
指輪 Rings


Ring of Inurement /慣れの指輪
出典 Ire of the Storm 51ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 1レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 1,000GP; 重量



コスト 500GP


Ring of the Faithful Dead /忠実な者の指輪
出典 Inner Sea Temples 42ページ
オーラ 微弱・力術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 1,000GP; 重量



コスト 500GP


Riverclub Ring /河棍指輪
出典 People of the River 29ページ
オーラ 微弱・召喚術術者レベル 1レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 1,000GP; 重量



コスト 500GP
《魔法の指輪作成》アイシクル・ダガー(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 224ページ)


Ring of Serene Contortions穏やかな歪みの指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 259ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 1,200GP; 重量



コスト 600GP

3.5 Materialリング・オヴ・トラグ

Ring of Toragトラグ指輪
出典 Hollow's Last Hope 16ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 1,200GP; 重量



コスト 600GP、48 経験点

Dark Life Ring

Dark Life Ring /)
出典 Champions of Corruption 30ページ
オーラ 微弱・死霊術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 1,250GP; 重量

Mortal blacksmiths residing in the Gebbite city of Graydirge created the first dark life rings. Too often had these living unfortunates suffered collateral damage from the negative energy effects used daily in the streets of the undead-ruled city, so they forged these rings in hopes of mitigating at least some of the harm their unliving rulers carelessly inflicted upon them. Before the Blood Lords at Mechitar could punish the insolent smiths of Graydirge, the dark life rings and their imitators made their way into the wider world.

A dark life ring grants its wearer a +2 profane bonus on Will saving throws against channeled negative energy and inflict spells(any spell with “inflict” in its name). In addition, anytime the wearer takes damage from channeled negative energy or an inflict spell, she subtracts 5 from the damage taken(calculated after the wearer has rolled her Will save against the effect), to a minimum of 0 points of damage.


コスト 625GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、death ward


Deadeye's Spotter Ring /落とし屋の観的指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 258ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 1,500GP; 重量



コスト 750GP


Ring of Starlight明かりの指輪
出典 Merchant's Manifest 12ページ
オーラ 微弱・力術術者レベル 1レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 1,600GP; 重量



コスト 800GP

3.5 Materialリング・オヴ・サブライム

Ring of the Sublime /荘厳の指輪
出典 Taldor, Echoes of Glory 27ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 1レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 2,000GP; 重量



コスト 1,000GP、80 経験点

3.5 Materialリング・オヴ・イマンシペイション

Ring of Emancipation解放指輪
出典 Second Darkness Player's Guide 25ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術、中程度・力術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 2,100GP; 重量


リング・オヴ・イマンシペイションを着用している間、すべてのOpen Lock〈脱出術〉判定と、武器破壊のための全ての攻撃ロールに+2のボーナスを得るまた、このリングには3チャージがあり、いつでもこれを消費して、着用者のキャラクター・レベルに等しい術者レベル擬似呪文能力として、シャターを発動することができる。チャージが消費されるたびに、リングはよりびつき、傷つく。3つのチャージが消費されると、リングは破壊される。


コスト 1,050GP、84 経験点


Droskar's Guiding Ringドロスカーの指導の指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 258ページ、Gods and Magic 56ページ
オーラ 微弱・心術変成術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 2,600GP; 重量



コスト 1,300GP


Knight-Inheritor's Ring /継承せし騎士指輪
出典 Pathfinder #103:The Hellfire Compact 73ページ、Inner Sea Gods 258ページ
オーラ 微弱・心術変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 3,000GP; 重量



コスト 1,500GP


Profane Seal Signet /不浄なる封印の印)
出典 Merchant's Manifest 19ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術心術総合術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 3,000GP; 重量



コスト 1,500GP


Ring of Austere Majesty威厳指輪
出典 Merchant's Manifest 19ページ
オーラ 微弱・心術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 3,000GP; 重量



コスト 1,500GP


Tyrant's Friend暴君の友人)
出典 Pathfinder Society Field Guide 54ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 3,000GP; 重量



コスト 1,500GP


Ring of Stairs and Stars /階と指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 259ページ
オーラ 微弱・力術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 3,820GP; 重量

この紺色のリングの外側には、階段状のパターンが巻かれている。 リング・オヴ・フェザー・フォーリングに加えて、リング・オヴ・ステアーズ・アンド・スターズは1日1回ミサイルが流れ星の形状をしているマジック・ミサイルを使用することができる。標準アクションとして、着用者は消える前に1分間の間着用者のマス内を飛び回る幻術の蝶を作成することができる。


コスト 1,910GP


Ring of Seven Lovely Colors /素敵な七色のリング)
出典 Inner Sea Gods 259ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術幻術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 4,000GP; 重量



コスト 2,000GP

Saltspray Ring

Saltspray Ring /)
出典 Pathfinder #121:The Lost Outpost 54ページ
オーラ 微弱・召喚術変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 4,500GP; 重量

This mithral ring is engraved with a pattern of rolling waves that encircles the entire band. The saltspray ring is immune to rust, both from natural oxidation and rust caused by magical effects.

Upon command, the ring causes a thick vapor to continuously surround its owner as per obscuring mist, except the mist has a 10-foot radius from the wearer and the area of effect moves with the wearer. This mist is exceedingly wet and extinguishes all nonmagical fires within its area. Magical fires and creatures with the fire subtype are not dispelled or adversely affected by the mist, though such creatures find being in the fog to be an uncomfortable experience. The mist does not permit aquatic creatures without the amphibious special quality to breathe out of water, but creatures that must remain wet or suffer a negative effect or condition have that requirement satisfied by the ring’s effect. This effect can be dismissed as a standard action. The ring has no effect whatsoever underwater.


コスト 2,250GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、obscuring mist、quench


Saltspray Ring猟犬の指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 259ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 4,700GP; 重量



コスト 2,350GP


Gluttonous Feasting Ring /大食漢の指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 258ページ
オーラ 微弱・死霊術変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 4,000GP; 重量

この指輪は、人間の平らな部分から彫られ、宴会で骸のイメージが縁に沿って刻まれている。着用者が食べたり飲んだりする食べ物は、ピュアリファイ・フード・アンド・ドリンクであるかのように自動的に浄化される。贅沢な食事通常は少なくとも10 gpの価値があるもの)を食べた後、1日1回、着用者はフォールス・ライフの利益を得る。


コスト 2,500GP

Glorious Flame Ring

Glorious Flame Ring /)
出典 Inner Sea Gods 258ページ
オーラ 微弱・力術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 5,500GP; 重量

This richly colored, burnished brass ring appears to be crimson red, sunset orange, or golden yellow depending on how it is held. Clerics of Sarenrae prize glorious flame rings as facets through which they may channel their deity’s divine will. Once per day, the wearer may speak the ring’s command word to create a 5-foot-radius burst of flame centered on herself. This burst of flame deals 1d6 points of damage to any adjacent creatures(Reflex 難易度 14 halves), though the wearer is safe from this effect.

If the wearer is capable of channeling positive energy, she may as a standard action expend one use of channeled energy to activate the ring’s burst of flame, even if she has already spoken the ring’s command word for the day. If the wearer also has the Selective Channeling feat, she may select a number of allies equal to her Charisma modifier to exclude from the burst of flame; these allies are not affected by the flame. This effect is otherwise identical to creating the ring’s burst of flame by speaking the command word.


コスト 2,700GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、Selective Channeling、 elemental aura(fire)、creator must be able to channel positive energy


Ring of Resistance抵抗指輪
出典 Pathfinder #123:The Flooded Cathedral 44ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 1,500gp(+1)、6,000gp(+2)、13,500gp(+3)、24,000gp(+4)、37,500gp(+5); 重量



コスト 750gp(+1)、3,000gp(+2)、6,750gp(+3)、12,000gp(+4)、17,750gp(+5)


Ring of Far Strike遠隔打撃の指輪
出典 Ranged Tactics Toolbox 29ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 8レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 6,000GP; 重量



コスト 3,000GP

リング・オヴ・ サンダリング・メタルズ

Ring of Far Strike金属破壊指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 259ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 6,000GP; 重量

この鉄の指輪頂部は金床のような形をしている。リング・オヴ・フェロウシャス・アクションUE通常に加えて、着用者は、リング・オヴ・ サンダリング・メタルズから1チャージを費やすと、用いている1つの冷たい鉄または製の金属製近接武器魔法注入することができる。1分間の間、注入された武器は、ダメージ減少冷たい鉄またはダメージ減少のいずれかを迂回できる。


コスト 3,000GP


Ring of Unquenchable Passions /消せない情熱の指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 259ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 6,500GP; 重量



コスト 3,250GP

3.5 MaterialRing of the Stone Sibling

Ring of the Stone Sibling /)
出典 Second Darkness Player's Guide 29ページ
オーラ 中程度・召喚術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 7,400GP; 重量

This gray ring looks like stone, but the material is soft and flexible. Once per day, as a standard action, you can touch a stone wall with your hand to create a stone duplicate of yourself.

Immediately upon activating the ring of the stone sibling, your double steps out of the wall. It appears to be a stone statue carved in an exact likeness of you. The stone double stands 10 feet away from you and mimics your movements, as if reflected in a mirror. As a move-equivalent action, you can mentally command the stone sibling to move to a new location, but it must remain within 30 feet of you at all times.

The stone sibling has hardness 8 and 50 hit points. It can take no actions other than to aid you, which it does every round on your turn. The stone sibling makes a +5 aid another check each round, either to aid your attack rolls or your Armor Class, as you command. It continues to render the same aid indefinitely until you command it otherwise(which requires a move action).

The stone sibling lasts for 10 minutes, until it is destroyed, or until you dismiss it(a standard action), whichever comes first.


コスト 3,700GP、296 経験点
《魔法の指輪作成》、mirror image、stone shape

Ring of Culturemeld

Ring of Culturemeld /)
出典 Bastards of Golarion 5ページ
オーラ 中程度・心術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 7,800GP; 重量

This ornately carved ironwood ring is sometimes gifted to half-elves leaving their elven communities so as to ease transition into human culture. A ring of culturemeld slightly alters the wearer’s words to be more appropriate to the listener’s culture and expectations, granting the wearer a +5 competence bonus on language-based Diplomacy checks.

If worn by a half-elf, a ring of culturemeld grants the wearer the ability to speak and understand an additional language dependent on the local area. If the wearer spends 1 day in a settlement the size of a village or larger, the ring becomes attuned to any dominant language spoken there other than Common(such as Hallit, Skald, or Vudrani). After the ring is attuned, the wearer gains that language as a bonus language(if she didn’t already know it), though she can only speak and understand it. After 4 more days of attunement, the wearer gains the ability to read the language as well, though not the ability to write that language, and gains a +5 competence bonus on opposed Sense Motive checks against speakers of the attuned language. These benefits expire once the wearer has been out of contact with people who speak the attuned language for longer than 1 day or when the ring becomes attuned to a new language.


コスト 3,900GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、comprehend languages

Ring of the Godless

Ring of the Godless /)
出典 People of the Sands 29ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術占術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 8,000gp(+1)、17,000gp(+2)、27,000gp(+3)、38,000gp(+4)、50,000gp)+5); 重量

These rings are said to have first been forged in Rahadoum by the Council of Elders to help root out the hidden faithful and other practitioners of the divine. A ring of the godless grants a luck bonus on saving throws against divine spells. This bonus does not apply to spell-like or supernatural abilities unless they are class abilities of a divine spellcasting class, such as channel energy or domain powers, or unless they are used by a creature that has been called, created, or summoned by divine magic. The wearer’s spell resistance(if any) increases by an amount equal to the ring’s luck bonus, though this increase applies only against divine spells(and spell-like abilities as described above).

A ring of the godless also allows the wearer to use detect magic at will, though it detects only divine magic. In addition, the wearer can use a specialized form of arcane sight a number of times per day equal to the ring’s luck bonus. This ability can be activated as a swift action, its effect lasts until the end of the wearer’s turn, and it detects only divine magic or divine spellcasting ability.


コスト 4,000gp(+1)、8,500gp(+2)、13,500gp(+3)、19,000gp(+4)、25,000gp(+5)
《魔法の指輪作成》、arcane sight, detect magic, spell resistance, creator cannot be a divine spellcaster, creator must be of a level at least three times higher than the bonus of the ring

Maintenance Overseer's Ring

Maintenance Overseer's Ring /)
出典 Heroes of the Streets 15ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 4レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 8,000GP; 重量

This tarnished signet is marked as belonging to a specific city no smaller than a large town, though it functions in any settlement of at least that size. After spending 5 days in a settlement with the maintenance overseer’s ring equipped, its wearer learns a great deal about the schematics of any sewers, tunnels, basements, and passages beneath the settlement. This knowledge is not necessarily absolute, but allows the wearer to act as though trained in Knowledge(dungeoneering) when answering questions about the settlement’s underground with a +5 bonus on all such checks.

A maintenance overseer’s ring also grants the wearer an automatic Perception check to notice secret doors within 10 feet in any area beneath street level of a city to which the ring is attuned. A wearer who already receives a Perception check to perceive a secret door(such as a dwarf using stonecunning) rolls her Perception check twice and takes the better result.


コスト 4,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、create treasure mapAPG

Ring of the Beast

Ring of the Beast /)
出典 Pathfinder Society Field Guide 53ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 8,000GP; 重量

Three types of rings of the beast exist; all three appear as yellowed bone carved in the shapes of wild beasts devouring their own tails. The type of beast depicted on each ring depends on the ring’s nature, but could be a wolf(ring of the relentless beast), a rhinoceros(ring of the savage beast), or a tiger(ring of the swift beast). Once per day, a ring of the beast can be activated as a standard action to unleash the primal spirit hidden inside even the most peaceful creatures. When the ring is activated, the wearer gains a bonus to a single physical attribute and a penalty to a single mental attribute for 10 minutes, as determined by the type of ring. A ring of the relentless beast grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution and a –2 penalty to Charisma. A ring of the savage beast grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and a –2 penalty to Intelligence. A ring of the swift beast grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Dexterity and a –2 penalty to Wisdom. As long as the effects of this ring are active, the wearer also gains a +2 enhancement bonus to his natural armor bonus.


コスト 4,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、barkskin and either bear’s endurance(ring of the relentless beast), bull’s strength(ring of the savage beast), or cat’s grace(ring of the swift beast)


Band of Toxic Nullification無効化のバンド)
出典 Potions and Poisons 30ページ
オーラ 中程度・死霊術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 8,500GP; 重量



コスト 4,250GP

Contract Rings

Contract Rings /)
出典 Cohorts and Companions 29ページ
オーラ 中程度・心術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 8,500GP; 重量

Contract rings are crafted in pairs(the price is for both rings), establishing a connection between the wearers. Each wearer must wear their ring for 24 hours before they begin to work. Contract rings grant a +10 competence bonus on Sense Motive checks made against the other wearer, and creatures wearing linked contract rings can understand each other’s language.

Once per day, Contract rings can seal a contract. The two wearers join hands and willingly state what each is agreeing to. Once both agree, each wearer accepts a lesser geas(no save) to fulfill the terms of the contract. This function does not occur if either character is under a mind-affecting effect or threat that forces her agreement. This compulsion lasts 7 days, starting immediately. While the lesser geas remains in effect, neither wearer can remove her ring, and neither ring can establish another lesser geas. If either ring is destroyed, the effects of any active lesser geas remain for both creatures, but the surviving ring becomes nonfunctional once the lesser geas expires until the missing ring is repaired or replaced. If one wearer’s lesser geas is broken, the other wearer’s is removed.


コスト 4,250GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、detect thoughts, lesser geas, share languageAPG

Ring of Protected Life

Ring of Protected Life /)
出典 Undead Slayer's Handbook 29ページ
オーラ 中程度・召喚術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 9,000GP; 重量 1ポンド

This silver ring features arboreal motifs, and is set with a small but brilliant sapphire. If the wearer has the channel energy class feature, the radius of his channeled energy increases by 5 feet. Additionally, when the wearer channels energy, he may choose to exempt one creature from the effects of his channeling. If the wearer has the Selective Channeling feat, the ring of protected life increases the number of creatures he may normally exempt by one. Finally, once per day the wearer may channel energy as a swift action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; doing so renders the ring of protected life inert for 24 hours, during which time it does not confer any benefits.


コスト 4,500GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、Selective Channeling、作成者はエネルギー放出クラス特徴を持っていなければならない


Rings of Friend-Finding /友達探しの指輪
出典 Cohorts and Companions 29ページ
オーラ 中程度・心術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 9,000GP; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 4,500GP


Band of Efficacious Death効果的なのバンド)
出典 Cohorts and Companions 29ページ
オーラ 微弱・死霊術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 9,250GP; 重量



コスト 4,625GP

Splendorous Ring

Splendorous Ring /)
出典 Chronicle of the Righteous 53ページ
オーラ 微弱・幻術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 9,900GP; 重量

A splendorous ring is composed of six white and yellow gemstones faceted in a platinum band. Three times per day, the wearer of a splendorous ring can twist the ring to cloak himself in an aura of glory. He appears both radiant and terrible, glowing with the might of the heavens. Anyone within 10 feet of the ring when it is activated must succeed at a 難易度 13 Will save or be fascinated by the wearer’s form as if affected by hypnotic pattern. 2d4+3 Hit Dice worth of creatures are affected in this way.

The fascinating effect of the ring lasts for 3 rounds. During that time and for 5 rounds after, the ring’s wearer gains a +2 sacred bonus on any Charisma checks or Charisma-based skill checks to influence any good-aligned creatures affected by the ring’s hypnotic pattern effect, and a –2 penalty on any Charisma checks or Charisma-based skill checks to influence any evilaligned creatures affected by the hypnotic pattern effect.


コスト 4,950GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、eagle's splendor, hypnotic pattern, creator must be good-aligned

Ring of Seven Virtues

Ring of Seven Virtues /)
出典 Pathfinder #39:The City of Seven Spears 56ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 10,000GP; 重量

This bronze band is covered in geometric shapes and studded with tiny pearls. The wearer of the ring gains a constant endure elements effect and a +5 competence bonus on Survival checks made in jungles. In Saventh-Yhi, the wearer also enjoys the active benefits of one of that city’s seven spears for as long as she is in that spear’s district. The wearer loses the benefits of a particular spear if she leaves that spear’s district, but gains new active benefits if she enters a new spear’s district. The ring’s wearer can only gain the benefits of a single spear at any one time.


コスト 5,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、Self-Sufficient、endure elements

Ring of the Iron Skull

Ring of the Iron Skull /)
出典 Pathfinder #57:Tempest Rising 59ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 10,800GP; 重量

Crudely cut amethysts and a single engraved skull decorate the band of this thick iron ring. The ring grants its wearer a +5 competence bonus on Appraise checks to determine the most valuable item in a treasure hoard and a +5 competence bonus on Heal checks to ascertain details of a dead creature’s demise. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can touch the ring to a corpse or piece of a corpse to learn the dead creature’s name, gender, race, and profession or role, as well as the manner of the creature’s death. The wearer also becomes aware of the location of other pieces of the corpse if they’re within 1,200 feet. If the body part comes from a creature that’s still alive or undead, the wearer gains no information. The ring of the iron skull must be worn for 24 hours before it starts to function for the wearer.


コスト 5,400GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、blood biography(Advanced Player’s Guide 206), locate object

Holdout Ring

Holdout Ring /)
出典 Inner Sea Combat 59ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 11,000GP; 重量

Made of aged bronze and steel, this ring looks like it should have a gem set in it, but instead has an empty circular hole. The hole in the ring holds a single firearm bullet; if one is placed inside(as a full-round action), it merges seamlessly into the ring. While a bullet is merged into the ring, the wielder can fire the bullet as though she were using a +1 pistolUE that can’t misfire. Once the bullet has been fired from the ring, a new bullet can’t be placed inside for 24 hours.

Each holdout ring is created with two +1 ammunition special abilities and one +2 ammunition special ability. If the wearer has the grit class feature, she can expend grit(maximum 4 grit points) to imbue bullets merged with the gun with one or more of these abilities. Imbuing a bullet with a +1 special ability costs 1 grit point; imbuing one with a +2 special ability costs 2 grit points. Each ring’s special abilities are established upon the item’s creation and can’t be changed. If a special ability has multiple versions, as does bane, the specific version must be set at that time(e.g., dragon bane). A typical holdout ring has the flaming, seeking, and shocking burstUE special abilities.


コスト 5,500GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、magic weapon, telekinesis, creator must meet the requirements for the ammunition special abilities that can be imbued by the ring

Ring of Blood Calling

Ring of Blood Calling /)
出典 Pathfinder #106:For Queen and Empire 18ページ
オーラ 中程度・召喚術術者レベル 11レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 12,000GP; 重量

This iron ring is set with a polished bloodstone. When created, a ring of blood calling creates a link between a single mortal creature devoted to Asmodeus and a specific devil with no more than 12 Hit Dice who willingly agrees to be bound by the item. Once per day as a standard action, the ring’s wearer can place a drop of his own blood on the ring’s gem(provoking attacks of opportunity) to immediately call the devil linked to the ring to any space within 30 feet. While the wearer does not control the devil, most wearers make agreements with the devil linked to the ring for protection or some other service when called. The called devil remains for 1 hour, or the wearer can dismiss the devil as a free action.

If the devil linked to the ring is killed, the ring crumbles to dust. If wearer linked to the ring is killed, a new wearer can summon the linked devil, but can compel the devil to perform only one service, as per planar binding, which severs the devil’s link to the ring when the task is completed unless the new wearer makes his own deal with the devil, reestablishing the link between the wearer, the devil, and the ring.

Nicolo Alazario’s ring of blood calling is linked to a bone devil named Xanthut. If Nicolo is killed, the PCs will need to make their own arrangements with Xanthut to link themselves to the ring to call the devil.


コスト 6,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、planar binding


Ring of Immolation /犠牲の指輪
出典 Curse of the Crimson Throne(PFRPG) 435ページ、Pathfinder #11:Skeletons of Scarwall 42ページ
オーラ 中程度・力術]; 術者レベル 10レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 12,000GP; 重量



コスト 6,000GP


Ghost Battling Ringとの戦闘指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 258ページ
オーラ 微弱・幻術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 13,000GP; 重量



コスト 6,500GP


Duxotar's Signet /ドッタリの印)
出典 Pathfinder #108:Hell Comes to Westcrown 38ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術幻術術者レベル 6レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 14,500GP; 重量

この華麗なリング・オヴ・プロテクション+2には、ルビーとジェットで描かれたのあるエイローデンの眼が刻まれている。ドクソターズ・シグネットの着用者は、大規模グループに響を与える威厳のある雰囲気を醸し出す。着用者は群衆を移動困難な地形として扱わず、群衆を指揮したり響を与えるための〈交渉〉または〈威圧〉のチェックに+5の量ーナスを得る(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 436~437ページ)。また、着用者は回数無制限にマジック・マウスを発動することができるが、メッセージのトリガーは「エイローデンの眼をつけたクリーチャーを見たとき」でなければならない(これは制服を着たドッタリにのためのマジック・マウスのトリガーである)。


コスト 7,750GP

Ophidian Coil

Ophidian Coil /)
出典 Down the Blighted Path 62ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 15,000GP; 重量

This small wooden ring resembles a serpent with tiny gemstone eyes coiling around the wearer’s finger. If worn for 24 hours, it causes its wearer to manifest many serpentine traits. The wearer’s skin develops a faint, diamond-shaped pattern, and the pupils of her eyes elongate. The wearer grows a pair of fangs, gaining a bite attack as a primary natural attack that deals 1d4 points of piercing damage for a Medium wearer or 1d3 points of damage for a Small wearer.

Three times per day as a free action, the wearer of the ring may cause her fangs to drip with venom, making her bite attack poisonous for 1 round. The save 難易度 of this poison is equal to 10 + 1/2 the wearer’s Hit Dice + the wearer’s Constitution modifier, but otherwise acts as black adder venom. If the wearer rolls a natural 1 on an attack with her poisonous bite, she is exposed to the poison.

Once per day as a standard action, the wearer may command her tongue to lengthen and become forked for 1 minute, gaining the scent special ability. While this ability is active, the wearer has a 20% chance of failure when casting any spell with a verbal component, as the tongue makes it difficult to speak.

The ring makes its wearer more sensitive to cold. She takes a –2 penalty to saves against spells with the cold descriptor and the effects of cold weather. Additionally, if the wearer is successfully affected by a spell with the cold descriptor, she is slowed for 1 round.


コスト 7,500GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、beast shape I, poison


Ring of Adept Maneuvers /熟達した戦技指輪
出典 Inner Sea Combat 62ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 15,000GP; 重量





コスト 7,500GP

Scavenger's Ring

Scavenger's Ring /)
出典 Magical Marketplace 9ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 15,000GP; 重量

This polished iron band allows the wearer to walk along the ocean floor as easily as on dry land. The wearer of a scavenger’s ring sinks to the bottom of any large body of water at a rate of 30 feet per round. Once on the body of water’s floor, the wearer can move and act as though she were on land, allowing her to jump, roll, attack, and run as normal, although she cannot swim(nor can she control her ascent or descent underwater) as long as she wears the ring. As soon as the wearer removes the ring, she may swim as normal and is subject to all the normal penalties associated with underwater action. A scavenger’s ring does not confer the ability to breathe while underwater.


コスト 7,500GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、freedom of movement


Ring of Perfect Sizing /完璧なサイズ調整指輪
出典 Giant Hunter's Handbook 33ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 16,000GP; 重量



コスト 8,000GP

Sigil of Kraggodan

Sigil of Kraggodan /)
出典 Pathfinder #118:Siege of Stone 41ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 10レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 16,000GP; 重量

This adamantine band is capped with a stone sigil of the first clan to settle the Sky Citadel of Kraggodan. This ring is keyed to interact with several devices and traps within the vaults—storehouses of ancient history and family wealth—of the Sky Citadel. The ring grants its wearer acid resistance 10. Three times per day as a swift action, the wearer can make himself undetectable by crafted and magical traps and creatures of the construct type for the following minute. This functions like greater invisibility within these limits and also prevents the character’s weight or presence from triggering traps.


コスト 8,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、resist energy、sanctuary

Ring of Stony Flesh

Ring of Stony Flesh /)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 63ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 11レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 18,000GP; 重量

A ring of stony flesh gives the wearer’s skin the appearance of flexible stone. Once per day, the wearer can expend a charge as a standard action to gain the benefits of stoneskin. While under this effect, the wearer gains the earth glide ability, allowing her to move through unworked stone or earth as easily as a fish swims through water. The wearer cannot move through stone composed of multiple blocks—such as the walls of a tomb or castle—with this ability, only through solid masses of stone. In addition, a ring of stony flesh automatically nullifies any petrification effect that targets the wearer by expending 2 charges, provided the ring has at least 2 charges remaining. The ring’s protection effect activates before the wearer attempts a saving throw against the petrification attempt. A ring of stony flesh has 10 charges when created.


コスト 9,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、stone to flesh, stoneskin

3.5 MaterialRing of the Clean Hands

Ring of the Clean Hands /)
出典 Magic of Thassilon(Web Enhancement) 4ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 18,000GP; 重量

This delicate ring of forged bronze is formed into the shape of two hands, which do not quite touch as they meet at the top of the wearer’s finger. A ring of the clean hands grants use of telekinesis as a standard action and has 10 charges. These charges return at the start of the next day.

The ring’s charges can be expended to create the following effects:

Combat maneuver:This effect costs 3 charges for each round it is active, but otherwise functions as described by the spell telekinesis. The force created by this effect has a +9 base attack bonus, and is considered to have Strength 20 and Dexterity 20.

Force lash:This effect costs 3 charges, striking out as if with an invisible whip. One target within 60 feet must make a 難易度 17 Will save or be struck for 4d6 points of nonlethal damage. This attack does not affect targets with a +3 or higher natural armor bonus, or a +1 or higher armor bonus.

Sustained force:This effect costs 1 charge for each round it is active, but otherwise functions as described by the spell telekinesis, making it capable of lifting 225 lbs.

Violent thrust:This effect costs 5 charges, but otherwise functions as described by the spell telekinesis, allowing you to throw up to 9 creatures or objects up to 90 feet, with a total weight of 225 lbs. The attack roll has a +9 modifier. The Will save is 難易度 17.


コスト 9,000GP、720 経験点


Nethysian Ring of Minor Spell Storingネサスの初級呪文貯蔵の指輪
出典 Inner Sea Gods 259ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術変成術混沌秩序]; 術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 20,000GP; 重量



コスト 10,000GP

Ring of Phrenic Prowess

Ring of Phrenic Prowess /)
出典 Psychic Anthology 8ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術占術術者レベル 11レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 20,000GP; 重量

This ring is made of rough iron and is set with four amethysts. It allows a wearer with a phrenic pool to store up to 4 points from her phrenic pool in the ring as a swift action. These points remain in the ring until used. A wearer can spend points stored in the ring as if they were in her phrenic pool, in addition to the following uses. As a free action, the wearer can expend 1 point stored in the ring to gain a +2 bonus on concentration checks for 1 round.

As a standard action, the wearer can expend 1 point stored in the ring to attempt to flood a target with raw psychic power. The wearer makes a melee touch attack charged with psychic energy. If the touch attack hits, it deals 3d6 points of nonlethal damage and the target is stunned for 1 round. If the attack misses, the charge dissipates.

As an immediate action, the wearer can expend up to 4 points stored in the ring to gain the benefit of spell turning for 1 round. The number of spell levels she can turn is equal to the number of points expended.


コスト 10,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、spell turning, telepathic bond

Ring of Plagues

Ring of Plagues /)
出典 Champions of Corruption 31ページ
オーラ 中程度・死霊術術者レベル 11レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 20,000GP; 重量

This silver ring is set with a black opal. Once per day, when the wearer is reduced to half or fewer of her maximum hit point total, whoever dealt the activating blow to the wearer is immediately subjected to a major curseUM with unlimited range. A successful 難易度 19 Will saving throw is needed to negate the spell. Rather than one of the listed curse effects, the curse imposes a –4 penalty on the victim’s saving throws and causes the victim to contract a disease chosen by the wearer from the contagion list without a save. The cursed disease has no onset time, but the attacker is allowed the normal saving throw to avoid its effects. It can be cured only by successfully casting both remove curse and remove disease within 1 minute of each other. Those exposed to the cursed attacker thereafter must save against the mundane version of the disease or become infected(though they are not cursed).

Once per day, if the wearer is killed or reduced to negative hit points, a plague of curses is unleashed. The attacker and the attacker’s five nearest allies or immediate blood relatives become the targets of the curse described above. If the wearer is restored to at least 1 hit point, these curses end, allowing surviving victims to recover naturally.


コスト 10,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、contagion, major curseUM, spiteAPG

Ring of Terrible Cost

Ring of Terrible Cost /)
出典 Cheliax, Empire of Devils 21ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 20,000GP; 重量

These rings once displayed the smiling face of King Gaspodar, and were forged in limited quantities to celebrate the end of his reign. After Aroden’s death, the rings were cast aside or lost. Recently, several resurfaced, but changed by unknown means— Gaspodar’s face now bears a sorrowful expression, and flames loom behind him.

As a standard action, you may charge the ring with a +1 profane bonus by sacrificing 2 of your hit points. These hit points remain lost and cannot be healed by any means until the ring’s power is expended. You may do this multiple times, up to a maximum of a +5 profane bonus stored in the ring.

As an immediate action, you can add the stored profane bonus to any single attack roll, damage roll, skill check, or saving throw, which expends the charged energy from the ring. You must declare this use after rolling the die but before you learn the result of the roll. You must expend all the ring’s power at once. Once the charge is expended, you can heal your lost hit points normally. Expending this charge does not ruin the ring, and you may charge it again by sacrificing more hit points.

The charge in the ring can come from multiple donors, but none of the donors can regain their sacrificed hit points until the ring’s charge is spent or the ring is destroyed. For this reason, owners of a ring of terrible cost guard the item carefully.


コスト 10,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、aid, resistance, vampiric touch


Ring of Mysticism神秘指輪
出典 Psychic Anthology 8ページ
オーラ 中程度・系統なし; 術者レベル 11レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 20,000gp(タイプI)、40,000gp(タイプII)、70,000gp(タイプIII)、100,000gp(タイプIV); 重量



コスト 110,000gp(タイプI、20,000gp(タイプII)、35,000gp(タイプIII)、50,000gp(タイプIV)

Witness Hunter's Ring

Witness Hunter's Ring /)
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 56ページ
オーラ 中程度・占術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 25,200GP; 重量

This ring’s deep red stone hides the image of an eye within an eye or the symbol of a secret society, since many secret societies create these rings to protect their most important agents and leaders. By concentrating on the ring as a move action, the wearer learns whether he is being observed and whether it is by one or by more than one creature. Once per day, the wearer can use locate creature on command to target creatures that are currently observing him. In addition, the wearer can cast detect scrying once per day on command.


コスト 12,600GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、detect scrying, locate creature

3.5 MaterialThe Bloodflame Ring

The Bloodflame Ring /)
出典 Clash of the Kingslayers 29ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 26,000GP; 重量

This beautiful adamantine ring is warm to the touch. Artful pictures etched inside it tell the tale of its creation; the imagery claims that this ring was one of the first items crafted by employing heat to coerce metal into shape. When worn, it transforms your blood into pure molten iron, which does not harm you, and provides certain benefits:you gain the fire subtype. Any creature striking you with its body or a handheld weapon deals normal damage, but at the same time the attacker takes 1d6 points of fire damage. Creatures that drain blood(such as stirges and vampires) take the standard fire damage for attacking you and you do not suffer any effects of their blood drain special ability. you count as a ferrous creature for the purpose of rusting grasp and similar effects.


コスト 13,000 GP、1,040 経験点
《魔法の指輪作成》、fire shield, iron body

Elemental Ring

Elemental Ring /)
出典 Cohorts and Companions 11ページ
オーラ召喚術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 30,000GP; 重量 1ポンド

This ornate ring has a thick iron band covered in sigils of calling, and is set with a large glowing gemstone that appears to be an elemental gem. The ring serves as a gateway for a specific elder elemental(25% chance each for air, earth, fire, or water) that performs a narrow range of services when called.

When activated with a command word, the elemental is called(as by greater planar ally) and demands to know what service it is to perform. It can only be commanded to protect a specific creature or object, attack a specific creature, damage a specific object, or answer questions about its home plane. The wearer of the ring is able to communicate with the elder elemental as if they shared a common language. The elder elemental serves for no more than 24 hours, after which it returns to its home plane and the ring become a valueless hunk of lead.


コスト 15,000 GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、planar ally, planar binding

レインフェアーズ・バンド Band

Planefarer's Band次元界行のバンド)
出典 Planes of Power 9ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 10レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 30,000GP; 重量


風の元素界/Plane of Air:着用者は20フィート(平均)の飛行移動速度を得、主観的重力の次元会の特性の範囲重力の方向を変更するための【判断力】判定に+4の洞察ボーナスを得る。

地の元素界/Plane of Earth:着用者は60フィートの距離暗視を得、スパイダー・クライム効果下であるかのように、岩、金属その他の土の表面を歩くことができる。

火の元素界/Plane of Fire:着用者は[]に対する抵抗20を得、溶岩、泡立つタール、およびその他危険なほど高温の表面の上を、ウォーター・ウォーク効果下であるかのように歩くことができる。

水の元素界/Plane of Water:着用者は水中で呼吸することができ、40フィートの水泳移動速度を得る。


コスト 15,000 GP

Ring of Resumption

Ring of Resumption /)
出典 Healer's Handbook 30ページ
オーラ 中程度・召喚術術者レベル 11レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 30,800GP; 重量

This adamantine ring contains a moving, notched golden circle that whirs with healing energy when activated. Once per day when the wearer takes hit point damage by any means, she can activate the ring as an immediate action. This immediately allows a living wearer to regain 5 hit points per round and recover from an equal amount of nonlethal damage. The wearer regenerates a total number of hit points equal only to the damage taken when the ring was activated, and only a single attack(or another single instance) can activate the ring. If the wearer sustains damage from multiple sources simultaneously, she must pick which source activates the ring. When either all of this damage is healed or the wearer’s hit points reach her hit point maximum(whichever comes first), the hit point regeneration ceases.

In addition, the wearer is immune to bleed damage while the ring’s regeneration is active. If the wearer lost a limb, an organ, or any other body part as a result of the effect she used to activate the ring, the ring regenerates it as per regenerate. As with the spell, if the severed members are not present and touching the creature, this regenerate effect takes 2d10 rounds(this may cause the regenerate effect affecting a lost limb or organ to last longer than the hit point regeneration).


コスト 15,400 GP

Ring of Refusal

Ring of Refusal /)
出典 Inner Sea Monster Codex 29ページ
オーラ召喚術変成術術者レベル 13レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 32,500GP; 重量

Powerful gillmen who suspect they harbor unwitting allegiance to hidden masters use rings of refusal to resist such bonds. The wearer of a ring of refusal gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against enchantment spells and effects. When the wearer is targeted by break enchantment or a similar effect that ends an enchantment, the caster gains a +2 bonus on caster level checks to resolve the effect.

The wearer can also activate the ring once per day as an immediate action to gain spell resistance 25 against a single enchantment spell or effect.


コスト 16,250 GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、break enchantment, spell resistance

Sihedron Ring

Sihedron Ring /)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 426ページ、Pathfinder #6:Spires of Xin-Shalast 37ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術幻術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 35,000GP; 重量

This otherwise plain ring is adorned with a tiny Sihedron rune. These rings were given to agents and allies of the runelords as badges of office and tokens of appreciation for their work—sometimes, they were given as bribes to those a runelord was attempting to win to his cause. Like the more common Sihedron medallion, runelords have special links to Sihedron rings that aid in scrying and observation of the world around the wearer of the ring.

A Sihedron ring grants a +3 deflection bonus to アーマー・クラス, a +3 resistance bonus on all saving throws, and protects the wearer with a constant endure elements effect. At will, as a standard action, the wearer can use the Sihedron ring to change the appearance of his clothing or armor into any other kind of clothing or armor. The actual clothing and armor worn retain all their properties(including weight) when glamered. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of the adornments.


コスト 17,500 GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、endure elements、resistance、shield

Ring of Fear Reflection

Ring of Fear Reflection /)
出典 Dragonslayer's Handbook 31ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術死霊術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 48,000GP; 重量

This simple silver ring has a fear rune etched into its hammered apex. The ring provides a morale bonus versus fear effects. This bonus starts at +0 and can advance no higher than +5.

Every time the wearer succeeds at a Will save versus a fear affect, the ring’s bonus increases by +1. Should the wearer fail a Will save versus fear, the ring’s bonus immediately falls to +0.

If the bonus is +5 and the wearer is affected by a fear effect and succeeds at her Will save, the ring automatically reflects the fear effect back to its source. If the source is a creature not immune to fear, it must succeed at a Will save at the 難易度 made by the ring’s wearer or be affected by the fear effect. Only the source of an area fear effect is targeted by such a reflected spell.


コスト 24,000 GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、fear、remove fear、resistance

Band of Triumph

Band of Triumph /)
出典 Pathfinder #131:The Reaper's Right Hand 35ページ
オーラ心術力術術者レベル 13レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 50,000GP; 重量

This white-gold ring bears the relief image of a roaring lion. Once per day on command, the wearer can point the ring and mentally designate one or more creatures or objects in a 60-foot cone as enemies, after which the ring roars triumphantly. Selected targets in the area are affected by shout(Fortitude 難易度 20). All other objects in the area are unharmed, and all other creatures in the area receive the benefits of the inspire courage bardic performance as performed by a 7th-level bard for 3 rounds. When activating the ring, the wearer can expend 1 round of her bardic performance ability to use her own bard level to calculate the performance’s effect.

In addition, the ring grants the wearer a +4 enhancement bonus to Charisma; treat this as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the ring is worn.


コスト 25,000 GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、eagle’s splendor, good hope, shout


Survivor's Ring /生存者の指輪
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 56ページ
オーラ幻術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 56,160GP; 重量



コスト 25,080 GP

Ring of the Recalled Soul

Ring of the Recalled Soul /)
出典 Pathfinder #132:The Six-Legend Soul 28ページ
オーラ 中程度・幻術術者レベル 18レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 150,000GP; 重量

The ring of the recalled soul allows the wearer to open a door into a nearby mindscape they are aware of as if using the spell mindscape door, but the targeted creature cannot resist this effect with a Will save. If the ring’s wearer connects to the mindscape, he can designate up to 10 other creatures to be able to see and pass through the door as though it were a normal doorway. The ring grants no ability to detect mindscapes, so the wearer must already be aware of its existence via interactions, hearsay, or the detect mindscape spell.

Once the ring’s wearer has connected to the mindscape, he can open the door to that particular mindscape from anywhere on the same plane, so long as the mindscape still exists. Physical distance poses no barrier to the mindscape. Each time the ring’s wearer opens the door to a mindscape he has previously visited, he can alter the designated creatures allowed to pass through the door as if he were opening the door for the first time.

The ring’s wearer cannot prevent creatures within the mindscape from exiting to the real world so long as the door is open. The ring’s wearer can close the door to the mindscape at any time as long as he is not within the mindscape.


コスト 75,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、mindscape door

Ring of Splendid Security

Ring of Splendid Security /)
出典 Curse of the Crimson Throne(PFRPG) 435ページ、Pathfinder #12:Crown of Fangs 60ページ
オーラ防御術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 指輪市価 180,000GP; 重量

This extravagant ring is heavy with precious jewels. As fashions change(or as the wearer’s fancy shifts), the wearer can alter the appearance of her armor, clothing, and even weaponry at will as a standard action; this change is illusory and doesn’t affect the actual abilities of gear or weapons(although drastic changes in size are beyond the scope of this ability). A ring of splendid security’s primary purpose, though, is to grant the wearer protection from harm. As long as it is worn, the ring grants the wearer a +5 deflection bonus to her アーマー・クラス, a +5 resistance bonus on saving throws, and spell resistance 22.


コスト 90,000GP
《魔法の指輪作成》、minor image, resistance, shield or shield of faith

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