
Skald Sagas Skald Sagas

出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox

Sagas are a form of lore-keeping and tale-telling common in Irrisen and the Lands of the Linnorm Kings. Specialized applications of a skald’s raging song ability, sagas function much like bardic masterpieces(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 21) but are available only to skalds. Sagas are never purely artistic constructs; they are designed to preserve lore or commemorate historical figures, and are usually based in fact. Sagas therefore require ranks in Knowledge(history) as a prerequisite, as well. Bards can learn sagas, using their bardic performance ability instead of raging song.

Lay of Scholar-King(Oratory, Sing)/Lay of Scholar-King(Oratory, Sing)

出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 19ページ
Sagas are legal for play but are only available to skald PCs.

Your tale of a scholarly king sharpens your intellect, but makes others treat you with contempt.

前提条件Knowledge(history) 2 ranks, Perform(oratory) or Perform(sing) 4 ranks.

コストFeat or 2nd-level skald spell known.

効果You tell the sad tale of studious and introspective King Jarguut, son of Ethered. King Jarguut ruled the Linnorm Kingdom of Raemerrund, but his kingdom fractured when the thanes would not respect his intellect. While you maintain the performance, you can add your Charisma modifier(minimum +1) to Intelligence-based skill checks in addition to your Intelligence modifier, but you take your Intelligence bonus as a penalty on all Charisma-based skill checks(minimum –1).

使用:1 raging song round per round.

アクション1 minute.

Saga of the Witch Queen(Oratory, Sing)/Saga of the Witch Queen(Oratory, Sing)

出典 Magic Tactics Toolbox 19ページ
Sagas are legal for play but are only available to skald PCs.
Your tale of Baba Yaga’s inexorable return allows you to unerringly locate your target.

前提条件Knowledge(history) 7 ranks, Perform(oratory) or Perform(sing) 15 ranks.

コストFeat or 5th-level skald spell known.

効果You tell the epic tale of the Baba Yaga, the Queen of Witches, who founded Irrisen after winning the Winter War. Once each century, she deposes one of her daughters as queen of Irrisen to install another daughter in her place. For 1,400 years, each reigning queen has known that her mother’s return was a certainty. When you complete the performance, you name a creature you have seen or who once owned an item you have in your possession, and you immediately know the creature’s location, as per discern location. At the same time, the creature learns your name and that you have determined its current whereabouts.

使用:10 raging song rounds.

アクション10 minutes.

スカルドのアーキタイプ Skald Archetypes

Augur Augur

出典 Arcane Anthology 25ページ

Tales of Merivesta Olinchi are surprisingly common among the Bekyar of the Mwangi Expanse, who claim she spent some time studying their traditions and history. Most historians find it more likely that a Bekyar skald spent time in Nex, was exposed to the idea of divination as a tool of war from a copy of Cold Irony, and fabricated tales of how that knowledge came to be in his hands.

Monster Insight(変則)/Monster Insight:At 2nd level, the augur applies his Charisma modifier in addition to his Intelligence modifier when attempting Knowledge checks to identify the abilities and weaknesses of creatures. Monster insight counts as the monster lore class feature for prerequisites. This ability replaces well-versed.

Signs and Portents(超常)/Signs and Portents:At 2nd level, an augur can read signs and portents to attempt to ascertain how events in the near future will play out. This allows the augur to cast augury as a spell-like ability. At 7th level, he can instead use signs and portents to cast divination as a spell-like ability, and at 12th level, he can instead cast commune as a spell-like ability. At 17th level, he can use signs and portents twice per day. This ability replaces all types of versatile performance.

Predictive Strike(超常)/Predictive Strike:At 5th level, the augur accurately divines the possible movements of his enemies in combat. Once per day as a free action, he can declare one of his melee attacks to be a predictive strike. Against the augur’s attack, the target is flat-footed and gains no benefits from concealment or cover. Attacks from other creatures are treated normally. The target still benefits from total concealment and total cover normally. At 11th level, the augur can use this ability a total of two attacks per day, and at 17th, three attacks per day. This replaces spell kenning.

Bekyar Demon Dancer AugBekyar Demon Dancerur

出典 Advanced Class Origins 18ページ

While the twisted power of the demon-worshiping Bekyar’s skalds is great, it comes at a terrible price.

技能A Bekyar demon dancer gains Perform(dance) as a class skill.

Versatile Performance(変則)/Versatile Performance:A Bekyar demon dancer can choose Perform(dance) for the versatile performance class feature. Its associated skills are Acrobatics and Fly. This ability alters versatile performance.

Fiendish Maw(超常)/Fiendish Maw:At 3rd level, whenever a Bekyar demon dancer inspires rage, all who accept his rage gain a bite attack dealing 1d6 points of damage(for Medium allies; 1d4 points of damage if Small). This damage increases to 1d8(1d6 if Small) at 7th level, to 2d6(1d8 if Small) at 12th level, and to 3d6(2d6 if Small) at 17th level. These increases effectively treat the affected creatures as though their sizes had increased by one size category, and so don’t stack with any similar damage increases(such as the increase from the strong jawAPG spell) other than those due to an actual increase in size. If used as part of a full attack action, the bite attack is made at the creature’s full base attack bonus – 5. This ability replaces the rage power gained at 3rd level.

Abyssal Wrath(超常)/Abyssal Wrath:At 6th level, the Bekyar demon dancer gains the fiend totemAPG rage power, even if he doesn’t qualify for it. At 9th level, he gains the greater fiend totemAPG rage power, ignoring the prerequisites. This ability alters the rage powers gained at 6th and 9th levels.

Demonic Conquest(超常)/Demonic Conquest:At 7th level, the Bekyar demon dancer’s dances warp the minds of those who accept them even further. Whenever anyone affected by his inspired rage makes an attack against a creature, the urge to dominate this foe rises within the affected ally. The ally can attempt to resist this urge with a Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the skald’s class level + his Charisma modifier). If she fails the save or chooses not to attempt one, the Strength and Constitution bonuses of the demon dancer’s inspire rage increase by 2, and she must continue to attack the same target each round. Once the target is defeated, she must burn or cut the symbol of a demon the Bekyar demon dancer worships into the target’s flesh, which is a full-round action. The need to conquer and brand foes ends after this action or after the demon dancer stops performing, whichever comes first.

Court Poet Court Poet

出典 Heroes of the High Court 6ページ

Many courts are places of artistic refinement, attracting those performers who wish to revel in an aristocratic art scene. Such artists may aim to become a darling of the court, focusing on the aesthetic requirements of a particular tradition as well as learning details about that court’s history and culture. Court poets elevate the skald’s love of history and poetry to an aristocratic ideal, captivating courts with complicated poetic traditions and inspiring others with their craft. Some court poets go on to create their own works, weaving their magic and force of personality into their unique performances.

Raging Song(超常)/Raging Song:A court poet gains the following raging songs, allowing her to use oratory, music, and other performances to elevate the aesthetic sensibilities of her allies. Insightful Contemplation(Su):At 1st level, affected allies gain a +2 morale bonus to Intelligence and Charisma and a +1 morale bonus on Will saving throws, but they also take a –1 penalty to アーマー・クラス. While under the effects of insightful contemplation, allies other than the court poet can’t use any Strength-based skills or make any physical effort that requires a Constitution check. At 4th level and every 4 skald levels thereafter, the song’s bonus on Will saves increases by 1; the penalty to アーマー・クラス doesn’t change. At 8th and 16th levels, the song’s bonuses to Intelligence and Charisma increase by 2.(Unlike the barbarian’s rage ability, those affected are not fatigued after the song ends.)

This ability replaces inspired rage.

Song of Inspiration(超常)/Song of Inspiration:At 6th level, a court poet can use raging song to inspire her allies to greater mental clarity. Once each round while the court poet uses this performance, allies within 60 feet who can hear her can add 1/2 the court poet’s skald level to a single Wisdom check or Wisdom-based skill check.

This ability replaces song of strength.

Handling the Crowd(変則)/Handling the Crowd:At 2nd level, a court poet gains a +1 bonus to アーマー・クラス and on Perform checks when adjacent to two or more creatures. In addition, her movement is not impeded by crowds and she gains a bonus equal to 1/2 her skald level on Diplomacy checks to influence crowds.

This ability replaces well-versed.

Augur Dragon Skald Skald

出典 Advanced Class Origins 19ページ

The Ulfen prize skalds on sea raids and linnorm hunts. Dragon skald performances involve song, whistling, or blowing mighty horns, and viking sailors often talk about having a skald along to whistle up a wind or sing away the mists on the morning of a momentous raid.

Wind Whistler(超常)/Wind Whistler:At 1st level, a dragon skald adds alter windsAPG, fog cloud, and obscuring mist to his class spell list, at the same levels the wizard gains them. He still must add these spells to his spells known as normal. This ability replaces Scribe Scroll.

Sea Legs(変則)/Sea Legs:A dragon skald adds 1/2 his class level(minimum 1) on all Profession(sailor) checks, Survival checks while at sea, Acrobatics and Climb checks made while aboard a boat, and Swim checks. This ability replaces bardic knowledge.

Fearless Raider(変則)/Fearless Raider:At 2nd level, the dragon skald becomes resistant to fear effects. The dragon skald gains a +4 bonus on saving throws against fear effects, and DCs to affect the dragon skald with the Intimidate skill increase by 4. This ability replaces well-versed.

Raging Song(超常)/Raging Song:A dragon skald gains access to the following raging song.

Glorious Epic(超常)/Glorious Epic:At 3rd level, a dragon skald learns how to truly extol the virtues and prowess of the heroic figures in his epic tales. By performing for 10 minutes and expending 1 round of raging song, the dragon skald can inf luence opinions positively towards a heroic subject of the dragon skald’s choice. If the subject of the epic attempts a Diplomacy or Intimidate check against anyone who listened to the full performance, he receives a circumstance bonus on that check equal to the Will save bonus granted by the dragon skald’s inspired rage. This ability replaces song of marching.

Elegist Elegist

出典 Pathfinder:Spiral of Bones #4 29ページ

Some skalds internalize the saddest and must mournful of stories, so much that they are able to manifest the emotions caused by these tales in physical form. These spirits are able to inflict the misery onto the elegist's enemies.

Melancholic Apparition(超常)/Melancholic Apparition:By using music, oration, and similar performances, an elegist can call forth a physical manifestation of the sorrow of his tales. This functions as a spiritualist's phantom with the despair focus. He can manifest his melancholic apparition as a standard action and dismiss it as a free action. The phantom appears adjacent to the skatd and can act immediately. The melancholic apparition is immediately dismissed if the elegist is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action each round to maintain the performance that keeps the phantom manifested. At 1st level, an elegist can keep his apparition manifested for a total number of rounds each day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. For each skald level beyond 1st, he can manifest his apparition 2 additional rounds per day.

Unlike a spiritualist's phantom, a melancholic apparition can't be harbored in the elegist's consciousness. When manifested, the melancholic apparition has the same number of hit points it had when previously manifested that day. It regains all of its hit points when the elegist regains his spells for the day. If the melancholic apparition is slain, the elegist can manifest it again in the same day by spending a number of additional rounds ot'this ability equal to half his skald level(minimum 1); the melancholic apparition returns with half its normal total of hit points.

This replaces raging song and all related performances. as well as rage powers.

Steady Hearted(変則)/Steady Hearted:At 2nd level, an elegist receives a +4 bonus to saving throws against emotion effects.

This replaces well-versed.

Somber Damage Reduction(変則)/Somber Damage Reduction:The damage reduction an elegist gains at 9th level is shared by his melancholic apparition when it is manifested.

This alters damage reduction.

Master Elegist(超常)/Master ElegistAt 20th level, the elegist can manifest his melancholic apparition as a swift action. If it is slain. the elegist can manifest a new phantom in the same day with no additional expenditure of rounds of the melancholic apparition ability, and the new phantom has all of its hit points.

Red Tongue Red Tongue

出典 Blood of the Beast 26ページ

In the young tengu nation of Kwanlai, politicos argue endlessly over how best to rule and guide a people who have been parasites and vassals to other nations for millennia. The tengu tendency toward dramatic f lourishes and rhetoric only complicates this debate, creating an environment in which political clubs led by hot-blooded firebrands—referred to as red tongues in polite company—dominate the political scene by swaying emotions in the moment and wielding magic in the shadows. Many political debates in Hisuikarasu end in violent brawls or daring duels.

Great Orator/Great Orator:A red tongue can activate his raging song performances only by using the Perform(oratory) skill. He must select Perform(oratory) as his versatile performance choice at 2nd level.

This ability modifies the raging song and versatile performance abilities.

Seed of Discord(超常)/Seed of Discord:The fiery outlook of the red tongue imparts instinctual knowledge to invest arcane energy into his proclamations and denouncements. The red tongue gains the following bonus spells known as he reaches the appropriate level to cast each spell:doomAPG(1st), castigateAPG(2nd), charm monster(3rd), denounceAPG(4th), greater command(5th), mass eagle’s splendor(6th).

Rile(変則)/Rile:The red tongue is particularly skilled at provoking others to action, even when ignorant on a subject. He adds 1/2 his skald level on Bluff checks to deceive or conceal his motives and on Intimidate checks to improve a creature’s attitude.

This ability replaces bardic knowledge.

Rogue Talents(変則)/Rogue Talents:At 7th level, the red tongue learns a rogue talent of his choice, treating his skald level as his rogue level. He cannot select a talent that requires or modif ies a class feature he does not have(such as sneak attack), and he must meet all other prerequisites. For every 5 skald levels beyond 7th, he gains a new rogue talent.

This ability replaces the versatile performance selections normally gained at 7th, 12th, and 17th levels.

Duplicitous Rhetoric(超常)/Duplicitous Rhetoric:At 7th level, when a red tongue begins a raging song, he can select a single rogue talent he knows and grant it to all creatures under the inf luence of his inspired rage. If a rogue talent is limited to a certain number of uses per day, each creature affected is limited to a single use and cannot gain additional uses from a raging song for 24 hours, even if the red tongue ends his raging song and starts again.

Serpent Herald Serpent Herald

出典 Legacy of the First World 28ページ

Warrior bands devoted to Ragadahn are often led by a serpent herald, whose deep roars shake the earth itself. Rumors tell of waves of snakes slithering forth from their nests in awe as these bellowing commanders take on serpentine features.

Serpentine Rage(超常)/Serpentine Rage:At 3rd level, a serpent herald can call down Ragadahn’s features onto his allies. Allies affected by the serpent herald’s inspired rage ability gain a serpentine aspect of the serpent herald’s choice(all affected allies gain the same aspect). The serpent herald may choose from the following aspects:movement(+8 competence bonus on Climb and Swim checks, and targets can take 10 on these checks even when rushed or threatened), scales(+2 natural armor bonus), senses(low-light vision and scent), or a natural bite attack(1d4 damage for a Medium creature plus poison [bite—injury; save Fortitude 難易度 10 + half the serpent herald’s class level + his Constitution modifier; frequency 1/round for 6 rounds; effect 1 Constitution damage, cure 1 save]). This is a polymorph effect; a creature under another polymorph effect, such as wild shape, does not gain the aspect. If the serpent herald grants one of these aspects to himself, he also gains the ability to speak with animals(reptiles and creatures with the aquatic subtype only) for as long as he has the aspect. The serpent herald must have the inspired rage raging song to use this ability.

This ability replaces the rage power gained at 3rd level.

Serpent Shape(超常)/Serpent Shape:At 5th level, a serpent herald gains the ability to use wild shape to take the form of a reptile or an aquatic animal once per day, as the druid class feature. His effective druid level for this ability is equal to his serpent herald level – 1. This doesn’t allow him to assume other forms, such as elementals or other kinds of animals. When in animal form, the serpent herald is treated as able to speak normally for the purpose of using raging song, but not for using other abilities that require speech(such as spellcasting).

At 11th level, a serpent herald can use this ability twice per day and gains the benefits of the Wild SpeechUM feat while using this ability, treating his druid level as his serpent herald level – 1.

At 17th level, a serpent herald can use this ability three times per day. In addition, he gains the supernatural resiliency of a linnorm, gaining the effects of freedom of movement while using this ability.

This ability replaces spell kenning.

激怒パワーThe following rage powers complement the serpent herald archetype:animal fury, battle roarACG knockback, knockdownAPG, linnorm death curse(any)ACG, low-light vision, sprintUC, and swift foot.

Sunsinger Sunsinger

出典 Qadira, Jewel of the East 33ページ

Qadiran sunsingers are particularly religious skalds of Sarenrae who call down their goddess’s glory to fill soldiers with fire.

属性A sunsinger skald must be lawful good, neutral good, or neutral, and must worship Sarenrae.

Pillar of Light(超常)Pillar of Light:At 3rd level, a sunsinger skald can use her raging song to call upon her goddess to imbue her with glory and make all who see it pay heed. A great beam of sunlight shines down upon the skald, casting bright light in a 30-foot radius, and allows the skald’s raging song to function as the fascinate bardic performance.

This ability replaces song of marching.

Channel Solar Energy(超常)/Channel Solar Energy:At 5th level, a sunsinger skald can channel energy as a cleric once per day to heal wounds or harm undead like a good-aligned cleric. When she does so, she fills the area affected by the channeled energy with light, and can outline creatures in the area of effect as per faerie fire. The sunsinger uses her skald level as her effective cleric level when channeling positive energy. Undead who are particularly harmed by sunlight take a –2 penalty on saving throws against this channeled energy, and take 1 additional point of damage per die of damage dealt by the effect.

At 11th level, a sunsinger can channel energy twice per day. At 17th level, she can use this ability three times per day.

This ability replaces spell kenning.

Totem Channeler Totem Channeler

出典 Disciple's Doctrine 24ページ

Some Shoanti skalds discover deeper truths in their tribes’ totems. These skalds, known as totem channelers, learn how to share the totems’ gifts with their allies in the heat of battle.

Totemic Versatility(変則)/Totemic Versatility:When a totem channeler learns a new rage power, he can select from more than one group of totem rage powers, even though he normally could not do so. Totem rage powers grant benefits related to a theme, are organized in groups of three, and usually have the word “totem” in their name. When the totem channeler starts an inspired rage raging song, he can add totem rage powers from only one group at a time. He can change the group of added totem rage powers by ending the current inspired rage and starting a new one.

This replaces bardic knowledge and alters rage powers.

Tandem Totems(変則)/Tandem Totems:At 5th level, when a totem channeler starts an inspired rage raging song and adds a totem rage power, he can add totem rage powers from a different group. Adding or maintaining totem rage powers from the additional group requires spending 1 additional round of raging song each round. He can activate up to two additional totem groups at 11th level and up to three additional totem groups at 17th level. He must spend 1 additional round of raging song each round for each additional totem group. If the totem channeler does not have enough rounds of raging song remaining to maintain his inspired rage, the song ends.

This replaces spell kenning.

Totem’s Guidance(超常)/Totem’s Guidance:At 9th level, the totem channeler can draw strength and protection from his totem powers when he wades into battle with song on his lips. When he adds a totem rage power to his inspired rage, he and his allies gain a +1 insight bonus to アーマー・クラス and on saving throws for the duration of the totem channeler’s raging song. At 14th level, this bonus increases to +2. This bonus applies only to the first totem rage power he applies to his inspired rage.

This replaces damage reduction.

Twilight Speaker Twilight Speaker

出典 Heroes from the Fringe 12ページ

From the extraordinarily reclusive Snowcaster elves come the twilight speakers, who consider it a sacred duty to seek out and befriend non-elven communities. These elves travel among outsiders as envoys, diplomats, traders, and even spies as events demand. Deeply devoted to the elven goddess Findeladlara, twilight speakers wander far and wide, vigilant for threats to their homes and their people.

Twilight speaker is a skald archetype that is available only to elves.

Devout/Devout:A twilight speaker must worship the elven goddess Findeladlara, and his alignment must be within one step of chaotic good. A twilight speaker who does not meet these requirements cannot use inspired devotion or Findeladlara’s blessing.

Twilight Envoy/Twilight Envoy:A twilight speaker gains a bonus equal to half his skald level on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks.

This replaces bardic knowledge.

Raging Song(超常)/Raging Son:A twilight speaker gains the following raging songs.

Inspired Devotion(超常)/Inspired Devotion:The twilight speaker inspires fervor rather than fury. Affected allies gain a +1 competence bonus on attack rolls and a +1 morale bonus on saving throws. At 6th, 12th, and 18th levels, these bonuses increase by 1.

Song of Understanding(超常)/Song of Understanding:At 6th level, a twilight speaker can use his raging song to create an aura that allows creatures to speak and understand each others’ languages. By expending 4 rounds of raging song, the twilight speaker creates an aura that grants him and creatures in a 60-foot spread centered on him the effects of tongues. This aura uses the skald’s level as the caster level for all purposes, including duration. A twilight speaker can dismiss this aura as a standard action.

Song of Secrecy(超常)/Song of Secrecy:At 10th level, a twilight speaker can use his song to shroud allies from detection. Affected allies gain a bonus equal to half the twilight speaker’s skald level on Stealth checks, and they can attempt such checks without cover or concealment. Song of secrecy is audible only to those affected.

This replaces inspired rage, song of strength, and dirge of doom.

Community Domain/Community Domain:At 2nd level, a twilight speaker gains the Community domain and gains the powers and spells of the domain. He treats his skald level as his cleric level, and he uses his Charisma modifier in place of his Wisdom modifier for the purposes of the domain’s abilities.

This replaces versatile performance and well-versed.

Findeladlara’s Blessing(超常)/Findeladlara’s Blessing:At 7th level, once per day a twilight speaker can activate any spell trigger or spell completion item as though the spell were on the skald spell list. He can use this ability an additional time per day at 13th and 19th levels.

This ability replaces lore master.

Findeladlara’s Hand/Findeladlara’s Hand:At 20th level, the twilight speaker can use Findeladlara’s blessing at will.

This replaces master skald.

Undying Word Undying Word

出典 People of the Wastes 5ページ

Some who have survived the Mana Wastes cannot accept defeat, and those who have learned to speak the undying word can lend others the strength to endure.

ボーナス特技At 1st level and every 6 skald levels thereafter, an undying word gains a bonus feat in addition to those gained from normal advancement. He must meet the prerequisites for the feat, and it must include Endurance as a prerequisite or be selected from the following list:Endurance, Great Fortitude, or Improved Great Fortitude.

This replaces scribe scroll and lore master.

Undying Song(超常)/Undying Song:An undying word gains the following raging songs, granting his allies the ability to withstand punishment.

Inspire Resilience(超常)/Inspire Resilience:At 1st level, the undying word can grant his companions supernatural endurance. This functions as inspired rage, but it grants neither a bonus to his allies’ Strength nor a –1 penalty to their アーマー・クラス.

This raging song replaces inspired rage.

Song of Defiance(超常)/Song of Defiance:At 6th level, an undying word can shield his allies against the environment. By expending 1 round of raging song, the undying word grants all allies within 60 feet the effects of endure elements for the next hour. The undying word must continue to perform for the remainder of the hour; otherwise its effects end, but only 1 round of raging song is expended for that hour.

This raging song replaces song of strength.

Dirge of Determination(超常)/Dirge of Determination:At 10th level, an undying word can urge his allies within 30 feet to overcome hardships. Affected allies treat ability damage, ability drain, and penalties to ability scores as though each were 2 lower. This reduction increases to 4 at 15th level, and to 6 at 20th level. The undying word can never reduce a penalty below 0 or increase an ability score beyond its original value in this manner.

This raging song replaces dirge of doom.

Endurance Power(超常)/Endurance Power:At 5th level and every 6 skald levels thereafter, an undying word learns an additional rage power that affects him and any allies under the influence of his inspire resilience. This rage power must be selected from the following list:clear mind, energy absorption, energy resistance, flesh wound, greater energy resistance, greater guarded life, guarded life, increased damage reduction, internal fortitude, or superstition. This otherwise functions as the skald’s rage powers ability.

This replaces spell kenning.

Urban Skald Urban Skald

出典 Heroes of the Streets 25ページ

The urban skald finds that challenging and mocking foes is sometimes more effective than inspiring uncontrolled rage in a city.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:An urban skald is not proficient with medium armor. This ability modifies the skald’s weapon and armor proficiencies.

Raging Song(超常)/Raging Song:An urban skald gains a different selection of raging songs, as noted below. The save 難易度 for a raging song that allows a save is equal to 10 + 1/2 the urban skald’s skald level + his Charisma modifier.

Controlled Inspired Rage(超常)/Controlled Inspired Rage:When the urban skald inspires rage, he does not grant the normal benefits. Instead, he can apply a +2 morale bonus to his allies’ Strength, Dexterity, or Constitution. This bonus increases to +4 at 8th level and to +6 at 16th level. The urban skald can apply the full bonus to one ability score or split the bonus between several scores in increments of 2. The choice applies to all affected allies. The controlled inspired rage grants no bonus on Will saves, imposes no penalties to アーマー・クラス, and does not prevent affected allies from using Intelligence-, Dexterity-, or Charisma-based skills. This alters inspired rage.

Infuriating Mockery(超常)/Infuriating Mockery:At 3rd level, the urban skald can inspire reckless fury in one foe within 30 feet. If the foe fails a Will saving throw, it takes a –2 penalty to アーマー・クラス and on attack rolls, cannot use any Intelligence-, Dexterity-, or Charismabased skills, and must succeed at a concentration check to cast spells(難易度 = 15 + spell level) for as long as it remains in range of the skald and the performance is maintained. At 7th level and every 4 levels thereafter, the urban skald can target an additional foe with this ability. This replaces song of marching and damage reduction.

Humiliating Defamation(超常)/Humiliating Defamation:At 10th level, the urban skald can ostracize a foe. The song has one primary target, who the skald must see and name or describe. That target must attempt a Will save. On a failed save, the primary target cannot benefit from any morale bonus or teamwork feats, cannot treat any creature as an ally, and must attempt to save against any spell cast on it(including harmless spells, even if it casts them on itself ). These effects remain as long as the primary target can hear the skald and the skald maintains the performance.

All other foes within 60 feet of the skald are secondary targets. Secondary targets must succeed at Will saves or they cannot treat the primary target as an ally, and cannot target it with spells or abilities that are harmless. These effects remain as long as the secondary targets are within 60 feet of the skald and the skald maintains the performance. This is a sonic mind-affecting charm effect.

This ability replaces dirge of doom.

Back of the Crowd(変則)/Back of the Crowd:At 3rd level, an urban skald has learned to maximize the defensive benefit of being near allies. He gains a +1 dodge bonus to アーマー・クラス when adjacent to 2 or more allies. This bonus increases to +2 at 9th level and to +3 at 15th level.

War Painter War Painter

出典 Blood of the Beast 10ページ

The gripplis of the Valashmai Jungle exhibit savage strength for their size—attributed in part to the frightful magical pigments applied to their skin by the tribes’ mystical lore keepers.

Furious Paint(超常)/Furious Paint:By spending 10 minutes preparing and applying special paints to his or an ally’s skin, a war painter can create patterns that store the effects of one of his raging songs. The war painter must expend 1 or more rounds of his raging song class ability while anointing the ally, and the paint retains its potency until the war painter recovers his daily uses of raging song. The ally can activate the paint as a move action, gaining the benefits of the raging song, including any rage powers as appropriate. This effect lasts a number of rounds equal to the rounds of raging song the war painter expended + the war painter’s ranks in Craft(calligraphy, paintings, or tattoos)—but no more than double the number of rounds of raging song expended. By halving the remaining number of rounds of raging song, an ally can suspend the paint’s effects as a free action and activate the paint again later as a move action.

A war painter cab apply the effects of any feats that affect bardic performance to his furious paint, except effects that extend the effects of performances, such as the Lingering Song feat. A creature can be subject to only one application of furious paint at a time.

This ability modifies the raging song class feature and does not prevent a war painter from performing other raging songs.

Thousand Totems(超常)/Thousand Totems:At 5th level, a war painter can channel a powerful totem into his furious paints while applying the pigments on an ally. This grants the painted ally the benefits of one additional rage power when the ally activates the furious paints. The war painter does not need to know the rage power, but it must be one for which he qualifies. Furthermore, the war painter can select only a blood rage power(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Class Guide 80) or a totem rage power(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 74). If the war painter already has a different blood rage or totem rage power that would be applied to the painted ally, this new rage power replaces it and any other rage powers that require it as a prerequisite.

A war painter can use this ability once per day at 5th level, and he gains one additional use at 11th and 17th levels. He can apply this ability multiple times to the same creature, though only to give it rage powers that use the granted rage power as a prerequisite(such as beast totem and greater beast totem).

This ability replaces spell kenning.

Arcane Flourish(超常)/Arcane Flourish:At 7th level, once per day as he finishes applying his furious paint to a creature, a war painter can cast one skald spell with a casting time of no more than 1 standard action and infuse the spell into the paint. Once while benefiting from the paint’s raging song, the painted ally can use a standard action to cast the infused spell on herself as if the war painter had cast it. The spell ends when the paint’s other effects end. A war painter can infuse only a skald spell whose level is at least 2 levels lower than the highest-level skald spell he can cast. He can infuse any targeted spell in a painted ally, even if its range is personal. The war painter can use this ability twice per day at 13th level and three times per day at 19th level.

This ability replaces lore master.

Wyrm Singer Wyrm Singer

出典 Legacy of Dragons 14ページ

Wyrm singers spin fragments of the story of the ongoing struggle between noble Apsu and wicked Dahak.

Wyrm Song(超常)/Wyrm Song:A wyrm singer gains the following raging songs.

Draconic Rage(超常)/Draconic Rage:At 1st level, a wyrm singer can kindle an echo of ancient rage felt between warring dragon clans in his allies. This ability acts as inspired rage, except those affected gain a +2 morale bonus on melee attack and damage rolls and a +2 morale bonus on saving throws against paralysis and sleep effects(but they still take a –1 penalty to their アーマー・クラス), rather than inspired rage’s normal bonuses. At 4th level and every 4 skald levels thereafter, the song’s bonuses on saves against paralysis and sleep effects increase by 1. At 8th and 16th levels, the song’s bonus on melee attack and damage rolls increases by 1.

This ability replaces inspired rage.

Wyrm Saga(超常)/Wyrm Saga:At 14th level, a wyrm singer embraces the essence of the draconic histories, allowing his allies to manifest aspects of a dragon in their physical forms. The wyrm singer selects a single ally within 60 feet to take on a draconic aspect(as per form of the dragon I) of a type of the wyrm singer’s choice. The ally cannot use the breath weapon attack provided by form of the dragon. The wyrm singer must expend 1 round of raging song each round to maintain wyrm saga, and can affect only a single ally at a time.

This ability replaces song of the fallen.

Breath Weapon(超常)Breath WeaponAt 12th level, once per day as a swift action, a wyrm singer can grant a breath weapon attack to himself or an ally affected by his draconic rage raging song. Using the breath weapon is a standard action, and it affects creatures in a 30-foot cone or a 60-foot line. The breath weapons deals 1d6 points of damage per 2 skald levels the wyrm singer has, and is of an energy type of the wyrm singer’s choice(acid, cold, electricity, or fire). Creatures caught in the area can attempt a Reflex save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the wyrm singer’s skald level + his Charisma modifier) to halve the damage.

This ability replaces the rage power gained at 12th level.

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