

Patternward Spectacles

Patternward Spectacles /)
出典 Daughters of Fury 62ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位市価 7500gp; 重量 1ポンド

These spectacles fit firmly over eyes and are held in place by two crystalline stems. The lenses are initially clear and don’t hinder the wearer’s vision. When the wearer is targeted with an illusion spell or spell-like ability of the pattern subschool(such as color spray), the spectacles absorb the magic and darken, protecting the wearer from the pattern effect. Once the spectacles absorb a spell and become opaque, the wearer becomes blinded until the spectacles are removed(a swift action). Patternward spectacles protect against spells or spell-like abilities of only 3rd level or lower; higher-level effects affect the wearer as normal. Once the spectacles absorb an effect, they lose their magic.


コスト 375GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、minor globe of invulnerability


Antiquarian's Monocle /古物商のモノクル
出典 Gallows of Madness 48ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位市価 1,350gp; 重量




コスト 675GP

Spectacles of Comprehension

Spectacles of Comprehension /)
出典 Disciple's Doctrine 30ページ
オーラ 微弱・心術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位市価 2,500gp; 重量

These spectacles bear no markings or decoration, but they are obviously sturdy and of high quality. The wearer of these spectacles gains the ability to better understand written material and unravel the language of contracts. The wearer gains a +5 bonus on Linguistics checks to decipher writing, detect forgeries, research in a library(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Intrigue 148), research an infernal contract(Pathfinder RPG Book of the Damned 203), or attempt similar types of examinations. Additionally, he is automatically aware if a contract he’s examining has any deliberate obfuscations or loopholes, though he might not know exactly what they are.


コスト 1,250GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、investigative mind

3.5 Materialゴシップ・グラス

Gossip Glass /噂話のメガネ)
出典 Taldor, Echoes of Glory 26ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 1レベル
装備部位市価 3,600gp; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 1,800GP、144 経験点

Lenses of Situational Sight

Lenses of Situational Sight /)
出典 Pathfinder Society Primer 25ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術変成術術者レベル 10レベル
装備部位市価 5,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

These wire spectacles are fitted with several groundcrystal filters on hinged arms, any combination of which can be moved in front of or away from the lenses as a standard action(one, two, or all three lenses may be positioned at the same time with one action). Each filter grants a specific sense to the wearer when it is placed before one of the lenses. Each set of filters can be used for 10 minutes in 1-minute increments before losing its magical properties. The three sets of lenses are as follows.

Green Lenses:Grant the wearer the benefits of detect magic. The wearer doesn’t need to concentrate to gain the benefits of the spell as long as a source of magic remains in her line of sight for the appropriate number of rounds.

Pink Lenses:Grant the wearer the benefits of see invisibility.

Purple Lenses:Grant the wearer darkvision out to a distance of 60 feet. If the wearer already has darkvision, the range of her darkvision increases by 60 feet while she uses these filters.


コスト 2,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、arcane sight, darkvision, see invisibility

Marker's Monocle

Marker's Monocle /)
出典 Heroes of the Streets 15ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位市価 5,600gp; 重量

A solid gold band encircles this intricate convex glass lens. Three times per day as a standard action, the wearer can attempt an Appraise check against a creature within 60 feet(難易度 = 10 + target’s Hit Dice + target’s Wisdom bonus). With a successful check, the wearer knows the amount of currency the creature is carrying, as well as the number of valuable objects(with a price greater than 20gp) the target carries(though the wearer doesn’t know which items qualify, or the exact value of the objects).

In addition, once per day, the wearer of a marker’s monocle can mark one creature with a melee touch attack, allowing up to 3 allies within 30 feet to track the marked creature for 30 minutes, as if the wearer’s allies had the scent ability.


コスト 2,800GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、locate object、scent trailAPG

Spendthrift Spectacles

Spendthrift Spectacles /)
出典 Black Markets 17ページ
オーラ 微弱・幻術術者レベル 8レベル
装備部位市価 6,250gp; 重量

Crafted from brass and polished quartz, these expensive bifocals grant the wearer a +5 bonus on Appraise checks, and on Linguistics or Perception checks to detect a forgery. However, after they have been worn for 1 week, they begin distorting the wearer’s perception of value, replacing this bonus with a –10 penalty on the same checks. This penalty persists even when a victim is not wearing the spendthrift spectacles. Whenever the wearer is making a purchase that costs more than 10gp, he must succeed at a 難易度 14 Will save or be compelled to make extravagant offers and pay outrageous prices(1d10 × 10% more than the asking price) for the item, paying with coin and valuables if available, or bartering with other equipment if not.


コスト 3,125GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、beguiling giftAPG、bestow curse

3.5 MaterialCulling Goggles

Culling Goggles /)
出典 Seven Swords of Sin 32ページ
オーラ 微弱・死霊術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位市価 9,000gp; 重量

These goggles have dark, almost black lenses bound in brown leather cured from the skin of a sentient humanoid. Wearing these goggles lets you view your surroundings as if under the constant effect of a deathwatch spell extending 30 feet. Additionally, three times per day, you may touch a creature and trigger a death knell effect, as the spell.


コスト 4,500GP、360 経験点
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、death knell、deathwatch

Eye Patch of Infamy(Half-Orc

Eye Patch of Infamy(Half-Orc) /)
出典 Inner Sea Races 231ページ
オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位市価 10,000gp; 重量

The following wondrous item is generally available only to members of the indicated race or ethnicity.

This green leather eye patch allows a half-orc wearer to use the Intimidate skill from 30 feet farther away. Whenever the wearer successfully intimidates a target into giving aid, the duration of the change in disposition is doubled. The wearer gains a +5 competence bonus on Intimidate checks to generate capital(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Campaign 77–79) and to coerce others into giving aid.


コスト 5,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、eagle's splendor、creator must be a half-orc

Eyes of Mind Reading(Android)

Eyes of Mind Reading(Android) /)
出典 Inner Sea Races 231ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位市価 11,000gp; 重量 1/2ポンド

The following wondrous item is generally available only to members of the indicated race or ethnicity.

These large goggles feature adjustable lenses. When calibrated correctly, they sense the thoughts of a particular creature and send them into the wearer’s mind. If the wearer spends 3 rounds studying a creature, spending a standard action each round to calibrate the lenses, she may scan a target’s surface thoughts as if she had spent 3 rounds studying the target with detect thoughts. The target can attempt a 難易度 13 Will save to negate the effect. The wearer must spend three consecutive standard actions each time she wishes to read the mind of a new creature.

If the wearer is an android, he can spend a nanite surge to immediately detect surface thoughts instead of concentrating for 3 rounds.


コスト 5,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、detect thoughts, creator must be an android

Summoner Slayer Eyes

Summoner Slayer Eyes /)
出典 Inner Sea Combat 63ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位市価 11,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

Crafted by the Arclords of Nex, these golden-white lenses rest in crystal frames that fit comfortably over the eyes. Any creatures conjured by summon monster or a similar spell in the wearer’s field of vision appear to the wearer as though they were surrounded by a shimmering, purple glow. The wearer sees non-native creatures that have been called by other forms of magic(such as planar ally or gate) outlined in a blue glow. This affects only creatures of which the wearer is already aware. It doesn’t bypass concealment or stealth, nor does it work if the target is under the effect of an illusion spell that the wearer hasn’t seen through.

Once per day when the wearer hits a summoned or called creature with a weapon, the wearer can concentrate on that target, attempting to banish it back to its place of origin. This is treated as a dismissal spell targeting the creature, which must succeed at a 難易度 16 Will save or be sent back to its home plane.


コスト 5,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、dismissal, summon monster I

Vitreous Goggles

Vitreous Goggles /)
出典 Mystery Monsters Revisited 19ページ
オーラ 中程度・占術力術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位市価 11,200gp; 重量

This pair of clear crystal lenses allows the wearer to see the indistinct shapes of living creatures moving below the surface of the earth. The wearer can see any Medium or larger creatures within 60 feet as long as they are moving underground. The wearer must have seen the creature aboveground within the past minute while wearing the goggles to gain this benefit. Each subsequent round after the first that the goggles are worn, the wearer has a cumulative 5% chance of immediately going blind for 1d4 rounds. Once the goggles are removed, the wearer’s eyes need 1 hour to adjust before he or she can wear the goggles again.


コスト 5,600GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、faerie fire, locate creature


Mariner's Eye Patch船員の眼帯)
出典 Pathfinder #59:The Price of Infamy 60ページ
オーラ 中程度・力術占術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位市価 12,000gp; 重量

この海賊の眼帯は通常、革のパッチに少なくとも1つの宝がセットされている。標準アクションとして合言葉を発すると、アイ・パッチは着用者に1日1回、以下の能の使用することを可能にするコンプリヘンド・ランゲージズスコーチング・レイシー・インヴィジビリティマリナーズ・アイ・パッチはもともとNecromancer Games’ Dead Man’s Chestの73ページに記載されている。


コスト 6,000GP


Lenses of the Bully暴漢レンズ)
出典 Antihero's Handbook 31ページ
オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位市価 12,500gp; 重量

犯によって一般的に使用されるこれらの暗い色合いのレンズは、着用者を脅迫的に見せる。着用者は、〈威圧〉判定に+2のボーナスを得る。知的なクリーチャーは着用者を読みにくいと感じる; 着用者は、常にアンディテクタブル・アラインメント呪文響を受けているかのように扱われ、本当の動機を確認するのが困難になる。


コスト 6,250GP

Discerning Goggles

Discerning Goggles /)
出典 Dungeoneer's Handbook 28ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位市価 13,500gp; 重量

This eyewear consists of two thick, gold-rimmed glass lenses encased in a leather band. When worn over the eyes, a pair of discerning goggles allows you to determine creatures’ alignments with a single look. Good creatures appear to faintly glow blue and evil creatures to faintly glow red. Neutral-aligned creatures appear normal, as do creatures under the effect of an undetectable alignment spell or similar effect. These goggles function only during times when you normally would possess sight; for example, they do not work in darkness unless you possess darkvision.


コスト 6,750GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、detect good, detect evil


Life-Reading Eyes生命読みの
出典 Agents of Evil 29ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 7レベル
装備部位市価 15,000gp; 重量



コスト 7,500GP


Soulsight Goggles /魂視のゴーグル
出典 Pathfinder #143:Borne by the Sun's Grace 39ページ
オーラ占術術者レベル 15レベル
装備部位市価 15,000gp; 重量 1ポンド




コスト 7,500GP

Triple Eyes of Vivid Auras

Triple Eyes of Vivid Auras /)
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 56ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位市価 15,000gp; 重量 1ポンド

These three-eyed goggles allow the wearer to discern subtler auras that would normally be hidden by more powerful auras when using detect evil, detect magic, identify, and other detection spells, provided the auras are no more than one step different in strength.

If the detection would normally be automatically foiled by an illusion or abjuration but arcane sight(or another detection effect of 3rd level or lower) would have a chance of seeing through that effect, the wearer gets a chance to see through it even with lower-level detection effects.

Three times per day, the wearer of the triple eyes of vivid auras can use greater detect magicUI with a command word.


コスト 7,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、arcane sight、greater detect magicUI


Eyes of the Liar
出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 29ページ
オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 5レベル
装備部位市価 16,000gp; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 8,000GP

Mask of Stolen Identities(Gillman)

Mask of Stolen Identities(Gillman) /)
出典 Inner Sea Races 233ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9レベル
装備部位市価 20,000gp; 重量 1/2ポンド

The following wondrous item is generally available only to members of the indicated race or ethnicity.

This simple, pale porcelain mask has large, circular eye-holes. Twice per day, the wearer can speak a command word and make a touch attack against a humanoid creature as a free action. If he hits, the mask alters the wearer’s appearance to match the creature touched as per alter self. If the touch misses, the activation is wasted. Unlike a typical polymorph effect, the disguise is a good likeness of the specific individual and grants a +10 bonus on Disguise checks to pass as that individual. The mask melds into the wearer’s face, leaving only an extremely fine seam that can be noticed with a successful Perception check opposed by the user’s Disguise check. The effect lasts until the wearer removes the mask or uses it to assume a new form.

If the wearer is a gillman, he can concentrate on one simple question that could be answered in 25 words or fewer when he activates the mask. If he does so, he learns what the target thinks is the question’s answer when the touch attack hits, unless the target succeeds at a 難易度 17 Will saving throw.


コスト 10,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、alter self, detect thoughts, creator must be a gillman


Eye of the Cyclopsサイクロプス
出典 Pathfinder:Goblins #1 29ページ
オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 8レベル
装備部位市価 32,000gp; 重量



コスト 16,000GP


Captain's Eye Patch船長の眼帯)
出典 Merchant's Manifest 25ページ
オーラ 中程度・占術術者レベル 111レベル
装備部位市価 46,000gp; 重量



コスト 23,000GP

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