
スーヴィアン・アルケミスト Thuvian Alchemist

出典 People of the Sands 26ページ

Thuvian alchemy evolved from the herbalism and horticulture of the ancient Tekritanin League. Their cultivars and gardeners were renowned, but such peaceful pursuits waned in prominence when the expansionist pharaohs of Osirion remade the land into a staging ground for war against the Jistka Imperium to the west. The old ways nearly became extinct, yet the lore of the desert’s delicate blooms never entirely disappeared.

Though the great libraries and conservatories were gone, simple tribal botanists passed what they could from generation to generation. Even the most warlike clan chiefs realized careful cultivation was the key to survival in this harsh and unforgiving land. Then, when Artokus Kirran discovered the sun orchid elixir in 1140 ar, the long-neglected art of herbalism and the reinvigorated science of alchemy intertwined to create something entirely new—a practice that has since flourished in modern Thuvia and given rise to the renowned Thuvian alchemists.























Healing solution







Thuvian discovery







Bombs, curative enhancement







Thuvian discovery







Curative enhancement







Bombs, Thuvian discovery







Curative enhancement







Thuvian discovery







Bombs, curative enhancement







Eternal youth



武器と防具の習熟A Thuvian alchemist gains no additional weapon or armor proficiencies.

Extracts or Spells per Day:When a Thuvian alchemist gains a level, she gains new extracts or spells per day as if she had also gained a level in alchemist or in an arcane spellcasting class to which she belonged before adding the prestige class. She does not, however, gain other benefits a character of that class would have gained, except for additional extracts or spells per day, spells known(if she is a spontaneous caster), and an increased effective caster level for extracts or spells. If she had more than one arcane spellcasting class before becoming a Thuvian alchemist, or had the alchemist class and an arcane spellcasting class, she must decide to which class she adds the new level for the purpose of determining extracts or spells per day.

Healing Solution(超常)/Healing Solution:A Thuvian alchemist learns how to convert magical reagents into life-giving admixtures. As a full-round action, she can convert the magical energies of two extracts or spells of 1st level into a special extract of cure light wounds. This acts as an infused extract, but it must be used before the end of her next turn or its power is lost. At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a Thuvian alchemist gains the ability to convert extracts or spells into more powerful forms of curative magic:3rd—cure moderate wounds; 5th—cure serious wounds; 7th—cure critical wounds; 9th—breath of life. In all cases, the Thuvian alchemist must expend two extracts or spells of the same level as the curative spell in order to complete the conversion.

Thuvian Discovery/Thuvian Discovery:At 2nd level and again at 4th, 6th, and 8th level, a Thuvian alchemist gains a new alchemist discovery(Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 28) from one of the rare Thuvian discoveries below or from the following list:bottled oozeUM, combine extracts, dilution, elixir of life, enhance potion, eternal potion, extend potion, healing touchUM, infusion, mummificationUM, preserve organsUM, sandstone solution(see page 23), or spontaneous healingUM. The Thuvian alchemist must still meet all prerequisites for a Thuvian discovery, including level restrictions. Thuvian alchemist class levels stack with alchemist levels for the purpose of qualifying for and using these discoveries(but not others). Thuvian discoveries cannot be selected by characters without Thuvian alchemist levels.

Bottled Elemental(超常)/Bottled ElementalThis functions like the bottled oozeUM discovery, but allows the Thuvian alchemist to instead reconstitute an elemental that bursts forth when the bottle is broken. Creating a bottled elemental requires an extract 1 level lower than the elemental’s 脅威度(minimum 1st level). The Thuvian alchemist must have the bottled ooze discovery and be at least 8th level before selecting this Thuvian discovery.

Capture Elemental(擬呪)/Capture ElementalA Thuvian alchemist can capture an elemental inside a specially prepared bottle, vial, or f lask, as if using trap the soul as a spell-like ability, though this ability affects only elementals. Preparing the bottle costs 500gp per Hit Die of the elemental to be trapped and takes 1 day per 1,000gp of value. If the Thuvian alchemist tries to capture an elemental with too many Hit Dice, the bottle shatters. The Thuvian alchemist must have the bottled elemental discovery and be at least 12th level before selecting this Thuvian discovery.

Extra Curative Enhancement(変則)/Extra Curative Enhancement:The Thuvian alchemist can select one additional curative enhancement that she can incorporate into her healing solution.

Shared Infusion(超常)/Shared Infusion:When a Thuvian alchemist creates an infusion extract of a spell that normally affects multiple targets, the extract can affect a number of targets equal to her Intelligence bonus(up to the maximum normally allowed for the spell), though each creature must use a standard action to imbibe the extract. Only creatures that drink from the extract within 1 round of when the first imbiber starts drinking it are affected. A Thuvian alchemist must have the infusion discovery before selecting this discovery.

Bombs/Bombs:At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter, a Thuvian alchemist adds 1d6 points of damage to her bomb damage, gains one additional bomb per day, and treats her alchemist level as 1 higher for the purpose of qualifying for discoveries that affect her bombs. A character without alchemist levels gains the bombs ability of an alchemist whose level is equal to 1/3 her Thuvian alchemist level.

Curative Enhancement(超常)/Curative Enhancement:At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, a Thuvian alchemist can select one curative enhancement. Whenever the Thuvian alchemist creates a healing solution by expending two extracts or spells, she may reduce the amount of hit point damage cured by one step(reducing a healing solution of cure moderate wounds to one of cure light wounds, for instance) in order to apply any number of her curative enhancements to her healing solution. These enhancements can remove conditions caused by curses, diseases, or poisons even if they do not remove the underlying aff liction itself; the conditions return after 1 hour unless the curative enhancement actually removes the aff liction that causes the condition.

At 3rd level, a Thuvian alchemist can select one of the following conditions that her healing solution can remove:fatigued, shaken, or sickened.

At 5th level, she can also select dazed, diseased(as remove disease), or staggered.

At 7th level, she can also select cursed(as remove curse), exhausted(must already have selected fatigued), frightened(must already have selected shaken), nauseated(must already have selected sickened), or poisoned(as neutralize poison).

At 9th level, she can also select blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or stunned.

Once chosen, a curative enhancement cannot be changed, but the Thuvian alchemist can choose which enhancements(if any) she incorporates each time she prepares a healing solution.

Eternal Youth(超常)/Eternal Youth:At 10th level, a Thuvian alchemist learns how to formulate an imperfect duplicate of the sun orchid elixir that affects only her. This functions as the eternal youth grand discovery.

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