


Lover's Bangle /恋人の輪)
出典 Pathfinder #128:Songbird, Scion, Saboteur 36ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 市価 750gp; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 375GP


Decorum Band /品行方正のバンド)
出典 Pathfinder:Goblins #1 29ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 市価 1,000gp; 重量



コスト 500GP

Quickmetal Bracers

Quickmetal Bracers /)
出典 Adventurer's Armory 2 23ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 市価 1,000gp()、2,000gp(冷たい鉄)、5,000gp(アダマンティン); 重量 1ポンド

Once per day when a user wearing both these bracers speaks a command word, the metal turns entirely liquid and swims over the wearer’s hands to cover her weapons. The user can cover a two-handed melee weapon or up to two one-handed or light melee weapons. For the next 10 rounds, the affected weapons can overcome damage reduction as though the weapons were made of adamantine, cold iron, or silver(as determined by the quickmetal bracers’ type).

The heavy, shifting metal coating affects the balance of manufactured weapons, imposing a –2 penalty on attack rolls. Improvised weapons, however, are already unwieldy, and the metal coating doesn’t significantly affect their balance. If the wielder lets go of a weapon affected by the bracers, the liquid metal immediately turns back into a solid metal bracer— or bracers, in the case of a two-handed weapon—reappearing on the user’s wrists. The bracers cannot therefore affect thrown weapons or ranged weapon ammunition.


コスト 500gp()、1,000gp(冷たい鉄)、2,500gp(アダマンティン
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、major creation


Saint's Protection Charm聖人保護の護符)
出典 Magical Marketplace 11ページ
オーラ 中程度・召喚術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 市価 1,500gp; 重量



コスト 750gp

Spellsight Bracer

Spellsight Bracer /)
出典 Inner Sea Gods 269ページ、Gods and Magic 60ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 市価 2,100gp; 重量 1ポンド

Dozens of variants of this bracer exist, but they are usually leather, always ornately patterned, and bear a single spherical polished stone or gem(typically a carbuncle, olivine, or sard) mounted near the wrist. Medium to high-ranking Nethysian priests and priestesses often wear spellsight bracers, which also serve as a quick means of identifying fellow followers of the All-Seeing Eye. The wearer can use detect magic once per day. When she does, the spherical stone or gem in the bracer appears to open like a human eye. The bracer also provides a +1 resistance bonus on Will saving throws. A spellsight bracer uses up the wearer’s entire wrists slot; the wearer may not use another item(even another spellsight bracer) that also uses the wrists slot, though a matching nonmagical bracer is often worn on the other wrist.

If Nethys is the wearer’s patron, the wearer can use the bracer as if it were a lesser silent metamagic rod once per day. The wearer can spontaneously convert prepared spells or use available spell slots to cast mage hand, even if this spell is not on the wearer’s class spell list or the wearer does not know the spell. Using either of these abilities also causes the eye in the bracer to open.


コスト 1,050gp
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、Silent Spell, detect magic, mage hand, resistance


Seafaring Stanchions /船用の支柱)
出典 Inner Sea Combat 63ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 市価 2,400gp; 重量 2ポンド



コスト 2,400GP


Bone Beadsの珠)
出典 Pathfinder #48:Shadows of Gallowspire 35ページ
オーラ 微弱・死霊術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 市価 6,000gp; 重量



コスト 3,000GP

Armiger's Panoply

Armiger's Panoply /)
出典 Knights of the Inner Sea 30ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 市価 7,200gp; 重量 1ポンド

An armiger’s panoply is a magic item set made up of one pair of bracers and a large leather sack. The bracers are normally forearm guards made in the style of masterwork padded or quilted cloth armor. They are often made of silk or highquality linen, though they can also be crafted of leather or even chain links. A command word is normally inscribed on the inside of one of the bracers. The sack can be used to store a single suit of armor, including a shield. The armor retains its normal weight when stored. If items other than a suit of armor and a shield are put in the sack, they immediately fall through.

Three times per day, the wearer of the bracers can speak the panoply’s command word to have the suit of armor and shield stored in the sack teleport onto the wearer. The sack must be within 500 feet of the wearer of the bracers in order to function. If the wearer is already in a suit of armor, it is teleported into the sack at the same time the new armor is teleported onto the user’s body. As long as the armor to be worn is the same size as the user, it fits perfectly and doesn’t interfere with anything else worn or hindering the user, including any grapple or tight space the wearer might be trapped in.


コスト 3,600GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、effortless armorUC

Harvester's Bindings

Harvester's Bindings /)
出典 Potions and Poisons 31ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 市価 8,500gp; 重量

These bronze bracers are etched with an elaborate crisscross pattern on their exterior and are lined with a set of six small barbs that are anchored into the interior. When worn, the bracers provide the wearer with a +2 circumstance bonus on Fortitude saves against poisons from venomous creatures. Anytime the wearer fails a saving throw against a poison from a venomous creature, he can say the bindings’ command word as a standard action and cause the barbs in the bindings to pierce his skin and begin siphoning the poison from his body, preventing the poison from taking effect. After the poison has been siphoned off, the bracers glow faintly for 1 minute. While the bracers are glowing, the wearer can touch an empty vial to the bracers to deposit the stored venom into the vial. This extracted venom lasts up to 1 hour before becoming inert. The bindings cannot hold more than 1 dose of a poison from a venomous creature at a time. If the wearer attempts to siphon poison from himself while the bindings already hold a dose of poison, the stored poison immediately affects him and the other poison is instead siphoned and stored in the bindings.


コスト 4,250GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、drain poison、neutralize poison

Bracelets of Defiant Wind

Bracelets of Defiant Wind /)
出典 Pathfinder #83:The Slave Trenches of Hakotep 69ページ
オーラ 微弱・召喚術力術術者レベル 10レベル
装備部位 市価 9,000gp; 重量

These azure-and-white marbled bracelets feel smooth and perpetually cool to the touch. When worn, they activate once per day as an immediate action to safeguard against sudden airborne attacks and effects by automatically surrounding their wearer in a cylinder of pure wind and elemental air. This effect functions simultaneously as both air bubble and wind wall, protecting against missile weapons, gases, and most gaseous breath weapons. It also activates underwater if the wearer begins to drown. Once activated, the effect lasts for 10 rounds.


コスト 4,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、air bubbleUC、contingency、wind wall

Broken Rune Bracers(Shoanti)

Broken Rune Bracers(Shoanti) /)
出典 Inner Sea Races 229ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 市価 9,000gp; 重量

The following wondrous item is generally available only to members of the indicated race or ethnicity.

This pair of leather bracers is marked by runes of bondage from ancient days. Each rune is deliberately incomplete, in order to invert its intended function. Once per day, when a Shoanti wearer becomes possessed by magic jar, possession(Pathfinder RPG Occult Adventures 180), or a similar effect, the bracers automatically expel the possessing creature. The possessing creature does not have a chance to take any actions(such as removing the bracers) before this occurs.


コスト 4,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、cast outAPG, creator must be a Shoanti

Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns

Fate-Woven Braid of the Norns /)
出典 Seers of the Drowned City 54ページ
オーラ防御術力術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 市価 9,000gp; 重量

At first glance, this circlet of plaited hair interwoven with a single gold thread appears to be nothing more than a personal memento or a lover’s token. Closer examination reveals that each strand of hair seems to have neither a beginning nor an end. Most of these braids are blonde in color, but other hues are not unknown.

Up to three times per day, the wearer of a fate-woven braid of the norns can potentially negate a disastrous turn of fortune. Upon rolling a natural 1 on a saving throw or after failing a saving throw against a death effect, the wearer can activate the braid as a free action to reroll the saving throw.

The golden thread is vulnerable to severe twists of fate, though. If the result of any reroll obtained by the braid is ever a natural 20, the golden thread frays, permanently reducing the braid’s daily reroll uses by one. If all three daily uses are eliminated in this manner, the golden thread snaps and the fate-woven braid of the norns falls apart into a nonmagical pile of wispy gray hair. A fate-woven braid of the norns uses up the entire wrists slot, even though the user wears only one at a time. The user can’t use another item(even another fate-woven braid of the norns) that also uses the wrists slot.


コスト 4,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、death ward


Dueling Cuffs決闘用のカフス)
出典 Inner Sea Combat 59ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 市価 10,000gp; 重量


決闘(Ultimate Combat 150ページ)の際、決闘受け流しアクションを使用する場合、着用者は通常の-5のペナルティを受けない。加えて、着用者は決闘受け流しで銃器からの遠隔攻撃をそらすことを試みることができるが、そのような試みに対して-5のペナルティを受ける。


コスト 5,000GP

Lidless Charm Bracelet

Lidless Charm Bracelet /)
出典 Pathfinder #116:Fangs of War 46ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 市価 10,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

This bronze, serpentine bracelet has five dangling charms, each depicting an open and staring eye. Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can touch the bracelet to a creature with a gaze attack(requiring a successful touch attack for unwilling creatures) and become immune to natural gaze attacks from all creatures of that kind for the following 24 hours. The wearer could, for example, touch the bracelet to a basilisk to gain immunity to the gaze attacks of all basilisks, but would not be immune to the gaze of a medusa. This ability does not grant immunity to gaze attacks from spells or magic items such as eyes of doom. For the duration of this immunity, the charms on the bracelet each appear to be closed eyes.

When the wearer fails a save against a gaze attack, she can expend a charm from the bracelet as an immediate action to reroll that saving throw, but must take the second result even if it is worse. An expended charm crumbles to dust. When the last charm is expended, the lidless charm bracelet loses all magical properties.


コスト 5,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、blindness/deafness、lock gaze

Style-Stealing Vambrace

Style-Stealing Vambrace /)
出典 Black Markets 17ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 10レベル
装備部位 市価 15,000gp; 重量 2ポンド

This plain silver-and-steel bracelet grants the keen weapon special ability to any piercing or slashing weapon wielded by the wearer. Each time the wearer confirms a critical hit with such a weapon, however, she must succeed at a 難易度 17 Fortitude save or the bracelet severs her hand, dealing 1d6 points of Dexterity drain and 2d6 points of bleed damage. The style-stealing vambrace and the severed hand immediately teleport to the item’s creator if he is on the same plane, or else drop to the ground if he is not.

Once per day, a creature holding the severed hand can speak the bracelet’s command word to gain access to one combat feat known by the previous wearer for 24 hours, as if it were a bonus feat. The creature must meet all of the usual prerequisites for the feat.

The wearer’s hand can be restored instantly with a regenerate spell, or with a restoration spell or regeneration(such as that granted by a ring of regeneration) if the severed hand is held against the stump. Restoring the wearer’s hand removes the Dexterity drain. The style-stealing vambrace cannot be removed from the severed hand it holds or be reused until its victim dies or the hand is reattached.


コスト 7,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、bestow curse、gentle repose、keen edge

Bracelet of Good Luck Charms(Halfling)

Bracelet of Good Luck Charms(Halfling) /)
出典 Inner Sea Races 229ページ
オーラ 微弱・力術術者レベル 4レベル
装備部位 市価 16,000gp; 重量

The following wondrous item is generally available only to members of the indicated race or ethnicity.

This bronze bracelet has seven charms shaped like symbols of good luck in halfling society. It works only for a wearer with the luck or adaptable luck racial trait. At any time, a halfling wearer can choose to reroll a roll without taking an action. She must take the new result even if it is worse. When the wearer uses this ability, one of the bracelet’s charms crumbles to dust. When all the charms are spent, the bracelet becomes nonmagical. The wearer can remove a charm from the bracelet and give it to another creature to grant that creature the charm’s ability to reroll die rolls, but if unused before the next sunrise, the charm turns to dust anyway.


コスト 8,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、divine favor、作成者はハーフリングでなければならない


Bracers of Celestial Intervention /天上介入の甲)
出典 Monster Summoner's Handbook 20ページ
オーラ召喚術術者レベル 13レベル
装備部位 市価 16,000gp; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 8,000GP

Rift-Rending Bracers

Rift-Rending Bracers /)
出典 Planes of Power 9ページ
オーラ 中程度・召喚術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 市価 18,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

When worn by a kineticist, these bracers develop finely inscribed patterns on their once-plain surfaces that reflect the wearer’s elemental connection. As a full-round action, a kineticist wearing the bracers can accept 3 points of burn to tear open a brief rift between her current location and the Material Plane, Ethereal Plane, or an Elemental Plane; this behaves as per plane shift, but the rift is able to transport only her. By accepting an additional point of burn, she can allow up to 8 willing creatures to travel with her. When traveling to or from the plane that corresponds to her elemental focus, the total burn cost required to activate the bracers is reduced by 1.

Rift-rending bracers must be worn for 24 hours before a kineticist can activate them.


コスト 9,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、 plane shift

Armband of the Golden Serpent

Armband of the Golden Serpent /)
出典 Pathfinder #82:Secrets of the Sphinx 62ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 市価 20,000gp; 重量 3ポンド

Heavy golden coils form this serpentine armband. It wraps snugly around the upper arm of its wearer and stays firmly in place once donned.

An armband of the golden serpent allows its wearer to cast spells with the range of touch in melee combat without provoking attacks of opportunity. Spells with ranges other than touch provoke attacks of opportunity as normal—even spells with a range of personal. When the wearer of an armband of the golden serpent casts a touch spell in melee combat, the armband animates, slithering down the wearer’s arm and striking to deliver the touch attack. Although the armband delivers the spell, the wearer is still required to take the necessary actions and make the required attack roll; the wearer does not gain any additional actions.


コスト 10,000GP
Combat Casting、《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、 spectral hand

Bracelets of Stone

Bracelets of Stone /)
出典 Magical Marketplace 7ページ
オーラ 中程度・召喚術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 市価 26,760gp; 重量 4ポンド

These rugged stone armbands slip on easily and swiftly adjust to a size appropriate for the wearer. Once per day, the wearer can create a wall of stone up to 2 inches thick and 45 feet long(or 90 feet long, if the thickness is reduced to 1 inch). For the purpose of this effect, the bracelets of stone count as a stone surface that the wall of stone can merge with, and they magically provide the wearer the strength necessary to support any wall of stone so created. Thus, the wearer can create a bridge or wall in nearly any location as long as he is standing adjacent to a point where the bracelets can connect to it. If the bracelets are used this way, the wearer can’t move from this space and is considered flat-footed during this time, but may end the effect as an immediate action(thus destroying the wall). If either bracelet is taken off or a portion of the wall is breached or destroyed, this effect immediately ends and the wall of stone crumbles to dust.


コスト 13,380GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、 wall of stone


Swallowtail Bracers /揚羽蝶の甲)
出典 Pathfinder #75:Demon's Heresy 63ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 市価 27,000gp; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 13,500GP


Anchoring Bracers /錨の甲)
出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 28ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位 市価 30,000gp; 重量 2ポンド






コスト 15,000GP


Bracers of Primal Mastery /原始魔法体得の甲)
出典 People of the Wastes 30ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位 市価 30,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

7本のミスラル製の紐がこの鋼製の甲の周りに織り込まれ、魔法を安定させるでかすかに鼓動する。着用者がprimal magic event(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:Inner Sea Magic 13ページ)をトリガーするような魔法のアイテム起動したり、呪文を発動したり、擬似呪文能力を使用したりすると、結果として生じるイベントは2回ロールし(またはその他の方法で決定する)、術者は2つのイベントのどちらかが発生するかを選択できる。ブレイサーはまた、ロッド・オヴ・ワンダーを使用するとき着用者が2回ロールし結果を選択できるようにする。


コスト 15,000GP


Electro-Temporal Bracer /)
出典 Pathfinder #122:Into the Shattered Continent 74ページ
オーラ変成術術者レベル 17レベル
装備部位 市価 32,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

This rune-carved bracelet is made of thick, bright gold and allows the wearer to manipulate time through electricity magic. As a swift action, the wearer can activate the bracer, creating a nimbus of crackling blue energy that surrounds the hand wearing the electro-temporal bracer for up to 3 minutes each day. This duration need not be continuous, but it must be used in 1-minute increments. While the nimbus is active, spells with the electricity descriptor cast by the wearer have an additional effect, chosen by the wearer as each spell is cast:the spell dazzles all targets of the spell for 1 round, the spell staggers a single target of the spell for 1 round, or the spell provides a single target of the spell the benefits of haste for 1 round. The staggered and haste effects affect only one target selected by the caster as the spell is cast, even if the spell affects multiple targets. There is no saving throw for these additional effects, but a target that avoids the effects of the electricity spell entirely(such as by negating the effect with a successful save, or by having immunity to the spell’s damage) is not subject to the additional effect.(A target of an additional effect that successfully saves against the electricity spell but still takes partial damage is still subject to the additional effect.)

If the wearer takes at least 50 points of electricity damage from a single source(such as a trap or a spell), the wearer immediately benefits from the effects of time stop, and the electro-temporal bracer ceases functioning for 1 month.


コスト 16,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、haste、slow、time stop


Thorned Manacles /茨の
出典 Demon Hunter's Handbook 29ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術変成術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位 市価 35,600gp; 重量 2ポンド

超小型から超大型サイズ無防備状態の2本のを持つクリーチャーに取り付けられると、このの付いたマナクルクリーチャーサイズに一致するように変形し、捕虜がディメンジョナル・アンカーとして他次元の魔法を利用するのを防ぐ(セーヴなし)。マナクルを取り外すには――脱出の試みとしてであれ、所有者によるものであれ――難易度30の【筋力】判定または難易度 37の〈脱出術〉判定の成功が必要である; このような試みが成功したか否かに関係なく、マナクルは犠牲者に2d6+7ポイントの刺突ダメージを与える。マナクル硬度 12と20ヒット・ポイントを持つ。


コスト 17,800GP

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