
幻獣 Eidolon

基本形態 Eidolon Base Forms

鳥類 Avian

出典 Cohorts and Companions 9ページ

開始時能力サイズ 小型/中型(下記参照); 速度 30フィート、飛行30フィート(良好); アーマー・クラス +2外皮; セーヴ 頑健(貧弱)、反応(良好)、意志(良好); 攻撃 ×2(1d3); 能力値 【筋】12、【敏】16、【耐】13、【知】7、【判】10、【魅】11; 自動取得進化 四肢脚部)、飛行


Tauric Tauric

出典 Cohorts and Companions 9ページ

開始時能力サイズ 小型/中型(下記参照); 速度 40フィート; アーマー・クラス +2外皮; セーヴ 頑健(良好)、反応(貧弱)、意志(良好); 攻撃 ×2(1d4); 能力値 【筋】14、【敏】14、【耐】13、【知】7、【判】10、【魅】11; 自動取得進化 四肢腕部)、四肢脚部)、


進化 Evolutions


出血(変則)/Bleed 出典 Cohorts and Companions 27ページ幻獣出血する傷を負わせる能を得る。攻撃種類を1つ選択する。その種類攻撃は1d6ポイントの出血ダメージを与える。この進化は複数回選択できる。幻獣がこの進化を選択するたび、異なる攻撃に適用される。出血効果累積しない。

進化共有(超常)/Shared Evolution 出典 Legacy of the First World 19ページ幻獣が持っている1ポイントまたは2ポイントの進化を選択する。標準アクションとして、幻獣サモナー接触し、選択した進化サモナー転送することができる。これはサモナー顕現として機能し、同じ制限が適用される。サモナー進化を送り返すための標準アクションとして、幻獣接触することができる。幻獣サモナーに送還されるか、元いた次元界に送り返されると、進化自動的に幻獣に戻る。必要条件幻獣の双子

滑りやすい(変則)/Slippery 出典 Champions of Corruption 27ページ:そのぬるぬるした皮または滑らかな外格のために、幻獣は特に滑りやすい。幻獣は、組みつきから逃れるために戦技防御値〈脱出術〉判定に+4のボーナスを得る。

粘着性(変則)Sticky 出典 Champions of Corruption 27ページ幻獣は、粘着性の粘液のコーティング、部分的に凝固した血液、または小さなからのものであるかどうかにかかわらず、特に粘着性がある。 幻獣組みつきを開始または維持するための戦技判定に+4ボーナスを得る。


属性を討つ一撃(超常)Alignment Smite 出典 Champions of Purity 26ページサモナー自身の1つの属性に対抗する属性要素を選択する。即行アクションとして、1日1回、幻獣は視界内の1体の目標を選択する。この目標属性がこの能のために選択したものと一致する場合、幻獣肉体武器の1つで追加の+1d6ポイントのダメージを与える。この攻撃ダメージ減少を克服する的で善属性として扱われる。属性を討つ一撃目標亡するか幻獣が送還されるまで持続する。10レベル点で、サモナーは1ポイントの進化ポイントを費やし、幻獣が1日2回この能を使用できるようにすることができる。この進化を選択する点で、サモナーは少なくとも5レベルでなければならない。または真なる中立サモナーはこの進化を選択できない。

追加特技(変則)/Extra Feat 出典 Legacy of the First World 19ページ幻獣は追加の特技を得る。特技前提条件は満たしていなければならない。必要条件幻獣の双子

乗り手との絆(変則)/Rider Bond 出典 Cohorts and Companions 9ページ:君と幻獣は、君が幻獣に騎乗している間、共感的なつながりを共有する。〈騎乗〉判定サモナーレベルの半分に等しいボーナスを得、幻獣に騎乗しているときボーナス特技として《騎乗戦闘》を得る。幻獣はこの進化をとるとき、乗騎進化を持っていなければならない。

アイテム・スロット共有(超常)/Shared Slot 出典 Legacy of the First World 19ページ魔法のアイテム・スロットを選択する・そのスロットに幻獣が着用している魔法のアイテムは、サモナーがそのスロットで魔法のアイテムを着用している場合でも起動したままである。この進化は複数回選択できる。幻獣がこの進化を選択するたび、新しいスロットに適用される。必要条件幻獣の双子

不快(変則)/Sickening 出典 Champions of Corruption 27ページ幻獣の臭いや外見は非常に不快で周囲のクリーチャー不調状態にする。20フィート以内に近づくか、その範囲内でターンを開始するサモナー以外のクリーチャーは、頑健セーヴに成功しない限り、1ラウンドの間不調状態となる(難易度 =10+幻獣ヒット・ダイス幻獣【耐久力】修正値)。セーヴに成功したクリーチャーは24時間の間同じ幻獣の不快に完全耐性を持つ。


セレスチャルの外見(変則)/Celestial Appearance 出典 Champions of Purity 26ページ幻獣セレスチャル種クリーチャーとして現れ、セレスチャルの能のいくつかを明らかにする。の副種別クリーチャー目標とする、あるいはそのようなクリーチャーに対して特定の効果を持つ呪文効果は、セレスチャルであるかのように幻獣響を与える。幻獣病気石化、[電撃]の呪文効果に対するセーヴに+2のボーナスを得る。また、[]の補足説明を持つ呪文に対する5+ヒット・ダイスに等しい呪文抵抗も得る。



フィーンディッシュの外見(変則)/Fiendish Appearance 出典 Champions of Purity 27ページ幻獣フィーンディッシュ種クリーチャーとして現れ、フィーンドの能のいくつかを明らかにする。の副種別クリーチャー目標とする、あるいはそのようなクリーチャーに対して特定の効果を持つ呪文効果は、フィーンディッシュであるかのように幻獣響を与える。幻獣は[強]、病気、[]、呪文効果に対するセーヴに+2のボーナスを得る。また、[]の補足説明を持つ呪文に対する5+ヒット・ダイスに等しい呪文抵抗も得る。サモナーはこの進化を選択するために悪属性でなければならない。



自己犠牲(超常)/Sacrifice 出典 Champions of Purity 26ページ幻獣自身ヒット・ポイントを犠牲にして、別のクリーチャー治癒することができる。標準アクションとして幻獣は最大ヒット・ダイス毎に2ヒット・ポイントを犠牲にして、目標クリーチャー接触し、犠牲にした半分の量でクリーチャー回復することができる。

サモナーのアーキタイプ Summoner Archetypes

Blood Summoner Blood Summoner

出典 Champions of Corruption 24ページ

A blood summoner conjures an eidolon born from violence and blood. These cruel spellcasters are common among the god-callers of now-shattered Sarkoris, where the influence of the Worldwound has warped them into beings of chilling malevolence.

技能A blood summoner adds Heal to his list of class skills.

Blood Offering(超常)/Blood Offering:At 4th level, the blood summoner can sacrifice a flask of blood, extracted up to 1 day ago from a living creature or a corpse that’s been dead no longer than 1 minute, to aid and appease an evil outsider within 30 feet as a standard action. This blood can be extracted from a willing or helpless creature as a full-round action that deals 1 point of Constitution damage. The offering grants the outsider a +2 enhancement bonus to the ability score of the blood summoner’s choice and grants the blood summoner a +4 circumstance bonus on Diplomacy checks and Charisma checks to bargain with it. The bonuses last for 10 minutes. The offering cannot be made to the same fiend twice in the same day. This ability replaces shield ally.

Blood Travel(超常)/Blood Travel:At 8th level, a blood summoner can use his maker’s call ability to allow his eidolon to travel through the blood of other creatures instead of bringing it to his side. The eidolon can either emerge from the blood of a living creature within range that has fewer than its maximum hit points remaining, or burst from the corpse of a Small or larger creature within range that has been dead for no longer than 1 minute. If the eidolon emerges from an injured creature, that creature takes 4d6 points of damage, which is halved if the creature succeeds at a Fortitude save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the blood summoner’s level + his Charisma modifier). The eidolon appears in its choice of the nearest unoccupied square to the creature or corpse it emerged from, and is staggered for 1 round. This ability replaces transposition.

Fiendish Calling(超常)/Fiendish Calling:At 10th level, the blood summoner’s summon monster ability can additionally be used as lesser planar binding as a standard action, but only to call evil outsiders. At 13th level, he can instead use it as planar binding. At 16th level, he can instead use it as greater planar binding. This ability replaces greater shield ally.

Blood Possession(超常)/Blood Possession:At 16th level as a full-round action, a blood summoner’s eidolon can enter and control the body of any corporeal creature that has blood. This ability functions as marionette possessionUM, except that the eidolon’s body also enters the target and the target can be unwilling. A successful Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the blood summoner’s level + his Charisma modifier) negates this effect. This ability can be used once per day at 16th level, twice per day at 18th level, and three times per day at 20th level. The eidolon can end this possession at any time as a standard action. If the host body is slain while the eidolon is possessing it, the eidolon is immediately ejected, takes 4d6 points of damage, and is stunned for 1 round. This ability replaces merge forms.

Counter-Summone rCounter-Summoner

出典 Monster Summoner's Handbook 8ページ

While most summoners excel at conjuring monsters, there are those who focus instead on disrupting the conjurations of opponents. The counter-summoner harnesses powerful abjuration magic to instantly thwart the conjuration and summoning abilities of other casters, though at the cost of weakening his own powers of conjuration.

Counter-Summon(超常)/Counter-Summon:At 1st level, a counter-summoner can attempt to counter a conjuration spell cast by another creature. He must identify the spell being cast as normal for counterspelling. If he does so, he can attempt to counter the spell as a swift or immediate action. To counter the spell, the counter-summoner must attempt a dispel check as if using dispel magic. If the spell being countered is a summon monster or summon nature’s ally spell, the counter-summoner gains a +5 bonus on the dispel check. The counter-summoner can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. This replaces summon monster.

Detect Summons(超常)/Detect Summons:At 2nd level, as a swift action, a counter-summoner can target a single creature he can see and determine if it has been summoned to its current plane from another. This ability reveals whether the target has been conjured by a conjuration(summoning) or(calling) spell, and allows the counter-summoner to attempt a Spellcraft check to identify the spell that conjured it(using the same 難易度 as if the counter-summoner had witnessed the spell being cast). This ability replaces bond senses.

Weaken Summons(超常)/Weaken Summons:At 10th level, as a standard action, a counter-summoner can attempt to weaken a summoned or called creature within 60 feet. The targeted creature takes a –2 penalty on attack and damage rolls and to Armor Class for 1 minute per summoner level. A successful Will save(難易度 = 10 + 1/2 the counter-summoner’s class level + his Charisma modifier) negates this effect. A given summoned creature can’t be targeted by this ability more than once per 24-hour period. This ability replaces aspect.

Improved Weaken Summons(超常)/Improved Weaken Summons:At 18th level, the penalty for the counter-summoner’s weaken summons ability changes to –4. This ability replaces greater aspect.

First Worlder First Worlder

出典 Inner Sea Magic 35ページ

Most summoners have a close connection to creatures from the farthest reaches of the planes. A few have a primal connection to nature, and their power is tied to the First World. It is not unusual for these summoners to associate with druids, for like druids, first worlders have a powerful tie to the natural world. Some first worlders are driven half-mad by the strange energies and intelligences that seep into their minds and bodies, though, and these poor souls are prone to lash out at loggers, druids, or innocent passersby without considering whether or not they are threats. A first worlder’s eidolon usually resembles a fey creature or a plant monster, though some are fantastic otherworldly animals with exaggerated features. A first worlder has the following class features.

Summon Nature’s Ally(擬呪)/Summon Nature’s Ally:Starting at 1st level, a first worlder can cast summon nature’s ally a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. At levels where a summoner would gain a more powerful summon monster spell as a spell-like ability, he instead gains the equivalent summon nature’s ally spell(at 19th level, he can use summon nature’s ally IX or gate). When a first worlder gains a summon nature’s ally spell as a spell-like ability, he adds it to his class spell list(he must still select it as a spell known if he wants to cast it as an actual spell). This ability otherwise replaces the summon monster ability of a normal summoner.

Fey Summons(超常)/Fey Summons:At 3rd level, a first worlder adds the following creatures to the lists of what he can summon with his summon nature’s ally spell-like ability:

Eidolon:Instead of an outsider, a first worlder’s eidolon has the fey creature type and the extraplanar subtype. Its statistics are changed from a standard eidolon as follows:

ヒット・ダイスd6 Hit Die(instead of d10).
基本攻撃ボーナスEqual to 1/2 the eidolon’s Hit Dice.
Good/Bad Saves:The eidolon’s good saves area always Reflex and Will.
Skills:The eidolon’s class skills are Acrobatics, Bluff, Climb, Craft, Diplomacy, Disguise, Escape Artist, Fly, Knowledge(geography), Knowledge(nature), Perception, Perform, Sense Motive, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Swim, and Use Magic Device.
Senses:The eidolon gains low-light vision instead of darkvision. The summoner can grant the eidolon darkvision 60 ft. as a 1-point evolution.
Damage Reduction:If the first worlder chooses this evolution, he may select ダメージ減少/cold iron instead of one of the alignment-based types of damage reduction.

This otherwise works like and replaces the eidolon ability of a normal summoner.

God Caller God Caller

出典 Inner Sea Intrigue 40ページ

God callers follow a fractured tradition that originated in the now-lost nation of Sarkoris. They speak to an assortment of ancient divine powers to lead their communities and sometimes stir up reformations in faiths with ideals similar to their personal convictions. Any summoner(including the summoner from Pathfinder Unchained) can select the god caller archetype.

クラス技能A god caller adds Diplomacy and Intimidate to his list of class skills, instead of Knowledge(dungeoneering, engineering, geography, and nature) and Use Magic Device.

This ability alters the summoner’s class skills.

Guidance(擬呪)/Guidance:A god caller’s eidolon has a tiny spark of divinity. It can use guidance as a spell-like ability at will. However, the eidolon and the god caller must remain within 50 feet of one another for the eidolon to remain at full strength. If the eidolon is beyond 50 feet but closer than 1,000 feet, its current and maximum hit point totals are reduced by half.

This ability alters life link.

Divine Word(変則)/Divine Word:At 8th level, if a god caller’s eidolon would grant him a bonus with the aid another action on a Diplomacy or Intimidate check, the god caller can instead choose to roll twice and take the better result. He makes the choice before rolling. Once per day while his eidolon uses the aid another action to assist him in such a check, if the god caller would improve a target’s attitude toward him, or gain a success if using the individual influence rules(Ultimate Intrigue 102), he instead improves that target’s attitude by 2 steps or it counts as 2 successes.

This ability replaces transposition.

Divine Awareness(擬呪)/Divine Awareness:At 10th level, after 10 minutes of concentration, a god caller’s eidolon can see from afar as per clairaudience/clairvoyance. The eidolon can do this once per day at 10th level, and an additional time per day every 4 summoner levels thereafter(maximum of 3 times per day at 18th level).

This ability replaces aspect.

Divine Might(変則)/Divine Might:At 18th level, a god caller’s eidolon’s attacks are treated as epic for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and harming mythic creatures.

This ability replaces greater aspect.

Overwhelming Presence(擬呪)/Overwhelming Presence:At 20th level, a god caller’s eidolon can use overwhelming presence(Pathfinder RPG Ultimate Magic 230) three times per day. The save 難易度 is equal to 19 + the eidolon’s Charisma modifier.

This ability replaces twin eidolon.

Morphic Savant Morphic Savant

出典 Monster Summoner's Handbook 16ページ

A morphic savant is an agent of change who draws power from the Abyss, Elysium, or the Maelstrom to fulfill whatever goals strike his fancy. Chaotic evil and chaotic neutral morphic savants often train with Blackfire Adepts in the hopes of learning greater powers of chaotic unmaking, and chaotic good morphic savants are most common as agents of the Bellflower Network.

属性Any chaotic.

Eidolon of Chaos/Eidolon of Chaos:A morphic savant’s eidolon must be of a chaotic alignment(if using the summoner from Pathfinder Unchained, the eidolon must have the azata, demon, or protean subtype). The morphic savant’s eidolon has three base forms:biped, quadruped, and serpentine. Each form has the same feats and skills, but has its own set of evolutions. When the summoner meditates and regains his spell slots for the day, he can select any of the three base forms of his eidolon. The eidolon has 1 fewer evolution point than normal for an eidolon of the morphic savant’s summoner level, and has 1 fewer skill point per Hit Die. This ability alters eidolon.

Morphic Monsters/Morphic Monsters:Since a morphic savant’s power is drawn from planar energies aligned with chaos, all the creatures he summons must be of a chaotic alignment. If a creature would normally be celestial or fiendish, it is instead an entropic creature(Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 2 292).

This also causes the morphic savant’s summoning power to be less reliable than a standard summoner’s. Each time he uses his summon monster spell-like ability to summon multiple creatures, there is a 50% chance he summons one more monster than normal for the summon monster spell he uses, in which case the creatures remain for only 1 round per level(instead of 1 minute per level).

Also, starting at 2nd level, the morphic savant can grant one 1-point evolution to all the creatures he summons with his summon monster spell-like ability. He can’t grant an evolution that duplicates the function of, or has the same name as, any ability the summoned creatures already possess(for example, he can’t grant a creature with a bite attack another bite attack), nor can he add an evolution that causes the summoned monsters to have more attacks than his eidolon’s maximum number of attacks. The creatures do not have to be of the correct subtype to gain an evolution, but do have to meet any other prerequisites.

This ability alters summon monster.

Chaos Magic/Chaos Magic:A morphic savant gains the following bonus spells known at the listed spell level:1st—protection from law, 2nd—shard of chaosUM, 3rd—magic circle against law, 4th—chaos hammer, 5th—dispel law, 6th—word of chaos. The morphic savant gains one fewer spell known per spell level for spell levels 1–6. This ability alters the summoner’s spells known.

Pyroclast Pyroclast

出典 Pathfinder #95:Anvil of Fire 72ページ

Pyroclasts harness the primal elemental energy of magma. Their eidolons often resemble elemental beings.

Diminished Spellcasting/Diminished SpellcastingA pyroclast receives one fewer spell per day of each level than normal. If this reduces the number of spells for a level to 0, he can cast spells of that level only if his Charisma score grants him bonus spells of that level. This alters the summoner’s spells.

Bound to Fire(変則)/Bound to Fire:A pyroclast’s eidolon begins with resist fire 10 and vulnerability to cold. This improves to resist fire 20 when the pyroclast reaches 5th level. A pyroclast’s eidolon gains the fire subtype and immunity to fire when he reaches 10th level. This ability permanently reduces the eidolon’s evolution pool by 1 point.

Detonate(超常)/Detonate:At 6th level, a pyroclast can banish his eidolon in an explosion of fiery shards. This slays the eidolon and deals 1d6 points of damage per Hit Die of the eidolon to every creature in a 20-foot-radius burst(Reflex half, 難易度 = 10 + 1/2 his summoner level + his Charisma modifier). Half of this damage is fire, and the other half is piercing. At 12th level, the pyroclast can reduce the damage by 4d6 to increase the burst radius to 40 feet. The pyroclast can use this ability once per day. This ability replaces maker’s call.

Heart of Earth and Fire(変則)/Heart of Earth and Fire:At 8th level, a pyroclast grants any of his summoned creatures with the earth or fire subtypes a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls, saving throws, and weapon damage rolls when he is within 30 feet. At 10th level, the pyroclast also grants these bonuses to his eidolon. This ability replaces transposition.

Storm Caller Storm Caller

出典 Elemental Master's Handbook 16ページ

Many summoners beckon monsters from the Elemental Planes, but few are as specialized as storm callers, who channel the elemental energies of the Plane of Air. Storm callers are most commonly encountered in areas where thunderstorms appear frequently, including supernaturally stormy places like the Sodden Lands.

Stormy Eidolon/Stormy Eidolon:A storm caller must select the resistance(electricity) or immunity(electricity) evolution for his eidolon. If the eidolon has neither of these evolutions, it becomes nauseated until it regains one of them.

This ability alters eidolon.

Summon Storm’s Fury(擬呪)/Summon Storm’s Fury:A storm caller can summon creatures infused with the power of the storm to help him. This functions as the summoner’s summon monster I–IX abilities, except the storm caller can summon only the following creatures at the indicated spell levels:I—eagle; II—small air elemental, small lightning elementalB2; III—dire bat; IV—medium air elemental, medium lightning elementalB2, pteranodon; V—large air elemental, large lightning elementalB2; VI—huge air elemental, huge lightning elementalB2; VII—roc; VIII—elder air elemental, elder lightning elementalB2; IX—advanced elder air elemental, advanced elder lightning elementalB2. Any creatures summoned with this ability gain immunity to electricity.

Alternatively, whenever his eidolon is not summoned, a storm caller can expend a daily use of this ability to summon a magical storm as a standard action. This functions as call lightning with a caster level equal to his summoner level, except as noted below.

Each bolt of lightning deals 1d6 points of electricity damage. This damage increases by 1d6 at 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level. The prevailing weather has no effect on the damage of the lightning bolts. The Reflex save 難易度 is equal to 10 + half the storm caller’s summoner level + his Charisma modifier. If the storm caller uses this ability again before he has used all of his available bolts of lightning(to summon another magical storm, to summon a monster, or to use the gate spell), any unused bolts are expended with no effect.

The storm caller adds call lightning to his summoner spell list as a 3rd-level spell and call lightning storm to automatically add them to his list of spells known.

This alters the summoner’s summon monster I–IX abilities.

Electrical Polarity(超常)/Electrical Polarity:At 4th level, a storm caller and his eidolon can temporarily form an electrical current between them. The storm caller can expend a use of his summon storm’s fury ability as a standard action to create an instantaneous line of lightning between him and his eidolon, provided that the eidolon is within 60 feet of him. The lightning arc deals the same amount of damage to all creatures in the line and has the same save 難易度 as a bolt of lightning from the summon storm’s fury ability(unlike call lightning, this damage is dealt only once). The storm caller and his eidolon are not affected by this lightning.

At 12th level, the storm caller gains the benefit of his eidolon’s resistance(electricity) or immunity(electricity) evolution whenever he is within 30 feet of the eidolon.

This ability replaces shield ally and greater shield ally.

Storm’s Wings(超常)/Storm’s Wings:At 6th level, a storm caller can borrow some of his eidolon’s elemental might. He can gain the flight evolution(Pathfinder Unchained 37) as though he were using the summoner’s aspect ability, deducting 2 evolution points from the eidolon’s evolution pool. If he does so, his eidolon is unable to take the flight evolution as long as the storm caller has that evolution.

At 8th level, the storm caller’s eidolon can have the flight evolution even if the storm caller has that evolution.

At 10th level, the storm caller automatically gains the flight evolution without reducing the number of evolution points available to the eidolon. He can use the aspect ability(and at 18th level, the greater aspect ability) to gain additional evolutions.

This ability replaces maker’s call and transposition.

Story Summoner Story Summoner

出典 The Harrow Handbook 25ページ

Story summoners rely on the harrow to weave the paths they walk, turning their tales into reality. They channel magic through their harrow decks to influence the strange extraplanar beings they summon, bringing familiar and fateful characters to life. Some focus on the more whimsical figures of the harrow, while others bring its darkest icons into the real world.

Storykin Eidolon/Storykin Eidolon:Unlike most eidolons, a story summoner’s eidolon cannot touch or attack creatures warded by protection from evil and similar effects that prevent contact with summoned creatures. As a standard action while his eidolon is summoned, the story summoner can draw a random card from a complete harrow deck he owns. For a number of rounds equal to 1/2 the summoner’s class level(minimum 1), the eidolon’s alignment changes to match that of the harrow card drawn, and the eidolon gains a +4 enhancement bonus on the ability score linked to the drawn card’s suit. The eidolon continues to follow its summoner’s orders regardless of its alignment. The story summoner can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier.

Summon Arcana/Summon Arcana:At 2nd level, a story summoner can use a complete harrow deck he owns as an additional focus component for his summon monster spell-like ability. When he does so, the summoner draws a random card from the deck and applies a simple template to the summoned monster based on the card’s alignment:celestial(any good), fiendish(any evil), resolute(any lawful), or entropic(any chaotic). If a card has more than one alignment—such as a lawful evil or chaotic good card—the summoner can choose which template to apply to the summoned creature. This ability allows a story summoner to summon and command creatures normally prohibited by their alignment. This ability replaces bond senses.

Evolve Base Form(超常)/Evolve Base Form:Starting at 8th level, whenever he gains a level, the story summoner can change his eidolon’s base form to a new base form. Once chosen, this base form is set until the story summoner gains another summoner level. This ability replaces transposition.

Twinned Summoner Twinned Summoner

出典 Legacy of the First World 18ページ

Reflecting the connected nature of Imbrex, a twinned summoner and his eidolon appear identical save for any obvious differences, such as evolutions or equipment.

Twinned Eidolon/Twinned Eidolon:The twinned summoner’s eidolon is restricted to the biped base form. An unchained summoner’s eidolon is instead restricted to the twinned eidolon subtype(see below). If the summoner’s natural size is smaller than Medium, the twinned summoner’s eidolon must be Small. This ability may require a different base form or subtype to match the twinned summoner’s natural form, at the GM’s discretion, if the twinned summoner is not a bipedal creature.

Teamwork Feats(変則)/Teamwork Feats:At 4th level and at 12th level, a twinned summoner gains a bonus teamwork feat. He must meet the prerequisites of the selected teamwork feat. The twinned summoner automatically grants all of his teamwork feats to his eidolon. The eidolon doesn’t need to meet the prerequisites of these teamwork feats.

This ability replaces shield ally and greater shield ally.

Twinned Transposition(超常)Twinned Transposition:At 6th level, as a standard action, a twinned summoner can swap locations with his eidolon as if each were using dimension door, using the twinned summoner’s caster level. If the eidolon is out of range, the ability is wasted. If either the twinned summoner or his eidolon occupies more squares than the other, each must occupy one or more squares that were occupied by the other if possible, or as close as possible if not. The twinned summoner can use this ability once per day at 6th level, plus one additional time per day for every 4 levels beyond 6th. At 8th level, he can use this ability as a swift action.

This ability replaces maker’s call and transposition.

Twin Summoner(超常)/Twin Summoner:At 16th level, a twinned summoner can touch his eidolon as a standard action, enhancing its similarity to the summoner. The eidolon loses any natural weapons or size increases gained from evolutions, and its Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores change to match the base scores of the summoner. The eidolon can cast any of the summoner’s spells known using the summoner’s caster level and spell slots. It doesn’t gain the benefit of any of the summoner’s items, feats, or other effects that affect spellcasting. The eidolon can keep this form for a number of minutes per day equal to the summoner’s class level. This duration does not need to be consecutive, but it must be spent in 1-minute increments. The summoner can end this effect as a free action.

This ability replaces the merge forms class feature.

Unwavering Conduit Unwavering Conduit

出典 Monster Summoner's Handbook 17ページ

Unwavering conduits work to keep everything ordered and regimented, drawing on power from the Eternal City of Axis, Heaven, or Hell to enforce whichever laws the summoner finds paramount. Lawful good unwavering conduits often work with Riftwardens to protect the integrity of the Great Beyond, while lawful evil unwavering conduits are commonly diabolists in Cheliax.

属性Any lawful.

Eidolon of Law/Eidolon of Law:An unwavering conduit’s eidolon must be of a lawful alignment(if using the summoner from Pathfinder Unchained, the eidolon must be of the archon, devil, or inevitable subtype). Once selected, the evolutions of the unwavering conduit’s eidolon cannot be changed when a new class level is gained(though they can be altered normally with the transmogrify spell; see Pathfinder RPG Advanced Player’s Guide 250). At least half the eidolon’s skill points must be spent on skills in which the unwavering conduit also has ranks. The eidolon gains a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws against spells and abilities of the conjuration, enchantment, and transmutation schools. This bonus increases to +2 at 3rd level, and by an additional 1 for every 3 levels thereafter. The eidolon has 1 fewer evolution point than normal for an eidolon of the unwavering conduit’s summoner level. This ability alters eidolon.

Unwavering Monsters/Unwavering Monsters:Since an unwavering conduit’s power is drawn from planar energies aligned with law, all the creatures he summons must be of a lawful alignment. If a creature would normally be celestial or fiendish, it is instead a resolute creature(Bestiary 2 293).

This also causes the unwavering conduit’s summoning power to be more set than a standard summoner’s. Beginning at 3rd level, each time he uses summon monster to summon multiple monsters, rather than rolling a die to see how many creatures he summons, he receives a specific number(two creatures for 1d3, or four creatures for 1d4+1). If an item, spell, or ability would increase the number of creatures summoned, the set number increases by that amount.

Also, starting at 2nd level, creatures summoned by the unwavering conduit receive a +1 resistance bonus on saving throws against spells and abilities of the conjuration, enchantment, and transmutation schools. This bonus increases to +2 at 6th level, and by an additional 1 every 4 class levels thereafter.

This ability alters summon monster.

Law Magic/Law Magic:The unwavering conduit gains the following bonus spells known at the listed spell level:1st—protection from chaos, 2nd—arrow of lawUM, 3rd—magic circle against chaos, 4th—order’s wrath, 5th—dispel chaos, 6th—dictum. The unwavering conduit gains one fewer spell known per spell level for spell levels 1–6. This ability alters the summoner’s spells known.

Wild Caller(HotW) Wild Caller(HotW)

出典 Heroes of the Wild 25ページ

A wild caller summons creatures from the First World and forges a bond with an eidolon with a plant body.

Plant Eidolon/Plant Eidolon:When a wild caller summons his eidolon, the eidolon’s body is created from extraplanar plant material and imbued with the intelligence of a being from the First World. Its statistics are changed from a standard eidolon as follows.

Type:The eidolon has the plant creature type and extraplanar subtype. Unlike other plant creatures, the eidolon is not immune to mind-affecting or polymorph effects, though it does gain immunity to paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and stunning.

Base Form:The wild caller chooses one of the base forms listed below for his plant eidolon. When the eidolon is summoned in an environment matching one of these base forms, the wild caller can choose to change the eidolon’s base form to the matching form by sacrificing one daily use of his summon nature’s ally ability as a free action.

Plant eidolon base forms are as follows.

Cactus(desert):Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; アーマー・クラス +2 natural armor; Saves Fort(good), Ref(good), Will(bad); Attacks slam(1d8), sting(1d4); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11; Free Evolutions limbs(arms), limbs(legs), sting, tail.

Conifer(forest, mountain):Size Medium; Speed 30 ft.; アーマー・クラス +2 natural armor; Saves Fort(good), Ref(bad), Will(good); Attacks 2 claws(1d4); Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 12, Con 15, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11; Resist cold 10; Free Evolutions claws, limbs(arms), limbs(legs), resistance(cold).

Mushroom(swamp, underground):Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; アーマー・クラス +2 natural armor; Saves Fort(good), Ref(good), Will(bad); Attack bite(1d6) plus poison; Ability Scores Str 14, Dex 14, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11; Free Evolutions bite, limbs(arms), limbs(legs), poison.

Tree( forest, jungle, swamp):Size Medium; Speed 20 ft.; アーマー・クラス +4 natural armor; Saves Fort(good), Ref(good), Will(bad); Attacks 2 slams(1d8); Ability Scores Str 16, Dex 12, Con 13, Int 7, Wis 10, Cha 11; Free Evolutions improved natural armor, limbs(arms), limbs(legs), slam ×2.

This ability alters the summoner’s eidolon.

Summon Nature’s Ally(擬呪)/Summon Nature’s Ally:A wild caller can cast summon nature’s ally as a spell-like ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Charisma modifier. At levels where a regular summoner would gain access to a new level of summon monster as a spell-like ability, the wild caller instead gains the equivalent summon nature’s ally spell; at 19th level, he can use summon nature’s ally IX or gate. When a wild caller gains a summon nature’s ally spell as a spell-like ability, he adds it to his class spell list(though he must still select it as a spell known if he wants to gain the ability to cast it as a normal spell). This ability alters the summon monster ability.

Fey Friend(変則)/Fey Friend:At 10th level, the wild caller gains a +4 bonus on Bluff, Diplomacy, and Sense Motive checks against fey. This ability replaces aspect, which is instead gained at 18th level in place of greater aspect.

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