Day of the Demon

Pathfinder Society Scenario #5–14:Day of the Demon

3~7レベルパスファインダー協会シナリオ(Tier 3–7; Subtiers 3–4 and 6–7).

The Blakros family, long an ally of the Pathfinder Society, has come into possession of a manor house in the imperial nation of Cheliax, where a once prominent noble family was known to practice diabolism before the Age of Lost Omens. The Pathfinders' task is simple:clear the abandoned manor of any remaining threats before the Blakroses move in. Unfortunately, the estate hasn't sat empty as long as the Blakroses think it has, and its recent inhabitants were anything but the devil-worshipers who originally built the manor.

著者 Larry Wilhelm

このシナリオはパスファインダー協会加盟プレイを遊ぶためにデザインされているが、いかなるワールドで使用するのにも簡単に改変できる。このシナリオはOpen Game LicenseOGL)が適用され、パスファインダー・ロールプレイング・ゲームの使用が適している。

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