
“装備部位・全身”のその他の魔法のアイテム Body

Glorious Tabard

Glorious Tabard/)
出典 Pathfinder #108:Hell Comes to Westcrown 7ページ
市価 400GP(レッサー)、3,250GP(グレーター); オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 3レベル重量 2ポンド

This sleeveless white tabard, worn over armor or other clothing, prominently bears the symbol of the Glorious Reclamation and can be used as a divine focus by members of the Glorious Reclamation who are followers of Iomedae. Once per day, the wearer of a lesser glorious tabard can activate the tabard to gain a +2 sacred bonus to her アーマー・クラス and on saving throws for 10 minutes. Both bonuses apply only against attacks made or effects created by outsiders with the evil subtype or creatures with an evil aura.

A greater glorious tabard bears the symbol of the Glorious Reclamation in gold. It has all the powers of a lesser glorious tabard but can be used twice per day. In addition, whenever a greater glorious tabard is activated, all longswords within 20 feet shed light as per a torch and ignore the ダメージ減少 of evil creatures(except ダメージ減少/epic) for 3 rounds. When a greater glorious tabard is used as a divine focus to cast a spell, the wearer does not need any material components that cost more than 5gp.

A glorious tabard functions only for wearers who are both members of the Glorious Reclamation and followers of Iomedae.


コスト 200GP(レッサー)、1,625GP(グレーター
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、veil of heaven, weapons against evil(greater glorious tabard only), creator must be a member of Glorious Reclamation and follower of Iomedae

3.5 Materialヴェスト・オヴ・エンデュア・エレメンツ

Vest of Endure Elements/寒暑に耐えるベスト)
出典 Flight of the Red Raven 25ページ
市価 1,000GP; オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 1レベル重量



コスト 500 GP、40 経験点

Coldfire Wrappings

Coldfire Wrappings/)
出典 Pathfinder #48:Shadows of Gallowspire 29ページ
市価 2,000GP; オーラ 中程度・力術[氷]; 術者レベル 10レベル重量 1ポンド

When carefully wrapped around the body of a Medium-sized creature(a process that takes 10 minutes), these magical linen wrappings protect the wearer from fire and provide defense against physical attacks. As an immediate action, the wearer can immolate herself in wispy blue flames that protect the wearer as the chill shield version of fire shield and deal 1d6+10 points of cold damage to attackers. This protection lasts for 10 rounds before the wrappings crumble away into fine ash.


コスト 1,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、fire shield

Festival Garment

Festival Garment/)
出典 Heroes from the Fringe 29ページ
市価 2,000GP; オーラ 微弱・心術術者レベル 1レベル重量 1ポンド

These magical sets of clothing can take many forms. In Segada, notable examples range from the ornate costumes of the Festival of Flowers to the flamboyant, birdlike costumes of the Waning Light Festival. When a wearer of a festival garment dances, he can get onlookers into a festive, celebratory mood. A wearer of a festival garment can attempt a Perform(dance) check instead of a Diplomacy check to influence the attitude of a humanoid creature, but only if the creature’s initial attitude is unfriendly or better. In addition, if the wearer is at a festival or celebration, he gains a +5 competence bonus on Perform(dance) checks.


コスト 1,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、charm person

Robe of the Master of Masters

Robe of the Master of Masters/)
出典 Inner Sea Gods 268ページ、Gods and Magic 59ページ
市価 2,300GP; オーラ 中程度・召喚術変成術術者レベル 7レベル重量 3ポンド

This brightly colored robe is made of fine silk and cut in the Vudrani style. As a full-round action, the wearer can shift the original hue of the garment slightly(from red to pink or crimson, from blue to cyan or sapphire, and so on) or return it to its original color; the robe instantly reverts to its original color if the wearer removes the robe. The wearer gains a +2 competence bonus on Perform(dance) checks.

If Irori is the wearer’s patron, once per day as a free action the wearer can touch a tiny button on the wrist of the robe, granting her the effects of haste for 1 round. Once per day, the wearer can also perform a healing dance that lasts 5 minutes. When she does so, up to 7 allies within 30 feet heal 1 hit point.


コスト 1,150GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、cure light wounds, disguise self, haste, creator must have 5 ranks in Perform(dance)

Pauper's Robes

Pauper's Robes/)
出典 Heroes of the Streets 15ページ
市価 2,400GP; オーラ 微弱・幻術術者レベル 3レベル重量 3ポンド

Dirt and grime from city streets cling to these dirty brown robes, covering them in an ever-present film of filth. A set of pauper’s robes surrounds its wearer in mystery, making it difficult for creatures to remember details about him. Creatures that attempt to remember details of their interactions with the wearer of a set of pauper’s robes must make a successful Will save to do so:recalling general details about the wearer(such as gender or race) requires a successful 難易度 13 Will save, and recalling more specific information(such as name, distinguishing features, or mannerisms) requires a successful 難易度 16 Will save. If the wearer of the robes takes any action that counts as an attack(as defined by the invisibility spell), creatures witnessing that action are immune to the memory-fogging influence of the pauper’s robes for all interactions with the wearer over the next 24 hours.

As a standard action, the wearer of a set of pauper’s robes can cause the garment to tarnish and dirty any valuables he carries, making jewelry appear to be little more than beads and twine or a magical sword look rusted and dull. Anyone who examines or interacts with such an object can see through the guise with a successful 難易度 13 Will save. This effect ends immediately once the object leaves the wearer’s possession.


コスト 1,200GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、disguise self、memory lapseAPG


Traveler's Wet Suit旅人のウェット・スーツ)
出典 Aquatic Adventures 63ページ
市価 2,750GP; オーラ 微弱・占術術者レベル 3レベル重量 3ポンド



コスト 2,500GP


Hag's Shabbleハグのシャブル)
出典 Inner Sea Gods 265ページ、Gods and Magic 57ページ
市価 3,400GP; オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 3レベル重量 3ポンド




コスト 1,700GP

Alabaster Trapping

Alabaster Trapping/)
出典 Merchant's Manifest 18ページ
市価 3,500GP; オーラ 微弱・力術術者レベル 5レベル重量 1ポンド

Sewn in the traditional style of the Kalistocracy, this white robe bears several golden embellishments. The robe is under a constant prestidigitation spell that removes any dirt or stains while preventing wrinkles. Once per day as an immediate action, the wearer can repel one creature physically touching her(such as a creature targeting her with a touch spell or a combat maneuver). The target of this effect takes 5d4 points of force damage and is pushed 10 feet in a direction specified by the wearer.


コスト 1,750GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、force punch, prestidigitation

Gown of Graceful Petiteness

Gown of Graceful Petiteness/)
出典 Merchant's Manifest 12ページ
市価 3,500GP; オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 1レベル重量 1ポンド

These fine dresses are delicately woven with magically preserved and layered leaves. The dresses were originally commissioned for elven diplomats who often interacted with gnomes and other members of Small races, but their use has spread across Avistan. A Medium humanoid who takes 1 interrupted minute to don a gown of graceful petitenes is, at the end of that time, immediately reduced to Small size. This acts as reduce person, except that it does not grant a size bonus to Dexterity or resize items on the wearer’s person other than the gown itself. Taking off the gown also requires 1 interrupted minute and returns the gown and its wearer to their original sizes.


コスト 1,750GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、reduce person, creator must be an elf

Pressure Suit

Pressure Suit/)
出典 Distant Worlds 55ページ
スロット 全身、頭部(本文参照); 市価 4,000GP; オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 5レベル重量 30ポンド

This magical full-body suit completely protects the wearer from temperature extremes(as if by endure elements) and pressure dangers of hard vacuum and all worlds in the system(save the sun), though it only carries enough air for 3 days before it must be recharged in breathable atmosphere(such as that inside a ship). If the suit’s seal is broken—such as the helmet being removed to eat or drink—all the air escapes in 2d6 rounds. A suit with a broken seal confers only the benefits of endure elements. The suit automatically repairs small holes, but if it is struck by a critical hit from a piercing or slashing weapon, the wearer of the pressure suit must succeed at a Reflex save(難易度 equal to the opponent’s confirmation roll) or the seal breaks. A suit with a broken seal can be repaired with a 難易度 18 Craft(armor) check or a make whole spell. The suit does not compensate for changes in gravity. Wearing a pressure suit imposes a –1 armor check penalty; this penalty stacks with those provided by other equipment(such as armor). Since it takes up both the body and helm slots, armor can be worn over a pressure suit, but robes and helms cannot.


コスト 2,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、endure elements、gust of wind

Liar's Robe

Liar's Robe/)
出典 Champions of Balance 29ページ
市価 4,180GP; オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル重量 6ポンド

This hole-ridden burlap robe would appear completely worthless if not for the immaculate red velvet lining its interior. When worn inside out, a liar’s robe enshrouds the wearer in a continually shifting array of colors, features, and faces that obscure his entire appearance and make physical recognition all but impossible. This effect lasts for 1 hour, during which time the wearer can go back and forth between wearing the robe inside out(disguising himself) and right side out(revealing his true form) any number of times. Witnesses to a creature wearing a liar’s robe must use true seeing or a similar effect in order to pierce through this disguise; otherwise, they see the wearer only as a continually shifting humanoid form. The wearer’s voice, scent, and other tangible cues are also continually altered and distorted, though indirect magical means of identification(such as detect thoughts or locate creature) may still be used to recognize the individual. Since even the most magically disinclined individuals can clearly tell that the wearer is enshrouded in an illusion, a liar’s robe is typically used in circumstances when it’s appropriate to protect the wearer’s anonymity without the wearer feigning another identity or hiding her presence.


コスト 2,090GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、alter self

Charlatan's Cope

Charlatan's Cope/)
出典 Disciple's Doctrine 28ページ
市価 4,800GP; オーラ 微弱・幻術術者レベル 3レベル重量 2ポンド

This plush hooded robe is finely trimmed with gold accents. When the wearer casts a spell, the robe scintillates with color and produces ostentatious magical effects, such as bright lights and loud hums, increasing the 難易度 of Spellcraft checks to identify the spell by 10. In addition, once per day as a move action, the wearer can trigger these effects with a dramatic flourish; each creature within 30 feet that can see the wearer must succeed at a 難易度 13 Will save or be blinded for 1d4+1 rounds.


コスト 2,400GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、ghost sound, pyrotechnics, silent image

False Flag Tabard

False Flag Tabard/)
出典 Black Markets 23ページ
市価 5,500GP; オーラ 微弱・防御術術者レベル 5レベル重量 1ポンド

This sleeveless cotton tabard has a large but innocuous image such as a checkered field or mailed fist emblazoned on its front panel. As a swift action, a wearer devoted to a particular deity or religion can transform the image into her faith’s holy symbol or transform the holy symbol back to the innocuous image. The wearer can use the holy symbol image as an actual holy symbol while it is displayed.

Once per day as a standard action, the wearer can cause a false flag tabard to flare with protective energy. All worshipers of the wearer’s deity within a 60-foot-radius burst(including the wearer) gain a +2 sacred bonus to アーマー・クラス and 戦技防御値 for 5 minutes. If the wearer is evil, this is a profane bonus rather than a sacred bonus.


コスト 2,750GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、shield of faith


Crusader's Tabard/十字軍のタバート)
出典 Knights of the Inner Sea 31ページ
市価 6,000GP; オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル重量 2ポンド



コスト 3,000GP

Lupine Robe

Lupine Robe/)
出典 Inner Sea Races 232ページ
市価 6,800GP; オーラ 微弱・変成術術者レベル 5レベル重量 1ポンド

The following wondrous item is generally available only to members of the indicated race or ethnicity.

This silk robe is covered in exquisitely detailed embroidery depicting foxes frolicking in a pristine meadow. Four times per day, the wearer can add 1d6 to the result of a Dexterity-, Intelligence-, or Charisma-based skill check as a free action. The wearer can do this only once per check, and the wearer can’t benefit from both the lupine robe and the inspirationACG class feature on the same check.

If the wearer is a kitsune, he can spend two of the robe’s daily uses to add 1d10 on a skill check instead of 1d6.


コスト 3,400GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、cat's grace, eagle's splendor, fox's cunning, creator must be a kitsune


Hyperboreal Robe/北極圏のローブ)
出典 Pathfinder #68:The Shackled Hut 60ページ
市価 7,000GP; オーラ 中程度・防御術死霊術術者レベル 6レベル重量 1ポンド

このしいローブは、の糸で刺繍された上質ない絹から作られ、フクロウの羽と小さな水晶の破片があしらわれている。この ローブは、着用者の全てのセーヴィング・スローに+2の抵抗ボーナスを与える。加えて、着用者の体は接触に対して焼け付くように冷たくなる。素手打撃接触攻撃または肉体武器で着用者を攻撃した者は、1d6ポイントの[氷ダメージを受ける。着用者は、フリーアクションとしてこの能起動または停止することができる。


コスト 3,500GP

Pathfinder Greatcoat

Pathfinder Greatcoat/)
出典 Pathfinder Society Primer 25ページ
市価 8,000GP; オーラ 中程度・変成術術者レベル 9レベル重量 4ポンド

This long, double-breasted jacket is sewn from durable, dun-colored canvas with a removable liner to keep its wearer comfortable in a wide range of temperatures. Anyone wearing the coat notes many small cloth patches of various shapes. Only the wearer of the robe can see these patches, recognize them for the items they become, and detach them. One patch can be detached each round. Detaching a patch causes it to become an actual item, as indicated below. A Pathfinder greatcoat has each of the following patches(unless noted otherwise, the coat has only one of each patch):


コスト 4,000GP

Neili Robes

Neili Robes/)
出典 Merchant's Manifest 10ページ
市価 10,000GP; オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 11レベル; 重量 1ポンド

This black-and-white robe is specially crafted to help the wearer regulate the flow of ki in his body, allowing for the generation of internal strength. Once per round when the wearer spends a ki point, he gains a +1 natural armor bonus to アーマー・クラス and a +1 enhancement bonus to Strength for 1 round. If the wearer spends another ki point before the end of his next turn, the duration is extended by 1 round and the natural armor and enhancement bonuses are increased by 1(to a maximum of +4). The bonuses to アーマー・クラス and Strength last for only 1 round following the expenditure of the last ki point.


コスト 5,000GP


Shozoku of the Night Wind/夜の装束)
出典 Pathfinder #50:Night of Frozen Shadows 60ページ
市価 12,000GP; オーラ 中程度・幻術術者レベル 4レベル重量 2ポンド



コスト 6,000GP


Habit of the Winter Explorer探検家の衣類)
出典 Pathfinder #70:The Frozen Stars 62ページ
オーラ 微弱・防御術変成術術者レベル 3レベル
装備部位 全身; 市価 13,380gp; 重量 7ポンド



またハビット・オヴ・ザ・ウィンター・エクスプローラーはまた、寒冷の気候(華氏40度未満)で行う〈隠密〉判定に着用者に+4のボーナスを与える。加えて1日1回、寒冷の気候において、ヴァニッシュ呪文として(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 253ページ)3ラウンドの間不可視状態となることができる。



コスト 6,690GP

Hamatulatsu Robe

Hamatulatsu Robe/)
出典 Inner Sea Combat 59ページ
市価 4,000GP; オーラ 中程度・力術変成術術者レベル 10レベル重量 7ポンド

Made of exquisite crimson silk, this variant monk’s robe is embroidered with golden pentagrams and other fiendish symbols. If the wearer is evil and has levels in monk, her アーマー・クラス bonus and unarmed damage are treated as if she were a monk of 5 levels higher(maximum 20).

If the wearer is evil but not a monk, she gains the アーマー・クラス bonus and unarmed damage of a 5th-level monk(although she doesn’t add her Wisdom bonus to her アーマー・クラス). This アーマー・クラス bonus otherwise functions just like the monk’s アーマー・クラス bonus.

If the robe is donned by a character with the Hamatulatsu feat(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:The Inner Sea World Guide 287), the duration of the sickened effect increases to 2 rounds. If the wearer doesn’t have the Hamatulatsu feat, she gains this feat while wearing the robes, but gains no further benefits to that ability.


コスト 7,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、HamatulatsuISWG、righteous might or transformation, unholy blight

3.5 MaterialScintillating Garment

Scintillating Garment/)
出典 Magic of Thassilon(Web Enhancement) 3ページ
市価 14,000GP; オーラ 中程度・力術術者レベル 7レベル重量

A scintillating garment can become either a tight-fitting tunic of any style or a long, tight dress of any cut. It appears to be made of mist and shimmering silks, hinting at the form and color of the skin beneath without revealing it. When worn, it gives any successful Diplomacy check made by the wearer the chance to increase one target’s attitude by one additional step(PH 72). The wearer chooses a single target affected by her Diplomacy check to make a 難易度 13 Will save. If the target fails, his attitude improves by one step above the attitude indicated by the check. If the target succeeds, he is unaffected by the garment but his attitude is still adjusted by the successful Diplomacy check as normal. Any target that successfully saves against the garment’s effects is immune to its magic for 24 hours. A scintillating garment has no affect on a failed Diplomacy check.


コスト 7,000 GP, 560 経験点
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、eagle's splendor

Vestments of War

Vestments of War/)
出典 Melee Tactics Toolbox 29ページ
市価 14,000GP; オーラ 中程度・力術術者レベル 9レベル重量

These sturdy leather robes are edged in fine linen embroidered with runes and holy symbols. If worn by a creature capable of casting divination spells who worships a specific deity, the embroidery shifts to depict symbols and icons appropriate to the wearer’s faith. The robes act as a divine focus for such wearers, allowing spells requiring a divine focus to be cast without the need to hold any other holy symbol. Additionally, if the wearer can channel energy, she can do so one additional time per day. If the wearer can lay on hands, she instead gains two additional uses of that ability per day. If the wearer has the fervor class feature, she instead gains two additional uses of fervor per day.


コスト 7,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、divine favor、righteous might

Anaphexis Robe

Anaphexis Robe/)
出典 Agents of Evil 28ページ
市価 16,000GP; オーラ 中程度・占術死霊術術者レベル 10レベル重量 1ポンド

Sewn from deep purple fabric, an Anaphexis robe appears to be a plain version of Pharasmin holy vestments. A creature wearing this robe can speak directly into the minds of other creatures wearing Anaphexis robes or carrying an unholy symbol of Norgorber within 100 feet, as long as they share a common language. The robes grant a +10 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks to appear as a monk of Pharasma and a +10 circumstance bonus on Sleight of Hand checks to conceal weapons. Once per day, a wearer with the death attack class ability can reduce the number of rounds required to study a target for a death attack by 1.


コスト 8,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、message, slay living

Untouchable Jacket

Untouchable Jacket/)
出典 Spymaster's Handbook 20ページ
市価 18,000GP; オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 9レベル重量 1ポンド

This black jacket is marked with the insignia of the Blackjackets. Once per day, the wearer can speak a command word to gain spell resistance 20 for 3 rounds. This spell resistance ends if the wearer successfully resists a spell as a result of it failing to penetrate his spell resistance. The first time each day that a spell has no effect on the wearer because of spell resistance or a successful saving throw, the jacket becomes charged with abjuration magic and its insignia glows faintly. The wearer can touch the glowing insignia as a standard action to cast dispel magic from the jacket, expending the charge. The charge fades with no effect if unused for 1 hour.


コスト 9,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、dispel magic、spell resistance

Shimmering Kilt

Shimmering Kilt/)
出典 Blood of the Sea 20ページ
市価 25,200GP; オーラ 中程度・幻術変成術術者レベル 10レベル重量 2ポンド

This iridescent kilt seems stitched together from thousands of tiny scales. When an aquatic creature with a tail dons the shimmering kilt, her tail transforms into legs and feet, allowing her to walk on land. The wearer loses her swim speed but gains a base land speed of 30 feet(or 20 feet if the wearer is Small or smaller). This transformation lasts until the shimmering kilt is removed.

As a standard action, the wearer can cause the shimmering kilt to take on the appearance of any suitable garb that covers the legs, such as trousers or a long skirt. The shimmering kilt retains all its properties, including its weight, when so disguised. Only true seeing or similar magic reveals the true nature of the shimmering kilt when it is disguised.


コスト 12,600GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、disguise self、fins to feetARG

Cassock of the Black Monk

Cassock of the Black Monk/)
出典 Pathfinder #71:Rasputin Must Die! 60ページ
市価 34,000GP; オーラ変成術術者レベル 12レベル; 重量 1ポンド

This ankle-length black robe, cut in the style favored by Orthodox priests, bears little outward ornamentation beyond its gold buttons, though subtle occult symbols embroidered in black thread decorate the skirt’s hem. The cassock of the Black Monk grants a +4 luck bonus to the wearer’s touch アーマー・クラス. In addition, while wearing the cassock, an oracle of the occult mystery(see page 68) gains access to the spectral spells revelation(see page 69) and may use it as if he had it as a normal class feature. If the wearer already has that revelation, he can use that ability one additional time per day. This ability has no effect if worn by a non-oracle. If the wearer is an oracle but does not have the occult mystery, once per day he can cast a spell with the Ectoplasmic Spell feat(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 158) as a standard action that does not increase the level of the spell. This ability has no effect if the wearer is a non-oracle.


コスト 17,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、divine favor, ghostbane dirgeAPG

Witching Gown

Witching Gown/)
出典 Pathfinder #47:Ashes at Dawn 51ページ
市価 35,000GP; オーラ 中程度・防御術術者レベル 7レベル重量 1ポンド

Spun from combed cotton, this simple, unassuming gown bears a strong aura of witchcraft. These magical garments are highly sought after by witches, for though anyone may wear a witching gown, only a witch may realize its full potential. A witching gown grants its wearer a +2 resistance bonus on all saving throws and a +2 competence bonus on all Bluff, Diplomacy, and Intimidate skill checks. When worn by a witch, these bonuses double.

In addition, a witch may change the appearance and style of the gown to match her whims(as the glamered armor special ability) and adopt virtually any disguise, gaining a +10 bonus on Disguise checks that incorporate the gown’s appearance. Only a true seeing spell or similar magic can pierce this effect.

Lastly, a witch may cast a single touch range spell of 4th level or lower into the gown. Thereafter, the gown holds the magic for up to 24 hours, functioning as a spite spell against the next foe to strike the witch with a successful melee attack or combat maneuver. The gown’s spite spell counts as an active spite effect for the witch wearing the gown.


コスト 17,750GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、charm person, disguise self, resistance, spite(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player's Guide 246ページ)

Robe of Runes

Robe of Runes/)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 422ページ、Pathfinder #4:Fortress of the Stone Giants 50ページ
市価 44,000GP; オーラ変成術術者レベル 13レベル; 重量 1ポンド

This robe is made of crimson silk and emblazoned with dozens of spindly Thassilonian runes, each symbolizing a different type of magical effect or syllable of power. Though favored by wizards, this robe can provide some benefit to any spellcasting creature. While worn, it grants a +4 enhancement bonus to Intelligence and allows the wearer to recall, as a free action, up to four levels of spells per day that he had prepared and then cast. Each time a spell is recalled and prepared again in this manner, the sudden rush of magical energy infuses the wearer with power. For 1 round after recalling a spell, the wearer’s spell save DCs and attack rolls made with spells gain a +2 enhancement bonus.


コスト 22,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、fox's cunning, limited wish

Summoner's Robe

Summoner's Robe/)
出典 Monster Summoner's Handbook 21ページ
市価 50,000GP; オーラ召喚術術者レベル 17レベル; 重量 5ポンド

A summoner’s robe is a finely crafted garment of silk the same color as the endless sky of the Astral Plane. Once per day when casting a summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell, the wearer can have the robe absorb one of the creatures summoned rather than have it appear within the spell’s range. When this occurs, the robe gains a defensive aura and takes on visual aspects of the absorbed creature(such as becoming red and spiked if absorbing a demon, or manifesting flame patterns if absorbing a fire elemental). The creature does not exist outside its effect as a defensive aura of the robe as detailed below, and cannot be damaged or targeted by most spells. It is still a magical effect, and any spell or ability that could dispel or disrupt a creature summoned by summon monster can dispel or disrupt the defensive aura. The defensive aura is also dispelled if the robe enters an area a summoned creature could not enter, or at the end of the duration of the spell that summoned the absorbed creature. If the wearer takes an amount of damage equal to or greater than 5 hit points per level of the spell that summoned the absorbed creature, the defensive aura ends.

As long as the robe has a defensive aura, its wearer gains some of the absorbed creature’s defenses and powers. These abilities are determined as if the wearer were using a transmutation(polymorph) spell to assume the absorbed creature’s form. Unlike a normal polymorph effect, it does not grant her the appearance of the creature(or any bonus to Disguise), any movement type, natural attacks(or proficiency with them), or size change. The wearer does not change form, gain any ability score modifiers, have her gear meld into her body, or lose any abilities based on her form. She is considered to be under the effects of a polymorph spell, and cannot be under the effects of another polymorph spell or size-altering magic for the duration of the defensive aura. The abilities the defensive aura grants are otherwise determined by the type of creature absorbed. If the creature is an elemental, the wearer gains the abilities listed in elemental body III; if it’s a plant, the wearer gains the abilities listed in plant shape II; if it’s an undead, the wearer gains the abilities listed in undead anatomy IIIUM. If the creature is of any other creature type, the wearer gains the abilities it possesses listed in beast shape IV.


コスト 25,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、summon monster IXor summon nature's ally IX


Seamless Skin/継ぎのない皮膚)
出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 55ページ
市価 70,000GP; オーラ死霊術術者レベル 14レベル; 重量 8ポンド

この皮膚は特定の人型生物から剥ぎ取られ、魔法で保存されている。皮膚となっているクリーチャーと異なるサイズ段階のクリーチャーは、1分間奮闘することにより、この皮膚を着用できる。これにより、着用者は皮を剥ぎ取られたクリーチャーが生きている間に持っていた外見サイズを得、alter self呪文として定義された能を得るが、完全耐性武器への習熟呪文抵抗は得ない。それ以外について、この効果リコーポリアル・インカーネイションのように機能する。


コスト 35,000GP

Robe of the Overmind

Robe of the Overmind/)
出典 Psychic Anthology 9ページ
市価 75,000GP; オーラ防御術術者レベル 14レベル; 重量 1ポンド

This regal-looking robe is trimmed with softly glowing sigils and attuned to one of three types of alignment. It can have geometric sigils(1–45 on d%, lawful alignment), smooth sigils(46–75 on d%, neither lawful nor chaotic alignment), or jagged sigils(76–100 on d%, chaotic alignment). To most wearers, the robe offers no powers and has no effects unless the wearer’s alignment doesn’t match that of the robe(see below). Only a psychic spellcaster can call upon this potent magic item’s powers, which are as follows.

If a robe with geometric sigils is donned by a chaotic character, he immediately gains 3 permanent negative levels. The same is true with respect to a robe with jagged sigils donned by a lawful character. A lawful or chaotic character who puts on a robe with smooth sigils, or a neutral character who dons a robe with geometric or jagged sigils, gains 2 permanent negative levels. These negative levels remain as long as the garment is worn and cannot be overcome in any way(including through restoration spells). Negative levels are immediately removed if the robe is removed from the wearer.


コスト 37,500GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、antimagic field, mage armor, creator must be of same alignment as robe

Starfaring Robes

Starfaring Robes/)
出典 Inner Sea Gods 270ページ
市価 82,000GP; オーラ変成術術者レベル 17レベル; 重量 1ポンド

This simple blue robe appears plain during the day but sparkles in starlight or moonlight. The wearer is constantly protected as if wearing a necklace of adaptation. On command, the robe sprouts pale moth wings, allowing the wearer to fly as if using wings of flying. In the vacuum of space, the wearer can fly at an incredible speed. Although exact travel times vary, a trip within a single solar system normally takes 3d20 months, while a trip beyond should take 3d20 years(or more, at the GM’s discretion), provided the wearer knows the way to its destination. While flying in this fashion, the wearer can enter a state of hibernation(similar to temporal stasis), waking instantly if attacked, upon reaching his destination, or after a set time period(such as a month or year).


コスト 41,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、alter self, fly, interplanetary teleportUM, temporal stasis

Robe of Magma

Robe of Magma/)
出典 Heroes of the Darklands 31ページ
市価 112,000GP; オーラ召喚術術者レベル 15レベル; 重量 1ポンド

These striking black robes are lined with glowing cracks, and resemble flows of partially cooled magma. They allow the wearer not only to survive within areas of lava and magma, but also to conjure molten rock from the earth. The wearer gains fire resistance 20 and immunity to fire damage from lava and magma. Additionally, while submerged in lava or magma, the wearer can breathe normally, gains a +5 bonus on Swim checks, and can see through the substance as clearly as if it were water.

Once per day as a full-round action, the wearer of a robe of magma can conjure a great burst of magma from deep below the surface. This ability can be used only while the wearer is on the Material Plane, and only while on solid ground on a planetary body. The deeper beneath a planet’s surface the wearer is, the sooner the magma arrives. If the wearer uses this ability while 8,000 feet(or more) below the surface, the magma arrives instantaneously. If she uses it between 2,000 and 8,000 feet below the surface, the magma arrives at the beginning of the wearer’s next turn. If she uses it on the surface or down to 2,000 feet below the surface, the magma arrives in 1d4 rounds. Once the magma arrives, it bursts from the ground in a geyser that sprays up to 40 feet in height and showers a 20-foot radius centered on the location of the wearer when this ability was activated. This deals 20d6 points of fire damage to creatures in the area(Reflex 難易度 22 half) and creates a shallow pool of lava in the area of the burst. The magma geyser continues for 1d3 rounds. For each round that the geyser continues, the pool of lava expands its radius by 10 feet. Creatures that enter the pool of lava or begin their turn in this area take 2d6 points of fire damage. Once the magma geyser stops, this pool cools and hardens over the course of 1d3 rounds. The magma arrives through an extradimensional space and does not impact any features or terrain located under its point of conjuration.


コスト 56,000GP
《その他の魔法のアイテム作成》、protection from energy, wall of lavaAPG


Robes of Xin-Edasseril/シン=エダセリルのローブ)
出典 Pathfinder #137:The City Outside of Time 56ページ
オーラ防御術かつ召喚術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 全身; 市価 164,000GP; 重量 1ポンド

ローブズ・オヴ・シン=エダセリルアーマー・クラスに+5の鎧ボーナス呪文抵抗 20を与え、着用者に全ての防御術呪文に+1術者レベルを与える。ローブのポケットのうち2つはハンディ・ハヴァサックとして機能する。加えて、ローブは着用者が選択したエネルギー種別に対するエネルギー抵抗 10で着用者を保護する――このエネルギー抵抗標準アクションとして1日1回変更できる。


コスト 82,000GP


Robes of Xin-Bakrakhan/シン=バクラカーンのローブ)
出典 Pathfinder #138:Rise of New Thassilon 70ページ
オーラ防御術召喚術術者レベル 16レベル
装備部位 全身; 市価 198,000GP; 重量 1ポンド



コスト 99,000GP


Robes of Xin-Shalast/シン=シャラストのローブ)
出典 Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition 423ページ、Pathfinder #6:Spires of Xin-Shalast 65ページ
市価 198,000GP; オーラ防御術召喚術術者レベル 16レベル; 重量 1ポンド

強欲のルーンロードの伝統的なローブは、ローヴ・オヴ・シン=シャラストとして知られている。まれにルーンロードがお気に入りの弟子にこのローブのセットを与えることがある。最高級のシルクで編まれ、貴重な宝でアクセントを付けられたこのローブは、驚くほど軽く、動きやすくなっている。ローヴ・オヴ・シン=シャラストは着用者の呪文発動能力を助け増長させる。+6の鎧ボーナス呪文抵抗24を与え、更に術者レベル+1で全ての呪文を発動することができる。ローブの2つのポケットはハンディ・ハヴァサックとして機能する。このローブの着用者はSpires of Xin-Shalastを含む隠蔽用フィールドの効果完全耐性を持ち、高度26,000フィート以上のデス・ゾーン内を含む全ての高知で快適に生活できる。


コスト 99,000GP

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