
3.5 Materialリベレーター Liberator

出典 Second Darkness Player's Guide 22ページ

Liberators fight to free the wrongfully imprisoned—be they slaves, political prisoners, or princesses locked in towers. They rely on physical strength—but also quick wits—to overcome oppressors. Since charging blindly into battle could result in a prisoner’s death, liberators plan their rescues carefully.

Liberators despise slavers above all others, particularly races well known for these practices, such as the gnolls. While some liberators operate solely in cities, most dwell in or near territories held by known slaver organizations or groups. Liberators typically strike under the cover of darkness, and they usually seek to smuggle slaves to safety without alerting any guards. As a result, liberators develop many abilities related to navigating darkness and stealth.

In large cities, the law typically views the actions of liberators as dangerous, since they often show no respect for traditional investigative procedures. These feelings of distrust and disdain are shared by most liberators, who tend to see the law as a lumbering, ineffective giant. Liberators often operate in the shadows of society as a result, lest they become prisoners themselves. Rarely, city officials view liberators as expensive but effective mercenaries who bring results the average guardsman cannot. Liberators often find work in such cities, and in return gain cautious but respectful accolades for their deeds.





技能Escape Artist 6ランク、Open Lock 6ランク。

特技Improved Sunder、Power Attack、Stealthy


ミステリィ・カルティストクラス技能は、以下の通り:Climb、Escape Artist、Gather Information、Hide、Intimidate、Knowledge(dungeoneering)、Knowledge(local)、Open Lock、Search、Sense Motive、Survival、Use Rope















Poison resistance +2, to the rescue






Lockbreaker +1






Bonus feat, silent sunder






Lockbreaker +2






Slaver's ruin






Greater sunder, lockbreaker +3






Poison resistance +4, steely resolve






Darkvision, lockbreaker +4






Quick pick






Freedom of movement, lockbreaker +5


To the Rescue(超常)/To the Rescue:The sight of a liberator staging a daring rescue proves inspirational to his allies. As a standard action, the liberator can shout an encouraging phrase or raise a rallying cry to bring hope to those awaiting rescue. All allies within 30 feet of the liberator gain a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, a +4 morale bonus on Escape Artist checks, and a +4 morale bonus on saving throws made against fear effects. These bonuses persist for a number of rounds equal to 3 + the liberator’s Charisma modifier(minimum 1 round).

Poison Resistance(変則)/Poison Resistance:Slavers often make liberal use of poison and drugs to keep their captives lethargic and under control. A liberator purposefully exposes himself to a variety of venoms in order to build up a resistance to such toxins, should he ever fall victim to those he opposes. He gains a +2 bonus on saving throws made against poisons. This bonus increases to +4 at 7th level.

Lockbreaker(変則)/Lockbreaker:Starting at 2nd level, a liberator receives a competence bonus equal to half his class level on all Open Lock checks. He also gains this bonus on all Escape Artist checks made to escape bindings, shackles, and other restraints.

ボーナス特技At 3rd level, the liberator gains a bonus feat. He must qualify for the feat, and it must be from the following list:Blind-Fight, Iron Will, or Skill Focus(any class skill).

Silent Sunder(変則)/Silent Sunder:At 3rd level, a liberator learns methods of applying force and striking objects in such a way as to minimize noise. He can choose to make no more noise than people talking when making a sunder attack action or attempting to break an object with a Strength check.

Slaver’s Ruin(変則)/Slaver’s Ruin:The sight of imprisonment and slavery can drive a liberator into a righteous frenzy. A liberator of at least 5th level can designate one creature engaged in such acts as the target of his wrath. The designated foe is considered flat-footed against the liberator’s next attack. Opponents who cannot be caught flat-footed(such as through improved uncanny dodge) are immune to this effect.

Greater Sunder(変則)/Greater Sunder:Beginning at 6th level, a liberator ignores half of an object’s hardness when making a sunder attack or attacking an object. He also gains a +2 morale bonus on his opposed attack roll when making a sunder attempt(but not when defending against a sunder attempt).

Steely Resolve(変則)/Steely Resolve:A liberator fears magical domination more than anything else, for the enslavement of the mind is difficult to detect and remove. At 7th level, whenever a liberator is targeted by a charm or compulsion effect and fails his saving throw, he may attempt his saving throw again 1 round later at the same 難易度 to resist the effect. He gets only this one extra chance to throw off any one effect.

Darkvision(超常)/Darkvision:At 8th level, a liberator has spent so much time sneaking through the dark to free the victims of unjust imprisonment that he develops darkvision with a range of 60 feet. If the liberator already possesses darkvision, the range of his darkvision increases by 60 feet.

Quick Pick(変則)/Quick Pick:There’s not always time to properly pick a lock, and sometimes liberators have to improvise. At 9th level, a liberator has perfected the art of lockpicking to such an extent that he may attempt an Open Locks check as a move action instead of a full-round action without any additional penalties.

Freedom of Movement(超常)/Freedom of Movement:At 10th level, the liberator’s focus against slavery and restriction to mobility develops into a potent resistance to restraint. He is now treated as if under the effects of a freedom of movement spell at all times. This ability cannot be dispelled. Once per day, he can also use freedom of movement as a spell-like ability(caster level equals his class level) to share this benefit with others.

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