
ノーブル・サイオン Noble Scion

出典 Paths of Prestige 38ページ

Whether from a privileged upbringing or social elevation through worthy deeds, nobility is a station to which many aspire. To some noble scions, their mantle is one of responsibility and the duties of governance. To others, the privileges of rank are rewards to flaunt and lavish upon themselves, without consideration of the commoners, peasants, and other underlings who exist wholly beneath their notice.

The aristocracies of Golarion’s many countries are as varied as the lands they reside within. A Taldan viceroy on his way to the opera, bedecked in spectacularly gaudy evening attire complete with an exquisitely jeweled codpiece, is a far cry from a Qadiran princess in riding apparel of finest silk astride a priceless thoroughbred stallion. That said, all scions of nobility have a number of features in common:power, servants, wealth, and the firm certainty that their place is at the apex of society.



特技Noble Scion(The Inner Sea World Guide 288)またはSkill Focus(any skill that’s a class skill for this prestige class).

技能Bluff 2ランク、Diplomacy 2ランク、Knowledge(nobility) 5ランク、Sense Motive 2ランク。

特殊Must have been granted noble rights, be part of the aristocracy, or have been born, married, or adopted into a noble family.


ノーブル・サイオンクラス技能は、以下の通り:Appraise【知】、Bluff【魅】、Diplomacy【魅】、Disguise【魅】、Intimidate【魅】、Knowledge(all)【知】、Perception【判】、Perform【魅】、Ride【敏】、Sense Motive【判】





















Greater leadership






Aristocratic erudition






Prestigious influence, regional expertise






Dilettante studies






Regional expertise












Regional expertise






Dilettante studies






Peerless patrician


武器と防具の習熟A noble scion is proficient with all simple and martial weapons, as well as all forms of armor and shields(not including tower shields).

Affluent(変則)/Affluent:At each level, a noble scion gains a stipend worth a number of gold pieces equal to 750 multiplied by his class level.(He gains 750gp at 1st level, an additional 1,500gp at 2nd level, and so on.)

Greater Leadership(変則)/Greater Leadership:At 2nd level, a noble scion gains the Leadership feat as a bonus feat. He can recruit a cohort up to one level lower than himself. At 10th level, he can recruit a cohort of the same level as himself.

Aristocratic Erudition(変則)/Aristocratic Erudition:At 3rd level, a noble scion gains a bonus equal to 1/2 his class level on Diplomacy, Knowledge(local), and Knowledge(nobility) checks. This ability also reduces the DCs of Diplomacy and Knowledge(local) checks others make to gather publicly known information about the noble scion by the same amount.

Prestigious Influence(変則)/Prestigious Influence:At 4th level, a noble scion can use his inf luence to receive special treatment, favors, and other services. He effectively has a pool of virtual gold pieces equal to 150gp plus 10gp per class level to spend on services and non-material goods. This pool replenishes at the beginning of every week.

Services and nonmaterial goods available to a noble scion include:

Regional Expertise(変則)/Regional Expertise:At 4th level, and again at 6th and 8th level, a noble scion gains a bonus feat from one of the lists below, depending on where he is from. These feats must be taken from the same list at each level(except for feats under the “general” category, which can be taken by nobles from any region). A noble scion need not meet the prerequisites for these feats. At their discretion, GMs may add other feats to these regions or create lists for other regions.

Brevoy:Exotic Weapon Proficiency(Aldori dueling swordISWG), Flanking FoilUC, Step Up, Weapon Focus(Aldori dueling swordISWG).

Cheliax:Careful SpeakerISWG, EnforcerAPG, Intimidating Prowess, Skill Focus(Knowledge [planes]).

Jalmeray:Improved Unarmed Strike, Skill Focus(Perform [dance]), Voice of the SibylUM, Weapon Focus(unarmed strike).

Kyonin:Agile Maneuvers, Breadth of ExperienceAPG, Skill Focus(Knowledge [nature]), Weapon Focus(longbow).

Nidal:Blind-Fight, Diehard, Shadow StrikeAPG, Stealthy.

Osirion:Exotic Weapon Proficiency(khopeshAPG), Self- Sufficient, Skill Focus(Knowledge [history]), Weapon Focus(khopeshAPG).

Qadira:Animal Affinity, Quick Draw, Skill Focus(Appraise), Weapon Focus(scimitar).

River Kingdoms:Improved Dirty TrickAPG, Improved StealAPG, IrongutsAPG, Skill Focus(Knowledge [local]).

Taldor:Dazzling Display, Exotic Weapon Proficiency(falcataAPG), Skill Focus(Bluff ), Weapon Focus(falcataAPG).

Ustalav:Combat Reflexes, Focused DisciplineISWG, Skill Focus(Knowledge [nobility]), StoicISWG.

General:Acrobatic, Additional TraitsAPG, Alertness, AntagonizeUM, Athletic, CosmopolitanAPG, Deceitful, Deft Hands, Fleet, Improved Initiative, Persuasive, ProdigyUM, Rhetorical FlourishUC, Run, ScholarISWG.

Dilettante Studies/Dilettante Studies:At 5th level, a noble scion chooses two different dilettante studies from the list below. At 9th level, he again chooses two different dilettante studies to add to his repertoire. If either of these are duplicates of those chosen at 5th level, the bonuses stack.

Dilettante Performer(超常)/Dilettante Performer:A noble scion treats his effective bard level as two higher for the purpose of the bardic performance class ability. He must have the bardic performance class ability to choose this dilettante study.

Dilettante Scholar(超常)/Dilettante Scholar:A noble scion gains new spells per day as if he had also gained a level in a spellcasting class he belonged to before he added the prestige class(see page 3).

Dilettante Scoundrel(変則)/Dilettante Scoundrel:A noble scion gains a +1d6 sneak attack bonus as per the rogue class ability. If a noble scion gets a sneak attack bonus from another source, the bonuses on damage stack.

Dilettante Warrior(変則)/Dilettante Warrior:A noble scion gains a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls.

Servitor(変則)/Servitor:At 7th level, a noble scion gains a faithful NPC servitor of the same level as his cohort granted by the Leadership feat. This servitor can only have levels in NPC classes(Core Rulebook 446) and comes equipped with gear appropriate for a character 1 level lower than the servitor’s actual level. The servitor does not follow the noble scion as would a cohort or follower, but instead can run various errands for his master while the noble scion is adventuring, such as delivering messages or maintaining the scion’s manor in his stead.

Peerless Patrician(変則)/Peerless Patrician:At 10th level, once per round a noble scion can roll twice on any Bluff, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge(nobility), or Sense Motive check and take the better roll. Once per day, instead of rolling one of these skill checks, he can assume the roll resulted in a natural 20.

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