
ルーンガード Runeguard

出典 Paths of the Righteous 22ページ

The ancient traditions of Thassilonian magic became mired in the culture of sin due to the legacy of that land’s runelords, but taken in its purest form, Thassilonian magic is no more good than evil. Indeed, at Thassilon’s outset—before the runelords seized control—the original incarnations of these seven schools of magic were not associated with sins at all, but rather with the seven virtues of rule. This original lore is all but lost, but within the city-states of Varisia(particularly in Magnimar), a small order of spellcasters seeks to reclaim the knowledge of those empowering virtues. With the might of virtuous runes, they protect their homes from the lingering evil of Thassilon and look to the guidance of Soralyon, the Mystic Angel, to aid them in their quest. These spellcasters have also come to believe that a runelord’s return to power is practically an inevitable threat that must be prepared for and defended against.

The role of a runeguard varies depending on the type of spellcasting he employs, but most tend to be more defensive rather than offensive.




神格Must worship Soralyon.

技能Linguistics 5ランク、Spellcraft 5ランク。

特技Scribe Scroll.




ルーンガードクラス技能は、以下の通り:Appraise【知】、Heal【判】、Knowledge(all skills taken individually)【知】、Linguistics【知】、Spellcraft【知】、Use Magic Device【魅】
















Rune magic, virtuous rune






Virtuous rune







Rune focus +1







Virtuous rune







Virtuous rune







Virtuous rune







Rune focus +2







Virtuous rune







Virtuous rune







Sihedron rune mastery



Rune Magic/Rune Magic:A runeguard adds all spells with “glyph” or “symbol” in its name to his class spell list.

Virtuous Rune(超常)/Virtuous Rune:At 1st level, a runeguard can master a secret method of using one of the seven runes of Thassilonian magic in a beneficial way to aid himself or others. He must choose one of the seven virtues when he gains this ability, but can choose another at 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th, and 9th levels; by 9th level, he has mastered all seven of the secrets of virtuous runes. A runeguard can use any of the virtuous runes that he has mastered in any combination per day, but no more times per day than his runeguard level overall. Using a virtuous rune is a standard action(unless otherwise indicated in the text) and provokes an attack of opportunity.

Charity/Charity:A runeguard can use the rune of charity to transfer a single abjuration spell he has prepared or knows(if he’s a spontaneous caster), along with the ability to cast it, to a willing creature by touch, as per imbue with spell ability, save that the recipient’s Hit Dice do not limit options. The level of the spell being transferred can’t exceed the runeguard’s level – 1(and thus a 1st level runeguard can only transfer a 0-level spells in this way). Once the spell is transferred, that spell slot remains unavailable to the runeguard until the creature that gained the spell casts it, at which point the runeguard regains access to the spell slot the next time he rests and prepares his magic.

KindnessKindnessWhen using the Heal skill to treat deadly wounds, the runeguard can call upon the rune of kindness to restore double the normal amount of hit points he otherwise would have healed by treating deadly wounds. He need not expend uses from a healer’s kit when treating deadly wounds in this manner, and using this rune does not count against the total number of times a creature can benefit from heaving deadly wounds treated in a day.

Generosity/Generosity:When using the aid another action, the runeguard can draw upon the rune of generosity and expend a prepared spell or spell slot as an immediate action to grant an ally an insight bonus on attack rolls, on skill checks, or to Armor Class equal to the level of spell expended. The bonus persists for a number of rounds equal to the runeguard’s class level.

Humility/Humility:When the runeguard gains the benefits of the aid another action from an ally, he can expend a prepared spell or a spell slot(for a spontaneous caster) as an immediate action to gain an insight bonus on attack rolls, on skill checks, or to Armor Class equal to the level of the spell expended. This bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the runeguard’s class level.

Love/Love:By sacrificing a prepared spell or a spell slot(for a spontaneous caster), a runeguard can use the rune of love to form a close and powerful bond with a number of willing allies equal to the level of the spell or spell slot sacrificed. All allies to be affected must be within 30 feet at the time the rune is used. Until the next time the runeguard prepares spells(at which point he regains the sacrificed spell or spell slot), each ally can sense the general emotional state, health, and direction of any other ally bearing the rune(as per status), as long as they are on the same plane. If a spell slot of 5th level or higher is sacrificed, the link also grants a telepathic bond(as per the spell) that can’t be dispelled. A character with the rune of love active gains a +2 bonus on all saving throws against charm and compulsion effects.

Temperance/Temperance:By invoking the rune of temperance, the runeguard becomes immune to the effects of negative energy for 1 round per runeguard level. The runeguard can use this ability as an immediate action to gain immunity to the effects of a single negative energy effect as that effect targets him, but doing so leaves the runeguard staggered on his next action.

Zeal/Zeal:By invoking the rune of zeal as a swift action, the runeguard bolsters his spellcasting for 1 round. During this time, the runeguard gains a bonus on all concentration checks equal to his runeguard level, and he can enhance any spell he casts that round with the effects of any metamagic feat he knows, provided the metamagic feat only uses up a spell slot 1 level higher than the spell’s actual level.

Rune Focus/Rune Focus:At 3rd level, the runeguard adds 1 to the DCs of saving throws against glyph or symbol spells(any spell with “glyph” or “symbol” in its name) and spells that are language dependent that he casts. This bonus stacks with the bonuses from the Spell Focus and Greater Spell Focus feats. At 7th level, the runeguard adds 2 to the DCs of saving throws against these spells that he casts.

Sihedron Rune Mastery(超常)/Sihedron Rune Mastery:At 10th level, a runeguard can cast permanency as a spell-like ability once per day by drawing upon the power of the Sihedron rune. He must still provide the spell to be made permanent by other means, of course. Although a runeguard can use this ability once per day, he can only ever maintain a single spell effect, and upon using this ability, the previous permanent spell effect immediately ends.

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