
“装備部位・ベルト”のその他の魔法のアイテム Belts


Dawnflower Sash /暁の華のサッシュ)
出典 Inner Sea Gods 262ページ、Gods and Magic 56ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 頭部あるいはベルト; 市価 2,500gp; 重量

This long strip of red Qadiran fabric is wrapped around the wearer’s waist or head several times and held in place by an ankh-shaped clasp of red gold. The wearer is protected as if by endure elements, but only in warm environments. If the wearer unwraps the sash to its full length and holds the clasp in her hand, she can use feather fall once per day, briefly leaving behind a trail of pleasant red-gold light as bright as a torch that lasts for 1 round.

If Sarenrae is the wearer’s patron, the wearer can use the sash to cast cure light wounds once per day on command. The wearer can trigger this ability as an immediate action if reduced to –1 hit points or fewer, though thereafter the sash must be recharged by placing it in strong sunlight for 8 continuous hours. As a swift action, the wearer can cause the clasp to shine as brightly as a torch or cease this illumination; the light is warm, feels like sunlight, and is bright enough to make sun-fearing creatures slightly uncomfortable but not so bright as to cause them harm.


コスト 1,250GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、cure light wounds、endure elements、feather fall、light


Belt of the Snake Kingの王のベルト)
出典 Inner Sea Gods 260ページ、Pathfinder #42:Sanctum of the Serpent God 28ページ、Gods and Magic 54ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 2,600gp; 重量 1ポンド




コスト 1,300GP


Scarf of the Suggestive Dance /示唆の舞踏のスカーフ
出典 Murder's Mark 17ページ
オーラ 微弱・心術術者レベル 1レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 3,000gp; 重量 1/2ポンド



コスト 950GP


Belt of Trelmarixian /トレルマリキシアンのベルト)
出典 Pathfinder:Spiral of Bones #5 29ページ
オーラ 微弱・召喚術死霊術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 4,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

多くの場合、飢餓の4騎士であるトレルマリキシアンを崇拝する人々によって作成されたこの暗い革製のベルトは、真鍮のバックルにひびの入った魂の宝が入っている。ベルト・オヴ・トレルマリキシアンの着用者は、数日後にやせ衰えた姿を見せ始めますが、食べる必要はなく、飢えの響を受けない。 1日3回、着用者はクリーチャー接触し(近接接触攻撃に成功しなければならない)、信じられないほど痛い腹感でクリーチャー響を与えることができる。目標難易度 15の頑健セーヴに失敗すると、2d6ポイントの非致傷ダメージを受け、疲労状態となる。食事を必要としない、または非致傷ダメージ完全耐性を持つクリーチャーはこの能完全耐性を持つ。


コスト 2,000GP


Tightfit Belt /体に合うベルト)
出典 Pathfinder Society Primer 25ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 4,000gp; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 2,000GP


Broken Chain of the Beast /獣の壊れた
出典 Inner Sea Gods 261ページ、Gods and Magic 55ページ
オーラ 微弱・召喚術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 4,500gp; 重量 5ポンド




コスト 2,250GP

Gutbite Belt

Gutbite Belt /)
出典 Inner Sea Gods 265ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 8レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 4,500gp; 重量 1ポンド

This heavy leather belt is reinforced with metal and detailed to resemble a gut wound that has sprouted teeth. In addition to functioning as a belt of mighty constitution +2, the mouth on the belt animates whenever the wearer gains the grappled condition, damaging the wearer’s opponent as if it were armor spikes(1d6 points of damage for a Medium wearer, 1d4 for Small). Similar to armor spikes, the mouth can be made into a magic weapon in its own right; it can also be temporarily enhanced with magic such as magic weapon. The wearer can use the mouth to eat meat, gaining nutrition from it as if he had eaten with his own mouth(the mouth refuses any food other than meat).


コスト 2,250GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、animate objects、bear's endurance

Diminishing Sash

Diminishing Sash /)
出典 Heroes of the Streets 14ページ
オーラ 中程度・総合術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 5,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

At first glance, there is nothing at all unique about this length of woven brown wool; however, in the hands of a spellcaster it can be a devious resource. The wearer of a diminishing sash can tear off a piece of the item and use it as a substitute for spell components worth up to 50gp. Each piece torn from a diminishing sash(an action subsumed in the casting of a spell) provides components for one spell, and multiple pieces cannot be combined to provide more expensive components. After providing the components for 50 spells, a diminishing sash becomes a nonmagical piece of cloth.

If the sash is used to generate material components for a spell that normally uses no components or components that cost 1gp or less, the wearer casts the spell at +1 caster level.


コスト 2,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、Eschew Materials、creator must have 3 ranks in Knowledge(arcana) and Spellcraft

Infernal Cord

Infernal Cord /)
出典 Inner Sea Combat 60ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 8レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 5,000gp(ノーマル)、31,000GP(グレーター); 重量 1ポンド

The entirety of this thick hide belt is scarred with impressions of fiendish visages, each shifting between a scowl and a smile. Commonly used by the servants of Asmodeus in Cheliax, this belt grants its wearer a +2 enhancement bonus to Constitution. Treat this Constitution bonus as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.

Whenever an enemy scores a critical hit against the wearer, the wearer gains fast healing 1 for 1 minute. This ability doesn’t trigger if the critical hit deals only nonlethal damage. Damage caused by silver weapons, good-aligned weapons, or spells or effects with the good descriptor doesn’t trigger the fast healing, and suppresses the fast healing for 1 round if it’s already active.

The wearer of an infernal cord can be detected as though she were an evil creature, and can sense the item’s evil while wearing it. This belt imparts 1 negative level to any nonevil creature that wears it until the belt is removed.

Greater Infernal Cord:This item functions as an infernal cord, but it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Constitution, and the fast healing effect increases to fast healing 4. Treat the Constitution bonus as a temporary ability bonus for the first 24 hours the belt is worn.

The wearer can be detected as though she were an evil cleric, not just an evil creature.


コスト 2,500GP(ノーマル)、15,500GP(グレーター


Victor's Belt /勝者のベルト)
出典 Pathfinder #92:The Hill Giant's Pledge 13ページ
オーラ 微弱・心術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 5,000gp; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 2,500GP

War Saddle

War Saddle /)
出典 Knights of the Inner Sea 31ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 5,000gp; 重量 20ポンド

This military saddle is made of cured hide, with numerous straps and hooks to allow it to be easily configured to fit different sizes of animals and saddlebags. Any creature of the animal or magical beast type of an appropriate shape to wear a saddle(creatures with unusual anatomies may be affected with GM discretion) can wear the war saddle, which magically changes size and shape as necessary. The saddle allows the creature wearing it to act as if it were combat trained(see the Handle Animal description on page 97 of the Core Rulebook for more information on combat training), and gives the rider a +5 competence bonus on Ride checks made while mounted upon the creature.


コスト 2,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、speak with animals, creator must have 5 ranks in the Ride skill

Khangarad Scabbard

Khangarad Scabbard /)
出典 Merchant's Manifest 24ページ
オーラ 中程度・力術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 6,000gp; 重量 2ポンド

This belt-and-scabbard set is decorated with golden depictions of garudas. The scabbard automatically reshapes itself to fit the weapon that the wielder is currently using. If the wielder is not using a weapon that would fit into a scabbard, as a free action the wielder can command the khangarad scabbard to take the shape of any weapon with which she has proficiency.

Once per day as a standard action, the wielder can speak the scabbard’s command word to blast nearby creatures with gale-force winds. As part of activating the scabbard, the wielder can attempt a special trip combat maneuver check against all creatures within 10 feet using her normal 戦技ボーナス; this does not provoke attacks of opportunity. Creatures whose 戦技防御値 is lower than the result are tripped. The wielder is not knocked down if the trip attempt fails by 10 or more.


コスト 3,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、gust of wind


Windwave Kiltキルト
出典 Inner Sea Gods 271ページ、Gods and Magic 61ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 7,000gp; 重量 5ポンド




コスト 3,500GP

Canopic Wrap

Canopic Wrap /)
出典 Inner Sea Combat 58ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 10,500gp; 重量 1ポンド

Tattered and yellowed, this belt is made up of dozens of interwoven linen wraps bound together by a simple stone buckle at the front. Crafted from mummifies’ wrappings, these belts are commonly used by explorers in the vast deserts of what was once Ancient Osirion. While worn, the belt grants a +4 resistance bonus on saving throws against disease, including supernatural diseases such as mummy rot.

A canopic wrap also causes strange internal shifts in key organs, moving them randomly within the body. Because of this odd effect, the wearer gains the benefits of the light fortificationUE armor special ability. This effect also plays havoc on trained healers, however, increasing the 難易度 of any Heal check used on the wearer by 5.


コスト 5,250GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、bear's endurance, greater infernal healingISWG

Feller's Belt

Feller's Belt /)
出典 Agents of Evil 28ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 10レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 12,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

The secret weapons of the Lumber Consortium’s enforcers throughout Andoran, these belts nominally appear as expensive but effective aids for felling trees, but are instead used by the Consortium’s enforcers. A creature wearing a feller’s belt gains +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks to sunder wooden objects, ignores any hardness possessed by wooden objects, and bypasses the damage reduction of any creatures of the plant or fey type. A creature wearing a feller’s belt for over 24 hours doubles the critical threat range of any held axe, as though that weapon possessed the keen weapon special ability. This benefit lasts for as long as the belt is worn, and doesn’t stack with any other effects that expand the critical threat range of a weapon(such as keen edge or the Improved Critical feat).


コスト 6,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、keen edge, warp wood


War-Kilt of Sarenraeサーレンレイ戦闘キルト
出典 Qadira, Gateway to the East 23ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 13,000gp; 重量 5ポンド




コスト 6,500GP

Belt of Spirit Vines

Belt of Spirit Vines /)
出典 Ultimate Wilderness 250ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 4レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 15,000gp; 重量 2ポンド

This belt is constructed from woven vines. Its wearer can touch a willing creature and cause a ghostly vine to grow from the belt, connecting the wearer to the target creature. While connected to another creature, when the wearer casts a druid, ranger, shaman, or witch spell with a range of touch on herself, both the wearer and the connected creature gain the benefits of the spell for half the spell’s duration(rounded down); this has no effect on instantaneous or permanent spells. The spell’s effects on the connected creature end if the vine’s range is exceeded.

The vine can grow up to a length of 30 feet, and it vanishes if the wearer or connected creature moves beyond its maximum range. The vine can remain connected indefinitely, but the connection is broken if the wearer dismisses it or connects the vine to another creature.


コスト 7,500GP


Belt of Impossible Action(Vudrani) /不可能な動きのベルト)
出典 Inner Sea Races 229ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 16,000gp; 重量 1ポンド




コスト 8,000GP


Ghoulbane Beltグール殺しのベルト)
出典 Heroes of the Darklands 30ページ
オーラ 中程度・召喚術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 20,000gp; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 10,000GP

Serpentform Belt

Serpentform Belt /)
出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 29ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 20,000gp; 重量 1/2ポンド

This snakeskin belt is crafted from the hides of brightly hued serpents. When buckled, it immediately binds tightly to the wearer’s waist. Once per day, the wearer can command the serpentform belt to transform her lower half into that of a serpent. While in this form, the wearer gains a +4 bonus on combat maneuver checks to grapple or pin a foe. Once a foe is grappled, the wearer can constrict the opponent with any successful subsequent grapple checks, dealing an amount of bludgeoning damage equal to 1d8 + her Strength modifier, if Medium(1d6 if Small). The snake form lasts until another command is given, or for a maximum of 10 minutes, whichever is shorter.


コスト 10,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、beast shape I

Silver Soul Cord

Silver Soul Cord /)
出典 Healer's Handbook 30ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術死霊術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 25,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

This shimmering metallic belt is composed of dozens of looped silver cords tied together in elaborate braids and knots. As a standard action, the wearer can touch his animal companion to attach an invisible, incorporeal cord to it that, if it can be seen by anyone, appears to be superficially tied to the silver soul cord. This forms a deeper bond between the wearer and the animal companion. It can be attached to only one animal companion at a time. If the animal companion is killed or the link is broken while the cord is attached in this manner(though very few things can destroy the incorporeal cord), the wearer and the animal companion each gain a negative level and the silver soul cord cannot be reattached to any creature for 24 hours. The cord can extend for a length of up to 1 mile, but if the attached animal companion moves farther away from the wearer than this, the cord automatically detaches and the bond ends, though it is not considered to be broken and therefore does impart any negative levels. The wearer can remove the cord as a standard action. While the silver cord is attached, the wearer gains an empathic link with an animal companion as if it were a familiar(per the wizard arcane bond class feature). Additionally, as a standard action, the wearer can sacrifice his own hit points to heal the animal companion through this bond. The creature regains 1 hit point for every 1 hit point the wearer sacrifices. The wearer can sacrifice a maximum number of hit points per turn equal to his Hit Dice, and can’t sacrifice hit points if doing so would reduce him to 0 hit points or fewer.


コスト 12,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、shield other, vampiric touch

Coven Charm

Coven Charm /)
出典 Blood of the Coven 30ページ
オーラ力術死霊術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位 ベルト; 市価 75,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

This grisly bag is worn by a member of a coven and binds its sisters together even across vast distances. The coven charm can be charged by placing a sizable chunk of flesh—at least the size of a finger, toe, or tongue—from a member of the coven into the bag as a full-round action. Removing an appropriate offering from her own body deals 1d6 points of damage to the respective coven member, as well as a permanent negative level that cannot be regained until the charge in the bag is expended. Each body part placed within the bag generates 1 charge, and a coven charm can hold up to 3 charges.

As a full-round action, the coven charm’s wearer can spend charges from the bag to cast a spell that normally requires the presence or her entire coven to cast. Expending 1 charge allows the wearer to cast a spell of up to 4th level. Expending 2 charges allows the wearer to cast a spell of up to 6th level. Expending 3 charges allows the wearer to cast a spell of up to 8th level. These spells must be selected from those bonus spells normally available to her collected coven.

If any member of the coven is slain, the bag loses all remaining charges. Once a coven charm is drained of all charges, it cannot be refilled for 24 hours, and it must be completely drained of all charges before it can be refilled.


コスト 37,500GP

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