Faiths of Balance

Pathfinder Player Companion:Faiths of Balance

Perfect Order, Perfect Chaos
There are those who walk a middle road, the heroes to whom questions of morality come second to some greater goal. It is to these bold individuals that the gods of balance offer their hands. Whether it’s the god of cities and civilization or the guardians of the wild places, the goddess of death or the twisted and insane lord of magic, the neutral gods of Golarion are every bit as active as their righteous or evil counterparts. Often misunderstood, their worshipers run the gambit from enlightened scholars to bloodthirsty paragons of battle, all bound together by the same knowledge:that there are distinctions more important than good versus evil.

Faiths of Balance presents a player-friendly overview of the neutral-aligned religions and faiths of the Pathfinder campaign setting, along with new rules and information to help players customize pious characters in both flavor and mechanics.


著者 Colin McComb

刊で32ページの Pathfinder Companion は、各巻のテーマに沿ったプレイヤー向け記事と、社会魔法宗教戦闘焦点を置いたキャラクターのための革新的な新ルールの記事、そしてプレイヤーをキャンペーンに定着させるための特徴を含む。


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