
ガンスリンガーのアーキタイプ Gunslinger Archetypes

Black Powder Vaulter Black Powder Vaulter

出典 Martial Arts Handbook 10ページ

While firearms were designed to allow combatants to fight their foes from a distance, some gunslingers like to get into the thick of the battle, maneuvering among the fray to find the most advantageous positions from which to kill their enemies. The daredevil fighting style of the black powder vaulter has arisen simultaneously in two places—among Mana Wastes gunslingers inspired by the graceful fighting styles of Mwangi tribes, and among pirates from Tian Xia and the Shackles who encountered and inspired one another.

発露A black powder vaulter gains the following deeds.

Mobile Reload(変則)/Mobile Reload:If a black powder vaulter has at least 1 grit point, she can reload a firearm as part of a move action to move, provided that the action to reload that firearm with that type of ammunition would normally take only a move action or swift action. At 3rd level, she can use this deed while also using the shot on the run deed.

This deed replaces the deadeye deed.

Daring Vault(変則)/Daring Vault:A black powder vaulter can spend 1 grit point as a swift action to increase her land speed by 20 feet(gaining the appropriate bonus on Acrobatics checks to jump) until the end of her turn. If the black powder vaulter jumps while affected by this deed, she can make a second jump while midair if she is adjacent to a wall, column, or other solid, permanent structure. The second jump counts as having a running start even if the direction is different from the first jump.

This deed replaces the gunslinger’s dodge deed.

Shot on the Run(変則)/Shot on the Run:At 3rd level, if the black powder vaulter has at least 1 grit point, she gains the benefits of the Shot on the Run feat. She gains this benefit only when making an attack with a firearm with which she is proficient. At 7th level, she can use the targeting deed as part of the same full-round action as using Shot on the Run.

This deed replaces the gunslinger initiative deed.

Art of the Gun(変則)/Art of the Gun:At 7th level, if the black powder vaulter has at least 1 grit point, she doesn’t provoke attacks of opportunity when attacking with a firearm or reloading a firearm. Additionally, whenever she is wielding a firearm, she counts as threatening an area around her as though she were wielding a melee weapon. If an opponent provokes an attack of opportunity from her, she can use the pistol-whip deed as her attack of opportunity, spending 1 grit point as normal. Alternatively, if her firearm is loaded, she can spend 1 grit point to fire her gun as her attack of opportunity.

This deed replaces the startling shot deed.

Dual Shot on the Run(変則)/Dual Shot on the Run:At 11th level, the black powder vaulter can make two attacks with firearms while using the shot on the run deed.

This deed replaces the expert loading deed.

Blatherskite Blatherskite

出典 Antihero's Handbook 9ページ

A blatherskite talks big and feels powerful when holding a loaded gun, but when the gun jams or the situation gets too intense, he’s the first to run for cover. He has an extraordinary talent for retreating from harm’s way and fooling his enemies into thinking he is weaker than he is.

クラス技能A blatherskite gains Escape Artist and Stealth as class skills, but he doesn’t gain Handle Animal and Intimidate as class skills.

This alters the gunslinger’s class skills.

発露A blatherskite swaps four deeds for the following.

Blatherskite’s Stagger(変則)Blatherskite’s Stagger:At 1st level as an immediate action, when a ranged attack would normally miss a blatherskite, he can allow it to hit him and dramatically stagger a few steps backward, moving up to 10 feet directly away from the attacker. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal. The attack deals the minimum amount of damage(as though the attacker had rolled a natural 1 on each damage die).

At 2nd level, if a ranged attack hits the blatherskite but the attack roll exceeds his アーマー・クラス by no more than his bonus from the nimble class feature, he can spend 1 grit point as an immediate action to take the minimum amount of damage and move up to 10 feet directly away from the attacker. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

The gunslinger can perform this deed only while wearing medium or light armor and while carrying no more than a light load.

This deed replaces the gunslinger’s dodge deed.

Blatherskite’s Initiative(変則)Blatherskite’s Initiative:At 3rd level, the blatherskite gains benefits as long as he has at least 1 grit point. The blatherskite gains a +2 bonus on initiative checks. Furthermore, if he is trained in Stealth(and as long as he is not paralyzed, prone, or otherwise immobilized), he can take a 5-foot step and attempt a Stealth check to hide as part of the initiative check, provided there is an object or a larger creature to hide behind; if he spends 1 grit point, he can move up to half his speed instead of taking only a 5-foot step as part of the initiative check.

This deed replaces the gunslinger initiative deed.

Cheap Shot(変則)/Cheap Shot:At 3rd level, if the blatherskite has at least 1 grit point and makes a successful attack against an unarmed target with a firearm that is not making a scattering shot, he deals 1d6 additional points of damage. This is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit.

This deed replaces the pistol-whip deed.

Blatherskite’s Surprise(変則)Blatherskite’s Surprise:At 7th level, when the blatherskite succeeds at a saving throw against a spell or an effect that would cause him to be blinded, confused, dazed, fascinated, frightened, nauseated, paralyzed, or stunned, he can allow the effect to affect him normally. As long as he has at least 1 grit point, as an immediate action he can cause the creature from which the effect originated to lose its Dexterity bonus to アーマー・クラス for a number of rounds equal to half the duration of the effect(in rounds) or half the gunslinger’s level, whichever is lower(minimum 1 round). If he instead spends 1 grit point, he does not need to allow the effect to affect him normally to use this deed.

This deed replaces the startling shot deed.

Firebrand Firebrand

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 4ページ

Where other gunslingers rely on precision shooting, the firebrand instead masters explosive ordnance. Firebrands tend to be passionate, devil-may-care wanderers living each day to the fullest.

Gunsmith:At 1st level, a firebrand gains a dragon pistol(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Equipment 45) as her battered firearm.

This ability alters gunsmith.

Wild Card(変則)/Wild Card:A firebrand uses her Charisma instead of Wisdom to determine the number of grit points she gains at the start of each day and to determine the DCs of her gunslinger deeds. A firebrand treats direct hits with her bombs as firearm attacks for the purpose of regaining grit(see the bombs ability on page 5). This ability works in all other ways like the gunslinger’s grit class feature. This ability alters grit.

発露A firebrand gains the following deeds.

Dragon Fire(変則)Dragon Fire:A firebrand is a master of the volatile substance known as dragon’s breath. At 1st level, as a swift action, the firebrand can spend 1 grit point to add her Charisma modifier to the DCs of all dragon’s breath cartridges(Ultimate Equipment 42) she fires until the end of her turn. Her attacks with dragon’s breath cartridges misfire only if a 1 is rolled on two or more of the damage dice.

This deed replaces the deadeye deed.

Big Boom!(超常)/Big Boom!:At 7th level, a firebrand can channel her explosive potential into a mighty blast. As a standard action, the firebrand shoots a 30-foot cone of fire from the barrel of her gun. The firebrand designates one creature in the squares affected by the cone to be the target and makes an attack roll with her firearm against that creature; on a hit, the target takes damage as if it were directly hit by both the firebrand’s firearm and her bomb. Creatures in all other squares in the cone(as well as the target’s square, if the gunslinger’s attack missed) take splash damage as if they were in the area of the firebrand’s bomb, with a Reflex saving throw for half damage.(The 難易度 of this saving throw is equal to 10 + half the firebrand’s gunslinger level + the firebrand’s Charisma modifier.) Using this deed costs 2 grit points and expends one of the firebrand’s daily uses of bombs(see the bombs ability on page 5), as well as the appropriate ammunition for the firearm attack; ammunition that does not require an attack roll cannot be used this way.

This deed replaces the dead shot deed.

Scorched Earth(変則)/Scorched Earth:The firebrand knows how to make dragon’s breath burn white-hot. At 4th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the fire damage of the first dragon’s breath cartridge fired by the firebrand each round increases by 1d6(to a maximum total of 7d6 at 20th level).

This ability replaces the gunslinger’s bonus feats gained at 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 20th levels.

Bombs(超常)/Bombs:At 5th level, the firebrand gains the bombs ability as an alchemist of her gunslinger level – 4, using her Charisma modifier in place of her Intelligence modifier to determine her number of bombs per day and the 難易度 to avoid splash damage. The firebrand adds her Charisma modifier to her bombs’ damage instead of her Intelligence modifier, even if she has the throw anything class feature. In addition, the firebrand’s bombs are always under the effect of the explosive bombs discovery. Firebrand levels do not stack with levels in other classes with the bombs class feature.

This ability replaces gun training.

墓場の射撃手 Graveslinger

出典 Pathfinder #139:The Dead Road 65ページ

墓場の射撃手は、さまようアンデッドを追い詰めるために特製の弾丸を作成する。 この注入された矢弾で、最も抵抗力のある体の敵を簡単に相することができる。


殺しの射撃(変則)/Ghostbane Shot:1レベル点で、1日1回10分間を費やし、非魔法矢弾と墓土と状のの混合物と組み合わせ、墓場の射撃手墓場の射撃手レベル【判断力】修正値に等しい数(最小1)の特殊な弾丸を準備できる。非実体アンデッド攻撃する、これらの矢弾ゴースト・タッチ特殊能力を持っているかのように扱われる。これらの矢弾墓場の射撃手のためにのみ機能し、24時間以内に射出されない場合、弾丸は不活性となりゴースト・タッチ特殊能力を失う。


エクトプラズムの錨(超常)/Ectoplasmic Anchor:7レベル点で、墓場の射撃手の幽殺しの射撃が命中した非実体アンデッドクリーチャーにエクトプラズムが注入され、防御と機動性が妨げられる。クリーチャー意志セーヴ難易度 = 10+墓場の射撃手レベルの半分+【判断力】修正値)に成功するか、1ラウンドの間半実体状態とならなければならない。半実体状態クリーチャーは、非魔法攻撃から半減ダメージ(50%)を受け、魔法の武器呪文、擬似呪文効果超常効果から全ダメージを受ける。この間固体の物体に侵入したり、通過したりすることはできない。


アンデッド狩り(変則)/Undead Hunter:11レベルの点で、墓場の射撃手の幽殺しの射撃はアンデッドベイン特殊能力を持っているかのように扱われる。


よろめき化射撃(変則)/Staggering Shot:15レベルの点で、墓場の射撃手は、幽殺しの射撃の1つでアンデッドクリーチャーに対してクリティカル・ヒットを確定させると、クリーチャーは1ラウンドの間よろめき状態となる。


超常的意識(変則)/Supernatural Awareness:4レベル点で、墓場の射撃手ボーナス特技として《無視界戦闘》を得る。加えて少なくとも1点の気概ポイントが残っている限り、気がついていなかったとしても、霊障非実体アンデッドによって引き起こされる不意討ちラウンドでもいつでも行動できる。


Gun Scavenger Gun Scavenger

出典 Inner Sea Combat 38ページ

Although Alkenstar is the center of firearm production and innovation in the Inner Sea, the crack of flint and tang of gun smoke is enough to inspire enthusiasts elsewhere to try their hand at making their own guns using intuition instead of blueprints. A gun scavenger collects scraps, spare parts, and other components that might—if modified properly—give her firearm an extra edge.

Gunsmith:The gun scavenger’s starting weapon is a mishmash of pieces that even other gunpowder enthusiasts fail to comprehend. Anyone other than the gun scavenger treats her starting weapon as broken, even if she uses the Gunsmithing feat(Ultimate Combat 103) to repair it. This ability works in all other ways like the gunslinger’s gunsmith class feature.

Go By Feel(変則)/Go By Feel:A gun scavenger’s intuitive and unique style leaves her firearms prone to misfire, whether as a result of using too much powder, using imperfectly milled parts, or any number of other minor inconsistencies. When using a firearm, a gun scavenger cannot reduce that firearm’s misfire chance to 0; it can always misfire on a natural 1.

発露A gun scavenger gains the following deeds at the listed level.

Change Out(変則)/Change Out:At 1st level, as a full-round action, a gun scavenger can remove the broken condition from a single firearm she is currently wielding, as long as that condition was gained by a firearm misfire. When she does, she can replace the broken part with a specialized, short-lived component that does one of the following:gives the firearm the scatter weapon quality(Ultimate Combat 137); increases the damage dealt by the pistolwhip deed by one die size; or increases the firearm’s range increment by 10 feet. A firearm with such a modification increases its misfire chance cumulatively by 1 each time it is fired until it misfires. When it does misfire, the effects of the temporary component are lost. A gun scavenger must have at least 1 grit point to perform this deed. Alternatively, if the gun scavenger spends 1 grit point to perform a change out, she can either perform the change out as a standard action instead of a full-round action, or perform the change out on a firearm that isn’t broken. This deed replaces the quick clear deed.

Jury-Rig(変則)/Jury-Rig:At 7th level, as a standard action, a gun scavenger can adjust a firearm she is currently wielding to fire in an unconventional way. She can spend 1 grit point to grant her firearm one of the following magic weapon enhancements for 1 round per gunslinger level:distance, flaming, glameredUE, or thundering. If she spends 2 grit points, she can instead grant the firearm flaming burst or stalkingUE. Multiple uses of this ability don’t stack with themselves. This deed replaces the targeting deed.

Arbitrary Aim(変則)/Arbitrary Aim:Starting at 2nd level, a gun scavenger’s attacks with firearms are difficult to predict. When shooting a firearm at a creature that has a dodge or insight bonus to its Armor Class, the gun scavenger treats the combined bonus as if it were 1 lower. This value increases by 1 for every 4 levels beyond 2nd level(to a maximum of 5 at 20th level). This ability replaces nimble.

Gunner Squire Gunner Squire

出典 Knights of the Inner Sea 20ページ

Prepared to reload or repair her lord’s firearms at a moment’s notice, the gunner squire is an indispensable aid for knights skilled in the use of pistols and rifles.

発露A gunner squire swaps a pair of deeds for the following. two deeds The new deed descriptions include information on which deeds from the gunslinger class feature these new deeds replace.

Spotter(変則)/Spotter:At 1st level, as a standard action, a gunner squire can spend 1 grit point to pinpoint a target within her line of sight and inform her knightly liege of the target’s exact location. During the knight’s next turn, if he makes a ranged attack against the pinpointed target and would take a penalty on his attack roll due to range, he may reduce this penalty by an amount equal to his gunner squire’s Wisdom modifier(to a minimum penalty of 0). The gunner squire must be adjacent to her liege and able to communicate to use this deed, though a knight may move away from the gunner squire during his turn and still gain the benefits of this deed. This deed replaces the gunslinger’s dodge deed.

Side Arm(変則)/Side Arm:At 3rd level, as a full-round action, a gunner squire can spend 1 grit point to reload a one-handed or two-handed firearm she is holding. If the firearm has multiple barrels, she can reload a number of barrels per round equal to her Dexterity modifier(minimum 1). A gunner squire equipped with alchemical cartridges(see Ultimate Equipment) can use this deed to reload multiple firearms at once, dividing the number of barrels she’s able to reload among the firearms she is carrying however she wishes, even if this would mean stowing and retrieving multiple firearms from her equipment with one action. Abilities, deeds, and feats that decrease reloading time(such as Rapid Reload) do not improve this deed. This deed replaces gunslinger initiative.

Safe Handling(変則)/Safe Handling:At 2nd level, as a full-round action, a gunner squire can temporarily ensure the safety of a firearm she is holding, reducing its misfire chance by 1(to a minimum of 0) on the next attack roll made with that firearm. This reduction does not stack with itself. This reduction occurs after any increases are calculated for firing with the broken condition, or for any other effect that might increase the misfire value of a firearm. This ability replaces nimble +1.

Planar Rifter Planar Rifter

出典 Plane-Hopper's Handbook 6ページ

Followers of the daemonic harbinger Cixyron invented a method of harvesting pieces from Abaddon, absorbing some of the energy into themselves and condensing other portions of it into bullets they could fire from their guns. While these methods originated among Cixyron’s followers, they have spread among a few other seasoned planar travelers. Not all planar rifters are evil, as the same methods that proved effective in slaying the celestial host are just as useful against other planar forces.

Infused Grit(超常)/Infused Grit:Each day when a planar rifter recovers grit, he can attune his grit pool to one of the following subtypes:air, chaotic, earth, evil, fire, good, lawful, or water. Whenever he is on a plane that has an alignment or elemental trait, he can switch his attunement to match one of that plane’s traits as a standard action. After reducing an outsider to 0 hit points or below, he can switch his attunement to match one of that outsider’s subtypes as a free action. He regains grit as normal from critical hits, but killing blows replenish his grit pool only if the target is an outsider.

This alters grit.

発露A planar rifter gains the following deeds.

Infused Bullet(超常)/Infused Bullet:At 1st level, a planar rifter’s bullets carry the essence of a plane to which his grit pool is attuned, striking true against creatures that shrink from that plane’s nature. As long as he has at least 1 point in his grit pool, he gains the following benefits:if he infuses his bullets with an alignment, his bullet’s damage counts as that alignment for the purposes of overcoming ダメージ減少; if he infuses his bullets with an element, half of his bullet’s damage changes to an energy type determined by the element infused:acid(earth), cold(water), electricity(air), or fire(fire).

This deed replaces the deadeye deed.

Planar Surge(超常)/Planar Surge:At 7th level, a planar rifter can spend 1 grit point as a swift action to change the attunement of his grit pool to any alignment or element. This new attunement remains for 1 minute, after which time the grit pool becomes unattuned.

This deed replaces the dead shot deed.

Breaching Shot(超常)/Breaching Shot:At 15th level, a planar rifter can fire bullets with such precision that he tears temporary rifts between planes. As a standard action, he can spend 3 grit points to shoot at a location within his firearm’s first range increment and tear a 10-foot-radius portal to a plane of his choice. The rift leads to a random location on the plane that is between 5 and 500 miles from his intended destination, as plane shift. The rift remains open for 1 minute, during which time any number of willing creatures can pass through. It is a one-way rift, and it is insufficiently stable to reveal details about the environment on the other side.

This deed replaces the menacing shot deed.

Banishing Shot(超常)/Banishing Shot:At 19th level, whenever a planar rifter confirms a critical hit against an extraplanar target, he can spend 1 grit to deal normal damage, and the target must succeed at a Will saving throw with a 難易度 equal to 20 + the planar rifter’s Wisdom modifier. On a failed saving throw, the target is returned to its original plane as per the banishment spell.

This deed replaces the death’s shot deed.

Planar Resistance(超常)/Planar Resistance:At 2nd level, when a planar rifter infuses his grit with the essence of a plane, he gains protection against that plane’s dangers. If he attunes his grit pool to chaos, good, evil, or law, he gains resistance to magical effects that deal damage based on the chosen alignment, such as holy smite, order’s wrath, a paladin’s smite evil attack, or an unholy weapon. If he attunes his grit pool to air, earth, fire, or water, he gains protection against the energy type associated with that element(see infused bullet). He reduces the amount of damage taken from attacks of the chosen type by 2 points per gunslinger level.

This replaces nimble.

Planar Strike(超常)/Planar Strike:At 5th level, as long as he has at least 1 point in his grit pool, a planar rifter’s weapon attacks deal an extra 1d6 points of damage of the same damage type reduced by his planar resistance. Aligned damage harms only creatures of an opposed alignment. At 13th level, this damage increases to 2d6.

This replaces gun training.

Scatter Gunner Scatter Gunner

出典 People of the Wastes 12ページ

Punishing firearms such as the blunderbuss and dragon pistol can lay waste to invaders in tight corridors, and the dwarves of Dongun Hold have pioneered masterful methods for making the most of these indiscriminate weapons.

Scatter Specialist:A scatter gunner must take a blunderbuss or dragon pistol when he chooses a battered firearm at 1st level.

This alters gunsmith.

発露A scatter gunner gains the following deeds, each of which functions only when he uses a weapon with the scatter weapon quality to make a scattering shot.

Careful Shot(変則)/Careful Shot:As long as a scatter gunner has at least 1 grit point when making a scattering shot, he takes a penalty equal to his Wisdom modifier on his attack rolls against any allies in the area. He can spend 1 grit point when making a scattering shot to automatically miss a number of creatures equal to his Wisdom modifier.

This replaces the deadeye deed.

Scatter Artist(変則)/Scatter Artist:At 3rd level, when using a firearm to make a scattering shot, a scatter gunner can spend 1 grit point to add one of the following effects to his attack.
Restricted Barrel:The scattering shot attacks all creatures in a line rather than in a cone. The line’s length is twice the length of the weapon’s cone(30 feet for most early firearms).
Shaped Blast:Select one additional square adjacent to the scattering shot’s area of effect; creatures in this square are also affected by the scattering shot.
Vortex:The firearm releases an explosive torrent of air in the scattering shot’s affected area for 1 round, creating a strong wind effect(25 mph) that can disperse fog and smoke effects such as those created by fog cloud.

This replaces the utility shot deed.

Overload(変則)/Overload:At 7th level, a scatter gunner knows just how to hold his weapon to maximize its devastating scattering effects. As a full-round action, a scatter gunner can make a scattering shot to fire a concentrated payload of pellets that strains his firearm. This doubles the area affected by the scattering shot(a 30-foot cone for most early firearms), increases the firearm’s misfire value by 2, and causes each successful attack to deal an additional 1d6 points of damage that is not multiplied on a critical hit. This additional damage increases to 2d6 at 13th level and 3d6 at 19th level. The scatter gunner must spend 1 grit point to perform this deed.

This replaces the dead shot deed.

Satchel Shot(変則)/Satchel Shot:At 7th level, as a full-round action, a scatter gunner can load and fire an explosive shell, consuming ammunition as though he had made a scattering shot. This functions like throwing a splash weapon at a grid intersection but uses his firearm’s range increment, attack bonus, and magic special abilities(if any). The shell affects creatures in a 10-foot radius as though the scatter gunner had made a scattering shot against them, and damaged creatures must succeed at a Reflex save(難易度 = 10 + half the scatter gunner’s level + the scatter gunner’s Dexterity modifier) or catch fire(Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook 444). This replaces the targeting deed.

Siege Gunner Siege Gunner

出典 Inner Sea Combat 45ページ

The Grand Duchy of Alkenstar has spawned all manner of firearm specialists, wielding small and large firearms alike. Siege gunners specialize in the very largest— cannons, bombards, and firedrakes. These specialists are rarely seen outside of Alkenstar, however, in part because the duchy keeps close tabs on its most powerful guns and few are found elsewhere in the Inner Sea. A few siege gunners outside of Alkenstar make a living renting out their services and the use of their personal collection of siege weaponry to causes in which they believe or to the highest bidder.

Grit(変則)/Grit:A siege gunner relies less on luck and intuition and more on cold calculation and wit. The number of grit points a siege gunner gains each day and her maximum grit are based on the siege gunner’s Intelligence modifier rather than her Wisdom modifier.

Engineer Training(変則)Engineer TrainingA siege gunner is trained in all aspects of siegecraft, including the workings of siege engines and knowledge of the structures that are often the target of their assaults. Starting at 2nd level, a siege gunner gains a bonus on Knowledge(engineering) checks equal to 1/2 her gunslinger level. This ability replaces nimble.

発露A siege gunner swaps a pair of deeds of her choosing for the following.

Targeted Blast(変則)/Targeted Blast:At 1st level, when using a firearm or siege engine that targets an area rather than a specific creature, the siege gunner can spend 1 grit point to focus the brunt of the blast on a single creature within the target area. The target creature takes 1 additional point of damage for each level the siege gunner possesses. This is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit. At 5th level and for every 5 levels the siege gunner possesses beyond that, she can select an additional creature to target with this bonus damage. Targets must be selected before any attack rolls or saving throws are made. This ability replaces deadeye.

Scattershot(変則)/Scattershot:At 3rd level, if the siege gunner has at least 1 grit point, she can increase the effectiveness of scattering shots from hand-held firearms and blast shots from siege engines. The cone radius of scattering shots or blast shots increases by 5 feet for every three levels the siege gunner possesses(to a maximum of 30 feet at 18th level). This ability replaces gunslinger initiative.

ボーナス特技At 4th level, a siege gunner gains Siege EngineerUC as a bonus feat. At 8th level, she gains Master Siege EngineerUC as a bonus feat. She does not need to meet the prerequisites for these feats. At 12th level and for every 4 levels thereafter, the siege gunner gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained by normal advancement. These additional bonus feats must be combat or grit feats, and she must meet the prerequisites as normal. This replaces the gunslinger’s normal bonus feats.

Wyrm Sniper Wyrm Sniper

出典 Dragonslayer's Handbook 23ページ

These long-shot artists are masters at taking down dragons with sharp shooting and light siege weaponry. The following are class features for wyrm snipers.

クラス技能A wyrm sniper adds Knowledge(arcana) to her list of class skills, in addition to the normal gunslinger class skills.

Artillery Proficiency:Wyrm snipers are proficient with light siege engines, in addition to the normal gunslinger weapon proficiencies. See page 26 of this book for new anti-dragon siege weaponry.

発露A wyrm sniper swaps a trio of deeds for the following deeds.

Munitions Master/Munitions Master:At 7th level, a wyrm sniper can spend 1 grit point to reduce the number of full-round actions(or move actions, if the sniper has the Master Siege Engineer feat) required to load a light siege engine by 1. This deed replaces the gunslinger’s startling shot deed.

Skeleton Crew/Skeleton Crew:At 11th level, as long as a wyrm sniper has at least 1 grit point, she treats all light siege engines as requiring a crew of one fewer than normal to operate(minimum 1). This deed replaces the gunslinger’s lightning reload deed.

Anti-Air Targeting/Anti-Air Targeting:At 15th level, whenever a wyrm sniper targets a creature’s wings with the targeting deed, the wyrm sniper completely disables one of the creature’s wings on a successful hit. If the wyrm sniper hits her target, the creature falls to the ground, regardless of its altitude, taking the appropriate amount of falling damage as a result. As long as the target has at least one functioning wing, it may attempt a 難易度 20 Fly check to gain the benefits of feather fall instead of plummeting to the ground. In either case, it must succeed at a Reflex save(難易度 10 + 1/2 the wyrm sniper’s level + the wyrm sniper’s Wisdom modifier) or fall prone when reaching the ground. This ability replaces the gunslinger’s menacing shot deed.

Siege Commander(変則)/Siege Commander:At 4th level, a wyrm sniper may select the Siege Commander combat feat as her bonus feat, even if she does not meet the prerequisites.

Heavy Gunner(変則)/Heavy Gunner:Starting at 5th level, a wyrm sniper may select one specific type of light siege weapon(such as a ballista or light bombard) in place of a specific type of firearm as part of her gun training class ability. Every 4 levels thereafter(9th, 13th, and 17th), when she can pick a new type of firearm for the gun training class ability, the gunslinger may again select another type of light siege engine.

Master Siege Engineer(変則)/Master Siege EngineerAt 12th level, a wyrm sniper may select the Master Siege Engineer combat feat as her bonus feat, even if she does not meet the feat’s prerequisites.

玉座の衛士 Thronewarden

出典 Heroes of the High Court 8ページ




触発の反応(変則)/Hair-Trigger Reflexes:2レベル点で、少なくとも1点の気概ポイントが残っている限り、玉座の衛士は敵に気づかなくても不意討ちラウンドで行動することができるが、行動するまでは立ちすくみ状態のままである。さらに、イニシアチブ判定に+1のボーナスを得る。このボーナス2レベル以降の4レベル上昇毎に1ずつ増加する。最後に、10レベルになった気概ポイント1点を消費することにより、不意討ちラウンド中に標準アクション移動アクションの両方(または全ラウンド・アクション)を取ることができる。


警戒(変則)/Eye for Trouble:4レベル点で、玉座の衛士〈知覚〉〈真意看破〉判定を行う際に気概ポイント1点を消費し1d6のロールをし、その結果を判定に加えることができる。これは判定を試みた後に行うことができるが、結果が明らかになる前にのみ行うことができる。



警告射撃(変則)/Warning Shot:7レベル点で、標準アクションとして、少なくとも気概ポイント1点を持つ玉座の衛士は、通常ならば火器による攻撃で標的にすることができるクリーチャーをわざと見逃し、そのクリーチャーに自分の行動を疑わせることができる。対象のクリーチャーは次のターンよろめき状態になる。玉座の衛士不意討ちラウンドでまだ行動していないクリーチャーにこの能を使用した場合、そのクリーチャー不意討ちラウンドアクションを失う。


開幕射撃(変則)/Opening Shot:レベル11の点で、気概ポイント1点を消費し、火器を宙に向けて撃つことで味方を不意討ちラウンドに行動させることができる。通常であれば不意討ちラウンドで行動することができない30フィート以内にいる味方は不意討ちラウンドの終了に行動することができる(行動する順番はイニシアティブの結果によって決定され、次のラウンドでは通常のイニシアティブの順番で行動する)。通常であれば不意討ちラウンドで行動できるが、まだ行動していない味方の場合、移動アクションもしくは標準アクションのいずれかではなく、全ラウンド・アクションを行うことができる。


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Ultimate Magic

Ultimate Combat

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Ultimate Equipment

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Mythic Adventures

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Pathfinder Unchained

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