected.

The Shroud of Flies can be wielded as a net as well, but only against daemons. Any creature that has worn the shroud for at least 24 hours is considered proficient in its use as a weapon.


While wearing the Shroud of Flies, a creature must infect itself with seven distinct plagues, then bathe in the cosmic fires of creation on the Positive Energy Plane.


出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time pg. 71, Pathfinder #66:The Dead Heart of Xin pg. 59
装備部位 なし; オーラ 圧倒的・全系統術者レベル 25レベル; 重量 7ポンド






起動すると、シヘドロンは様々な方法で使用者を保護する。第一に、常に着用者に魔法のエネルギーを注入し、高速治癒 5を与える。第二に、使用者にフォアサイト呪文効果を常に与える(アーマー・クラス反応セーヴに+2の洞察ボーナスを与え、不意討ちまたは立ちすくみ状態から使用者を防ぐ)。第三に1日1回、シヘドロンは持ち主が殺害された瞬間トゥルー・リザレクションで持ち主を目標にすることができる――シヘドロンは殺害された瞬間自動的に発動するので、持ち主はこの起動する必要はない。









節制/Temperance:高速治癒 10(シヘドロンによって与えられる通常高速治癒と置き換える)と、擬似呪文能力としてフィアーを与える。純潔とに対立する。



シヘドロンは、自分自身が(シヘドロンと共に)破壊されることを進んで許すキャラクターによって使用されている間に、Oliphaunt of Jandelayの足元で押しつぶされなければならない。

Skull of Ydersius

Skull of Ydersius/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 48ページ、Pathfinder #42:Sanctum of the Serpent God 60ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・全系統術者レベル 30レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 150ポンド

More than just a powerful artifact, the Skull of Ydersius is the actual skull of a deity, the vessel through which the much-diminished god of serpents perceives and influences existence. Ydersius’s clerics still receive spells from their prayers, granted by the skull regardless of its location or ownership. There is no way a mortal can block this effect. Possession of the skull grants several abilities.

Blessing of Scales:All reptilian creatures(including worshipers of Ydersius, sorcerers with the serpentine or draconic bloodline, and druids wild-shaped into reptilian forms) within 160 feet of the Skull of Ydersius gain spell resistance 25 and fast healing 10.

Unholy Aura:The skull treats the 80-foot-radius area around it as though an unhallow spell had been cast with the Skull of Ydersius as the point of origin. This effect carries with it two linked spells that affect only worshipers of Ydersius(death ward and freedom of movement), and two linked spells that affect all non-worshipers of Ydersius(bane and dimensional anchor).

Voice of the Serpent:Once per day, a creature that touches the skull may cast commune to speak with Ydersius. A non-worshiper of Ydersius who uses this power must make a successful 難易度 25 Will save each time the power is used to avoid succumbing to a feeblemind spell.

Any good-aligned creature that carries the Skull of Ydersius, even via an extradimensional space such as a portable hole, gains three negative levels. These negative levels remain as long as the skull is carried and disappear when the skull is released. These negative levels never result in actual level loss, but they cannot be overcome in any way(including restoration spells) while the skull is carried. A creature that suffers from these negative levels has a 50% spell failure chance on all divine spellcasting attempts.


The only way to destroy the Skull of Ydersius is to reunite it with Ydersius’s mindless, decapitated body. Doing so returns Ydersius to life, though in a weakened state. This manifestation can be combated and even slain, though it regenerates from nearly any wound short of re-decapitation. For an instant, before the whole body begins to regenerate, Ydersius’s spirit is untethered from his form. If Ydersius is dragged to the Boneyard and slain in Pharasma’s presence, the goddess of death can judge the serpent god, causing his body and skull to disintegrate to dust.

Song of Extinction(Music Box)

Song of Extinction(Music Box)/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 49ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

Winding this music box causes it to play a haunting, 30-secondlong melody. However, a bard can learn this tune as though it were a masterpiece(Ultimate Magic 21). When performed by a bard, the tune becomes the Song of Extinction masterpiece(see below). Once per week, as a standard action, the wielder can command the music box to perform the Song of Extinction masterpiece itself, affecting all within range except the bearer. After being used in this way, the music box cannot be reactivated in any way for 1 week.

Song of Extinction Masterpiece(Sing, String, Wind)

The clarion of the end times, this masterpiece is a meticulous cacophony that ends all life.
Prerequisite:Perform(sing, string, or wind) 15 ranks.
Cost:Feat or 6th-level bard spell known.
Effect:The area within 100 feet of the performer begins quaking and moaning as if the earth itself were in pain. The affected area is treated as per the spell earthquake. In addition, all creatures in the area except for the performer must make 難易度 25 Reflex saves, as individual earthen maws open beneath each. Those who fail fall into a 100-foot-deep pit that quickly grinds shut, trapping them as if they were in the bury zone of an avalanche and trapped without air(Core Rulebook 429). If any living, sentient creature is killed by the Song of Extinction’s effects, the performer ceases to age for 1 year.
Use:All of the performer’s uses of bardic performance for that day.
Action:5 full rounds.


Any creature that makes a successful 難易度 35 Craft(traps) check while manipulating the music box can rig the device to play in reverse once. In this way, a bard can learn the Song of Extinction masterpiece, but backwards. Performing this reverse version of the Song of Extinction causes the music box to implode, but also kills the performer. The performer cannot be brought back to life by any means short of divine intervention.


Sorshen's Sinuous Guisarme/ソーシェン打ったギザ―ム)
出典 Pathfinder #138:Rise of New Thassilon 71ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ力術]; 術者レベル 20; 重量 10ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 暗視120フィート、聴覚
【知力】 18; 【判断力】 14; 【魅力】 20; 自我 37
言語 言語読解能リード・マジック、会話、テレパシー(奈落語、アクロ語、アズラント語、サーシロン語)

ソーシェンズ・シニュアス・ギザーム+5 キーンスピードスペル・ストアリングミスラルギザームである。両端にがあるが、術的にはdouble weaponではない――speedの特殊能力として追加攻撃を行う場合、追加攻撃はもう片方ので行われる。即行アクションとして、ギザーム自身スタッフに変化することができる。全てのチャージ数使い切ると、自動的にギザームの姿に戻る。非術者を倒すために作成されたこのギザーム攻撃ロールセーヴ能力値判定技能判定に+2の幸運ボーナスを使用者に与える。1日1回チャーム・モンスターを発動でき、1日3回ミラー・イメージを使用者に発動でき、1日3回サジェスチョンを発動できる。



ソーシェンズ・シニュアス・ギザームはOliphaunt of Jandelayの砕けた足元に投げ込まれれば破壊できるが、今現在世界に生きているルーンロード・オヴ・ラスが存在しない場合に限る(ソーシェンがNew Thassilonの支配者の外套を完全に引き継ぐ場合、彼女はこの破壊条件を満たすために、ルーンロード・オヴ・ラストとしての役割を放棄する)。


出典 Tombs of Golarion 31ページ
オーラ力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

This massive forge is built into the structure of a temple to Magrim and can’t be moved without divine intervention. Made of precious metals and gemstones, the forge is surprisingly resilient, and even hard metals can be crafted upon its seemingly soft, delicate surfaces.

Any item crafted with this forge can be constructed in half the normal amount of time.

When the forge’s furnace is fed by a specific set of bellows, currently buried beside the remains of Naika Omenspeaker(see area 10), the flames glow with a divine radiance and emit no noticeable heat, allowing for forging at a temperature more comfortable to the crafter. While the Soulforge is so lit, if a character’s successful Craft(armor, jewelry, locks, or weapons) check result using the forge exceeds 難易度 40, that crafter garners Magrim’s favor and can choose from one of the three following special rewards.

First, the crafter can ask of the god a single miracle, so long as the request does not conflict with Magrim’s lawful neutral alignment. A creature can receive at most one such miracle over the course of her life.

Second, at the GM’s discretion, the crafter can override the destruction conditions of a minor artifact without a lawful aura and destroy it in the Soulforge.

Finally, the crafter can choose for her soul to pass from her body, traveling through the Soulforge to Magrim’s realm in the Boneyard, effectively causing the crafter to die. Magrim immediately ushers the crafter’s soul before Pharasma for judgment and petitions on her behalf before the Lady of Graves, advocating for his most faithful followers to find ultimate rest in the realm best befitting their lives.


If the great anvil of the Soulforge is used as a sacrificial altar to slay a willing lawful outsider of at least 18 Hit Dice while the forge burns with divine flame, the artifact is destroyed.


Spherical Boat of Zutha/ズーザの球体船)
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 73ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 25レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド



船のデータは以下の通りである。スフィアリカル・ボート・オヴ・ズーザの所持者は、船に乗っている間、精神的に船を操縦することができる。船が全てのヒット・ポイントを失うと、球形に戻り、1ヶ間展開するように命令することはできない; その後、船は最大ヒット・ポイントに戻る。


スフィアリカル・ボート・オヴ・ズーザ Spherical Boat of Zutha

マス 80(20フィート×100フィート)


アーマー・クラス 2; 硬度 20
ヒット・ポイント 1,200(599)
基本セーヴ +0


最大速度 500フィート; 加速度 100フィート
戦技ボーナス +8; 戦技防御値 18
衝突ダメージ 8d8


推進 魔法
操縦判定 なし(魔法
前方の向き 船の前方
操縦装置 魔法のアイテム
操縦 船のあるマス
デッキ 2

武器 スフィアリカル・ボート・オヴ・ズーザ武器を持つように作成されていないが、船の左舷側と右舷側に配置された10箇所に最大20の大型直射攻城兵器、または通常軍船と同様に船の左舷側と右舷側に3箇所に6基の超大型直射攻城兵器を収容できる。所持者は思考だけで船の動きを制御するが、船の攻城兵器を操作するには追加の乗組員が必要である。



Staff of Elemental Castigation

Staff of Elemental Castigation/)
出典 Classic Treasures Revisited 51ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

This staff functions as a staff of the magi, with several modifications. Its summon monster IX power can only summon elementals, and it has the following powers

Whenever the staff is broken in a retributive strike, it automatically reforms, but can never again be wielded by its previous possessor. A wielder transported to another plane by a retributive strike always appears on an elemental plane, while the staff itself is sent to a different elemental plane moments after reforming.


This item can be destroyed by having elementals from all four elemental planes(earth, air, fire, and water) attack it at the same time while it is broken in a retributive strike.

Stole of the Inheritor

Stole of the Inheritor/)
出典 Pathfinder #77:Herald of the Ivory Labyrinth 63ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 肩周り; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

Iomedae often grants the use of the Stole of the Inheritor to her champions in times of great need. When draped across the shoulders, the stole grants ダメージ減少 5/good, and it grants the use of heal as a quickened spell-like ability once per day. Once per day, a good-aligned wearer of the Stole of the Inheritor can cast holy word. In addition, as long as it is worn, the user can use detect evil and detect chaos at all times. A divine spellcaster who worships Iomedae gains a +2 sacred bonus on all saving throws while wearing the stole. The stole’s greatest power, though, is allowing its wearer to use plane shift on himself and any allies within 120 feet as an immediate action; the stole immediately returns to Iomedae’s shoulders when this effect is used.


A demon lord must adorn itself with the stole and use its plane shift power to travel to Iomedae’s court, whereupon anyone who pulls the stole from the Inheritor’s shoulders can tear it apart while the demon lord remains alive and in Iomedae’s presence.


Surcease of Sorows/悲しみの克服)
出典 Pathfinder #143:Borne by the Sun's Grace 91ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・全系統術者レベル 27レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 6ポンド





Sword of Gluttony, Ungarato

Sword of Gluttony, Ungarato/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends pg. 53
装備部位 なし; オーラ死霊術術者レベル 16; 重量 8ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート(視覚、聴覚)
【知力】 18; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 10; 自我 25
言語 会話/テレパシー(共通語、サーシロン語)
特殊用途能力 ソードが起動している場合(下記参照)、1日それぞれ3回、クリエイト・フード・アンド・ウォーターエンデュア・エレメンツキュア・シリアス・ウーンズを発動できる。

This +5 ghost touch vicious falchion has a misty, ethereal quality that makes it appear to be spectral in nature despite being perfectly tangible to the touch. Anytime Ungarato’s wielder takes damage from the weapon’s vicious special ability he adds an amount equal to that damage to his next attack roll. Ungarato faintly glows a sickly, unsettling green anytime there is an undead creature within 50 feet of the wielder. Whenever the falchion strikes a foe, the target must succeed at a 難易度 20 Fortitude save or take an additional 1d6 points of damage, which the sword’s wielder gains as bonus hit points that last for the next hour. If the sword scores a critical hit, the target must succeed at a 難易度 25 Fortitude save or be slain outright, with half of its remaining hit points passing to the sword’s wielder as bonus hit points. Any creature slain by Ungarato—either as the effect of a critical hit or otherwise—reanimates as a juju zombie(see Bestiary 2) 1d4 rounds later under the control of the sword wielder. The sword can control up to 32 ヒット・ダイス worth of juju zombies in this way. If this amount is exceeded, undead are released from control as per animate dead.

Dormancy The Alara’hai were crafted to serve the runelords of Thassilon. In modern times, however, these runelords lie dead or dormant. With no lords to serve, the weapons of their champions lie dormant as well, reducing each to a +2 weapon with the noted weapon special abilities(those detailed on page 469 of the Core Rulebook) but no other properties. The only way to awaken one of the blades is to restore its runelord master to active life or have some other legitimate ruler take up its master’s mantle(the weapon determines what is considered legitimate). The swords can detect such restorations and f lare to full power immediately, demanding their wielder seek out the restored runelord and swear eternal fealty.


Each of the Seven Swords of Sin can be destroyed merely if commanded to break. That command, however, must come from the rightful runelord of the nation and school of magic associated with the blade.

Sword of Greed, Chellan

Sword of Greed, Chellan/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition pg. 420, Artifacts and Legends pg. 51, Pathfinder #6:Spires of Xin-Shalast pg. 52
装備部位 なし; オーラ変成術術者レベル 16; 重量 25ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート(視覚、聴覚)
【知力】 18; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 10; 自我 25
言語 会話/テレパシー(共通語、サーシロン語)
特殊用途能力 3/day - create food and water, cure serious wounds, endure elements

Of the Seven Blades of Conviction wielded by the runelords’ champions—weapons known as the Alara’hai to the Thassilonians, the sword of greed was the most extravagant—for it was made of magically hardened gold, tempered to the strength of adamantine yet retaining its luster. Although made of gold, Chellan functions as an adamantine weapon for the purposes of overcoming damage reduction and bypassing hardness. Chellan is a +5 keen scimitar, and its density allows it to damage foes as if it were one size category larger than its actual size. It can be properly wielded only by characters with a Strength of 18 or higher—all other characters must either wield it as a two-handed weapon or take a –2 penalty on attack rolls with the weapon.

Whenever Chellan strikes a foe, the target must succeed at a 難易度 20 Fortitude save or be slowed as per the spell slow(術者レベル 16th). If the sword scores a critical hit, the target must succeed at a 難易度 25 Fortitude save or be turned into a crystalline statue, as if by flesh to stone. Characters turned to crystal by Chellan appear to be made of ruby, diamond, or some other valuable gem, but are in fact merely colored quartz of little value to looters.

Fanatical in the extreme, Chellan seeks to force its wielder into serving Karzoug and furthering the runelord’s goals. To enforce this purpose of their existence, it can use its intelligence and special abilities to aid and manipulate those who think to wield it.


Karzoug can destroy the sword of greed merely by commanding its destruction with his voice(a free action for the runelord).

Sword of Lust, Asheia

Sword of Lust, Asheia/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends pg. 50, Seven Swords of Sin pg. 32
装備部位 なし; オーラ心術術者レベル 16; 重量 6ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート(視覚、聴覚)
【知力】 18; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 10; 自我 25
言語 会話/テレパシー(共通語、サーシロン語)
特殊用途能力 ソードが起動している場合(下記参照)、1日それぞれ3回、クリエイト・フード・アンド・ウォーターエンデュア・エレメンツキュア・シリアス・ウーンズを発動できる。

This beautiful blade is a +5 flaming longsword. While bearing the weapon, the wielder is immune to all enchantment effects. Any creature that casts an enchantment spell upon Asheia’s wielder is led to believe its spell or effect worked as normal and that the sword’s bearer is under its control, allowing the wielder to deceive his opponent if he so chooses(and doesn’t give his enemy a reason to believe its magic failed). Whenever Asheia strikes an opponent, the target must succeed at a 難易度 20 Will save or fall under the effects of a charm monster spell. Only one creature can be charmed in this way at a time. If another creature becomes charmed by the sword, the first is freed from this effect. If the sword instead scores a critical hit, the target must succeed at a 難易度 25 Will save or be affected by a dominate monster spell.

Dormancy The Alara’hai were crafted to serve the runelords of Thassilon. In modern times, however, these runelords lie dead or dormant. With no lords to serve, the weapons of their champions lie dormant as well, reducing each to a +2 weapon with the noted weapon special abilities(those detailed on page 469 of the Core Rulebook) but no other properties. The only way to awaken one of the blades is to restore its runelord master to active life or have some other legitimate ruler take up its master’s mantle(the weapon determines what is considered legitimate). The swords can detect such restorations and f lare to full power immediately, demanding their wielder seek out the restored runelord and swear eternal fealty.


Each of the Seven Swords of Sin can be destroyed merely if commanded to break. That command, however, must come from the rightful runelord of the nation and school of magic associated with the blade.

”ソード・オヴ・プライド” バラケット

Sword of Pride, Baraket/傲慢の、バラケット)
出典 Pathfinder #133:Secrets of Roderic's Cove pg. 51, Artifacts and Legends pg. 50
装備部位 なし; オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 16; 重量 2ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート(視覚、聴覚)
【知力】 18; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 10; 自我 25
言語 会話/テレパシー(共通語、サーシロン語)
特殊用途能力 ソードが起動している場合(下記参照)、1日それぞれ3回、クリエイト・フード・アンド・ウォーターエンデュア・エレメンツキュア・シリアス・ウーンズを発動できる。

ソード・オヴ・プライドとして知られるバラケットは、この+5 スペル・ストアリングスピードレイピアの致命的な長さが見えないため、ガラスか高度に磨かれたクリスタルで作られたのない優雅なバスケットヒルテッド・ソード以上のものには見えない。バラケットは、相不可視のアイテムを見ることができない限り、フェイントのために行う〈はったり〉判定に+5のボーナスを使用者に与える。加えて、クリティカル・ヒットにソードは目標と30フィート以内のそのクリーチャーの全ての味方にウィアードを発動する。

ソード・オヴ・シンはサーシロン帝国のルーンロードに仕えるために作成された。しかし現代では、このルーンロードはんでいるか休眠している。仕える主がいないため、チャンピオン武器休眠状態にあり、Core Rulebookの469ページに詳述されている特殊能力を保持したままの+2 ウェポンに減少しているが、他の特性はない。ブレードの1つを覚めさせる唯一の方法は、ルーンロードの主を活動的な生活にするか、他の正当な支配者に主のマントをに取らせることである(武器が正当とみなされたと決定する)。ソードはそのような主の回復を検知し即座に全全開となり、帰ってきたルーンロードを探しだしてソードの使用者に永遠の忠誠を誓うように要求する。




Sword of Sloth, Shin-Tari

Sword of Sloth, Shin-Tari/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends pg. 51
装備部位 なし; オーラ召喚術術者レベル 16; 重量 2ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート(視覚、聴覚)
【知力】 18; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 10; 自我 25
言語 会話/テレパシー(共通語、サーシロン語)
特殊用途能力 ソードが起動している場合(下記参照)、1日それぞれ3回、クリエイト・フード・アンド・ウォーターエンデュア・エレメンツキュア・シリアス・ウーンズを発動できる。

A scene of imperial decadences depicted in fantastically fine etchings—which seem to change upon each consideration— covers the surface of this +5 short sword. Every time Shin-Tari successfully damages a creature, it gains the bane weapon special ability, with the target’s creature type being its designated foe. This additional weapon quality actives after the weapon first strikes an opponent, granting additional damage to subsequent attacks but not the first attack. The bane weapon special ability persists for the rest of the day, or until the sword strikes a foe of a different creature type. Additionally, whenever Shin-Tari strikes a Large or smaller foe, the target must succeed at a 難易度 20 Will save or be affected as per the spell dimension door. This effect functions as the spell, but Shin-Tari’s wielder determines where his opponent is transported to, and the destination must be within the wielder’s line of sight. The wielder cannot teleport an opponent into a space occupied by another creature or a solid object. Only one creature can be affected by this ability each round, and the target can act as normal on its next turn. If the sword scores a critical hit, the target must succeed at a 難易度 25 Will save or be affected by the spell teleport. The sword’s wielder determines the destination, which must be very familiar to him.

Dormancy The Alara’hai were crafted to serve the runelords of Thassilon. In modern times, however, these runelords lie dead or dormant. With no lords to serve, the weapons of their champions lie dormant as well, reducing each to a +2 weapon with the noted weapon special abilities(those detailed on page 469 of the Core Rulebook) but no other properties. The only way to awaken one of the blades is to restore its runelord master to active life or have some other legitimate ruler take up its master’s mantle(the weapon determines what is considered legitimate). The swords can detect such restorations and f lare to full power immediately, demanding their wielder seek out the restored runelord and swear eternal fealty.


Each of the Seven Swords of Sin can be destroyed merely if commanded to break. That command, however, must come from the rightful runelord of the nation and school of magic associated with the blade.


Sword of Valor武勇の剣
出典 Pathfinder #74:Sword of Valor 63ページ
オーラ防御術力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド




Sword of Wrath, Garvok

Sword of Wrath, Garvok/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends pg. 51
装備部位 なし; オーラ力術術者レベル 16; 重量 2ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート(視覚、聴覚)
【知力】 18; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 10; 自我 25
言語 会話/テレパシー(共通語、サーシロン語)
特殊用途能力 ソードが起動している場合(下記参照)、1日それぞれ3回、クリエイト・フード・アンド・ウォーターエンデュア・エレメンツキュア・シリアス・ウーンズを発動できる。

This scarred piece of crimson stained metal functions similarly to a +5 returning throwing greatsword. Instead of the normal benefit of the throwing weapon special ability, Garvok can be thrown with a 25-foot range increment. Additionally, whenever Garvok strikes a foe, the target must succeed at a 難易度 20 Reflex save or take an additional 5d6 points of fire damage. If the sword scores a critical hit, it explodes in a fireball centered on the wielder’s opponent. All creatures within the fireball’s 20-foot-radius spread—including Garvok’s wielder and allies, if within range—take 10d6 points of fire damage(難易度 25 Reflex for half). The wielder has no control over the sword’s eruption and cannot prevent it from exploding. The sword returns to its wielder’s hand, fully reformed, just before the beginning of his next turn.

Dormancy The Alara’hai were crafted to serve the runelords of Thassilon. In modern times, however, these runelords lie dead or dormant. With no lords to serve, the weapons of their champions lie dormant as well, reducing each to a +2 weapon with the noted weapon special abilities(those detailed on page 469 of the Core Rulebook) but no other properties. The only way to awaken one of the blades is to restore its runelord master to active life or have some other legitimate ruler take up its master’s mantle(the weapon determines what is considered legitimate). The swords can detect such restorations and f lare to full power immediately, demanding their wielder seek out the restored runelord and swear eternal fealty.


Each of the Seven Swords of Sin can be destroyed merely if commanded to break. That command, however, must come from the rightful runelord of the nation and school of magic associated with the blade.

Synchrony Device

Synchrony Device/)
出典 Pathfinder #126:Beyond the Veiled Past 66ページ
オーラ召喚術術者レベル 21レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 16,800ポンド

The Synchrony Device is a large, spherical mass of intertwining, spinning rings, each covered in complex runes and sigils. Designed by the Spindle Solution prior to Earthfall as a weapon of mass destruction, the device currently rests in a secure research facility known as the Compass.

Activating the Synchrony Device involves manipulating the confusing, and often unlabeled, controls on the control dais beneath the device while attempting a variety of Knowledge and Disable Device checks, all of which have a minimum 難易度 of 35. When doing so, the user sets the device’s target, selecting any location eligible as the target of a greater teleport spell, and the plane to which the device is to be attuned from the following options:Negative Energy Plane, Plane of Air, Plane of Earth, Plane of Fire, Plane of Water, and Positive Energy Plane.

When it detonates, the device creates a 500-mile-radius burst, the effects of which depend on which plane it was attuned to when activated(as detailed below). The effects of the device are instantaneous unless otherwise noted.


The Synchrony Device must be carefully disassembled and each ring destroyed individually before the following ring is removed until reaching the device’s abysium core, which must be contained and disposed of separately. Activating the device also destroys it.

Negative Energy Plane

When attuned to the Negative Energy Plane, the Synchrony Device fills its area of effect with raw negative energy, dealing 20d6 points of negative energy damage to all living creatures each round for 1 day. Any creature killed in this way is raised as a zombie 2d6 minutes after its death. Creatures with 7 or more Hit Dice may instead become other types of undead, at the GM’s discretion.

Plane of Air

A violent, concussive explosion issues from the Synchrony Device when it detonates while attuned to the Plane of Air. This burst deals 20d6 points of bludgeoning damage, deals double damage against objects, and bypasses objects’ hardness. For 1d6 weeks after detonation, the entire area of effect is filled with powerful winds, ranging in intensity from severe to hurricane force, with occasional tornadoes spinning out from this mass, at the GM’s discretion.

Plane of Earth

When the Synchrony Device is attuned to the Plane of Earth, the entire area of effect is instantaneously filled with solid stone upon detonation, except where earth or stone already exists. The sheer weight of this much earth crushes everything beneath or within it, save for creatures with the earth glide special ability or a burrow speed capable of burrowing through solid stone. Even then, all air within the area of effect is replaced with earth, smothering any creature that might survive the ordeal unless it can find a new source of air before it suffocates. If the Synchrony Device is detonated in water, the displaced water may flood land not directly in the area of effect. At the GM’s discretion, this may additionally cause large-scale earthquakes or volcanic activity.

Plane of Fire

Roaring flames fill the area of effect of the Synchrony Device when it is attuned to the Plane of Fire. These flames deal 20d6 points of fire damage each round for 1 day, thoroughly immolating all creatures and structures within the burst. Additionally, any water within the area of effect is instantly vaporized and all oxygen is consumed, causing creatures with fire immunity that still need to breathe to suffocate.

Plane of Water

Attuning the Synchrony Device to the Plane of Water summons a veritable ocean centered on the point of detonation. This water floods the entire area of effect, drowning nonaquatic creatures, and potentially reshaping the landscape. Because water flows, and it is not restricted by the bounds of the device’s target area, this effect may cause landslides, severe flooding, tsunamis, and other disasters far beyond the initial target. Changing sea levels, creating new lakes or inland seas, and rerouting rivers are all possible as effects of the excess water.

Positive Energy Plane

Infusing the Material Plane with the overwhelming essence of the Positive Energy Plane may seem like the least destructive use of the Synchrony Device, but it comes with dire consequences many users may not consider. All undead in the area of effect take 20d6 points of positive energy damage per round for 1 day. All living creatures in the area of effect gain fast healing 5 as a special ability and gain 5 additional temporary hit points each round. These temporary hit points fade 1d20 rounds after a creature leaves the area of effect or the effects of the detonation expire. Each round during which a creature has temporary hit points above its total hit points, it must succeed at a 難易度 20 Fortitude saving throw or explode in a riot of radiant energy, which kills it.


Tannaris, Sword of Envy嫉妬・タンナリス)
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 56ページ、Artifacts and Legends 52ページ
装備部位 なし; オーラ防御術術者レベル 16; 重量 7ポンド
属性 秩序にして悪感覚範囲 30フィート、聴覚
【知力】 18; 【判断力】 10; 【魅力】 10; 自我 25
言語 言語読解能、会話、テレパシー(サーシロン語)

純粋に見ただけの魔法効果により、このソードの優雅なは独特の色と質感のサイクルがあり、まるで宝、珊瑚、または貴金属巨大な塊から作られている用に見えるタンナリスは+5 ディフェンディングバスタード・ソードである。使用者のアーマー・クラス強化するために使用する場合、ソードの強化ボーナス攻撃ダメージ強化し続ける。さらに、タンナリスは呪文効果下にあるクリーチャーに命中した目標難易度 20の意志セーヴィング・スローに成功するか、そのクリーチャーに今現在響を及ぼしている最も高いレベル呪文を解呪されなければならない(ディスペル・マジック呪文によって解呪されたかのように、ただし解呪判定は必要ない)。この能は召喚されたクリーチャー永続的な呪文効果には特殊効果を持たない。攻撃クリティカル・ヒットした場合、目標難易度 25の意志セーヴィング・スローに成功するか、今現在響を与えられている全ての呪文を即座に解呪されなければならない(グレーター・ディスペル・マジックとして、追加の解呪判定は必要ない)。




出典 Pathfinder #108:Hell Comes to Westcrown 6ページ
オーラ力術死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 220ポンド

This horned and frilled dragon’s head is coated with a thick layer of white lime. When dropped from a height of at least 150 feet, the tathlum detonates in an explosion of greasy darkness, dealing 20d6 points of damage to all creatures within a 150-foot-radius spread from its point of impact(Will 難易度 25 half). Good or lawful living creatures with 9 Hit Dice or fewer within this area must also succeed at a 難易度 25 Fortitude save or die. This area is immediately affected by unhallow with darkness as an associated spell effect. In addition, concussive force blasts outward from the darkness, dealing 10d6 points of damage to all creatures within the area between 150 feet and 300 feet from the impact point(Will 難易度 21 half). The tathlum is consumed in the explosion.

If at least 200 Hit Dice worth of creatures are killed by the tathlum’s detonation, the explosion spontaneously creates 1d6 nightwalkers(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 201) within 150 feet of the point of impact. On particularly dense battlefields, the detonation instead creates 1d6 warsworns(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 4 272). These undead creatures are free-willed and not under the control of the tathlum’s wielder.

If the tathlum is dropped from a height of less than 150 feet, it deals 3d6 points of damage to a single creature as a falling object(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 443), plus an additional 2d6 points of damage if the target is good or lawful. The tathlum takes no damage and is not destroyed if dropped from a height of less than 150 feet.


If dropped from a height of 150 feet or more, the tathlum detonates and is permanently destroyed.

The Aqualinth

The Aqualinth/)
出典 Lost Cities of Golarion 51ページ
オーラ・全系統]; 術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

A strange statue of some unknown dark material resembling unnaturally slippery stone, this idol is carved in the shape of something at once unrecognizable and terrifyingly organic, and possesses a number of unique abilities when touching liquid.

Geyser:If four or more levels’ worth of spells are cast upon the Aqualinth, the artifact is capable of causing the water surrounding it to purify and multiply, generating thousands of gallons of water. At the same time, it creates an effect mimicking reverse gravity upon the water, causing it to shoot up in a geyser capable of reaching a thousand feet high. Moments later, the effect passes; the water comes crashing down, and can be captured or diverted in the process, though the water level of the original supply remains unchanged.

Bath of the God-Kings:Bathing in a pool infested by the Aqualinth instantly refreshes the bather, removing any fatigued or exhausted conditions. In addition, the bather is treated as though he were wearing a ring of sustenance for the next 4 months. Regular bathing for 56 days results in a +1 increase to a single ability score of the bather’s choice—a creature can receive this bonus only once, but can continue to receive the other benefits of bathing in the pool.

Liquid Ones:Anyone who spies her own reflection in a pool infested by the Aqualinth and who is not completely loyal to the Four Pharaohs of Ascension is treated as though she had gazed into the reflective surface of a mirror of opposition. The duplicates created by the Aqualinth are not truly identical to their originals. A duplicate has vulnerability to fire, losing any fire resistance or immunity the original may have, and also gains the water subtype. A duplicate can be distinguished from the original with a 難易度 30 Perception check, as the duplicate has a faint watery texture to its skin.

Whispering Water:Possessed of a malign and alien intellect, the Aqualinth has an unknown agenda of its own, and is capable of casting suggestion(save 難易度 31) upon anyone who drinks at least half a gallon of water it has touched or produced.


The Aqualinth may be evaporated into nothingness by transporting it to the heart of a sun or star.


The Bone Grimoireにまつわる魔導書)
出典 Pathfinder #135:Runeplague 59ページ
オーラ死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド




ザ・ボーン・グリモアはrunewaking ritualの対象となることで破壊される。

3.5 MaterialThe Demonscope

The Demonscope/)
出典 The Demon Within 29ページ
オーラ防御術占術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量

Rising from the floor of the heart chamber is a well of arcane power. Filling the well to within a couple inches of the top is an inky black liquid that drinks in the light. Within this liquid, shadowy landscapes rise and fall sprinkled with dozens of tiny red blips. Evenly spaced around the side of the well are three niches, each containing a bone fragment within an ornate reliquary.

The Demonscope serves three crucial functions. First, it serves as a potent scrying device focused solely on demons. It automatically senses the location of any demon in a 5-mile radius, bypassing any spell resistance they possess. Second, it focuses divine energy to power the wardstones, a series of smaller artifacts that together create a physical barrier against demons(see below). Finally, the Demonscope creates a massive dimensional lock effect that extends in a 250-mile radius around clydwell Keep. Although this effect does not prevent demons from entering the Worldwound from the abyss, it does prevent them from teleporting from the Worldwound out into the surrounding lands, and it prevents anyone from teleporting into Mendev. The Demonscope serves a vital role in containing the demons in the Worldwound, and preventing them from overrunning Mendev.

To safeguard the Demonscope, its care passed into the able hands of St. clywell’s three most powerful disciples. along the pedestal, three celestial glyphs allowed them to focus their own power to control the device, each representing the sentinel’s personal virtue. Only when all three sentinels were present could the artifact function properly.

When the first of the sentinels died, arcane artificers took the bone from his right forearm and forged it into a magical key to assure the continued activation of the Demonscope. Each of the Sentinels passed in turn and from their forearms were carved two more shards. Shards were then passed to new protectors dedicated to safeguarding the people and protecting the Demonscope. For years, the shards have been passed down through the order, bestowed upon generations of successors. Each shard is a 6-inch fragment of magically petrified bone, burnished black and polished to a high sheen, and placed within a crystal reliquary. The surface is intricately scrimshawed with sacred blessings dedicated to a specific sentinel. Along the rim of the Demonscope pedestal are three sacred glyphs set before three sockets. Carved in celestial, the three glyphs represent Truth, Valor, and Sacrifice; one for each of the virtues for which the original Holy Sentinels stood:niamar for Truth, Guenarog for Valor, and arymril for Sacrifice.


The Demonscope requires constant attention and maintenance in order to function. Powered by a combination of intrinsic magical power and the magical potency of the demon that is imprisoned within it, the artifact requires that a careful balance of power be maintained at all times, and the demon kept in check. It takes the combined efforts of three strong-willed paladins to maintain control over the demon. If one of them fails, the demon eventually overpowers the other two and begin to corrupt the artifact itself, although this takes several days. The easiest way to destroy the artifact, however, is to remove the bone shards. Without the shards, the paladins are unable to control the demon, and it only takes a few hours for it to break free from its prison.

The Doom Idol of Ib

The Doom Idol of Ib/)
出典 Pathfinder #111:Dreams of the Yellow King 31ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 80ポンド

This sea-green statue is 18 inches tall and 12 inches wide, and depicts a muscular iguana with bulging eyes and a beard of tentacles underneath its jaw. The idol always appears wet and constantly drips water.

The bearer of the Doom Idol of Ib is immune to Wisdom damage and confusion effects, although picking up the idol does not restore lost Wisdom or remove an ongoing confusion effect. Once per day, the bearer can use horrid wilting as a spell-like ability, using her own Hit Dice as the caster level of the effect, but the bearer must include herself among the spell’s targets.

The once-living, inhuman residents of the ruined city of Ib have a preternatural connection to the Doom Idol of Ib. Ib shades—ghosts of the past inhabitants of Ib—instinctively know the distance and direction to the Doom Idol of Ib, so long as it is on the same plane. The enigmatic creatures relentlessly pursue the idol, attempting to recover it and return it to their ruined city.


The Doom Idol of Ib must be smashed against Bokrug’s hide when the Great Old One is at least a mile from any natural body of water.

The Dreamstone

The Dreamstone/)
出典 The House on Hook Street 52ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

The dreamstone’s primary function is to surround itself with a stable dreamscape within the Dimension of Dreams. The dreamstone’s radius is fluid and ever-expanding when the artifact is awakened, overlaying both the Material and Ethereal Planes, though it is held in check by any significant bodies of water, such as rivers or seas. The nature of the dream realm changes within this radius, creating a communally shared dreamscape that distortedly reflects the features of the Material Plane. Its power shifts the Dimension of Dreams’ properties to alterable morphic and normal magic planar traits.

Dreamers who fall asleep within planes affected by the dreamstone’s influence do not create their own ephemeral demiplanes, but rather appear randomly within the dreamstone’s stabilized dreamscape. Those who experience deadly nightmares are affected differently in the dreamstone’s realm. Normal dreamers killed in the dreamscape wake up exhausted, while lucid dreamers whose lucid bodies perish also die in the waking world. Lucid dreamers can still make attempts to alter the dreamscape’s reality with Charisma checks, just as in their own personal dreamscapes, but the 難易度 increases by 5. Spell slots and magic item charges used by lucid dreamers in the dreamstone’s dreamscape are also consumed in the real world. A person falling asleep in the dreamstone’s radius has a 10% chance of experiencing a lucid dream.

The dreamscape holds other dangers. Regardless of the lucidity of their dreaming body, each dreamer must make a successful saving throw each night or be set upon by the realm’s dark presences, affecting the dreamer as a nightmare spell. This effect initially requires a 難易度 15 Will save, but dreamers begin with a +10 Will save modifier due to the dreamstone’s lack of familiarity with them as a target. On each subsequent visit, the dreamstone becomes more aware of its demiplane’s visitors, and its familiarity with dreamers grows after every 15 visits, increasing the 難易度 by 5(removing the +10 Will save modifier after the first increase).

When a creature dies within the stabilized dreamscape, whether due to the perils of lucid dreaming or the dreamstone’s nightmare effect, the dreamstone’s radius spreads 1 foot for each of that creature’s Hit Dice. Close proximity to the dreamstone is also hazardous, and the stone radiates a vision of HellUM effect(Will 難易度 20 negates) out to 50 feet that reflects the terror and destruction it was destined to inflict as it fell to Golarion. Ancient tomes such as the Paginarum Lethargica theorize that once the dreamstone’s boundaries reach a certain threshold, it can overcome bodies of water, and all within will be consumed in a fiery cataclysm, fulfilling the predictions of its visions. Neither the dreaming nor the waking world will be spared.


Should a breach the veil of dreams occult ritual be performed in the immediate proximity of the dreamstone on the Material Plane, the meteorite falls into an inactive slumber, or reawakens if it is already asleep. If the ritual is performed with the dreamstone within i ts own dreamscape, the stone placed within the ritual’s open threshold, and the portal then shut, the dreamstone is forever destroyed.

The Gasping Pearl

The Gasping Pearl/)
出典 Aquatic Adventures 62ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 4ポンド

Long ago, the tyrannical elemental lords waged war on their benevolent counterparts and imprisoned them in powerful, unique artifacts. This lost artifact imprisons Lysianassa, Empress of the Torrent, much like the Moaning Diamond(see Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Artifacts & Legends) holds Sairazul, the Crystalline Queen. The Gasping Pearl appears to be a perfectly spherical iridescent abalone pearl the size of a human fist. At all times, it gives forth a choking, gasping sound, as if struggling to breathe. Despite this constant, disturbing noise, the Gasping Pearl is not evil. Three times per day, the bearer can call upon its power to move and control water as if by the spell control water, affecting a 500-foot-by-500-foot area up to 100 feet deep. Once per day, the Gasping Pearl can also summon an elder water elemental(Bestiary 127) with maximum hit points that serves the caster until it is slain; only one such elemental can be summoned at a time.


The Gasping Pearl can be smashed by the combined power of three elemental princes, one each from the Planes of Air, Earth, and Fire. Even then, the dust must be cast into a place where it will never touch even a drop of water.

3.5 MaterialThe Gluttonous Tome

The Gluttonous Tome/)
出典 Magic of Thassilon(Web Enhancement) 2ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・死霊術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 held; 市価 —; 重量 セクション毎に3ポンド

Karzoug is not alone in his restless sleep of the ages. Zutha, The undead lord of Gastash and Runelord of Gluttony saw the end in the stars just as his compatriots did and prepared accordingly. To ensure his vile soul’s return, the runelord crafted a tome of leathered flesh, bound in bone, and inked in the blood of a thousand slaves. The Gluttonous Tome was Zutha’s opus—the result of a decade’s toil and his plan to rise from the ashes of Thassilon.

Dividing his masterwork into three parts—each a potent artifact in its own right—the Runelord of Greed secreted the means of his resurrection away in three of his farthest-flung holdings, protected by the stewardship of his most devout servants. Thassilon’s cataclysmic end disrupted Zutha’s hopes of a swift return, though, as his minions deserted, died, or betrayed their master, resulting in the sections being scatted across Avistan. For millennia, the potent abjurations protecting its pages saved the parts of the Gluttonous Tome from destruction, with each having been lost and rediscovered countless times. Throughout the centuries the evil tripartite book has schemed to rejoin its pages.

The three portions of the text and the abilities they confer are as follows:

The Kardosian Codex:Named for a sinister devourer wizard who became its custodian a thousand years ago, this is the middle portion of Zutha’s masterpiece, a 4-inch-thick sheaf of bone-white blank parchment, indestructible and completely impossible to mark. The Codex’s power is a secret only told in blood. Soaking its pages in fresh gore reveals it to be a spellbook containing spells from the necromancy school. The only marring the book’s pristine pages suffer is the addition of more necromancy spells penned in blood. The book contains every arcane necromancy spell of 1st to 7th level. Any necromancy spell prepared from the Codex is cast at +1 caster level. The book also absorbs necromantic energy, granting the bearer a +4 bonus on saves versus necromancy effects and immunity to energy draining effects of any kind(such as from enervation or a vampire’s slam attack). Finally this section of the Gluttonous Tome includes a flesh golem manual that re-scribes itself one year after it’s used.

The Codex’s hunger passes to the bearer as well. Although he does not notice this, the bearer begins eating far more than before and rapidly puts on weight, his physical form beginning to emulate Zutha’s in life.

The Bone Grimoire:This portion of the tome bears the leathery flesh front-cover, twisted rib binding, and a hundred pages of blood-scripted verse and grisly diagrams. Anyone who reads the entire text of strange runic code(requiring 1 week of uninterrupted study and a 難易度 25 Decipher Script check) must make a 難易度 20 Will save, or gain a +2 inherent bonus to Intelligence and begin to take on traits of the undead(see below). Regardless of this save’s result, the bearer acquires a deep understanding of necromancy, gaining a permanent +4 insight bonus on all Knowledge(arcana) and Spellcraft checks involving this school of magic. In addition, this section includes a flesh golem manual identical to the one in the Kardosian Codex.

After reading the Grimoire, the bearer’s flesh takes on a pale cast and, if he failed his Will save, his life force is slowly replaced by necromantic unlife. After reading the entire text of the Bone Grimoire, the bearer is no longer healed by positive energy, but rather harmed by it. Negative energy now heals him. If the bearer channels energy(if he is a cleric for example) he now channels negative energy. Only a wish or miracle reverses this condition.

The Black Book:This portion of the Gluttonous Tome consists of a charred flesh back-cover and 100 pages of smoked skin scrawled with blood runes in Zutha’s erudite hand. Anyone reading the Black Book and keeping it on their person gains the ability to rebuke or command undead as a cleric of his total character level. If the bearer already possess this ability, he doubles the amount of undead he can control at any one time. This section also includes a flesh golem manual, just like the others.

The Black Book corrupts its reader’s mind and heart. Every day the GM should make a secret Will save for the bearer— the 難易度 starts at 10 but increases by +1 for every consecutive successful save the bearer makes. Every failed save shifts the bearer’s alignment one step toward chaotic evil.

Rebinding the Gluttonous Tome:If two or more portions of the Gluttonous Tome are brought within 10 feet of each other, they surge together, tearing free from anyone holding them and bathing a 30-foot radius spread with ghoulish green light. This light causes all living creatures within it to become nauseated for 1d6 rounds(no save). The sections mesh and meld, flesh knitting with flesh and bones grinding together. If two or more individuals control a portion of the tome when they fuse together, the one with the highest total character level gains control(determined randomly if there is a tie). Two fused sections grant the bearer the effects of both parts and the following spell-like abilities at a caster level equal to the bearer’s ヒット・ダイス
At will—detect undead, gentle repose
3/day—empowered ray of enfeeblement, false life
1/day—bestow curse

If all three parts of the Gluttonous Tome are brought together, their bearer is granted the benefits noted above as well as the following:
3/day—maximized vampiric touch, create undead
1/day—create greater undead, waves of exhaustion

The Gluttonous Tome is Zutha’s phylactery, a slow-burning vessel of hate that infests any who read it. It corrupts everyone it touches, offering them great power over life and death, but at a secret price. Once the tome is fully rejoined, its bearer is slowly seduced and devoured by Zutha, the Runelord of Gluttony. The tome manifests an insidious, seductive intellect(see below), which it uses to tempt its bearer to feats of greater and greater depravity. Zutha’s soul feeds on the necromantic power embraced by the bearer. Every month, the bearer must make a 難易度 30 Fortitude save or gain a +1 inherent bonus to Intelligence(this stacks with that bonus granted by the Bone Grimoire to a maximum gain up to Intelligence 26) and permanently lose 1 point of Constitution. This reduction in Constitution cannot be restored by mortal magic as long as the Tome is retained. Despite this wasting away, the bearer becomes addicted to the necromantic power the tome grants, and must make a 難易度 40 Will save to part with the book. Once the tome slays the bearer, Zutha gains complete control of the body, which soon transforms into the runelord’s original, bloated, undead body, freeing him to wreak his evil upon Golarion once more.

The Gluttonous Tome:AL 秩序にして悪; Int 26, Wis 20, Cha 23; speech, telepathy; 120 ft. darkvision and hearing; Ego score 35.

Lesser powers:detect magic at will, major image 1/day, 10 ranks in Bluff(total modifier +16), 10 ranks in Knowledge(arcana)(total modifier +18).

Greater powers:clairvoyance 3/day, detect undead at will, fear 3/day.


The assembled tome must be used as the fuel to cook a meal for a pious king who has not eaten in over 14 days.

3.5 MaterialThe Impossible Eye

The Impossible Eye/)
出典 Pathfinder #23:The Impossible Eye 51ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・占術術者レベル 21レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

The Impossible Eye grants a number of potent powers of divination. In order to activate any of these powers, the user must look into the mirror and make a 難易度 20 Will save; failure indicates that the user becomes fascinated by his reflection until an outside force breaks his gaze. Left alone, a fascinated viewer doesn’t eat, drink, move, or sleep, and eventually dies of thirst. If the Will save is successful, the viewer can activate any of the mirror’s powers as a standard action.

3回/日:greater prying eyes, greater scrying
1回/日:contact other plane, discern location, foresight

The Impossible Eye can also be used to read any nonmagical language—any written message reflected in the mirror appears in unmirrored text written in the holder’s native tongue. The mirror can be used to safely peruse the text of the Codex of Infinite Planes in this manner.


The Impossible Eye was crafted in a secret foundry somewhere in the Plane of Fire—it may only be destroyed by returning it to this foundry and smashing it against the oven in which its glass was created.

The Jewel of Everlasting Gold

The Jewel of Everlasting Gold/)
出典 City of Golden Death 30ページ
オーラ召喚術変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 5ポンド

The jewel of everlasting gold is a fist-sized ruby mounted in a bejeweled, rune-carved scepter and held in place with platinum stems. Tar-Baphon, the Whispering Tyrant, crafted the jewel of everlasting gold to be the centerpiece of his treasure city, Xin-Grafar. He used the jewel to summon the city’s rivers of molten gold directly from the Elemental Plane of Earth and to create much of the wealth within the city. He also placed a small portion of his intelligence inside the jewel—not enough to make it an intelligent item, but just enough for the jewel to act on Tar-Baphon’s instincts. Tar-Baphon enshrined the jewel in the heart of Xin- Grafar, forever the linking it to the city. Should the jewel of everlasting gold ever be taken beyond the boundaries of the city, it simply disappears and returns to its perch at the city’s heart. Because he knew thieves would eventually gain access to the city, Tar-Baphon also created a trap using the powers of the jewel. Once the city is sealed, the jewel can sense intruders entering the city. When a trespasser is detected, Tar-Baphon’s trap is activated and the city floods with molten gold(see page 14). This is an automatic response that cannot be stopped.

The jewel also has several additional powers, all of which the bearer knows how to use the moment she touches the artifact.
Clairaudience/Clairvoyance:At will, the bearer of the jewel of everlasting gold can hear and see what transpires in any part of Xin-Grafar simply by concentrating on the jewel. This power functions similar to the clairaudience/clairvoyance spell but can be used to spy on any location within the city’s confines.
Continual Flame:At will, the bearer of the jewel of everlasting gold can cause the artifact to burst into harmless flame, as per the continual flame spell.
Touch of Gold:Once per day, the bearer of the jewel of everlasting gold can touch the artifact to a single inanimate object weighing no more than 1,000 pounds and transmute that object into pure gold. The object retains its basic shape and appearance, but it is now composed of solid gold.
Elemental Transformation:Once per week, the bearer of the jewel of everlasting gold can transform himself into a Huge fire elemental, as per the elemental body IV spell. The transformation lasts as long as the bearer likes, but she cannot leave the confines of Xin-Grafar while in elemental form. This ability allows the jewel’s bearer to survive the molten-gold floods.
Summon Wealth:Once per month, the jewel of everlasting gold can summon vast sums of wealth from the Elemental Plane of Earth, in whatever form the bearer wishes. This ability can only create mundane sources of wealth, such as art objects, coins, gems, or even rivers of molten gold—it cannot be used to create items with magical properties.
Because the jewel of everlasting gold contains a portion of Tar-Baphon’s malign will, any wealth created with its touch of gold ability or summoned with its summon wealth ability cannot be removed from Xin-Grafar except by Tar-Baphon himself. Like the jewel itself, any such treasure taken outside of Xin-Grafar disappears and reappears scattered throughout the city.

In addition, anyone touching the jewel is contacted by the fragmentary intelligence inside the gem and hears disturbing whispers in her mind, urging the character to claim the jewel and swear fealty to Tar-Baphon. From that point on, the influence of the jewel is never far from that character’s mind. How this influences a PC is largely up to the GM. Most good-aligned PCs will feel the influence as a nagging doubt, a subtle desire to return to the treasure city and take the jewel in hand again. Chaotic- or evil-aligned PCs may feel much stronger desires—sometimes overwhelming urges to return to the jewel no matter the consequences. These whispering influences can only be completely dispelled by remove curse or similar magic(requiring a 難易度 30 caster level check).


The jewel of everlasting gold crumbles to dust if thrown into Karzoug's runewell of greed.

3.5 MaterialThe Viridian Crown

The Viridian Crown/)
出典 Elves of Golarion 31ページ
オーラ防御術召喚術治癒)、占術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 頭部市価 —; 重量 3ポンド

This delicate circlet appears to be made of living blue-green vines with tiny leaves. Clearly of elven manufacture, the interlocking vines occasionally shift and grasp each other in new configurations. In the springtime the crown sprouts crystalline flowers which eventually fall off but retain their beauty(the elven monarch has a tradition of giving these flowers to favored citizens).

The oldest legends of Kyonin’s elves seem to indicate that there was a time when their ruler did not wear the Viridian Crown, but only a handful of fragmentary tales survive from that prehistory. In elven memory it has always been part of the crown jewels. The crown is a living thing that grows according to its wearer’s will. In centuries where war is the norm the crown tends to grow thorns in a helm-like configuration, while in times of peace it prunes itself to become delicate and artistic.

At will you may use detect poison, heal, light, or break enchantment as a standard action. Once per day you may use heroes’ feast and resurrection.

If you are the properly anointed ruler of the Kyonin elves, you gain a +2 enhancement bonus to Wisdom and Charisma. You may use scrying at will on any of your subjects(any elf who acknowledges your authority as the elven monarch). You and any subjects within 60 feet gain the benefits of a good hope spell at all times. Three times per day while within Kyonin you may create a guards and wards effect.

Thorncrown of Iomedae

Thorncrown of Iomedae/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 54ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術力術術者レベル 21レベル
装備部位 頭部市価 —; 重量 1ポンド

The Thorncrown of Iomedae functions as a major crown of blasting that grants the wearer a deflection bonus to her Armor Class equal to her Charisma modifier. In the hands of a paladin, the Thorncrown reveals its true powers, bursting into flames and spinning above the wearer’s head in a halo of divine power. Paladins of any faith who wear the Thorncrown have their class abilities enhanced for as long as they wear it, gaining three additional mercies(from levels they have access to but have not selected), healing the maximum amount possible every time they use lay on hands, and gaining a number of additional uses of smite evil equal to their Charisma modifier. Additionally, if a paladin wearing the Thorncrown is slain, she may choose to instantly be restored to full hit points for a number of minutes equal to her Charisma modifier. She may act as normal for this period, but at the end of this time she dies and cannot be restored by any means short of a miracle cast by a cleric of her faith.

The Thorncrown of Iomedae bestows two negative levels on any evil creature that wears it. These negative levels remain as long as the Thorncrown is held or worn—though they never result in actual level loss, they cannot be overcome in any way(including restoration spells) while the creature possesses the Thorncrown. Additionally, paladins who either break their code of conduct while wearing the Thorncrown or do not have access to their class features when they don the artifact must succeed at a 難易度 30 Will save or instantly be disintegrated. Those slain by the Thorncrown cannot be brought back to life by clerics with good or lawful components to their alignment—their spells simply fail—though clerics of other alignments can restore a paladin as normal. Even those who succeed at this save are treated as though they were evil creatures and gain negative levels. Paladins who receive atonement can wear the Thorncrown again without fear of ill effects.


If a paladin temporarily restored to life by the Thorncrown of Iomedae forsakes her deity and, of her own free will, swears herself to an evil force, the crown consumes the wearer in holy flames, destroying itself and its wearer utterly. Nothing can restore a traitorous paladin killed in this way.

Vesper's Rapier

Vesper's Rapier/)
出典 Artifacts and Legends 55ページ、Gods and Magic 63ページ
オーラ召喚術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 2ポンド

Despite its best-known name, Vesper’s Rapier is not necessarily a rapier. This weapon is a +3 keen speed sword, with the type of sword varying from wielder to wielder. Upon being taken up by a new owner, the weapon transforms into any type of sword of the wielder’s choosing, mundane or exotic. From that point on, the weapon always transforms into that type of sword whenever it is held by that individual. While bearing Vesper’s Rapier, the wielder gains a +4 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks made to influence humanoids, and can use the rapier like a compass to point in the direction of the closest collection of gems, silver, or drinkable water as a standard action at will.

The sword also grants the wielder the ability to either slip or tighten the bonds of the physical world, granting her the ability to cast dimension door, dimensional lock, or greater teleport. These powers have limits, though, as they can drain the sword’s magical abilities for the day—dimensional lock and greater teleport can be used once per day and drain the sword immediately after their use; dimension door can be used at will, but drains the sword after 3 uses, though the wielder can continue to use dimension door even if the sword is drained(this is the only effect that functions even when the sword is drained). If the sword becomes drained, it loses all of its magical properties(aside from dimension door), including its +3 enhancement bonus, skill bonuses, and the keen and speed special abilities. All of these properties are restored every day at midnight.


Vesper’s Rapier is destroyed if it is taken into a demiplane where time doesn’t pass. Although this is the end of the sword, its true owner’s existence is such that earlier incarnations of the weapon will continue to exist for ages.

Was Scepter

Was Scepter/)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 75ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・防御術変成術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 30ポンド

The Was Scepter can be wielded in combat as a +4 light mace. Upon command, it expands to a length of 6 feet and can be wielded as a double weapon that has a +4 enhancement bonus. The head deals 1d6 points of bludgeoning damage and can be used to make trip attacks, while the forked end deals 1d6 points of piercing damage. The wielder can use either end as the primary weapon, with the other becoming the off-hand weapon.

Though it is formidable in melee, the scepter’s true value lies in its ability to allow its wielder to claim dominion over specific areas, people, reality, and even time. As a move action, the wielder can plant the scepter’s forked end into the ground to activate a 120-foot aura of dominion. The aura remains active so long as the scepter remains there. The wielder can then concentrate to manipulate the aura to produce various magical effects. The wielder can produce only a single effect at a time, and each new effect requires a new action. The effects are as follows.

At will, the wielder can use a standard action to manipulate the aura to emulate the effects of either sanctuary or protection against chaos. These effects include all willing creatures within the aura of dominion. If the wielder activates the sanctuary effect(難易度 15), all allies within the aura are subject to the usual terms of the spell. If any allies break the spell’s terms, the effect immediately ends for everyone affected.
Three times per day as a standard action, the wielder can manipulate the aura to block any extradimensional travel within the aura of dominion. The area within the aura is treated as if under the effects of dimensional lock.
Once per day as a standard action, the wielder can manipulate the aura to force extraplanar creatures entering the aura of dominion to return to their home planes immediately, as if targeted by a banishment spell. Up to 40 Hit Dice of creatures can be affected by this effect, and creatures subject to this effect can resist with a successful 難易度 21 Will save.

Lastly, once per day as a standard action, the wielder can alter time within the aura of dominion. The wielder can use time stop and include a number of people in the effect equal to 1 + the user’s Charisma modifier(minimum 1). Unwilling creatures can resist this effect with a successful 難易度 23 Will save. Those affected by the time stop can interact with each other as normal, and individuals are not restricted from leaving the aura of dominion while the effect is in place.


The Was Scepter can be destroyed only by a ruler of Osirion with true royal blood.

Winter Collector

Winter Collector/)
出典 Pathfinder #72:The Witch Queen's Revenge 68ページ
オーラ 圧倒的・召喚術力術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 —; 重量 様々

Winter collectors are always located in areas of severe cold, and are typically surrounded by thick snow or ice. A winter collector siphons a portion of the ambient cold weather and condenses it into concentrated cold energy, which the collector then beams like a signal across worlds to the winter receiver in the Royal Palace in Whitethrone. This energy then radiates out to the borders of Irrisen, keeping the weather in a perpetual wintry state. In addition, a winter collector functions as a permanent gate, allowing instant travel from the collector’s location to the Royal Palace(but not in the other direction), even if the collector is located on the Material Plane.

A winter collector radiates an aura of cold out to 50 feet. This aura deals 6d6 points of cold damage each round to creatures in this area. Creatures within 10 feet of the winter collector take 12d6 points of cold damage each round. Half of this cold damage is not subject to being reduced by resistance or immunity to cold-based effects.


Each winter collector has a unique means of destruction, which is left for the GM to develop, though successfully destroying a winter collector should be a trial worthy of gaining a mythic tier.

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