
モンクのアーキタイプ Monk Archetypes

Disciple of Wholeness Disciple of Wholeness

出典 Healer's Handbook 4ページ

Disciples of wholeness train to bring themselves and others closer to physical and spiritual perfection.

Healing Ki(超常)/Healing Ki:At 4th level, a disciple of wholeness can touch a creature as a swift action and spend 1 point from her ki pool to restore a number of hit points equal to 1d4 + 1/2 her monk level to that creature. If she has the wholeness of body class feature, she can spend 2 points to restore a number of hit points equal to 1d8 + her monk level to a touched creature. She does not gain the ability to spend ki to gain an extra attack during a flurry of blows.

This ability alters ki pool.

Hone Body(超常)/Hone Body:At 5th level, a disciple of wholeness has immunity to supernatural and magical diseases as long as she is undamaged(she loses this immunity when she has hit point or ability score damage). In addition, she can always touch a creature as a swift action and spend 1 point from her ki pool to render it immune to all diseases for 1 day. She cannot grant this immunity if the target is already afflicted with a disease.

This ability replaces purity of body.

Greater Hone Body(超常)/Greater Hone Body:At 11th level, a disciple of wholeness is immune to poison while undamaged and can grant immunity to poison(lasting for 1 day). This ability otherwise functions as per hone body.

This ability replaces the diamond body ability.

Hone Soul(超常)/Hone Soul:At 13th level, a disciple of wholeness can dispel a spell affecting a living creature by touching it as a standard action and spending 1 point from her ki pool. This power functions like the targeted dispel option of greater dispel magic, with the caster level equal to the disciple of wholeness’s monk level.

This ability replaces the diamond soul ability.

Elemental Monk Elemental Monk

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 4ページ

Elemental monks draw inspiration from genies to create their fighting style. Their adaptability and versatility make them capable of serving as emissaries of elemental balance.

属性An elemental monk must be true neutral.

This replaces the monk’s alignment requirement.

Elemental Strike(変則)Elemental Strike:An elemental monk gains Elemental Fist as a bonus feat, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites. She does not have to select an element; instead, each time she hits with an Elemental Fist attack, she can choose acid, cold, electricity, or fire for the type of the additional damage granted by that feat.

This replaces all of the monk’s bonus feats and stunning fist.

Genie Style(変則擬呪)/Genie Style:At 2nd level, as a swift action an elemental monk can gain the benefits of one of the following style feats, based on one of the five types of genies. When she does so, she automatically enters that feat’s stance:Djinni Style, Efreeti Style, Janni Style, Marid Style, or Shaitan Style. These feats, as well as those mentioned below, appear in Chapter 2 of Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Combat, and rules for style feats are on page 78 of that book.

At 6th level, while the elemental monk is using a genie style feat, she also gains the benefits of a feat from the following list, as appropriate for that style’s feat path:Djinni Spirit, Efreeti Stance, Janni Tempest, Marid Spirit, and Shaitan Skin.

At 10th level, while the elemental monk is using a genie style feat, she also gains the benefits of a feat from the following list, as appropriate for that style’s feat path:Djinni Spin, Efreeti Touch, Janni Rush, Marid Coldsnap, and Shaitan Earthblast.

At 18th level, when the elemental monk gains the benefits of Djinni Spirit, Efreeti Stance, Marid Spirit, or Shaitan Skin, her elemental resistance from that feat instead becomes immunity to that element, as long as she is not denied her Dexterity bonus to アーマー・クラス. While she is using Janni Style, she gains the effects of enlarge person or reduce person(her choice), even if she is not humanoid. This is a spell-like ability with a caster level equal to the elemental monk’s level.

This replaces evasion, purity of body, and diamond body.

Elemental Precision(変則)Elemental Precision:At 10th level, instead of treating her unarmed strikes as lawful for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction, an elemental monk overcomes all damage reduction of creatures with the air, earth, fire, or water subtypes except ダメージ減少/— and ダメージ減少/epic.

This alters the monk’s ki pool.

Planar Guide(擬呪)/Planar Guide:At 14th level as a standard action, an elemental monk can spend 1 ki point to transport herself and up to seven additional willing creatures, as per the plane shift spell, to one of the four Elemental Planes. Each additional creature increases the cost by 1 ki point.

Far Strike Monk Far Strike Monk

出典 Ranged Tactics Toolbox 9ページ

Far strike monks are masters of thrown weapons, from shuriken to throwing axes to spears. The far strike school views thrown attacks as an extension of unarmed strikes, and masters of this school can infuse thrown weapons with their ki.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:In addition to the standard monk weapon proficiencies, a far strike monk is proficient with all thrown weapons.

Flurry of Blows(変則)/Flurry of Blows:A far strike monk can make a flurry of blows as a full-attack action as long as he’s attacking with thrown weapons. He can’t make a flurry of blows with his unarmed attacks or any other weapons. A far strike monk’s flurry of blows otherwise functions as the standard monk class feature.

A far strike monk can’t use Rapid Shot when making a flurry of blows with a thrown weapon. This ability alters flurry of blows.

ボーナス特技A far strike monk adds the following feats to his list of bonus feats at 1st level:Far Shot, Point-Blank Shot, Precise Shot, and any targeting feat. At 6th level, he adds the following feats:Improved Precise Shot, Parting ShotAPG, and Trick Shooter. At 10th level, he adds the following feats:Improvised Weapon Mastery and Pinpoint Targeting.

Fast Thrower/Fast Thrower:At 1st level, a far strike monk gains Quick Draw as a bonus feat, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites. At 4th level, he gains Shot on the Run as a bonus feat, even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites. At 8th level, when using the Shot on the Run feat, he can make a second ranged attack with a –5 penalty at any point during his movement. At 15th level, he can make a third ranged attack with a –10 penalty at any point during his movement. This ability replaces Stunning Fist.

Invisible Blade(変則)/Invisible Blade:At 3rd level, when a far strike monk uses the Stealth skill to maintain his obscured location after sniping, he takes a –10 penalty on his Stealth check instead of –20. This ability replaces still mind.

Ki Pool(超常)/Ki Pool:At 4th level, in addition to the normal abilities of his ki pool, a far strike monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool to increase the range increment of a thrown weapon by 20 feet for 1 round.

Ki Missile(超常)/Ki Missile:At 5th level, a far strike monk can spend 1 point from his ki pool as a swift action to change the base damage dice of thrown weapons to that of his unarmed strikes. These weapons are also treated as ki focus weapons, allowing the monk to apply his special ki attacks to his thrown weapons as if they were unarmed strikes. This effect lasts until the beginning of his next turn. This ability replaces purity of body.

Trick Throw(超常)/Trick Throw:At 11th level, a far strike monk can infuse his thrown weapons with ki to hit targets that he might otherwise miss. By spending 1 point from his ki pool as a swift action, the far strike monk can ignore concealment. By spending 2 points, he can ignore total concealment or cover. By spending 3 points, he can ignore total cover, even throwing weapons around corners. The weapon must still be able to reach the target; for instance, a target inside a closed building with no open doors or windows cannot be attacked using Trick Throw. These effects last for 1 round. This ability replaces diamond body.

Hamatulatsu Master Hamatulatsu Master

出典 Inner Sea Combat 38ページ

Once part of the Sisterhood of Eiseth, the Sisterhood of the Golden Erinyes is an order of female monks dedicated to emulating the painful strikes of the barbed devil, leaving targets alive but permanently scarred and broken by pain—a method called hamatulatsu. The sisters train equally hard to resist their own techniques, and nearly all revere Asmodeus.

属性A hamatulatsu master must be lawful neutral or lawful evil.

ボーナス特技A hamatulatsu master replaces the normal monk bonus feats with the following:Deflect Arrows, Dodge, Exotic Weapon Proficiency, Improved Grapple, Intimidating Prowess, Scorpion Style, or Weapon Focus. At 6th level, the following feats are added to the list:Gorgon’s Fist, Hamatulatsu(Pathfinder Campaign Setting:The Inner Sea World Guide 287), Improved Sunder, Mobility, Power Attack. At 10th level, the following feats are added to the list:Critical Focus, Impaling Critical(unarmed strike)(Ultimate Combat 105), Improved Critical, Medusa’s Wrath, Snatch Arrows. At 14th level, the following feat is added to the list:Improved Impaling Critical(Ultimate Combat 105). Anytime a hamatulatsu master would gain a bonus feat, she can instead choose to gain two additional uses of stunning fist per day.

Stunning Fist(変則)/Stunning Fist:A hamatulatsu master expands the conditions that she can apply to the target of her stunning fist beyond merely stunning her target. At 4th level, she can choose to make the target shaken for 1 minute. At 8th level, she can choose to deal 1d10 points of nonlethal bleed damage. At 12th level, she can choose to make the target frightened for 1d3 rounds. At 16th level, she can deal 2d12 points of nonlethal bleed damage. The shaken and frightened conditions allow the target to attempt a Will save to negate the effect instead of a Fortitude save. This ability otherwise functions as normal for a monk of her level.

Ki Pool(超常)/Ki Pool:By spending 1 point from her ki pool as a swift action, a hamatulatsu master can make one additional attack at her highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows attack. Alternatively, she can spend 1 ki point as a swift action to gain one additional use of her stunning fist ability that round, though this does not grant her an additional attack. Finally, as an immediate action, a hamatulatsu master can spend 1 ki point to make a single melee attack with a +2 bonus against a creature that has damaged her with a natural melee attack, unarmed strike, or weapon without the reach property. This ability otherwise functions as normal for a monk of her level.

Infernal Resilience(変則)/Infernal Resilience:At 5th level, a hamatulatsu master gains immunity to all spells, spell-like abilities, and effects with the pain descriptor, as well as a +2 bonus on saving throws against effects that would sicken, nauseate, stagger, or stun her. This ability replaces purity of body.

Harrow Warden Harrow Warden

出典 The Harrow Handbook 7ページ

Some who study the mysteries of the harrow do so to restore lost knowledge and pride to the Varisian people. The harrow warden fulfills this role as she seeks to bring her mind and body into alignment, and she protects her people by invoking the folklore that has guided them for so long. In mastering her own place in fate, a harrow warden learns how to misalign the destinies of others.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:The harrow warden is proficient with all simple weapons, as well as with the klar(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 31), rapier, short sword, and starknife. Additionally, harrow wardens treat starknives as monk weapons.

Idiot Strike(超常)/Idiot Strike:At 1st level, the harrow warden can make an unarmed strike against a target and curse the creature with bad luck. Foes damaged by an idiot strike must succeed at a Will save(難易度 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wisdom modifier) or become jinxed. A jinxed creature must roll twice whenever it attempts an attack roll, a saving throw, a skill check, or a caster level check for 1 round, taking the lower result in each instance. The harrow warden can use idiot strike once per day per monk level. She must declare that she is using an idiot strike before making the attack roll; thus, a failed roll wastes the attempt. At 4th level and again at 12th level, the jinx effect lasts an additional round. At 16th level, a harrow warden can expend two uses of idiot strike to instead curse her target as the bestow curse spell.

This ability replaces stunning fist.

Mute Hag Stance(超常)/Mute Hag Stance:Beginning at 9th level, the harrow warden can block opponents’ metaphysical ties to one another. Enemies threatened by the harrow warden do not gain the effects of any morale or insight bonuses on attack rolls or skill checks as long as they are within the harrow warden’s threatened area. This ability replaces improved evasion.

Big Sky Stance(超常)/Big Sky Stance:At 11th level, the harrow warden becomes secure in her role within the larger story. She gains immunity to curses and polymorph effects. This ability replaces diamond body.

Eclipse Strike(超常)/Eclipse Strike:Beginning at 15th level, the harrow warden can strike a target with enough force to realign its place in the world. Foes damaged by the harrow warden’s idiot strike can attempt a Fortitude save(難易度 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wisdom modifier). Those that fail are transmuted into a harmless form, as per the baleful polymorph spell. This ability replaces quivering palm.

Invested Regent Invested Regent

出典 Heroes of the High Court 22ページ

The invested regent has been handpicked by inscrutable divine forces to command others—either at the present or at some future time. The invested regent can harness a divine spark to perform superhuman stunts, influence others, and escape injury. Invested regents come from all races and walks of life, but they are more likely to be nobleborn in their cultures. Although some invested regents are acutely aware of their powers’ divine origins(such as powers gained from an investment ceremony to Asmodeus in the nation of Cheliax), others do not know the source of their abilities. Invested regents have strong personalities and a destiny to rule.

Investiture(超常)/Investiture:An invested regent gains a pool of investiture points, supernatural energy he can use to call upon amazing abilities and divine protection. The number of points in the invested regent’s investiture pool is equal to 1/2 his monk level + his Charisma modifier. As long as he has at least 1 point in his investiture pool, the invested regent can select one of his saving throws as a swift action and gain a +1 sacred bonus on saving throws of that type for 1 round. If he spends 1 point from his investiture pool during this swift action, he instead gains a sacred bonus equal to his Charisma modifier on the saving throw selected.

A character with this feature and the ki pool class feature tracks investiture points and ki points separately.

This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level.

Vested Power(変則または擬呪)/Vested Power:At 2nd level and every 4 monk levels thereafter, an invested regent can select a vested power(see the Vested Powers section below) for which he qualifies in place of selecting a monk bonus feat. The invested regent need not do so and can instead take the bonus feat, but once the decision to take a bonus feat or a vested power is made, he can’t change it.

This replaces the bonus feat the invested regent gives up for the vested power.

Vested Powers/Vested Powers:Vested powers are abilities that draw on an invested regent’s investiture pool. Vested powers are divided into two categories:feats and spells.

Requirements:All vested powers have a minimum level requirement to select them. An invested regent who hasn’t reached the required monk level cannot select that vested power.

Activation:Most vested powers require the invested regent to spend investiture points; the exact amount is listed after the vested power. Vested powers that cost 0 investiture points don’t require the invested regent to have any investiture points in his investiture pool to use the ability. The saving throw against an invested regent’s vested power, if any, is equal to 10 + 1/2 the invested regent’s monk level + his Charisma bonus.

特技These vested powers duplicate the effects of specific feats. An invested regent doesn’t need to qualify for a feat to select it as a vested power. For example, an invested regent can select Spring Attack as a vested power even if he doesn’t meet the prerequisites for selecting Spring Attack as a feat. Activating one of these vested powers is a free action on the invested regent’s turn; until the start of his next turn, the invested regent is treated as if he had that feat. Feats marked with an asterisk(*) can also be activated as an immediate action when it isn’t the invested regent’s turn.

呪文These vested powers duplicate the effects of a spell and are spell-like abilities. An invested regent’s monk level is the caster level for these spell-like abilities, and he uses Charisma to determine his concentration check bonus. Activating one of these vested powers is a standard action.

2nd-Level Vested Powers

6th-Level Vested Powers

10th-Level Vested Powers

14th-Level Vested Powers

18th-Level Vested Powers

Lifting Hand Lifting Hand

出典 Martial Arts Handbook 23ページ

Those studied in the art of grappling know that using their opponents’ own weight and momentum to lift, disable, or throw them is impressive and effective. When facing a master of the lifting hand, an enemy is likely to find itself sailing through the air or locked in a tortuous compliance hold.

Savage Toss(変則)/Savage Toss:A lifting hand gains Savage Slam as a bonus feat, even if she doesn’t meet the prerequisites.

At 4th level, when the lifting hand succeeds at her grapple combat maneuver check while using the Savage Slam feat and her grapple combat maneuver check result exceeds the opponent’s 戦技防御値 by at least 5, she can throw the opponent into an non-adjacent square. The lifting hand can throw the opponent 10 feet, plus an additional 5 feet for every 5 by which her grapple check exceeds the opponent’s 戦技防御値. For instance, if the lifting monk exceeds the target’s 戦技防御値 by 15, she can throw the target into a square 20 feet away.

At 8th level, when using Savage Slam, the lifting hand’s target no longer receives a bonus to its 戦技防御値 when the lifting hand attempts to throw it into a dangerous area.

This replaces stunning fist.

ボーナス特技(変則)A lifting hand adds Whirling Hold to her list of bonus feats at 1st level. At 6th level, she adds Dramatic Slam and Overhead Flip. At 10th level, she adds Savage Leap.

This alters the monk’s bonus feats.

Joint Lock(変則)/Joint LockAt 10th level, when a lifting hand succeeds at a combat maneuver check to maintain a grapple, instead of choosing to damage, move, pin, or tie up the opponent, she can instead force one of the target’s limbs into an agonizing position. The target becomes sickened as long as the lifting hand maintains the grapple. When the grapple is released or broken, the target is fatigued for a number of rounds equal to the lifting hand’s level. This is a pain effect.

This replaces the bonus feat gained at 10th level.

Counter-Throw(擬呪)/Counter-Throw:At 12th level, a lifting hand can ready an action to trigger if a creature tries to attack her. When the readied action triggers, the lifting hand can attempt a grapple combat maneuver check with a +2 bonus. If she succeeds, she grapples the creature and negates the triggering attack, and she can spend an immediate action to use the Savage Slam feat.

This replaces abundant step.

Monk of the Mantis Monk of the Mantis

出典 Dirty Tactics Toolbox 11ページ

A body contains many points where the flesh, mind, and spirit coincide. A monk of the mantis is skilled at manipulating these points. With precise strikes, she temporarily disrupts a body’s connection with the rest of the self.

Pressuring Strikes(変則)/Pressuring Strikes:At 2nd level, a monk of the mantis gains the sneak attack ability. This ability functions as the rogue ability of the same name, except it can be used only during a flurry of blows. The initial sneak attack damage is +1d6, and the damage increases by 1d6 every 4 levels beyond 2nd. This ability replaces the monk’s 2nd-, 6th-, 10th-, 14th-, and 18th-level bonus feats.

Debilitating Blows(変則)/Debilitating Blows:A monk of the mantis’s knowledge of anatomy allows her to deal blows that both deal damage and impose debilitating conditions. At 7th level, if a monk of the mantis stuns a target with Stunning Fist, the target is also entangled for 1 round after the Stunning Fist effect ends. At 11th level, if the monk of the mantis stuns a target with Stunning Fist, the target is also exhausted for 1 round after the Stunning Fist effect ends. At 13th level, the monk can spend 1 point from her ki pool as part of her Stunning Fist attack to increase the duration of these additional effects to a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom bonus(minimum 2 rounds). This ability replaces wholeness of body, diamond body, and diamond soul.(For the unchained monk from Pathfinder RPG Pathfinder Unchained, this ability is gained at 6th level, improves at 10th and 12th levels, and replaces the ki powers gained at those levels.)

Disabling Palm(超常)/Disabling Palm:At 15th level, a monk of the mantis can render the target of her quivering palm unconscious instead of killing the creature. Upon failing its Fortitude saving throw, the target either is knocked unconscious for a number of minutes equal to the monk of the mantis’s monk level or dies(the monk of the mantis’s choice). This alters quivering palm.(For the monk class from Pathfinder Unchained, this ability applies only if the monk selects the quivering palm ki power.)

Monk of the Seven Forms Monk of the Seven Forms

出典 Inner Sea Combat 40ページ

When Tian monks founded the Monastery of the Seven Forms near the present border between Qadira and Taldor, they did so as a challenge to prospective students to travel great distances and prove their devotion before training within the monastery’s walls. Over the centuries, the monastery has fallen under Qadiran control many times, and the original seven forms for which the monastery was named have been lost to history. In their place, the monks of the isolated sanctuary now teach a style featuring lightning-fast strikes that mimic both dervish dances and the searing winds of the arid desert, favoring mobility and endurance.

ボーナス特技A monk of the seven forms loses the ability to take Improved Disarm, Improved Feint, Improved Grapple, and Improved Trip as bonus feats. He adds Nimble Moves to his list of bonus feats. At 6th level, he also adds Acrobatic Steps and Wind Stance to his list of bonus feats. At 10th level, he adds Lightning Stance to his list of bonus feats.

Lightning Finish(変則)/Lightning Finish:At 1st level, as an immediate action, a monk of the seven forms can make a single attack with a manufactured light or one-handed slashing weapon he is currently wielding against any target he has successfully hit at least twice with his unarmed strike during his turn. This attack deals normal damage but without the normal Strength bonus to damage.

At 4th level, he can take a 5-foot step before or after performing a lightning finish so long as he ends adjacent to his target, though if he takes this step, he cannot perform a 5-foot step during his next turn. At 8th level, he applies his full Strength bonus to his damage roll for the extra attack, even if he made the attack with an offhand weapon or with a weapon wielded in two hands. At 12th level, if he hit the target at least three times with his unarmed strike during his turn, taking the 5-foot step granted by lightning finish does not prevent him from taking a 5-foot step during his next turn.

A monk of the seven forms can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his monk level, but no more than once per round. This ability replaces stunning fist.

Endurance(変則)/Endurance:At 3rd level, a monk of the seven forms gains Endurance as a bonus feat. This ability replaces maneuver training.

Sirocco Fury(超常)/Sirocco Fury:At 11th level, a monk of the seven forms can spend 2 ki points as a full-round action to enter a meditative trance that replicates the spell dance of a hundred cuts(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 215), using his monk level as his caster level. Unlike the spell, a monk of the seven forms must both move 10 feet and make a melee attack each round after he begins this trance to prevent the effect from ending. At 15th level, he can instead spend 3 ki points when using this ability to make his trance replicate dance of a thousand cuts(Ultimate Magic 216) with the same limitations. This ability replaces abundant step and quivering palm.

Nornkith Nornkith

出典 Legacy of the First World 24ページ

Nornkith hone their bodies and minds to follow the branching threefold paths of fate. Nornkith seek to emulate the fey masters of fate called norns(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 3 202) and eventually ascend to become norns in their own right.

Conviction of Fate(変則)/Conviction of Fate:A nornkith uses her Charisma, rather than her Wisdom, to determine all class features and effects relating to his monk class.

Forewarned(超常)/Forewarned:A nornkith can always act in the surprise round, even if he does not notice her enemies, though she remains flat-footed until she takes an action. In addition, she gains a bonus on initiative rolls equal to half her monk level(minimum +1). At 20th level, a nornkith’s initiative roll is automatically a natural 20.

This ability replaces stunning fist.

Shears(超常)/Shears:Whenever a nornkith makes an unarmed strike, she can cause shimmering silver shears to manifest around the blow, causing the unarmed strike to count as silver for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction. At 7th level, she gains Improved Critical(unarmed strike) as a bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 1st level.

Resist Death’s Lure(超常)/Resist Death’s Lure:At 5th level, a nornkith gains a +4 morale bonus on saves against death effects, energy drain, and negative energy. At 10th level, she gains immunity to energy drain and negative energy.

This ability replaces purity of body and the bonus feat gained at 10th level.

Fate Weaver(超常)/Fate Weaver:At 11th level, a nornkith can spend 1 ki point as an immediate action to force a creature within 60 feet to reroll one saving throw before the results of the roll are revealed. The creature must take the result of the second roll, even if it’s worse than the original roll. Whether the new result is a success or failure, the creature cannot be the target of this ability again for 1 day.

This ability replaces diamond soul.

Snip Thread(超常)/Snip Thread:At 15th level, as a standard action, a monk can spend 1 ki point to produce a golden thread linked to the fate of a creature within 60 feet and mimic snipping through the thread with a pair of shears. The target takes 1d6 points of damage per nornkith level and can attempt a Fortitude saving throw(難易度 = 10 + half the nornkith’s monk level + her Charisma modifier) to halve this damage. If the damage would bring the target’s hit points to 0 or below, the nornkith can spend another ki point to sever the golden thread completely; in this case, the target dies and can only be restored to life with miracle, wish, or divine intervention. The nornkith can use this ability once per day. This is a death effect.

This ability replaces quivering palm.

Inscrutable(超常)/Inscrutable:At 19th level, the nornkith is protected by a constant mind blank effect with a caster level equal to her monk level. The nornkith can suppress or resume this protection as a standard action.

This ability replaces empty body.

Norn Transformation/Norn Transformation:At 20th level, a nornkith attains her fey heritage. Her type changes to fey, and she gains ダメージ減少 10/cold iron.

This ability replaces perfect self.

Ouat Ouat

出典 Inner Sea Combat 41ページ

The ascetic, desert-dwelling dwarves known as the Ouat have eschewed dwarven traditions, whose unchanging rigidity, they believe, shackles their people to the past and inhibits self-improvement. Shaving their heads, living under the open sky, and practicing arts unfamiliar to the typical dwarf, the Ouat follow in the footsteps of Irori and Nethys by aspiring to awaken the divine essence that lives within each creature.

Awaken Divinity(超常)/Awaken Divinity:At 1st level, as a standard action, an Ouat can touch a creature to grant it a temporary ki point until the beginning of the Ouat’s next turn. In addition to any other ways in which the target can use ki, it can expend the ki point as a swift action in order to either gain a +2 dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス for 1 round or increase its base speed by 20 feet for 1 round. The Ouat can target himself with this ability as a swift action, but doing so costs 2 uses of the ability.

At 4th level, the dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス increases to +4. At 8th level, an affected creature can spend the ki point to ignore all Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution penalties it would otherwise take for 1 round. At 12th level, an Ouat can target two adjacent creatures with this ability as a standard action, but must expend one use of the ability for each target affected. At 16th level, an affected creature can spend this ki point to roll all saving throws twice and take the higher result for 1 round. At 20th level, an affected creature can spend the ki point to benefit from the Ouat’s perfect self class ability for 1 round. If the creature already has the perfect self class feature, its damage reduction and any spell resistance it has increases by 2 for 1 round.

An Ouat can use this ability a number of times per day equal to his class level, but no more than once per round. This ability replaces the stunning fist monk class feature and the greed and hatred racial traits.

Spurn Tradition(変則)/Spurn Tradition:Ouat dwarves strive to separate themselves from the rest of their race and the traditions that bind them. The bonuses for nonmagical effects that target or specifically affect dwarf subtype creatures(such as a ranger’s favored enemy class feature) are all reduced by half. In addition, an Ouat becomes proficient in one martial weapon with the monk property. This ability replaces the dwarf ’s defensive training, stonecunning, and weapon familiarity racial traits.

Know the Unseen Disciples(超常)/Know the Unseen Disciples:At 7th level, an Ouat can spot hidden creatures, as if using the spell see invisibility. Using this ability is a standard action that consumes 2 points from his ki pool. His caster level for this effect is equal to his class level. This ability replaces wholeness of body.

Perfect Scholar Perfect Scholar

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 44ページ

Perfect scholars, often worshipers of Irori, hone their minds and bodies through the accumulation of knowledge. They study and annotate the holy texts of Irori and other philosophies as well as collect lore on anatomy, medicine, philosophy, martial arts, and history, among other topics of erudition.

クラス技能A perfect scholar adds Knowledge(all) and Linguistics to his list of class skills, instead of Intimidate and Perform.

This ability alters the monk’s class skills.

Lore(変則)/Lore:At 3rd level, the perfect scholar gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his monk level on Knowledge checks and can attempt Knowledge checks untrained.

This ability replaces still mind.

Learn from Failure(変則)/Learn from Failure:At 4th level, when the perfect scholar misses with an attack roll or fails a Research check(Ultimate Intrigue 148), he gains a +1 insight bonus on his next attack roll or Research check against the same target attempted in the next 24 hours. An individual target cannot be affected by this ability more than once in a 24-hour period. At 6th level, and every 2 monk levels thereafter, this bonus increases by 1.

This ability replaces slow fall.

Eye of the Sun and Moon(変則)/Eye of the Sun and Moon:At 17th level, a perfect scholar can read all languages and write all languages he has read or heard.

This ability replaces tongue of the sun and moon.

Walk with the Master(超常)/Walk with the Maste:At 20th level, the perfect scholar has mastered his spiritual resonance, allowing him to travel as if using etherealness, plane shift, or shadow walk at his monk level by spending only 1 point from his ki pool. He cannot bring other creatures with him. He is treated as an outsider rather than his original type, although he can be brought back to life as if he were still of his former type.

This ability alters perfect self.

Scaled Fist Scaled Fist

出典 Legacy of Dragons 14ページ

Steeped in traditions that trace their origins to the warrior-monks who trained under the tutelage of draconic masters in Tian Xia, scaled fists eschew passive introspection in favor of unshakable confidence. Scaled fists learn to combine brutal intimidation with the brazen ferocity of an ancient wyrm to devastate their foes.

Draconic Might/Draconic Might:Any of the scaled fist’s class abilities that make calculations based on her Wisdom(including bonus feats with DCs or uses per day, such as Stunning Fist, but not Wisdom-based skills or Will saving throws) are instead based on her Charisma.

ボーナス特技A scaled fist adds Dragon StyleUC and Intimidating Prowess to her list of bonus feats at 1st level. At 6th level, she adds Dazzling Display and Dragon FerocityUC. At 10th level, she adds Disheartening DisplayACG, Dragon RoarUC and Shatter Defenses.

This ability modifies bonus feats.

Draconic Mettle(超常)/Draconic Mettle:At 3rd level, a scaled fist gains a +2 bonus on saving throws attempted against all fear, paralysis, and sleep effects.

This ability replaces the still mind ability.

Draconic Fury(超常)/Draconic Fury:At 3rd level, the scaled fist has gained some control over the draconic energies she studies. She must select one type of energy:acid, cold, electricity, or fire. Once this choice is made, it cannot be changed. The scaled fist can expend 1 point from her ki pool as a swift action to imbue her natural attacks with this energy, causing them to deal an extra 1d6 points of damage of the chosen energy type for a number of rounds equal to 1/2 her monk level.

This ability replaces maneuver training.

Draconic Breath(超常)/Draconic Breath:At 15th level, a scaled fist can spend 3 points from her ki pool to make a breath weapon attack as a standard action. This breath weapon deals 1d6 points of damage of her energy type per monk level in a 30-foot cone. Those caught in the area of the breath can attempt a Reflex save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the scaled fist’s monk level + her Charisma modifier) to halve the normal damage.

This ability replaces quivering palm.

Scarred Monk Scarred Monk

出典 Horror Realms 12ページ
The Scarred monk is not a valid archetype for unchained monks

Scarred monks find unique clarity in physical discomfort. For monks who seek the truth hidden in pain, the practice of mortifications of the flesh helps to achieve enlightenment and acquire disturbing powers. Those who worship Zon-Kuthon tend to be particularly eager to explore the limitations of the flesh, yet monks of his faith are not the only ones to use self-mutilation and scarification to seek personal enhancement and power.

Mortifications(超常)/Mortifications:Detailed below are a number of unusual, grisly, and harrowing processes known as mortifications that a monk can inflict upon herself in exchange for an unusual ki power. The monk must adhere to a philosophy that finds power in self-mortification; among the deities of the Inner Sea region, Zon-Kuthon’s devoted are the most associated with this practice, but other lawful faiths, such as those dedicated to the empyreal lords Neshen and Vildeis, the infernal duke Zaebos, or the whore queen Doloras, count mortifications among their approved methods of self-enlightenment. While mortal followers of the mysterious kyton demagogues are rare in the Inner Sea region, the kytons also encourage their monk worshipers to invest deeply in mortifications.

A scarred monk chooses her first mortification at 4th level, selecting one from the list of potential mortifications detailed below. The scarred monk gains another mortification every 3 monk levels after this, to a maximum of six mortifications at 19th level. Once a scarred monk selects a mortification, she cannot change it. Some mortifications have prerequisites, such as already knowing certain mortifications or attaining a specific level(as noted in their descriptions). Unless otherwise stated, a scarred monk cannot select an individual mortification more than once.

When a scarred monk gains her first mortification, she gains a number of ki points equal to 1/2 her monk level + her Wisdom modifier. These ki points can only be spent to activate powers granted from mortifications or to make ki strikes. A scarred monk cannot spend ki points to make an additional attack at her highest attack bonus when making a flurry of blows, to increase her base speed, or to give herself a +4 dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス, nor can she use any of the other powers normally granted to monks that utilize their ki pools.

Mortifications alter the ki pool and replace high jump, wholeness of body, abundant step, and empty body.

Armor of Scars(超常)/Armor of Scars:A scarred monk can force ki into her extensive scars, hardening them like armor. Provided she has at least 1 ki point in her pool, she gains a +1 bonus to her natural armor. A scarred monk can take this mortification multiple times; its effects stack.

Blood Eagle(超常)/Blood Eagle:The monk’s rib bones are unusually prominent and press hideously against the flesh of her chest. As a swift action, she can spend 1 ki point to cause her ribs to break through her flesh, lacerating and tearing any opponent that has engaged her in a grapple attack or that has swallowed her whole. This does not cause the monk any damage; a few seconds after she extrudes them, the ribs retract into her body, leaving behind angry red welts. The ribs deal an amount of slashing damage equal to her base unarmed strike damage to any creature that is currently grappling her or has swallowed her whole. If the monk attempts to escape from that grapple in the same round, she adds the amount of damage her ribs inflicted to her Escape Artist or 戦技ボーナス check as a circumstance bonus.

Contortionist(超常)/Contortionist:Over the years, the scarred monk has broken many of her bones and reset them at odd and repulsive angles to allow her to contort into entirely unnatural forms. The monk can spend 1 ki point as a free action to gain a +20 circumstance bonus on any Escape Artist check.

Doll Face(超常)/Doll Face:When acquiring a new face with the face collector mortification(see below), the scarred monk can spend an additional 2 ki points to perform an eerie blood ritual that gives the stolen flesh the appearance of aged ceramic. When the face is stitched to her flesh, the monk gains the appearance of an aged porcelain doll, complete with cracked and peeling paint and a glassy, unblinking stare. A scarred monk with a doll face does not gain the bonus on Disguise checks but does gain a +4 bonus on Intimidate checks. Once per hour, the scarred monk can cause the doll face to shift and appear as the face of a lost loved one or friend of a single viewer within 30 feet—that targeted individual must succeed at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the scarred monk’s monk level + the scarred monk’s Charisma modifier) or become nauseated with fear for a number of rounds equal to the number of mortifications the scarred monk has. This is a mind-affecting fear effect. Unlike a face of flesh, a doll face ages and cracks, falling off and restoring the scarred monk’s true and deformed face after 24 hours. A scarred monk must have the face collector mortification to take this mortification.

Eyes Stitched Shut(超常)/Eyes Stitched Shut:The scarred monk can stitch her eyes shut. This takes 1 minute to accomplish, after which the monk is effectively blind. However, as long as the monk retains at least 1 point in her ki pool, she gains blindsense to a distance of 60 feet. She can detect living creatures with at least 1 point of damage within 30 feet of her as if via blindsight. The monk can remove the stitches as a full-round action to restore her normal sight and end this effect.

Face Collector(超常)/Face Collector:This mortification requires a monk to surgically remove the flesh from her face, surrendering her appearance and all associated identity. The flesh of her face heals into a featureless mass of scars at the end of this surgical ritual. Thereafter, at the cost of 1 ki point and as a standard action, the scarred monk can alter her facial features to duplicate those of a dead body she touches. The body must be of the same creature type as the scarred monk, and as her face changes, the corpse’s face withers away into rot and decay. This grants the scarred monk a +8 circumstance bonus on Disguise checks to appear as that individual(although the penalties for gender, race, age, and size still apply). As a side effect to this unnatural shifting of appearance, a scarred monk gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against scrying effects. For 24 hours after claiming a new face, this bonus increases to +4.

Pain Binding(超常)/Pain Binding:By spending 1 ki point when she makes a single unarmed strike against a living creature as a standard action, the scarred monk can link her own pain to the creature struck. For a number of rounds equal to the total number of mortifications the scarred monk has, any time the scarred monk takes lethal damage, the creature she has bound her pain to must succeed at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Charisma modifier) or take an equal amount of nonlethal damage. The effects of pain binding end immediately once the pain-bound creature falls unconscious.

Rings of Pain(超常)/Rings of Pain:The scarred monk has pierced her flesh with numerous large metal rings. As a standard action and at the cost of 2 ki points, she can tear one of these piercings free from her flesh to flood her body with searing pain. As she does so, she exudes waves of agony in a 30-foot radius to deal damage equal to twice the monk’s unarmed strike modified by twice her Wisdom modifier to all creatures in the area of effect. A successful Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + her Wisdom modifier) halves the damage, but on a failed Will save, a creature is sickened by the pain for 1 round. A scarred monk must be at least 10th level to take this mortification.

Share Pain(超常)/Share Pain:Whenever the monk takes damage from a weapon, she can spend 1 ki point as an immediate action to cause the body of her attacker to suffer the pain of that blow. The attacking creature must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wisdom modifier) or take damage equal to the amount the weapon blow inflicted on the monk and become staggered from the pain for 1 round as well. A successful saving throw halves the damage the attacker suffers from shared pain and negates the staggered effect.

Third Eye(超常)Third EyeThe scarred monk bores a hole in her brow and then implants a mummified or alchemically preserved third eye in this opening. The third eye must come from a creature of the same size and creature type as the scarred monk. The scarred monk can then spend 1 ki point to gain true seeing, as per the spell, for 1 round. A scarred monk must be at least 13th level to take this mortification.

Tongueless Master(超常)/Tongueless Master:The monk assumes a vow of silence and slices out her own tongue. Thereafter, she wears the preserved appendage on a cord about her neck. She can no longer speak or cast spells with verbal components. Whenever she hits a creature with an unarmed strike, she can spend 1 point from her ki pool to steal the voice from her target. The target can resist this effect with a successful Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the scarred monk’s level + her Wisdom modifier), otherwise the victim loses the ability to speak or cast spells with verbal components for a number of minutes equal to the total number of mortifications known by the scarred monk. During this time, the scarred monk can speak in the victim’s voice.

Torturous Vision(超常)/Torturous Vision:As a move action, the scarred monk can spend 1 ki point to cause a creature that recently wounded her to suffer—in one sudden blast of agony—the pain of all the wounds the scarred monk has endured. The monk can target any living creature within 60 feet who has been affected by share pain in the last 24 hours. The creature becomes stunned with pain for 1 round and then staggered for 1d3 rounds unless it succeeds at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wisdom modifier). The scarred monk must be at least 13th level and have the share pain mortification in order to take this mortification.

Serpent-Fire Adept Serpent-Fire Adept

出典 Occult Origins 20ページ

A serpent-fire adept embraces the secrets of her chakras and mastery of their energetic flow.

クラス技能The serpent-fire adept adds Appraise, Diplomacy, Fly, Heal, Knowledge(arcana), Linguistics, and Survival to her list of class skills, but does not gain Climb, Intimidate, Knowledge(history), Perform, Ride, or Swim as class skills. This alters the monk’s class skills.

Chakra Training/Chakra TrainingA serpent-fire adept gains Chakra Initiate and Psychic Sensitivity as bonus feats. She need not meet these feats’ prerequisites, and can use her serpent-fire ki from Chakra Initiate to open and maintain her root chakra, despite not being 2nd level. This ability replaces stunning fist and the bonus feat gained at 1st level.

Chakra Expertise(変則)/Chakra Expertise:At 2nd level, the serpent-fire adept gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her monk level on Fortitude and Will saves attempted to maintain awakened chakras. At 8th level, when she has opened one or more chakras, she can maintain those chakras(without opening any new chakras) for 1 round without taking a swift action, expending ki, or attempting Fortitude or Will saves to maintain the chakras. This increases to 2 rounds at 16th level. After maintaining her chakras with chakra expertise, the monk must open a new chakra or maintain her open chakras normally before she can use chakra expertise again. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 2nd level.

Light Spirit(超常)/Light Spirit:At 4th level when the serpent-fire adept has her sacral chakra open and chooses to benefit from its power, her fly speed is equal to either her base land speed or her bonus to her base speed from the monk fast movement class ability(whichever is higher). She maintains this fly speed for a number of rounds equal to her Wisdom bonus(minimum 1 round), even if she closes her chakras. This ability replaces slow fall and high jump.

Chakra Adept(変則)/Chakra Adept:At 6th level, the serpent-fire adept gains Chakra Adept as a bonus feat. She need not meet the feat’s prerequisites. When the serpent-fire adept has used all her rounds of chakra expertise to maintain open chakras, if she does not spend additional ki to maintain her open chakras on the next round, her highest chakra closes and she can spend a swift action to use any one of the abilities of her remaining open chakras. On the round after that, all her chakras close, and if she wishes to reopen them, she must start again with her root chakra. This ability replaces the bonus feat gained at 6th level.

Linked Chakras(変則)/Linked Chakras:At 7th level, the serpent-fire adept can open multiple chakras at once as a standard action. The round that she does this, she is required to make saving throws only to resist being overwhelmed by the highest chakra she opens, though the save DCs are increased by 5. She can do this once per day, plus one additional time per day each at 12th and 17th level. This ability replaces wholeness of body.

Chakra Mastery(変則)/Chakra Mastery:At 10th level, the serpent-fire adept gains Chakra Master as a bonus feat. She need not meet the feat’s prerequisites. When maintaining her open chakras with chakra expertise, she can spend 1 point of ki to gain the benefits of two chakras rather than one in that round(or three chakras, if she has opened her crown chakra). At 14th level, the serpent-fire adept’s pool of serpent-fire ki increases to 7 points, and at 18th level, it increases to 9 points. This ability replaces the bonus feats gained at 10th, 14th, and 18th level.

Sin Monk Sin Monk

出典 Antihero's Handbook 14ページ

Some vices prove too tempting even to those who have trained their minds and bodies against such corruptions, and the seven sins of ancient Thassilon stand among the most alluring. Martial experts who have allowed such passions to lead them astray may find themselves gaining powers drawn from their newly embraced sins.

This is an ex-class archetype and can be taken by a character immediately upon becoming an ex-monk.


The following archetype can be taken by an ex-monk immediately upon becoming an ex-monk, regardless of character level, replacing some or all of the lost class abilities. If another archetype the character had before she became an ex-monk replaces the same ability as the ex-class archetype, she loses the old archetype in favor of the new one; otherwise, she can retain both archetypes as normal. Sin monks can gain further levels in the monk class, even though becoming an ex-monk normally prohibits further advancement in the class. While an ex-member of a class can recant her failings and atone for her fall from her original class(typically involving an atonement spell), her acceptance of her ex-class archetype means she must atone both for her initial fall and for further straying from the path. As a result, such a character must be the target of two atonement spells or a similar effect to regain her lost class features. Upon doing so, she immediately loses this archetype and regains her original class(and archetype, if she had one).

Well of Sin(超常)/Well of Sin:At 4th level, a sin monk gains a pool of sin points, representing energy he has gained from indulging in forbidden vices. The sin monk has a number of sin points equal to half his class level + his Wisdom modifier; these points cannot be used on abilities that require spending ki points. As a swift action, he can spend 1 point from his sin pool to activate one of the following abilities until the start of his next turn.

Envy:The sin monk gains a +4 bonus on Perception and Sense Motive checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 10th level and +8 at 16th level.

Gluttony:Each time the sin monk deals lethal damage with a melee attack, he regains a number of hit points equal to the amount of damage dealt(maximum 2). He can’t exceed his maximum number of hit points. The maximum number of hit points he regains increases to 4 at 10th level and 6 at 16th level.

GreedThe sin monk’s attacks count as being either cold iron or silver(sin monk’s choice) for the purpose of overcoming ダメージ減少. At 10th level, he adds adamantine to the list of materials he can choose to have his attacks count as being for the purpose of overcoming ダメージ減少. At 16th level, the sin monk’s attacks also ignore hardness.

LustThe sin monk gains a +4 bonus on Bluff and Diplomacy checks. This bonus increases to +6 at 10th level and +8 at 16th level.

PrideThe sin monk gains one illusory double of himself, which functions as mirror image. This double automatically disappears at the beginning of the sin monk’s next turn unless destroyed first. At 10th level, the sin monk gains two such replicas of himself, and at 16th level, he gains three.

Sloth:The sin monk gains the benefits of Vital Strike. At 10th level, he also gains the benefits of Improved Vital Strike, and at 16th level, he also gains the benefits of Greater Vital Strike.

Wrath:The sin monk increases the save DCs of his attacks with Stunning Fist(and Punishing Kick, if he has that feat) by 1. The save 難易度 instead increases by 2 at 10th level and by 3 at 16th level.

When a sin monk gains a level in the monk class and would gain one of the following class features, he can forfeit that class feature to instead increase the size of his sin pool by 1 sin point:purity of body, diamond body, diamond soul, timeless body, tongue of the sun and moon. Once the decision is made, it cannot be changed.

This replaces ki pool and alters high jump.

Sinful Strike(超常)/Sinful Strike:At 7th level, a sin monk can spend 2 sin points as a swift action to focus his power. The next time he deals damage before the end of his next turn, he deals an additional amount damage equal to his monk level.

This replaces wholeness of body.

Burden with Sin(超常)/Burden with Sin:At 12th level, a sin monk can spend a swift action and one daily use of Stunning Fist to draw his sinful nature to the fore of his consciousness. The next person he hits with a melee attack before the end of his next turn must succeed at a Will save(難易度 = 10 + half the sin monk’s class level + his Wisdom modifier) or suffer the burden of the sin monk’s sins. The target is treated as if she were carrying a load one step heavier(from a light load to a medium load, and so on) and must succeed at a caster level check to use any form of teleportation(難易度 = 10 + the monk’s class level). This is a curseUM effect that lasts a number of rounds equal to the sin monk’s Wisdom modifier unless it is removed through remove curse or a similar effect.

This replaces abundant step.

Simultaneous Sins(超常)/Simultaneous Sins:At 19th level, a sin monk can spend 3 points from his sin pool as a swift action to gain the benefits of two different sins simultaneously.

This replaces empty body.

Spawn of Sin(変則)/Spawn of Sin:At 20th level, the sin monk becomes the physical manifestation of his sins. He is forevermore treated as an aberration rather than a humanoid(or whatever the monk’s creature type was) for the purpose of spells and magical effects, and his mind is so consumed by sin that he gains immunity to mind-affecting effects. He does not change in appearance or gain other abilities; however, should the sin monk be slain and brought back from the dead, he returns to life as a sinspawn(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 246), retaining his class levels but otherwise replacing his creature type and racial abilities with those of his new form and becoming an NPC under the GM’s control.

This replaces perfect self.

Softstrike Monk Softstrike Monk

出典 Martial Arts Handbook 6ページ

The practices of softstrike monks date back to the peaceful eras of Imperial Lung Wa. Still common among warriors today, softstrike monks employ a nonlethal but effective form of combat.

Weapon Proficiency:A softstrike monk is proficient with the aklys, bolas, club, light flail, light mace, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sap, sling, and any weapon with the monk special quality that can deal bludgeoning damage. He is considered proficient only with monk weapons that can deal multiple types of damage when dealing bludgeoning damage.

This replaces the monk’s weapon proficiency.

Feather Touch(変則)/Feather Touch:A softstrike monk does not take the normal –4 penalty on attack rolls for using a lethal weapon to deal nonlethal damage. In addition, he can use his stunning fist ability while making a nonlethal attack with a weapon.

Nonlethal Strikes(変則)/Nonlethal Strikes:A softstrike monk focuses on blows that do not inflict deadly harm. When a softstrike monk deals nonlethal damage with his unarmed strikes, his monk level is treated as 4 levels higher for the purposes of determining the damage he deals(to a maximum of 4d8 at 20th level for a Medium monk). When dealing lethal damage with his unarmed strikes, his monk level is treated as if it were 4 levels lower(minimum 1st level) for the purpose of determining damage.

This alters unarmed strike.

Tenet of Life(超常)/Tenet of Life:Though a softstrike monk accepts that death may happen in combat, he cannot abide killing in cold blood. If he slays an unconscious or helpless living foe, or merely stands by and allows such a killing to occur, he becomes shaken for 1 hour. In addition, the act disrupts the softstrike monk’s ki; if he has a ki pool, he loses a number of ki points equal to half his level, as if they had been spent.

Life-Giving Blows(超常)/Life-Giving Blows:At 6th level, a softstrike monk can force a piece of his life force into a nonliving creature to disrupt its animating essence. If he hits an undead foe with an unarmed attack, he can spend 1 ki point as a free action to remove the target’s immunity to nonlethal damage for a number of minutes equal to his Wisdom modifier. If, during this time, the target’s nonlethal damage exceeds its current hit points, it is destroyed. At 10th level, a softstrike monk can also use this ability against constructs.

This replaces the bonus feats gained at 6th and 10th levels.

Wholeness of Body and Spirit(超常)/Wholeness of Body and Spirit:At 7th level, a softstrike monk can use wholeness of body on both himself and other creatures, though it heals only nonlethal damage. If he uses this ability on an unconscious foe, he can spend 1 additional ki point to force the creature to accept a pact of life. The creature must succeed at a Will saving throw(難易度 = 10 + half the softstrike monk’s level + his Wisdom modifier) or the pact renders it unable to directly attack the monk and any allies within 60 feet, as per sanctuary, for a number of days equal to the softstrike monk’s level.

This alters wholeness of body.

Incapacitating Palm(超常)/Incapacitating Palm:At 15th level, a softstrike monk renders the target of his quivering palm unconscious instead of killing the creature. Upon failing its Fortitude saving throw, the target is knocked unconscious for a number of minutes equal to the softstrike monk’s level.

This alters quivering palm.

Resilient Body(超常)/Resilient Body:At 19th level, a softstrike monk’s mastery of nonlethal combat lets him apply his techniques to his defense. A softstrike monk converts any precision damage he takes to nonlethal damage.

This replaces empty body.

魂の番人 Soul Shepherd

出典 Pathfinder #139:The Dead Road 65ページ

サイコポンプの足元で学んだり、単にクリーチャーの哲学や方法を真似たりして、魂の万人は魂のサイクル/Cycle of Soulsを守ることを信じている。

宥めの打撃(超常)/Calming Strike:非実体アンデッドクリーチャー素手打撃攻撃した直後の割り込みアクションとして、魂の番人クリーチャーを落ち着かせようとし、形而上学的なの次の段階に平和的に移行するように促す。目標意志セーヴに成功するか(難易度 = 10+魂の番人レベルの半分+【判断力】修正値)、1分間の間カーム・スピリットとしてなだめられなければならない。



別世界の弾性(変則)/Otherworldly Resilience:2レベル点で、魂の番人ダメージ減少 2/アダマンティン、[氷]に対する抵抗5、[雷撃]に対する抵抗5を得る。9レベル点で、ダメージ減少 5/アダマンティン、[氷]に対する抵抗10、[雷撃]に対する抵抗10に増加する。


魂感知(超常)/Spirit Sense:12レベルの点で、魂の番人サイコポンプ魂感知を持っているかのように、【判断力】修正値に等しいラウンド数の間(最小1ラウンド)、30フィート以内の生きているクリーチャーアンデッドクリーチャーに気が付き、検知し、区別する能自身に与えるために即行アクションとして1気ポイントを費やすことができる。


ヤマラジ審判(擬呪)/Yamaraj's Judgment:15レベルの点で、魂の番人ソウル・バインドトラップ・ザ・ソウルなど囚われた魂を投獄する効果から開放するために標準アクションとして気蓄積から1ポイントを費やすことができる。これは魂の番人レベルに等しい術者レベルを持つ、目標型解呪のディスペル・マジック呪文として機能する。この能起動すると、術者レベル判定に+4のボーナスを得るために追加の気ポイントを費やすことができる。魂がクリーチャーや非呪文効果で囚われている場合、術者レベル判定の結果が少なくとも11+クリーチャーまたは効果脅威度であれば、解放する。


Spirit Master Spirit Master

出典 Undead Slayer's Handbook 22ページ

Spirit masters are monks who specialize in combating the undead, laying their corpses to rest, and sending their souls to final judgment.

Resilient Soul(変則)/Resilient Soul:At 3rd level, a spirit master gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against necromancy spells and effects. This ability replaces still mind.

Spirit Combat(超常)/Spirit Combat:At 3rd level, a spirit master can charge his unarmed strike so it affects incorporeal creatures. The spirit master’s unarmed strike deals half damage to incorporeal creatures, or full damage if it’s a magic weapon(such as via an amulet of mighty fists). This benefit lasts for a number of rounds equal to the spirit master’s class level. A spirit master can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier. This ability replaces maneuver training.

Diamond Spirit(変則)/Diamond Spirit:At 5th level, a spirit master becomes fortified against the effects of energy drain. When the spirit master gains a negative level, he does not take any penalties, his total hit points remain unchanged, and he is not considered lower level for the purpose of level-dependent variables. Once per day when attempting a Fortitude save to remove a temporary negative level, the spirit master may choose to automatically succeed. The spirit master still dies if his number of negative levels equals or exceeds his number of Hit Dice. This ability replaces purity of body.

Spirit Burst(超常)/Spirit Burst:At 7th level, whenever a spirit master destroys an undead creature with a melee attack, he may as a free action expend 2 points from his ki pool to release an 15-foot-radius burst of positive energy centered on the destroyed creature. Undead creatures in the affected area each take a number of points of damage equal the number of Hit Dice of the destroyed creature. Living creatures in the area are healed by the same amount. This ability replaces wholeness of body.

Purifying Palm(超常)/Purifying Palm:At 15th level, the spirit master gains the ability to alter the balance of positive and negative energy within an opponent’s body. The spirit master can make a purifying palm attack once per day, and must announce his intention before making a melee attack roll. If his attack deals damage, the target must attempt a Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the spirit master’s class level + the spirit master’s Wisdom modifier). On a failed save, the target cannot channel energy, nor can it be healed by positive or negative energy. This effect lasts for 1 round per class level. If the target is an undead creature, it must succeed at its Will save or be instantly destroyed. This ability replaces quivering palm.

Spirit Flow(超常)/Spirit Flow:At 19th level, a spirit master can dramatically alter the flow of his own ki. As an immediate action, the spirit master can expend 3 ki points to alter his ki for a number of rounds equal to his class level. During this time, he is healed by negative energy as if he were an undead creature. The spirit master is still healed by positive energy as normal. This ability replaces empty body.

Spirit Mastery(超常)/Spirit Mastery:At 20th level, a spirit master gains ダメージ減少 10/evil and becomes immune to ability drain and ability damage. Additionally, once per week, the spirit master may bring a dead creature back to life. This ability functions as true resurrection, except the spirit master may not resurrect a creature that has been dead for longer than 1 day per class level. This ability replaces perfect self.

Terra-Cotta Monk Terra-Cotta Monk

出典 Dungeoneer's Handbook 22ページ

Possessing a natural affinity for all things earthen, terracotta monks are experts at turning the stone around them against their enemies.

クラス技能A terra-cotta monk adds Knowledge(dungeoneering), Knowledge(engineering), and Disable Device to his list of class skills and removes Knowledge(history), Perform, and Ride.

Trap Intuition(変則)/Trap Intuition:At 2nd level, whenever a terra-cotta monk comes within 10 feet of a trap, he receives an immediate Perception check to notice the trap. The GM should make this check in secret. A terra-cotta monk gains a +2 bonus on Perception checks to notice traps. This bonus increases to +4 if the trap is located in a stone wall or floor. This ability replaces evasion.

Stone Grip(超常)/Stone Grip:At 5th level, a terra-cotta monk adds a bonus equal to his class level on all Climb checks. He can move at his full movement rate while climbing with no increase to the check’s 難易度. By spending 1 point from his ki pool as a swift action, a monk gains the benefits of spider climb for 1 round. This ability replaces high jump.

Trap Dodge(変則)/Trap Dodge:At 10th level, a terra-cotta monk gains a bonus equal to his Wisdom modifier on all saving throws made against effects produced by mechanical traps. This ability replaces improved evasion.

Sudden Adit(超常)/Sudden Adit:At 12th level, a terra-cotta monk can create passages through stone or dirt as if using the spell passwall with a caster level equal to his monk level. Using this ability is a move action that consumes 2 points of the monk’s ki pool. This ability replaces abundant step.

Petrifying Strike(超常)/Petrifying Strike:At 15th level, a terra-cotta monk can turn an opponent to stone with a single strike. He can use this ability once per day, and must announce the attempt before making his attack roll. If the terra-cotta monk’s strike is successful, the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the monk’s level + the monk’s Wis modifier) or be petrified for 1 hour per monk level. Incorporeal creatures and creatures immune to petrification are unaffected by this ability. This ability replaces quivering palm.

Rainmaker(超常)/Rainmaker:At 19th level, anytime a terra-cotta monk is underground, he may cause a section of the roof to come down on his enemies per the spell earthquake, with a caster level equal to his monk level. The terra-cotta monk may use this ability only while in a cave, cavern, or tunnel. Using this ability is a standard action that consumes 3 points from his ki pool. This ability replaces empty body.

空歩術の達人 Windstep Master

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 17ページ

ほとんどのモンク俊敏で足が速いが、空歩術の達人軽やかな足取りに並ぶ者はほとんどいない。空歩術の達人は、山の頂にある修道院や、を奉納する聖堂えばニスワンにある『絶え間なき修道院/Monastery of Unfolding Wind』など)で修行を積む。

暴風(変則)/Hurricane Punch:1レベル点で、空歩術の達人は、前提条件を満たしていなくても、《暴風拳》/Hurricane Punch(19ページ参照)をボーナス特技として獲得する。この特技を使用している間、《突き飛ばし強化》特技を持っていなくても、機会攻撃を誘発しない。




歩術(超常)/Wind Step: 4レベル点で、空歩術の達人の足取りは超自然的な軽やかさを得る。移動アクションとして、自分の高速移動ボーナスに等しい距離までエア・ウォーク呪文のように)を使用できる。自身ターン終了までに、自分の体重を支えることができる固く平らな場所に到達しなければならず、さもなくば落下する。


疾風の気(超常)/Swift Ki:4レベル点で、空歩術の達人即行アクションとして気蓄積から1ポイントを消費し、歩術を1分間持続させることができる。この持続時間の間、空歩術の達人は硬い表面に到達することなく中に留まることができる。また、即行アクションとして気蓄積から1ポイントを消費する事により、1ラウンドの間、歩術の距離を20フィート延長する事ができる。空歩術の達人は、気を消費することにより自分の基本速度を1ラウンドの間20フィート上昇する能は得ない。


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