
3.5 Materialラッキング・ロッド

Wracking Rod/)
出典 Entombed with the Pharaohs 26ページ
市価 2,250GP; オーラ 中程度・死霊術術者レベル 9; 重量

This black poker has a cherry-red tip, as though fresh from a searing fire. The more artful interrogators ofCheliax well understand that their subjects soon learn to welcome unconsciousness and even death as a means to escape torture. To frustrate their victim's respite, a torturer's wracking rod delivers a painful jolt that keeps the target alert for an extended session of interrogation. On a successful touch attack, the victim receives the benefit of a cure light wounds spell(ld8+1) but must also make a 難易度 16 Fortitude save or be sickened for 2d4 rounds. Over the decades, desperate members of Cheliax's underclass have found that these rods double as black market sources of emergency healing. A wracking rod can be used up to 5 times per day.


コスト 1,125GP、90 経験点


Rod of the Thriceborn/)
出典 Legacy of the First World 25ページ
市価 さまざま; オーラ 中程度・占術術者レベル 5; 重量 5ポンド
レッサーロッド・オヴ・スライスボーン 2,500GP; ロッド・オヴ・スライスボーン 6,500GP; グレーターロッド・オヴ・スライスボーン 19,500GP

The wielder of this elongated triangular prism can cast up to three spells per day for which the spell’s targets must roll three times for their saving throws and take the middle of the three results, as per threefold sight. A lesser rod of the thriceborn can affect spells up to 3rd level, a rod of the thriceborn can affect spells up to 6th level, and a greater rod of the thriceborn can affect spells up to 9th level. A rod of the thriceborn can’t be used in conjunction with metamagic rods or the Persistent Spell feat.


コスト さまざま
レッサーロッド・オヴ・スライスボーン 1,250GP; ロッド・オヴ・スライスボーン 3,250GP; グレーターロッド・オヴ・スライスボーン 9,750GP
《ロッド作成》、threefold sight


Rod of Giant Summoning/)
出典 Monster Summoner's Handbook 20ページ
市価 さまざま; オーラ召喚術術者レベル 17; 重量 5ポンド
レッサーロッド・オヴ・ジャイアント・サモニング 3,000GP; ロッド・オヴ・ジャイアント・サモニング 11,000GP; グレーターロッド・オヴ・ジャイアント・サモニング 24,500GP



コスト さまざま
レッサーロッド・オヴ・ジャイアント・サモニング 1,500GP; ロッド・オヴ・ジャイアント・サモニング 5,500GP; グレーターロッド・オヴ・ジャイアント・サモニング 12,250GP


Chastising Baton/)
出典 Heroes of the High Court 30ページ
市価 5,000GP; オーラ 中程度・死霊術術者レベル 7; 重量 3ポンド
This short metal rod is etched with the outlines of various weapons and is usually owned by strong-armed rulers who keep a tight rein on their nation’s military. A chastising baton adds 1 to the saving throw 難易度 of any compulsion spell cast by the wielder and adds the painUM descriptor to the spell. Creatures that succeed at a Will save against a compulsion spell cast by the wielder are racked with pain, taking 1d6 points of nonlethal damage and becoming sickened for 1 round.


コスト 2,500GP


Utilitarian Rod/)
出典 Faction Guide 60ページ
市価 5,000GP; オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 8; 重量 5ポンド

Created by the Arcanamirium, this plain wooden rod is capped with steel, with 10 buttons along its length; it looks rugged and is usually scratched and stained. Pushing any of the buttons is an action equivalent to drawing a weapon. Unless otherwise stated, pressing a button a second time reverts the rod to its basic form. The following functions have no limit on the number of times they can be employed.

Brace/jack:The end caps flatten into 2-foot-diameter discs and the wooden haft extends up to 10 feet, creating a brace for a tunnel ceiling or lifting a heavy object 10 feet into the air.

Bridge:The rod flattens and extends to 1 foot wide, 1 inch thick, and 12 feet long. This form can support 4,000 pounds.

Climbing pole/ladder:A spike that can anchor in stone extrudes from one end, while the other sprouts three sharp hooks. The rod lengthens to anywhere between 5 and 50 feet in a single round. Horizontal bars 3 inches long fold out from the sides, 1 foot apart, in staggered progression. The rod is firmly held by the spike and hooks and can bear up to 4,000 pounds.

Crowbar:This functions like a normal crowbar.

Drill:One metal cap extends to a drill-like point and begins to spin, easily drilling a 3-inch-diameter hole through 3 feet of wood or 1 foot of stone per minute.

Mallet:Though not intended as a weapon, a character can attack with the rod in this form as if it were a Medium warhammer with a –2 penalty.

Portable ram:This functions like a normal portable ram, except up to three people are needed to help the wielder.

Saw:This works like a normal two-person saw.

Shovel:Pressing this button makes the rod cycle between a short-handled shovel, a long-handled shovel, and its basic form.

Wedge:One metal cap extends to form a flat chisel shape, such as for cutting wood or breaking stone(normally a hammer or mallet is used with it for this task).


コスト 2,500GP
《ロッド作成》、fabricate、polymorph any object


Recondite Rod/)
出典 Psychic Anthology 8ページ
市価 さまざま; オーラ系統なし); 術者レベル 17; 重量 5ポンド
レッサーレコンダイト・ロッド 5,000GP; レコンダイト・ロッド 18,000GP; グレーターレコンダイト・ロッド 40,500GP

This odd, 2-foot-long rod appears to be made out of solidified ectoplasm shot through with energy that pulses brightly at regular intervals, almost like a heartbeat. Three times per day, this rod allows its wielder to cast a psychic spell that could be undercast(such as ego whip or mind thrust) at 1 level higher, even if the wielder doesn’t know the higher-level spell or can’t cast spells of that level. The spell uses the same spell slot and save 難易度 as that of the lower-level spell, but creates the effects of the higher-level spell. For example, the wielder could use this rod to cast mind thrust I, with the effect of mind thrust II. This rod can’t be used to cast the highest-level spell of a particular group. The wielder must the able to cast the lower-level spell to use this rod. Using this rod is part of the action of casting the modified spell. A lesser recondite rod can be used with spells of 3rd level or lower. A recondite rod can be used with spells of 6th level or lower. A greater recondite rod can be used with spells of 8th level or lower.


コスト さまざま
レッサーロッド・オヴ・ジャイアント・サモニング 2,500GP; ロッド・オヴ・ジャイアント・サモニング 9,000GP; グレーターロッド・オヴ・ジャイアント・サモニング 20,250GP
《ロッド作成》、Empower Spell、the creator must know at least one spell that can be undercast


Backbiter's Focus/)
出典 The Harrow Handbook 30ページ
市価 7,800GP; オーラ 中程度・力術術者レベル 7; 重量 1ポンド

This small darkwood rod is adorned with a carving of a figure whose own weapon is curled backward as if to strike the figure. Three times per day, the user can speak the rod’s command word to curse a single manufactured weapon within 30 feet. If the weapon is magical, it can attempt a 難易度 16 Will save to avoid the curse. Whenever the cursed weapon damages a creature, it deals half as much damage to its wielder as well; only the weapon’s base damage and the wielder’s Strength bonus are factored into this damage—bonus damage from a magic weapon’s special abilities, from its wielder’s class features and feats, or from other effects are not factored into the damage dealt to the wielder. This is a curse effect that lasts for 7 rounds.


コスト 4,900GP
《ロッド作成》、bestow curse


Rod of Mortared Walls/)
出典 Pathfinder #95:Anvil of Fire 25ページ
市価 8,000GP; オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 10; 重量 5ポンド

This carved stone rod is capped with a flat metal trowel blade. The rod can be used three times per day, in any combination of the following abilities.
The blade end can produce enough mortar each day to hold together a brick or stone wall 10 feet long, 10 feet high, and 1 foot thick, which takes approximately 8 hours of work(the rod does not create the other building materials, such as bricks or stones). The mortar fully cures after 8 hours. The blade produces mortar as needed as part of normal use(instead of all at once).
If a command word is spoken and the butt end is pointed at a piece of rock or stone weighing up to 1,000 pounds(approximately a 24-inch cube), the wielder can move that stone vertically as if using levitate, and can move the levitating stone horizontally 5 feet as a move action. Each such use of the rod lasts up to 10 minutes, and the wielder can divide this duration among multiple stones(but can move only one stone at a time).
If a second command word is spoken, the wielder can draw a line on the ground with the trowel blade, and over the course of the next 10 rounds, the line grows a wall of stone at a rate of 1 foot per round. The wall is masonry instead of natural stone. The wall grows to a maximum of 10 feet high and 10 feet long. It merges with existing masonry, or creates a smooth seam against natural stone or a wooden frame(such as a doorway). This ability functions only if the floor is stone(whether natural or worked).


コスト 4,000GP


Crypt Rod地下墓地ロッド
出典 Pathfinder #139:The Dead Road 64ページ
市価 8,500GP; オーラ 中程度・占術術者レベル 9; 重量 5ポンド



コスト 4,250GP


Inviolate Marker/)
出典 People of the Sands 29ページ
市価 10,000GP; オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 10; 重量 5ポンド

This unusual type of immovable rod has a button near each end, and it can be activated only by two separate creatures, each one pressing a button while speaking a different command word. Once set in place, it can only be moved by the same method. A creature using a Strength check to move the inviolate marker risks being affected by a bestow curse effect(–6 Str; Will 難易度 16 negates and grants the creature immunity to the curse effect for 24 hours).

An inviolate marker projects an illusory banner or crest from each side, each chosen by the creature that activated it, and is used to demarcate territorial boundaries. If an inviolate marker would be buried by a change in the landscape or environment, the marker teleports to the surface of the newly formed terrain in order to maintain its position relative to the new terrain.


コスト 5,000GP
《ロッド作成》、bestow curse, levitate, silent image

3.5 Materialロッド・オヴ・ライジング

Rod of Writhing/)
出典 Entombed with the Pharaohs 26ページ
市価 10,000GP; オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9; 重量

This curved, snake-headed scepter is cool and moist to the touch. When you hold the rod aloft and speak the command word, tiny blue-tinged vipers pour out of your eyes, ears, and mouth until you collapse and vanish into a writhing mass of intertwined snakes. Treat this effect as the polymorph spell, but use the stats for a centipede swarm, MM 238, except that the swarm is considered to have a hive mind. The disturbing transformation can be performed once per day and lasts up to 10 minutes or until you discontinue it(as a free action).


コスト 5,000GP、400 経験点
《ロッド作成》、polymorph, summon swarm


Rod of Spellsight呪文視のロッド
出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 14ページ
市価 12,000GP; オーラ占術術者レベル 13; 重量 6ポンド



コスト 6,000GP


Rod of Animal Training動物訓練のロッド
出典 Animal Archive 27ページ
市価 12,300GP; オーラ 中程度・心術術者レベル 9; 重量 5ポンド

この青銅製のセプターのは轟くライオンが前方に跳ねるような形をしている。〈動物使い〉技能にランクがないクリーチャーが所持している場合、このロッドを使用すると使用者はその技能の仕様に習熟しているかのように【知力】が1あるいは2の動物に芸を教えることができる。ロッド・オヴ・アニマル・トレーニングの使用者が〈動物使い〉のランクを持っているかに関係なく、動物に芸を教えるため、あるいは一般的な的のために動物を訓練するための〈動物使い〉判定に+5のボーナスを得、使用者は1日3回擬似呪文能力としてチャーム・アニマル難易度 11)を使用できる。


コスト 6,150GP


Rod of Subtle Menace/捉えがたい脅威のロッド
出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 18ページ
市価 12,305GP; オーラ 微弱・心術変成術術者レベル 5; 重量 5ポンド



コスト 6,152GP


Rod of the Uraeus/)
出典 Pathfinder #81:Shifting Sands 59ページ、Osirion, Land of the Pharaohs 25ページ
市価 14,400GP; オーラ 中程度・死霊術術者レベル 8; 重量 4ポンド

This rod is fashioned in the form of a uraeus(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Osirion, Legacy of Pharaohs 63), the legendary two-headed winged cobra that is the symbol of the Ancient Osirian deity Wadjet, patron of Osirion and the goddess of good serpents, the River Sphinx, and wisdom. The priesthood of Wadjet is credited with creating the first rods of the uraeus, but others have since replicated the feat.

A rod of the uraeus can be wielded as a +1 light mace. When holding the rod, the wielder gains a +2 resistance bonus on Reflex saves and a +5 competence bonus on Sense Motive checks. The wielder can fire a 30-foot line of stinging poison from the rod up to twice per day(once for each head of the uraeus). A creature in the area of effect can avoid the poison with a successful 難易度 13 Reflex save. On a failed save, a creature is blinded and paralyzed for 8 rounds. Each round on its turn, an affected creature may attempt a 難易度 13 Fortitude save to end the blindness and paralysis effects. A rod of the uraeus functions only if its possessor is lawful.


コスト 7,200GP
《魔法の武器防具作成》《ロッド作成》、poison, resistance, creator must have 5 ranks in Sense Motive


Rod of Gripping Smoke/)
出典 Pathfinder #87:The Choking Tower 61ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 11レベル
装備部位 周り 市価 15,000GP; 重量 6ポンド

One half of this rod is made of gray, semisolid fog, while the other half glows from within as if filled with flickering embers. A rod of gripping smoke acts as a +1 ghost touch light mace. Three times per day, as the wielder casts a spell that creates fog or smoke, it can make the effect particularly cloying, causing the area of the spell to count as difficult terrain. This ability can’t modify fog or smoke spells that already specifically impede movement(like solid fog).

Additionally, three times per day as a move action, the wielder of a rod of gripping smoke can point the rod at any single target within an area of fog, mist, smoke, or similar vapor within 60 feet(including the area of foglike spells such as cloudkill or incendiary cloud) and cause the vapor to tighten around that target. The wielder attempts a disarm, grapple, or steal combat maneuver at a +16 bonus against the target’s 戦技防御値. This combat maneuver doesn’t provoke an attack of opportunity. If the check to disarm succeeds, the disarmed weapon falls in a random square adjacent to the target. If the check to grapple succeeds, the target gains the grappled condition for 1 round. While grappled in this way, the victim can’t move without first breaking the grapple(戦技防御値 26). If the check to steal succeeds, the stolen item lands in a random square adjacent to the target; unless the target succeeds at a 難易度 20 Perception check at the time the item is stolen, it doesn’t realize the item is missing until it either leaves the affected area or attempts to use or retrieve the item.


コスト 7,500GP


Scepter of Divine Providence信仰の摂理の笏)
出典 Pathfinder #94:Ice Tomb of the Giant Queen 38ページ
市価 18,000GP; オーラ系統なし; 術者レベル 17; 重量 5ポンド



コスト 8,812GP


Rod of Tangling Ectoplasm/)
出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 20ページ
市価 18,000GP; オーラ 微弱・力術術者レベル 5; 重量 5ポンド

This lengthy rod looks like a walking cane with a stylized crystal skull at its top. As a standard action up to three times per day, the wielder can slam the base of the rod into the ground while designating a target within 60 feet. Grasping hands of ectoplasm manifest from the ground surrounding the target in a 5-foot radius. Creatures within the radius must succeed at a 難易度 14 Reflex save or they are entangled by the grasping hands and unable to move more than 10 feet from the affected area(as if snared by a net with a trailing rope). Creatures moving through the ectoplasm must also succeed at a Reflex save or be entangled. As a standard action, a creature entangled by the ectoplasm can attempt an additional 難易度 14 Reflex save to attempt to escape and end the effect. The summoned ectoplasm lasts for 10 rounds before disappearing.


コスト 9,000GP


Waterblight Scepter荒廃の笏)
出典 Merchant's Manifest 9ページ
市価 18,312GP; オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9; 重量 8ポンド




コスト 13,312GP


Rod of Minor Curses/)
出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 20ページ
市価 20,000GP; オーラ 微弱・死霊術術者レベル 5; 重量 4ポンド

This rod functions as a +1 light mace and resembles the distorted femur of some monstrous creature. Up to three times per day when the wielder damages a creature with the rod, as a free action, the wielder can force the target to attempt a 難易度 14 Will save. On a failure, the creature suffers a minor curse. The wielder selects which of the following curses affects the target:–2 penalty to Strength(target’s Strength cannot be reduced below 1); –1 penalty on attack rolls, saves, ability checks, and skill checks; or target has a 20% chance to begin each round with the staggered condition. On a successful critical hit, the wielder can inflict two distinct curses if the target fails its save. Otherwise, a target can be subject to only one curse at a time.

Curses inflicted from the rod of minor curses last for 5 minutes. They can also be removed with any spell that can remove the effects of bestow curse.


コスト 10,000GP
《魔法の武器防具作成》《ロッド作成》、bestow curse


Rod of the Devoured Dawn/)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 63ページ
市価 20,000GP; オーラ 中程度・幻術変成術術者レベル 10; 重量 10ポンド

The head of this rod is carved to resemble the visage of the Ancient Osirian deity Apep, Devourer of the Dawn, god of chaos, darkness, destruction, and snakes. A rod of the devoured dawn can be wielded as a +1 heavy mace. When holding the rod, the wielder gains darkvision with a range of 30 feet. Once per day, the rod can create a shadowy hypnotic pattern that also functions as dispel magic and targets any spells with the light descriptor in the area of effect.

When the wielder confirms a critical hit with a rod of the devoured dawn on a Medium or smaller foe, the head of the rod animates and grants an automatic grapple check against the creature struck(this does not provoke an attack of opportunity). If the grapple check is successful, the rod’s jaw unhinges and expands momentarily to swallow the creature, gulping it into a flesh-walled extradimensional space. The swallowed target gains the grappled condition and takes 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage per round on its turn. The creature can cut its way out(アーマー・クラス 14, ヒット・ポイント 24) or wriggle out with a successful 難易度 25 Escape Artist check as a full-round action—either method of escape causes the victim to be disgorged from the rod into an adjacent space. The rod automatically disgorges a swallowed victim if the swallowed creature dies or if the rod is destroyed. Only one creature can be swallowed at a time. A rod of the devoured dawn only functions if its wielder is chaotic.


コスト 10,000GP
《魔法の武器防具作成》《ロッド作成》、darkvision、dispel magic、hypnotic pattern、secret chest

3.5 Materialロッド・オヴ・ザ・リヴァー・サーペント

Rod of the River Serpent/)
出典 Osirion, Land of the Pharaohs 25ページ
オーラ 中程度・幻術変成術術者レベル 10レベル
装備部位 頭部 市価 20,000GP; 重量 10ポンド

This heavy rod is carved to look like the fanged head of the river serpent Apep, the primordial snake-being who was the deceiver, devourer, and destroyer of the sun, light, and life. You can use the rod as a +1 heavy mace. If you are chaotic, you can activate the other abilities of the rod.

You gain darkvision at a range of 30 feet when you hold the rod. Once per day, you can use the rod to create an eerie pattern of shadows that acts as a hypnotic pattern(Will 難易度 13 negates); this pattern also acts as a dispel magic to any spells with the light descriptor within its area of effect.

When you confirm a critical hit with the rod, it automatically attempts a grapple(+5 bonus) against the target as a free action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity. If the grapple check succeeds, the snake head on the rod unhinges its jaw to swallow the target whole into a flesh-walled extradimensional space. The swallowed target suffers 1d8 points of bludgeoning damage per round on its turn and is considered grappled. It can escape with a 難易度 20 Escape Artist check or by damaging the fleshy walls of the extradimensional prison(アーマー・クラス 12, 24 hit points); either means of escape causes the rod’s mouth to expand and disgorge the trapped creature into a random adjacent square(as does the death of a swallowed creature). The prison can hold 1 Medium, 2 Small, 8 Tiny, or 32 Diminutive or smaller opponents.


コスト 10,000 GP、788 経験点
《魔法の武器防具作成》《ロッド作成》、darkvision、dispel magic、hypnotic pattern、secret chest

3.5 Materialロッド・オヴ・マルリオン

Rod of Malrion/)
出典 Magic of Thassilon(Web Enhancement) 5ページ
市価 22,400GP; オーラ 中程度・力術術者レベル 7; 重量

This 14-inch rod of simple white oak is sheathed with a 3-inch sleeve of rune-carved steel in the middle. The ends are seared, as if the wood had endured a forest fire. Once per day, the wielder of a rod of Malrion can surround a target with four walls of fire, forming a square around the target. The caster determines whether the walls spring up within 10 or 20 feet of the target and whether the heat affects creatures within or outside the barrier of flames. If the walls are raised within 10 feet of the target with the heat spreading inward, the target takes 8d4 points of fire damage by standing at the centermost space; if they are created within 20 feet, the target takes no damage if he does not move from the centermost space. The size of the target does not affect how far away from a creature the walls appear. Passing through any of the walls deals 2d6+7 points of fire damage(double damage to undead).

The rod creates as many of the four walls of fire as it can, though barriers and cramped quarters might prevent the walls from appearing at their full size. The flames created by the rod last for 1 minute.


コスト 11,200 GP、896 経験点

3.5 Materialファミン・ロッド

Famine Rod/飢饉のロッド
出典 Magic of Thassilon(Web Enhancement) 1ページ
市価 24,000GP; オーラ 中程度・死霊術術者レベル 6; 重量 3ポンド




コスト 12,000 GP、960 経験点


Rod of Perilous Pits/)
出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 14ページ
市価 25,000GP; オーラ 微弱・心術術者レベル 5; 重量 4ポンド

This rod roughly resembles a torch with a small brass cage at the end. The wielder can cast any spell of 3rd level or lower into the rod. The rod can contain one spell at a time; casting a new spell into it replaces the older one. As long as a spell is contained within the rod, the brass cage glows as brightly as a candle. The wielder of a rod of perilous pits can use the rod when casting a pit spell(create pitAPG, hungry pitAPG, and similar spells with “pit” in their names). Doing so changes that spell’s casting time to a full-round action(or adds 1 round, if the casting time is already at least 1 full round). After successfully casting the pit spell, the rod’s wielder can choose to manifest the contained spell inside the summoned pit. The contained spell manifests at the bottom of the pit, but does so after creatures have attempted their initial saves to avoid falling in. This allows the caster to center spells with a duration of instantaneous(such as fireball) or spells with longer durations(such as stinking cloud) within the pit.


コスト 12,500GP
《ロッド作成》、create pitAPG、creator must be a caster of at least 12th level


Rod of the Alicorn/有ユニコーンロッド
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 55ページ
市価 25,000GP; オーラ召喚術術者レベル 9; 重量 5ポンド



コスト 12,500GP


Rod of Vicious Ghostsロッド
出典 Planar Adventures 51ページ
市価 26,000GP; オーラ力術術者レベル 13; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 13,000GP


Fossilizing Rod/化石化ロッド
出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 10ページ
市価 26,400GP; オーラ 中程度・力術死霊術術者レベル 11; 重量 4ポンド



コスト 13,200GP


Pyroclastic Spike/)
出典 Down the Blighted Path 62ページ
市価 28,000GP; オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 7; 重量 5ポンド

This 3-foot-long, magically reinforced obsidian rod is capped with a globe of volcanic glass at one end, and a gleaming spike at the other. Veins of molten earth glow faintly beneath the rod’s surface, flowing from a swirling fiery mass at the orb’s core.

Once per day, the spiked end can be driven into sand, mud, or loose earth as a move action, into dense soil or loose gravel as a standard action, or into stone or metal as a full-round action. Once anchored, the earth in a path that is 5 feet wide and 30 feet long cracks and erupts with superheated gases in the direction of the wielder’s choosing, originating in a square adjacent to the pyroclastic spike. Creatures standing in the path take 2d6 points of fire damage(Reflex 難易度 16 half) from the flaming jets of sulfuric gases as the ground beneath them begins to liquefy.

One round after anchoring the rod, liquid fire begins to pour from the pyroclastic spike along the affected area, creating a molten river 2 feet deep. The pyroclastic flow deals 10d6 points of fire damage to any barriers it encounters until it is able to flow freely forward to the full range of effect. Creatures in the area of effect automatically take 2d6 points of fire damage each round; those falling prone or held under the liquid fire take 10d6 points of fire damage each round. The molten river persists until the pyroclastic spike is removed from the ground as a full-round action, at which point the affected area immediately cools. Any creature in the molten terrain becomes entangled when the rock cools, but may escape with a successful 難易度 16 Reflex save.


コスト 14,000GP


Rod of Hindered Healing治癒妨害のロッド
出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 14ページ
市価 30,000GP; オーラ 中程度・死霊術術者レベル 7; 重量 4ポンド

このい鋼のは、原始の人間の指のの円形のパターンで覆われている。ロッドは生きているクリーチャーが保持している間、負のエネルギーの中程度のオーラを発し、使用者から半径60フィート以内の魔法治癒響を及ぼす。この範囲内のクリーチャーは、魔法回復を受けるかときに難易度 16の意志セーヴィング・スローに成功するか、回復量が通常の半分にならなければならない。


コスト 15,000GP


Booming Scepter/轟きの笏)
出典 Heroes of the High Court 30ページ
市価 34,000GP; オーラ 中程度・力術術者レベル 7; 重量 4ポンド

この宝をちりばめた笏は、非常に低い鼻歌を発し、使用者の声を増幅する。ブーミング・セプター+1 サンダリングライト・メイスとして機能〈威圧〉に+5のボーナスを与え、呪文として1日1回シャウトを使用する能を与える。ブーミング・セプターを両で持つと、周囲の騒音や障害物に関係なく1マイル以内の全てのクリーチャーが使用者の声を十分聴くことができるが、サイレンス呪文範囲に侵入することはできない。


コスト 17,000GP


Rod of Delumination/)
出典 Blood of Shadows 26ページ
市価 35,000GP; オーラ力術術者レベル 17; 重量 5ポンド

This silvery rod is spoon-sized and utterly featureless. A creature holding a rod of delumination can extinguish any ability, item, or spell effect that is acting as a light source simply by pointing one end of the rod at the light and uttering a command word. Sources of magical light receive a 難易度 15 Will saving throw to negate this effect and have a Will save bonus equal to half their caster level; if the original caster of the effect is still within the spell’s range, the spell can use its caster’s Will save bonus instead. If a light source succeeds at its saving throw against a rod of delumination, the same rod cannot affect it again for 24 hours. No other properties of an affected creature, item, or spell are altered other than its ability to shed light; a torch continues to burn, a lantern continues to consume oil, and so on.

The bearer can, if she chooses, utter a second command word to reignite any light source the rod has previously extinguished, provided that the light source’s normal duration hasn’t expired.


コスト 17,500GP
《ロッド作成》、Snuffing Spell


Ivory Baton/象のバトン)
出典 Lost Kingdoms 42ページ
市価 40,000GP; オーラ 中程度・心術術者レベル 18; 重量 6ポンド



コスト 21,000GP


Coldwarp Keyコールドワープの鍵)
出典 Magical Marketplace 29ページ
市価 45,700GP; オーラ 中程度・召喚術変成術術者レベル 9; 重量 5ポンド

このフランジのついたの鉄のは見たよりもはるかに重く、使用者にマスター・コールドワーパーの技能の一部を与えます。 使用者は、金属を含む〈製作〉判定にで+5のボーナスを得る。



コスト 22,850GP


Fool's Scepter/)
出典 Down the Blighted Path 61ページ
市価 50,000GP; オーラ占術心術術者レベル 12; 重量 3ポンド

This wooden marotte is topped with a jester’s head whose comical face takes on the likeness of the wielder. As a free action, the wielder of a fool’s scepter can speak through the jester’s head and imitate voices and sounds with a volume up to that of a dragon’s roar. The wielder can also cause the jester’s face to transform into the comic likeness of any creature she can visualize. Using a fool’s scepter in this manner grants a +5 circumstance bonus to Perform(comedy) checks.

Once per day as a standard action, the wielder can cause the jester head to take on the likeness of an individual creature within 60 feet and then harangue that creature with magically honed mockery. If the creature possesses an Intelligence of 3 or higher, they are dazed with humiliation for 2d6 rounds and shaken for 10 minutes. This is a mind-affecting, language-dependent compulsion effect, and is negated by a successful 難易度 15 Will saving throw.

Once per week as a standard action, the wielder can query the jester’s head for information regarding an individual creature. The head transforms into the likeness of that creature and recites a number of jocular stories over the next 2d6 × 10 minutes, providing information as per the legend lore spell. If the subject of the wielder’s query is present and within 60 feet, the head also provides information regarding the subject’s thoughts, desires, personality, and motivations as if using detect thoughts, though the subject may negate this divination with a successful 難易度 15 Will save. In this circumstance, the head always answers in a voice that is loud enough to be audible to the subject of the query.


コスト 25,000GP


Forked Rod/)
出典 Planar Adventures 51ページ
市価 50,000GP; オーラ占術術者レベル 9; 重量 3ポンド

This bifurcated mithral rod resembles an oversized tuning fork. The forked rod acts as a focus for plane shift, but the plane to which it is attuned to can be adjusted as a standard action—a forked rod can be attuned to any plane that a common tuning fork(see plane shift) can be attuned to. Once per day, a forked rod can be used to cast plane shift to the plane it is currently attuned to. Three times per day as a standard action, the user can attack a creature or object with a forked rod as if it were a +1 light mace. On a hit, the forked rod deals no damage, but affects the target with dimensional anchor for 9 minutes. As long as a target is affected in this way, the forked rod is inert and cannot be used to cast plane shift, as a focus for plane shift, or to affect another target with dimensional anchor.


コスト 25,000GP


Gravitic Force Rod/)
出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 13ページ
市価 60,000GP; オーラ変成術術者レベル 15; 重量 4ポンド

This heavy leaden rod is carved with a series of glyphs that resemble Terran writing. It has a single activation stud at its base. A creature can activate the rod by pressing the stud or by placing the rod on the ground. Once activated, the rod creates a field of intensified gravity within a 100-foot radius. Creatures within the area weigh twice as much as normal, can move only at half speed, can jump only half as far as normal, and can lift and carry only half as much as normal. Any flying target has its maneuverability worsened by two steps(from good to poor, for example; minimum clumsy) and plummets to the ground unless it succeeds at a 難易度 25 Fly check.


コスト 30,000GP


Rod of Well-Deserved Rest/)
出典 Pathfinder #39:The City of Seven Spears 56ページ
市価 62,000GP; オーラ心術力術術者レベル 12; 重量 5ポンド

This rod is made of polished gold, and features three blownglass onion domes at one end. It functions as a +1 light mace. Up to three times per day, with a successful hit in combat, the wearer may attempt to put the target of the attack asleep(難易度 14 Will save negates). This functions as sleep, but there is no limit to the number of Hit Dice that may be affected.

In addition, the wielder may create an opaque sphere of force to protect himself from the elements once per day, as a tiny hut spell with a 5-foot radius. If the wielder goes to sleep with the rod in his possession, 8 hours of sleep provides healing equivalent to a full day of bed rest. Upon waking, the wielder enjoys the benefits of a good hope spell for 1 hour.


コスト 31,000GP
《ロッド作成》、deep slumber、good hope、restful sleep(Advanced Player's Guide 239)、tiny hut


Rod of Razorsカミソリのロッド
出典 Pathfinder #35:War of the River Kings 46ページ
市価 65,000GP; オーラ参照術者レベル 15; 重量 10ポンド

この華やかなアダマンティンロッドは、鉾と異国のデザインの奇妙な笏のでの十字架のように見える。その硬そうな外見にも関わらず、ロッドは驚くほどの柔軟性があり、戦闘中に伸ばすことができるー―武器間合いはあるが、依然として隣接している敵にも通常通り機能する+3 キーンアダマンティンハルバードとして機能する。1日5回、全ラウンド・アクションとしてロッドからカミソリを発射できる。これはロングボウから発射された+3 キーンアダマンティンアローとして扱う(ロングボウ機能する所有者が持つ特技はこの矢弾機能する)。


コスト 33,435GP


Lava Rod溶岩の杖)
出典 Pathfinder #95:Anvil of Fire 32ページ
市価 80,000GP; オーラ力術]; 術者レベル 13; 重量 8ポンド

この不定形の鉄のには、オレンジ色の宝がちりばめられている。+2クラブとして用いることができる。1日毎に10ラウンドのの間、ロッド+2フレイミング・バーストクラブとして使用できる。このラウンドは連続している必要はない。加えて、標準アクションとして1日3回、このロッドを使用するクリーチャーは30フィートの円錐形溶岩を噴射し、13d6ポイントの[ダメージを与えることができる(反応難易度 13・半減)。1日1回標準アクションとして、使用者は代わりに無害な小円錐形に放ち、地面に落として範囲を覆うことができる。 これらの小は、最大5ラウンド後に溶岩の小さな塊に変わる。使用者はこの効果のためにロッドを初めて起動する、小溶岩に変わるラウンドを決定する。小が変形したときにその範囲にいたクリーチャーは13d6ポイントの[ダメージを受ける(反応難易度 20・半減)。


コスト 40,000GP


Nightmare Rod悪夢ロッド
出典 Pathfinder #65:Into the Nightmare Rift 63ページ
市価 80,000GP; オーラ幻術術者レベル 13; 重量 5ポンド

ナイトメア・ロッドは、一端に滑らかな紫色のクリスタルタコがついた製のロッドで、その触手の部分に巻きつけられ、球状の体は一メイス・ヘッドのような役割を果たす。実際、ナイトメア・ロッド+2 ヘヴィ・メイスとして用いることができる。クリティカル・ヒットすると、ナイトメア・ロッド目標精神悪夢のような運命の恐ろしいビジョンで溢れさせ、難易度 15の意志セーヴに失敗した場合、1ラウンドの間よろめき状態となる。これは[精神作用]効果である。加えて、ナイトメア・ロッドは以下の能がある:ロッドが生きているクリーチャーに当たったフリー・アクションとして1日1回、使用者はファンタズマル・キラー呪文響を与えることができる(意志頑健難易度 16)。




コスト 40,000GP


Rod of Revolution /革命のロッド
出典 Inner Sea Combat 62ページ
オーラ心術術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 82,000gp; 重量 8ポンド

このロッド・オヴ・ルーラーシップ(Ultimate Equipment 183ページ)の変製材所で捨てられた片のように見える。ガルドの初期の反乱に一端を発するこのロッドは、苦していた国家の反政府勢力の指導者の間で象徴的である。ロッド・オヴ・レヴォリューションを用いる者は120フィート以内のクリーチャーに反抗的な衝動を引き起こすために標準アクションとして、装置を起動することができる。使用者は合計300ヒット・ダイスクリーチャーを煽動することができるが、【知力】が12以上のクリーチャー効果無効化するための難易度 16の意志セーヴを試みることができる。煽動されたクリーチャーレイジ呪文の利益を得るが、使用者が発する最も基本的な命令(移動する場所攻撃する相に関する指示など)のみを遵守する。ロッド々に砕けるまで、合計500分使用できる。この分数は連続している必要はない。


コスト 41,000GP


Scepter of the Arclords /)
出典 Lost Treasures 52ページ
オーラ・全系統術者レベル 20レベル
装備部位 なし; 市価 200,000gp; 重量 5ポンド

The Scepter of the Arclords is a powerful device capable of harvesting all the ambient magic from a large area and focusing it into a single powerful effect. Once per day the wielder can command the Scepter of the Arclords to duplicate any spell of 3rd level or lower. This automatically succeeds, but there is a 10% chance the wielder also gains a random minor spellblight(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 94).

Additionally, once per week the wielder can command the item to create any magic effect he desires. Roll d% to determine the effect of this command.




The wielder gains a major spellblight(Ultimate Magic 94). The GM may determine the spellblight randomly, or may design a custom spellblight based on the magic effect the wielder commanded the scepter to create. The 難易度 to remove this spellblight(using the normal rules for eliminating spellblights) is 35(or 40, if the target still has the Scepter of the Arclords in his possession), and isn’t reduced with the passage of time.


The Scepter creates a permanently magic-dead area(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Inner Sea Magic 12) with a radius of d% × 100 feet.


The Scepter creates a permanent area of primal magic(Inner Sea Magic 12) with a radius of d% × 100 feet.


The wielder’s command is fulfilled with a limited wish. If a limited wish can’t fulfill the command, the scepter comes as close to fulfilling it as a limited wish can(GM’s discretion).


The wielder’s command is fulfilled with a wish. If a wish can’t fulfill the command, the scepter comes as close to fulfilling it as a wish can(GM’s discretion). Additionally, one random creature of the outsider type learns the wielder has the scepter and just used it to gain a wish; the nature of the wish and the location of the wielder aren’t revealed. The GM secretly determines which outsider gains this knowledge.

The eye-like spheres on the Scepter sometimes swivel of their own accord, and although the Scepter isn’t intelligent, it’s capable of sliding on its own at a speed of 5 feet.


コスト 100,000GP

全文検索 目的別索引



Advanced Class Guide

Advanced Player's Guide

Advanced Race Guide

Ultimate Magic

Ultimate Combat

Ultimate Intrigue

Ultimate Equipment

Game Mastery Guide

Ultimate Campaign

Mythic Adventures

Horror Adventures

Occult Adventures





Pathfinder Unchained

Technology Guide

Open Game License
