
“孔雀の精霊”(Peacock Spirit)









“孔雀の精霊”禁欲的なモンクたちの一団に奉仕されており、かれらの多くは古代のシャラストShalast領にあるストルバル高原the Storval Plateauに僧院を建てた。[2] 現在まで残ったこのような少数の建物の1つが“き塔the Black Tower”であり、今ではジョーガンフィストJorgenfist(訳注部族名か?)のストーン・ジャイアントの領土の一部となっている。[3]この塔は、“セラシック修道会the Therassic Order”として知られる一団によって建てられ年を過ごした。[4]その他に知られている唯一の残っている神殿は、コダル山脈the Kodar Mountainsのどこかにある神話上の都市シン=シャラストXin-Shalastに設けられていると言われる。[5]また、“孔雀の精霊”は“騎士団the Order of the Green Feather”として知られる騎士団の後見をしていた。[1]


『セラシック修道会のエメラルド写本』(Emerald Codex of the Therassic Order)

“孔雀の精霊”に捧げられた呪文と儀式の集成であり、セラシック修道会the Therassic Orderによって記された。

お告げの羽ペン(Revalation Quill 訳注:revalationをrevelationとして解釈した)



[1] Wolfgang Baur.(2007). The History of Thassilon. Burnt Offerings, p. 78. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-035-3
[2] Wolfgang Baur.(2007). The History of Thassilon. Burnt Offerings, p. 75. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-035-3
[3] Wolfgang Baur.(2007). Fortress of the Stone Giants. Fortress of the Stone Giants, p. 25. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-039-1
[4] Wolfgang Baur.(2007). Fortress of the Stone Giants. Fortress of the Stone Giants, p. 27. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-039-1
[5] Greg A. Vaughan.(2008). Spires of Xin-Shalast. Spires of Xin-Shalast, p. 30. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-041-4

Peacock Spirit

Portfolio Mind, body, soul
Worshipers Mages, scholars, aesthetics

The mysterious god known only as the Peacock Spirit had much to do with the rise of the empire of Thassilon. A god/godess of indeterminate gender, it was worshiped by scholars and researchers of rune magic. Its symbols adorned the thrones of the early emperors.[1]

◎Church of the Peacock Spirit
The Peacock Spirit was served by an ascetic order of monks, many of whom built monasteries on the Storval Plateau in the ancient domain of Shalast.[2] One of the few of such structures to have survived to the present is the Black Tower, now part of the stone giant enclave of Jorgenfist.[3] It was built and run by a group known as the Therassic Order.[4] The only other known surviving temples are said to be located in the mythical city of Xin-Shalast, somewhere in the Kodar Mountains[5]. The Peacock Spirit also sponsored an order of knights known as the Order of the Green Feather.[1]

○Holy Texts & Artifacts
◇Emerald Codex of the Therassic Order
A collection of spells and rituals devoted to the Peacock Spirit, penned by the Therassic Order.
◇Revalation Quill
Created by worshipers of the god/goddess from a peacock feather, this quill is said to still be tied to the power of the Peacock Spirit. When properly used it can answer questions posed to it, leading some to believe that the thassilonian deity might not be completely dead.

[1] Wolfgang Baur.(2007). The History of Thassilon. Burnt Offerings, p. 78. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-035-3
[2] Wolfgang Baur.(2007). The History of Thassilon. Burnt Offerings, p. 75. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-035-3
[3] Wolfgang Baur.(2007). Fortress of the Stone Giants. Fortress of the Stone Giants, p. 25. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-039-1
[4] Wolfgang Baur.(2007). Fortress of the Stone Giants. Fortress of the Stone Giants, p. 27. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-039-1
[5] Greg A. Vaughan.(2008). Spires of Xin-Shalast. Spires of Xin-Shalast, p. 30. Paizo Publishing, LLC. ISBN 978-1-60125-041-4

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